At the Meetlna for the Purpose a Site
for the plant Will Be
Th felectrRat Mrntiftctircrs association
of this city tit which J St Cclielniah Is
nrrMiIeiit nml T C fjoiipliic sccrctnrr Will
meet ntfit Thursday in tlio rooms of ths
Ituslncss liCdRiie
Tho object of the meeting Is to open ujt
o Blas works In this community Several
years rtKi uth an cttilullininent existed
htio and a great deal of machinery was
purchased The orisllml companys Inten
tion Wiih to manufacture onljr electric lamps
out of sjiul from the San Jacinto river
and they prepared themschet only for thut
pmpose They located at Hutnton ItelRhts
mid the vciitllie whs not sutciMXfiil They
closed down and the machinery stood fillis
for some time It was bought finally by
Mr 1 C Copping who hail faith In a
T xas Blasts manufactory
To qualify himself to conduct jJtteh an
eslnltlltliinent he went North and upcnt
several mntiths iiireottentlufr the subject
In the meantime ho Interested other par
ties with hfm and he Invested Jn other
machinery to enlarco Ills facilities and
the object of the maetlug Thursday Is to
oreanllo permanently for operations
One of the Questions that will come up
HI be a site ami It Is understood that
scieial local plaeen Jtftvr made bids for It
That however ub The Iost leporter under
standi it Is a mere matter of detail It
has already been < tmnlued In organize
and the compnur will lie prepared to man
ufacturp press and tableware bottles Klass
Insulators lit nip etc In fact the ultimate
Intention Is to bate a complete class man
nfnetoiy uh If li is been satl < fictorj demon
stritcd by cxpeilmeiifs that San Jacinto
rtrer sand Is especially adapted for mak
ing fine as well as hea v glass
In thit cldir day class maliiifacturlni
was an expensive prolans as an army of
fMllcd wnrknieii Who eomtnandcil liljli
eaailcs weic ue < ary Now mnchlnety
In a tilee do ttte norR auteker mid better
tSiu oi oro of 1t nds ever did Jt
The iir cnt dlrOclorH of tint awodiitlon
arc II W QotlU T II Tuotntwnn J
M GcUeljvmii V r KchotnJcr T C C p
ping and leortfe Ilyeru
Paytori 8it 8 Comparry
Queens Evidence
Iajtou swiei tompany played
giiern i Ctdince at fh Sweeney A
Coomb i opem house last night
The plaj Is a mciodiinn with a compli
cated and an iilniudiitlCe of strong
Imiibiits uad situation
ihe < i > iiiany Is un lmusunliy cipnble one
Will haltmed ai a wboe and with Indl
vliunl pluxiii of tiuimunl merit It totti
pans verj favorably with any stock ceiii
pen that ha appeared helo thW HcasOu
and Is maikidly uupeitor to many of them
I tic ctrtttltt were terj good Tho
rtld siig uue dan e Jiflsl Is veiy clever
and attriirtlve besides being quito plelty
Ihe 1 at ton Klsterii eompiiny payi hero
the linlnnie of lb week with u lailj mat
inee In its ropei tedre cxcept ThtpRlay mm
Ince and iUkoi iVhee UUil Clara Tlufllip
and onipnj will present A nulls llutnse
lo Mnnftjvt IlcrgunuVu bonoftt
Marriarje at SL JoBeph Cuthelic Chufeh
Yeoterday Morning
Jfiss Coltttntila II Hen ton and Mr 11 1
U Ing wcie quietly maided at thfi St
Jo eph Catholic ch > rch rmsilsy worHlng
Apiii > nt 09 Iter father IiaKlielfl of
Ncoro Cuting Scrape
I ast night
Mid n a negi
e Fiankllu
flHqf 0f electing oftlTn < t > ttti i dug
will 0 dlicctois for the eusnlug veil
Wmt II C MiiGie oi
irjlieisldqnt lloulon IIitsaicSH league
fr =
j a 1 Beauty and Strenqth
1 able You ilio strong and tlgor
VV > JOir ll ool IS ptiio Munyiny
lia domen fall to pioprrlr digest their
jtd so becomo palu sillnw thla and
cnvivhll > the biltliluiiv fifsliuoss mid
w of the akin mil complexion 1iep1tt
Vcdy Jilt ilbplcisnut evil by oatlns awaken a gieat n
ilslilns iistd nnd taking a squill dose 1 r t o wlio I
llerliitit Offer each meal tn tllgVit wh t m hjwtlui
u have eaten faTe a A K Kleslltlcs 11K K I ww
lirniln mid
Herbtne Cures
An Is superior to anv either vougI metlt
5 duel will elo all that u < iJniy tl for
jiaJ H I so pleasant to ilio MJ < lltlls
a waav to tak it when ho hn unjieed
I ft J rOJ lfurefieiMt fiyixip UTtho
r 31 far fe rj8lJ palranuarrinUmcuts 23c
Jfever and Ague A dose will usually stop
clilf continuance nlvvajs euros Mr
Jm iU Strjitid Midlothian Tcxiu Jlny
I 1F03 wrten We liuto used Herblna
1 our fondly for eight voar and found
tho host medteliie we have over iied for
igrlppe blllotl fevft und uiiilirli 50c
U R KldsUiisH
V Walks Without Crutches
ilras much nffllcled with schtIpi writes
> y NiJ Jpwavllle Hedgwlik conntv
tl iff ° tS about on luteins ind sutf r
ileal or pain I was Inducted to trv
fdi tjilim Ilnliiletit which rellotcd
a used three Vie bolt lei It Is thtj
lejtt JlulinBtit I ever used havo rocoai
ttVsd ft to a nuro her of ocraoiu alj ex
tiemtees it being Hcnetlted by It
tn walk without crutches able to per
t a great deal of llcbt labor on the
3c fXe atad 100 at A B Klto
Is Sfcvs the Loved Ones
It Marr Vllet Neiycutlc Cnjo
tstit t Mevej lISIlHKls Horehflljinl
r i r w taii
Thomas J Prmdle
The remain of the lite rimma 1 Irln
de were uhlppeil to Willi it l vestenty
ntlern it llcfoie tie shlium nt srvlcos
were hed nt loti Dow ling iticef the nst
iie n his griniilib lightir Ml Mnili
Villi nett bv ftio Masons of Hello lid lodge
N I and the iiieuiln r of the varolii
other lodge of that order In the ilti Tbo
leu nliis were escoitetl to the depot bv that
fiaternltt Hint n dctachmeitt of Dick How
Illtf etiiip fulled Coifederate Veteran
ot whloh ho ws a member
W N Williamson
W N Wlllhimsoii ncol 10 vests ilhd
at 4 oeleii It voBterday moielng at TOT nM
street of pi euiuoiila 11 < Ictve a niotber
wife nnd four Hit ll ehldrei to monrii bit
lo The funeraj will irle nl ice thU after
noon at f o clock front bis I tfe residence
and tho intnr of the Klfth Ward llnptlst
cliureh vflll conduct tlm services
Mrs N E Owen
TW < funeral nf Mrs N K flwens on
eurred ve < eidnv iiflernnon from the rami
1 re ti1ein ltd Mni < mteet llev K
AnuneiK of the Third Haptlsf chiiretb ifll
edaHlilT Tin lull licticis nie AteSfir Kl
Itagdalc laiees Iiov U < I tl Wilfeer W
r Ittley T Itnse and M Kuaho
flljin Mis liuiau Sftnphnid of this sntns were ImiMtl at 11 oclock yesterday
cit v mid Mr Ueorgo tinlng biothei of Hie
t nn were lliji ouly uttrud int TJtiS fair
piKle 1 iuiv oi the moot uupiilir youics
tjde nf tU6 CSJtth wtuil and ute of Inu
late In J K Mayo The giooU is a
pi iiitcut vnuug btHitie 111111 m Washtug
on 11 Mi nnd Mr doing left Itim
1 itelt aft 1 fhdeieiiuuiy nn the Hotlberu
tailftc for Wanhlngtnii In where the
nib make Int lire home
The wedding present were both iiirmoi
011 Jill loiutiitn
Catherine Strahari
Catherine the 1 month old bjbv of Mi
nnd Mrs II W Hlrnhan died flt 11 oeloel
The Tattorud FlnaT7 Dixie and Tho
Star Spanplcd Banner
As already noticed In these culuninl by
Invitation of the llouslou llualness League
llev V II Clagctt will give two lllns
tinted lei thum 011 Texas lit the Atidlto
lliim on tomorrow unit Kililny nlgltts The
iiilinlsslon will be free so that all who
tlcslte liinv etijov them Kmlt lettuio Is
scpamtc and dUtttut and both muHt bo
heard to fully appreciate the wonderful
dcicji pinent that Is going on In the State
These leetmcrt mo being given by Mr
ClajctU In the Ninth mid Hast and always
Interest lit Texas on tho
Mr Clagctt 1 neeo
mid Ir ltchauls anil
have heard ami eeen
Olisetvcr of Units
them as giand lee
neoonipmted by his stop
wife Mrs Itlchurua
U u lieuiiilfnl Kololst mid iliirlng the even
ing will sing The Tattcrml Plag
and The Star Spinuted Mniuier
lite Tatlerid llng Is a bWlutlfiil ftong
uiltteu cnnNlnlly for the Coafcderate ris
iintou nt Dallas Tho lectuies will bs
given ruin or shine
Many Airships in Paris
Palls McKicngur
Ihe Inhabit tuts of that suburb nt Purls
Uniiwn a MrallcU weiu not 11 1 11114
start id recently at seelug a unvlxable
biilltoii being Stcer ed ovei the local Itwtf
bail gioutttl It Is not ktfovvu to whom tno
biiloitii l > lfmfil but the machine
irtabetrvercil Willi great facility nutl at
forded auumcnictit to a large crowd of
siieel Hit It Is evident that M Nintov
Ihimont Is not the nnlv mini who Is bent
em eo nmieilng he air There are It Is
t Jd mjiko 4i0ro of muUublc pslloeais now
rehfTy or beiug piepared la arls atoue
I 1 iiMW 1 in
O uO S3 O jEZ X jTjl
Stut tits j a VouJIare Wwats BougM
A Post reporter vesterdar met nn old nc
quallitmice whom he had known as t stok
brokerage manager In w lork and a
high roller Said he New York a fast
burg rtiltl no mistake 1 got tiled of the
ups and downs mostly downs lately and
accepted n position n nficnt for n metro
politan picture enlarging firm So Im a
picture canvasser now dealing la Countir
felt proscntment s Aud I must rniy that
Ive learned 1 whole lot about Human na
ture lnce 1 undertook the work I ynn t
sny what I think of Texaa yet for 1 have
seen but little of It
A pArtj of agent Including myself left
Halt onion In a boat for High Island Know
nig nothing of the lioal and iulekaiids
of the llnst bay we got stack up oil a Mini
bar and remained theie without food for
ncarlv tin re day A llshciiiinii finally took
llt < ott and we rccupeinted at High Island
eating the 1nil only know how main
dmks Wo bad duck and nothing but duck
until It makes me sick to see thein Ieiit
lug High Island we paid 10 cents each for
tho pilrllpge of woiklitjt ourseltc to death
We wanted to go to While HancH u town
consisting of it onstructioii gang oiittlt
Ihree or four people and a car of jnnlnss
We toadied It lit handiar and furnished the
motive power ourselves We woikcd till we
wcie almost dead from exhaustion Ietv
Ing the rainh we started for Wliulle walk
lug airiui a rice ma h Tho water second
shall6w w > no didnt mind About half
way acroKB the innrMi which wss ten mile
wide we were chased by a bunch of wild
i utile I Mtuinbleil Into n ninilllole six feet
diep and was liopeltMlv stuck The i i
came np and pawn the mud and water and
I cApetted tvery mouicnt to be my last
Thot wrie bluffing tbougli and inv friends
tccMl me nftcr I was netrlj dead from
swaljonliig mini and from the flight We
tlnallv got to a place culled Ieci it I til
theie are more piettv gliN at thut little
burg than 1 evei saw In New York lly
but thej mo wonderful
If vou want to have fun Just go Into this
bicltiCMi have been engngul at It for it
month and have managed to live am see
ing the vvoild and am engaged fo be mar
Ieil to fouiteen young ladle Vim ee you
have the flnor opening In the woild for
nation Iiiist on being shown the fninllv
tllunii then go Into IivhIciIcb almost over
the heantv nnd Intellectiutlty and stirpas
Ing lovt llmm of the family photographs
espeebiliv of the voting Indies and vou
clnih the order at oueo i mte noiilile
to get ordei but It Is an attrdghtr fnsk to
convince theui that the work Is Must I ke
Hie oilglmtl wlien tho pit lure mo dellv
01 cd
H U our highest ambition to outwit ft
Inuvcr doctor or any piofcsslonal luaii for
linarlnbh iliet tilteiuttt to eritlile nod
and want to exlilblt Ihtrr Ituirnlui nml
knmttiMlftii of high nrt I delivered two iik
tines last werK They wete exactly alike
made from the same photo one lining for
the daiiKliter and the other for the son Tbo
inn was n doctor with nil sorts of con
ceit When I dcllveicd them he stood them
on the mantel find pired at them eiirnest
lr One lie seemed satlsllrd with but the
other be mild wls a monstrosity lie
Kieu linrple In the face its lie denounced
the linltli It has abnormal eais n i ro iketl
iiHuith a defoiuied mwc III uiatthcd oyox
and wax n woik of lllnHiy fimn etcry
standpoint mid he rejected It ultli seOIii
I he other one he accepted When ho
twilled Ills back In write my cheek I sl > ly
minjretl the two plotiucH placing tit to
Jeiieil one In place of the other He turned
and surveyed the pbture bo hnij rejected
ImiK nml earnestly and slmpeiliiKh de
clared Hint It wag the very Image or poor
dear mother I let him co on for nubile
then called hlx attention tn the tilck Ho
looked tbiBKtrs paid me mid told me In
Kit 1 mc lii to work this business for nil
Its worth then Invent n liquid lemedy lo
streiiKlheu klnk hair ami > kh ceil hi the
Carolina anil get ileh quick TheieH
nothing like that for a graft It beat deal
lug In futures mid you have all soils of
The gentleman doubtless stnted n fact
when he mentioned his fouiteen nuitilmo
nlal engagement for In evidence of I ho
genuineness of the statement he prodmed
a huge wallet which wus bulging with nirls
i lipped from the heads of his fair adorer
He avseitid tint he uonld continue to col
lect trikens until he bad enough to make
a eomforlnble saddle cushion
An old negro wag attempting to haul n
load of nnod up n steep Incline to his
shuntv The mule glow sullen backed away
and refused to budge Uncle Dan beat him
ttlth a club till hi arm was tired then
gave up the Job Ills wire Ktood with mmj
akimbo ami sild encouragingly
Why llanl jou shnly dnnl M dat on
cry critter gel tie best oli you dat wrtv
Whars yn will po er chlleV Old Cnelo
Dan looked at her pltvjngiy nnd said
Huh yuh kin tnw about will power
Tildy but hi ought to tnlnk atlout dat
mule Wont power
Aunt Tlldysjoveicaine Hie mule wont
power by nppiying u certain liniment 10
hi Kick Ihe teiillicit nnluuil raed nwav
it If the Hcnds weio aflei blni I nele Han
was iimnred find tliulllj turned to Tlldv and
Oulck TIMy put some of dat stuff on
ine If > spect mo to catch dat mule
Jloilflay ntgltt at 1Uld N ltCCStreet ITij 1 Cestui teleuiapli oftlce I
li trnnciit took place In nollywooil nt It inr Sotliruipile cubit 1
oetoik veslcKlav inornlilg W Itiiwood mid 1 U
The Infant on of Mi end Mrs J I Huff
diet jotlttday moinlng at 2lrt et be fain
Mr 1 Mniie 1 lH N uee stteet The re
morning In Hollrwootl cemetery
The Sower Plant Has Ajjaln Been Shut
The sewer committee of the city council
jesterdsy ordcied tbo newer plant closed
i down at the suggestion nf City Engineer
Dormant who la of the opinion that It
I will ttko him n week to exaiilliltt the
Item ami Hud < nl whether or not ll can
Ihj nppintctl KtttieisfiUlv The elbow under
lj J bn Duval In the right liieaat and it ht claimed liv noine that being it anlfarv
ml Sirgeaut Kiiy of tb police foiee sewer Hvtem it will not vvnrk ns long as
jpencd to ne paartito it the Cine and Uu surface water mid lefpse fiom Ibo HtieeU
abont 11to ut the lllg lonr the Mllntn ttcet bildge does not work
i tl fiti ten ll > a ml It I tbo COlllllllttet a
< > iMtulilbhmeiit at tbo oot
llow t0 tR < trt 1 if jo sbe wheiber
avuiue Jesse Yonng was cut I ine trouble theie can be avidded It b
sjn right Into his nn Ho itrcrml
inclled him Thi d < n who uttcnileil
f Jie ntit ttlill he l strlBtisly Unit
a pave l DUffcring coisldi iiihle iJin
Mario School Meotino
jss melting held it the Ilel hta
cre VcuOnl matters K Hleirlcii was
they OJniiiu The ma tier ot lucrci
Thf t ii thut a JiI > dlscutmd
J dcbtiii Hut 1 should be
Ff tV > jnt on the flW
iijia t in nib in n were unnvd to
U ut lelvet < m the itml boiid C
CliroJ D l > Ino ud f J Ioe
whlph r 777
IMtrhtGO ° Moctln0
JrH amI S of the Houe
l0Ipcn League
tltBtlS Tiias April a > Vuu are hereby
Villi t meet at tbo tlulncs League
piuistlay May l t in < i m iov
Meotino Held Yesterday Fixes tho Dates
for Primaries
The ilcmoerittli ex < entire lommltlec of
Hauls county met yesterday fcronoon at
11 lo 01 link Chairman J M lelwelmitn
picsldiiitt and 1 full ltlciidallce pieeenl
Afler motlnii inl cniinteimotlnn had been
ntuile II was dccltled tlntl piinnile henild
be held on June 0 to elect iIcIi > ok o u
Ktuitv cetiMiiflon to be held on liiiuidiiv
June 1L Upon nifitlon ot Mr V II Mnr
111I011 the tlav pilmmles were fleil for
Witlncsjav June 11
Ihe gathering wis not without iti
trt utiles liiistnuch as several inembrii
fought to gain heir tolnls but on the
whole t was one of the quietest conn 11
tlins hi Id In llfils 1 utility In manv vuis
lb line adloiirnlng the cbatrntali appnlitled
the following loiniiilttres on lluiiiiie and
Ill inn 1 J C Seller J P Meyer John
Uiielfmd 1 11 Cade Cbliles Mllby
Catnpngi Arnold llllltnd till Jim Hlark
W 11 M trillion Chillies 1hrlcson and T
I frellllll
AiJoutitcil sublect to call ot the ehafr
The paving of Imuilti stiect between
Nihgrs ami Iloston avoltlle was begun
Thcro are uiiilellvreied telegrams In the
18 Main aluet
I Jnliiutnu I
County Assessor of Til tea I n N
In tllfferoilt tapatttlc were paid oh jes
toTtlay tlje pay roll for the week amount
let lo Utn > us ognlu t flMIO for llio Inst
week of the piecedltii administration
Cllj Attorntn Stout h 111 beguo sending
r tli en t all tlelluqiient tintpnyer that
self will In liisiltniett against itll thosowho
nrgfict to setto UP with thw dty by May
tiknottier would like the public to know
tlint the people have oiilv until Miij al
to leiidei thcli taxes for iisKCHHincut
Them nro undcllveicd telesramH at the
Vehlfiu Vulon Teleginpb louipmi for Na
llonnl tSuaiutitte loiu mid IlHst toiti
liniiy Ten laizztrtl Miss ttcrulte Link
wood II Ilrown Peek A tlj C C Itvion
Jli Cora Kuillh
Captain Sliiilnlr will eotidiiil special serv
lets al Mi Kec Street Methodist KpU < onl
cliurth 110U Thursdiit and Pi Miiy nights
assisted li v Cndeta Ilnirls and Tonillnson
aud ineinbers of the local corw Uvery
botlj coidbtlly Invited
Ihe t olnuiblan league a fraternal onier
of this clly will meet Wtiluesiltii even
Ing nt the wigwam of Tonkauay tithe Im
proud order of Ited Men for the purpose
of airiingliig for 1111 enteitalmnciit to be
given nt an etuly date
Claliotale prciainllous are being ttindo
for he picnic to be given by CI11M chiiirh
Miinlav Hihool at I11 Porte on next Katilr
naj Alt Intelestlng ptogratn if Held sports
nnd game has been m ranged for tlm
iHimiiouioiit or chlldicn and ndiill The
pit tile train will leave the Hrniid Central
1 uiembers and friends consisting of
trm well rondeied songs lotltatlou tuid
addresses Kefreshment were also seiusl
J ho alTiilr was well slteutlcd The fol
low lug well known local Prtliliilts made
04 V > Unu J c flnblwln Him
W I Oliver Int P Jones J C fjflld
iK llpllCSfoIder nnd Charles
> i Uou ieorge 11 tSrlggs made the
upeulng addiesB
J J of HtillaB Is In the city on busl
M J Hoberts of rtelton Is reglsteietl
at tint lipe
Vltfrir c lint linger of San Antonio U leg
Istetetl xt th ltPc
Y i PS < of tha old time iltl
seiiH of leusoles l at he Hire
J MIHer a promlliciit eltlien of Snn
Antonio u Ktoppinrf at th Itlce
A u J Autln of Deolson nml W it Ulrd
of Sherman are ut present In Houston
Mr 0 It liitson n itroinlneiu driimiiier
Ji M Mchiiactt IS at preseut In the
Mr lj I Minns of Xtteogilochos Is In the
cltv en loule to his former homo In llee
V W Kllll iiiid wlfoaiid Mr II C
Hes and sou of Temple bBVi rooms at the
Mr and Mrs James Crnger of Oringn are
nt the Ilrlstol ou Jhulr wny horn from their
wedding trip
Wm Iteeves and S Halo of Caldwell
are here to makesome ptnehases and may
bo found at the Itlee
Mr Mntsmi one of tho most prominent
cltlseus of ImiUlnnn Mo Is reglstereil at
tho ltlce le h s visited here often He
remarked jesterdsy One of the best oil
ilutlecs of tho growth of Houston Is the titer
thai you can walk down the stioet bv tho
side of one of your host known ettlsens and
you will uotlte that he will go a block with
out having to reluru a nilutatlou and jet
In tho meantime he mav have paused hun
dreds of people but they are all new
comers nml strnngars to him That shows
jou how Houston Is growing
Marion Bunting Releasee
Unrlon Hunting was released yesterday
from the police station on the charge of
being a fiiglllvo fiom tusljcd Jfo wis ax
mid hefe en warrapti charging hfm with
tmbcMlemtnt and whllr in Jail the casa
wus ctmprpmlscd Hunting saJJ he would
ttlll rtmaln In Houston
Names of Election Officers Effort to
Brina Out Another Ticket but It
Has Not Yet Materialised
Kecretniy Tracy of the city school nnard
has prcpited mid p > 1cd the necessary
Pioclmnatlon for the eltetlou of school frtls
tteK tu li lioftl mi Bittirdity May a This
Jiur the manlier Of polling places has recti
cut down to four lit orilei to iuIuIiiiIkd the
tost of holdlitg fhu election
The rirst ninl HUth ward will comptwo
the first voting district the polls for which
will be ut the Washington sttelt school
The Sciotui nnd Third wards will com
poso tho second voting dlstrnt the lrttlls
for which will uu at the High school Uilid
I ho Po llrth vviird will ennipose the thltd
noting dlstilet tlif polls for which will bo
at lite Iii lor Sfclitiol
The l lfth wnid will compose the fourth
lining dlcdilct lie polls lor which will bo
at Ijtliliiti hall
Ihe polk will open at 8 In the morning
nml closi nt 0 In tint evening
No icglMlutlon was onleretl for this elec
tion and no ofllcbtl ballot will be piltttcil
The name of candidates arc simply to be
pi luted In black Ink or written In black lek
or pciull ou while papri
Ilie following picslotng officers havo been
nanletl by the school bomd Clist tilstrlcf
J 1 Potter Second dlstlbt John Me
Nielv Thtid dlstilet lied llurke houth
dlstlbt Will Hick Tlitso geultcmcu will
appoint tile Judges and clciks at their rt
slietllve bo c anil make heir leluriis to
the school luiud flho will declaie tho iu
No party nominations for school trustees
have been nulilu wive by the socialist labor
lintt whlib bus nut foith Messrs P A
Petcis W ll Pajton and Ham Itonglo Mr
J I ltceman also Is 1 eanilldile
A number of the best iltlnens of Houston
have however petitioned Messrs John P
Ifli hum I Pukct and P Hhcphud
to inn and limit name Inie been nti
uoiinted and will be stilnitiied m the polls
Outside nf this effuit has been tpnetly
made within the past fm tints to get out a
tltket plcllged to icrttlii persons for posi
tions in the schools inn nothing has nilpar
cnllv 1 tune of It if vet The cnndliUtei
preseuletl by lite lea IIiil iltbicns of lloui
I011 that Is Messrs Ulikoon Parker itrttl
Hlicpheid me under no plclgps to mty 011c
ami me inesciitod on the giotilld that Ihev
arc tiionble men anil will do what Is best
for the schools Cnndldiitoh presented upon
anv other platform would arouse an over
whelming opposition
A Touching Scene that Was Witnessed
in Dollns
It the nphotlsm Is tine that time brims
wtitense of sonow then It should too
effnio those tiionioiloi that rtio pleasant
Hut that aphnflsni la as false as many oth
ers that rro hugged 1 lose to the rredultm
henit and now and again wo see fond lccol
teitlons icvlvcd mid tiny ionic honictlmOi
with u fnrcu tenfold greate than that
which maikctt fhti original enactment
II has been thliti even yeati slnro the
eilmsnii clouds enveloped tint Staru ami ltit
tnd slttveiy una nln llslied fiom bepeilh the
nitiis anil HUlpe but iiiiinj at tins tiniler
tin old lcglmtt 114 to tell over the dijs
when slave and imimr worked for a com
itiui cml
Ntlwithstanding tlm linpissabl sticini
thut stfiinl between tlum uunv tiei wite
loimetl tinting thai pnloii that the pa > < s
lni jenis have mil cued in stiengtheu
Io lllusirdle Mi 1 1 PastoiUn teli die
folonlug tuiichliig fctni and it Mill be ie
peatcil bcio
I was In IJtllit tinting the touiilnii and
I saw mart 11 sight 1l11t It um vvoith miles
11 traveling to si e flu most btrlkin or
etiricd dm Ing the monster punilc ltut 1
will start tl the loginilng o as lo be bet
tei uiidolstood It ippenra thut 1 vvcitln
Hoiltlicrnei living In North CgroHmt who
itll own n niimbt o slaves Wrote to an
eislave of his who Is nlivv1 a lesl ten of
Texas that he would h in Iiiliai and isk
etl ho ncgio lo meet Dim uieie The rc
uttoti came and vlth It Imth the mistir
and the Ittbtic Thev wire rn the I mk
otlt for each otbei for tlnce tlnj but failed
to meet Plmilh as the gnat iniindn was
iiiinlilng up tin liecl the old dtikev who
vvii walking the utile war spied hi itll
neuter and the Id master saw hni nt tne
inline tlnic Keg udlis 1 of null in to keep
In line nnd mm h to lime the master
lushed fiom tin cniikii nnd h ol slave
rushed to the middle of the street t meet
hint TlteV fell Into cirb otheia nrms III 11
lonw lost hrotheiH and cried nnd laughed In
emit othrr s fine like e pal ot mIiioi
gills Hveiyloih slopped nnd wntelied anil
It came near iiesliig trouble In the parade
but 111 one iiiiifirtd with the two old
men one bind as nielms nnd the other a
wliltelinlied and delicate skinned ilea end
ant Of out of ihe patilcbm Southern fam
ine During the hibtuce of ihe lenoii
tl ey spent tnauv n pleasant hour talking
ovc leitllulsttticea of the happy dajs of
bieg ago
Manufacturers Association and Business
Leaoue to Hord Annual Mcctinrjs
Next Thitrseliiy May I In tin time sh
for reiorul Impnilant annual titeollugr In
thfi city
Among tbciu I bat of tho Mnnufnrtiiri rs
nSioelltioit wMeh Will nlCCt In the pitlots
o the Hire hotel Mr tlln porpese o eleVt
liUj a board pi director for the en mini
ypnr thit Itonrd In turn will elect tho
cent in1 the assucinitnn
At ltili pi the innmitur of the same tlnv
Ihe member if the Ilitslness IeiEue will
meet in annual mhicJifjoh fo tfie > same
pin pose for which the Mmutta tmers
nssotlatlon will meet as set forth nbove
As td the Translation Letter
To the IMIIor uf The Post
Hruatoii Texas April L In a lecent
Issue of jour esteemed paper In which
jou nieiitlnn tho sad news of Prof Jacob
Plcklers ttidden and dangerous Illness you
state anions other things that Prof Jacob
lllekler uf Austin had been the translator
of tho once famous letter wiltten by Iov
cmor C A Culberson to Prluro Itlsunuek
upon the sliver nuestlon Permit me to
say that jou have committed an error as
tltu honor of translating this Ittler Into
tlm tieriuui language U tine to Mr Iittlolf
Mfrcntx of San Autoiilo Tga the ell
tar of the Tevas Mhnfhlv A vvcll known
lerinaii ptibliejtlnn Hut while Hie pio
feasor did not uaiislate this letter jet I
coiwluer pirn one of the g rentes I German
sebolnrs In Texas Your verv trulv
Alexander Itarttllngck
rim kxposition or iInb coodh at
Tho ill st display of the kind ever held
In this State Its 11 high class novel inu
eejitlon of displaying such good as can not
properly be shown over the cotiuters and
Is deseivlng of especial comment and con
klderutton ft qui Houston lieat diossers
Tho third llnnr room form ly occupies as
a earprt departnieut Is now a boner of
lniinliireiH Iieauty There baa never nt any
time been shown In Houston such an ng
legation of exclusively Hue matcilals
theto Is a noticeable aWnco of domestic
fabrics ami a profusion of tho rtnosl weaves
and novelties In linpoitcd textures Those
who have not viewed this nitlttlc exhibit
have missed a rare treat The display will
last through Wednesday
rtifodoro KoKer keeps LMbst h eer It Is
pale and mild ejnllclitful to Ipok at and
taste It rcsta yfiu Try 1 case
Saengerfest concerts at Auditorium Tuc
day and Wcaatsday May 0 and 7
LJ 1
g m m zm
Even a Cliild Conki See
the Point in Our Alaska
Refrigerator Logic
TIe fact are that Ah < kas ire the finest
and 1111st mnvcnient uil < ave Hie ice
iave their cost in a single season
Hardware Co
Comer Ptairic and Milam
A Womcno ncmocly for VVomano Ilia
v N
60961 MAIN STREET609611
tbtfh Jts Price tc pl yf > bove mo si olh co
Yoti dont getydur moneys worth unless you
quality A poor thing is neiier lUorth its price A good article is always worth
the price we put on it We stick for quality If you care for it this should he
your store < t t t i
White Goods
A bright ftrray of nowncss A sonorous gath
ering ot novelty that tloscrlbcB this Stock To
particularize There are Swisseft Lawns Organ
tlleg Batistes Nainsooks Dimities and many other
riov and stylish whlto goods Noto those prices
iUlnch Whlto Lawn splondld value
at 12 l2c for > VC
32lnch Wlfltc India Ilnon the host values over
offered at 25c 20c 18c lDc 12 l2e J
10c 5c and
Persian Lawns special valuc3 f r
nt 3Uc 35c 30c 2Dc 20c 18c and JC
Check Nainsook extraordinary good values r
at 25e 20c 18c 15c 12 l2c 10c and sJC
Checked Dimities special values 1 fir
at 35c 25c 20c 15c and LC
Wash Chiffons ORr
at 96c 75c Coo 40c and JC
84 Organdies 9 >
at 110 OOri 75c G5c 50c 40c 35c and JC
French Batiste superior qualities f C
at 35c 2uc 20c and I OL
French Swiss 7flr
nt GOc 45c 35c 25c and < VC
Fancy White Goods beautiful patterns excellent
qualities at 35c 30c 25c 2lc 15c f1
12 l2c and > UC
Antiseptic Birdeye
IS inch worth GOc Afl
will he Sold at iTlC
20inch worth G5c A 7
will be sold at TVC
22inch worth 70c AQ
will he sold at T7C
21Inch woith 75c
will be Eold at < Js2C
27lnch w6rfh 80c
will bo sold at f qSp
Damask and Napkins
Priced for those who buy the best for the least
Honest trustworthy Linens that will wash and
wear as well as the best you ever had Tho secret
of thoir cheapness in tho prices is that we triple
the sales by sharing tho profits with you Brims
this advertisement with yoti Ask for tho accora
panylng items Wo will let your Judgment do tha
5Ginclt Uleachcd Linen Damask tho best
values over offered at 45c this week d2c
GGlnch Bleached Linen Damask tho kind m
that sells elsewhere at 70c this week jC
72inch Bleached Linen Damask tho kind s n
that sells elsewhere at 85c this week 07C
50Inch Cream Damask tho regular 30c
value this week lC
GOlnch Cream Linen Damask tho kind >
that sells elsowhero at 50c this week < j2c
C2lnch Cream Linen Damrisk extra finish tho
kind that should sell for 75c
this week H OC
Imported Bobbinet Bars
Ours the best to bo had none better made
72 Inches wide selvage edge full 7u
yardage closo mesh J
90 inches wide selvage edge full Qfi
yardage closo mesh ZU
108 inches wide solvago edge full O AQ
yardage closo mesh 3vQ
Special Offering 100 Best Climax Canopy Bars
with brass rods frame and all attach f nr
ments this week each I Z0
> e Gales
tar Iwiia Gigers
1 The Standard of Excellence for Oyer Fifty Years ft
ftBB ra
igh 8rade Gigars S
Jar Work
Sears Scrutiny
is wh te clean car fully haiulleii and
scv s Ul ciecm m which it is held
very one get out best elToits
Wc never disappoint
ico > jot > iof Prairie
If you enjoy seeing high class merchandise of the most exclusive
lands you will have a treat in viewing this collection f