OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, May 23, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-05-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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Was Idenfified as the Assailant of Mrs
J W McKee at Lansing
eat Crowds of People Went from the Surround
ing Country to See the Execution Officers
Taken in Charge by Armed Men
22Tbc negro
TcMt V
Morgan who committed tbc assault
wife of the section fbre
Its McKee
unslng Switch Inst Friday pnld
most painful
penalty today In the
t cr0nrt could lufllctslow death
urnlnj The entire section of the couu
Khlca has been greatly excited since
crime lmt wcnt yvttA tMs ornlnS
known that the ncsro was
it became
ie4 ond would be brought to Lansing
ir j learned early this morning that
stsro and the men who captured him
on the westbound passenger due to
t Hi Utuslns at 1130 UverV
la Lcngvlcw who could porslbly find
which Is ovcti
jf tJ get to the switch
wont some closing their places of
n H to attend the burning livery e
ms nred lu getting the people there
ten the train bearing the crowd
hed Marshall a great crowd met It
ill the extra coaches In Marshall were
I to ireommodate the crowd
e negro was taken to Lansing and Men
Oj Mrs McKee and then taken about
iirtor of a mile from the track where
Iron rail was driven In the grouud to
the cgrn was chained
f ottered cries of anguish nml as the
its leaped up nriuinl him ho begged to
tot The e owd beeied wildly and
l d slow duth denonnclig the negro
kli crime Aftei much suffering death
ie to the negro and the body was cut
and the th plld lip nround and
r him mating t ie Are so lfot that tho
tvd fur the Dr tnie was forced to push
k Mrs Mchee was brought In n car
e to the wenr but was unnbln tn get
rtcnonsh to th ncgO Tho officer
t r < mrrlcsh to do nlvlhlng url wr
orH nwnr b lfX armed men with
pidrk ws rnr
in MOIN 1 in
rerjlmo the dmi uas convicted the
atry fer seventi live milcK niiTouiidu
btro w > urd fi ie eaich for hm
Ill mnrnlng the nelconie news mmo
t h had been ciptitr i1 After a live
V fight he was cauiit near Sitlllo a
miles nortlmest of Mount Vernon at
utly honr this moinlng lie was at
t taktn to the neire t railway tntlou
lt tn to the scene of hh oruio
t became known In thl city early this
Mtz that Mr gm had boon cautur d
1 that he wolild be brought nbyrjAhtflir
tch tcvn rile past of here lmuic
ttly Hundreds of people flocked to the
m of his crime to be present when li
> b rtt Ip The train linvlns on board
flfjraded wretch nnivrd oii time to
e with hundreds of people who wers
fitlng for his blood Immediately on his
Ill the brute ua carried face to facu
the ladv vtuo he bad so crue ly
MJfd Mrs McKee the victim Irame
itelr Identified him and stated positively
it tle could be no mistake us to uU
request was to burn Mm and in nn
taut he was seljtd and led by a rope ti
Bill open place In the woods sevural
MKdjMd soutl of the nilrcail track
a crowd anticipating hl fate bad
an Iron rail Into the ground
L ond nna Pc1 kindling wood
1 the stake
trutc htnds
< feet were bound
1 he was tld to the
Ueforo the
I Piled to tho Ulndllng however
full confession and told
Mbj Switch FrMay night lln ttltcd
coin 1 aI1 0t Frla > Clit
a 5PSal0 n 8ufgcstf that he rob the
Section Foreman McKee Saturday
efald he followed the lustrue
Cures When
Doctors Fail
< Junfs lfir 41S nV JattcwQU La
W hlrt K > 1 naJ malaria fover
rtori lint V WiU un < lcr treatment by
ntdlc nS CT lPwl taklus
l I rih c f vcr voula reluru 1
M ri
It hJ botte ot Htrbine
bottles kmc < Tnen bought
I feel rr Jh lc h AOnPletely cured
> m nU 1 you for fur
s honejur 8plenda medicine and
rta from T mlf < mmcnd ll to tuoe suf
a IIrblniar Is u wlu surev l °
ATWh0liVe ° Fr
Sorts Saow I writes I
friends as I am confident
ao bet
b l llVwr toh mi ve ° fart ° we cs
R s4brnii E 5 u accidental
ilUrla Sow t lch heal raPl y when
wl lsri h 2m cn t ls niHdlcd It
wSJdala Street Houston
m World Wide Reputation
M VenutViLrmltus e 1a nchlored a
ffrra pn being the best of
c sk 11T 1ll for lu t0 1
f if the iVi7llrfy lldren m < It
Wl y ° snnmpss of the
U < tt7fpr 0v pur digestion aud as
r ttmni Mr < nthens thtr nprv
a ela tciVv m l0 the henlth
k1 7 f plrlts
natural to
H HooJton 1 A E KelsllDff C02 Mala
WtjJP B Ailments
lb ttin anrt S 511 tlJcA become fecllngi the
iirB npnlred with
1 t1 it ambition for
ii I S any
X1 VinF tlat ho body
needs whole
MntVr P The trouble Is
> H ofT r Ecre h beenan ae
V Mkine matter in the >
If Hoas riii remrTe lt secures to
iS fBriTeAorf U1 atl1 br UStonic
ifiTR nf nfeness ffle at
Mala Street Houston
tlons gtven him by
his friend and pro
ceeded to do tho Job Saturday morning
the other fellow to receive half tho booty
On entering tho house his motive changed
atid he accomplished his hellish crime As
ft last statement ho
requested that the aama
punishment be meted out to his accom
Tho husband of
tho unfortunate woman
was on hand and after Morgan had con
cluded his remarks stepped up and ap
plied the torch
The wood burned slowly for n while and
the spectators were continually picking at
the brutes clothing trying to tear off
pieces for soucnlrs No hot Irous were
applied to tho scorching llosli but several
Jabs were made at him with knives and
totches passed over his cheeks and breast
Morgan uttered few audible groans and
After his clothing had been burned and
torn off he begged pltably to be shot or
hU death hastened lu some manner Flesh
soon began failug from hU body and It
wiim then very evident that bin torture
would soon be at an end it was at leist
thlrtytlve minutes befyre life was extinct
it becoming known that he was load the
eiowd Ktirced around th < > stake again In
on effort to obtain souvenirs All during
the binning the crowd gazed with Intense
Interest not one turning away While the
scene was ghastly the crowd seemed bar
idened by the awfulncss of hi crime nml
none stirred though as tho flames shot up
higher the twitching In the face of the
negro showed his nwful torture The sU
71lng of the flesh could be heard for suni
dlstauce and the suffering must have been
beyond description An occasional gasp
showed that n spirk of life was left but
ths soon ceased and the end came
The crowd Is estimated all the way from
12t0 to lioGu with at lcm Id women as
fipretntiirM It was an orderly crowd not n
single dlsurbasico of any kind nceurrcd
While nhotguriH Wlmliefters nnd pistol
wcie very much In evidence not a sluglc
shot wis Ural
The rpot s IoH < d for the burning was
well adnpUd for the punwvo and afforded
ample mum nnd view for all Yet ninny
were not yntlsfled with vlewlns the scene
from the ground and climbed nearby tree
tthlrh afforded an even better view At
Inst hnlf of the population ot Longvlew
witnoMed the spectacle and people came
fiom Marshall Tejtarknna letferiion Iltts
burg and nil Texas and Iticlftc and Cot ion
Holts points decides the rointry sections
The fast cannon ball train was Mopped at
Lansing and the train crew and passenger
wltnessedthe burning Hundreds of peo
ple went to the ceene by private convey
ances and some parlies from dlstaut points
hi rived too late for lthe fuss as many
waibl coll It All along the line of the
Texas and Pacific froniTexaikana to Lan
cing crowds met the train all uhiIoim to
take a look at the black
The men who bad the negro In ehnre
bad no trouble In protecting him ns the
KpiicmI understanding seemed to be iliif
he would llrst be Identified by his victim
The tieaio whom Morznn named as tho
real originator of the crime was until this
moinlng at Mb home near Lansing but
feailng Morgan would confess and Implicate
him he left very hurriedly at an early hour
and has not been hoard of since It l
thought he left In the direction of Marshall
and hopes are entertained fr his capture
Thoie lu talk of another lynching here to
night It be Is caught He Is badly wanted
and there Is no doubt that ho will be sum
marily dealt with If captured
Slnco the assault Mrs McKee hag been
nlniost piostratcd but wag able to be up
today sin Is still very weak
Morgans flight was a scusallonal one and
niQie tlnvs than once bis pursuers cere
close npou him The now of his capture
was expected from Pittsburg houily for the
last forteight hours but by ailous books
cud crooks he succeeded In getting beyond
Mount Vernon
The Post correspondent left the scene of
tbc burning at 430 this afternoon and Ihe
charred bodv of the brute bad been dragged
to a shady place scleral hundred feet dis
tant and the late arrivals were picking at
tho body Tho legs bead and ann wwe
entirely burned away
This place Is quiet tonight but of course
there Is no other topic of conversation oiacr
than the burning
Barbers Won in a Very Short Time
Printers Still Out
McKlnncy Texas May Tbe bnrbrs
of this city struck yesterday demanding
Charoed With Criminal Assault
Wnxnliaehle Texas May 22 A white
man wan broeght In yesterday f iu M
bthlnn and ImMirerrnted In the coiiiiv J ll
on n charge of criminal a iut
feuse Is alleged tn have been coniuilltil
Inst November He n arrested ruwdiv
ill cxaiilnlnB f
In Bnmoivpll Hjiinty
has been set f < r next Wednesday t
A Bride Suicided
Forney Texas Mny 20 Mrs nils Ashley
committed suicide at tho residence of her
father II II Hughes She bad been mar
ried only two weeks Particulars or iei
sons for the deed not yet ascertained Tney
lived three miles uorth of own
Bnrstla Tha Kind Vh Hiw ti P
Beat the Three to One Favorite in
Hard Drive at Worth
Results on the Other Race Tracks The
Standing of the Baseball Clubs Coyle
Cup to Bo Contested For
New York May 22 August llelmonts
Master Man making his Drat nppeaiauio
of the year easily won the thlrtyiUti
HHmont stakes at Morrl Park toda >
SiUM rTVnt n ° tcu d naohcr easy
win with his 2yearolil Mliton In the
iiiipsc sinker
v llus > yt ors tnllcSatire Hounteoas
cmjvio Time l Vi
belling flve furlongsPetit Illcu Wheel
er Mount Hope Time 1011
i stakes live una n half nr
lW Mn Uu < t 111I > u Mexican Tim
The Ilelmont stakes mte and three fur
n t0r Man lum11 KIS Hanover
1 lme a
Mile rind i furlongAdvance tiuard lUxie
Line llcno Time l5 Vi Hejio Husaed
seeml but was d squallMed fir lolling
hs iiud a half furouga Merce Iuk Me
mils dJssone Time 121J
Seven furlongs Highland Kamara
IloHslgnol Time 1J79J
St Louis Fair Grounds
St Louis May 2 Maxlmus created a
clcctai4 ccnsntlon at the Knlr Ironnds to
day by nipping the fifth event at one mile
and twenty yards from Ladv Strnthmoro
by a nose in the phenomenal time of 14j94
lowering the tuiiU record 12H seconds
roui nml a huh furiongs ueiiilirn ss
lochrin tJ < 1 Drneiueiit Time oMi4
M fiirioncsihuittllle Sister arah
It u Mint Time 11114
Seven fur longsNearest Houndlee Cen
sor Time lis
Kh ImlnnKi purie ttuceleuth l rauk
ltei Klnilnd Time 111
Mile nnd twenty yaids Maxlmus Lady
Stiithicoiv Ilcbti Print Time l4CH > i
Mil and a furlougAll Saints Litiare
Oiluur Time 1 > H
Mile sellingMystee PI Tilo OS Tennle
W 1iither Weutker 110 Little Mnser
H iinu Clay KKi irreslstllde PS Mlssllle
Preclsi > ir 101 meertlna lis Anything ml
Miner PS KllluiaiulBiluro 101 lk > cUln
Ilve furlongs 2yearolds Oaelena lrj
I lvd K KC Sland Pat lrt iorcy ja >
Mo kfiy 1itt lore and Aft luri
About it mlie nnd i half ttteeplechnse
lieiircite Itft 1hrineery ir > T > Velnmiuess
lomon 1M > Put My Hoy 117 Ladv Uisurla
l 2 Kid McCoy Mh
live ftulong tlgle 110 Ikla 111 Mlli
Stiwurt 117 Miss Aubrec 112 Zlrl job
Scorpion Joe On s 122 Mcley 11 120
Handicap mile nil I scveny yaids
IhintriKS ki Kniiud 17 Terr Kirnin 1
Alice Turner 12 Petit Mnitiu Do Jchnn
Mnrimty 08 Peaceful 111
Mile aud setenti vards handicap llur
netfn Walkaway K ltnne Lee Hi Prank
Pear e ll H Mr Pomcrov ion Wlntiejw 10
Kitty Clyde 1I1S Ilengal IPC Alee UMlili
Penan nee li0 Dr Clark HHI > r Uuejoy
Il 1ree Paas UD ltiotvu Vail CO lljn uo
II 10ft
Clear and fast
Worth Results
fhlngo Miy 22 Pine Wood < n mnllen
3yenroM filly won the first race at Worth
toduy at odds of 00 to 1 bontlrig the T to 1
f vorlte 1 Smelseiua neck lu the liar h sit
Mud of a drive Weather clear and warm
track l < av >
Rlx and a half furlongs Pnie Wood I
Snmelron Legal Mnxlm Tme 1JJ1
l lve furl ngsPoxy Knn Uidy Mntch
bSM Mlrane Time ltif IS
Mill nml a furlong rainier lluuiett
WilUniiihnu Onv II Time 2 < rT 83
Six findings Kenl worth Inspectar Shea
Honey Hoy Time 121 l >
Fhe furlongThurlf Alpin Lady Idils
Time 11 IS 2u
Six and a half furlongs Henrv o
KrnnNtnuiar lien frost Home S fllme
120 3 0
Ktve turliiiigs 2ymrolds tjlentlon
Spiingsteud Signiund Dr ONell Nortn
1 ole Sjilney C Love lko Miraculous 102
Six liiiiongs clllngAvatar Jitrv Hunt
Arutiuia US Iieauty 11 ok 110 Alllue Ab
biii Ijuinii c i in Chcirlei JOii
four tuilflngs 2 your nldir YglnJs MncK
115 Pure Dilo 110 Loin t los Traumorcl
Anile It 100
One mile and soventy yards Articulate
Antollgtit 112 Lneien Anolcby 100 Jaubert
Six furlongs selllngDniidoln 111 Senora
Miirlc 10T 1 Sanielson iur > Lrutst Pnrham
Muresca lu Senator Hulllvau W Ada H
li VS
One mile and onesixteenth selling
rainier lleniiett 100 Mnjor Manslr lnV
Cogswell lOil Meiops 102 Krower About
101 Pomndgc 100 Ijidy Meddlesome 113
Cloudy and heavy
Churchill Downs
Ioulsclllii Ivy May 22 Ib JuvenlV
stakes for SyeBolds brought out a tlebl
el nix toilav Illght and True ihu < e piifo
was ft to 1 win In handy fashion from
Klugs Lady
Pour nnd n half furlangs se llngOrnn t
Mary Senator Mntrbon Gallant hinlli
Six furioiigs purse Death J V Krby
Our Jessie Time 11SW
Mile anil se > enty yards foil ng ll n Hat
He 1 liftied Lady Hnuiible Time tt8i
Juicidlf stake tlve furlongsIt Kht ill
True Kings Lady Prlnco of Knduinntt
Time lt3
Six furlongs selling Scirtlc Optlno
Jane Oaker Time 110
Seven fmKngs soiling Aiultphone Sky
Flyir Lliilc A Tlino JiUQVi
New York
National League
Ilnyol Won
St Ioilis M
10 i
Pittsburg May 22 Phillips shut New
York out with his twltchy pitching Van
shorter hours and that tho price of sares xialtroii In stealing second In tho sixth
be advanced from 10 to 13 centi Thilr j mulns broke his leg at the ankle and
employers finally acceded to their demon s
and they returned to work during tne
There are no new developments In th
trouble between the local publishers una
printers The printers are still out and
neither dally pnper has been Issued this
week D il Wells of Austin State or
ganizer of the international Trporipnle i
union arrived yesterday and a conference
was held with the publishers bnt no set
tlement ha yet beeu reached
probably will play no more this season
rlltRbiirg 005 000 01 6 12 1
New York 000 000 0000 2 4
Phillips and OConnor Evans am Bow
St Louis May 22 Hoston won a listless
game from St Louis Willis wns fault
lessly supported and the visitors had an
easy tmo of it
Scon U il P
st 1011I 001 000 000 1 11 1
jjMtuii 3 < k < > n 1 1
Verkt Hyau nnd Nlcholt Willis aud
fiucluiiall May 22 The Cincinnati lenm
lost tUroiigh errors of the worst kind Hotli
pitchers were hit freely In almost every
geore K 11 r
rinehiliatl HO Of > 12 8
Hruoklyu 200 nnsi 112 n 12 l
Itlllppl awl Peltr Donovan and Parreli
Cblengo Mny 22 Chicago pulled the
game out of tho fire by a single a two
bagger aud an error
Score It II Q
Chicago 021 000 102 0 11 t
ihllaOoIphla OOl Oil Oil ft 10 3
Ill odes and Kllug MeGee nnd Pooln
American League
Plaved Won Lost PG
21 13 8 611
23 11 0 aw
St Louts 51 13 0 S72
Philadelphia 23 14 11 M
Hoston t24 13 11 fH2
llaltlinore 24 11 13 43S
Washington 23 10 13 400
Cleveland 23 7 IS 2SO
Hoston May 22 Home runs entered
largely Into todays game that ot Mcrtcs
In the tenth Inning winning the game
Score K n H
Boston 000 000 010 2 3 0 a
Chicago 01O00OO0034 8 1
Dlncca and Crlgcrj Patterson Garvin and
Washington May 22 St Louis hit Leo
hard throughout nnd won easily Washing
tons work at times was very wesk
Score it n B
Washington 000 100 000 1 0 2
St Louis 300 000 000 0 10 0
Leo and Drill lletdy and Sugdcn
Ilatlmorc May 22 Howell had slightly
the better ot a pitchers battle against
Score II It n
JUltluiore 000 002 0l 3 0 1
Detroit 000 000 001 1 7 2
Howell and Hrcsnahanj Miller and Mc
Philadelphia May 22 Cleveland defeated
Philadelphia In a gamo marked by heavy
hlttln and errors of omission nnd com
mission Wllti wns practically responsible
for tho loss ot his owu game
Score 11 11 B
Cleveland 012 010 12111 IS 4
Philadelphia 101 040 t o 0 14 1
Moore and Hcmls Wlltz nnd Steelmau
Southnrn League
Nnblivllle 20
yew Orleans 20
Atlanta 21
Memphis 22
Little Hock 22
Sbreteport 21
Hlrutlngliam ID
Chattanooga IT
Hlrmlngham Ala May 22 Itaggcd play
ing In Illrmlnghams Inllold gave Shreveport
the game In the seventh Inning Hoh But
ler and Campbell weie hit hard but Camp
bell kept bis hits well scattered
Score R 11 K
Itlrmlliglmm 200 100 0003 8 C
Shreveport 001 001 21 n 10 1
Campbell Wllbclm and Hluc Hutlcr una
Chnttanoosa May 22 Past playing by tbn
lsltors defeated Chtittiinooa toilny Dolan
pitched a great game six ot tho tilt being
sctntches Luck won for Little Hock Hal
lnntyne nnd OHrlcn played their llrst game
with Chattanooga
Score It II n
Little Hock 2000013000 10U
Chattnnooga tW 010 100 4 7
Allcmang nnd Murphy Dolau and Hoth
Atlanta May 22 Henleys wlldness In
the tirst Inning today was nccouutnblo for
lae home teams defout by Memphis Ha
kei was substituted In the llfth Ehret kept
III hits well DcnltcrM
Score It II i
Atlanta 000 000 00O 0 5 1
Memphis 200 fHK 010 3 ft 3
Henley linker nnd Lntlmer llhrct nbd
Nashville May 22 Sanders pitched
another winning gnnie for Nashville today
nu lug lost but on since the season open
ed The pennant leaders from New Orlcnus
faced Mm today aud it ot It the eighth Inulug
they failed to reach tho home plate
fcenre H II H
Nashville 121002 0107 11 2
Now Orleans 000 000 013 I 0 0
Sanders and Fisher Stowsrt and Abbott
Texas Learjuc
At Port WorthDaljns H Port Worth 5
At Corslcaiia Cor flpun It Waco 1
Game Will Be Played for the Benefit of
Goliad Sufferers
Tomonow at 4 oclock the wholesale gro
cers uml 1 Inphfit < t Co will play a game ot
ball for the benefit of h follad mtffcier
The two teimi have bicn pine liig dally
anrt bojli fliliu to lv lu nuod shape for lb
battle hin nriji ment njrin ed up betwoaii
Ihtni so whin they met jCiteiday In practtco
tlinl Lift Klrldor f II Ill I rbk of the
flriwers lei I A Isphet Ilrsi biisetiian
for the Jnphets a b x of soila ernrkers url
u ehecfo against a cjsc of Senilis beer and
the wlnnlig lenm will have a luivh aftr
the gime All iiri ingrniciits hive bcn
uirde for the niiibulaiicOH and dwuir by
miliingcinof both team and by ngreHiig io
gle Charles IlHlm polle > r tectlon be bis
coiiseiiieil to umplie Ioc Kinnib k will be
ci achei for tli Lirhc ni < t Jo U Imimi f ir
the Oreters Tin stills will be reidv In
time lor the game The Inpheti will wear
bbiorarra nml the Ciroc r overalls an I
jumper llverybndy I luvliod aud be sure
nnd lulng your friend
Nacoodoches Again Defeated
nonunion Tenis Mny 22 llenimout
won another loo and onesided game t lis
fternocn fiom Nacogdoches The Infer
team could not get u single hit oft Chinltu
Welor who pitched the Ur < t live lnnlns
Speedy Kldrldge pltilieil tho last ha f o
the game nml held them down to two hltn
The Nacogdoches players weru weak at all
points cviupt Werners catching aid Hen
nett at third Tin4 will go Homo tmn uro v
morning nnd Heiumnnt go < to Lake
Charle4 for n Serb f three gam J he
score had the fnC silver ling It was 10
to 1 Illis Ilciiuinont 11 NucogaochoH 2
Hot Contest Promised
The bwllng cmilest for tho Coyle cup
will tnhe rlnce tonight nt S oclock sharp
nt Jones alley on Ilnrrlsbrurg road The
following tinms will take pa it In the eon
lest ICtirlsruhe Migno > II ustnn Honl
lug club and Heu tou Tnrnrtrcln Tb
Tunivtilr line w > i the cup twee and the
onust tMilyht promises io 1 > > a seorche
The other tealiM nave Unngtbeued and
wii do Hnlr ben keep the Tyriivoivln
flm walking uwnv wit I Hie prise for Uife
third Urn I tie even thit Ih lun
crelp wlii t nights contest the cup irlll
ba thilr propeity
Cawthone to Play Santa Fe Club
The Cnwthon loseball club has made ar
rangements to play the Santa Pes of Gal
veston nt League park next Sunday The
visitors have a strong team of soml pro
fessional talent nud will no doubt play a
close and Interesting game as they dofentcl
the I ike Charles team lu Galveston last
Tuesday Third Hasemnn Wntts Is captain
and manager of the visiting club and brings
with him a ktrong team to represent bis
cltv Hid Proctor will umpire the game
Indies will be admitted free to the goto
and grand stand
Cawthons Will Not Disband
Mr K II Cawihou stated yesterday that
the reason the Cnwthiui lin lutll club had
withdrawn from the Sunset Isngne w that
all the players on bis tesin were working
tnen and It was lmpo slhle for ihem to get
off for three or fnar ilayn every other week
to plav baseball esperlallv when there was
no inonov f r them llie Cnwthmi team
hi1 it but will play lull In
will not be
this city cveiy nndsy
Tor Infants and Children
Rib Kind You Havu Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
e k
Trained Nurses Are Now in Charge
of the Injured
About Fivo Thousand Dollars Contributed
but Five Times that Amount Is Ro
qulred to Meet the Conditions
Victoria Texas Mny 22 Mr 1 K
Ilciter of the Huilncs Mens nssoclatl n
returned this morning frum llollad where
be confened with the authorities rclatlro
to cooperation In relief work He statu
that uuttcis are lu rcuiuikably good shape
Dr Yates of Goliad county U In chavge of
the hospital at the couit house where thu
seilous cates arc being cntcd for and It Is
thoroughly organized and equipped Thcro
aic now clghttcu trahied nurifca on duty
nud there Is no longer any necessity for
volunteer nurses All ot tho lujuicd arc
doing well aud there h id been no additional
deaths up to this morning jlncc tnc last re
County Judgo i C Hums Informed him
that the contributions so far aggregate
ubout 5000 tho largst being from Vic
tot la which gave 1400 cash uml quantities
of food and clothing bcsld s u great dcil
ot money hns been sent by Victorians In
Goliad to relievo lidlvldual cases of nctd
Thu money contributed is bring used ex
clusively lor Hie ep me of buiylug tae
dead nnd curing for the Injured It there
should be anything leit after doing this
which Is extremely doubtfulIt will be de
voted to assisting thorn who sulTcied pnj
< rty losses anil who icuulre asUtanre
The I espouses to he goornor call for
aid have net been ns llbeml as was expect
cd or ns the n eds of the sltuitloi requite
Twetlly ttvu tliousnnd il Huih could be used
lu tellevlns worthy ciues ot need and dis
Waxahaohle Forwarded a Check
Wnxnhaehlt Texas May 22Mayor
Ilckett today forwarded a check for 5110
to the county Judge nt lollml for the bene
lit of tho cyclone sufferers This amount
was raised with very llttli dlftlcully and
loutrlbutloiis no still being received by the
Corpus Christis Contribution
CorpiiB Chiisll Texas Milv22 Corpua
Chilstl citizens lediy sent n check for 201
ns Its coutlllmtloii lo the Goliad xiifToivis
The schiol children took up a iiilleetlon of
over 10 ill the school nnd the coj red peo
ple ulto raised a pulse for tlie sufferers
Austins Fund Forwarded
Austin Texas May 22 The cliliens le
lfif committee this afternoon forwarded
MtU to the Goliad storm sufferers
Scguln Wired Cash
Seguln Texas May 22Segn n wired
Goliad 1R0 today pnrt of SegU us dmia
tlon 10 the killTeicrs
Dcnlson Sent Money and Clothing
DeiiUnn Texas Mny 22 Iienlson for
warded t2 aud a lot of clothlm today to
tho cyclone sulfeiers at Gollid
Couple of Strangers Went Through a
Boarding House
GalvcHton Texas May 22 Two strangers
applied for lodging nt a boarding house on
Tremont and K stieels yesterday after
noon aud were locelvctl At nn euly hour
this morning one of the boarders awoke to
ml the unman In IiIn roou lonklug nt hs
watch and the ulnnn wits tjlven It was
discovered that all thu room had been Al
tered with one exception nnd a iitinntlty
nt valuables taken The imjii which iwas
not Wslteil by the burglars cjutnlned about
jlOO worth of Jewelry me strung couple
escaped with tlielr booty notwithstanding
Ihcy were caught In the net
Tho Death Roll
Galveston Texas Mnj 22 The funcial
rf Mis I Koppi rl penned al ft otlock
this afternoon from bet late residence
Twenty fourth and Hrotidwny rbe il
censfd was fatally Injureil In an acildent at
Hedlauds Cnl She was the widow ot
Miiltr Kopperl nt one tlnn one of tin
most Important business men of GiilveKtmi
The fuuejnl scilcis weio rnndiictrd by
Hnblil II Cohen
Mrs Prances A Heard icllct of Hr T
J llenril died last evening nl her rod
douce 1011 Healy nienui The deceased
had rrsldid here for a number of yeau
inil was greatly rslemod by her friends
She leaves one dnuglitei Miss Mary It
Heniil The funeral of Mrs Heard nil
take plnre lomoirow mmnlng
Captain Thomas M Sewell aged i0 yeiis
ded yesterday at St Mmys lullrmiry Hie
tlKeusnl wiiw one of Ihe old residents of
this ilty ond possessed a wide circle ot
Sues for Heavy Damages
Gslvcslon Texas May 22 A suit wan
filed lu the dlstilct eourl liday by John G
Hnnna l > 3 next filelid John Ilaiina vs
The Galveston City Street Hallway Com
pany foi damages In tho sum of 30000 for
injuries reeelvid The suit Is bisoil on mi
nceldcin which occurred April 2 wlgMtby
John G llHiiua wni Inlmeil by n street
cr > r One of bis feet was amputated and he
also received other Injuries
Petition in Bankruptcy
Aiutln Toxnn Mny 22 A pctltlnn In
bnnkrnptcy wag flleil tbU morning In tbc
loilprnl court bore by Dr Irnnk 11 Owwi
1 ttrntlkt merchant nnil private banker of
Manor Trails ouuntr his ruprciiiitllc binl j
lions Is ronilnrtiMl nt Sciruln Hi < lf1 <
n JVJOii Moik of ffnoils MttillltiCH IVil
awrt HWKiU f thin ninount t3t 3 > In nn >
uullquldntm clnlm nml U0 elnlmfil to bo 1
nppllpntlon for
rxrmpt Ho nlun nldj u
the niipolntmint of a roeiJver
charge of bin estate
to t < > c
Fell From a Moving Train
Knnle TPin Mny 22 ay Iiaan
brfokmau on tho Houston and Tent Cen
tral rutlroad wan twrlouttr liurt l t ovin
Ins by fnllhiB from n uiovhis frelnht train
II wan phirou umlor the eerc f phrtldaui
hrro law nlKht nml n > Bt to hi home at
lUinn thit lunrnln
The Mother Who Norses
her Iwttv without tfw nhl of the bottle
Ik the titpiriixt t W iTonturp Is
the upbullillng f her own IrpiiRth nu < l
fur liupnrtliiK itromrth to the Imby thrmigh
ItntiiioV iUniMicIc llnre Ih itotlilitK no miiv
wi nfi > m ffrftlve nn MuitXutrlilt 1hrnl
Iliinit tx > ioiuiiirinl ami nil ilruacUU tell It
Till nn only by Anh urfHiieli IlrrwhiK
afcMirlnllon St IoiiIh fnlteil HtiilM of
Negro Cabins at Austin
Austin Texas Jlny iFlrc > e tenlar
afternoon itentroyerl n fotiple of npcrn
cabin In the alley back of 2td We t RlgUth
attfit cnutlng a lost of fSX
Groves 3lack Root Liver Pills
Hade from nn active principle obtained
from Ulack Hoot They net on the llvgr
equal to ralpmcl and leave nn bnti after
pflccti No srlplnc ne tick stomncb Will
euro chronic constipation Price 25 cents
And Bargains in Furnishings Hats and Shoes for Men
and Boys Especially desirable for their newness de
pendability and ridiculously low prices These bargains
can only be had today and tomorrow FRlDAY AND
Mens Suits
AWns light colored All Wool Cheviot
Suits four button round cut style lots
9841 7006 and 7074 all coals lulf lined
well nude and perfect fitting < > e nc
regular fio values Sale price p00
Mens Outing Suits
Mens Flannel Outing Suits all light col
ors stripe and plaid patterns sizes 36
to 12 onlyi regular f to values tjr en
Sale price < IJuu
Mens Trousers
Mens All Wool Cheviot Trousers colors
gray mixed and brown nilxedDUTCHUiS
nuke perfect fitting and varranted
against ripping worth S250
per pair Sale price
Fine Striped Flannel Trousers light and
datk effects turn up bottoms and belt
loops Inside buttons worth jj C
all of M per pair Sale price < > iJu
Youths Long Trousers
Youths Trousers for youths it to at
years old all pure worsted and flannel
materials mostly dark Colors regular
K 200 1 140
Youths Long Pants Suits
Lots 1300 aud 165 Youths Long Pants
Suits sizes it to 17 and small mens
sizes made of all wool cheviot material
three button roundcut coals halt lined
regular f oOO and 700 suits f i 7C
Sale price D
Double Breasted Suits With
Knee Trousers
Lot i100 Hoys Umible Urcasttd All
Wool f hevtot Suits witli knee trousers
coats half lined trouseis with holdfast
buttons color Oxford gray sles to fit
boys S to ll tegular 350 fi fr
values Sale pi ice L Lo
Boys Sailor Suits
Lot 6813 Hoys Fine Lightweight Naw
Illtie Sailor Suds made of pure worsted
serge sizes j to io legulat 5
values Sale price
Washable Kilt Suits
Two lots of Childrens Worsted Kilt
Suits white duck and pique and fancy
lawns sizes 2 13 and i regular 5350
and l grades Special
Boys Norfolk Suits
One lot UoyV Washable Norfolk Stills
knee parts style fine quality linen crash
to fit boys ages < to M regit fl f
lar 4 values Sale price fZUU
Mens Shoes
Mens High Giade French Calf Oxfords
strictly hand w IH new and fashionable
shapes lllucher cut all size and widths
extra special for i riday and
Mens G High Grade All Patent Vlci Kid
Shoes made on the new shape fast good
style and good make all sizes and wldtlY
extia special for Friday and C 4 f
Saturday pClU
Mens Hats
Mens Yacht SI ape Split Straw Hats
tliis seasons fashion and riake full and
complete line of sizes regular f > j in
J300 values tale pilce
IVrora Chills OutiRhc
CuliN Dyspppuln of what
ever form qultkly cured
Ijy taking DUIFVS IMalt
Atablcspoonful in class of
irater throo times a day
All druggists ond ftrocers
Jlowuru of Imitations
Splendid Line of
Fishing Tackle
C L Tiieo Bering Hdw Store
riuln St and Capitol Ave
George pool Was Remanded to Jail
Without Bail
Orange Terns Jlny 22 The oxamiilnr
tlinl nf OeorKO Cliiude nnil Irovnr Ioole
fliaritPil with tho inunler of James A Jctt
leanlfeil In leorae ronle buliiK roinniuleil
tn jnll without ball nnil to remain In thn
Hnrtli rounty Jnll for Mifo kefiitiiR while
Ilnitrta ntnl Orover Poole were iiiliultteU tJ
unll In the mint of fVK each
0TtS L
lha KlnJ YoJ Ha9 Altars u ti
Good Price for Wocrf
tampaiaa Tcia May Mr V
Darby late yesterday evenlus sold EOOwO
Mens Furnishings
Mens Fancy Silk Scarfs and Fourln
Hands regular 35c value Sale
< n
rf lyc
Mens Madras 130ws made to wear with
high or low lurnaown collars worth
Si00 per dozen Sale price 6 for c
35ceach JC
Scarfs and FourlnHands slightly cfam
aKW regular value 35c and 50c each
packages of is Special price 13 < ij
Mens Hemstitched Handkerchiefs fancy
or plain borders regular 15c val tr
ues Sale price DC
Mens Suspenders fancy and plain non
elastic webs regular 35c and 35c fff
values Sale price IOC
Mens Jersey Hathlng Suits navy blue
color all sizes regular Sl00 val 7c
ues Sale pi Ice iOC
Mens Hlack Satlne Overshlrts finest
giade cut full and well nude reg or
ular 5135 values Sale price OOC
Mens Woven Madras Neglige Shirts
collars and cuffs attached or without
collars and separable cuffs regular ij
50c values Sale price uOC
EXTRA SPECIAL for men with large
necks White Corded Madras Shirts
neglige style sizes IS 18 1319 and 30
regular f 100 values Sale Cl
price DUC
NIGHT SIURTSCut full and long made
of line muslin French or V necks alt
sizes regular 50c values Sale in
price OOC
Mens Madras Cloth Pajamas all sjzes
fancy stripe patterns regular CI fin
J200 values Special sale price lUU
Mens Openwoik Lisle Undershirtssizes
31 to 44 regular 50c values Sale iff
price uC
Mens White Openwork Llnon Mesh
Underwear shirts or drawers all sizes
regular 100 values Sale price en
per garment OuC
Mens Ulack Halbrlggan Underwear light
weight legular 50c value Sale 70
price 0C
Mens Arrow Ilrand t5c and Cluelt
llrand 35c Linen Collars all shapes all
styles and all sizes Special sale < n
price lUC
Mens Fancy Striped Balbrlggan Half
Hose all sizes good colors regu ir
lat 35c values Special sale price luC
Mens Ulack and Tan Regular Made Half
Hose all sizes regular 15c values Spe
cial sale prlce 9c each or 3 ikr
Boys Furnishings
Hoys Percale Shirt Waist Ulousesrwlth
high band turn down collars cults at
tached ages 4 lo to regular fioo nzr
values Sale price I iJC
Hoys Navy Ulue Polka Dot Percale Sail
or lllouses white pique trimming sizes
3 13 lo 5 regular5300values Q JC
Sale prsce I u
lk ys Military Blouses made of fancy
madras pique trimmed Sizes 3 12 to 5
regular 5150 values Special sale 7Cr
price I UL
Boys Hats and Caps
Childrens rcase Crown Rougn Urald
Straw Hats all sizes regular Si00 < ir
values hale pi Ice tt
Childrens White Duck Pique ard Fancv
Linen Tain Ushanteuregular 35c jn
values Sale price IOC
childrens Fancy Madras Jockey Caps
light and cool regular 25c values tcr
bale price ltC
Ladies Bows
Ladies Bow Stocks white lawn and
pique fancy lawn and Madras reg 1Cr
ular 50c values Sale price Out
uVJvW <
Dont forget tli1t tve eadtlie pro
cession in volume of business iit itliis
line Get our samples anti price
wJien you have busiuee tpjo fJTer f
pounds of wool which was stored la M
iVarenonse nt 1t > eent per pound The
price pad Is u rCLoriMtreatcr fortiBtsy sea
= il
m m

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