lUSTON WHOLESALE MARKET DERATE TRADE NO UNUSUAL FEATURES Tomato and of Oranoes Light More Ae stuation Lemons 10c tiyeFlour Down unusual In the features u uothlBg ana a very rt Ie I trade yestcrdar tot general demand was In ovl supporting quarter from the deillne of 10c ou rrCC8 for e wu continue Tathcr weak at lagiaific re liberal cnoush for the demand prices to aortncsi of hlch causes applies cT shlpplng stock of while there Is an nbun ire llsht mail bunches Arrivals arc ex sllua tihUr nlcl1 wlU rcllcvc tUc lemon situation shoivs noticeable no nd prices are rultng firm Advices ue Eist Indicate that some deellle lTurred on sott and Inferior fruit but bet i bo change In the strength of adt tad ef the strawberry season Is In While there was much Inferior stock uceMt yesteulay orlccs weic firmer frnjed from 1 W m The nrrlvas iwi scattering each day and adUccs tie Held point to an early exhaustion I lupplles of one of the leading eprttentatlvc ice firms writes as follows from the < mllle district The tomato crop turn ted conslileiably on iccount of so much Utr orc cracking open en the bush thcm rhe the noims InlurnR a t on good fruit will begin about 1 Birktt is now sllmly stocked on m en account of the swift demand o t late receipts the demand In the is snowing the ef however t > w dnys ottheiery high prices which will no the future Light t limit Ihc trade m 3t tVi l Ebt weight sSftBOe 2lh l xubt i lunch oysters Mb 4 a5 pint n > USn Sl00 ouartsr Amorlcau t r iv ria baa > li 0Vic choice > V s > i1 > M6 lie Manilla l iOi al1sS corM s5 6ar ai X > 5 2 10 ° 3 lAt WW Columbia U SwiRlrsr rS Ala k 1 l15i Cqlumbl Tor Wt vtsLfK535 llac Hell Mol brand l60 Carn tlo receipts are also expected and a increment will prevail HOUSTON CURRENT QUOTATIONS compirlson of these quotations showi y iduntages In favor of Houston as a leiale market When the buyer conaM the benefits lo be deilved from Hous s freight rates he will tlnd that even a the quotable flguies at other markets is loser the prlte anally paid gencrai treater The pii re thoso ruling tl Houston wholesale mcichants and revised dally CANNLD GOODS LSSED FRIITSApplcs 3lb P3c o clneacplis sliced M 10 eyeless ninj to llWl 5 extra grated 1 W 2lb pears ill We stvawbenlcs blaokberilcs Ulb fcy v U20 ches 2lb n tWll lo 1SSE1 VEUll ULiSTomatoes 2lb weight II IS lib full weight 1 seconds 1 Otill 03 3lb second idCLS3 olira and tomatoes M InU 3lb 1 OJailoCaitfornli arstni 2Vjlb 1 UMW 10 Mb Cilllfor itpautus tips 1 00 baked beans 3 lb ilb attlug beans Mq 2lb kidney oi Met 2lb stilngless beans M25 lo rowfat peas fl 10 2lb American petit 150ijl 75 Al roin 100 2lb llluo it tn S5c Irldc of Msiyland Dic ink 80c Better thsu Jold SoWS 0 0AtiFQENiA rBiUTEttrd standavn 16 jetchej lemon cling SlD dfMiOi ow Crawford 1 15111 05v black chev Ji00 223 white cherries 223 irtfrlcots 1 Sivail 00 strawhcrrie a plums 105J7 giapfH 175 seconds 10c per doien lesu a extra staadiinl prices ANNED MOLASSFS V F Old Fnsh d jallcnf 3 lo nor case Vi gallons M rer caie U gallons 1373 per cusj Ironel syrup 2 lb cans fXK < i > > c tiold dal brawl fancy table syrup quart Jars CU per doien It It t Co Gold > fedal 05 1 3lb Jl m 3lb 223 10lb HEAVY RTArLER MMUNITIOX Powder per keg 00 itloz ponder 1 5 per keg drop shot Mek 1145 buck Sl70 rON Kitra shoit clear In ack t lAc regulars 12tyril2l > 4c boxed Vo in bellies 12H3121Jc lUITFIt OIL In baircls 4Sc half bar 5fte IAGGINO AND TIES Uagglnc lb Jjiib V c Arrow tls less than iap 1 lot from Houston 1 25 ANDYStlck flapped basis 24 No 2 flMie ppr lb No 1 full weight basis li67tjc per lb special sizes We high olied Sivaisc as to quality ANDLES Star full weight 10c Orin fall welsht lOVjp Electric Llcht < Sic EMEST Portland 2 75H325 Uo en le Jl 753201 OFFEE nio fair 8tiS4c prime tun e rsolfp iv ioc fanrv lOHrrrilc lea tr 12VV113V Cordova 13Vic lonstd > s basis lie delivered Apex 1140e Lion We Gold Peal Mocha and Java 1 lb J J8c Mocha and Java blend Mb cans J nd 4 lb pills lS ic International J > 8 1 lb tins lR ie 2 and 4lb palls V Royal Anna Mocha and Java Mb 5 ° h k 2 c RACKEltsA B C soda bulk boxes lib cartons dozen OOo glneer per tL T rffms Se stage planks OVC i d Jnmhles lie tr l5 ntl8 Js > sacks Fancy high at I4 3WM45 ln fany halNpatent i M trade 3 75 ilh sacks 10c per bar tier ur n woofl 15c Pcr haricl 5lMSACE0rS OOOnS Orlts homlnr Mm meal n 4011 sacks per sack F weal In 30lb sacks 270 per u ot our k Scotch Qlts 325 toil oats 3 23 Columbia oits 300 j oatt 3 00 llcckers buckwheat 7Vrr O114 erce compounds 01 l u higher Mt c ° lb cans Vic lAwtA nlrter 3ll > ne lc higher 86tand rd laVjcj fancy 13V411 iT tP hams Slic u EBulk ico per barrel coopered XV7In tfrels 65075c per gallon bol v Jn ractod BQSc per pound Jllc n > lh < extracted flic ufttE Bn4 sections 12S13C Zrhr mU lair lOHSlSc iinm VS50lw < 25i20c fancy now l irnp 32 330 pure ucw crop syrup mall The Journal of Commerce reviews the cof tec situation as follows During tho post week a better tone has developed In the coffee market especially in speculative circles and prices have gradu aliy hardened The strength has appeire l p come largely from the lliiropean markets Pilvatc advices leport that sentiment ap pear to bo chousing agalu among some of the trade In Europe and that there ha 6 mpr < vttt > en o trade demwa f c r tn1s hglnnlng to be cully discussed In the vorfee trade more Is gen the advancing tendency to the rate of sterlliiK exchange In Hlo The latest official quota tion received from Itlo Is 12 U3 M and there appears to be a general impression among tboso who follow this feature closely that tbo vatc will advance lo at least 13d which should prices for coffee In the con suming markets remain on their present level means a decidedly low mill tefs price In Urnzll Owing to the damage which the growing Itvaxll crop suffered during tue forepart o the season some of the trade argue that the coming crop will not only bo a smaller one but that It wilt be late It Is said however that advices have been received during the week from Itrazll saying that new crop coffee will begin to arrlvo at itlo and San tos at about the beglunlng of lulv The movement of the Urnzll crop has con tlnuca heavy although during the past two or three days there has been a modeiate falling off In the receipt especially at San tos Attention however has been called to tho fact that should the arrivals at Hlo and Bantos for the remainder of the prcs ent crop ycjr c < iuj1 those for the same pe riod lust season the total arrival at ulo and Santos for the crop vear 10011002 win be 15200000 bags In tho speculate market the feature or tho past few days has been the steady buy ing by tha commission and brokerage boj e ot Lehman Bros This firm It will be re called was a conspicuous seller last Decem ber and January of September and Decem ber coffee contracts at In the neighborhood of 7c per pound In fact their sales were reported by Fome of the trade as amount ing to several hundred thousand baga And were gencinlly supposed to be for shoit account The buying which Is now deel oping It Is supposed by many Is to cover these contracts Thus far the selling has been only scatteied due largely to the fact that Brazil has been Arm and higher and the bear Interests have not been able to purchase supplies to ad > antage In either Hlo or Pantos and sell against them heiv Outandout extensive short selling on the present low basis of prices has not been au attractive ventutc even to the bear Inter ests consequently pilocs have gradually Improved dcsplt > the fact that the statis tical position continues a decidedly bearish one brand Fancy Ucd Alaska 135 1 40 rink Alaska SI lo HAItDINKSAmcrlean quarters S30MJ 3IV mustaid 3 LDO 35 Imported Oil lette grade quaiteis S12M fancy sprats qnaiters 0uff 1000 aceoralnc to grade STAHCHStandaid goods Peatl In 40 lb boxes Itoyal ninss or Archer bulk lysVic Xlekel UH packages per bov > 3 5Ji333 corn starch ic per lb 10 and 40lb boxes SbOAItQuotatloas are for small lots special rates ale given on cniload ordcis Standaid granulated fie cubes and pow dered Bsc Louisiana yellow clarltled aud taucy 4ic choice 4c PRODUCE nrFSWAX Prime Texas 2i323e rer pound IIUANR Imported navy beans SltAe nijou 4c Upgllsh dried 3 c pink tr black eyed Oc Michigan navy e Cnllforniii navy 4 > iil4Hc Snaps Klrrt per bushel uax 1M pn bushel Calfiirnli Limns IHCifle fresn xax benns OoJtiuc per bushel crate HITl KUHlttr Mar 24c dairy 22c FI gin eteumcry 2 Hg20e Texas lulcks Hie Oloomn gniliieLlnioln follds PJ cLincoln pilnts IKfec Dalsv solids lttylTr piliiis IStf Moxleyf special 181110c Crystal Ocm and countiy tolls lflo impirc Sto > e pu rlftl 15c special ltlue Pt1v iso iigln dflry bilcks 20c Ideal UVjC Purity creatuory 2i > nnd 10 lb tubs 22e lib prints 24c lil gin creamery solids ISe country butter In palls 10 i2ipc CAnnAonmiffiv CHiESE Wisconsin full cream lolls Wc Wisconsin full cream daisies IMglUc Wis consin half cream 14tsjm < c KOOHTexns 13 14c KltALTNew Ill half barrels 3 rftg 325 ONIONS New crop per bushel TSftSle PFPrnilChlle new lVtlHic pcr pourd black Singapore 15c POTATOrSColoradn potatoes SI 5 140 new iiotatoes 7 g60c per bushel PIlANVTS Jumbo per pound iii Uc fancy hand picked No 1 ftfinyc PUCANRTexas per pound lOQI c ac cording to size POLLTUV Chickens hens good 10flJ 425 fryers laige 4 2Afi4 broiler 2 iC423O0i mixed lot W 2ri J 50 rook large old lNWi200j ducks large MiiO i3 iO geese full feathered Kt SIM turkeys hens SToOillOOO gohblfr S800 ir rV TOMATOKS FloiMis fancy f32 choice 270 lcxiis 4lMsket crates L25 uitiRD rnrirs and nftk APPLES Fancy evaporated ki lb boxes 10V lU14e Mb cm tons Mncy Winllt canons choke uHtfijliile cliolee oinpu lated tlimK > suu dilcd liTi < a7iC AIltUolK Per lb loose liiMlle ClTUONllt 10lb boxes 14e ClHltNTS25lli boxes cleaned bulk b tjlle 1lii cavtous tiHiilJlc DATiSMb packages iHSSc Fard dates Uc llnlloml bulk bOiu boxes ra box Uc FICSImpottfd ViWtiSe PUACHUS Cholce n w stock UQtiije ItAlSINSCaliroinla a crown L L boxes fltlSftli i UHi boxes L M ralstus OofflOc 2crnwn L ii rilsins 50lb boxes 7U6l7 iorown L > I uilslnf 71iQSe PltUNLS California POliHis 5e bOt A SHc 70tOs Oc tW7lls bhc 50tii Us 40Wls Be NUTS Braill lC017e rer lb nlbert Sicily 13c California walnuts I3 14c pea nuts fancy hand picked ikfciiVVs No 4 > Q5c Jumbo illVic almonds Tarajolia l > S17c per lb In sacks California almonds loc pecans 1012c according to slit FHUITS IIANANASLoose 5150 103 packed 175112COi per pound 2 > 4ts3c Lln ltiILt > Cullfoula lted per box 5175iii200 Ltiuuvs Mcsstnas fa50 California J275C300 oitnNtiUS Cilfoiuti navels 5400 425 Mediterranean sweets 375 Pi Il SIVr box 50cQll > 0 4baskct crates McQJllO according to quality STUAVMl llltinSCrate 2 quirts fl STiSJSOtJ ucorCliig ta quallt IlLAtlCllICltltlUS Cultivated crates 17541225 PiNiiiiLESter crate f45041175 ttltAIN AND HAV Quotations for carload lots rtellrerM op tracks Houston br other points tsklug Dealers chaige from stonj same rate CfilOo per 100 pounds more on bran Mft per bushel On oats mid corn 1015c > 1W BUAN lVr ICO pounds aOtfJK coiiN CllOPriPute S14Stl V IAt Y i uco n af WAW1M e jlc llnolhy fl8ai pilUX South 1 P hav 8 0iVi 1000 North Texas and Ten toiy hay JllOO ltlOO DltPOS AND CHEMICALS mr < quinine V < UAOc per wmJXV nttiie f225ffl250 per ounce cocnliie j I XV fmmi AU ner tinniid III vh 23 Orlb epsom sans iin per < niiiinr alcohol 2V0B300 per lloal Wnl5 t2 per 100 lbs nl > rrel i Jj fj c per pouua pound In barrels Hltpeter HOUSTON DAILY POST FRIDAY MORNING MAY 23 1M02 88gfS BEARISH GALLON OIL STOCKS pottles enklum carbide 1550 nss 100 do I t per itvered Texas common railway points PAINTS OtLS AXD OLASB X1 lefrt per cwt strictly pure M25I Turpentine de jOOOi third grhde no 5 per case twn gallon cns voTi barrel lots nlc per gallon Mluetai Et 0 Per gallon Venetian reds per cm Mw yellow ochre per cwt 1 10 Mnfed oil best potM 70fl71e ne < rty SJJ cd houso pilnts lix Window class S3 and 80 per cent off January list TINFlim chanted Oe METALS 23 soqvK > lead GALVANIZED SHEET lROX OS and 5 per cent discount riLACK SHEET HIONNo ST 1 per U pounds Trvttvv7 SOLDEItHalf and Half nfllSc ptr pound COnrtLOATED 1RONOilvanlia 3oq per square IURDWARC JJIRR NA1L8 20T base per keg BAHHED WtltUOalvMuUed Olltleu I3S0 per 100 lbs galvanised ltakcr i3M per 100 lbs NEW YORK COTTON STEADY Steady Net Six to Fifteen Points Lower Active Demand for Shorts New York May 22Thc cotton market opened steady with prices 1 to 5 points higher and for a time displayed strength on active demand from shorts and modcrato buying The commission house contingent honeur took advantage of this further lm irovmcnt In prices to secure prottts ou cot ton which had been carried through tho prctlous bulge and subsequent break feir lag to risk possible additional advauces later The receipts wele ogaln very light the cables reflected a firm situation abroad and spot demand wan fairly active in tne rWmth On the other hand weather nud ciop reports were almost perfect wblo obscnee of speculation and a thieeday Jil jomnuicnt In Liverpool naturally checked active suppoit by piofcsslousl hulls Liter iikine of lor the balance otthe day the ma ket diagged slowly lower and specula I > n dwindled to u sertttetlnj ptofessuiial In tcrdinnge Of accounts Wall sticet bear luieresti seemed to be selling freely tbrongUout the day piosumahly ou thu nne irop reports ami absence of euniliiissioi house sunnott Estlmaies for tomoirpw tecelpts point to a light movemetit and bull ish weekend statistics In the last half nour the maiket sold down to b hi o July and 6BU for August under a scramble of room longs to sell Tho close was sieady net 6 to 15 points lower Total Mies weic estimated at 150 t m bales which wae mostly present crop lOttOtl NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON WEAK Local Lossas Came Larfjely Through Realizing Sales New Oilcans May 22 In spot cotloh the demand Is now running almost entlrelv upon grades ranging from middling to mid dling fair and as there 16 but little cotton of that sort In the maiket buyers foind gieat difficulty in tilling mdeis Sales MO bales lueludlng 1400 to arrive QubUtlrns unchanged After opening at an advance of from 3 to 4 points ou near and 1 to 2 points on distant months the market for the futurs delpeiy ot coiton developed some woakneis and at the noou hour the level was 4 to 5 points under the last figures or Wednesday lhe suironndlnc guides wise of a bullish tenor Liteipool showed an advance of 3 32 with liberal sales and there was eierv indication of an invuabcil tiade denims The lot ill losses came largely through realiz ing pales nnd wns In a nieasme accentuated uy the action of the New Voik market and continued wwk to the close showing net losses of 10 to 13 points on summer mouths aim to 0 puinis on other potWons H A B Beers Letter Spelll to The Post New Orleans May 22 Liverpool advices were not encouraging but our markets nocrtbeies opened 2 to 4 points higher on fiesh buying subsequently declined 10 to 111 on realizing and the absence of buy ers closing at a net loss of 11 to 12 points on summer mouths and 8 to 10 on new The amount to be nought Into Wgut during iliu week poluts to about 4i tXHi against oxu l la t year and 53uU > year before lat flu isihie supplv la expected to be tery bull ish owing to tl laige loss In tue Anns an Itouibay aud Egyptian moveuunts bperull ilop however seems to be entirely out of cotton for the present and trailing Is prle tienllv confined to piniossionals import ers continue apathetic and cluitii that tucte Is no possible way to enter Into new en gagements with splnneis under existng conditions Ciop piospcrts are very tax able and while opeiators recognize ibo stiength of the statistical situation hoy sre convinced theie will lift a sufUdeney of the article for the worlds consumption1 tbcretorc ibey consider the ciop outlook overshadows lhe bullish figures of tliq movement especially with the existing lervl of iallies Neither condltnns mid tne spot demand from now on will regulate piee 11 It lleer R B Morris d Co a Letter Houston Texas May 22In the abseme of Un authentic confirmation today of an report of peace having been dedard It South Atrlia yesterday the markets at home and nbioad ployed to be a gme a Ha7mdnrandnkngi coEsl1ralli the appatent apathy In that mirki i i dnr Ie v s the situation somi Ja ul x u does not happen mi t4 do if something if the lieud It Is not likely ihjt ihft In ul ke i si will be much impiovtnent for the immediate future Hovor > e see nftthlug n the situation to raj ai Wrt believe that for h material dec i e V not b m w next few d J Tl p < o on tMH Morris Co BUTTER AND EGGS i louls Mac 22Pohltrv Steady Aei 10 turkeys 8hJ lucks OVJ see e StfHU Iiutterateady ni ry lfiJ iiirv iMl2i ngs 8tendy ii > Chlcao May 22 KutlerWoiker t Mrt I7 jl CheefWcak MAYORS AT CORSICANA Not Enough of Them to Transact Any Business Cot loans Tfa Mav 22Members < jt the Mayors anoclntlop began arriving this morning Not enough have arrived to trans ect business Tlo oay MS spent In sight won acoualntd They Sn calle d fr o d cTock timorrotr tartiest Escaped Convicts Captured AVllIs Point Tex May 22 Two cou1 Tlcts from a camp In Hunt county were cap Jiwd ir here tcday by local Officer Tate and Hamm SOME ADVANTAGEOUS SALES BUT MAJORITY WAS WEAK AngloAmefiean Ground Floor and Hous ton and Beaumont Hold Up Victor and Others Lower The call at the Oil and Stock Exchange yesterday was bearish throughout and theru fmcd be little disposition to meet tho to n5S ° pP Sc T n1ld5oSl8 < av of fluently showed ptr oox oW style fiuwxaisw per crM < c0 wcaVutgi attj uis wcut tho ta bottom In accoid with that tendeucy The market undoubtedly Is Sbsilng In the gen eral feeling of unrest that pervades the stock matkets of the entlro country which Coupled nltti tho season ot natuu dullness lu speculative circle combines to cause the era ot depression AngloAmerican probably sold to best ad vantage Tho best pike ot tho ptevioan call was Kbea for thu stock dud It rould hot bo had tor less Activity Increased on that basis and more thau 5000 shins changed bands lirouml Floor felt thu Im pulse ot another dividend and tab stock 11 ailed within loo ot lta par alue Hous ton and Ucaumont Unulo u mure tatorablo tccord and luucutcd sclllug took plaw at uu auvatuv of w ovist preudiug uaos Tuo isto nupiuMU uemaud that hu uppcaivd lor Puic6iuu Oil auu Ueteiopuieul oouiiut iituiits sinil tome very goou 101s weiu ui taimu at IV Ihe puce dm not shov much Improvement but computed to vcrj fcOoa adxuntngo With lorulur uues 1iaiio actions iHcurud lu ller Uime ut thu good 1iRt that stock nan ivtcml utough und moie as wanted ou the same luiis Meter coull be had at ve less tuin ou iiunr ask price Am Oil and He I tlulng Co newlN Am Oil and He Btilng Co oltlP Alamo Oil Co Apex AugioAmeilcan Atlantic am PaI cltlc of N y llcatl Oeyser HCflii Coufed uenumont nnd I Pacific tilopo llertii Saiatogi nil ond Pipe I neait and LI P Ileau letroleuinl and tins I Beatty new Itoicalls Oil llliuiliigliom and tieamuont Oil neqky Sharp Oil Htlllrtlo iltnyon City i hi Crude Oil Itliens Consol i ascade Oil Columbia Oil ES I I I oi sahwa i S S7 03 1 00 I i I llous 1nd lleau i llamnitni I lllgglns 01U 08UI trim 14 I to Heywood Oil Co Homo oil 10 Houston Oil Co of Texan pf intertiBtlounl 1 M llidiipendence Oil to I lrn O Wyso Ileau Oil Co King Oil of Ul P KeithWord Iene Acre Lumbeimant OII uueky Dime Louo Star aud crescent La ConsolldaHdi Lime Star Oil I mid Puel > Men bants and I Mechanics Mtiilolliio Mttsktmp Magnolli Kuel 0 Molillc and Heaul Maid of Orleans Madeline ConSo Idlted MlssTexas OIll Mimhattan M K ond T of lleauinont I Slitl O and P LI One Penuy O Co rales and ileau Paragon OII Pal oil lev Co Producer Oil Co of V sea utieen gueeu City of lieaumont itex Petroleum i plndlo Top tnew Seaboard Konr L ke Oil Co hpangltr l harntoga OII and 8anPJaclnto pil huceeas Oil Co Bllvcr Dime Bsm Houston Oil Co I as i 08 12 Ml 10 12 05 oI m 00 I 47 tl JH tt is Cattlemens lonl I solldated I 25 70 Consolidated Oil I 1 eud Pipe 15 Orlliers i in I or rininimris i 4 w > Detioltltrau Olll Co I Kniplte Stste i Knifrprlse LI Pa o cqultnble Land I and oil Kxpoit O and P an El lirau Oil Co 14 Federal Crude Porwnid llediie I tlon of W a ioit Worth 05 potiutaln Oil and Ittrl Co I lorwaid lleduc1 tlon mewi 2 30 1 M fiiitfey He fining Co j M Oi Ololie Oil t H naci i OJ isiilier llsappolntment Whllfc the Llvcrpod opcu j ij0 l i i elo h Co Ing figures were fully up to tho udvamo Jladyp of Jleau made In our markets after th cl afft the former that was all Tho supjor u IjoniuuiAmci 20 im oii I SO 00 16 I 10 > XMXM I lOOOJtl 76 I LOtDMAsi Oi I 5OiM 75 lOOOOQO 02 C VJ > Ht 4 14 43 IX 55 i OS T7 04 ltKJIMSSt 03 > v 100 ft i < x ocvj 5000 1 7 Tl I < WI 20 i 1000000 20OXK WJiltSHI 2100JO 8000017 O i lfmoooo 05 M B M S HIISKI MKIOOO llfllltOO 850 20 ilHitl 15000ri 2 1AfOri lVIOl 25iooi S5 I lOdnm ot i nmsii < ii OS limooij 2K KX 5XjOOo < l ISfO OOil iViOtKO tVIIHO VSlOOO SfKICAl WXMJt 1ISMKIO 1000Q OOOOOO HUMS 30000 > Southern Oil Texas Ills 1our Ull ond Pipe TexasIll Oil Co Texas Oil and Pipe Lino Texan Oil nud liiiil Texas Western Texas oil Texas t < j seroi Texns Star Oil Trcntnu Iteck iweutlcth Cen tnry 1nltfd States Oil 2VM4IO I 130C0U 1101k > V lo MXIMS 3CO0CO 1 00000 lnuir < i I 3oooi I 30000T I iiSUSo lAOft KlO W4IOISI U2W LUU si 13 1 < > Compsnles Volcano 1 Vesuvius t y Victor mewl 1 ir ii di > i Yellow Pine PO W 1110 i I loung Ijidlcs Olli 0 1 Zenith I J 50 1 SALHS IShares Anglo A turn lean 1 r > iMm iugoAuierIcnu 4mi UiouiiiI Floor I Ml iHtouud Floor j iihi the piecedlng day aud the eiitliu demaudderchnnts and Mechl fttna i was Uiled at tnat tiriee Bias afteiwiiid illojstcu nnd Ilean a ii > ninppca to 2 ic add the ask pilco was at lilounon and Beau U i UejbiT of tJalvestou struck a Uew jMrngou lo ue s and tinieU > it 2m tiiough i oil and Hex Co i 4U 21Mi ui oTo n SV lTt 2 TeZX L li > vvv i less thau ou tue piecediug uay and s 111 touild verv few tateis Most otfirs wim flown Uc Mild of Oilcans was a Ugh trader on in unchanged I asts and pilces on Kqulubie weie eoiupinmlsid lialr way be tween tho pils limits of tiartcis Four Lake Spilngs sold nt a high luemtum bilt > lt lowir man lop rrleoi > nnitaiiu and Mecliuillis was about Kc Kss thau the le cent selling nlce and later bids stood at ie Mtnuattati slumped Oinrplv and tourhed 4l < without lulnging out buyer The latter weie 3e Ifwn aud tue doclne amountid to about 4c on me uiy Na tional on and Pipe followed a similir couise and the Kock was uoi wauted nt nottotn pilies lately attained Mhh was lo be bid sioinid 20e and takers for quanti ties of any slxo iiiigci e lonei Hids for fln Jninto Ifcll olt le and thos < for lirmo ami liobci dropped dawn rtsW 1 > The total sites amounted to 2 301 share Th pilces bid ami nsk d at tbt close ye tcidaj and the tMuk made were ah follnws OUBTUD STOCKS j Closing j I Bid Ask I Capital Pintty four Lake Springs 500000 30001X1 KUO000 S H0t > 150 l 2IKIW1I iHXltXIit VXCXI kxmxhi 300m > JIISCULLANROUS STOCKS American nrcwlnc AsVn Houston Lnud and Trust Co Houston Urllllug and up Ply Co International Creosote Co of Ucaumont MooreCortei Ciiinl Co Menbnnts National Ilanfc Miiciiolla Park Co 1 Mutual tlulldlug aud Loan I Ansodatlon riautcu ond Mechanics Na tional Bunk Uockdnle Oil Mill On South Texas Nutloual Hank Sour Inlr Springs Co fplndlc Top Power Co Southuostein Dry Plate Co Trinity Itlce Laid and Irr Texas Hinlngs Ileal Ustnte Price Paid 02 112 5fX > OIX IHi lOUUOUl iwoou 251IIXX JVIVSM irototi 2YUW ttooy I Hid Ask 1103 50 SO 00 iisoo and Imottucnt Co I 40 00 05 00 IHI I l l I 22 2J I l > 2Mi ttl 10 I 111 I 21 I 2 < l I I > i < UM l2 II i 112 01 03 00 112 00 iv > 135 IHV 1J T3 l tXI 14N t l t < ooi vV isi ins u > 00 t Par 1 U 1 IK 1 IK 1 HI 111 1 Ul 1 00 10 111 If 1 IHI 1 IM 4 l i tut i 2 t i iqiillablo L and Oil anno 01 IntUpendcnee i 8ltKi imu lnrt peod neo 1 HHi iwi i Jndependotiee j Mm < i ttcikv Sharp I nts Mbld ot Orleans 10 i 112 FRISCO IS LIBERAL In Its Contribution to the Texas Worlds Fair Fund Dallas Texas Jlav 22 Central Man ager Louis 1 Wortbam of thf Texas Worlds Fair conimlsdloii telegraphed from St Louis lils afternoon stitlng that the IrlKoo Kallroad lompanv had agreod to contribute 5000 to the Texas Worlds lVr fund which fact would be formally an nounced by a representative of that com pinv at the mcrtne of die executive oftliei nf the Texas rallioads t be iiid lu Dallas Mnv 27 The proposition considered at a former meeting was that the Tcvt lines eniilrlbuto V1 for each mllo oprntort In the State lhe Pilscos contillnitlnn Is lmsely In ex cess of the suggstiq isscsincnt K the Baby Is Cuttuiti Teeth > e sure and use 1 tial < dd ind wcil tried lemedy Mrs WInslows Soothing Swiio for chlldten teething II soothes the hnjl toflcus the gums ullavn all piln euro wlud colic and Is the best retnedj fur dlnrrhcet THE SOUTHERN SPECIALISTS MAK ING RCMARKABLE CURES DAILY Three Months Services Free to Ali Who Call This Week Tbo Southern Specialists who ba > e large lb Ik IkU Vli poituiilient offices looms 4M 15 Mooie UUiuett luilldliiK Houston Tfiaii am c I tilling a loug lutileu wuui in tn m lon miii u ° tbu louutiy fur the culet exduuu iivitiO > > Physicians uud sutgcoiiH aie nn v iviiy uioiuuni or tho day ixumiitiug tiik him M > imii uttiictiil poupti wuo ali uuxious m inku tKlOOO > lll UUlUlKUl ROiMKKl cier iiciore In the history of Houston 1101 < < > Ull if speciuilstt lduik imo IUU Uaiild pioiiinunce it nnv m mmiIubiu tsiotH l iMiiliiist tnoy IniV succeetlocl jeuuu e tIn1 au eilitcniiJ sikniiilf iiiHtors wim an nil to tlute nuU iirepurod id tieut sue icsstuily nit Chiuulc uuu hpeuul Dishiimm ui miu Wniiivii anil I uinlitu If j on wii cull Mt tber utticos they will ricmmiiiirate to > < iii thru ability b tec > iiti iiaukiy nur i viut loim uou luCniV uskng nu to explilu yout rase to them lhiy roiisldtt mi xpe > tt apeilailst suuilid lie nbli In und out loi iiiiniutiliis the pstlculs ixavt undltlou und ilului this U liii lest proof of puitlcmtis ability In handle llK c fcipfiInl unl t biiiin Useuses 1 hell busiiiesn bus linreascd tu such an cxtijut that then mo uoiv two ptiikclaus in constant cuaigo of the examining flepaii nicnt lliey hivi already oxer 400 lutuuits under tieiiuinut among thiiu many of thu lust known iltlteus nf Houston anil sill 30001000 1100100 lief turn iitbii doitors If you aie slik or afflicted In ntiy way this Is rcituliily an exceptional opportunity 1WMXKI to obtain treatment fiom the reiiigiiUed ox ptrt ilmtma f tho south at about the 30HOO netual ixpeiiM of things necissuiy for your KOllUOii case lOdOooo Hrihembei all who cull this week will be lOllO 0 siVili TllltBi MOXTHU EltVCI58 23olXs > iJtKB Tho oul charge being the expinso VltKVt of meillelnes and things ueedoil for your caso 2500 M uey ttoat successfully CATAltitll BOOOOO iAISBHH TllltOAT AND LlMl Titor his HHAitr tiiouiileb uvai 30fOOU hTUMAtJll BPLMCX AND UUWEL COMPLICATIOVS KlIINHY AM ULAU MATIUM LUM 5 f I U TUOUI1LKS UHKl I 150000 i most c lentlHr VX0O > 2i J0Of JOOOW WIS0i j 000000 251000 loooroo I 250Oi 213010 250000 1000001X1 J SCIATICA Ulifl HUAUACHliH All forms of HKIX AND ItLOOl UIHKASKS treated u < ie stully by their tote methods Hrieelal dlseisen of women given caroful lattiiitton flp tlal diseases of m n cured by the latest and isml srtentltli methods tine of tlu ilixtirs dMote all Ills time to the trrjtmwit of coinpllatlous of tb1 eye and nelenMfle fitting of glasses IJPILIJPSY cured In nitmy cases and If lou sre iflllifrd arid wish the best ioll at treotment plon to once and re the Chief Examining Pliysie lans aud Surgeons It will cost y < ju no < hng for thilr opinions and tbev will tell you frankly whether youi caw can be cuicd or iot CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL Otfces H34 MooreHornetr building Iiouston Texas Tsk elevator to fourth tit r and b ur and atk elevator boy for tOOTHLliX SPKCIALISW offices HOME TREATMENT If yoii are unable to call write for borne ttratment and give full pattleulars of your tTdd e W li e 403 MooreBuruett bolldlng Uouiton Texas Sour Lake Oil Field > the largest operators ill oil nEAUV MOSBY on notes and rhutteU Main street intm A II SOUR LAKE is the new oil field now attracting the attention of i S Tiiere arc three splendid gushers on the Sour Lake Springstract The GufTey Petroleum Company the Higgins Oil and Fuel jg Company the Texas Fuel Comptny and the Geo A Burt Company S It are all preparing to build pipe lines fiom Sour Lake to Beaumont The GufTey Company has already purchased 350000 barrels 2 w of Sour Lake Oil for this years delivery and are now building their 5 tanks and pumping station at Sour Luke and their pipe lino S from Sour Lake to Ucaumont J The Higgins Oil Company has just purchased a block of land in 5 the Ashe tract The Ashe tract is tho nearest land to the gushers tor sale It has been subdivided into 1acre lots and twenty acresof same jjj offered for sale in tracts to suit purchasers It lies 2500 feet are now m no 00 1 1x1 J J east of the gushers Apply for prices to 050 M Uj 11m 11fl flft ft 4 33a 4M3999Ma S3 3a 42 To Ggnsumers of m Contracts will b entered into to deliver Fuel Oil beghning June 15 in ihc Companys own cus F O B Gladys City We own wells steel tankage pumping stations and everything necessary to ptompt delivery to back contracts The Texas District Petroleum Company 1 ° L Sales Department Box 303 Ucaumont Texas Bd lh ° aiiatT rj cf all oriJ o M lmrurtiies CUtiilKNJUstrenstheni nd restornsm ll f k an pitJins v iSafMf ilul d by noctorsl b < DS percentoro troubledwlilil > ro u > tlt Siiif ili 8 iS n2 reurfAlocor luun > P tlon Km testimonials A wmt q IVn i Siln fl2 aLWT l boxesdwanoi effect a iwrmnucnt corn tCOnboxofor < ilO 9insit boi < 4 ror riikicelrciiliirsnd test moo a s Aiina DAVOi iikiixcim Co Vo Iiox awe Bn Fraodioo Cat For sale by Lwyn St Anderson corner Main aud Picstcn avenue Houston Texts THERE NEATiNtoS 1 IS SCIENCE IN BE WISEAND USE CartWrifit Oil Development Co VLAimON7 TZX9SS Vreduerrs and ihlpptrs ef Tieaumont Crudr OU lradlnffaelllllrsonaltKlt leading out of Beau monf tt Solicit the patronage of fuel consumers Prompt attention given to all orders jr jf js THE FAGIN INVESTMENT CO BANKERS AND BROKERS Capital 525000000 nefoio bujlug your oil stocks get our advlc and weekly maiket lellcn write r call for both they alo tangible and cotnerv tl e Oil IIxchsiigs Bulletin Iloustas Ttini coiuer PcmI aud Ilonuam strU lltouiuout 3 ioj FINANCIAL WANTEDrroin 200f to s V on llniih toll really no lunker uced apply Ad dies 200 Oils off no 2 < i roil SALiQ nttor Intelest In a gol pit out ituinoj leedeil Imualii Iti2 Ptovi deuce stiiel 2S short nots smsti II N Little 3li4i tin MONHY TO LOAN on Sslaib elintt ls ondor > lien notes ami thei > eruritlsf C A Uunriiailt 1012 Pnlrle nicuui room 4 3J SOMKZ Till BIfiXIJIt 29 MOMIY TO LOAN on Improved or unim proved city property H It Mitchell loom I Petry imlt CotlBoaa iinmie tt WIJ HAVI choice Imestmclits lo offer consult us It mav do you good wo buy uud sell oil stocks nud negotlitn loans on chattels or collateiats Clinics It Monger linestuient Coi 100f > V4 Cougrcs nveiilii dfi 100000 TO LOAN on city pioporty at B 1 and 7 per cent Vendor lien nnte < liouglit nnd sold Old plione ll ll Paul 13 Main stiewi tf sToKY i1p LOAN jil siliitos chittels vinilms IIoiih collntel ls no ilnlm no pulillilty Tbouips u ft Co 415 llluz til SMALI LOANti on salailos mil other so Utilities J iSllttoli lOlUh loxns Ave 32U flJOOfiO TO LOA1 on Houston luslrcst or uslilciiO pioprrty oho to ten jcirsi ot lonilt talus if Intercids ninillilr pay menu It desired no delay In getting our mono Apply to X L Mills 2lU Main Hint or addle P 0 Ilex hoa tf PINAM IAlMoiu uinde uy pltiiubiug well iloiici pUoue Hi Pin DUVlUg Houston iiilitm nnd Miinufiic utliig cia tf juiiArt ti IUAN Wo have meney loau n Houston business or city f tu erty nf good notes lu amounts to suit Iirrowirs nt low rate nf Interest Wm II Olsclicwsko Co 200 ICIam building tf MOXHY TO LOAN ou liuprovtd Houiton city property or Improved farms Uaslest iaieu aim terms V W Miller K > 4 Klaui lnilldliii Houston tf TfoXKY TO LOAN on Improved farm ranches Haustoo buslneie and residence pmperty aslest terms lowest rues of Interest Itogera Webb Klam building Houston tf ATTORNEYS DIRECTORY CnOCKETT TBSAfl W 3 Townstnd Attorney at Law and Ccncrol Collection Agent President Augo Una County National lUnk Litfkln Texas I HEADACHE tS 1 Pr < < ff s t M a i WANTED TO BUY WANTED T IirYGenttf hOfge nboijt 14 Uiitils hlgli iil tiflwecp 0 and 12 tW ltn i > tiulur ueid apply Toii Vnshj S um HAVI VOP A DIISIUAIILI PIES OF ITIY IltllPKUTY T1UT YOl WtLt swLr iv so sijKu sin a w r1w IT TWILL nnvfrin VOIJ A nUYKlt MIUFIKhT PHONLfi ItflLHINfi 078 111 Z Zt t wanti To iiu > ioocQ to iioOo r s tino timber Hud state loailon a id I est prlui Addiess 7Wjhl < i otflrc J > VANTir > Two pill uic IiqIiHsTrP r While weight l HI to 1200 pnim i J hands or over trim built ul or odd c with run pnrticulaiB 71U Willow i t lloiistoii IToMI THU HI OMSK 2J WANThujinutlB hor p tpr lady to dru e or will trade > oung mare i03 ivolker 2l WAXTii to ntY IVur or tiir TrloTd hogs for feeding purposes A i iv Himstixi P O Pox 42 21 Ilin MBiTK Major Lipthta is now no I20lflo i MontgoUicr nv iiii iuVb pt hlgluvt miuk < t piln fui c ap itofi lip per Pious iluc rope on both phone J 128 rrt UAY HAY 1 wnut from one to Oic cars per dty Jlnll sample and prices O I Tnft Hun Antonio Texas uU MuVlNt llllirI bui move pack store mid loan money and charge no Interest on furniture and household getsds stored with tue ail storage moved free T I Loft us phone 100 211 Mllum Ut A ziTiiiit ail > inam n Ti > Hs i prlco for old clotblug fbow b t drop pqstal will call t S fi U mcHEST CAsu PltlCBa for an kinds Junk iron hiass zinc lead rope bones litttbs etc Teleiihone counei > tliiuw Loulu Kiuiltuky CO PiestQBf TilOHUST PltlCU paid for castoff cloth ing nnd potul will ull H Caplau 205 Milam street < WILL PCy highest Price for ladlea1 and geutlcmeua second hand clothing hats nboes drop a posts card will call H Bllvcrberc 403 Milam oM LOST STRAYED STOLEN LOST oil MISLAIDOue mall cash box containing deeds aud other papers ot fjs Miluo to uuy ouc ixcopt tho undersigned will pay 10 fot return of shfpe nut ho Questions asked Juo T llrowue t LOBTMmsll ulckol watch ou Loulsianu street pleaso return to Tow LUbury S > Capltol and receive reward 23 STdAiKli ou STOLBNtJne dun Jctsey row mooley tin tac lu tSht ear ho lip lock and cbiilii Bvound neck return to jail ProWdenie utiect and receive reward HLACK ond white spotted UennU last < f a April in west of ltostubergi had on eoIUr a th Plato reading J W Savlu Tboinp sou Texa f3 reward tot doft or Infor matlnu that will lead to his recoiui f IV Blavlu Thompson Texas 2 TRADE OR EXQHANGE FOH SALE or trade O0Ottock ot dru and fixtures Write L 8 Oeoree Mfla office WILL THADE 60 range ntarir eew for Vhoetoo In good condition Ad4rj Hi Uatua butldlug f a i hm nm w Mi Si <