OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, May 29, 1902, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1902-05-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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ksc foles Obsequies Attend
j With Pomp and Ceremony
Is jMitable Ceremonial of Ito Kind
rtfei datlhe National Capital
i mb liar M The remains of the
W Q efot nrltlrii mnlwwflrtor
mLU todnr accorded n Mi
Si l n of tbo high esteem
AmcrlMD people upon the per
If Sh ef tho deceased ami as nn
rulnt of tbo friendly feelliK
Ered toward Qr at nrttall
I Lrnmcnt of the Xatlotial rovciu
I rrPresented and the numerous
Pcc bodl o WDCUl for w nny
dcmi were
I lite Panhecfole vvns
iho Btrsdns of ambassadors mill
I 5 In addition to these
I iilf oelcty of the capital win
Sfilt Prcwnci of 1CKW
MiUdpttton In the funeral The
Juth the deceased was n mem
1 by lirlngluz
iwor to hl
ration to conduct tho crv cc
bishop of lhllndelphla Uov
Bltli under whom he sat
Z ike bead of the procession and tho
irrUti t the church that cdlflcc
ten coaplctely flllcd
Wtat uoosevelt had the place ot
Ti the rtubt of the central pew
o asat Mr naikes the British
i Md for thU special occasion the
Si representative of King Edward
n kli left sat Captain reprc
Dominion ot fatiadn by spec al
fit Ion le TO the left of the pros dentM
in line with It was lndy 1nunco
I irthrec daushters the honorable
nod Maud
J infiwuiors w re placed In the
of these ladles
ii impending th lett pew on tho right of
Snt was occupied by Major Jen
K ol staff In harse of the mll
tervlcc The
portion of the Mnrinl
Jffti nrlllsa embassy sat directly
ta rut Of the Paim < efoto ladles nnd
iklrrtir the dlplomatb corps filled
Skmble portion of the
A The cabinet wuh accommodated In
ttti directly bcalnd the presidents
ftoaprcuie eomt Judges were Riven
jt iccommodntlons In pews In allBii
The senate committee
t ilti these
Wist ilalrs headed by Senator Itil
ni the bouse committee on foreign
lint Representative llltt chairman
ttehlad tbe cabinet In the rlfiht mid
il and adjoining them sat Lleuten
Oeaenl Miles and Admiral Dewey
ltheir staffs the asslstunt secretaries
Imminent and the commissioners of
Strict of Colomola The space In
Kir of these officials was occupied by
Kid the arinr and navy
til fallerles sat a number of personal
ii tt ths Pnuncfotr fimlly
e unlet at Ht Johns church were
ilmllar to those wtileh marked the
Mill service held at that church In
if the late Queen Victoria
it lolemn ceremony over the choir sang
Alr41 Voice fre i Heaven and after
1 the hymn Notv the Laborers Task
Oer the clolnc prayers wcie wild
titer the bcoecll < dot the cholrlstnrs
ip tit strains of Jesus Lover of Mr
irit marched out tho door to tho
iirtile the bearers carried the casket
J to the hearse
s tie express wish of the famllv the
Ttbom thechurch t tho cemetery was
rf to a slnile squadron of United
rtfliilrj which pnncrt nt first llow
tltlenmoro rapidly between the lines
fopi at present arm
emnalaj were taken directly to rock
t rfiiftery where they were plirefl
tie receltlns Vault there to renaln
1 ttf ire nmevert on a Xnlted States
II to the home of the late Lord
wide In Preston Ungland
islrcreaae Subsidiary Coinage Dis
turbs All Silventes
iiilajfoD Mny JS The lionise spent
I iekaHnj the hill to Increase the
cclnasc by coining the silver
i la the treasury and to reccln
ir4 silver dollirK as the public neces
W require The limit of suliMilhry
i Is no 100ij < o0io Tho bill In
tali to an Indranlto amount In the
Jjifaof the secretary of tbe treasury
KHroiUMi the opposition or the dem
wraed It waH only a step In
IMrton of the complete striking down
jtBIwidollar The nmount of bub
a lit treasury is l4MOnio ounces
hie In dollars being r7 r > liJ
nJbMbsldlory coins oiMtiifio
j fa JCT nna orfered an
toSJ0 llke subsidiary silver n
tk 511 nl amendment was
X 5 ihe nousc idjourned
iJrt r dM n ttended tho funeral
Si Sccotc tortnv nnd by his
OTtr the deliberations of the
M Belle Newsum Dead
> May 28MU3 Delle
f at her home on Main street
= and
the remains were ship
t ufB arn s oping to the old
nffin Ml Xcwsnm has
Ui heel uinontl tot evertil years
flewI Dnlie wltl1 llcr tKO uivlv
liiteCilirk hoM Sle I
fiSi h bcrninn who lias
tm S lMrlv twrJ ye
S n1 eame here re
mil another In Hot Springs
fltefe0 v5hft dlr > t <
> trA c TCI l g lK lcl
rM0B t Magnolia
Fwewl of
D C Zuber
J mil May 2S The remains of
Sal llf wh0 dlC1 nt Comfort
llrt 1 inoniliiB
V tteno22rn B art w p n11
S frTeud nlV n cr f ielatlon
< allien of tuis ° ° ami
JjSTmsl0mg Convention
J 6on nH Tnc raros conn
a 3r rrH be hea at Stc
> tholtii ftZ1 i I eompoeed
J d heir mMsu Pnrt ° f
t flc s Icrb This
nn U a 1
tc plli Itlnir Mr I
° w 1
J the cccsldeiit
> kj R 0ec ° n Wered
r T s Tltui the cham
i > tt m Vuin withdrew his
jut rf I decision and
SfS voSfliattni >
v ft riii sv wcre very < ld to
SSjS winning low
S ii i
Warned by Aspect of Pelee Hill Re
turns lo Fort de France
Found a Close Approach to Volcano Ut
tcrly ImpossibleHas
Acquired Data
in Devastated District
qu tcr beroto o this mU
ntcd UIC tent lg au
entertained ror 11
111 ZT KH la Afl uthSr
csfotcr wl will
a land
been party iltts
nwtlIerll P t of the
Ihe governor or
AJiirtIntqu At
Hucrre was at once scon with the ob
of arranging ri8CU < artv
eccd by lnnd In connection with the voyag
nloug the coast of tbe cruUer Iliicluiutl
should such steps appear nocesaai
About 11 oclock this niotnlng irdiimd
tlcrc u wealthy laud uropiletor of Mar
tlulquo anhed hero nnd announced that
Air Kcnnan nnd his
party were safe on a
plantation nt the north end of the Island
Prof Itobett T lllll Ciiltcd States gov
eminent geologist nnd head of the expedi
tion scut to Slattlnlquc by tho National
llcogiiiphleal society who lett loit de
lranee Monday on liotscback for the vol
cano returned here this morning lie was
fi 0 1 lci ll ovn uut bv tuc trip Prof
Ill left loit de tunco nt 1 oVluck Mon
day iifteniooii lie was neconipanled bv u
> SuVV1 au xh nlmv offlctr nom the
Uritlsh Island of Tiluldnd and u boy mimed
Juc who was to act ns Interpreter Ihe
patty set out on horseback nnd took the
direct north road for Alorno Hougc lie
tweeii the hamlets Dcuv cnoux and Ponds
St Denis the party entered upon the outer
odgo of tbo zone of n hcs Hxcept for oc
casional pntehex all the country was green
and smiling rtion leuehltig the ItalDiul
plantation one mile southwest of St Pierre
the cxploters met the clear Hue of demarkn
tlon of the zone of flime and Icstrnetlou
although not of annihilation Jlonday night
was ipmt in n deseited house at Ponds ht
Denis from which Pi or lilll witnessed
nnd studied Hip volcanic eruption ot that
night M this point the horses of thu
party became exhausted
sneonns impoutant PiiOTonitAPiis
Parly the next niornlng Prof mil lushed
on to Alont Parnlsse where several prople
were killed In the eruption of May b Prom
Alont Imiianse the explorer proceeded to
Alorno ltouge where he succeeded In getting
n number of Important photograph Me
found that clos < e approach to Mount Pole
was Impossible niU as lis actuul poult Inn
was dijigrrous lu stalled Inch In u i > outh
erlv dliectloii At Chuipt Plme Prof
HIIPh boih gie nut Iliiuiktolv mil he > >
cured 1 lie xenlcc of native gtnd wh i KJ
him by wild mountnln paths back to Koi u
St Ueiil ami len Choux Tusdny ulclit
wub spent nt the Intter plice Prof Hill
reached Poit de Prance nt IP oclock tht
nioinlng by walkltig tiding nborrowed
horse and tiding In a can Inge at different
stnees of the journey
Prof III1 heard the explosion f this
morning while on his way to loit do
at n grtnt height was drifting slowly to
the southeast
wlatps ins xpimnxcis
Speaking personally of his expedition to
Mont Pelce Prof Hill said Jy attempt
to examine the crater of Mont Pelee has
been fitllc 1 succieded however In get
ting very close to Alorno ltouge At V
oclock Alondny night 1 witnessed from n
point near the ruins of St Picric u filght
ful eplotlou from Mont Pelee and niiiol
c im Pollottlng the dclonatlons of the
VMV > vi < it
imountaln gigantic iuu hioom shapid I
i h V i i nrni lt0W vmod
while the i
the clear starlit sky and spreul In n Mist
bluck hhcet to the south and directly over
my lend Through this sheet whlrh ex
tended n distance of ten miles fiom the
crater vlxlil and awful lightning like bolts
tlustiPil with nlaimlng frequency They fol
lowed distinct pallia of Isultlon but were
dllTerent fiom lightning lu that the bolts
were hoilzonlal and not petpendlciihir Thin
Is Indisputable etldcnce of the explosive
oxldatlui of the gassc irter they Itrt the
cratir This Is a most Important observa
tion and explains In part the awful catns
ttophe This phenomenon Is cntliely new
In volcanic history
I took ninny photographs but don t hesi
tate to acknowledge I was terrltted lint
I was not the only person so filghtened
Two newspaper cot respondents who were
Close to Morne ltouge some hours before
me became Heaved ran three miles down
the mountain nnd hastened Into Pott do
The people on the north end of the
Island are terrified and nre fleeing with
their cattle and effects 1 spent Tnesdaj
night In a house nt Deux Choux with u
crowd of 200 frightened refugees
Ncarlv all the phenomena of these vol
canic outbreaks are new to science mm
many of them have not yet been explained
The volcano Is still Intensely nctltc and I
can not mnko any predictions as to what ir
will do
The story related by Ferdinand Clcrc Is
clso quite interesting Mr Clcrc says
Air Kcnnan and his party have been
with inc We got around the mountnln and
icached the new crater not far from AJ ° Pi
lloullllon We discovered that It hnd broken
out at the very head of the liver labitse
nlid about liOO yards from the high road
Our party rode directly to the edge of the
then quiescent e w
crater and It was
that a great slice ot the mouutnln had I Hen
exposed n perpendleuUir < Ilil
en leaving
Bve huge unnels
In this cliff were
were not smoking The eralci Is n great
sloping oval depression from whichi smoU
Issues as It docs from the great crater vvIt
still delegates shouted
Vonr hearts are right he said finally
I tnlil President lloosevelt when 1 lert
Washington that Kansas was with him all
the time nnd 1 Ihlnk he will know It ns
we do nnv Itoosevelt is right now and ho
always uas light lie Is right because < iod
made him so
Senator lturtmi who until recently op
posed the presidents policy told the con
vention that teiipiocitv with Cuba was
rich nnd necessary but no home Industry
should be Injured A bill is now being
foiinnbited as a substitute tor Ihe house
bill which substitute would be satisfactory
to all Interests be said
The platform wnrmly Indorses the Na
tional administration
University Authorities Are Investlgatino
Mysterious Organization
New Haven Dispatch to Philadelphia North
The authoiltles of Ynlo university arc
quietly Investigating reports that have
ror some tlmo been lu circulation concern
ing a Criminal club lu that Institution
Notice lias been served upon several stu
dents lu the upper classes whose proclivi
ties have been towatd sensational dolngu
mid pranks of a natuio not sanctioned by
college opinion that tr they nie the men
who supposedly tomprlso the club there
will bo tumble should the rumored banquet
hut N tho Criminal club nnd who are
tne members Is nquery frequently heard
during this discussion of tho clubs doings
and plans It Is nof a club In the ordinary
tense It has not moms constitution or
regulorlj elected of leers nor Is there any
steward by which men are admitted or re
jected to membership
The sole test of eligibility Is Has the
student eniidldnte ever been arrested by
tbe New Haven pollceT If he has had
that experlcce be Is not only eligible but
the arrest was his Involuntary Initiation
lly virtue of such accidents the club lias
an eligible list of fully u hutidred Many of
Mr Keunnii witnessed the eMdoMn
Monday nlcht iud was nineh r M
hi phciouieni llu cxpliil u v i neisvi
panled nt luteivals br n hilsht I ht whlci
lasted for hnlf nil hour at n tinie rut
light was steady and lllitnilimj the en
I mountnln top I loft Mr K iWT8 J
d health and safety
his partr In f >
Istck to
seemed to tic Injio hurry to come
l I l
Tliccxplo tIils morning was aeeomna
nle1 by nu enormous milium of >
which rose fully Inee ml les Ii t the
but which was btrgrlv lldde i froi i tne
levv of the peoplo of Port de I rauee iiy a
heavy cumulus There was eonsequenlly no
liinle here This column of smoke woe wf
irom tlie rirltlsh cruiser IisJfttH jA
she was nt sen The Iiiilc > rift ill l H1
here this morning o malte ft
o remver the lodv of th iVSiiSSTJff
at St Pierre Air Jepn anl theniehl
the consulate With this end In vlW the
eVtllsor proiede1 IhU nfteritnrtil
Pierre but the explosion of tils J
ban probnby made It Impossible to edit
Innillnc ihere
So many people hnve left I ort tie rranee
that the town Is almost empty
Reared In Texas Ho la Well Known
Throughout the South
Oalveston Texas Hay ES Hobrrt T
Hill th geploglst who has bren waking
ttnsnn for Jtm tf at wmttHou nd wBJ
m y hire lost bis Ufo while eoatlactlng a
lu tile itl > tlngulslied enmpauy Is it clique
of upoits who meet oeiasloiially foi u
tlrlnttfng bout In oue or another of the
student resorts Their Jollifications have
roine to bo styled session of the Criminal
club A few of them have worn small
gold handcuffs for watch charms Two
mo snld to have been caught lu ti Mid upon
n disorderly hoio > e In West Haven recently
and were een to remove the telltale orna
The present lirtlrp members of the Cllm
lnal club who nre now creating illsciisuloii
include several members of the football
baseball aud track athletic squad
A long Ksy > and a lung brown miiid
dud mat led meadows aim iralllue rain
a u hUpered word and a waving horn
AlUt A ship Ihat > Jlls from n lonely utrand
lifer the kihi of Hpuln
v flow of seasons a tide of yeur
i rnn ui of wiilllnt psld lu vain
A wntriiMff It through a blur of tears
KM the vniiqushcl ressrl thgt never ap
i nu1
Owr en from Spain
lib ditttlns f I > lm > ranijtl snnwl
lif shlf that lever return again
Tie U8 swings late and tbe tide swings
JX t watch the whitewide1 < °
U t
Packers Not to Compote With Crennv
ery Butter Makers
Kaunas City Stai
It Is not likely that the pacing houses
or Kansas City will enter tho Held or the
cieamery butter maker In spite of the re
cent legislation which puts n heavy tax
on coloied butterlue They icnsou that the
ptlcc of cteameiy butter will uon beiome
to high that a large oroportlon ot the
people will not he ae to but tt and that
the increased use or butterlne will tniulliar
tze the public with substitute and the
ptijiidlce ugalnnt thu packing nouec ptoit
tict so dcepl looted a vear ago will be
icmoved Abeail there has been a won
ileuul change ot il uiem lu tts tin or
as luulcatril by the ptes and the maiiu
riietmeis believe that sorni even the uuvol
oied uticlo will become bopular
v > i < fcy > i
jfi t > pf h Hf
SlrJ1 < >
stou Cbares A Vcdder of
ft5 CmiimSJ Mr wW Iw ys TogVihrr
the evVmirt CWJ B e ° rlr 1rt D
Mr 0 llt n > tn8 niorulng
reeardXi V xM JA n ft > t lllll wa
aro mi Vlb Mn ne mountains
and Imintielio and with his spygkn
hour M2lSSi M ck oc wow sit tor
mAS mSS iI11 1u P elwen I Wilt
thiio tril l lK ° 1 t myself oue ot
CnranhU plt hm l llvrl m
mahehe ftHni fm iST4 Ulltn nlmut
tin JL i l > > OitlvMoa
hii as comioslior on tho News
VHc when he made up
geoligy further pursue his studies In
hu 1 llardly enough money to pay for
tinvC11 ted StllH iMm n
Xm ii w lf lp oull v l < a I e lie
filiht J < and by Kttlne type nt
awtUii1 yiii5 dmlng tho diy tlme
hi i Illi P henever he could he unlttiwl
f the nst twiivf yeaM my
SJL c > I < n cue of the forWiuit 0 lo
tliU eituutry
UNi nr lsai
SLiMV s struck near llenunimt the
fiUi1 M ed Hill to make jiv In
iiwlou of M1 h > ll nnd bis report Is
now oil me
in Vnshliigton
P11 n ll h reimtntlon It Is but
mural that lie should have been neiit to
luistlgttte the itUiinlr eruptloii nt Aim
liif Hill wm oiii of the mint tlnr ig
l Llcf 9nw Ue or K vc m > K a
tiuiuBht lie was perfectly wrapped up
t fotesalon ntul whlo be wan not
nt a Iirllllait mind lu the sense of brliiK
imtiorlc hi > iborbed evtrytblng he vend
and IlHestlMtrd nlid upon tile Htibject of
geoOEy hn wa exceptionally well groiuil
t lV n J > Hid t < > bine gone
l ht up hit the ernter of Mom Pelee to
pursue his liitchtl9 tinni The thought or
iowii n lire 1 dont supi ose c ei once
cntetfd Into bin plans
blnce he has been prnetttlnrj bin pio
lessinn he hns aeemnulitted eoialderablu
Popeity and U or was cpilte well oh lu
mining iinputiei
sJl0Ul tlKe or four days with
e 1f 10r ln t Hmumev Hb Is of n
Quiet deposition and but for the nlnuwt
nbnormnl slie of his bend and the breilltb
ot ntR shoulders theie was iiotttlns ilinpt
tue man to Indicate he was other than a
surcessfui perpiin Mr lllll has many
rleiuu in linhoslon nho remember blm ml
the crnsj pi Inter
State Convention at Wichltn Nominates
Full State Ticket
WlcHta Kan Alny US Uho reimiillenn
State convention tdiilcUt itomlunted the
following tlckid
tetoniorHv Unreruor W J Itallet of
Hnllry llle
Lieutenant governor1 J Haiina lllll
Secretary of state Toncph II Ilirtow
Smith Center
AudltcrSetli G Well Uric
Supretne Justices olxyenr term 11 S
Mason inuleu City J U Pollock AiUuu
sns City A T Irceue Newton
rtnprnne jusllce rouryeat term A 1J
Kills lielnit
hi preme justice twojenr term P AV
Cunuuiiixliain Iinnorla
lTeoMiicr iluimas T Kelly Allnml
Attviney gciitralC C Lolemau Ciay
bupeilntiudent of Insuruuco A T Day
hoc iiutchliiKon
toiigrenmm ut large C S Scott loin
tin teailire of the convention was the
ttiTiiK llfewwdt sentliniUt
The frleinU of Air Itillcy eontlidled tho
Fiance and he trnys a cloud of black srnuka joi utmii Horn the ktmt aim ueoitii l >
eliMlng us tiuiperJry elinliinau Keorge i
Cole who said lu Inking the chutr Lit
us bury all our dlttcrcnces let ua do n 1
our hrnllng nRiilnst the enemy let uh be
lepublliHUH let Indorse thoroughly that
spicndld lepuhllciin
dole Itrosetelt
our president Iut >
Coiigrctwmnu Long one of the loaders of
the tight In the house for Cuban leelproclty
yiade a speech In which he said The
Cuban rccfpioclty bill has pasicd the house
j and It will pnsH the senate or theic will
lie an extra wesson or coilgl ss If thete
11s an extra herslun lay fjlelids In the Plftli
the accompanying phenomena YVlilie tli c Sn VrT H fclfci IM
ciuptliiiiH contlinie no am man hiild at J r i rtl Hooiev it oitr
tempt to ascend to the crater of the IZ Vw nnd our leader InWl
lie got no lurther The convention
Definite Plan to Terminate Dcblte at
Fixed Hour and End the Matter
Public Buildimjs Bll Aorcod On Confer
ence Report Is Adopted In the Senate
Without Artjurnent
WrMilniitoii Aiay 28 An ngrifmeiit wm
reiteiiwl In the Muute tiday by which a
Html vote on the pendltn Philippine toy
ernnieui I 111 will be taken tiixt luewlny at
I p in
Ali Wstreu prtsentid the eon fere net to
port on tlm omnibus public buildings bill
and It ubh ngicrd to
> tr lwlge lu cbaigo of the PhlllppluH
poieriuueiit bill usli < l that n limn lie tu tl
lor ti votu ou iav uieMsurv
Alt LuiliiuOn Vr > xi8i Inqiired If Air
Ltidgo uiulil give ntlj idea or the scope of
thu iiiijiti imw liellip made b tile Pdlllp
piiht v iiimiuu mid whetlni thu yupilry
Would ioilt uc s Ioub nu lie csloii niiotlld
m l utiitltitcd Uj ilie dispontluu uf itle
pcuitUK tll
i < ntrely ituftvitiil bi the dlspoeltiou o
the lilii luplcil AlrlLMlgu
ooliH dlii u lvii tOlutreu as u > llle tlnle
ot luk iik tae ilui tolu on the lull lu
le > ouv hi uii lutes b > til iIoai us to t jo
i uiiitMiiieiiu ij ue mnilv to thu bill Air
Loilgo said that o J r as lie knew no goli
erm eiiimues in thu tWUres m imllcj ot tun
luiuame teic iurvliJul b Jje Ciumnittee
It wu lureed then tiliftt the sennte sliou U
uiett at al a ip oil rhmndat Saturday
Monday mid TttesdiiJ next iuat be tU
bate on Atotuliiy and Tutuday anotibl be
limited to nileenuiliiUte upeeeuen ami tbllt
the tliial vote ou theblll and naiendmeiiU
nhoiild bo taken at l oclock next Tues
mi riurrpnv Mich nddre srd the enat
on the pending bill He il he liclieved
the t me ban come when the fntnrc eouiKe
oi thu got eminent us to tli IhIiiioIs mint
i en leuied llu ilhl not be low tluit
Hn HlltillHW were tilted toi nelfnot 111
mint if he I Hough f thct were he woiil
niiiclutlngly Urge tUnl liulepcndeniv be
giuiiUil them lie bellevod therefore that
Jor the Illted States lu Hurientler Its uov
eiclumi mif the Ul UiUs would result ills
ilHtroimlA Ik Hie PlHpliKW Uiemselven on J
porhniMP Ih ti rulu tiii > Islands
Air Ilurionn uiiiluti nTl that the adopt I nil
of tht mnjorlty lOport on this i wn the
only saie and honyyAble course for tho
Ptnteii siiiim to takef
Tho nennte nt oSU p m adjourned
> > f m +
Bar Has Requested that the June
Term of Court Be Passed
Henry Gallier Was Convicted of Burglary
and Given Flvo Years In the Peni
tentiary Public Schools Closed
Itinneh offlre The Posts
Iteaitmont of
i SU l i 10 t u l ° bniiauitjJoiuc
JW1 Soiilhwestiru tell
phone rjl with
J p Nee y as butluest
icplusentntlyc uiit P W liieer ns cone
spundont sJnUscilpttons nnd ndvei tlie
uieiits or news Items left at tliU nddres
Will rcculvo piompt attenttoii Snlsciliers
having riu ennse ri complaint ns to de
lively or papers nie risjuesied to phone or
otherwise notify he nfllee promptly
A Meeting of the Bar
Ileauliiout Tcxris Alny 2SThe Ileau
moilt luir held an Importnnt meeting this
afterio > nvatii wired Judge David V llryant
of the Pederal district that it was the sense
of the bar Hint no court be held luie for
the luno term for tho reason that no Volte1
States ninishal Is now serving In the dls
trlct nud the tomt therefore will bo with
out nu oOleci The gicntett trouble would
come from the jury eases and the attorneys
heie think that It Is big enough to prevent
them from holding a sntlsfnctoi > court
J lilt what Judge Uryunta leply will be Is
not known but It will probably be re
celvrd tomorrow morning
The whole thing was caused by the
nblilpt leutoval of Dr John lirnut from of
fleo nud tbe failure of the piesldent to ap
point mint her unusual at once if course
A J Uuuston has been appointed now tint
It will be ten days befiro he can qnalfy
and get In working gear which will he too
e for tho June term
G A R Memorial Services
ttcnumnnt Toxns Alny 28 The locn
camp of the Orand Army of tho ltepubllc
Is picpnrlng to carry out an extensive pro
gram at the memorial sen Ices which win
be glvuii Pilday The graves ot the dead
will be Appropriately decorated mid the
following ptogrntn rendered
Meet at Knight of Pythias ball and form
piorowsdoii at aIS oclock leave at i
oclock fur Magnolia cemetery
Plural Ilont dilteti
by toung lady
Color bearers and oft leer of the day In
MlulMcrs of the gospel nnd speakers lu
Members or tbo 0 A It In oninlhin
Alembeis of tho W It C lu omnibus
fill dieii anil dtUeiiH In carriages
Ilea blng eonielei gate unload and iinren
to Alemoilal Mound where the follnnlnz
program will be innleil nut
Inrin around mound In square circle
Invocation by Itev H J Dndlev
Short address b > Air Itothrock pnst do
pa it men I pieslilert of Inn a W It
Soug Nenier Aly Cort lo Thee led
by Mr T Ilrown
Memoilsl neivice and decorating mound
by Ihe W It C assisted b > all picscnt
Pimn mound to grave of departed com
rirnntl Army of the ltepubllc memorial
service by General Lawton post No St
led by Conininndei It I Underbill
Decointe graves
Song In the Sweet II e and 11 c
Ilenedletlon How Davenport
Ititnrn to Knights of Pvlhlns hall where
refreshments will be sen oil
Prom ball to Noches river at foot or
Pearl sircet where the waters will be
ieJ V 1i t 0la 1 e i n < w h nowtr In memory or sailor
ulnttirer uu retailer Is paeteuy p
of h vnr fonllJ ntply rvph
ubti e and he AimourPikiiS cmpiuy lm nln hnm rlll wMtPr tvvM flowers
has ahead discovered mi expeoienl which I j It j Wc will be officer nt the day
will peinut tne housewife who i us Hie Mrs W O InBe captain of color bearers
uueooied article to solve It eoloied to suits All eomradea Sons ot Veterans Daugll
the taste or her family < Ihe packing nun tets of the Confederacy nnd iltlzens nu
P <
ill will supply the caloifng matter
pmate paekagct VVIiTl jslUl pound or
umoloicjl 1
utterlnorflr5iiiyMsiH will te
capsule the Wffluird shape ot a
celve a
huge rulslti ISaeh eiipft iTo cbutnliik a few
dioj of n ttuld which can be worked Into
Ihe biitterlno In two minutes And changes
Its color li < nn a dull birdlike white to u
llrli vellotv the popular conception or the
tine color of butter Tbe eolotlng mutter
Is tbe same as that used for years by
eienmeie and fanners all over the world
III eoloilng butter and Is harmless Hotels
nlid lostiiiinints however will not he per
nutted under the law lo coloi the butter
tne befoti sorting It
Ihe decreased demand for butteillie
which will begin when the law goes Into
effect on July 1 will probnbly have a dl
icct vjeet upon the price of b ot and porn
The Aimonr PaikliiK company one or the
biigest monuractureis nt oleomargarine In
the wot id makes ioiiki pounds a day Oleo
oil refined fiom the choice fnl or beer
nud neutral the lent bird or Hits hog aie
the pilnrlpal Ingredients and tuelr use in
late has materially Increased tne
pi Ice or live stock There is mint her nse i horus
to which these materials enn be put fh
manufacture of tallow which is now made
otuv ot the cheapest and noorest ruts or the
iiulimil The ompnn also uses lu Its but
teilne over JllW1 pounds of milk and n
like ninnnn of creamer butter eneh year
nnd this market for dairy product will
also be weakened
Swell Society Women Swear
Chicago Chronicle
Whatever the cause or causes may bo
and several are a slgucdthe deplorable
fact Is that women bclouglng to strictly
swell circles lu New York arc taking to pro
faulty wltb stattllng facility Some people
think that golf U to blame and It must
lie admitted that at times thoio are situa
tions ou the links for which the ordinary
lines ot polite oliveisntlou make no ptovl
Klun A woman whose social stuiullng gives
her nppoitilultles of knowing burtor sho
spenks declare that tin growing tuevn
lence or iiinianlty among her sex Is xlniniv
part of the mutila ror nmtinlshiiess which
Is so noticeable at presenl She also thinks
that young iniirileil women are mainly re
sponsible lor uogliiillnii the hublt which Is
uooiil equally rimimoii In Lofidnn and New
York When I ilrat began to notice swear
TngTinly the very oxtpptloial girl or woman
porpctrate1 It but the fhlng has Spread
iiiiii 1 know any number of women who nre
a very nice rt In most ways but who
dn quite rieelv Its atrociously bad
loim Ito vulKar
New Yotk man nlmtit tcnn takes u
similar view and gltea two spiclmeiu ot
bad language which he heard it omen like
lie wini Kolug Into a theater one evening
at ttw same time with very swell yJl15
matron who was ehM > ronlng st party u
trlpp d and some pari of her skirt gnvo
vv ay with a ripping sound OH dn It
she said aud wscd on None of her party
scented to wen ry nbuilt vvbat she said On
another occasion he was out with a charm
lui cirl In her auto and tlie machine
balked He expected her to say Oh dear
what can lie wrong or soiuethlng equal
Ij fcroinlue but was sturt ed when she
remarked null calmly Now what lit
he fs the matter with that hatteryr In
relating thin Incident tho Now Yorker
A fePow doesnt like that sert of thing
J ratlwr like the athletle e rl nnd never
111 for the droop ti illy alrlo but
when ulie rips out In that way Ill rather
Hot be prcscut
Caucus Postponed
Wsahlugtoti May aiA eniim of the
tMUocratlc membtrs of the bouse Mta to
have been held loiilght t < > consldcr plans for
fortiig a vote nu the Vlcinigiia iaual bill
at tbe present es lnn of cougnn At 8
click Ihe botir M f f the Hieflltig Uly
llflwu deiuoeatle rotmwrs had resiHindwl
to the cell and It w decided to nostpuna
tke meeting IntljatlDitely efore doing
rtcpresentntlve t5onhe l Me was deed
tb can itfi
tire CU mln i
cot Dally Invited to assist In these exeiclses
Public Schools to Close
llenutnont Jexas Alny S Tho city
tivhnols under the direction of Superintend
ent Iettus will hold their exercises Thurs
day evening at he Kylo opeia house wth
the following program
invocation itev P ltointnfi
Chorus Softly Itoam Jhou lentle
Night Abt miiooi
Heading The Ailnisleis llluek Snnce
inn I o llei
instrumental solo Dei Pelseliutx Ley
bneli Mnrv Aulry tireor
Iteadlng A lelephone itouiance
Alma Metnrmlrk
riinrus The tk larks Song School
Pssay Plus Pltrn Maiy Auto ireer
Ptoseiitntlnn or Diploma
Hon P A HnvvlHii
Holy City rantoinimo
Itccltallon She Dniiced vvllh isi
lUgton M V uiseii
Valre Leute Np t Alnln Al toiiiilk
U Cnrltn llosslnl
illgh Hclioni
ilretelle Peilii neeompinlBt
Hu > Hamlets iiiides
Hamlet 1
Juliet Oola llovain
Portia Illanche Mnitui
lleatrlce Florence langlor
Viola Norma Pattcrnon
Uosallntl Jliic
National Hymn School
Public Schools Have Closed
llenumont Texas Aiay 29The rtean
mont public schools closed up today ror
tha term and the chlldtcn are all happy
tonight The past session under Bupciln
tolidcnt Pettus has been one of tho most
successful from every point of view that
hns yet been held There Is but one grad
uate Ailss Autry ireer but the school
fiivu made lopld advances generally and
llu pupil are thought to have been bet
ter trained tills time than ever before Ihe
closing c erc1ioK will take place tomorrow
nlcht nt tho opera bouse when the diploma
will be pieseiiled and other luleiestlug
exercise will be bad The school fund
lor next year will Is almost double that or
the pnst year nnd consequently even more
may be expected June nth was the dale
let for the election of new teachers but It
Is hardly probable that the school board
will net together by that time The new
member have not yet quallned
Condition at Goliad
Penuinont Jexas Aiay as V Wless one
or ItenuuioiiC capitalists has Isrge inter
est nt ilerclalr near llollad and Is taktng
a good deal ot Interest In the storm stilken
dlsttlct on account ot personal acquaintance
wllh tunny or the luflerers Mrs Hies
In writing to her daughter Air Percy II
Wles stutod In part ns follows
Tbe condltons nt Uollsd are dreadful
Indeed and I fear the people do not realize
how bod they are nor how much bey will
no d And 1 da know they will coiittlbule
liberally ion would be horrified to see
liollnd and those people UKWaw has set
in mid many will dlr rrom that
Airs Percy Wless has agreed to look after
any donations Unit may be tendered aim
vv II do everything pwrtlble here to add to
the comfort o he stricken people Tho
turnout citizens were under I he impre
ilon that the sufrcrlug had been practical
rcl tved
Convicted of Burglary
Ileaumont Texas Aiay 28 Tho Jury In
Hie case of the State v Henry Oalller
this morning returned a verdict of guilty
nnd niMwcd the penalty at rive years In
Hie tieiltetlUry Till was a companion
o o to the one against Alnsworth who
convicted yesterday am J ven the
inn o penalty ns mentioned
crime alleged against the men oocurred on
Tnylor bayou during Uie winter lust
Bl WSftte
Endorsed byGreaiMeri
Congrossmnn Power from Vermont
Ilmai snian II Ilenrv Powers or Ver
mont writes from Alorrsvllle Vti
Peruim 1 have used In uty ttmllr
with success I can recommend It at
tin excellent family remedy and very
good for coughs colds mid cntnirhnl
affections Jl HMNltY P0WKU3
Roglster of Treasury Judson W
Hon Judson W r vons register of
the United States trcasnr in n bttor
fiom Washington I C savs
I dud IVitiuii to be nn i cllit n m
edy for the cniairhnl affections o spi ng
and sumtuei and tliosji who suffer Iiom
lepresslon from the heut of tho Minimcr
will hud no reined the equal of IV
Senator Butler from South Carolina
Senator M c Itntler rtaorcnior at
South Curollnn write from Wt hiutun
D C the following
l can reeammend IViuuii for dysh p
sla ami stomach trouble l hlive Imcii
nalug your medicine for n hoit period
nnd I feel very niueli iclleved It Is In
deed a wonderful medicine and besides
a great tonic Al C IlHTLHIl
United Stute Senator Gear from
Hon John II lenr Pulled Statei
seiiiitor from lotva writes
Pernnn I can recommend to all ns i
very good tonic nud particularly good
us n remedy tor catarrh
Senator Clear home addrewi Is Ilnr
llngtou lown
Senator Mallory from Florida
Pulled States Smintoi Stephen It
Alalloiv from Pint Ida In a recent let
ter written fiom P < nsncola Pin sus
the following
1 have used your excellent icnied
Ieruiui nud can lccommend It both us
a tonic nud n safe eatnirh veniedr
t s
Congressman Mahon from Penr > y
Concressiimii Thiid M Malum of
Chainbeulmrg Pa willed
I titfco pleasure In iciiiiiudltm tour
lVfitnn as a siibstautttl tonic nlid 1
good cntarth remedv
Cotigiessmaii 1
Itosn Cii
Ill IT aiflUi mSaaMtaKBSaa Maw f mrmrirmnn n
from Call
A Ilnihinii of Santi
At the solltntoli of a friend I
n ed tour Peiniia nud em ehcerfuljr
recommend ll a all pxtoMcnt r m if
ror all cVitarrlint trottbw II s luievil
a woiirterful mcillclne
i v UWMIUl
CongreafemAn B oekohlre from
Congrciwinali i V llu hire frn < i
liiduiia In n leent lett t ho ii Wash
Ifgtoti I C sats
Prcitll wluil tin filcinN nn I uni
Is a good tonic and a < n e t rih tie
n v nrtMKKiinitK
CongreMman Sparkninn from
Coiutreasninn S Al Spiikuiu ronl
luiipa I In wittm
I can ludnrss Peuriin is i ilm ri <
Ioub ami n very efleitl i en
tilirli S Al sPAHKHAV
Aicn of prominence nil over
the United States nre reewn
niLiulliifc Peruim Over mrty
niciuliiri of Congress have
written their endorsument of
It Score of other Rovcrn
inent olficlnls spctik in high
prnlsc of It Thoti unJ of
people In the humbler walks
of life rely upon it ns family
medicine end tor free book
of testimonial
If you do tint del Ire prunit nnd sat
Isfaelory lesults ticm the q of Prruna
wiiic nt once to Dr Ilert inn giving a
full statement of vour iasr and b will
Ik > pleased to give you Ills vnliiaoln fw
vlre anils
Aildiess Ir Hiiltmnn Preildeut ot
The llnitniiili Hnilltnrliitn i numlnii
We give our people mul teach them
the necessity of m the liiiiiJeriiig of
line linen
That goes a gieit vvny in pieicrvin
the fabrics sent luie for iciiovation
We send out every piee done per
91odel Laundry
and Dye Works
10091011 Prairie
S4 4S54J334JS3a fl399flfl3 4 S9S933aaiir9S5r9 9 H
ive Oak Portland Cement I
The Southern Pacific Terminal Co after testing all High Grade
cements have puichascd Live Oak for their One Million Bushel Ele 5J
vator now being erected at Galveston Live Oak proved to be the a
Strongest Cement Tested Write for prices Address tf
Texas Portland Cement Lime Co
DALLAS TtXAS Llnz Duildinij
11 P MCLAUGHLIN CO Houston AjjentS jj
4llfitiZtirllfrttollft > l < iS Zt ZKtSiitlittti
T T11 n K n n bvi 1to OA Utd t nl lha Morn
Cho c th Q l uin in nd jour ll Ke n l
crfKiutNK diMir > ui n ck m cir no aokUr Cure Lost Manhood i
orrhoea Irisopnla Tafrf
Oemon Vnr7coclo
finnree Stop ncr
Knwtl Mulli on l lo
u ouncieiuiuuu iti > txmj Oiwaui ut Addresta Bishop namedy 001 Ban rranoi eo > ub
For Sale By LEWYN A ANDERSON Corner Main and Preston Avei Houston
the Repsdorph Tents aro best otttlio market Phones 34U
410 and 41a Travis Street Houston Texas
SAA AlV vvvvAAAlttvv ArAAAr1l
Schossers Steam Bakery
We have the Ittrst muhlnery tnd with Improved method we tin male
better and aheaper bread Ihan any bakery in the State Wf He for price
SAS i m
< >
K v iA mil

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