r i
if f
K flf
it < >
We Have Just Received
A Fresh Car of Assorted
and Dried Fruits
Consisting of
Qet our prices before buying else
Henke Pillot
Standing of he Santhero league Is as fal
lows Nashville New Orleins Atlanta
MomphK Utile Hock Shreveport rtlrmlng
hsm and Chattanooga
chrereport drfeated Birmingham
August nelmmits MaiUrmin making his
flrM appearance eislly won the thl tysxth
Belmont stnkrn at Morris Talk
Maxlmus broke the trick record at Br
Louis by winning the mile and seventy
yards event In the phenomenal tlmo of
Prue Wood a maiden 3yearold at odds
of 00 to 1 won the first race at Worth
There was not enough activity In grains
to make the lo er prices attractive Wheat
depressed corn steady oats strong pro
tlslfns higher
Bears controlled the
cotton market
on ac
count of absence of buying support and
weak spot demand
filocka were extretndy
Irregular on on
favorable strike news
Manager Jeff N Miller of tho Central
auceeedi the late P B Goodrich aa man
You can smother a cough
with your hand but you cant
cure it that ay Some medi
ciiiefe only smother coughs
Scotts Emulsion cures them
Ojd coughs and deeprooted
coughs cant be cured until
the inflammation which causes
fhem has been replaced by
hUky tteuc
Th t is exactly the kind of
thoroarh vork Scotts Emul
fsjoh does It changes the
mtire nature of the throat and
Jungs so that there is nothing
p cough about
Se 4 he Free Aswplc
Ijii SSsi
Senator tlnlley hat been Invited lo mako
an o < ldrc 9 to Nov Kngland democrats
It Is regarded ns probable tbnt Clifford
III be u > appcluted as postmaster at Sail
Speaker Henderson has made np a lUt
of tb Important bills which are to be given
right of way both the ship subsidy and tbc
Fowler currency bills bare been excluded
A number of leases for Terrltorv lands
hare been token up by Texas cattlemen
Constantinople dispatches say that tho
sultans financial trouble base reached the
Bwperor William may visit the United
States to tlen with his oxvn eyes the eoos
sit enterprises of the Americans
The colonial minuter of France has In
structed ijovrrupr IIluerrc of Martinique
io arrange for the embarkation of the In
ns Mtants
The eralser Topcka hai arrived at lort
an Prince Haytl and the altoatlon la lm
A Mil hat b en Introduced at Havana to
ptrdon all Americans In prison nr awaiting
JTesldsnt Loobet nna cordially received
at ts Hussltn capital
The reputation of Kort do Prance are
tttil unnerved and await an opportunity to
M ape from the Island nhleh th y believe
t b doomed
The ropI or Martinique are not d sti
tote bat they are tcrrlSed
Mont 1elc seemed to be reatltii after the
fearful manlfeatatlon of nnersy on Tuesday
The supreme court pranted n writ of it
W In the Shlppem rnmpress rne on the
application of the State
The New Urlenna merchant visited us
tin and left lo go to the towns
The mayoin of Jeans cltlos are wffl
blln it Conleana to hold their annual con
Oovernar Bayers Is not dolus so well as
bad been hoped for
feamuel Huston college a colored Institu
tion was dedicated at Austin
The friends of Mr Heroaby think his
Chances for securing the nomination for
rallroid commissioner have been Increased
by the withdrawal of rurtl
1 he surface Indlcattnni at Barbers Itlll
a e pronounced very good
Dudley Morgan a negro rapist was
burned at the stnke at lousing Snitch
aftir ho hud bwt > fully Idrntltted by his
Tbe response to Oolltds appeal for aid Is
not so liberal a the conditions require
About W i hak btw contributed where
ttt < Is needed
The Methodist tenernl conference elect
ed two nen bishops > ud decided to combine
the mlssioM Id tnpsu
A careful examination nf the Saratoga
Geld letds D K Hlrshfield to the belief
that oil In unlimited quantity extota
The Iteatty and Missouri Kan < i mid
Terns Oil companies nic said to be itgurlng
on a consolidation
The Neptune Carnival at Cnlveaton Is
said to he a Uuauclal success
The Tcias iralu Dealers are In aeaslon
at Waco
presented and adopted without debate Tho
three points covered were Imperialism
monopolies und tariff
Without remarks or protests a resdu
Hon of a doaen words condemning Die
course of Senator McLaurin was passed
Hat Been Placed n the Hands of an
Advisory Committee
New York May 22 The cvceutlve com
mlttee of Tammany Hall composed of the
assembly district loaders met today and
adopted two resolutions offered by Alder
man T I Kulltvan one advlslni the gen
eral committee of Taramnny Hall to abol
ish the finance committee and the second
suggesting the appointment of a subcom
mittee of three to consist of rharlea V
Murphy Daniel V MncMnhon and LouU
Ilaffcn to constitute an advisory entnmlt
tee with power to net and report from
lime to time to the executive committee
This icsolutinn was opposed by John V
Carroll who offered nn amendment which
was defeated that the Thirty seventh dis
trict leatlcru be constituted the lenders u
Tammany Hall The district leaders who
compose what la known aa the Iroker Old
llunrd npportod the propo > ed changes
TIo new advlsoiy committee elected
Chares I Murphy chairman and Thomss
Y Smith secretary
Mr Smith was formerly Itlchird Chokers
secretary It was announced that one or
more of the members of the advlsorc roin
mlltee would be at Timmnnv every day to
ttniiHaet the business heretofore attended
to by tho leader of Hie organisation
Special to The Post
Pcnsactda Ils Clenmd Pensaeola
> m for lalveston Sailed lug Kctm
Am for fiablne Pass
Mohlc Ala Cleared Normandle Nor
for Sabine Pan
Port ratl lj Arrived El Mglo Am
from New lork Haled Mohawk iltr
schooner Jlatglp
Liverpool Arrived
from fJalreston
2Z ii
S Hart Am for Nen
Slesmer Actor nr
Port of Sabine
Bahlne Texas May 22 Arrived Steam
Vtu2l Vth 0l K for Port Arthur
Hailed Schooner
Starke for Contzacoalros
Large Jessamine Shipments
Alvin Texas May 21 The shipment of
cape Jessamine buds has commenced In
earnest and orders for thfm by the thou
sand are going out dally The business will
terf haT nw mt necoratlon
l I 1 0prr < d tt h t ircds of thou
sands will be
shipped between now nnd tba
Strawberries and vegetables coutlnno to
ca out In large quantities dally
Artesian Gusher at Corpus
Corpna Chrlstl Texas May 22 The big
gest gusher yet struck In this sertlon was
brought In on John
Kenedy1 ln > m
ranch today The well la 700 feet deep and
the flowing capacity Is 1000 gallon of tine
iresh water per minute This U utmost
double the capacity of any of he other
numerous big lowing wells
Arguments n GrlmslnQer Case
Austin Texas May 22Tbo court of
criminal appeals today set aside the aub
mission for a rehearing In the Orlrnslnsur
case anil will hear oral nrguments on the
question next Wednesday
This Is tie case In which Mr Qrlmsln er
It charted with murdering her husband t5
im r mm
The Post acknowledges receipt of the following subscriptions
for the cyclone sufferers of Goliad
Previously acknowledged 62500
0 M Whitcomb Webster Texas 250
1 L Wolf Bro 1881
Total < 64631
Other Houston subscriptions 28000
Grand total 926 31
aeer of the Houston nnst and West Texas
Mr C C Harry bus been appointed sta
tistician to Vice President Markbam
It la anld Oovcrnor Odell of New York
has decided to accept the presidency of tuo
Houtborn Iaclflc
There Is a fight on between tbc Centril
tbc Katy nnd the fanta Kc over the excur
sion business
The Gulf nnd Interstate may be built to
Houston Instead of to Ilollvnr
Civil service examination for clerks nnd
oarrlrra In the local postofflce will be held
June 11
There will be a meeting of the freight
bureau organisation at tbc Business League
tonight at 8 oclock
Tho Hosklna case was affirmed by the
Onlvoston court of civil appeals
Charles A Dartls has tiled suit against
tho street oar company to recover damages
In the sum of Sf n for Inlurles alleged to
have been received In alighting from a
street car last 1ebriaiy
The water company has brought suit
against the city fni balance alleged to be
due on water rents since April 30 180fe
A motion Inatrnrtlng tbc committee of
fifteen to undertake tho raising of KJOCC0
for the purpose of giving an eblbltl n this
fall prevailed at the Itlce Ialafc mass meet
ing last night
South Carolina Convention Condemned
Course of Senator McLaurin
Columbia S C May 21 The State dem
ocratic convention began here to lay fiaa
nf tho principal objects of the gatherlns la
the framing of rules to govern tb pd
tnarles In accordance with which randidatcj
tor tha United States eeuntorshlps and
other offlcea must pledge their aupport to
the successful candidates and to lb > pit
form of th purty The ijueatlon Is a liil
one If the oath to be prescribed by tha
candidates enrera belief In the pirty t
past platforms as has been wiggessc I It
wll A ubtless eliminate some nf the ciia
dldates for the senate
A C Latimer la Tillmans choice for the
nomination Judxe Kvan former governor
has not vet been announced but he la u
peetcd to come Into the race He was de
leafed by Joseph U Enrle for the senile
In 1WW Iatlmer and lUnns are of the old
Tillman faction The others Johnstone
Klllott Hemphill and llcndeison arc of
the old antl Tlllmnitltes Johnstone rnd
Hemphill have both nerved In longrcss
while Klllott la now n member of the nous e
as Is Iatlmer The convention was called
to order at noon A number f reslutlon
were received after which a recess of thrco
hours ns taken
Senator Tillman Is chairman of the com
mittee on the constitution
At 11 oclock tonlghi the platform was
Senalor Bailey Invited lo Speak to
New England Democrats
Gut It Is Regarded as Probable that Mr
Clifford Will Be His Own
Special to The Post
Washington May 2J Senator Bailey has
been invited to address a banquet to be
given by the New llnglaud Democratic
icngiiB nt Hoston June It Other promi
nent democrats who Pave been Invited are
W 1 Ilrynu Ulchaul Olucy B M Shep
pnrd Tom U Johnson nnd Senator Im
mark The Idea is tn hnvc nil of the so
called branches of the party represented
fenntor Ilnllcy was out of the city today
and It is not Known whether or not he
will accept tho Invitation
William McKlnlcy Lambdln of Waco wUo
was recently appointed to a first lieu
tenancy In the regular army and assigned
tn the artillery branch of the sen ice was
rPday ordered to report to Havana nnd to
ttMh himself m tho Twentythird com
pany coiifcl artlllerj
James I New comb one of the candidates
for the Snn Antonio postmastcrahlp ur
rived hero today to ptess bis claim The
Impression that Clifford tbc pre cnt In
cumbent will be reappointed continues to
The report of the survey and examina
tion of the site near Sun Antonio proposed
for one of the permanent camps of military
Instruction which may be established will
probably not be printed for several days
< rt Inasmuch as It Is very voluminous In
his statement regarding the matter the sci
retary of war says that the estimated cost
of the San Antonio site and of the site
surveyed In Wisconsin In addition to those
recommended by the Miles board of gen
crals will cost about M0O0OO Ho does
not however Indicate the cost of the Texas
site alone Koine of tbc piopo od sites an
bold at Mich high flguie as to make the
aveiage cost of each of the teven sutveyed
m > lar about VH M >
Attendance on the Confederate Events
Grows Larger Each Year
Special to The Post
Washington May 22 General John B
Jordon commander In chief of tuc tnlted
CoufedMate Veterans association former
senator from Georgia the hem of a doten
brilliant battles nnd one of tho most noted
lectutcra on the American platform paid
a visit to tho senate the other day in 1
spent several hours talking and shaking
hands with hN fmmer colleagues and com
rades Ho was on his way to New York
from bla home In Atlanta and his Wash
Ingtnn ilslt was merely a social Incident
but ho said things of considerable lutcrett
to Louisiana anil Texas
General Gordon though gray with age
nnd marked with many battle senro is titlll
the picture of health He maintain a sol
diers bearing whether wnlkltig or nt rest
and his stilklng figure attiacted the atten
tion of cnpltol visitors In the marble cor
ridors Those who recognized him slopped
und stared after him until he passed from
their view many of them luted their hats
and went rewarded with a like courtesy
trom him and there were some who looked
upon 111m with a deeper and more affection
ate Interest than either curiosity or friend
ship for some passed him who had fougnt
with hlni when be earned the title of The
Man of the Twelfth of Mny
The rounloual he cried heartily when a
friend asked him how ho enjoyed the re
cent assembly of Confederal vetctaus et
l > allas Why dont you know each ic
union of these old fellows growa more en
Joynbtc and Inrger even than the preceding
one Bless me It ioems that wo get more
numerous as time files on
The reunion at Dallas waa by far the
largest we ever had it seemed to me that
I looked upon tho entire Confederate host
again when I saw the old boya marching
by They came by the thousands and weio
apparently Just as lively as they were In
nallaa handled the host In a remarkable
manner considering the overwhelming uum
hers she had to entertiln I do not believe
another city of the South could have treat
ed us better and I know every veteran
came away from Texas delighted with his
trip As for me I was mote than delight
ed I was fairly charmed with the hospital
ity and enterprise of the city
You know General Gordon continued
after he had been Interrupted by several
senators who stopped to shake hands with
him there are a very few cities of the
South that can take caro of our reunion
lvcrr year the numbers who attend grow
larger and It tnxes a great big wideawake
city to meet the demands At New Orleans
vvhero me meet next year there will of
course be ample accommodations for erary
man who will go and I predict now a larger
crowd and therefore tho greatest aucceia
of all our gatherings
Dl T0i1 eTfT wtness one of those te
unlonst he paused to ask a group nf
friends Well you have soemthlng to
live for You may see there the most In
tense enthusiasm conceivable beside the
most Interesting scenes In the world When
we old fellows get together to renew the
recollections of our war time daya somo
thine la doing as ther say now and mcrelv
to wltnesa the scene a Inspiring You ournt
to attend the next reunion
New York Presbyteries Now to Act on
Committees Report
New York May 22 The general assem
bly of the Presbyterian church today adopt
ed the report of the committee on revision
except that brief supplementary statement
which has not yet been acted upon Thero
were only two votes against adoption The
report now goes to the presbyteries for ap
Tho general assembly then ndopted the
supplementary statement There were n lr <
two dissenting votes This now makes the
adoption of the revision complete
B rs tt f I Kind W Haw Always aty
France Providing Means for Evacua
Hon of Martinique
Has Not Yet Been Received to
Message Which Was Sent by
the Minister
Paris May 22 The minister of the colo
nies M De Crals has cabled to Governor
LHucrro at Port de Prance Instructing
blm to make all possible arrangements for
the embarkation of the Inhabitants of Mar
tinique In the Cvcut of circumstances neces
sitating the evacuation of that Island
The ministry of tho colonies has commu
nicated to the Associated Press the follow
ing cable message sent to Governor
LHucrre yesterday evening Make known
If tho situation seems to you to necessitate
partial or total evacuation of the Island
tbc means at your disposal and those you
mar need
No reply has yet been received
pilik now secms
Kort de France Island of Martinique May
21 i p in Mont Pclee seems to bo resting
titer yesterdays fcniful manifestation of
energy Streams of frightened refugees are
pouring into Fort de Prance from all the
surrounding country These people are not
destitute but they nro terrified They want
only one thing nnd that Is to be taken far
awny from this Island with which they
say the gods arc angry and which they
will destroy by fire before It sinks under
tbc sea
Tho consuls here and the officers of the
war vessels lu the harbor nro waylaid by
persons crazed with fear and begging to be
carried nvvay Tho weather Is now calm
nnd benutltul but tho mountntn Is veiled
In volcanic clouds which often assume a
very threatening aspect and occasional
rumbling ore beard Somo heavy and very
welcome rain tell this morning
The United States steamer Ulxle Captain
Berry from New Ynik airlved todoj after
u quick nnd aafc passage Her passengers
Include many wotld ruinous scientlsta lrot
Hubert T Hill government geologist Prof
C H BoreliBioviuk the Antuntlc exploier
Messrs Geiugc Cut Us and George kenunn
and many mugnzlne writers and correspond
enta nro among those who airlved on the
The Dixie began landing her enonnorj
cargo of supplies early ind the storehou u
on snore botiitro congested and thin Is t < ie
gieatest difficult v of the administration
1he United States steamer Potomac went
to Inspect St Pierre with tue commanders
of the war vessels now here With the
greatest difficulty the partj succeeded In
making n lauding Tht effects of the out
burst of yesterday were ticmendmis Tlie
huge towers of the cathedral were hurle 1
lo the ciirth The bombardment of vol
canic stones Is not suftldent for this and
nil evidence point to tho passage of a fu
rloui blast of biasing gas traveling nt
ennrmotii speed and with Incalculable force
l ho deposit of boulders ashes ind angular
stones Is enormous Not n human hdng
saw what happened nt St Picric yosterday
mornlng Fort de France I overwhelmed
This second eruption wna many times
note vlolcut than that which effaced St
Pierre nnd swept Its people from the
earth Vast columns of smoke and gj
still pour ftom the grent enter ami new
Hrsuics have opened on the nyiuntilu nnd
urn vomltlns yellow whirlwinds which rush
Intermittently now from one point and
now fiom another Boiling mud also Is
brown cut at tines In tonents that rtach
the sea ard produce small tldnl waves
From n sombre silent cltv of death nnd
desolation St Pierre has become a hideous
amphitheater Of fiery roaring destruction
The people are convinced that God Is angrv
with the Island and means to scourge It
with fire nnd then sink It In the ocean
Ittcr and unreasoning fear possesses nil
The presence of tho relief ships how
ever Is helpful to tbc people who say the
American flag makes safety
The scientists who have arrived will ex
amine Into the question of the danger of
the peaks of Cnrbet near Fort de France
becoming active volcanoes The outburst
of yesterday probably means a ruined
Island as all confidence Is lost
Wo want not food but only to leave
la tho cry of rich and poor
Castries St Lucia May M ie nat
the senior counsellor of Fort de Prance
who was among tho refugees who arrived
here yesterday from Martinique on the
Norwegian steamer Hclga accompanied by
his entire family was Interviewed today by
a correspondent of the Associated Prva
He said that since the St Pierre disaser
the population of Fort de France had been
excited and anxious This was Intensified
as the ash showera from Mont ieleo thick
cned pumice rained mare often and lh
frequent detonations became louder 11
related thrilling stories of escapes from to
environs of St Plerro which he gathered
from refugees
On Saturday at 3 oclock In the after
noon he said an Incoltant rain of ashes
obscured the sky and at 5 oclock total
darkness prevailed The population g n
erally was unnerved
Sunday was lighter but the ash rain con
tinued with nn occasional fall of lava sUg
and pumice and continuous rumblings from
the mountain and the feeling or anilcty
At 4 no a m on Monday clouds Ilka
gigantic white ostrich plumes rose high In
thn northeastern heavens They had
luminous lining which were m staken for
flames though they were only caused by
the rays of the rising sun and threw the
people Into ronsternatlon At noon hs ses
began to recede with a heavy ground swell
truBliit the shipping so severely that ves
sels brake from their moorings It did
little damage however and the ta re
ceded and left a considerable area of tho
shore permanently uncovered At the same
time the ash rain became violent aud ptl
hies fell They were followed br pieces of
heavy rock some of which weighed from
threo to twelve pounds each The panic
stricken people rushed out of their hones
somo making for the mountains In tlm In
terior of the Island and others seek nt m
escape on hoard the shipping In port
The scene was one of the wildest con
fusion Whole families ashcmbled on th
Jetties and along the beach nearly ill Mf
them fnlllng on their Vnces a > l screaming
forth appeals for boat to t fce them to
the steanieia to which aonic of tie ran
swam off
The steamers at Fort de France kpt a
large number of people on hoard un
evening nhrn tho phenomena sub Idol
and most of the refugees were put eshore
On Tuesday steamers took away the d sti
tute who remained on board and also a
number of paying paisenget Thre hui
dred refugees were Imded here and 15 K
were taken to the Island of Unadeloupe
Grove alack rfoot Liver Pills
Midi from in nrtlr principle obtolnjd
fmm lilark Hoot They art on the liter
emial lr fMotrtei rt 1 ° > afrr
tdfet No srlplitfr nij sick Ktbmtrh will
cuoalc coflstlsariafl ftk
For Today Only
regular selling prfi6
is a sale to make you talk and we have no doubt but that it vvilnS
its We believe in advertising through our customers
serve purpose
not give It all to the newspapers hence for TODAY ONLY we Vi J
vou the benefit of this great cut in mens uptodate pants There is
stock therefore will sell
a shoddy garment in the entire ONLY ft
PAIR TO EACH CUSTOMER Our entire stock of Fancy WorsS
Woolens Flannels and Pin Striped Effects go at exactly onehalf
No alterations will be made on pants during this sale
TODAY ONLY after which
prices will prevail
200 Pants today 100
300 Pants today 150
400 Pants today 200
Alens Store
Main Street
This Is i picture of the Coto
nUI Its a style mide from
blick kid and patent kid The
leather Is cool and It poushes
The same elegance and comfort
that have made Queen Quality
boots famous are to be had in
these Colonials also
Wont you allolv us to demonstrate
holt perfectly they fit
Krupp Tuffly
Second Sabbath in September Desig
nated as a Day of Prayer
Jackfon Mlfs May 22 Tlic seventh day
of the ceneral nssemblj of the 1resbvtcrlaa
fhuich In the United State opened bright
and clenr
Dr Woods secretary of the committee on
bills and overtures made a report on
sundry matters One demanding the pub
lication of a Sunday school hymnal was re
ferred lo the Sunday school committee An
other from the National Itpform associa
tion asked that steps be taken to secuip
greater morality In schools and that TSny
hi hpptemher was deslsnatcd One from
the gPtirtil assembly of tho AustiulliTi
church roquestluR aid n prerentln he
MLe Islands ° c arms nT10r the South
was promised
lucky tlfty onei In nil ntotiil of 111 rno
financial condition of all was reported ta
be iib better than for many years
riil lc t Iolumlda Louisville and
tlarksvlllc have been kept Itbn the u
hnerreUhe Ce38 8t UD0n 84Ua
and will for
open students October 1 next
lhe vr s of the Norfolk presbyien
2 fl1 1 Mr to decline to lecogalte
any official or cvleilastlcal omalgia of
> Cn y TacoS quinary rte
The overture of the Roanake nrcihrtarv
fiJS lM7 1 lx to reconiicfer he sc
tlon of the last assembly and withdraw Its
assent to the consolidation of the r o
Tho ministerial relief commltten
mVrfnl mfn < UB Eft S3
f July
during every church take
collection for this fundi ao lhVf jiwoboniar
be l > rroprlated to relief work nwywr
London Paper Claims that the War Is
t n End
London May saxtie D3liy Chronicle
this iKrJday morning claim authority to
say peace In Bouta Africa Is
tlcally assured
Thl Is also the
jeneril Impreaslon with
the ulber newSplpfrs an tUfr pub <
thoush the former do not Ko so far as the
arscittu punllshcd by tho Chronicle
It la understood that Important dispatches
cie icwlvecl jeitcrdar fiom Lord Jlllncr
the llrltlsti hlsh commhaloner In South Af
rica and from Lord Kitchener
The fact that
the cabinet was summoned
to quickly after the arrltal q the dele
cuius at Pretoria l > rcnuled as a tood
ausury as tho discussion at Trctorla coult
only have commenced Monday
puitlo vII lh M M P nt U J1
500 Pants today
600 Pants today
750 Pants today
Oourtesy Promptness Liberal
of Stn Antonio Ttzai
Havetton Texas May 22The attend
ance at tho Neptune Carnival continues st
Isfncloty The visitors are apparently on
Joylim thmselves to the fullest extent tt
D I cl tbc attraction of the car
uival hich seems to Inteest them as the
iuturit attractions of tb B ciy to the lu
tetter visitors Th T a tL
beach and to the har e8 wU B they can
rce t UL U8 cMr > The tuth houco at ie
IMch has pviu dolne uu Immense businei
Lvtn lu the middle of the day he surf Is
thronged vuth bathers The affair has
proved a success financially
and the pio
are highly pleased Owing probt
bly to the
condition of the
State tbc visitors haie been of a thrifty
class aud art srcndlnj
monty freely TnU
of course adds to the
warmth of their re
ception and make
cverythius an inuoU
lj Iso extortion has been
Indulged lu by
alu uW Cau tUcui < > wtuin
ASVrlca L f 1 I PfOiluctlon of
was tho success nt rh
eV b C BmieUr
r l en n hsc
esily proving the popular
of the
attractions There were hoatlninnf
J > < J fore tho hour shC
which she
n H rli l for bc rcrPtion oil ilsltors and
Hartford h s made many friends here Iit
the manner In which he hasI
t esi d th
promoters of the carnival xVii hl
way In which he has ineVto
received the
0a 1P t 1e h wA5S bS3
in conubU music 1 on shore durlnr ili
and In fact otrefed
ev y as
The members of the llfesavlni w
an exhibition this if emoon which wS
witnessed by several thousand pebnie ThJ
5jedtBn nd kluarl0U ae t with
lh jund pu d took pltco tonight
3 o the Citizens o
And Louisiana
hi llP Iili1
Jou are invited to stop over in Houston
on your uay to the Neptuna Carnival
The wholesale and retail merchants of Hous
have arranged with the M K T and I GI
Railways to allow stopover privileges on all soutfA
tickets issued by their lines
On tickets issued by other lines application
stopover made to the Business League will be h W
Houston Business League
Hartford Continues to Be the Chief At
traction Visitors Are Spending Money
Freely The King Was on Parade
King Neptune In all his slwlj
clad In
his attendants cmIbJ1
eplendor passed tbrmitti J f5
parade and the line of marrtW
by colored Are
Horns were blown a a
kind nnd description enllrwM
Ic was a grand evtnt anil
memhered i
The feature for this iflff
flower parade for th cWlwjJ
prcted Ihiit the Juvenllts
Think He Now Has a Chinef
Austin Texas Mar MI >
the race W rw
or Curtis from
mlssloner is causing
In of the fit
tho camp n
llorrsby Ther tlcue tj
of the 1 > Instrurtfd for
to the Travis county m M
ond choice In J J
which Instructed fer Cjilrtiiji
Ilorntbys frlnil
Wllllninson and Bexsr c J i
entlmi besides nwar o w
admit hat Hornsby rijV
rear they are of tn i1Dir
has a tiKhtlnc bnatf M tl t
Hornsby says
to sta
Wells to Sit on a
Austin Texas W t
Wells of the deBio f lv
committee arrived In rtfi
both >
of hearlos
troeKaiiblon puiposo senatorial WU
trlct The case 5ctiJ
will be beard i b wPf
plicated O It Colquitt spent a ifc t
day ind departed for
iSouth Texas countle
rabst Beer
mind and
tho tired f wi
heUr L
hour Thco