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ft t
< l < VlC > rlbi < L i i i
Manager of the Houston East and West
Texas Passed Away at Martin
Advices iron Martin Texas Itit night ileaTes a widow and one sen enly 4 months
conveyed the tad Intelligence that Manager
Frank B Goodrich o tbe Houston Eavt
and West Texas railroad died at 710
oclock Mr GoodrlcVa Ufa had b n de
spaired cf tor cetera days and wbllt the
end mi not unexpected bis countless
friends were hoping against hope and tba
news c hla death rendered these friends
lnexpreaalblr sad The end came peacefully
and quietly at the hour named Mrs Good
rich th derated wife and other relatives
were at the bedside when the dutiful son
and loving husband and father closed his
eyes In hla last Ions sleep
Arrancetnenta for the funeral had not
been perfected last night and It was not
known whether the burial would take place
at Marltn Mr Goodrichs old home or at
Dallas the home of his wife It waa
thought most likely however thst the re
mains would be taken to Dallas
Frank B Goodrich was but S2 years of
and was known as the youngest roll
road manager In the country He began M
railroad career Just thirteen rears ago In
the office of Superintendent J M Lee cf
the Houston and Texas Central entering
that office In a clerical capacity Ho was
promoted from place to place In Superin
tendent Lees office until finally he became
assistant engineer of the Houston and
Texas Gentral under J T Mahl Ho re
mained ss assistant to Engineer Mahl uutll
he resigned and went with the Southern
Pacific as engineer of the maintenance of
way department
Sir Goodrich remained with Mr Mahl
until the latter died He was theu ap
pointed chief engineer of the Houston Fast
and West Texas This appointment be
came effective April 15 1801 and Mr
Goodrich remained In the office of chief
engineer until the first of this year when
he was made manager of the Houston Cast
and West Texas H exercised the func
tions of chief exeeutlre until the election
of Mr C U Markbam to the rice pirsl
dency of the road and since that time has
been occupying the position of manager
Mr Goodrich was msrrted to Miss Leeta
Clark of Dallas about six years ago lis
Its Success Is Assured by Reason of
Existing Enthusiasm
Mayor noli was heard to remark yester
day I dont think I have ever known of
any proposition being made In Houston that
met with such universal approbation as the
suggestion to have a rlc palace cirnlvsl In
this city this fall I have as yet to hear
one single person say that It Is not a first
class Idea it Is susceptible of great ex
poltitlon and I believe that It la easily
going to b made the biggest thing lo the
way of an entertainment that ever has oc
curred In this city There tan be no doubt
of the result If the various gentlemen who
are promoting entertainment schemes such
S9 the South Texas Fair Driving Tark etc
eai get together and work harm nonjl
FfciiMon I amply large to support
of age Mr Goodrich waa taken 111 aoout
four weeks ago with stomach trouble nnd
this ailment developed into < complication
of diseases Ha was thought to b on Ue
road to recovery early tula week nnd rn
Tuesday he was remote to the private car
of Vice 1resldent Markham and taken to
Marltn where It was expected he would
regsln his strength Upou arrtral at Mar
tin he grew worse and It was found Im
possible to take him from the car
In the death of Manacer Goodrich the In
terests that be represented lose a capable
bralnv and energetic representative and the
men under bis command a faithful friend
To his briefstricken young widow slrroro
srmpathy will go oat from lhou an1s cf
friends Those members of the press whoso
duties brought them Into almost dally con
tact with Trank Goodrlrh will tone tv
member him for his many kindnesses end
the courteous treatment alwavs accorded
them The door was nhviivs open o the
railroad reporter and he was always sire
of a pleasant srulle an < l hearty grip of too
hand from the manager of the Kast ana
nest He will bo missed
+ + 4
The following telegrams were last night
sent from Lutkln Texas to Mrs Goodrich
The sad news of the death of your bus
band gives me inexpressible sorrow Truly i
has a good man fallen ilease accept my
heartfelt sympathy
Wiley M Irjboden
Our entire population sincerely mourns
the death of your noble husband Words
fall to express the grief we all fj
E J Mantooth Mayor
Thu following telegram was sent to VIca
President C H Markbam
In common with all employes of the Hous
ton Esst and West Texas we loved Mr
Goodrich and bis untimely death gives us
ccspetkable grief Plets convey to Mrs
Goodrich our profouadest sympathy
3 E Propst Agent
3 A Schilling Foreman
we abmuTely i ron Martin went down
residence of Dr Y A Mathews today He
was retlclnet as to his age and no one
kuows exactly how old be was but be it <
known to be past 104 baring lived In three
ceatnrles He has been a member of the
Masonic fraternity over eighty years He
came to Cssa county about slxtv years ago
He prided himself on having voted the dem
ocratic ticket ofteuer than anv man 1n the
state He baa no known relstlve alive
outlived them He has been de
having all
cllnlog rapidly for some months but was j I
able to stand on bis feet up to within live t
minutes of bis death He win be burled
by the Masons here tomorrow
Thomas and Henry Brought Out Noth
ing New
Martin Texas May 17 Hon B U Hen
ry and Cullen I Thomas met In Joint
debate at Keagan last night and a number
ch eateitalnniiit ami There wera about
need them If they all unite In a maimnn ao people present most of whom were
V 5 N > Henrys supporters Nothing new was dls
S atlng stock for a SIDOWm stock eoinpany
tr manage the affair That will give toe I CUMd I > 1 < h la < lBm t0 h mi
rerprlie a character of permanency that votes though probably none were changed
it materially assist In its success from Today the first two weeks have paused
it ioctptency and It Is th general opinion that Heury
This effort means a good deal uorc to has really gained in strength
Hooston and the rice belt than can be ap About fifteen Heury clubK have been or
predated at the first thought on the sutn > gauLzed In tie county with n membership
ject It Is a grand thing and deserves and
1 believe will receive the unqualified sup
pert of every man In Houston who warns
t assist In making this place a great city
The people of the North and West sre sure
we ate exaggerating when we tell them of
the possibilities of rlc cuture This enter
prise Is calculated to Induce them to come
and examine for themselves If we get prop
er excursion rates and w have been it
sored that we will When we get them here
we know thst we can convince them that
we hare told them the truth absoiutelr sod
fast estimates bare been made on a c n
servatlve basis
To Be Held nt the High School Next
Friday Evening
The commercial class of 03 of the High
school hss Issued Invitations to Its claaa
day exercises to be held in the sssembly
ball on Friday May SB ot 4 p m The
following Is the program that has been ar
ranged for that day
helectlon High School Orchestra
ecal solo Good Nlgbt Sweet Dreams
Miss Sadie Morris
Compl nentary
riano duet Poet un Peassnt
Misses Julia Hltchler and Jennie Sprong
Bcene from Merchant of Venice
JorfI Miss Lucie McKernon
Ncrlssa Miss Katie McDanlel
Violin rolo The Hjnrulau Dance
MUs Olive Klrilcka
Charade Guess It
f ° Pble MJis Harriet Farmer
Katherlne Houlihan
Marlon Miss Lena Kapnrr
Aunt Phoebe Miss Nellie Getselman
Vocal solo The Dance of Cuo Dragon
FH Miss Bessie Hughes
Are School Days Happy Class
Selection High School Orchestra
The following will graduate Harriet
Melcena Ftrmer Nellie Dolores Gelselman
Catherine Gladys Houlihan iiarry tiler
Joscy Lena Audrcj Kapner Lucie Clay
SlcKernon Katie naker McDanlel Alma
Viola Settegast George Wright Scott
Adopt Resolutions Upon the Death of
Manager Goodrich
There was a meeting of Houston lodge
No 58 of tba Order of Railway Clerks last
night at which alxteen new members were
Initiated running the total of the member
ship up to 139
The following resolutions upon the death
of Manrger Goodrich at tba Houstcn
East and West Texas railway were adopted
Whereas It baa pleased an Allwlee Provl
dence to remove from this life Mr V B
Goodrich late mansger of the Houston Eait
end West Texas railway therefore be It
Beaolved by Houston lodge No S Or
der of Railway Clerks of America That In
his untimely death tho city of Houston
loses a good cltlren the railway compauy
a conscientious nnd efficient officer and the
employes of the Houston East and West
Texas railway a kind and considerate cm
Itcsolved That this lodge extends lis
heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family
and relatives
Kcsolred That the secretary be Instruct
ed to spread theso resolutions upon the
minutes of the meeting to furnish a copy
to the family of deceased and cause them
to be printed In the Houstou papers
C 8 Weill
Houston East nnd West Texas
VV Fair
Missouri Kansas and Texas
W P Jones
Houston and Texas Central
R w Jones
Gulf Colorado nnd Santa Fe
J0 1L Powers 8r
International and Great Northern
B V ithndes
fiaa Antonio and Aransas Pass
John OlJesry
Southern Pacific
fH tA Centenarian Dead
AtlMU Texas May 16Fred Armlngton
MMt wan la Cass county died at iAt
of W to 20u each and very day adds to
his strength
He Has Carried Burnet County and Feela
Much Encouraged
Austin Texas May f > Hcrnsby carried
Buroet county today b an overwhelming
msjorlty and states tharttbe t iimor < Oiuu
from certain uuarteia to tke ettect that he
Intends to withdraw is iniut foundation
A S Fisher carried th county for toe
court of civil appeals
Results in Limestone County
Mexla Texas May 17 The primary elec
tion held In this county today was for dis
trict aDd county officers only The vote
on congressional and Statu officers will be
held on Juue 14
Ihc rate for county Judge has over
shadowed everything else today Incom
plete returns from the coutity Indicate
tuat Jnraes ICtmbell has defeated Walter A
Keating for this office although the race l >
close W J Bryant and J L Sansom
are In the lead for lepreseutatlves
Candidate for Chief Clerk
Austin Texas May 17 Mr Bob Barker
a well known young man of Bexar connty
has announced as a candidate for the chief
clerkship of tho house In the next legis
lature He was bom In Grimes county
and raised In Kills Other candidates for
me same position ore J II Oiiarlea and
Joe Henderson
iMDWi i
Eon of Policeman Lockett Did Not Un
derstand the Nerjroa Nnme
Brenham Texas May 17 Thursday night
rollceraan John r ckett was almost killed
by a crazed ucgro and last tilght hla sou
Walter sought to avenge the wrongs per
pctrated on his father
and armed with a
shotgun h got Into his buggy and drove
over tho city
Passing in the rear of tho Williamson
rcsldcnco he passed a negro whom he took
to be tho party who had assaulted hla
father Ha asked the unsuspecting party his
nsme and ha replied Willis Walter
mistaking tho name blazed away with bis
shotgun and brought the uegro to the earth
The bullets scattered wildly and a few
entered tie fleshy part of the calf of the
right leg ono struck the abdomen a glanc
U5tbi ° J anotll Ktaxed the left forearm
stated tf Mnilblo
stated tha facts about as follows man and iir
wT iVVW Fo t S I nn Caldy
anr i bec ° fklng on Currys steal
l llr Sublet nro
tore Ut night to get my time When i
W ii rSlnSK tr ck there a white
° ° s ors 5L4 K
wounds of tho darkey rcM tie
He was later released on bond
Residence at Denison
Denlson Texas May 17The dwelling
of trank Oaultry on We < t Murrar utreef
Vth n surance of
bo esrrU HfKW
of assfoiSioist1 on Mx w rt
Residence at Danton
Denton T < xas May lTHesIdence
0f p
0 S burD4 near Bolivar
tVrd7T yr
wrday The loss Ji
was about seoa no la
llf jr D0Tln dlr cn he nrt ofMflT I honv icolgu henrlng n widespread eagle
found the New York Press iu Its new home i i np > blch at night lll Ve outlined
V ° D < 1 Spruce street Man h I h iumerou < i electilc llghu the fnce of
U iSi ortnr < cn llllng bplnu fuithpr llhimlnnted with
fl T t hf > flre Uiernl
J JIt 5 Je torles hundred cloctilc ull > s ihc main
hove gronnd and thf basement and stth Imtitiiir bull i woltiBcoted Iu Sieuna rair
nt ° r t mSSRpal < Partmenti I bl ltb mMwlc tioor and wrought Iron
prnUde more than 82000 square feet of giill for ctalrway nnd elector The wood
p e making the quarters of the lres flnlsh here is of mahogany The offices or
d wted e < lnRleW to Its own ue nmniy the H nrs abn e me finished vlth
Wharton Texas May 17 Died yester
day evening after a few days Illness
Stephen H Darden aged SG years Peace
fully and quietly ended the life of this
ncll kuown citizen of Texas rkh In hon
ors with the consciousness of a spotluss
record and a well spent life
He spent the greater part of bis public
career In Austin coming to Wharton sev
eral years ago with his family He attend
ed the Texas veterans meeting and tho re
union at Dallas groetlng for tho last time
his old comrades
His remains were shipped this morning
over the Cane Belt to the State cemetery
at Austin where he will sleep his last sleep
In that sacred spot of ground dedicated
to thoss whom Texas delights to honor the
heroes of the Republic and those whose
great sen lees to the Bute can alone cn
title them to a resting place there His
widow nnd two daughters and little gran I
children aro broken hearted A large circle
of friends regret the loss of one whom It
as a delight to honor
Stephen H Darden was of English Irish
descent and a native of Mississippi Ho
attended country schools and completed bts
education except the language at Cum
berland college Krntuck His parents
J ere a hlngton nnd Ann Sharkey Dir
den His mother v s a cousin of Chief
l < shni key He came to Texas in
INtu with n company of Tolunteero com
manded by Dald M Pulton arrived short
af r uc b ttf of San Jaelnto remiln
ed with the Texan army for a time and
then returned to Mississippi He pur
chased lunds on tho Guadalupe river In
Gonzales county Texas and In 1SU lo
cated permanently la that county and was
almost continuously engaged In farming
sntll the brrtnnlng of the war between the
States serving however In the Mexican
war of 181018 When the question of se
cession was agitated in Texas StephVn H
Darden opposed that measure Kxcltemcnt
and prejodlce ran so high that h was de
nounced for this opposition and to vindi
cate himself became a candidate for the
State senate in the can > a i he took the
ground that secession wns Impolitic but
fully entertaining n belief In the principle
of btate rights rnntouded that those rlgnti
could be more fully Indicated lti the Uulon
than out of it During the canvass the
ml Itnry company of which hf va then nn
officer nnd afterward by promotion cup
tnln attached to Hoods brigade was oi
dered to Virginia and he abandoned the
cam ass He was however elected and
the of the kind In tho United Stales while walls and Iianlnood trimming
Inr foundations nails Hnd steel oik bnw I U ith the new press and other mei h
b < en so onuructel that four more stories fuiliil added to Its equipment In It
be added
s new
aro tio the Tiess lion lias a nrlntlnr ot
Thrihlteetun of the front of the build it of more than Wtwepiw
Ing U hears Doric and Henilssanee with pupen au hour Hie presi enjoys thedls
the base course of granite the that story i Unetlon of being the onlr newspaper In
SflndiinlllmVr 0H mlU upiler pnr v York < tf w < h owns IU ow
b nh nrtl limestone
5iY trim I lud nnd bnlldtng snd uses them exclnsUely
mlngs The cornice and parapet are of for its own plant
snsstsosasstosis aetia tti
Remains Taken to Austin Where They Will
Lie in State Interment in State Cemetery
ed the highest obligations to Colonel Dar
In 1S04 he was elected to the Confed
erate congress and served In thnt body un
til the close of the war In 1873 he was
nominated by the democracy by acclanu
Lsjatwv > svs r
Process from Issuance Unlil Return to the
Bureau for Redemption
Issue Has Limited Legal Tender Privileges Expense
and Annoyance of Redemption Helps to Pre
vent Increase of Circulation
New Tork rinanrter
There are probably comparatively few
persons outside those In banking or troas
ury circles who have more than a genoial
X It l l J treated and circulate
National bank notes are
culate until their existence finally term
nates either temporarily or permanently
In the redemption bureau at Washington
Ihe things essential for the creation of the
rite are the establishment of the bank
which Intends to Issue It the procurement
and deposit of secuilty for the note and of
the required fund for ts redemption and
the mechanical preparation of the note All
of these essentials together with the tax
on Its active circulation may be properly
regarded as expenses more or less directly
clargeable ajnlnst the profits which may
be expected to accrue from the Issue of
Ibe piomlse to n y Unless however the
totc can be made freel > to circulate and
hue a compaiPtlxclv Ion life unaccom
panied by the cost of frequent redemption
the profits of circulation v111 be red c i
to a minimum nnd Nntlonal bank note t
sues will be discouraged it is true that
the com of proluting and of maintaining
the note Is partially offset by the Interest
on the bonds which hae been deposited for
its security but this interest is mnll nnd
when the premium paid foi the bonds Is
taken Into consideration the net reenue
of the security leaves Vit a narrow margin
for the reimbursement of expenses
Though absolutely secured hv bonds of
the government or by the deposit of money
with the United States treismcr when
sueJi bond are withdrawn from his cm
tody thus ensuring the rrclemptlon of th
note the bank issue has limited legal
ti nder privileges which militate to a great
er or less extent ngiiiit ll usefulness
It Ik not receltable for duties on tmpwtx
nor for Interest on the public debt nor In
redemption of Nntlonal currencj thus pine
lnr It at a dl ndvintage In competition
with other forma of paper money More
over It i unavailable as reserve by Na
tional banks and onlr to a limited extent
bv Slate banks of this SHie though bolus
redeemable In legal teniler nnd therefore
as gocnl as n gold note while the slher cer
tificate Is nuepted as part of the bunk re
cnci ITie ab oiire of full legil ender
prlllges snd the fner tint the note cau
not be counted In National bank leservos
tend to enconinge Its fiqtent redemption
through the Washington bureau thereby
adding to the expense of trnltiteninoe
Besides the limitation of legal tender
psUlleges the Nitlonnl bank note libors
under other dKichnntngos Originally
under the act of 1S03 when congress wns
more liberal In framing laws affecting
National bnnks anihert > was given for
the Issue of one two nnd three dollar bank
notes Then National hink cliculntion was
not onl beenn e of this note
ssue but also hecaii e the currencv field
wns not so fulh oci upled br legal tender
Issues The act of June 1 ISM however
provided that not moie thnn one sixth of
the notes furnished to anv binklng sssocln
Hon should be of the denomination of Ave
specie pivments should be resumed no such
assodnllon should be furnished with notes
of b loss denomination thin 1 Through
these enactments the proilts of hank note
Issues were nhrldged bv the restrictions
ns to Ihe emission nf smill notes whbh
l > elng more useful to the business commu
nllv than lnrce notes nnturnllv had n com
pnriitlvdv long life The profits of note
ilrrulatlon were also limited bv the fntt
that after being deprived of the privilege
of issuing ones twos and three s the banks
were in compitlllen with the silver eertltl
rntes and legal tenders and since the pro
hibition of issues of hank noles f S5 the
bunks hove been obliged to compete with
an lncr a ed volume of these certificates
The limitation of legal tender privileges
of National bank notes nnd the requirement
that two thirds of their volume shill be of
the denomination of from MO to and in
eluding li contribute to tne rrequent
redemptions as above stated bv Inducing
banks which mav receive the notes iu tho
regnlar course of business to assort them
out of their cash and send them to Wash
ington which Is done at the expense of
the Issuing bank One object of this pro
cedure is lo got rid of the notes which nie
unavnilnlilo ns Ninonal bnnk reserve nnd
to procure their exchange through the re
demptlon bureau for small sliver certltl
cateswhlch nre more useful for circulation
Another object Is to obtain through the
return of the legal tender In which the
tlon for comptroller of public accounts bank notes are redeemed funds availihe
was elected In 1870 was renominate I ior reserves either of the remitting bnnk
by acclamation and reelected nnd In 1S73 directly or for deposit with their correspond
was renominated iu the fnco of feeble ep C1IS at be centers The piompt forw ird
posltlou and again reelected i lng for redemption < National bank notes it
In that position he masteied nil the In n ° sometimes resorted to for tho purpose
trlcncles of Stnto finance ne recommend of economically transferlng funds to center
ed and bad pajvert the bill submitting a hrc they may be required to meet domis
constitutional umendment permitting thu tc exchange drifts or where they may eirn
Investment of the school fund In Texas h Interest which Is paid bv correspond
State bonds Tho amendment was adopted ° country bank balances The cost
nt the polls nnd the necessary legislation ° redemptions of Natlonil bank notes In
enacted la
due time thus bringing up stnto clong assorting and transportation is
securities to par The constitution of lbd > chargeible against the issuiug bank and
Conds ThViW lQ nl Sl r 100 ° aT wUI t thJA eh lr5
was fullv carried out a
line of publle pel cr KW5i Der scpn hercfore
ind embodle < l In ths thut nnunt t ° considerable Item
eonstllutlon of wo He also recommend
a new Issue of bonds at C per centum
which he sold to pay pensions nnd other
Indebtedness thereby saving tho
the Woodmen of the iorld and the Hank
era union He was about 44 years of age
Hobert Thompson of Tyler
Tyler Texas May JCItobert Thompson
returned fo Texas and served In the sen a lawyer of this nlaee died suddentr this
ate In the session of 1MU and lSd2 He piaee
returned ofler adjournment to Virginia
and with bis In
command the battles
mound Richmond second Marusns
Kharpsburg etc At Sharpshurg he rescued
the tlacof the Kourth Toxas when Its ranks
were decimated and Its color bearers shot
down Colonel Darden after the Maryland
campaign suffered so much from falling
health thnt be resigned his commission and
returned to Texas but In lSfi1 the Stat4
troops were organized and be wns eommls
slonod to tnke command of the battalion
to serve on tho coast Ilurlug this time
General Magrndcr ordered him to burn the
towns of Lavaca and Indlanola which he
Te ft tQ 2d > Mer temonitratlnt
with Magruder the order waa rescinded
and th Inhabitants of those towns exprsis
nierulug Iu a room on the third tioor of
the court hous of heart failure He was
7 > e rs old and came to this countv from
Van iSandt countv about two sears ago
If leaves a wife and three small chlldreu
Ills remains were carried this arternoou to
tirund tialluo for Interment 1
Colonel G W Norwood
Tyler Texas May vMaJor Ol W Nor
wood aged 73 years died last night after
a ubort Illness He bad been a resident of
slA C UB J with the execpetlon of a few
tbtttyflre years He was burled
especially when redemptions nre Urge and
The first cost to a National bank Issuing
circulation is that of the bonds which must
5S0000 He declined to be a canii deposited with and transfeired to tha
date for re election fn l SO and reM ed eRRUrru r ° f thr nl e < 1 st secmltv
from the office In January 1SSI When Pl se b < J2ds mut bT Potcliased by the
Hon John D McCall w7s elected comp I hanV uni n tlc n cither msrl case > ft the 2r through deal
troller he tendered to Colonel Dirden the
chief clerkship which he accepted After
ward he removed to Wharton where he
spent the remainder of his life
G V VVallia Daad
Rockdale Texas May 17Mr George 7
Wallls died at his home In this city last
night at a little before 0 oclock He had
been In poor health for some time but wss
out on the street yesterday morning hav
ing no premonition of sudden death Hem
orrhage of the stomach aud Internal hemor
i t wLe t e Immediate causes of his
if d Mth 1Ie as fop J1 prominent
in the drug business here being the senior
partner of the firm cf Wallls A Olesecke
and only retired on account of his health
iatterly he has been associated with his
brotherinlaw 1 II Kynn in the fire
Insurance business Mr Wallls leaves a
wife two children and a Urge family con
nectlon He was a clean high minded
honorable gentleman In addition to such
estate as he was able to set aside for his
loved ones his foresight prompted him to
Insure bis life In the Mutual of New York
and he carried Insurance in the Maccabees
current pie
inluui thereon must be pnld The bonds
aie transmitted to Washington at the cost
cf the bank and when other requirements
of the law shall be compiled with the notes
are prepared under direction of the comp
troller of the currency These notes aro
expensive to pioduce and the paper cn
which they are prlned Is of the finest
quality costing 4i rents per pound The
work upon the plates Is elaborate with a
to minimizing the danger of counter
felting and fraudulent alterations the cost
of engraving and printing is borne by the
bank After printing the notes are num
bcred and registered and they bear the
also the seat of the treasury The notes
f xJK5M SpoS thelr ace tb0 Promise of the
issuing bank to pay on demand which
Piomlse Is attested when the notea
put In circulation by the bank by thl si are
natures of the president or the vice nresl
dent and the cashier b notes aUo
upon their face the declaration
that they
xti S1 bT 0rnment bond deposited
with the
treasurer of the United States
The plates and dies for th notes remain
CUt ° dr ° f tbe 9MU MS
tax was by the act
of March 11 IPrtl
4 tsj
banged s urtt Xarn2Dfh lr
of Interest A further V hKn rate
mission to banksi S if ° lr
the par value ofMn T halation to
of 1 per cent as SrV1 ° fpold
the above lavw T wa mnd by
i r
alqe of the bonds io iTer hf msrkej
below par add bVni dApk1 n fall
f l moSey usfK nfd 0 VS1
security for t fc
Wn fiR Vt > bnk It
kept In er h
aellve clrculi Ton 11 uer be
We for th mtt2V0 Stl0 tiM K
they 10 paid out over the counter of th
hank to lo < nl tridesmtn or others they niu
prrnv > t > r iorn through the deposits they
mm then be elssucd Sometimes wiwi
they mo ileuoslted in a rhul bank in tin
s ri either
knowledge of the processes through vhlch j rMptfonTnr e or
I to
thej nrc pteienwd bv tbu receiving binic
A ill
the Issuing Institution for payment
tie lougir life mry be given the iuta tv
tbir Itelnj put In circulation In a distant
locilltv within the binks zone In tns
enste however ihe notes eventjillv tetiin
although more dowlv to tin issuing bin
fer i > i > iuect Should the notes lenth a
bunk lit nn Impoitant cutter they ue gen
rillv iisso ted out of the ctsh for tmiH
mission to the redemption bureau as heiin
before slated On nrrlvel nt Washington
the notes are examined and those whlc h nie
fit lot circulation are returned to the is
suing bank those which nro mutilated sio
rcdeimed out of the redemption fund wa oh
all bunks are required to milntaln to the
amount nf 5 per cent of their circulation
and the Issuing bank Is notified to rclmbutse
this fund with lawful money the redeemed
notes are replaced with new issues
It will be observed by the above that In
crnsoQuetice of the limitations In the bgil
tefdvi piivbegcH of bank notes the cost
of pieraratlon and maintenance the ex
pense nnd annoyance of frequent tcdouip
tlons the competition nf tnlted btntes Is
sues of cuireucv of smaller denomlnitlom
than hank notes the competition also of
denoslfs of pnbllc money In depository banks
thiougkout the conntu which deposits tend
to cheapen the value of money the uUh
nice for lnlt d States bonds which Indu e
thnlr withdrawal fer sale by hanks haw a
deposited there ns accurltv for circulation
and whah high prices also discourage he
issue < t notes hv Institutions which might
otbuwlse take out or Incicasc their clieulj
tlon and the Inability to score adeqtnt
lettirn from the litM of notes by nason
of the gradual broadening of the area r
low nie for n > oneylicoiuse of these oh
At First No Charge Was Made but Pub
lishers Soon Cauoht On
New York Commercial
With thousand of advertising ngenti la
Marvelous Elixir of UfeDisr i
by Famous Doctorientistg
Cures Every Known Alln
Wonderful Cures Are ff
That Seem Like Miracle 1
formedThe Secret of uj
Life of Olden Times Rejji i
The Remcay Is Free to All uw
fame and
After of
study Sod
Into the dusty record of the
ns following modern experiments ill
realms of medlral science Dr liJ J
Kldd 1701 Dalles bulldlpg Fotr
ind makes the follonln
sTiticiliig nGifices which can not lie over ment that he has surelv dlciT 4
come I Is not sUi priding that bank note f f Th a
elrcnlniion htm not expanded almost mil Z yl0 > i
passu with the Increase In the number of au of a mjsterions compound isowjmS
banks and of th lr capital Though tterc to himself produced ss t resnlt t f
are 8 < W more bnnks now than existed Mirch Telrs ue ha pent searcllnr f m
14 info and J04 11 > mere bankfipltil hl lnf
the fliittandlne circulation has lnrcis d Prp ous llCghlng boon to care ju
unlv in073B77 whtrens under Ibe author every disease that Is known to tin ton
T tfWu II n I l n t
he calls It for he sends It free tourm
who Is a sufferer Id sufficient atitA
to convince of Its ability to cure itin
Is absolutely no risk to rnn Soaiiits
cures cited are verv rea kibl nj it
for reliable witnesses would iirdr ti
credited The lsme h o brtws iru
crutches and walked about itttr tai t
thiee tilnls of the remedv The ill jtj
edoct3rs bien
buslnesi todav merely for the profit thut p n y hom have reV < J
comei of bringing tho advertiser aud tne their families and friends la perfect Is
pnbhsher together it seems strange Indeed y AfcXtJ
that In the very enrllest stages of the buM bladder troubles dlsapp ir as t apt
ness the ads were not paid for at an lleadaches backaches neroiijisi Ipa
dollars nnd It was provided also thnt after j j nena Value presumably otfsettlnc unv consumption coughs colls nthBLS
tatrh bronchitis nnd all
ndvmitigo that the Inserter might gala aCerJaii eifa
irum them throat lungs or any vital org trHii
> fin as Is ascertained by reference to overcome Iu a space of time taitlttt
tN inillest news folios th first advertise marvelous i
inent In anv newspaper was on tnat ie Partial paralysis locomotor lint
ferred to the theft of two horses It np dropsy gout scrofula and piles treattt
penrcd In an early number of a paper en permanently removed It ptullafii
istlng merely of a snort ofiiclil > ri SaIL
notice In italics at the end of each number 8eDt Toa br retnrn
nnd not headed with tbe titlj adveitis i
mnnt I
Ono of tho first to appearunder such n named William Shannon was l phrw11
heading in that paper waa contained In the of Mr Lassnle
number for Ma > 0 1U07 It is sufttclentlv The Shannons lived on the west lilts
remarkable to reproduce and urns like this the river nt Vlncennes and doriot u
An Advertisement Wu jre by his males dlan rnld nil the members thereof txif
t > s command to glvo notito that by rea Albe wcro massacred In this Mr Uj
son of the great heats which are growing salle explains why the girl wis Mt Hla
on there will bo no further touching f r a point which the author of the licet
the evil until Michaelmas next And ac ord rl < o Thompson failed to even ltt W
Inglv all personi concerned aro to furbtar The old man says that the girl <
their addresses until that time This cu running from the savages crK
lions advertisement so far as is known aictt Mon dleit and the Indians t
has escaped tha attention of historical ing thnt bho was of French dew
writers it was repeated in four or five sub lowo < l her to live She found a boat rat
sequent Gazettes after which on finds it t0 cr ° ss the river was taken about U
no more
0115 wi ° hlid l05t d ° Sa or ober prop
erty began to give notlca thereof In the
tall column of the Gazette and tn value
fn c en pJcr as a m Humfor advertls
ofC e 5 btca recognlted Tho duke
tic i marle oM 5eem 0 haT been par
tlcularly unfortunate for his advertises
s app r eTeral tlmca oncT for
wMct Breyhonnd Intelligence concerning
which was to bo communicated to the
duke s porter at the cockpit Prince Runcrt
to be frequent
appear the royal stables
nnd takonry not even Deing secure aq
vertisemtnts however were soon to he
Sll B t bVt i Msr
far i htel1 Een l < man named Egbertus
Ills of the
city of Utrecht comes on the
n < ln forms th
fskMif orms mibUr at he Is
skillful In the cure of
modest h defAc 5f Jb i > ody crookedness such atho
lommeacement of the creat
style of advertisement Jlnca
has SlnCa at
tallied such gigantic proporYlonT
CommercinT advertising
next took Its ri
and son extended Wo
find f
Ung his bow to
Norcock hanncl This was Mr
wasr T
llIK ° 0p Dd
r b p
so obvious n consdVa ol r r0 T
tics nat 9 nra c
very soon began of ehrrii KT
but sixpence for insertlnr anvJ WJ pept
twelvepencfl for any ofh y 00k nor u t
relating to the iPtfSgg
Ansifstfs 0U5T i
shilling for each insertlonl are1 a
a series The Observator tZ Sf pc1c for
a shilling for eight line aSi 1 rbarBd
Gentlemans Co
Currant ntry
In > i m
vcrtlsementn 001 ad
at the no
Pence a line Tiw iSS i prl < ot < >
charged for many years 1
two ahiitu
As years went on advertlwmJo a
both In number and price tn eJeact eas
last century they became TerJ tljr > uo
the papers andver MSce S ln a
rlved rpvenuo
fiom them has been
factor in their Income n a denized
Original Alice of Old Vlnc
Cincinnati Enquirer nnes
The only man living today who
Plain the ht Mn
characters In the
f Old Vlncennes r ° A
ind in the plrson a
Jhdse f the probate M e
the Logansport bar jWif
nt jWi
the fester father of Alice wh
was Mary Shannon d0ghlr Bame
Shinnon captain of ot w am
Urks rcglS Mr uT 7 D Qeor
la Vlncennes over dghtV Wa born
afterward cared for by the rs Uets
the town
Her foster father known ai Gujrt
Koulssllon In the novel was no Ma
I rnncls Uosseron the graadfitiei t
Senator Hanna Scene Shiftef
Saturday Evening Post
Senator Hannas Waahlngtaa M r
Joins the Lafayette theater li ti
and not Infrequently while etTtt
terlng his door the distinguish e
man and maker of presidents has ttud
taken for an actax
Kecently ho stood In front of W >
dence talUng with one of his coIlMP
A matinee group of young pwp <
vejed tbe Western Warwick stalrStf
The Senator Is a much youner lo K
man thaa mauy of his published pkjj
represent him to be and It wsj S
that he had not been recognlifd W
merry company discussing him p
n young lady and gentleman sppj
him Wo beg your pardon M
young man lifting his hat bnt I
a little dispute we arc havUf
jou would kindly tell us whetstf r
specialty Is tragedy or comedy
The senator was greatly mae W
should say he replied glancing wsiP
ly at his questioners that my j
at the present rroment and
former cartoons of the democrstt t
seems to be seriocomic
tells tt
Then his colleague who
remarked to the embarrassed
Iermlt me my young frlesdi i r
Bent to you Senator Uanns oaf
greatest scene shifters America
AModel City
Boston Herald rfs
What promises to be one of B l
terestlng exhibits at the St
the plan which Mr Albert Kelsf Aj
Inent architect of Philadelphia f
wltbls V
and drawn up of creating
hlbltlon grounds what wpuld llSt
termed a model city It
that the great exhibitions wab
held In this country such for fJJTif
the Centennial Exhibition t
and the Columbian i
cngo have had a decided lnflnencj
American people IVo bare Siig
ninny things by these exbl tjnj
way of combining besuty with jp
In too many Insttnces the state Dejt >
tk a a is in r D13 it m
rair tne general r rltat1
best way of planning a city Jllit I1
to future quite as much as to I1
A Negro Shot Q
< l Sf
Bryan Texas May 17 In a
the Smith and Carson farm w
bottom a negro named Deck
e ft 4
shot by the farm mensger i Ji
ratd to have shot at the
wounded negro will get wall
i li