rtts W5W WANT and you will buf work SItours Try ackarcTs Laundry ou Pfa re Avenue Phones Vt rited 333 well assorted stock of above goods we are ve n fairly closing not Intend to continue low cost as we do carrying them Gome early and avoid the rush ward Smii are rcact fo furnish my quantity and Without ay Send your orders or uire for prices JS M Repairs to ELL RILLING IGS Promptly Made icksonOarWheeSOo Houston Texas 2000 Pounds A splendid Nitrogenizer Write for price < = HOUSTON TBXA3 > r Ed Lunn DIboqsoo of Eye Ear Nose and Throat 19 MAM BUILDING HOUSTON TEXAS e tJsv Kam fa i iyT H Afsfe g Elecirit and Machinery Go 1079 Texas Avenue We catry tie largest stock in the state LIME CEMENTS and BRICK JILL KINVS OF WILD INC MA TERlJiL Write for Prices H P McLaughlin Co 810 Willow St Phone 220 We are now prepared to ill orders for Cherry Peach Oranne and pple Ciders m 10 16 and 30gallon package Quality guaranteed Write for pricoi In order to make room for otu stock coming in foi fall trade we olio SpeeiaS Inducements to buyers on seasonable goods Also offei all STAPLE GOODS as tow as can be bought in any market al lowing difference jn freight OiciV have piompt and caieful attention HOUSTON TEX Will leave Houston 1155 p m Wednesday May 2S on the famous FOR fHIKli < JSij f art mmrfn < rp < wt MAILABLE EDITION XYIIHTI YEARNO 45 UST and VEGETABLE 0 rs In the Building Material line W L Alacatee Sons Houston Texas Tratel is Necessary Sometimes but the long Distance Telephone blill saVe tou much travel and money SOUTHWESTERN TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANY Safety Water Tube Boilers and machinery of all kinds CONNELLEY CO 215 + Main Street WIHSTOHSALEM N C and return 3540 On sale May 19 and 20 T P A Texas Delegation and Friends PORTLAND OREGON r Lj staking Stops at Various Points of Interest Round Trip Rate 5000 APPLY AT ONCE FOR RESERVATION L SAUCIER 0 T A Office 202 Main St J uaf w rVi > TtOlSTON TEXAS MONDAY MAY 19 1902 the Ge our Dead Nefroes = = = a few moments by a heavy hall stotni and a deep rumbling hut no one had any premonition of tho disaster and thero wn no opportunity for escape to refuge as the cyclonic death dealing disaster was all oyer In five minutes TIk section which suf fered was the residence portion the lower part being tho npgro pottle ment while the upper part contained many fine residences Tho Methodist nnd Baptist churches and tho Baptist paisonage both just completed and tho ncgio Methodist chunh wore de stroyed The Episcopal church was badly damaged and fi lly 100 houses totally destroyed The stone residence of U T Davis of tho Goliad Ouajtf was UiQ onl > building in tho pathv ay or the stoim not derrtSllsfied fact It IB 1 vvrfccK The people of Goliad realizing at once th stupendous nature of tho calamity and the terrible loss of life nnd Injured tele phoned to their sister cities of Cuoro nnd Victoria for assist ance which was responded to Immediately General Supeiln tendent Forbes stopped the regular Becvillo train at Goliad Knn Antonio Texas Mnv IS At 12 49 this ntteuioon n tcnltlf bid and rain storm snept oter tills city iloln damaRO to piopcrtv In nil sections of tho city The total dunnse 111 not foot up lew than tDOOOO Tho ulnil enmo from tho south vost tho wloclty of It icaclihiK f < ifntr to miles por bom the greatest dim mo os dono to the gov trijncnt piopcvtv at Iort Som Houston thPloss lhiie IClns not low thun 200 < t At lie St Ioul3 colleso the dimnse will r irj 0000 At Hot Sulphur Wellx hotel th Ws Is SlOW West rml Methodist clmr wal rompctoly nioclied Io s 3000 Uamuy to pihat rebldcnccs will reach at least fco000 and the damage to shade and oinamJttal trees can not be estimated Se cral pcWns weio lujuied but none serl ousI > Anumljor of Uorso were Killed by fallliiK lrifc Tilt st m heie naa a continuation of that whlS wept over Goliad with such toulblo icluits THTOWN OF GOLIAD In Early Da > t t Vas a Seat of Learninn foroouthwest Texas Tho news rt the catastrophe that lias overnhelrced ttj historic toun of Goliad v td be a sourcW great sorrow to the old as veil as thcWv generation of Texan In that elder daW was tho seat of learn In for the entftl southwentern part of the State and 1A1 nnd women educated tlure tan be founiVVattered nil over Texas mil In the neighbor republic of Mexico fiom the Ulo Grmiyi the Pacific coast for tae old Oollad c so as a far famed ntut on In tho early settleroVt of Texas the ml souailes o the CntholliuiiCb established the wi ton of the I t lnbla on the west PITCHER 5POUT PUIWS Windmill F ce Thresher PUMP Send for Catalogue If Houston Texas 8 PAGES TODAY HOUSTON DAILY POST TTEXA PRICE 5 CENTS Whites and nnd turned it back to Victoria bringing on tho return trip six doctors from there and nbundnnco of medicines and surgical appliances Another train came later from Cuoro with tho samo number of physicians and dozens of nurses and many cltl sens Meanwhile tho citizens hero had effected a systematic orjsanlzntion as fa nsr possibles and provided temporary morgues hospitals at the court house the hotels public places Davis residence nnd soveral other places for tho whites tho negroes weie similarly cared for Tho Post correspondent made a thorough canvass of tho cltj endeavoring to got a complete list of dead nnd Injured and the list given holow comprising seventyfour dead und eighty five injured Is as near complete as possible to obtain but there Is no doubt but thnt theie are fully 100 dead ub many names of the < lond and Injured enn not be obtained and many of the Injured will undoubtedly dlo before morning The scones around the temporary hospitals are honrtrond ing old nion nnd little ehlldien side by hide the former bereft of families and the latter orphaned nnd all suffering excruci ating agony The doctors and nurses have wonted ltko Tiojans nnd so hnd every one rosidents and visitors white and black alike The merchants opened their stores and dispensed ovary thing needed for nny puipose without cost Thoso who passed through the teirlble ordeal say thQy never want another such experience tho nqlao was tpnlfylng tlmhers waio Hying In evefy dlreotrju glamv troe4 < vro nudd to Hip ground cattle and horses were dilven against nnd wrapped around trees the Iron county bildgi across the Sun Antonio river was torn In two while debris from the river bunk coveted tho houses In town Tho property loss Is estimated at fully v0000 This is the first cyclone that hns ever been known In this section of the State whkh was supposed to be In no danger Y LOSS AT bank of the Snn Antonio river almost In the center of whet now Goliad countr Thilr object In vIMtlng that Wild section nt hat time was to I hilstlniilzc the IndHni nbo then Inhabited tint beautiful countr but In order to protect themselves fiom the people whom thp were attempting to eomort they lnd to build a fort Into walch they could rctlic durluz times of dingei The lesult was the construction of the old mission of fa llahla and miloss demolished by the tornado that has Just cieated such havoc there It stands today as a monument to tho missionary spirit of the Christian re ligion The building of the old mission soon at tracted n largo Mexican population nnd when the people fiom the Slates penetrated Tomis nnd proceeded ns fai Wost as that place which In the meantime had become famous as a stopping point for tiaveleis from tho Southern pait of Mexico to Nacog doches which was the principal town and foit on the eastern boundary of Mexico as claimed by that countr they found a vil lage of soeial huudied people The popula tion was Mexican and was not of a very desliablo character md tho rcult wan that thone Americans who did go there and be come enamoied of the section went just acrois the river on the east side nnd estab lished the piosent town of Goliad Thus It can be appicclutcd that the founding of thetowu occurred dm lug tho first quarter of tho past century It was a tin If ty people who settled theie and they ueguu with faith alwojs looking to tho future to work out their own sahJ tion They built substantial homes erected churches nnd established schools It was heie thnt the massacre of Kaiiulu aud his men occurred The Mexican goeminent had taken charge of all tho missions Texas und had tioops quartered lu them Tannin and his men at the beginning of tho Texas war for Independence had overcome the Mexican forces stationed at La Bahia and taken up quarters their himself When lie started to fall back on San An tonio wbeu the advance guaid of Sautn Anui aruiy approached Lu llahla ho wu Induced to surrender as n prisoner of i He nnd his men were inarched liack to the old mission and if It wan upared by he ttorm the loom In the building In which the lamented Tannin himself was kept a prlsoper until he aud his men were exe cuted Ih still lntmt The nar tot Independence being oyer the town of Goliad began to Improie It as during this time that the famous col lege nboo referred to was established lly reason of Its exceptionable school ndvan tags the town soon became an educational center and It enjoyed as good noclety as py placo In Texas Of rourse It sutfeied ill the vicissitudes of n frontier town and many personal encounters resulting in bat tle to the death bae been fought wlthl1 its historic precincts Nevertheless the good rltlsenshlp finally prevailed and today it i one of the most deshable comninultlM In Texas In whleh to llo All the < l < l fii1 hnrc died md the antagonisms of he ciin Fcttlcrs haw been bulled with the deal past The merit of Goliad county as a fanning section has never been fully appreciated and the pilnclpnl burlness of Its peopl Is llc stock raising Of late years bonetci fnimlng has begun to lecelie attention nud In IM nearly 10000 bales of cotton weie raited there Ilio did not do so well In 1C01 but the pioipects for 1002 weie aul It Is to be hoped are still ery Uattcilu There linn not been a great Jnllux or stiangers to Goliad The result Is that thn town which has something like 1500 Inhab itants Is made up principally of pcoplo who hac lived theie for jeais Jn fact a largo percentage of them wcro born there They are u cultured people and the community would be classed wealth A gieut ninny lanch men who arc counted rich have their homes tli rc and the houses nic nenrl all nubstanttnlly built Some of thorn aie built of rock a few of brick und the jsilinco arc frame They were not built substan tially because of any fear of tornadoes or storms beenuse this Is the most destructive cyclone that ever visited that section In 1S84 or 16S5 a cyclone nairow In extent did do considerable damage Jn that section and the hall that accompanied It destroyed crops and a great many cattle througnout wide dcIL Since that time however a tea storm has been unknown A few years ago the New Yoik Texas and Mexican railroad popularly kuowg ns the Macaroni road was started on its extension from Victoria to Meilio and was extended as far as Uccllle Tho road Is a part of the Southern laclllc system and was built by G rud This seemed to tHrow new life Info the old town nud It took on some valuable permanent Imnrovemctits among them being probady the tlnest coun try court house In Texas it has three strong banks and several mercantile flrnn that are rated high it Is a thriving coun try town and It Is certainly to be hoped thnt the catastrophe that bin overtaken It In not of n chnracter that means permanent tujury AT RUNGE Touched the Ground in Many Places in Slant of Runge Itunge Texas May 1A tremendous wind stnrru from the southeast ended nt oclock today with n heavy wind and ruin storm form the northwest The storm cen tcr seemed to pass to the west of this place going down the valley of the San Antonio river It was In the nature of a cyclone and apparently touched the ground In numerous places In sight of Itunge though it Is impossible to get reports as to the damage dene A telephone message fiom the Bbspar rinch near Oollad says th t thst town 1 almost swept wiy nd there ber Injured 0 Bagging and Tips W RICE SACKS Vrfu i Q C Street Co an Appalling v t Only One House Left in a Distance of a Mile Fifty Thousand Dollars Damage at San Antonio but No Lives Lost Several Buildings Completely Destroyed at Seguin Wires Were Down for Several Hours Goliad Texas May IS At 345 this afternoon a cyalono struck the beautiful and historic town of Goliad nnd loft flnta and desolation In Its pathway beyond tho power of pen trX por tray The Post correspondent reached the scene at 7 oclock on n special trnln from Vlctoila bearing doctois muses nod iclnes friends and relative of Goliad people and tho 0C6n nor Guai da The scono which met tho eye on reaching tho scpne of destruction which was In the western part of tho city was appalling Between Church nnd Patricio streets which run notth and south a distance of a mile in length only one house was left Flandlng and scarcoly a vestigeof many could ho seen Very little dnningo was done except within those boundaries a width of 250 > nrds Tho nclone was preceded of such disturbances The lunnelstanpod cloud whlch usunlly procodes such dlsatora was not seen prior to thts one It Is known that theio was no loss of life north of Kore nnd It Is not believed there was any except right In the clt The follow ing is a list of the dond nnd Injured White dead Mrs Johnson aged GO MnrgnreUPope age SJ Stuart Dial Plnklo Iott daughter of William Iott Mr3 Purl nnd two children Maud nnd Allco two Augustine children Mt > 3 Stnpplo nnd all children except one Mr nnd Mrs BUI Heard nnd three children Joo Savago and child Varrlnal nnd Hopu Savage Mr Now comb wlfo and child Mr Smith of1 Hockport who was visiting his daughter here Mrs Harbison nnd llttlo hoy Huhy Mnddox and Mnddox babv Mrs Cnsoy Maud Casey P Harlrg r Ne ro dead Bollne TnfCorson MolHe Iott Terrell Hall Pcufus Taylor Clayton Taylor Floyd Lou Gussio Wlndey and babj Topsy Tlppen Fannj Talnr Pauline Lott Fannie Rob inson Alfred Itoblnson Gussio Gordon iToe Simon Cllf Douglas Bill Tredwell George Taylor Will Weston nnd two children John Bnretleld Bthel Baiefleld Georgo Panto and baby Joe Smldt Haywood Jones nnd thlttocu unidentified making fintv two negro dead recovered Injined nmonp the whites W H Mnddox both legs broken nml Injiwd nbout tho hfnd probably fatal Mr and Mrs h N Vitndi hler aid no cMldten none fatally Mrs G E Pope leg broken and other lnjmles very sorlons Mnddox child Injured Miss Denial1 1lnl 111am Iott ribs broken not seilous Wal to and Stuart Iott legs broken Mr nnd Mis John Angustino bnrtjv hint Mis Jne Ravage Internal Injuries Mlns SalUo Good badly injured1 MrsGibson Just alive ailss Ubbto Carr 3i badly Hoisto Otenr MfJIlo arid Alice Ponil none fatally J A Tinner nnd wife and mother In law nnd one child not fatal ly Clyde Harbison Mr necktnr Jennie Haring Myelin Smith NVilngor and son Albert of Victoria Jim Buthorford ntul wl 9 Trains fiom Beevlllrt and Victoria arriving at midnight orought udtillionil doctors and nurses Thero aro now thirty di ctort hero at work earing for tho Injured aro thlrt dead on tho ground Ttunge t lu n stuti of wild eirltement over the iibvvm us many hero have relatives and friends In that town All etroits to get telephonic or telegiaphlc conimunlcatl m with Ootid lave piovcd futile nnd n number from nerc hinrledly left for the scene of thu dls ustci this cionlng AT 5EGUIN Ico Factory Wrecked Other Buildings and Outhouses Damaged Seguin Texns May 18 A small sire tor nado struck Seguin thla afternoon followed by n heavy rnln und sonm hall The new Ilo fnctoiy of Charles ilium was com pletely wrecked it had not been qulto completod and tha loss fell to John V Ooodrum the contiactor Many trees fences and outhouse were laid to the giouud Tho wind covered a wide scope of territory and It Is feaicd that much dam ago was done in the country Crops are lute and not matcilally damaged unless by hall The wind cunio from tho northwest und traveled at a terrible viloclty for nbout four mlnutos The storm also blew tho new bidding of the American Cotton com pany badly out of plumb and completely demollthcd the reitvul tent of Hev Waugti who is holding a r vtal meeting hcrii Physicians from Victoria Victoria Texas May 18 It was learned here this cicnlng that a huirlcuue burst upon Goliad thlt afternoon and that foity or fifty bouses weie blown down und fifty people killed and wounded Hupeilntcudent V T Iorbes of the New York Texas aud Mcxicsn at pnee sent out a special train having six physicians and another retltf train has been oidercd from Cucro No Storm at Galveston Galveston Texas May IS The Post cor respondent has been adtlsed that there Is a report cm rent In the Intel lor thst there is n storm at Gnlvestou There is abso lutely no truth lu such a report A stiff breeze blew here this afternoon the wind reaching n velocity of thirty six miles per hour This Ih nothing uuukihI bowevtr and not the ellghte t unro Ine < s was csused thereh The wind subsided to clghtewi miles nn hour at 0 o enrk and at present hour 11 oilock there is scuicely an much breeze as could be desired BUND INSTITUTE DAMAGED Fallino Chimney Caused Gallery to Cavo In Shado Trees Blown Down Austin Texas May 18 Austin wna vis Itcd by a snveie wind storm this ofterpomi which mused at least 500 damage nt tha Jlllnd Institute T e tin roof of tho south galleiy was ripped otf nnd a largo btJcte rhlninoy blew oier nn It causing It to cavo in 1 lie timbers supporting the Kdllery were rotten nnd the give way under thj weight of the falling ehlmney Thlwj Ml liivo to l > o lepnlied nt ono npd as tbew are no available funds on hand a deficiency will be declucd Many laige thudn tree lu tho grounds were destroyed aud tteci are down all over town ShrevcportTexarkann Wires Down Dallas Texas May IS All wires tn Hhrcepmt nud Toxarkana are down tonight and that ilUtrlet wns reached bjr a portion of the big storm which swept over Jjexas toda It Is thought however that no Iom of Ufa hup resulted nlthuugh the property damage mil be heav A driving rain sc In bote nbout oclock this nfternoou and a heavy wiud accompanied It but no dam age of any sort resulted Texarkann Ark May 18 Tcrrlne winds blew hero nil day the gale assuming storm force nt times The grand stand at vths ball grounds wns blown down wills n gams was In progress Injuring nvc npejtatnrs All of the telegraph and telephone wires leading into Texas out of thIs point havo been prostrated WHITE STAR MAY SURRENDER Tho American Shipping Combine Ha va Acquired Control London May 18 Tho Liverpool Dally Iovt osscrtu that at the meeting of the White Star line held yesterday the agree ment to transfer the line to the At tiUc shipping combine was unanimously con flimed About half tho shareholders attend I the meeting The assent of 75 pec cent of the shareholder Is required but therp U no doubt thnt their sanction will pa forthcoming the terras offered are con sidered very favorable The Sick Mans Paradise HOT SPRINGS ARK Exourolon Tlokoto Orj Sale Every Day v I < G N R R ONLY A LITTLE OVEfl A NIGHTS RIDE FROM HOUSTON Gio D Hunfir 217 Main City nn b Ticket Aieat tl X Ml l f r f I il M