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jChristf Texas Among the Northern visitors to this section ef Texas
t miu fteCaptain Eli Ramsey of Centervllle Iowa who came to the Southland
noble incentive to visit the battlefield of Buena Vista near Saltillo Mex
a a youth of 17 he participated in the celebrated battle of Buena Vista
funeral Taylor as well as Jefferson Davis Captain Ramsey is now past his
vividly recalls the stirring scenes enacted on the field of martial
It but glory
rfiftvfie aB0 > He has bcen 6Pendin5 the past few months in Laredo
Jtited Saltillo last month and went from there to the old battleground where
recruit of the Second Illinois and 4445 other chivalrous and gallant
hey put Santa Anna and his 32000 trained soldiers to flight
which the historical
InottS exactly the spot on battle of Buena Vista was
describes incidents of that fierce struggle He also
nd vividly says he knows
htre all his fallen comrades have their last resting place and located them
visit there In narrating the incidental proceedings of the battle of
Ramsey related the following interesting historical
Vista Captain data
1 had marched from Monclova Mexico under command of General Wool
rmy had already achieved great glory at Palo Alto and Reseca de la
in the capture of Matamoros the storming of the bishops palace at Mon
ind the capture of city
Oar army under General Wool had not seen any actual fighting and we were
for a scrap Wools entire command was composed of raw recruits and
te s first and Second Illinois an Indiana regiment a Mississippi regiment
r Jefferson Davis a cavalry regiment from Arkansas and Braggs artillery In
le had 4445 ncn against Santa Annas 22000 veteran soldiers On the cven
General Taylor arrived from
0f February 20 1846 Monterey and assumed
nana The flower of his army had been sent to reinforce General Scott who
from Vera Crur Santa
advancing on the capital Anna had determined to crush
remainder of Ta > lors forces especially those under Wool advancing through
north We had
mountain parses from the falling back through the moun
before Santa Annas
for t o or three da > s overwhelming advance When
checked and
lor armed we were immediately turned in the direction of the
the of the 21st our regiment moved out towards the Mexicans
ray On evening
battle With the of
ng viay in line of light skirmishing there was little
t on the 21st
Just at dusk General Taylor rode along the ranks of his little army seated upon
which has often been
famous white charger mentioned in history He said to
hcompany Boys you must fight like h 1 tomorrow If we are captured we will
none be murdered
daylight on the of the 22nd that the
It was Just at morning Mexicans ad
ced Colonel Bowles regiment the left wing of the army gave way on the
t onset and several regiments swung around our flank and succeeded in getting
our rear Our lieutenant colonel Morrison seized the flag from our mortally
andtd color bearer waved it aloft and shouted to us to rally round the flag We
time Davis rallied
led and at the same his Misstssippians and we
rjed througW the living wall towards the rear We finally cut our way through
he main body We fell behind a stone building which 1 found was still standing
the battlefild when I visited it last week Here we made a stand and the other
inentJ ably assisting we drove the enemy back This ended the fight until
The ball was again opened by the First and Second Illinois about 2 p m mak
a charge In this charge Colonels Hardin and Bell were killed We advanced
the Mexican lines and there were ordered to retreat Falling back the Mexi
u greedily snapped up the bait The charge had only been made to draw them on
in behind Braggs artillery it opened with furious fire The
iastte fell a Mcxi
is scarcely flinched but advanced to the very mouths of the guns which were
iirg forth like a volcano We poured in a destructive musketry fire at the
re time but the Mexicans manifested the most heroic courage We finally had to
b with our muskets and then with what losses sustained in the advance and
r stubborn resistance they began wavering
A little more grape Captain BraggI yelled Taylor and they got the gTapr
jy broke and fled The slaughter had bcen something awful The moment the
it commenced we leaped forward in pursuit We followed Santa Annas army
forty miles but met with no further resistance It had been driven from Buena
sU in headlong flight and I suppose was not rallied again until it confronted
stt in the march to Mexico City
Early in the fight young Clay son of Henry Clay of Kentucky an officer of the
etal staff was killed He was greatly beloved by the army and was as brave a
1 as ever wore a sword
In addition to the interest which always attaches to the recital of the story of
coming of the first settlers of a locality there is rmlch of romance surrounding
matter The simple annals of the brave and hardy pionecers who came to
us and loated an what is now Ellis county to carve out new homes for them
es dates back only about sixty years but time is fast removing all who took part
the early scenes
There is nothing more interesting in the history of the early settlement of a
v country than the legends and traditions that connect us with the past of long
rt jears when other feet besides the white mans traveled the hills and dales of
s lovely county
A fe i mljtfirom this city there is a little mound near the banks of the Waxa
chie creek nu chas not been disturbed by the advanced civilization of the white
in In this little mound rest the remains of one of the fairest daughters of the
isla a Indians a hostile tribe that once inhabited this county She had been
sotd and won by a young brave belonging to Chief Piacidios tribe and ere the
seymoon had ended the young bride was stricken with fever and chills Nothing
at the young husband could do could stay the grim monster and she wasted away
4 in a few months died No pen can picture the stolid distress and grief of the
ins husband and lover He buried her lifeless body in a lovely spot near the
eelcs bank where the rippling water and the songs of the birds at all times
inldthant the requiem to his departed love He held nightly and daily vigils over
r crave until nearly exhausted by famine when he would go away but to return
the sad memento of his grief The lone grave was not long forgotten by him
d no matter the distance he would return to the lonely spot and hold sad com
nion with the departed
In the courc of time he joined a hostile band of the Comanches and drifted fur
er west to fight against the white mans invasion and in a fierce battle he was
rielcen down but it seemed that his spirit still kept vigil at the lone grave and
cording to an old legend often at night when a late passer chanced along the
ghway there could be seen the silent sentinel standing at the spot where the Indian
aiden rested The grave is now overgrown with tangled wildwood and has long
see been forgotten and the spectral visitor has not been seen for jears
W A Ownbv
A Post correspondent was recently in that section of Texas which is further
on a railroad than any point in the United States on the Great Staked Plains
t it requires a weeks trip to get a load of wood and two weeks for a load of
Tien leaving this country a drive of twentyfive miles was made in the early
orning before reaching a house for breakfast The house was a half dugout
e kome of a young couple from Central Texas who bad been living there about
u jears While the house was scrupulously clean it was lacking most of the
ajenienccs of life and many of the necessities The furniture consisted of two
> a bed without sheets or pillow cases a bacon box covered with domestic for a
user overhung by a mirror of six by eight inches in dimensions There was no
noting no wallpaper no bricabrac
A sweetfaced young woman was cooking the breakfast with one hand and
wing 4 baby with the other arm Beside the faces and demeanor of the couple
only evidences of refinement were photographs of some good looking people in
ha silver frames and a stack of Cosmopolitans and McClures
A cr eating the lady was handed 50 cents for the breakfast and she stated that
e meal was worth but 25 cents and asked the traveler if he did not hae a
Mm r lci gorrel In n garden
MOTi r v ti
a 1 ° S ° 5
Mmv 1rVaS dIher ncg b Itut
icier why he when the meal worth but cents ana hh rf
paid 50 cents was 25 try t u want t0 knolv wliat m
fJwss simile means
hy I tell you heart went out to that poor girl Her language hef
hcr face > all show that she was reared in refinement and more affluent cir
and 1 am glad of the ° PP ° rtunity t0 contribute in that smalt amount to
er id
Tlle drivers reply was disconcerting Pshaw he said they dont care any
f atout that twobits They are pretty well to do They own a certain number
cuons of land and a certain hundred head of cattle and are easily worth eighty
° and dollars O A Zuuwalt
One touch of pity makes the world akin
Sunday night in the Panther City time 956 The people were leaving
out i wlcre thcy ha < l been listening to more or less eloquent sermons
tra1 i owly Nazarene who came to
tlht be Kvcn t0 a11 who Ieleved on Him and obeyed His gospel
In ft
ri 1 lr car on the Cotton Belt train silently weeping a lady prematurely
y nd Beside her small boy too to realize the
justf neglect was a young
mnuma ily of the hushand and father who with the natural born w
act f a st base deceiver had left him and his mother destitute and helpless
ma t0WI1 Tlc woian had managed to raise enough money to buy a
v tn iort Worth and she wanted to go to a town be > ond where she had rcla
ojj 8n having money enough at Fort Worth to buy her ticket toc her destina
As it her b3BKage she got aboard the train anyway c
it tram nas leaving Fort Worth her condition became Known to a few
tree VCngers amons whom was F S Harris the fat and jolly Angel of Com
ded Nasl > ville Tcnn Mr Harris like the loyal gctUleman he is pro
ftdfuti b e S1 thing He panhandled the crowd and soon secured the
Ullv i ie mcd over to the lady Conductor B W Musgrove per
Fort v pon himself to take charge of the ladys checks and return them
tuuu tfc and havc her baggage rcchccked and sent on the nejit train to her
where declining as
iw ovinS relatives will endeavor to make her years
w u possible under she will probably be unable to
the circumstances though
Miaf 2 x
± < X < Jfl
As nobody reads beauty articles noiva
dais for eicry other woman Is writing
1 them we can scrutinize the operations nf
the b gone nrt with the attention people
usually give to loH crafts
Ilie culture of beauty was put of religion
with Egyptians nnd Itomans and tbelr older
world lu which priests mingled the pci
fumes nnd cosmetics and sold them for
the benefit of the temple on costly tcrmi
no donbt Their formulas for beautifying
were engraved on marble tablets In bidden
rccpsses Dont you wish ou coulu Hud
some of tuoin
Look over the Old Testament carefully
nnd see the pinilslon mude In undent ritual
for the care of womens beauty The myrrli
nnd frankincensennd benzoin used In the
trllct are stimulants and prcseriatlves at
nerve aud complexion while prefnmes cou
truiy to the Idea which lias preiulled for
11 number of icnrs purify the nlr and re
fresh tho brnln prevent disease and re
store quiet to the nones
Whattvcr Is pleasant In life ministers to
l7lost Is good In Us time nrtlvlty good
In lt season Tho ftesh keen sptlng wind
refrehcs oieiy atom of tlsmie In the UiIuk
otrnni m rerfumo stimulates and If
rightly used rejuvenate
The use nf perfumes la a delicate and In
teresting study
The oil werld knew bow to kill on
riiemv with perfume Todav we know now
to cure a hcudnihe or inlse one from a
deathlike i > woou with perfumes
The parts which the odors of llrlng plants
piny In keepluz clearness of brain and
freshness of feeling Is less understood W ll
1 > not mstUy delbjnt
fV > v
The Mule Maybe theyll understand after a while that 1 am IT
forget the brutality of the man who wooed and won her in the spring time of life
when all the world seemed bright and joyous
Alas I How soon for some is loves young dream oer
Mans inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn but for mans
Inhumanity to woman no one can pen words of condemnation severe enough
Jake Smith and his outfit had been shipping cattle from Baird They had worked
all day Saturday and almost nil of Saturday night About 3 oclock Sunday mottl
ing they loaded the last car Tired cold and hungry they went by a saloon and got
enough whisky to warm up on and then went out to their camp which was on a
small creek near the town Jake felt weary and wrapping his blankets about him
lay down and was soon fast asleep He awoke to find himself sailing through the
nir into a tenfoot pool of water Swimming out he said nothing for even the
Boss must take what comes when the bojs are 111 a rollicky humor
In turn each of the sleepers was treated to an ice bath About the time the last
man was crawling out on the bank of the creek and just as the sun was rising a
stranger came riding over the hill to he camp and inquired if they had seen any
thing of a small black pony Yes sir replied Jake hes out thcie with the bosses
Git down and warm and the Ivys will get him tor you The stranger nltRlitcd but
had no sooner touched ground than a stalwart cowboy walked up to each side of
him and catching him by the arms started to the creek with him singing as they
went Amazin grace how sweet the sound Whrn they reached the creek they
caught him by the slack of his troineri and in he went He rose to the surface and
swam to the bank Sitting there he calmly survejed the crowd and remarked
Gentlemen is this thing customary in this country
Yes its customary a Jake s reply We will teach you to hunt bosses on
Sunday The stranger mounted his horse and roile off with the water sloshing out
of his boot tops while Jake led in the song There were ninety an nine
Colmesneil has an industry that is unique and it elicits interest and patronage
from all parts of the Union About four years an enterprising young farmer resid
ing near town decided to combine with his agricultural pursuits that of a side line
which he designated as his department of natural history specimens He gathered
about him a collection of animals fowls insects rocks ores etc native to this
section and is now raising ground squirrels flying squirrels wood mice rabbits
birds etc and is doing quite a paying business in selling and shipping specimens of
his collection to people interested in such things Not until early lait year did he
begin soliciting patronage for this department which he did by placing advertise
ments in Eastern papers devoted to natural history During the jcar just ended
he received orders mostly from the New England States and some from Canada
his shipments during the year netting to him about 500
Among the shipments made by him were a number of chameleons or green liz
ards ground squirrels wood rats both live and taxidermized birds minks wood
bugs or beetles butterflies bird eggs and spiders including a tarantula
The catlier process of acquiring small animals and birds was that of trapping
but this was uncertain and slow and the young man now has a regular museum of
pet animals and is raising them by the score of several kinds His business in tln < s
line is rapidly growing and because of its lucrativeness and I113 pleasure in it
threatens to overshadow his agricultural ambition It is also an excellent object les
son in turning to good account an opportunity unthought of and unseen by others
eoa aaooa ao Ao ooo o oaoea ocea oceaeooooaac
The Part Which Perfumes Play in the Preser
vation of Our Good Looks
io oe o ooe o oo oo oeoeo e o < o oouooci oou oooooa
We none of us wish to be beautiful oh
The age Is much too Intellectual nnd high
ly deieloped to waste thought upon per
sonal attractiveness
The width of tho feminine shoe the
thickness of the feminine sole the stiulght
ness of tho feminine bang the width of
the fcmlnlue waist ineasuic the awful
nqunrenoss of the feminine shoudor with
liti military cut which the inllltla never
wear all show how icmote the feminine
mind Is today from all thoughts of attrac
tlon and pleasing
Look Ht the best pictures of thirty years
mark the difference between them
ago and iuui > iit 1 < UI < lu
hcre the wood is worth 14 a cord and the coal 13 a ton where going to ftnd those which adorn the arlcty columus
market to select and secure a considerable purchaso requires more time and is a today
undertaking than it is for the average Texan to visit New York and have pB c rS wg Ch7ou look
Wwases shipped home to him by freight vnln today
If this were my day for telling the truth
which It Is not I should say that tho pic
tures today were a lot of commonplace be
lncs very anxious to wield tie Influence
and pioducc the effect of sweet temper
nnd beauty without taking the trouble for
nut dont toll anybody I said so
When you want a secret kept the best
way Is to tell It In a nnith wind on a stieot
If you wish to disseminate Information
confide your luraost thoughts In tho plain
est language to the person In whom you
hive most confidence with the Injunction
not to mention It If It doesnt run thiough
He answered that the breakfast was particularly relished and was worth the neighborhood within eight daj like
fill to the sight but thev minister to tho
health nnd well brine of the household
I icmembcr a Utile house which was the
most piifeitlj well kept lu io pcu to un
ness and cleniitlniss nf am thing I ewf
knew Tor the month of nprll doors nnu
wludowH or unused looms stood open ill
the sunny bonis of the ilai that the winds
might sweep away all linces of wlntn
The halls were sneit with the porfmnS I
of dil d sweet clriei fiom th lersy
meadows another held the undvlnjr fii
granro of white sago fiom the ricile
The studv was spired with Immense vas s
of baybeiry which blended nleaiantly wJti
dried plants of verbena ehiks and fragrant
golden md with Its tlusc or boiizon ndn
sweet eloier ORnln and balsam 11 r pll uws
irncwrd each sensou
If you nro skrpllcnl of the effect of per
fumes the nest time ynu find iniirself
slccplcfs pour a few drnn of oil of hrcu
dnr on our plllnir ijr slip a bag nf liven
der blossoms Inside the plllmr case where
ou can dlicetly Inhale the ccnt
It Is tho swfilcut sedatlie fjnlettug tho
nerves from head tn foot charming fie
ache nwav fiom the tired brnln nml scud
lng you Into deep refreshing hntlsfyln
If any woman would carry nulet steady
nerics throiiKh trying dajs let her sir
round herself with lavender perfume and
take a few drops of the red lavender whlih
used tn he the sole substitute for sulfonal
chlnrnl and nil their dancernns tribe
The freshest of frosh nlr It must bo re
pealed over nnd mer ncnln Is the best re
stOrstlvc for high strung nerics but fall
lng this hvender disinfects and neiilralUcH
bad nlr and In nnlUeptb to brain nnd Iiuis
A wn good effect cau be olilulueil In
the earlier stnees of ltinz disease by Inhnl
lng oil nf iMendor poured Into binltivt
water surioiindliig the luvnlld with Its nt
mospheie If ynu would haie coot g op 1
air the room horodchl before oJng to lol
and pour n little oil from 1 teaspoon on mn
stoic down he register nr oil u sponge
dipped Into wry hot water
Or you miiy ary thl < with llr oil and
balsam Keep the nlr of a boiwe nil sot
urated with theso perfume and the chnu os
are greatly lessened for Uklng contalu a
Mynh has held Its esteem for the toilet
from the earliest need nnd descries M hnve
lis liencuts particularly looked Into A niori
thorough antHeptle for Interior orgin in
bardlv known whether the trouble lUs
with n decaying tooth tubercular longs or
ulcerntlns membrane v
If families would only nse pints ofmrrrh
ciosttt house pUnU cxe wUre now thty we oaacti it would iaye
ym > 4r
matiT doctors bills You dont wantt to nse
It almplr ti > perfume n tooth wash 01 nnrp e
Its nsltlngdit cited shmilil te felt In tlio
liuch cnltr of the teotl should tie well
hrushoil with 11 drop of Wear ttmtnro
pnmed on tlie brush ami the mouth noil
tinned two or tineo tlnie with 11 solution
of half 11 teaspoon of tliirtnio to 11 half plut
of w liter The tluent a lion lit lie caifiled
with II two or throe times which will keen
the oloo In repali ninl tlie Inst thlid of
tlie class slioulil lio BWiillowoil Thou nf
on 11 I Mid lo lme a tbmmtKlily cem
mouth nnd Interior
Tlie half teaspoon of mvnli with roox I
onllnim nno of the tooth liuuli dlieilv
nftfr ench menl will present mol thrit
it ml incentive tioithlit which toll so hardly
on tho constitution 1
OUTTINC inn OK mins 1
Tho catarrhal ooiulliloim which come
with spitng wIiiiIh ami nro tho nnMiulut 1
foes to good lookii call lio winded olf liv
two precautions bv Looping thoroughly I
wnim 11111I tho uno of niitlwptle prfmnes
Tlio CHIC of the nude mill thloit Is ll t
moiclj n donli tu clcaiilliiov It pioaruts
n bundled forms of nvmniH nllmeiiH Two
01 lluce tlniiM dull tlli > nne wniilhl ho
waehiil out with wnim unlet mitt tleiti
M > ii nn it thin handkerchief ami tin ed
with diluted lituiulni wntei applied clthei
lu spmj or ii Hue Inii Ihls with 11
gntgle of mMih piet nil the ml hlei
In the mmoim luenihiiiii which npp 11 In
cold soick snltlllngti nnd smifrllnio wlibhi
mxko ono11 gnclcli molded
A touch vf dluto mirih tlntiirp 011 n cold
sore will ijinke shoit work of ll and tlnec
diops of tliuture of nn nil In t nce hnlf
pints of wntoi npplltd l > y pulilnir the wit
nmidkenhlcf oici the ciod wil I > i < ie iho
sight nnd take nwnv the hlur aul uniy
expression which dies such an ngcit look
to Iho rjcii
Yon can msnsnEo the chcoks Into plump
nosii nnd ciiltlviito eheuilic bloom pmso
lour lips Into n nouibbn < of youthful
plqiianev nnd rub the llii out nf vonv
iniehtfld but tho oie me the telltnle of
If the c nnee Is liilllliint clear nnd
slcnilv one will ulnars Ionic the tmrrii
of 1011II1 StenmliiR the oics wllh n 101 v
lltflc iiiurh In the hot water Is lionntlilil
nnd sticnKlheiilnir 10 the nlTi > Itut Iho
linen of invirh do not 0111 Iieie Thin
satchels of It quilted Into sill and ivntn
hi > r the ulnmiich nnd nbdnnicn me won
derful proprieties naJlnsi tnornilttcnt
foiors nnd ulccinllons Mvnh thniwiKhlr
used hnrilciiK the llesih and preient lh ne
cmiiulitlon nf llnbliv adipose A tispmm
nf murh In ponder q Mted between the
old rose or heliotrope ilnnnrl lining of a
Mile uwlcrsklit In n lueasiue prevent tho
flooiiniulntlrit nf flenli iliniit the wnlst I
Mmnlv embalms the tUsne of llvlne is well
11a dead nnd hnlf a teaspoon hi the ilipd
kMcMs under the mms will lessen per
Wnshliic moist palms with n little tine
lure In hot water keeps them In better
order nnd n little mvtrh rubbed un In cold
cream Is perhaps the best preparation to lio
rnlilied between the tn and over the
nails to keep them fresh In nil senses
Rhliley Dare
Buffalo Bill Oversees the Work on
Barnurns Old Stamping Ground
Nen Yoik Join mil
In Ilrldscpoit where once tho llnnn of
nminim inured tbeio now lesoiuuls tho
irlffhltic nf Buffalo Hills bis livid of wld 1
hor M In a miuvelon wav the lenli
< pit nd like erent mushrooms oiei the in Id 1
mar the winter quiutem lu a 1 il mil
Iluffnln Illll Btnited the leniEaulmilmi f
1 In fninnuk Wild Wet that bus enur
1 tUned the people nf all uitlnli
lust nt the < lnf of the ln t neison
the odor of bonks while the Inns slttln idir exhibition tlirouzhcut Kiicllnn
room wllh Its lie uliidown which oiriab
the sun nl day held n cordon like perfuiin
In winter bv cirtuln Incontatlniis notirel
down iho icjclMer In the lupe nf oils not
too ftaginnt In their natural state which
rolatllred br heat stralclmvnv diffused nil
the odors of the August lniveis
IlmrtjMivfj Tin room
Later It mlitbt be iMIrntc with the nronn
of numbcilcss bowls of tea lot or the
fin haie brought nier n rompimv
llsh in nil i men twelve of whom w
ribbon of South African nen Ice
menmeiK brmulit lerinni in > d
hnve been cnnnled and ciulpped 10
henilniiailers nt nntCMllIe
of oleafmsrans that sweetest ble nillni i i Wert tinln wit < wretrkd In a on
fruit mid llnnci fiusinne diffused In th u on between fhsiotte N I and Dan
most liiblsiilftcnul blosxoni All tho bureui Hr Vn nnd almost iicrv nnu of tin
dinners and clocets had their sept rote i blnedcd horses tint weie woit tnnrorr Kj
odois nf red ednr lii > nsrlii wit dead rose wtMli nuder the npui nf reofco ildeiK
One clcset uns frasiint with n srtnt In weie killed outisht or crushd mil nuinxl d
so thai thev bad to be killed Iie
seemed Iricpninlile The horses had bei n
trnned to know the drills ns wol 11s tlirlr
riders Itufialo Hill set his loss down at
Colmicl Cndv decided to looiznnlxo the
st im
f rime
11 r ni
much ildns and Iluffalo Illll cot ngithor
IiIh own 1 nw Imj k and McxWhii vioinmi
nnd fiom Ilne llblBP losenntlmi liioiijlit
Into camp slxlv Sioux some nf them eti
llolieed hniinieii like lilmsi If olh n nlin
stronu tunpeiisltlcs to remain untimid red
pel sons
splcn of carnation or the delicate sweet I Then nine the bin woil trilnliip nn < n
ness of immense branches of ppe bio JC perfni innme Pn Vo
sonis nmnlh hoises untamed iinbi < n
Tho nttle was scented wllh linmniornble rr < mi the brold iniigeo nf the West
and nnw thev hnve bei n bioucht to
UlldKcroil Vesierdnv the strenuous t K
nf lucoklng them In was undirlnken by tun
American I npllsli Oermm Mexican Wl
Indian rough rldetd It furnished a tTie
tndcr n big oval tent tho hundreds of un
broken animals are cntrnled restless I
snorting quHTlng with cicclteraent nt the
slightest noise In the tent went Iluf I
falo Itlll yesterday with Johnny linker tils
foster son and chief lieutenant eiscant
Tom Isbell of the loeli riders and laitlii
Snwders who won tlie chninnloiishlp for
rough ildlns nt Denier In Iwil
A wild nelithliig and tugging nt tiil wj
erected the Imaslnn rift or tnoie hciscs
driven Into the turf rlnc and besleg
ncie < il bv the con boys and irmiierns sll ojer
the rjeld the ionJioys tried to nildle tlie
lirnnebos Once In 11 while 11 ennboy wnnM
mnke a ipilck lenp Bt a sent In the Mil
die the horse would be unleashed and wait
en a mad aallop hind In air ff n10
mul Jhwh distended Soaree u hoiso but
would stop Uort rear plunge and no a
few of thxm rtiidln nl this of no n pll
would full and roll on the turf Then tbo
rldet had to be marielouKlv nimble to save
IiIh IhmIv from being crushed
for mastery niil
It si as n wniideifiil fight
In three htMirs n iionilmiiK result had been
ditnlned The wlinnplne rldem were dashliig
erntind the ring oil steeds tlml thnujfh full
of ir > and tiecd answered faithfully tho
culdatire of the reins Sowders Comproa
mul Isbell rrde wild nulmils barebacj
Tin 11 the inde lluce nhreast llrlng rlstcls
mer the horsd heads training them to
take hmdles at smuzlnc speed Only one
man cot Jiurt Yellow ham n Sioux who
whs kicked on tbo arm and the bono was
nuffalo Bill rays the whole herd of un
tdmed hows will haTe bfen thnrouKhly
tuoken In time for theopenlng at Madison
Ssuire gaxden nest Monday
mi ww mw j wwimn ww ww
Your Rent
Be rter to iurn
fife theres no place
llkr home H
We provide the tcov
orjjcu to otin vour
own ftonie a large
one or a small one
Von niulk vour jK
plans we bnildyour
fiouic or jicu select
the property and be
pay or It Klther
Way It Will be Just
as you Want It jr
mjjuaiJBK rn
ammawmrtMvm ± m
Pay For It
And Heres an Opportunity for Her to Have One
And nery one of them would liavo It If she weie permitted to manngo the
finances She would put the money now spent foolishly Into n home by becoming
a member of our company nnd thus Id pnjlnc for ll oirry month If every hus
band who readu this will economise a little on his dtlnks his cigars nnd tobacco
nnd on tho many other cxpendllmos itini nro nut absolutely ncccssaty and give
that money to Ids wife to catty a contract or two In our company ho will be
agreeably surprised lo see how sonn ho will haie a homu of hs own and k io
what ho Is now pajlng In rent Tiy It
Our plan Is feasible It Is Indised by tho best business men of tho United
States Tho people of Houston and th Is part of Texas have seen what we are
doing In the pmchase of homes for out mcmbris and they no longer doubt our
ability to do oil wc haie adiertlscd we will do
Count up what you haie paid out In tent theso many years and then figure
out what you will nam by ownlux jour own home and paying for It for less than
It nnw costs you for lent That Is what wo offer you If It pays the laudlord
to own your home It will pay 3011
enters ami Interest Payers
Havent you paid out money long enough to And out that jou U Invo uo
chance to better your condlllnn niilll you take ndinntnge nf our plan Isnt It
common sense to take ndinnl ige of 1 plan that will make tho amount you pay nt
rent or Interest bin ynu a home One good icaum whv you should tiy to f a i
homo under our plan Is heciinte wo protect jou while sick or out of employment
Dont Say it Cant lie Done Until You Have Investigated
Explanation To become a meniher yon pay 3 00 as n membership fee nu eai h
1f > 00 jon want tolnicst No limit Then 3011 pay 2 > per month on each 1W
uiilll our eontmct matures In the sniie order as received After maturing mein
lng when jou bub your lininc jou pay U73 per month on each 1000
Our P lan is the Old English CoOpcratlvc Plan
that has built over r0000 homes for the working clashes In nngland during tho
last 10 years and lias snied millions of dollars to tho uoiklngmcn
Coopointlio lionxihulug has come to stay It Is n ilemoiitiated success
Houston Texas May i M > 2
Houston Home Ilnllrtlns Co Operative Co Houston Tevm
tJeiillcmenI wish to thniik jnn for your ptoniptiiesn In buclng my house witn
fix rooms located at IM2 Slate stricl KlMli wind which would lendlly ictit for
fl2 > per month and 1 pay 1171 on the homo tin a menilier of your conipanv I
Ime bcen pajlng 7 00 per month for some time fni 1 tbiooinon house Of the
filT i 1 am now pijlug fiMKl goes tn pay fur my home and I renlly pay only 7
cents a month imt I atn wish tn Ihiiiik ion fnt the jgpntleuuinty manner li
which I have always been Healed by you Veiy lespcclfully yours
Houston Homo llnlldlng CnOpernllie Co
Ontlemon As many pcopo haie askrd
eluded tn milo one statement do for all
me about your epmpany I bnie con
I nm 11 member of your eompinjr and
hold n mntuied enntimt My home wis furnished by ti for T00 nnd U n hotter
house nnd more desliable lni itlon than tho place 1 rented hefoie nnd pild W if
n month rent I 11 in now paying you 173 n month nnd M20 of thiH tiJ pay
for my homo over month I cnnld sell It any tliy foi SWOO but silll nit take It
I nm well pleated im enuv ntacr man will bo who Joins mm ennipanc for
met mm nf them Is sure to get n home 1 haie ttlldted the rrlilMii of en
operation for years and know It will seicecd nnjiihcic I will mid Cut I got
my house very chciip becnuse vou gavn mo personal nwlstanro In landing It I
1 H shall be pleased to lime any person who la Interested In this call upon me nnd I
will tpko much pleasure In niiSwotlnR nny inters that nio itddrrfcil lo uie I
know finmJperfonnl Iniestlgitlnn that your cnmpnnv Is thoronzhlv ifllnble ind re
iponalble and 1 nm getting all my friends to loin It Youis uniy
T N fjtnlth
C01ncrlcc and West Stieets Houston
Wc Can Put You in a Home Too
Dont Say You Cant Wait For Your Turn to Come
1 Your turn will nevci come by piyine rent uiiIms you get in line on our
pl111 Our Company will niiimli you with money to pay off your mort
gage or buy you a home or farm anywheie in the United States ami
give vou 13 yeais and 10 months to pay it back in at the rate of 675
a month on each 1000 without interest You select the property and
make th puce we buy it for you and you move in
Active Agents Wanted Everywhere Good men who can handle
districts will get fine contracts bnclose 2cent stamp for fintlier inform
ation when you wule
mmim home building g
mmm company
the Repsdorph Tents are best on the market Phones 341
410 and 41a Travis Street Houston Texas
k > J iv v V
V r