r > I t A A k It I i I t y > V V TM ll WflPPf jL MI Stfl i OF THE NEWS Todays Weather Partly cloudy DOMESTIC ii Snow fell In tho Adirondack mountains yesterday and he temperature rested nt 3J Receiver Appointed nt Covington Ky for the Texas and Louisiana National Oil com pnfiy which hn largo boldly lu Texas Meeting held In Chicago by prominent manufacturers bankers capitalist nnd ralltoad officials to arrange for trip to Texas on Governor Snyrrs Imitation Id a parade In honor of General Kltzhngh Lee nt Blrmltigbnm yesterday a G A It post In lino dropped out because n Confcd fratc flag was being carried by n toloied boy Tennessee democrats in convention nt Nashville nominated Hon T U lrancr of hnttailooga for governor and other candi date s for State offices wTsTfTNGTO N Executive conitnlttcc of tho democratic congressional campaign committee considers plans for making the trusts and tho tariff leading Issues of coming campaigns General Tcllpo llcuucnmlno formerly Agulnaldos secretary of war called on tho president His mission Is to correct false reports regarding the civil government and the army In the Philippines Senator Piatt Introduced n bill making train robbery a fclonv punlshnblo with death mere is opposition to tho oil experiment paragraph In the naval bill There Is small hope for the projected Eist Texas navy yard FOREIGN Colonel rrank D Baldwin reporting to General Davis says certain rillpluos v > ill fight until nlpcd out Government Leader A J Balfour prom ised tho house of commous that n definite statement ns to peace negotiations shall be tnsdo to that body on Monday George J Knvnnagb who left Fort de Frapco with ilobert T Hill penetiated to within a mile of the crater of Mont Pcleo Designers rife and Watson have col laborated In designing a jMclit to chulleugo for ho Americas cup Lord Mllner haa gone to Johannesburg end the Boer delegates returned to Vereenlnglng It is supposed definite con clusions have been reached CONGRESSIONAL The house adjourned until Monday after adopting the conference report on the om nibus public buildings and fortifications bills and passing he subsidiary coinage bill The senate galleries weie crowded yes terday fo listen to speeches on the rhlllp pines bill Senator Morgan spoke in fnor of the measure Fenatnr Kpooncr began u speech which he will conclude Saturday Bill to care for Confederate mound In the Oaltwood cemetery Chicago pasted tho house yesterday The senate agreed to the confettonee re person the rivers and harbors bill without division TEXAS The time for holding the convention In district hits been the Third supreme enanged to July 1 tinder the decision of the supreme court the State loses Ub case agalust the Cam eron heirs for Oreer county scjipol land State Chairman yfells has announced the of district and appointmen t of n number county chairmen The Investigating committee continued Ita examination j of wltnesse In connection with > hc fnllino of the Hist National hank The attorney general will enter suits against corporations which ho alleges arc Illegally doing n banking business Tho new hospital at VnMIn was dedicated with ceremony illond poison and lockjaw have level oped at Goliad nnd there have been three nyiro deaths The tegCntt of the gills Indiistilnl school hate decided on a building to cost f l < io < > The authorities of Oinjson countj will rearrest Bob Smith end again try him for tho minder of Mrs Taylor J S Neeley a young man suicided at Were by shooting himself The Treadaway well oft Spindle Top has been abandoned became of a number of accidents Three saloon men defied the mayor of hi Paso and now the grand Jury has re turned true hills against all tho gamblem and saloonlsts It Is rumored a steamer line Is o be put on between Port Arthur and Galveston SPORT At Hawthorne Vulcaln won tho mile han dicap from Flying Torpedo and Searcher One favorite was first past tho post nt Gravescnd the other races going to second nd third choices Ciorlta won the lost race at Latonla pulled up running her field oft their feet Favorite captured roost of the purses at St Louis yesterday Tw6 games nre scheduled for tho Ameri can and National league series today a li usual on pccoratlon Day COMMERCIAL Cotton advanced on bMter spot demand nd lost most of tho rise on heavy liqui dation Liverpool was firm Chicagos grain pits were again under con SCHOOL GIRLS Tis a pretty age that time in a girls life when she has all the beauties of womanhood without the later lines of car r > cl worry Hut here and there even ainong school girls appear palo and drawn faces Pale blood is at the bottom of tho trouble and Scotts KmnlSion pan cure it Scotts Emulsion brings back the beauty to pale girls because it is blood food tend for Free Sample 1 iioTT 0 VrtS Clpaik to Feri St W U 2L tr c i ejiL J RAILROADS BEING SUED For Interstate Commerce Act Viola tions at Memphis Tenn INDICTED BY FEDERAL GRAND JURV Six Leadlntj Trunk Linos Are Included in the Prosscutlon Which Is tho First of tho Kind Attempted Memphis Tcnn May 20 Tho first pros ecution of common curlers in the United States uudcr section 5 of the Interstate commerce net as amended has been begun licie with Indictments against six railroads ss follows Illinois Ccnttnl llallroad com pany Loulvllle nnd Nnahvlllo Hallroad company St Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Hallroad company the Lllsco K C M and B system Southern Hallway company Nashville Chattanooga and St Louis compauy The indictments were returned against these tallroads and their officials because tho government contends that the declara tion by each toad Is Ir fact a pool among them to divide on n pio intu basis the cot tun out of Memphis and to maintain rate Ik Is agreement was known amoug tho rull loids as a declaration The government called It a pool and tho evidence of it Is alleged to hive been so strong that the gmiid Jury returned the indictments United States District Attorney Randolph nnd 1 T Mnichnud ercclttl attorney for the Interstate commerce commission arc conducting the suits for the government INDICTED ByTsUAND JUItY Washington May 20 Vice President Pin ley of the Southern mllwny today made the following statement I hue Information that the rutin ay companies cuteilng Mem phis Tenn and which mo luteicslcd In the transportation of cotton fiom tfiut point bale been Indicted by the grand Juiy of the Fcdcinl couit nt Memphis uu the rhnigo that the jallnny companies euteilng that cltl have defined the respective piopor tlons of cotton which they aio prepaied to handle from and passing thinugu that cltj Seviral voais ago It was nlleged that re bates were bclu secuted and rotes unlaw tillly reduced thiuugh the loutliig of cot ton via certain Interim dime and connecting lines and to stop these tllegul pinctlccs anil In pmsiiniico ot the polity nt the lilies In the South to conduct Hade with proper observance ot the laws of tho countiy steps vveie tikeu liv the Hues entculng Memphis Individual to control the tout ing with respect to Intermediate lines fur thermore nnd acting under the advice of counsel the trnffli nrriclnls of the various line recngnbllig the en optional conditions under width the cotton imp Is moved and the dependenee of Intel nr cottonmat kets In the South In a reasonable leguliitlon ot the cnttnn movement adopted the princi ple of nnnounclng each for l rnself nloue the pioportlon of cotton hlR lompanv wjb to handle No penaltv was at piepired tached and no agreement entcted Into tiUPKCMF COURT UVL1NK Roth of tbeso niiangomenta weie In volved In n suit subsenuintlv brought nt Memphis entitled Post vs Southern Hall way company anil lu that sull the supreme court ot Tennessee held lis follows Vhcio goods aro lomlcied for shipment to a point bevoitd the Initial eitileis line nnd tlieie ate seveial mutes equally safe prompt tellable nnd eluap stub < arilcrs can not be lolnpelled to accept the goods to be carried met one route lit prcfeiemu to another at tin snippet s option unless some i envoi appeals therefor especially where tho uso ot one loute niiy be advan tageous to the inirlu without InJuiJ or Micrlflcc to the shlppeis An Inltliil carrier can not hr compelled to make n tlnoiigh shipment to n point be yond Its llun over nnv pailli nlitr line nine ly to enable the shipper or umslgnee t get a icbite under cerct ngieenient with the line An Initial tarrler Is liable to the ship pee for loss for the selection of an Insolvent connection for the through shipment In nrdei to obtain lellef In courts of equltj against the conceited action of car rlers there must not lie mil conctrt ot nc tlon but Its dlieet and Immediate effei t must be to restrain commerce and trade nnd this Is not tho case where the load hlmply make deilnratlons that they will not cut unlawfully or seeietly reduce their published rate on cotton finm a certain point nnd thnt to preserve the Integrll of such touted they will control the loutlng of rotton nnd that thev will limit t n < cr tain per cent their carilng or cotton from and passing thiongli suth point and where the rales were not advanced in con < cniicnce of such declaration hut were maintained nt reasonable tlgutes where competition had placed them I nm nt n Ins to account for the action of tho grand Jury of the Federal court nt Memphis nnd the causes Inspiring such ac tion In tho light of the above decision KILL NO ONE UNNECESSARILY Instructions In Reconcentrado Camps In tho Philippines Washington May JOfolonel L Wag ner for two and a half jcurs adjutant gen trol of tho bears who depressed values to new levels No market today lu Willi street the dealings weie wholly Influenced by tho triple holiday No ecs don until Monday next The Chicago cattle market was again slightly weaker under largo arrivals Kan ans City closed 10 cents lower St Louis was steady to 10 cents down Ilradstreets nnd Duns reports show a gratifying condition In business circles Hallroad earnings materially lucre On the London exchange values were mnlntulned on Balfours statement Amcrl cans forgotten Decoration Day will be observed by the closing of all tho exchanges RAILROADS The per dlcm plan for handling freight cars will go Into effect June 1 iir Hroocks makes n statement of the position cf tho Gulf and Interstate Machinists on the International and Great Northern have struck In an effort to secure Increased pay ond n decrease In tho namber of apprentices Tho shops at Palestine Tnjlor nnd Ban Antonio are affected The stockholders of the Hock Island held a special meeting nt Fort Worth to author Uo bonds for the proposed extensions Tho Southern Pacific shop men have ap pointed n committee to go to San Pran Cisco to pee Gencial Manager Kruttschnltt Suit liihtltuted at Memphis against ser eial great railway trunk lines under sec tion a of the Interstate commerce ai t Klrst prosecution of tho kind cvt attempted houstonT The ordinance forbidding the throwing ot garbage and trash upon tho streets will bo rigidly enforced in < 5 MIJam Mrect bridge ha been ordered closed for oeveral days to admit of work upon the sower syphon The lllglriScbooi cgmmonceroent exercises atitbQ Auditorium lust night wert success fully conducted L HOUSTON DAILY POST FRIDAY MORNING MAY 30 1902 eral In the Philippines was heard by tho 3hlllpptnes committee today He described the coiuentrntlon camps In certain provv Inccs and said they could not be compared with the Weyler camps In Cuba They were necessary In older to clear tho country of ladrnues nnd guerillas The people were trented well nnd while n dead line was es tablished tho orders were to kdl no one unnecessarily He nlso discussed trio various orders of Hell and other orricers In the Philippines sa > lng he presumed that the oifcers uctcd upon authorty ot General Chaffee A number of questions were nskcil by Senator Culberson concerning General Hells policy In comparison with that of Idft predecessor Ocncinl Biimner General Sumner said the witness was not allowed to take as severe meas ures as he deemed necessiry He said that neither Uuiuncr nor Hell bad been responsible for tho policy pursued as each wan subject to the oidcrs of depart ment commanders If Sumner had remained In command ho said be would have been required to carry out tho same policy as Hell did The witness said that Indlscrlnilnnto burning ef villages was not c mtenanced liv the rules of war nnd thnt tho prnetteo of burning the property of non combatants was Inexcusable except In eases In which It was Impossible to separate Iffrom that of hostlles jr where the enemy was mak ing me of It WEATHER INFORMATION Probabilities Washington May U Eastern Tcxas4 Tartly cloudy Friday warmer In northwest portion Saturday fair fresh southeast winds on the coast Oklahoma and Indian Territories Fair warmer Prlda Saturday fair General Observations Obscivatlons taken by the United States weather bureau at 8 p in 7ith meridian time Temper Hnlu ture fall Abilene Texas X1 1 Amarlllo Texas 71 00 Atlanta Gn 71 IX CnrpiH Chilstl Texas f > T Davenport Iowa 71 CO Hodge fitv Kan SS T 111 Paso Jexns 10 H Galveston Texas So 00 Kansas Cltv Mo IS T Memphh Tenn Ml T Montgoinoij Ala hO 00 Nashville Tenu 72 00 New Oilcans Li 7S 00 North riatto Neb 04 00 Oklahoma O T iA OJ Omaha Neb 71 00 Palestine Texas 78 00 San Antonio Texas KS 00 St Louis Mo 71 00 Vlcbsbiirg Miss 01 72 Cotton Region Bulletin Hcport for the twentyfour hours ending at 8 a fn 70th meridian time May 23 lempeialiirc Max Mln Rainfall Abilene 6S rS 1 52 Halllnger Pt 0 1H7 HeevllTe nt S OS lllnnco fcS M 00 Htonham 87 70 00 Hrownwood PO in 10 orpus Chrlstl 8t 78 01 fnrslciinti 80 HI 17 Cuero m 71 00 Dallis St 12 00 Tort Worth 70 02 OS Galveston 82 78 T Greenville 71 Dd T Hcarno 80 ie > 00 Hemletla 70 fl 111 Houston PO 00 00 Huntsvllle 02 70 Oil Kerrvllle 81 t > 7 00 Lampasas sn OH 07 I engvlew 7fi 58 00 Lullng lip 07 00 Nmogdoehcs W 71 T Palestine SO VI T Paris 78 fi2 fit San Antonio W OS 00 Sin Marcos Sn 08 00 Shermn n 70 r 4 11 Taylor 88 70 T Temple 88 7 T Tvbr 78 CO ro Wneo 01 OS 74 Wnxnhachle 82 61 T Wentheifoul 81 W 12 Wbarton KS 72 00 Means 841 CS 12 Not Included In means Cotton Is Beino Danv d Texnrkana Texas May 20 The cold wave BtilMng this section on Tuesday still prevails Tho weather lias created consider able alarm among the cotton raisers who say that if It continues the young cotton will be ruined Mmh of the cotton Is nl rrndy stunted and will be retarded through out its growth i Hard Rain at Denlson Dcnlson Texas May 20 There has been a steady downpour all day one of the hard est of tho spilng the continued rains are damaging wheat and oats which nre icady to harvest Cottou and coin aro In the weeds The cold nights are hurting the cotton Church Destroyed at Queen City Queen City Texas May 27Late yes terday evening n ecro storm visited this ton ii completely demolishing tho Haptlst church and iintooflng one brick store Con siderable damage to com crop Loss on church fIM > Wheat Harvest Stopped Denton Texas May 20Serlcs ot good heavy showers have fallen over the county today Uhe will help corn but will put a stop to wheat harvest for n day or so Snow In the Adirondack Malone N Y May 20Snow fell last night throughout the northern part of the Adlrondacks The mercury hero dropped to OIL COMPANY RECEIVERSHIP Tho Texas and Louisiana National Oil Oompany Before the Courts Cincinnati Ohio May 20 Judge Tarvln In the Kenton county circuit court at Cov ington Ky on petition of Dr D Y Ames appointed Gcnrfic M Keefer receiver of the Texas and Louisiana National Oil company which bos a registered capital stock of 2000000 The company since Its capitalization over a vear ago has arqiilied evernl then uiml acres of land in Texas loulslnnn and Kentuck where It lvrs been actively en gaged In boring and prospecting for oil but Dr Ames saS with Door resu ts the real estate holdings Among companys for all the oil there Is In It Is a t < tet of land 3000 nereH In extent near Somerset In Kentucky nnd the compau has an on tlon of many thousands of acres ntore In Txns where Dr Ames wis placed In charge of operations and rfeirncd to flic suit for a receiver Hetn th j4 8 Kind You Ham Always Bo it NEAR THE PELEE CRATER KAVANAQH WENT WITHIN A MLE AND SECURED PHOTOGRAPHS Prof Hellprln and Mr Lcadbctter Will Attempt to Mako a Thorough Examina tion of tho New Craters Port de Prance May 29Thc crater of Mont Pcleu has been approached within one mile This feat was accomplished Tuesday afternoon by George J Knvoiiagh an unattnib 1 newspaper man who had accompanied Prof Robert T Hill tho United States government geologist on his expedition Whca Piof Hill turned south toward St Pierre Mr Knvnnagh continued on past Morno Houge His route seemed to have been ulong or near tho Cnle Basse divide He says ho descended from Morno Rouge Into tho valley between Morne Kougo and Mont Pclce This valley was deeply strewn with ashes Mr Kavanagh was guided by an aged negress to where an old foot path once led to Lake Pnlmlsto near the summit of the crater There nn Iron cross twenty feet high was burled In ashes to within a foot of Its top Ileforo blm stretched upward the mountain slope covered with ashes which soaked by the heavy rains and baked by the sun nnd volcnulo heat looked like a cement side walk Tho whole mountain top was shroud cd In smoke Porgctful of the explosion of the previous night and tho awful suddenness of the out bursts and tempted bj the seemingly easy ascent ho continued upward and made photographs and rough sketches Mr Knvnnagli found the valley filled with nshej and two great rifts which he was afraid fo approach At 0 In the evening ho tuinol bick reaching Morno Houge at about 0 oclock Ho had nndo no new observations and realized Ids danger only the next merit ing when occurred the greatest outburst since Mont Poleca flist eruption On Wednesday Mr Kavanagh tried to descend to St Pierre but failed He found a little hamlet In n valley near tho mountain black with 150 dead bodies They were not carbonl7ed nor had their cloth ing been burned off Probably this valley lay near tho Inner edge of the zone of blasting flame George Kcnnnn reported from Morne Hougo this morning Two hours ago Prof Angcio Hellprln president of the Philadelphia Geographical seelet but here under the auspices of the National Georginphlcal society left with Mr Lcadbctter to make a three days care ful exploration and study ot the new cratcis east and north SHORT NEWS STORIES SYRACUSE N Y The synod of the Re formed Preshyteilan church elected W L CarutherR of Apache O T a moderator MW YORK Public opinion In Peru np piovcs the agreement between Argentlno nnd Chile according to a Ileinld dispatch finm Limn WASHINGTONSenntor PI itt N Y Introduced a bill making tmln rohbery a felonv and providing tho death penalty for tho offense HOT tilHINGS Mri nestle P Ware was acqulttul on n charge of muidertng lur divorced husband John DWnie who was n piomlnent business man heie M3W HK Dr Jameson will return to South Afilca noon to remain two years sab a Tilhtinc dispatch from London He takes a hopeful view of the country GUAYAQUIL KcundorThe newspapers denounce Former President Alfaro of 12c nador who Is reitdlng here for conspiring to oveithrow Pioiddoiu Tlaza his suecessoi SKW YORK Jt Is asserted that SeuOr Asslz the Hrazlllnu minister at Vashlng ton has accepted Hie portfolio of minister to foreign affairs In the coming administra tion of Hodilguez Aloes BIRMINGHAM Ala The members of the locril poit Grand Army of the Republic dropped nut of ho parade In honor of Gen eral Fltzbugh Lee because a Confederate flag was being carried by one of the col ored bo s PITTSBURG Rev Dr 1 M Ross called the fort fourth general assembly of the Milted Prchb terlan chinch of North America to order for the first business iies lnii Rev Junes C Wilson of Krlo was elected modentor WASHINGTON It Is said at the war department that the departure of the Han cock nnd Sherman from Manila with the Ninth and Nineteenth regiments of Infant rv reduces the army In the Philippines to Icjs than 2b000 mcu JCI5W YORK Longie innn Amos J Cummlligs will whlih bus Just lveen tllrd for piolnte imkcs Mrs Ciimmliigs sole benelUlilr Tin petition values the lata congn roans personal property nt only 1500 nnd states that he owned no real es tate NUW YORK By the adoption of an amendment to the bylnws the New Yoik cotton exchange has definitely decided to blacklist bucket shops The amendment txoliiili > from membeishlp In the exchange in p < iton or Aim who conducts a imcKct shop liiihluct or any rcpicscntatlve of tho same Kin DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Session in Waslvngton to Define Issues for Contjressional Carnpaifjn Washington May 20 The executlvo com tnlttce of the democratic congressional cam paign committee was lu session here today Messis Ben T Cable of Illinois chairman and Jndson Harden were present with the fconatoru and representatives the other outside members were represented by proxies Although the meeting was private It was lenrncd that tho committee had considered plans for making the trusts nnd the tariff leading Issues of the conlug campaigns for the election of mcmbcri of congress A committee of seven was appointed to go over these subjects and the results of their deliberations will be brought before a caucus of the democratic members of the house The membership of tho committee of seven was not made public but it Is said to Include men of prominence In the party outside of tho executive committee of the congressional committee The general headquarters will be In Wash Ington with Representative GrlggR chair man of the congressional rommltteo lu charge while Sir Cable will direct the Western headquarters at Chicago This i veiling the full congressional committee held Its weekly meeting nnd adopted a reso lutlon by Representative Ncwlands Ney and supported by Senator Turner nnd Hep resentntlve Glenn Indorsing the pending Irrigation bill To Rush Concessional Business Washington May 2rtReprctenUHvo Pnne i Y > the floor leader of the ma Jorlt today Introduced a resolution to re scind all leaves of absences heretofore granted lu order to transact the litiliies necessary during the closing weeks of the session The resolution was referred to the committee on rules nnd It ts understood It will be reported Immediately It Is pointed out that under the present lave the sergeant nt arms has authority to withhold the pa > of members absent without leave Groves Black Root Liver Pillt Mad from an active principle obulued from Black RooLsHTbcy act on the liver equal to calomel and leave no bad after iffects No griping no Sick stomach Will cut chronic constlpttlan Price 23 cents i j < fc THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TEXANS WHO ARE TO GRADUATE IN LAW SCHOOLS Prcsidsnt Roosevelt Has Been Asked to Extend His Trip to New Mexico Opposition to the Oil Special to The Tost Washington May 20 At the commence ment of the National university lo be held next Saturday ulgbt the degree of master of law will be confetred oil Oliver Francis Uusbcy ami that of bachelor of law on James V Towtiscnd The commencement of the Columbian university will be held next Tuesday night the degree of Inchclor Of law from that Institution will be con ferred on Hlehnrd Colbert Olid John Alonzo Pnco and that of doctor of medicine on Kdwnrd Claik Hudson CnrI Lovelace and Francis Heibcrt Poole All of the young men named aro from Texas Senator Lodge chairman of the senate committee on the Philippines stated today that tho witness ORrlen whose testimony before that committee reflected severely upon Captain McDonald and ofher army of ficers will be prosecuted by the proper of ficers on the charge of perjury Representative Slajdcn called at the White House today and presented to the president an Invitation to visit San Antonio during the fair to be held la October As Was exclusively stated In The Post not long ago the president has definitely decided to vl lt Texns this fall probably during Oc tober but no details of the trip have as ct been nirnnged nnd It was theicfoic Im poislblo for any positive nnswer to he given Mr hlnydens Invitation so far as attending the fair was concerned The president has been Invited to cxtcil bis Texas trip Into New Mexico and to visit tho territorial at Albuquerque In October So far no nnswer has been glvcu to this Invitation beyond a statement to the effect thnt tho president will be glad to attend If possible It has been decided thnt ho will visit Iowa In September Tho senate committee on naval affairs has for a day or two past been considering the naval appropriations bill nnd considerable sentiment against the Item of 20000 for experiments looking to the use of Texas oil as fuel In the vessels of the navy has de veloped Senator Bailey has been looking lifter the matter and has mai > n hnrd fight for the Item it is now knows th t he has been successful and that the appropria tion will be retained There li absolutely no chance for the Cooper bill providing for a nivy yard on the Sabine or Ncchcs rivers It nppeari that the committee Is of the opinion that the very small sum of 20000 is nil thit Texas Is entitled to even though that sum Is not to be expended In the State Inas much as the oil needed for the test will lv rurnnhed free and tue entire approprla tlon will be available for the ather expenses of tho experiments General rellpe licuncamlno of Manila formerly Agulnaldos secretary of war called on the president today In company with Secretary Root Judge TaftR commis sion had the entire confidence of all right b disposed natives he said nnd It was Gencial Bourn amlnot hope that Judgo Taft might be Induced to remain nn Indef inite time at the head of the civil gif em inent The Filipinos he tnid love Judge Taft TENNESSEE DEMOCRATS THE STATE CONVENTION MEETS TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES Hon James B Frazer of Chattanooga Nominated for Governor Kansas City Platform Indorsed Nashville Tenn Jlay 20 Tennessees democracy met at the capltol today and mid enthusiasm and stirring scenes nomi nated Hou Jumc B Trazcr of Chitta uoog1 for governor and lion J Nell Mc Knlgbt for railroad commissioner Joseph Joins of Diesden wi tempoiary chalunan and AV Ewlug ot IuIiiskI the permanent pic Idlng oftlcer Whllo tho democrats were of one accord on tho question of nomination there being no contest whatever and while the plat form was unanimously adopted In the con vention the ilemocuillc htate exicullvo ommlttco wicstlcd with the platfonn until last night and then adjourned until 10 oclock this morning when agreement was 1 cached Tho essential parts of this plit foun finally adopted are these Kansas City nlutfoini and position of democratic merabeis of rongress liidoised declaration denouncing trusts riank favoilng tarlft for revenue only Denunciation of tin ship subsidy bill and the republican position on the Ililllpplnes favoring the speedy lestorntlon of piicc In the Kast nnd giving them independence Tho platform declares against the In creased standing at my denounces jcpuh llcan extravagaiue and favors the construe tlon of the Nicaragua canal J he piauks following express sympathy for the Boers liberal commercial relations with Cuba lndoise the administration of Governor Me Mlllln declare for sucr revenue laws as would reasonably limit the lien or light of recovery for taxes and such assessment ns would make back or reassessment unneces sary Tho platform next Indorses the public school svstem and tho text book law and the establishing of good roads Less Important features are the declora tlon In favor of the State fair proposition which has so ngltated tho people ot Tennes see who favor the promotion of agrhul tural inteieMs n revision of tho state lawn on the Inspection of coal mines and fac lories to afford better protection for the lahorlng clat < ses Tho platform docs not touch upon the 31 jiior question The Judiciary convention meets tomorrow to nominate cnndldatcn tor the supreme court and the court of chancerv aud ap peals Hon James V Torter former gov ernor and first assistant secretary of state under President Cleveland ex Governor James I Buchanan and Governor Benton McMtlltu addiessed the convention COLONEL BALDWINS OPINION Says Defiant Element In Philippines Re spects Only Powder and tho Sword Manila Mny 20 Colonel frank I Bald win of the fourth Infantry has telegraphed to Brigadier General Davis In command of the Vnlted States troops In the Island ef Mindanao thnt he do not expect to ostab llsh satisfactory pence condltons tn the Lake Iand dls rlct until the defiant c + ment Is wiped out The natives pretcii lng to be friendly are urging that this bo done as heir own lives are In Jeopardv which the colonel says we are In the highest sense under obligations to pro irT np rtflnt element continues Coonel Baldwin respects not dng hut power nnd he sword They will destrov humnn beings until destroyed themselves General Davis replied that to meet th 1 f 7 S n < > ay Bsosted would R 1 < C Pure nf ererv fort hv mlmtllne the troops as friends which was forbidden nnder existing orders MIMTARY W1THPIUWN Manila May 20 Arrangements are being made for the removal of the military forces from the fevertl places In the de Ts abaUns 0 N < > rtU WinK Cholera o S3 p o i x j Barn tie fi U Kind iiw AIwajK 2iV Siguier f i n fe > MVVVVW FAILURE gK g to CHARGE HhansK BILLING SYSTEM overtimes thin shortens the office work one half and reduces the co t of jour ° r cent With this stem you write the chaw make tho bill the Journal entry and the delivery receipt nil at one troke Fifty of the best business hou n In Houston and ten thousand of the most progresjlvs firms In tho Sonth are utleg It Write for ssmplcs testimonials and prices THE BOURKECARGILL CO M MUrCTUBINO 6 JIONt R eAMrucomo HOUSTON TEXAS Eicluilii Aiinli for Tmi toulan3Arkap California Idiom Okliboiii New Milieu nl lh Indian Tiftllorr CtO W BRACKtNRIDCL Prcildtnl Snjc of Sin Antonio Tent < c JNO J CANNON Cnhln ted restores Btnal HOUSE ADJOURNED No Session Will Be Held Until Monday Next Reports Adopted Wqshlngton Mny 20 Ihe house today i asscd the bill to Increase the subsidiary silver coinuge Tho democrats directed thtlr sight chiefly ngalnst the provision to recoln the standard silver dollars into sul sldlary coin as public necessities might re quire A half dozen roll calls w > re forced Some of tho New Yeik democrats voted for the previous question but voted with their colleagues on a motion to recommit with Instinctlous to strike out tho provi sion relative to the coinage cf silver dol lars The conference reports on the omni bus public buildings and fortifications np propriatlon bills were adopted jind the house adjourned until Mondav fn5t MTh r l S DS1A coinage bill follows That the secretary of the > cas ury l hercbv authorized to coin the Mlv Ssw 1 VCaM17 ITchased befoie the passage of the net of July 14 isJ0 Into such denominations of subsidiary silver coin ns he may deem necessarv to meet nub ile nnd requirements thereafter as nubile necessity may demand to recoln silver dol lais Into subsidiary coin and so mtich at Mjr Jl fl 8 3 llmt to the aggregate 11 8lU coln outstanding and fco much of any act as directs the coinage of nn portion of tho bullion purchased under the act of July 14 isftt Into stand ard silver dollars Is hereby repealed TO CARE rOIt CONKBPKRATB ORAV12S Some minor business was transacted by dnnntmous consent before the hoiifc today resumed the rouMdciatlon of the bill to increase the subsidiary coinage The bill wts passed for the Improvement and care of Confederate Mound In Oakwood ceme tery Chicago Mr Loud Cnl1 called attention to the foct that there was burled at Confederate mound twelve Union soldiers and 4030 Con federates and expressed the opinion that tho bill would be the first sten In n reytlon of National care for ti e nT f 4ectlolfnfC t0 nlt h0 m dT7b A bill was also pjd to reduce the elec tion of reserve banks to cltlei ef A STARTLIKfi Rir of Mens Summer Suit business or outlna vveati J the most uptodate stol i and a look at our ciofe > s Suits from S750 J to uawtkW FINANCIAL louriesy Promptness THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON T WISTAR DROWN v ION r nir > CMHAKCOOW Aclciftia ANHOOD RESTOREDc w ble Vltailser tho prescription of a famous French physician wlllon t V > nerjousorenVutuao tho generative orrani such u Irtut M Jatx In lb Bock Mcutliul > uilin KerTou m1iVM BlHlUncloMarry > xtmn > llns raltiaT rtYocelanntn r > p l5 Itatopiall IwsMbydaTornlgbt Vreventsqulclcnessof dltcbarrn Ski eads to Bpormatorrhcra and all the horrors ot impotneTrcW snic2 M < < 8 liver tho tldneys and the urinary orgaui ot all Impurities cuii f JgdMOai wealcorjanv AUMlslSMa Address iJAVOa JIUUICINK CO v o Box SOT Ba Fraoctoo Cal For sale by Lewyn Anderson corner Mai n and Preston tvennt Houitoa t A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES THE COMING COTTON CROP JOURNAL OF COMMERCE FIGURES A DECREASED ACREAGE Dun Co Say There Is Unanimous Opinion that the Weather Is Very Good for the Crop New York Mny 20 The Journal of Com merce nnd Commeiclnl Bulletin has com pleted a most caieJul Investigation of tho uica planted In cotton this season aud of the rendition of the plant Iu brief the Jesuits Indicate tltst a decrease of a frac tion over S pel cent to he exact 223 per cent lu the acreage planted compiling with tho department of ngrlcultuicn Juno leport of a year ago anl fccond that the avciage ondltlon of the plant lb 010 In othir voids a reductloi of 112000 iCrea H Indicated In the area planted vvjjlio this icuditloi of tho plant Is 104 points higher than reported by the doDutment of agilcul ture twelve months ago The data fiom which fhe Indications In this ripoit are drawn couipilso nejily 1100 lepoits from coirespondents thioughcnt the cotton belt Taking the leports from the various sec tlons ot the cotton belt as a whole they seem to agree that the sejson Is modeiately backward but that It Is still mmh earlier than at this time last vcci Cot respond cuts In South Cainllna Tennessee and Teas are about evenly divided whether to call the season late oi enily but the other States Indicate n late cup say about ttn dajs late The decrease In tho use of fertilizers Is quite marked The high price of feedstuffs Is evidently responsible to a considciable degiee for the diversion of land from cot ton Detailed conditions of the various States arc here given Condition Decrease State 1002 1001 ucieage Noith Carolina 012 87 04 South Carolina 044 10 00 Georgia 014 80 45 Florida 01 2 SS 2 viabama W > S 7il 54 Mississippi 875 82 37 Louisiana no 2 H > lo Texas 03 84 10 Alknn as 01 7 81 43 Tennessee 017 78 23 Missouri CitO 120 Oklahoma 02 0 SS 12fl Indian Territory 025 85 450 Totals 010 8t 5 2 23 I A representative high grade American Institution seating capacity + M lets In Its absolute thoroughness and nn rivaled faculty Art catalogue < H Clark nresldent Alamo Insurance building San Antonio Tim bet l habitants Consideration of the hill to IncmM subsidiary silver coinage wu Uu sumed the pending question Mm m Newlands amendment to the Orow u ment bv which It was propoerfb sliver coins coined under the frorfei the acts a legal tender for all dew and private The vew lands amendmeat to msbr Mdlnrv coin legal tender tad Mr 0 amendment providing that too mtrt coin should be half and quarter dollar 10 nnd 5 cent pieces of proportlonite of 4i grains were defeated wlti vision Without amendment the bill wii T ed to the house The previous wai demanded nnd upon a roll call ra ihred Mr Shafroth Colo then mored ta commit the bill with Instruction t C the bill relatlnitt out thnt portion of looolnngo of silver dollars Into win coin Ihe motion to recommit waa kit bill then passed without division 1 he senate Joint resolution fori of committee tsji polntment a Jcint upon the notion of the house m Its conferees upon the army apptdp bill The alfr ipyJ 1 was adopted sp committee Mr Dana the following Cannon III nnd Mr lllehsrtoa to Mr Mener Neb called nptaetf omnibus pnwtul erco report on the bill which the senate adopted tret and tt was ndopted The conference report on toe re TetsW tlons bill also was adopted Journcd until Monda DR HATHAj < ill s f i ts CHICAGOANS OUT OF MWT Butchers Shops Closing by the H ri Teamsters Strike the Cause Chicago May 20 Thousands ef f In Chicago were unable to bay W1 1 at nnv mice and It Is declared t shoitage will be felt far more tcriow morrow Two hundred butcher n decideS to cl et Koith Side have until the teamsteis shall be concessions asked any many ottft of Ir be forced to close because ttwWj to get fresh meat A niimbot W W lsh butchers have agreed that W not buy any more meat ftefl f until the strike Is settled In the d w te Although the supply trlct which affects the bote li rants has not been shut off M ImUMH of ice nnd coal In many W stopped and It Is probable aro not In n position Jffi < will fce l commodities of those poinrily out of business Wte v For the erst time since the today W violence was used cached ff becoming so much tlon that more dashes had to bo police eaf quell small riots The pell J vlclnitj of the stock yaros i ly doubled and ° tttiihar much of the appearance Texans In New Ye W Special to p New Tori May 20Thefollo L I T 3 4 sea seau ei are registered In New W tf HoustonMlss Neyllle K E Paine Normandy mii V G 0D a 0a gafa W Dnc a nMW i lD 8anrla B J 8an A nScloE ta5hermantC C tell CP P More Wool Buyers jB M r San Angcio Texas prjjj been m 0 wool havei J sales of More w lng 1000000 pounds riving ft 111 FiL S ihti ti 4 1 1X Or Oru aus s a Use ai Ht tef t pif