OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, May 17, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-05-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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Todays Weather
At the meetlnir of the rresbyterlan gen
rat asiembty It was shown that 22000
B ro children are being taught by white
teachers la Sunday school throughout the
Smith anfl the report of the committee on
negro evnngelltnlton showed sti encourag
ing development In every branch of the
Armonr Co spleiuM rcfluery nt Chi
cago was destroyed by lire and about thirty
slehtftccrs were Injured by iho collapse of
a runway Arc of them fatally
tt Ik proposed to call out all the mine
workers In thp United State GOOOOO In
number In order to win the nuUirncltu
The Louisiana legislature has ashed Ad
miral Schley to pay a visit to that State
Onynor and lrcenPi the Snvnnuah fugi
tive are prisoners nt Montreal and a for
nidriblo array of legal talent will engage
lu th extradition contest
The secretary of agriculture says he real
ize the Importance of the fight oil the
boil weevil mid the department work
wl l be thorough
Much opposition Is developing to the
branch brink scheme provided for In the
1owler bill nud the republican muy split
Oil tt
The piceldent Is Arm In his belief thnt
Culm abould be helped by icduclug ue
thilu on sugar
General Pcurson doe not bellcvo Prcl
drtit Hoosevoll has duclded to do untaltu
aliotit the Urttlsh silnnly Ijureatl ut Uliut
The hnisp passed u bill for tho refunding
of faxes paid on legules nud t > e < ittt tt for
UMf of ii religion or reduiatlom i h ir
The house bad n lively ih lialo mi Ih lp
pines atroiitipK and the Krhiey eas
The < iih < iiti vefui t > svt a tlate for
cluing deb in u l lie Philippines bill
Sinater DlncH charges State Chntiman
Weils wlu supporting Undid for eonatrttw
Inilge Itingau Is Njalu HI nud ha ft
Ai Hn for Palestine
A nnteipt of ehtirtew were tiled nieng
tim one or a big eatiU company for the
eoiBt O inti y
11 p voluhi i er flrenwn Indorsed the propo
sitlen that local department should not
get tnripi > up wita iimnlelpal polities
The Stiite ipwfrib lcnguc Is In conven
tion at Port Worth
The Metaoditt nt In n parliamentary
tnnsle and mimcrnu points of order were
made by the tlolcguts
the committee on mifety of tho ileiu
mout oil Held has lulled a statement calling
for a nlecttng to consider n danger to the
The Ualveston County commissioners da
femed tho resolution providing rur tilo em
plnvnient of home labor only 01 the pea
The failure to appoint a Buceeasor to Mar
tha Grant Is causing much tolay In tho
transaction of the business of the Federal
Southern League Ilttlc Rock 0 Mem
phis 4 NashvilleChattanooga Atlanta
nirmlngham postponed on account of rain
New Orleans 7 Shroveport 1
National League Chleatfo 5 Iloston 0
Ilttsburg 0 Philadelphia 1 Now Vork 5
Cincinnati 3 Ilrroklyn P St Louis >
American League Chicago 2 St Louis
1 Detroit 2 Cleveland 1 Washington l >
Ilaltlmore 7 IioHton 4 Philadelphia 2
Morris Park Hesults Voldcz Faust
rilntlueer Irritable Swnmplandi Surmise
Worth Winners Scnora Maria Puredalo
Ltcturer Brigade Hay AVonder Domadgp
St Louis Winners Stand Tat Kenova
Era Moe Colonial Girl Scorpio Kda
Louisville Winners Karly Optimo Lln
culst Aulcs Monarka The Caxton
One hundred Knty switchmen went out
en strike yesterday In the Dmlson yards
The merchants of New Orleans will tour
the Lone Star State
General Passenger Agent Itobblns talks
of Texas summer resorts
The International and Great Northern
will grant stopover privileges at Houston
An tickets purchased to Galveston for the
The Southern Pacific will net grant stop
over privileges on tickets to Galveston
The featuro of the stock market was the
entire lack of support tho weakness being
caused hy the anthracite miners decUlon
to continue their strike
Cotton again slumped on heavy llauldttlon
and depression on account of the sttlke
new Well street selling was the dominating In
fliicnre In the New York cotton market
Prices for spot cotton at New Orleans de
Secretary Hesters cotton exchange state
ment comparing tho past week with same
To Itself
In vhfit it is find what It does con
talning tho bfcst bloodpurifying
alterative nnd tonio substances and
6ffectln tho inost radical and per
manent cures of all humora and all
criiptions rolioving weak tired
languid feeliiigd nnd building up
tho whole System is truo only of
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Txoothor medicino ucts like it
up other niwljcino has done so
1 tTNicii real fiubstyntial good no
othor medjohip hay restored health
and stmigth nt fio littlo cost
J was troubled with scrpfols n enrao
it Jf j0 > W eyefilght For four months I
> L jr etfflW cot SSR to ip anrthln After taking
5r M n bottles of floMa fitirsaparllltt 1 oould nn
m w wrnlkj nd wht i J had tnbch eleht bot tiei I
il J rrfzgm fimUl < bi9ft well nu over j3ste A Iliitw
JK I v yaitiWtfcer fNC
g ari arlla oromlses to
I and K e ps the promlso
lzZ 53CXfXfj iZt tt
period last year shows a decrease In tho
movement Into sight of ftOOOO bales
Secretary Hesters visible supply state
ment shows n decrease for thti week Just
closed of 100150 bales
Duns review says that weather end
wages continue to be thu only disturbing
factors In tho business situation
Hradstrcets says thnt the anthracite strlko
and tho favorable character of crop rd
vices arc the preeminent features of the
trade situation
Tho price of Ice has been advanced In
deotgc W Kldd wan biirled with Ma
tonic honors yesterday Afternoon
Them villi be n mottlug of the Cotton Ex
change ami Doard of Trade this morning
for the purpose of taking tip the matter of
putchnMng the building In which the ex
change Is located
Paul Sonncii was dangerously Injured by
his horse falling on him
The Inquest Into the killing of Camilla
Valcutiuo will be resumed tills morning
The board of director of the HIcc Asso
ciation of Amerlcn unanimously lntnrs > l
the Houston Ulce Palace yesterday and will
assist In making It u sttcicss
Tho Lntted Stntis district citltts In th >
Kastetr district of Texas are In trouble
oter the relu nl if the United Staid dep
uty marshals rcftslug to sent any papers
or process
Bishop Candler Made an Address to tho
DcfcQatos Rov Hay of Houston
Openod the MectlnQ
IOtt Worth Texas May lO The tenth
annunl tcsslnn of the Kiiworth League of
Tesn met today In the luiilltnilum of th >
l lrst ilelhodtet fhureh with thj TdO leigui
In Teirts with LtJtJtX members reuresviite I
by nbout Itv ilp gtle focai leaguers an 1
t ltt ein eeneently nocked to tho uieitna
drawn there by ttlnhop Candler of Oe rsu
who spike 011 the UbJ > et The Onod Ha
ni sii Man
Tfce meeting opened with a consecration
nhd sacramenul ervlce led by Itev S It
Itsy of Honton TUIh brought out pledges
from the assembled leaguers to devote
thmwrlveii to the serrlp o Chr ot
The teport of MUs Anuu l < T her ttPulul
vlee pieshletit fuMowed It d 11 t mainly
on the clurltulite vioik dime durlus thu
jen 1 lu the Stale sueli an vUitlint the s k
the lufi ttnld etc Iti T J Duncan o
Hunts Hpnko on The Clinby That Ileitis
H tilv Wii that the SSpblt of tin I must kc
in the lu an in trder tui the fulltiviw > < t
cttfliliy may be ii > nuiltt ut
At tlte Innlot lvngui sesnon tmliht MU
Lllllnn WiMer Httpisiintetideut iiimii h e
if port which slinved tlur dtipirtment t
be In ft healthy condition hull growlnj
thiOllRltuut the rftatu She wits fullowwl
uy an udtlress I John II Ieptier of Tun
nence en The Mlghtln n nf lursonul lit
tort BtsliUii tbr upiKiiiitiiieulM of com
mlttevK and the artdresmivtlttlc ii tue way
of butlnenri wu done ou the opeiilnz after
IlIUMINGlIAM Ala A telegram has
been received lu this city announcing that
the hardware combine Itnowu a < the Na
tional llurdwnte ami Metal company hat
fulleii through
NEW YOUKNotwlthstanillng Mr Cro
kers exprewted ileteriuliiiulon not to r >
turn to lead Tammany out or It troubled
Tainuiuiiy men believe that he will yet re
turn to lake up the itIiih dtupped by Mr
Nlxon Tntnmnny U lu n fog nnd It Is dif
ficult to Dud any one who Is willing to
tall It Is the general opliilun that uulesx
Mr Crokrr does return promptly ho wl 1
lose control forever
CHICAGO Itoprenentatlves of Western
railroads havo promised the Interstate com
merce ennunlsNioti to agree on an equaliza
tion of the live stock and dicssed beef
tariffs which would be satisfactory to tho
Chicago live stock exchange An agree
ment must be reached by June 10 and It
rauM be In effect by June HO
NHW YOItK Illchard Croker has bought
a sent for the coronation of King Kdward
paying MK > for It Such Is tho news brought
to this city by William it Glenn of L011
SimEWSUtmY Mass Mrs Georgo
Iliict 73 years of age and Mis Hannah
CumniliiK over Ml years old were burned
to death Mrs Hunt over 00 years of
age was rescued
LRIPSIC Tlie municipality of Lelpsle
approved a contract with the Prusilan and
Saxon railways for tho construction of a
eetitrul railroad station at lelpslo to coat
IIHUHN As a result of the Initiative
of the empress tho German ited Crosi
societies have decided to make their ap
peal for subscriptions to aid the Vc6t In
dian sufferers general throughout Gcrmauy
TltOY The telephone system Is now In
working order and many of thosu who llvo
In tin country are having phonos put In and
connecting with the local exchange
GLKNItOSi AII nf those who were In
jured In tho tornado of April 2S have so
fnr recovered an to bo able to leave their
Itedn The relief fund given by the people
of Texas amounted to about I < X
OLHNItOKI Htock of all kinds Impiov
lug rapidly and are beginning to fatten
CYPWIHS TOP The True Growers
association has been shipping iicuim for
two wveks and Is now loading a car of po
ItOSn HILL Crop prospects have never
been better lu this part of IThrrli county
HitYAN The Brazos county truck grow
ers shipped a solid car of Irish potatoes
Krlday Truck of all kinds Is good and
the association S 0n better than ex
pected for tho tlrst year
MINKOLA A protracted meeting will
commence at the Christian church In this
city the fourth Sunday In this month con
ducted by the pastor Elder Mllholland
LINDALU Mr Sam Llndsey manaser of
the Independent Telephone company of
Tyler has a force ofmen here putting up
poles for a local telephouc system
LINDALU Tho strawberry season la
about over other crops are In splendid con
Closed by Attachment
Lnllnir Texas May 10 H Klelnsmlth
snecessor to the Ann of II jfc It Klein
jmltti general merchants was closed by
the sheriff of Caldwell county today under
n writ of attachment In favor of Mr Keiup
ner of Onlvestou to recover the sum of
W11018T Hftlcurs nre now taking stockJ
Tho assets aro unknown V
Petition h BanKryptcy
Mexltt Texasitsy 10 W II Ilaker
tojtfiiliirrnt for n beer nnd Ice buslnru
M tiled a petition In bankruptcy Ilsc
tissets ute estimated if about 200 while
thu nubilities will foot tip about 1300
For Money Deposited in a Dank by
John Krug
5an Autenlp Texas May lO ln tho dls
trlct court today u the case of WtllsPargo
KxproM fomnany v Jom Krus end I
t1 nrlcn U UI111 to recover motiey pi lo
posit In 11 losaL 1 ink a vera et io t
was tendered liifa or of tile eprii inn
J hid ts n suit gfowlng nut of fie nl > il
enibezxleineiit of U lKfl lro ii the ex t <
company at l > enlnn > li The < Um iiiI
aut KrtiK wan arrested In M w iiiei < in
route to Mexico lie sot out n wrli nf
habeas corpus liere ami for months tl 0
race wan fought on nnpMentlun for extradi
tion Kriig was ttnally extradited ntil H
now In Mexico nwaltliK trial The nuniey
against which tho Judgment today wns hut
was deposited by knu In 11 Imnk here mid
there has been n legal tight over It oer
since hrugH arrest
Rcsldcnco at Toxarkana
Texarkaim J > xn May 10 The re l
ilonee of I011U Comes lu Sani Flats thli
city was detroycd today by fltc Loss
JtiXO no liiMirnucp
ncsidcnceat Uvalde
Uvalde Texan May 10 Tho re rtcnce of
II V llollliiBswoith with Its contcuts was
biuued nt 11 ioss of JVItX liHuiuncc ilWX
Barn at Edna
Ildna T < jxa May 10 A barn belong
ing to ltobeit Tower with n lut of feed mill
hnineftd ivaj ilesttoyed by tire Loss JUOJ
wltu sumI liisttrniiQc
Wolk of Revising the Confession of Faith
ew York May ltiTho second day
session of the lleibytorlan Rouoral nssvm
bly bcsiiti at U oclock lu the lTftli Avenue
Ilcsbytetlnn church The Urst half hour
wan taken tip with devotional exercises end
then the business program was begun wj
new uiodevntor itev Or lloury Vtm ljyku
The uiarnlug session was consumed In
pteneuttug ttpoit of special eoitimllteoi
Muung them tliut of n speclul coinatlttue
uti revision of confuMlou of fulilt The yo
puit coveth two divisions 1list thu com
u ttteo says It was 10 prepare a nriuf
mntiMiitut nf the retortiiea lit to nu iii
inltliie to tiitK iiniitliliiy for ieh dUpuo
Hon Urtiiuj be JildKed 10 be se
idv iitmr pttlt ol llle olk Wa the pepa
latlmr unl nalnnlsslon ro nils ol
HltMii icU ii ut the ccutiMliins m tila
< u eermUi npiitttea irits of It urnl omerii
li t certain rfpei Invd ssllrjeeis by the inetiuil
n textual iitniiiileiitlni r by ileeliuiitory
tliitciiiHiit r adillltninl jifeluenu mi
dnulifed with 11 vle to tur ibiuiu iit
udiptUn Pi the inesbyteriej mid the gen
ii at assemblies
Adiittionil Kiutements are rconiincndeil
e uei > iulng Hie lute of Hod for nit vuieu
uKhinr and Holy Splill In the form o
nitw elinpttrs to be ndited to the coufe < loi
Also eertuln textual liuidltltutImi t Jnuii i > e
> ltt signed the tepott lutt stutcd thu he
tlicuglit it uiivIhi to erect Vito a chiilvlt
diietiiiie ur Dellef that alt ubo die lu
fnucy are saved
The leparts 011 ministerial relief and the
Assembly Ileruld Were read 11ml adoptd
The report nf the lotntnlttcu ou evnugeluul
Wurk iiia next read
Thu utSt report ab that of the board of
relief for < lUniilcil ministers
The uieetlig of the Womans home Mis
sionary lluaiu began today
Principal Questions Are Seminary Control
and Mission Boards
tjprlnstlild Mo Muy 1U When the Cum
bcrlnud Piesbylcrlnu general assembly ru
Loinoned today commltteui were an
nounced by the moderators counsel It U
notable that the couiuutteoH 01 theotogca
seminary and missions 1110 competed of s > x
t en members uuh or one repiescutute
Horn each synod Tlieso cuuimlttciu 11H
giHpple with the two burning iiuestlous u
ihu assembly nauiuly seminary cuito
sod mlirlou biinul rcoiKaulmtlun
The uniiual report of tho Western section
of the Piesbyteilaii alliance was rend by
Itev 1 It henry of Plilslitui Pa Tue
truxtves repoited having 11 11 oil haiiil
whlcltls being held In trust lor theologleil
eilueattoiiul purpose
This boaru Iiiin also assisted In raldng
tor collego eudowiueiit n um which Jiunu
tho past year has reached fjtHlKW l ie
iifteruoou tension was devoted to reports
of boards schools and other liistltutioin
A meeting uus held tonight In the Interea
of home missions mid eilucutloual euduv
Aro Guests Under Guard at the Windsor
Hotel Montreal
Montreal May 111 Messrs Oaynor and
wrcene aro guests nt the Windsor hotel
each guarded by a local detective with a
force of United States secret service agents
unofficially In reserve They will not go
back to tjucbev much ns they aud their
friends desire and In spite of the writ of
nabeas corpus granted yesterday by Judge
Andrews of Quebec directing Detective
Carpenter to return bis prisoners to that
At 7 oclock J bey again left the hotel Just
as the pursuing force from Quebec reached
the hotel Chief Carpenter took bis pris
oners to Judgii La rontaliies residence nnd
hiudid tin 111 over to the Judge and the
latter lifter remanding 1hiii fur exiunhm
tlon mi Monday committed thm to the
wro two detectives vitii permission 10
reside nt the Windsor
In the meantime Constable Oale of Que
bec with tho writ of habeas corpus was
si inching diligently for Mr Carpenter At
Id oclock lie found htm In Ills office and
served the writ Mr Curnetiter wis placed
lu a dilemma He wus lu potKessimi of u
docunmit railing upon him to produce tho
lindles of Cliiynor and Greene before Judge
Andrews lu Quebec today and he no longer
had the prisoners In his pusscsiiion havlug
been iclleved by Judge La Fontaine
Ho consulted his counsel and was Inform
ed that If ho nttempted to return the pris
oners to QllPboe he would be liable to ar
rest for contempt of the local rourt whose
mandate he bad received and acknowledged
So an answer sotting forth the fsrts In
tho matter was prepared and sent down to
Quebec nnd with that It Is expected tho
Quebec people will have to remain satlsQel
the Jurisdiction of an extradition commis
sioner extends over the entire Domini hi
nnd tho arrests of llrcenc and iSnynor wero
made by an ottlcer pialltted to make arrests
In any portion of the province consequently
there U no doubt that they will hold This
evening Mrs Unynor arttved from Qu opc
She was accompanied by Hon JuIps res
slcr conned for the prisoner wno had a
consultation with them nt tho Windsor
A formidable array of counsel will take
part In what promises to be ns spirited a
legal tight ns Has over witnessed since John
C Kno the defaulting Now Vork banker
successfully resisted extradition It would
not be surprising If a njht hotwecn tho
Quebec nnd the Montreal courts Is made a
pretix to the main battle of tho lawyers
laynor and Green had engaged lie tcrv
Ices of nil the best lawyers lu Qiii boc and
the chance of venue leaves these gentlemen
out In tho cold It was stated this aftcrnonn
that the provlrclnl government hnd in
structed Judge La rontnlnc to oliov the
ordtr of tho habeas corpus writ The Judge
fays that all ho knows about the case lj
that he Issued a warrant and that the man
called fov In that document was nipduceif
belftrc fllmv iJJtw t SSY
LM1 opinion In Montreal Is thst habeas
ffpus proceedings can not be instituted
until Judge La Fontaine has decided the
case Then if h6 commits them for tra
dition proceedings of Hint nature wilt be
lu unlcr
Speclat to The Post
Poit JJiids Lt Arrived Cairo niunro
lllrl linn London John WIIvjii Xorl
U > m niueficldsi Vliinnnd fier from Ant
werp Dlnnamaie tit from Palermo via
Nftw York SalledJ HlUnridn Am for
New York TnWHcatUnr fo Dublin tU
Jleltnsf Olympltt Iif forPout Liuiou
Pravfle PdJuwPakiicrt Alton Br from
Uulvcston for Rotterdam
T 2 4
iilany RrJlgi us liiMiltiiions of Texas
Art Affected
The Atrocities of the Army in the Philip
pines and tho Schley Case Wero
Given Considerable Attention
Special to The Post
Washington Muy 10 Tho house today
passed thu ways nnd means committee bill
providing fur the refunding of tuxes pall
tin legacies and bequests for ujcs of a re
ligious or educational character under the
war revenue act of l riio Texas Insti
tutions affected ure its folows UaptUt
church of Wnxnhaehle 160 Methodist
church of llitHtrop 7ti llaptlst parsouue
of Wnxnhaclilo 57SUr Odd follows orphan
home of Corsleami iu
Tho ljho today passed tho bill turning
over to Porto ltlco ull tac public intnU of
the Island ceded to thu United State Uy
Spain except sites designated by tho pre
iduul within 0110 year for naval and coaling
stations military posts and other UliltoJ
titates purposes rv
After buiue discussion the hill reported
by Mr MeCall front thu ways mid nifcitus
lOtmnlttee leluuillng Tthe tax oil Ic jcIiM
paid under thu war ruveuue act by otigtuui
hurltable art and cdticutlonal Institutions
ilk passed
The conicrcnce report on the omnibus
claims btll canned another lengthy illsciii
Llon Mr Llulerwood Ala eeeltlng to ru
new the Inslriletloiis tti the house con
leiecs not to accept the senate amend
ment oil the tjelfnitie board cluliiM
Mr Camion oppofed the latter claims
mid lnclilintill > < xpre siul the hope that
this viumd bu the lust of tho omnibus bids
whlih he cttaiucterlxetl Us lejislutlve out
1 ages
Uhe motion to Instruct the coufefcos
ntrtliml tin Heltriagt cliitms dually pro
foii lleriitleil of the inivul bill then was
rihtiieoil the bill being lend for nmeill
nu nt
ji tttiiunn eallctl attintlou to the lnintir
uus intvill siltbllsiiineiitK eenterel nt Nyw
fo t 1 ho viiiiioHeiv > h tra itlug ximmtt
ui tufprdn ntnttnu aiit 11tkeil wtli oine
Iroiij Ii thp ditty of Hhe 01mvrs at llnso
lo t vi not ehliBy during the but rtm
nice season
tltnouxh he odpitreil ntir navy and sup
pnitoil tle hlllldlliftVjt new 8iilis Mt Can
non said one of toe ilitnacix of our navy
ss In the fact tnnc ourihlnl of the li oo
otiueis were not 01 salt water but on diy
> a Hepburn Iowa also Iomnicntcl on
the large number nf linvil ofibers 011 ithorc
duty iiisiiy of them injciv ii siulg and
ciiuioitnblp berths itftet eompatiitlvuly
brief sea service He believed t icre must
10 somehlng wrong about the system at
the uaval academy clth an aulo oincer for
eiery lour crtdets
Mr WUUmt iMtss asked who would de
Pllve liinul oiltceis lrum Kvearuii eienuv
ing renown by Staylni ashore and dettly
pulling tho strings
With mock Kinvity he tead u poem be
glniiliiK Who Is Crowuiiiuhlehi papai
inele was inudl laufbtor Tin ioncluding
lines of the poem were Great Cruwnlii
lulelil the Greatest Tar that ever stayed
111 a more serious vefn Mr Williams re
feiieil to tho Sainpionhchley controvery
Whatever tho otllclai cancliinloli mg nt be
tho Auierlean people he said had cuiite to
the conclusion tMU Admltiil Mchlpy had
had something to do wlh the battle of Snu
ti o And yet It had happened that Ills
Despite the Iiupeila l ukase that the
Schley caso must be diopned Mr Williams
snld the
American people worn not disposed
to be stopped lu
puroiilng their own eon
elusions lie commented upon the fuel
that the committee gn ruleB bad burled a
resolution dnslgiicrt tii Investigate the
charge that Admiral trownlnshlcld had
passed on the Maclay history
Itevertlng to Mr rows remarks yestxr
day comparing the elvlK war conditions
with those In the Philippines Mr Williams
rteelntetl that ns an American citizen lie
bulled back the eoirparlson and he as
scitcd that never In the civil eonlllct had I
tin re been un order to make 11 bowling
wilderness or Justifying murder and rape
by soldiers Had we reached tho stage
when the army was greater than the na
tions asked Mr Williams when the crim
inals in the army can not bo held up to
Mr Lnndls said the veterans of Indiana
reared a magnificent monument at Indian
apolis yesterday In memory of those who
lost their ll cs In the civil war At that
dedication resolutions wore passed dcclarlug
that the criticisms made on war methods
In the Philippines wore like tho criticisms
of the copperheads from Ibtll to lStlT nud
thnt the copperheads of 18U8 to lPOJ are
no less venomous than their ancestors
Wasnt thnt resolution railroaded against
piotcstsV asked Mr Cochran
It was not nnswered Mr Lnndls It
was adopted and It received tho support
of the leading republicans of Indiana ex
claimed Mr Itnhlnson hid
The latter amid confusion rend nn ac
count of tho consideration of the resolution
nhnwlng considerable opposition nnd ex
pressed the belief that the soldiers of In
diana never did nnd never would Justify
such resolutions
After sending the fortltlcntlon bills to
conference the house at r oclock adjourned
Special to The Post
Washington Mnv 111 lteprpsentattve
Staydcn returned to his legislative duties
today Immediately ou Ills arrival bo be
gan to look Into the sltuaOin with refer
ence to the proposed military camps of
Instruction He found matters ns out
lined In dispatches to The Post n night rtr
two ago nnd says ths while some change
may lie made In the program Texas will
get one of the camps If any of them arc
The application of Sam Houston O It
Tiillos IV V Murray W C Uniff and
John Griffith to organize the First Na
tional bank of Florcsvllle Texas with n
capital of S0C00 has been approved by tho
comptroller of the currency
President Roosevelt Is telling his personal
friends that he expects congress to wind up
Its business nnd adjourn about June 2S
This stntcmcie Is based upon the Informa
tion he has received from republican leaders
In the house and senate
The house committee on labor made a fa
vorable icpert today on the bill of Repre
sentative Irwin repl of Kentucky creat
ing n frecdmens Inquiry commission
Thp bill has for Its object thp creation of a
commission to Investigate the conditions
of the colored penple and Is authorised to
r port Its views concerning the djii ra > rir
of theArmoifluWe
the troubles affecting
latlonsof thkr ocsy ST
In many respects the decision of the
honto leaders to let the Crumparkrr resolu
tion go over to the short session Is the most
frtrrenchlng of the present congress It
undoubtedly means the abandonment of the
attempt to Interfere In Southern elections
John P Jones who has represented He
ada In tho senate since 1S73 said today
that he would retire at tho end of his pres
ent term on March 4 IPOi Senator Jones
nys he does not want to ag superfluous In
the senate but desires to rotlre while he Is
in full possesion of his physical and men
tal powers
Live Oak County Can Not Hold Primaries
Oakvllle Texas May 18 Live Oak coun
ty can not held democratic arlmarles be
iigajaL T sjsjj
Airs Mary Hlckcy of South Sodus
N Y Had Rheumatism
So Bad She Could Not Walk
Had to Be Wheeled About the
House In an Invalids
The Use of the NeverDisappointing
Rheumatism Banisher Cured Her
True mcilt prompt nnd effective results
and astonishing ernes have given Pnlnes
Celery Compound a position on the jiljhest
round of tho ladder of fame
Palncs Celery Compound Is today the
only spring medicine asked for and bought
by thoughtful and discerning people l or
tho treatment of serious diseases suen as
rheumatism neuralgia nervous dliordits
nud blood troubles Palncs Celery Com
pound bus no equal
The credit of Palncs Celery Compound
has ndranced to such 0 high eminence that
amongst the millions who Use It we tlnd
the nnines of millionaires bankers irofos
sleual men wealthy merchants and wonuu
of note All have made It their chosen
tonicity for the cure of throttle < li eil < cs
and for tho banishment of the littlo ail
ments that often make life miserable
Palncs Celery Compound In the > plniin
of the lending druggist ami physicians las
displaced nearly nil the common ndvrtlsed
medicines of Ihc day This great work has
been accomplished only by merit and genu
ine cures Itheumutlsni iieuuilgla nud nerv
ous disorders take night In springtime when
Palnc s Celery Compound Is used for a
time Why delay tho work of health build
ing when such n life giver Is within your
1 each7 Test Its cfticucy this very day
Mrs Hlckcy hilppy nnd grateful for tho
astonishing results derived ftom Pallia s
Celery Compound new nerve liber nerve
force fresh energy and vitality writes us
For ncatlv thirty vears 1 have been nu
Invalid caused by that terrible disease
rheumatism For six years l could not
walk without the help of friends All my
Joints were stilt and 1 had to be wheeled
about the bouse in an Invalids chair
Uhyslclans medicines baths etc etc
were nil In vain but Palncs Celery Com
pound practically cured me nuil I am now
able to walk around and do my houBC > vi > rlc
Dye coiiOa
goods with Diamond Dyo cotton
colors Will not crock or smut
cause the countv chairman has moved out
of the county Chairman James l WeIs
01 the State executive committee was uotl
lied of tliu conditions here several weeks
ago and was requested to make nil ap
Int ii in Tly U1 i nt 1i 1 i t 1J > polntment but as yet no appointment has
submitted It to the greit naval
uutnoriy mi r 11111 nt
ftowiilushleld d a r1us thnt Schley bad ft
mUsed of It
UIU1 uuucu
nothing to do with the victory
sland Said to Have Acquired a
Controlling Internst
tspoclal to The Post
Kansas City Mo May ltS Tbe Journal
will say tomorrow Control of the Kansas
City Southern running from Kansas City
to tho Gulf of Mexico has been ncnulred
by the MoorcR and John W Gates for the
Uoek Island road by the purchase if the
Dutch stock Tho same Interests havo
probahly acquired the Arkansas and Choc
taw The latter rtiad has changed hands
but the name of the purchaser has not been
divulged The Kansas City Southern voting
trust has three years more to run but there
has always been a serious question ns to
Its lcgnllty and it Is supposed with the
Hock Island lioldlng n majority of the
stock there will be no question that the
property will be turned over to It at oiue
information of the deal In Kansas Cty
Southern comes from n source which
though unofficial has never failed to he
reliable In such matters President Kntit
said tonight that he knew nothing of the
deal but thnt It was a matter concerning
which he would not be likely to be In
Announcement of the sale of the Arkansas
and Choctaw Is made on the authority of a
large bolder of stock who declined to say
who was the purchaser John Scullln of it
Louis Is president of the road
The Dutch stockholders have been ills
satisfied with the control of the Kansas
City Southern because they have been
without any voice In Its affairs notwith
standing they had a majority nr the stOk
Thp voting trust was o controlled that
Ilarrlmaii Gates nnd Gould dictated the
policy nnd the Dutch recently threatened
to attack the legality of the voting trii t
unless given representation on the board
of directors To prevent this thev were
given two directors at the last election
Whether the Dutch had good grounds for
criticism or not tliere Is no doubt that the
Kansas City Southern has been well man
aged under the administration of President
K ° t ha Increased Its earnings
JlWxiOOO n year
Taken up by William Spnrn Cypress Top
Texas one sorrel horse mule 7 or 8 years
old Wi hands high branded 1 n with bar
over top on left shoulder also one brown
mare mule 7 years old 15W hands high
branded JP connected on the left shon
den both freshly roacbed and have harness
Stolen from Messrs Walter Hill tin
ner 718 Bremond street el y one slng e
horse spring wagon small body heavy
nxlesj right shaft broken name of Walter
ftr 111 < 1 < 0 body also the word
Tinner on end of seat A R Anderson
sheriff Harris county Texas
Llberty Texas Moy 15 One bay horse
about 11 years old branded XV on left
W jnh n C ° U3r rajrk
nellvllle Texas May 13Strayed or
stolen fn 71 ttuti mare about
11 handy hlgli fWded ffi Mt M
sho IS rfotv heavy with foal and her your
ling black mare colt not branded Owner
will pay a liberal reward for recovery of
Vjnii adXn coutJ
h 8 TOaE 3 ° arrolf u r aK ftl
Vi1 IaU ECe °
A she 1 was In to Ievfener pasture some y
ngof 0A L a np ° S
la tfifnTurrv
> M
s t vCOrwvOT 1
We Lead In Quality of Goods nnd Low
Prices Others try to follow
Do Awzy > With Thai Baggy
Shaped Suit
nnd come here for a good Tailor Made Suit
at the lowest prices that 11 can be had at
anywhere 1
My Iouk experience In this business also
my most careful buying alone can account
for the low prices 1 am offering you now
A perfect lit guaranteed
Quality of gords guaranteed
Just call and see my stock of goods the
largest selection In the State and you will
be sure to leave me your order
Mammoth Tailor Clothier nnd Furnisher
1100 Congress Ave Opp Court Houtc
Costs little looks
well MdlwL
give large values is our con t iiH
ilookatOLrsulUw g
well have
we rarrld out im
serce and Flannel
Suits in i H
styles and patterns t H
pull hard on your pockctbcSk
L H OavdhoiiU
Mens Store
512514 Ml
Boys Store505 Mak
of Sin Antonio Texan
DrOOANPegtiln Texas May 10 Mrs
nilsabeth Duggan aged 80 years wife of
the late Thomas III Duggnn deceased died
nt oclock a nt today at the home of
District Clerk John T Campbell Mr
Ducgan came to Texas In 1WO and has ever
slave been n resident of lundilupe conutv
Slip leaves tlvo children A Duggnn onny
clerk of Kan Saba county Ld Duskhi
county clcik of Tom Irecn county Mrs
n W L linker of this city Mrs John
Duggnn of Houston am > W Y Duggnn of
Dallas She was one of the few remaining
landmarks of the original Seguln
lOCKIIAItT Ileevllle Texas May 10
Mrs J A Lockliart an aged nsldent of
this county died at the residence of her
daughter Mrs I Y ONeal tt Pettus
early yesteulay morning
MrHLLKlt floiisalcs Texas May 10
Died nt his rcHldenee In limziiles M ny 10
William Mueller aged about < > years Mr
Mheller formerlv lived In Iivnrit county
near Shiner but had been n resident of
UongnlCH for tltp past two years engaged
In business The burial will take pli e nt
the public cemetery here tomorrow uftcr
as May 11j Mariled nt tho Catholic ehuivh
In this city Itev rather Nlson officiating
Miss Ida Low ther nnd Mr Otto Drensted
Doth parties were reared lit the vlclnby of
Seguln They left Immediately for Mexico
where they will make their future tesl
GORDON Wharton Texas May 13
Died yesterday at noon after 11 lingering
Illness of several months Clarence iordoii
nped SO ytars Interment took place nt
the city cemetery this morning Funeral
service were conducted by ltcv P Lano
licuit Clarence Frcdctlck Gordon was b rn
In Mntngoida county August 1 16U3 H
wa the third son of Mr and Mrs J W
Gcidrn and a grandson of General J W
McCntnly and nf General J W Gordon of
Mncon Gt Iloth were veterans one In tho
Mexican war and one In the civil
TVTTLKLockhirt Texas May 13
Mrs Margaret Jones Tuttle 0110 of the tie
loved t ml respected grandmothers of Cald
well county aged SO years died at the r s
ldence of her tp phew Mr A Y Lnrremnre
on Clear loik on tin 8th Instant uud was
bulled In the city cmcteiy
KUAXCHKIt Scaly Texas May 12
Mrs J 11 Kranchcr Johaunn Fllse Fried
eileka Gust the wlfu of Squlio J II
Kraichcr died at the family residence In
Scaly 011 Friday eve at l 0 of heart fail
ure Mrs Kranchcr esnu to Mllllieim nt
the age of l years with her parents from
Hnlstrln ilcrmnny In December 1SS2 and
has ltsldrd In this county ever since hav
ing moved to Scaly In November IS11O
LACY Palestine Texas May 111 Mrs
Ineyr wife of Colonel William Lacy died
yesterday evening nt 10 oclock at her home
In Husk Texas The remains will be sent
here for Interment Mrs Lacy leaves a hus
band several children and a host of friends
to mourn her loss The deceased was IS
years old
CHAMDERSGatesvllle Texas May 14
Mrs M A Chambers died at the residence
or Mr W L Ayres In this city last night
The remains will be shipped to Tennessee
lor Interment Mrs Chambers was con
nected with the most prominent families
In Jatcsvlllc
OLIVKGroesbceck Texas May 15Mr
F Oliver of this town an old citizen
of Limestone county and long a resident
and prominent business man of Groesbesck
died very suddenly from heart failure Mon
day afternoon The remains will be burled
thin afternoon
CAnTKItHuutsvllle Texas Mav 19
D W Cnrtcr an old citizen of Walker
county died at his home on Tuesday nud
was burled at Dodge
JFNNOCGSHuntsvlllo Texas Mav 16
Mrs M A C Jennings nn old resident of
this county died nt her home on Wednes
day May H and was burled here Thurs
day nt i p in
Mob Attacked
tho Palace
Port au Prince May IlkLast night a
mob attacked the palace here but the ilot
ers were tired on by the prptddcutlnl guard
and evcntunllv dispersed Some of the at
eo n S Wpo Kr kUtMl ° r woucrt
of forming another
provisional gnvcrnmoi t
iT h vfvolutlonlstK lu the north hive
Jeeted tho overtures made to them with the
object of averting civil war
New Oil Companies
Austin Texas May 10The charter
the Sarpy Oil Transportation
company of
Reaumont was tiled today capital stock
SpjXliOno Purpose to prospect for oil and
other minerals build pipe Hues derricks
etc Directors Yiy
reservoirs tanks
Sarpy L A Jung New Orleans
jSffOB WbMm
The best grades of
1 e a t h er known art
put into Queen
Quality Ties
Every skin is ex
amined twice and if
found imperfect in
the slightest degiet
it wont do for
Queen Quality
Every last used in
making these famous
shoes is perfect in
No Ties fit like
Queen Quality
rotter Kt Louis Henry McCaltMO
La J P Kock nellAtllance UlB
Call and J It Williams Bcanniont
Authority to do buslne6S la THI
granted the Pennsylvania nnd Ttni
company of Delaware capital stock U
OKI Texas office to be at Bcaoniost
The Moonshine company of BtHJt
capltnl stock 10000 rnrpese torn
for oil and other minerals Dlrtctm
Pratbcr W n Sharp Dallas mlM
Sharp Beaumont
Just Sharing Fair
New York Times
Two children a girl of about 8 <
of 0 wero left In St Pauls ehwdP
one day last week while their motMl
Into the old church The younfsteri
dercd about the burying groan lcolElj
rlously old tombstones nntn t
at the
eamo to one that was nearly tlJW1
The little girl regarded these trfttwe
tenth for some moments then c nw
picked up one of the wreaths ml M
it to her brother Taking a secotl iJ
herself she started down a pw >
brother toddling after her 1
Coming to a ncglectcdIooklnj p f
carefully placed the wreath upea it
taking the other circlet of Mm
from her brotlwr she went a lltttej3
and laid It on a timeworn tomhstot
The mother coming out ot the cw
saw this and said
d < W
Why Ktbel what are you
Just fchnrlng fair said the
elallst The flowers were all
Something of a Fake
Cleveland Leader
Thp street fakers are talking of i
lng a union The polltlrnl Wfi
Hardly follow suit It Is only by W
effort that the political faker 6bla
May Reciprocate
Kansas Ctv Journal lilt Id 01
Speake Henderson is Keeping t
inn tliua may coma wnea t JLji
In the WW
help ti keep Hendersor
The Last Resort
Chcago TimesHerald
Andrew Carnpgls sny 1 l
brim hnpplnes1 or satf tactca
nothing left forAjfidnvr to try Dot f
The marWivhose system is polluted wtth K
poison vcJfyior a long time considered to h v
dlrici titure for among those physiciani vko
tllmr Biven the subject constant study and re r
tiij disease wa considered incurable I
1 la
abiding belief that science was able to P
cure however and after years of experience
the disease devoted to its close study my tw
were rewarded With success and some of
worst cases on record have yielded tQ my crijw
method of treatment If you have been dosw
drastic see t i
drugs you will immediately
periority of my treatment for I do not W >
the system with potash and mercury the en
of which are as damaging to the system a
diaeasc itself My treatment promptly dPe
disease and i f
Send for hook anrf UT Vlt c ° nsultation either at my office or by
dencc eonfidentw P ° m blank > maied ffee in Plai enycloPe Cf P
3io alamo

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