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odys Weather
Wsflhlagten January 10 Kait Texas
Rain Saturday colder tu northwest portion
ttadty Wlr except rain on the cosst
colder la tst ud south portions variable
linos becomln fresh northwest
Arkansas IUIn Saturday colder In north
west portion Sunday f lr and colder lu
east portion
tiUahoma nud Indian TerrltoryCicarlns
and colder SMturqaj Sunday falf
West TexasFair Saturday colilcr In
north portion Sunday fair
New MexicoFair Saturday and Sunday
Mississippi Alibttu and Louisiana Hstn
Saturday Sunday fair tind colder variable
Winds becoming fresh northwest
Observationtoken by the United States
npitftrr bureau at S p ui 73th meridian
Temperature twin State of
Stnionsr Max illn fall weather
Atlanta 4 >
Coipna CStlstlJtl
Davenport W
Dodge City
Kl 1aso tt
Galveston m
Jackstiiviit U4
Knuna City i
Memphis 52
Mentgomcrv Ml
Nashville 4tf
New Orleans tS
North Platte tft
OVInhoLCS ti
Oniaha 4i
1alrttliie mi
Mil Autonlo 34
M Iouls I i
Si Paul rt
Vkksbnrg 42
rtj Clear
uo cloudy
< s Cloudy
T Cloudy
< Clear
cjo lt cloudy
> Clear
3S Clou d r
ii Clontiy
v Clear
t Clour
r ttktntas
M CJcwlr
iW Hutntas
V Clf r
tt B tnlns
f ci m >
Od Clomly
T ll fjMdy
w Cloudy
10 cawr
Th American liner St r > nt from South
fmpton to New YorSf a K > at which rv
crxlty exited hat be n alshUfl olf Nan
t < t
Mnrtlmer tevernR he will decline
ti pr < li > wr of tho American Hor
M on a Mctatlon to whlh he wa elected
at Kan sa Cfty
in n frrtUt nr ck on lite Cotton Beit
ijr Tcxarkana the engineer waa killed
And the flreman foniK lnor > d
In a wreck on the Ilaltdnorf and Ohio rail
i > i Tour pewwas were KUlca and three
r nr n
Th National Lire Stek niwelltton i
< t old ofOfWa and aUJoiirued to men
ii xt year at 1ortlard Ore
K member of the jrund jury InrenicaUn
the ijoej i murder hai tohj aKiut beint
pproachevl oy a tranrei and uerture
nado for a dNelo nre of tmuiony
nemscnttlo Mnator are willing to accept
the respowlbillty for defcatim the Cuban
trraty as It ix ip ihc lutireat aolely uf
the Mijrar trust
The prcslUcnt It ald to have a grudxs
astliwt Mr Ljou Uocauae he is a frlrmt of
John Grant
Mr 1you U the only one of tb Toxin
bfisaea np In Waihlmjton Oroen miy
arrive goon nnd llnwley It Indluposed ut
cw York
Consrc man Shcppard would have th
nRftcultutnl department look after u tiuuil
bcr of crops not now Includui In report
At n cabinet mectlnj It was decided to
refuse the request of cltUenj of ludlatoln
MUit to hare their mall sent to Ueath
A autement furnlfhed Senator Morgan by
aeerctary of a ate hw < that tha nine
lanama canal commlaalonera have cost the
eevernment nearly a quarter of a million
onllarB lit less
thm nlrco yC0M
Ike house had aoine racy dl ciMlons over
private war claims during which the itato
went was brousht out that Ihc exposure of
certain fraudulent claims of 18 3 n with
held from tho public at ltvstdent Lincolns
request oecnuae ho believed a knon ledge of
thera would cause he people to despair
One of the four Jtusslan torpedo boat di
atroyrrg traversed the OardanelleR
There were eight new canes of tho plague
and four dcttha at Maiallau Frliluj
number of hourcs Infectnl with plague
seras were burned
Tho German crown prince Is vlalllug the
czar of Kusila
Cardinal Seraflno Vaunulellt has beeu up
polrtfd vlc s chapcellor of the Catholic
Church to ancceed Cardinal reroechl He
Is regarded ax a probable successor to the
The sultans brother l In command of a
column of troops sent nut from V < < i
Jamn Q Chenoweth of Donham has been
appointed superintendent of the Coufod
crati hem
Trro new strikes at Rour Lake have ex
tended tha proven field considerably
Tha State Is still Introducing testimony
In the liocMIn habeas corpus hearing at
Mr Sanford has been formally Installed
as mayor of Waco
M rf N a Mitchell of Waco was hnrned
t death
The Hill county prohibitionists have he
ua publleatjoo of the result of the election
teaplte tb Injunction which the nulls n
lego they obtained
A special Invitation to attend the unveil
Old as the Pyramids
And as little changed by the ages
is SQiofuJa tliun which no diseaee
saveConsumption is responsible
for a lurger mortality and Con
sumption la its outgrowth
It aft eotf the glands the mucoua
m 4rftueT timm and bones j
oauAfs hunoh a In the neck ca
tarrhs trouble rickets jufliimrjd
ey lldd sdre qnrs cutaneous yrup
tioim 8t0
I ifcskfe fMtA agrotuU the OlKntse ap
JffitH lfi9 F S8 0 my < l W every
Lto 1 2 J4 JfW t9 < A9 < tt bill
t iJi 8tooe r J t i k > Ra takltti
Ki ° l afPf rla at > Welling 111 inv
< k entirely J skpi eitre4 a a jy n re
tt < meU stnooth healthy anpenranc The
BIS Soott HU CovingtOnj Ky
oods Sarsaparilla
and PUls
Tfc shly amdientfl scrofula and
M MJJdtip the system that has suf
0 m ttom itv
lug ceremonies at Au tlt has be < n pent the
uicmbcra oC the Houston nud Austin fami
A nnUtlnto In a San Antoulo ctment
atarvciJ herself lo death ns n penance for
the people addicted tn the ill Ink habit
Joliu V intes denies that he coutitn
plates nn early retirement fivui nviltv bust
The OtiffDv connmny rv111 net ai a com
mon carrier nt Ilfiimiwiit fur oil companies
ThoAnna Held outfit I mitt to h4ve won
n considerable sum from Billy Sims at Siu
The goveruors niesjjago was read In both
The house made a new record lu the mat
ter of Introducing litl
Mr Terry of llrmoriii wants further re
lief for the people of bts county
The bill providing for paying tho mem
ivr wns pnsscd tinder Mislwnsloo of the
Citllan has Introduced the antlchlld la
bo law
A few of the bouse committees have been
The hOB > tommltteo on rales refused to
statu for Mr hhnntmnl sthemc of hav
lug Ihe rue i of iougress prevail that the
speaker might have power to eontrol Icgl
The senate got doun to buslueas and
passed tuor bills
Ctttun valnes advan ed on bullish liver
p ol sttmttlon ana declined on realisation
hy lougx
The grain marketi www ogalu active and
wheat advanced allgRtty hut corn and oata
luted lower
Phi sjttick markvt showed Utile ntrensUh
ami ouly n few prominent Mtilroua sh rei
The weekly trade reviews of Bradatreets
and Dun ahnw very satttttViory comll
tloa in mdnnfaeunsw and whoicnale bw l
The i onuulsslon has given out an unlet
fixing weights on vegetables shipped by
The 8atita Fe will me a lot of ties
The samto oil deal ha bc widely
dlsrussed lu r llroad clreles
Augist Hfimunt < hKiiinun of th board
of directors r the Lotilsvlll and Nashvlllv
tenlJtieU > ttnr > ih Intestate lonuuerce
onmitwlmi hi the heiiiiig x the charges
brought by ti Kentucky railroad eiiratula
aloii ntlBstlu a in riif tMtwecu that A > ail
nod the Soahiit Air Line
The poll tax voting ual ftcallon Is tuc
snnrcc of Irwcnl UlifUMslou It provisions
en r l Jlaugav Wmtham of the Texin
World lalr eouimlaiiun nas In Houston
and speaks eneoutn luel of thi worl
1b nto for nu orgnnlaed charity ocloty
recelre fuithir jlteutlun at the Imtids of
illzen >
nuttcrlng pinspects are lu evldencn for
the 1the UbMclalluii which will meet In
Houston next Tue dij
A colmed boj Is hold by Justice Muriulou
on ntauj charges of buiglnrj
A speclul pntt > ftoin lloustini ulll attend
the miUtling of the uMlti nul lloustuu
ntutues BJ Austin Moudtiy
At New Orleans
New Otleans January lu Unlit through
out the day changed the uueU condition
Tium fast lu heuvj and npsel all ctlculi
tltius Abuiuadu > ho nun cuitlj Auilguii
nho won with ilnu t enttil ciue were the
onl suiciHsful fiiMirllis
Imp Cmlielu
II113 uim iliiiuul ou or the Rut fur llln
b > Jv li 1 in Aftet winning the last ruto
lluuiiilltu was run up to jlixjr uml bougltt
by Caah bloan lieu Itubj the Juoltcj
ttfsh Horn n Kuiuptaii uiuipjlgii uillvuU
fetx fiirlmiaEs mlllitgLittle Jt k Hot iter
Light Hunt Di hclimff lime 1 lb 1
Mile nnd an elghiu selling Himo v Kr
liiuck llliu 111tun fluie J IK > 15
ll tuiloiigs Ahunuuiii L run I uiii Star
mill fniter tlnie 1 OU
Mx luiloiigs hlffhwtight handlctpKn
lumu Jlts Vrnnk Kustet Ailyitr Time
heen fuilongsAmlgail Tioga Hue
ileutlt ilmu 1 III i5
Mile Itinmdlev Jou Lesser Chlikadee
Tluto i4T
Six nnd oiiehiilf furlongs > elllug lrnnk
Ktnnej 407 Mulster 107 Iletci J 10
Arutoliia 10J Lissome Weldituain Zack
Iortl Dutch Carter Shul 1 p Sir Kingston
tw Kin gulik iuu riruaksuH no
Ihtee furliitigs nut ie J year olds Hilly
Jnchion Colin JiHirgis Salts Sir Uochn
Hit May Holiday Uesslo Klrhv Spenec
rlnu iuuriilu Mlt > s Nittiiiy JUkei Lady
Wnllei Alcoui H Ui
hlx nnd onelmlf furlongs selling The
1tlde of Silnoj Vk L 107 1 < to Hunt
lien Mora 1H Censor 103 lien Irusu 10
MosUeto Ilrown Nalul Lord Neville Mo
roni 100 rinucur Oil O11tlnu1i OT
Snveiielgbtha of a mile Live Oak lininlt
eap IIMH added W J Deboe 111 Ihllo
iV Tolamon 100 Stiatton II llnrgls 101
lttilau 04 llchlno 300 St Tmniniiny lot
One mile liurse Jim Clark 10T 1N t
Hoyal Criterion 10S 1eat The Hlnck Sent
Itussellton 10J ITIut Lock 100 Hand
Squeerc 00 Lord Touch wood 00 Oleudou
Hhowman bS Auric II b3
One mile and it half sellingTothceu
100 Satin Coat 105 Heroics tieotgla Cnrd
ner Overboard lQJ Lncoeheo Cdjlnti tU
Chickadee 07 The Wav 01 Compass lu
Lady Chorister Wi
At fSakiand
San Francisco January 10 At Oakland
Wciilber clear track fast
Dleronslxteeutba of a mile 1 n Ben
tiett Instar Imhclla Time lOSVt
luturlty course selllngGoldon Cottage
Krema mp Mildred SehultR Tlnie ltl
Mile and a qnarter hmdle hnndliploor
lands Mike llloe Uulu of Yoik IT Time
Threequarters of a tulle Immllcnp llyrou
Hose Money Miism Vellnw Twll Time lll
iiiiviiiMxiriitha of 1 mile nelllngLI
xld ltlee Mlteiiu Wnrte Nleht Time
Mile ami llflv vards Katie Wnleot Ulloa
Mission Time i44
Three qiiarlerrt of mile Nulling Dora 1
7 Im I oran toil ToiiuiiIl Knight no Kulr
bury W2 hrauk Tenrn 10i Atiucleuu IOS
Sallle irevne iw lairgemeute liio CuiMln
Cairle 101 Violet 10o Cherries IW
ilalf Wile purso li year olds Annie Ma
rle 110 Plane wrf Utiitl llo Ilov
IW Cnslqa IIS 1unetello HO
Mile selling Sleeping Child VI Tlaooa
101 Lodestar HI Mr Urniui Of i > ni
i nw uu lain
Oleudennlng Ml Sttnvc 04
Mllo and a sixteenth hgndleaii nr Ker
nays 101 Straggler KM PortIgi t i rd
Ihidge 18 Irilfter 1H Ilesile MTCarthv
Three qnarters of n mr w < 1Uut K
Jluriis ill iiinoiie si salntii i ri ru
huahna 102 film AV KIJ Clendi lining li
nouhlp m > Ad 108 t g in
n < ue nf Hllo 101 Onyx If RT
Weather clear and Hack fast
as a Liver Tonic
SSrt S Mr
t tw > Jpi
Two New Strikes ILve Extended the
Proved Field Considerably
Where It la Known Oil May Be Had for
the Drillhg Rain Has Provenled
Wortc for the Present
Sour Lake Te a JanuarysHailing lit
the Hart well was resumed this mnrnlng
but before It coyhl be finished and the well
brought In t ruined so hard tftnt tne valvo
was stmt and the men laid off This woll
has the appearand of being a fcnulue
gusher This widens tho proved territory
to the tonth and weal about 1500 feet from
the lloche noil No 1
oil was slruck In the tiutfey No 0 to
day ut 2i feet This extends the absolute
proved territory NX feet farther to thu
north and east making nearly n mile of
ptsuwl ground
Contractor Croable struck oil m the
Dnvey wsilt near the Uodgers hotel nt W J
feet lie thinks he will get a gUher nbout
1CU feet deeper
The heaviest rain this winter nas heen
falling since last night ami It is thought
the bayon will be out of it banks again
The roads aro nearly Impassable nnd very
little can be dime until there Is settled
weather Speculation Is th onlv thing
that jroe nn regardless of storms or btd
t 1 1
Guffey Company Has Announced Terms
for Handling Oil
neaamont Texas January 10 The J M
Sul < < y Petroleum vompnny hai made an
nouncement that It will hereafter engage
xtcnslvtd In the pipe lino nud storage
business mid be governed by the same rules
that the Northern companies at governed
by The will make pipe connections to
wells pipe or settling tanks for whoever
deilres t patronlae their facilities free of
cost to the patron The nil will be pumped
l to tho torago tanks freo of charge and
can remain lucre fortvrlve dujs lief ore
Moragw charges will accrue Ior instance
If n producer offers the Cuffey company
oil to be stored on the IJU diy 0f the
tuouth It nlll he plied Into storage tanUs
nud held tli < ie ubj et to thu orders of the
owner until ihe laet day of the moih sui
sequcnl tn the month the oil was tint In
and If tt Is sold ou the last duv of the
month lu which he five ptlvllego expires
oiin expense to the owner will be the
pipe Hue < barges In transporting Imik to
the onner or buyer the cn e nun hi
lligular plp Hive eortltlcatos will be Issued
and will be transferable nnd the JulTev
companj will also buy any pirt of the old
Mored with them nt the market price This
miniums will be routined exeliislvelv to the
Hiiiiuiont ield and the Inffey eompntiv
asMime the impoiiollillltv of ml oil
stored with them In case of tire
Mr J tV lolh who has held the posl
Hen us superintendent for tlm 0 M lulfey
letroleum ronipnui has resigned and has
ntieptcd n position with the Star Ietro
leiini cotnpnnv In the same capacity The
Stnr lctrolemu company was formerly
known nf the V Ik nrlee company Mr
C M Nelson who was associated with Mt
Jollv In his former position has also re
signed to accept n position with the sain
eoiupatij Mr Jolly was associated with
the Standard Oil company In the West Vir
ginia tlcMrt about twelve jears ago Mr
V 1 oMeLnughlln Is thought tu be the
sueieiHor of Mr Jolly with the tiulTey
Prioress at Port Arthur
Pott Arthur Texns Jiinnars 10 At noon
ttdHv the drill In the Stllsvell oil well was
down poo fvet and working In a One brown
hitnil slmllnr to that of tho Jennings Meld
The ottltlnls have decided to have the well
bllled nnd thoroughlj cleaned nt once unit
vvn 11 this Is done they believe thiy will
have n good pi mincing well
Exchange Orrjanizcd at Beaumont
lleamuoiit Texas January Jl The Hean
uiont crude nil exchange vvitt orgnnlzetl
this evening with fortytwo members The
charter will bu held open until Kebrunry I
but It llfM members are accureil before
that date It will then bo closed Appllea
Hon for n i barter will bo tiled nt once with
tne Mfictur uf state
New Woll at Welsh Nearly Ready
i ish La Jnnuarj 111 The lourlneh
pipe was connected with the strainer with
out anhlunl today lu the Southwestern
Mobile well but It has talutd all duj and
the will ould not be biought lu its pi out
Ised At dark tonight the Valve was elosul
mid tiunotrow ballltu will coiniueixe and
then no doubt tha well will be completed
Woik Resumed at Mineral Wells
Mineral Well Texas January 15 Work
has been resumed on Ihe deep well by th
eninpanv boring for nil In the east pirt of
town The ex pet t to go down U 50 feel
Citp Officials of Belleville III Convicted
of Defrauding tho City
Chicago January 11 The trh of Fred
I Vniiderlnirg mayor William D West
cltv clerk and
John StrycUIn comms
sinner of streets of the dty of HcllevlLe
111 charged with malfensaucc In office and
a conspiracy to defraud the city which has
heen on In tho St Clair eonpty circuit
coutt for the Inst four days came to an
end last night when tho Jury returned a
verdict flndlpg all thrfe men guilty as
charged says a dispatch to tho Tribune
from llollovlUo 111 Vanderburg was given
two jears In the Chester penltentlar nnd
n flpe of W0 StrycUllit toclvet one war
and lined 250 and tho punishment of West
was left wihrt the court
The Indictment charged that stryeklln
had charged a number of straw men on
Ilia pay toll for several mouths with the
knowledge anil will of Vanderburg nud
Mrnt Orders would be drawn < ii the
treasury for pay for these niiufStrvckUn
would then according to previous agree
ment divide Hie nionev equally with his co
partners In i rime It was also round on
InycMlgiillon that Ihe ttlo of olflterJi had
raised tvarttttitv nut by other svstenialle
si hemes had defrauded the cltv of Hce
vMo out of several thousand didlarn
MBtti i i i
Policeman Millard Dead
Memphis Tc nn January 10 Uenrge Mil
lard an e pnileiiman died today from lu
Jurlm received op Dpeouiber 31 lu u light
with Creeping Hear n fullblooded hoetavv
Indian Creeping Hear who claims to lm a
graduate f dnrllslo Indian school hssaultcit
Millard with a tomahawk Indicting severe
tula on the head
1 ti t
Engineer Killed in Collision
Tejaikatu Texas January Id Two
freight trains collided at Argo Hc pUes
suuth of till phtec mi Ihe Cottnti Kelt
r Mio4il this niornluK John Cox one of
M e uuglutMiiH was killed ottlrlgltt and one
f the hrakemen mis seriously Injuted
iiSSH i
Store at Jonah
ieorgetovvti Tfn Jaqpary lit The
large stock of geiicrnl hnrtlw rti i rrid hj
UL 4 t r nrft WW M Jonah
jhopt Ht ii htsuraitvj lOuCtt bflsiy of aro
Hard Fight for Allowance Pronounced
Fraudulent in 1863
Withheld from Publication Because Presi
dent Lincoln Beliovod They Would
Make tho People Despair
Washington January 10 The house de
voted tho day to pilyatu war claims pass
lug about twenty The two features of the
day were tho defent of a claim of 11 V
Moody Co of Keokuk Iowa for tho pay
ulctit of tho amount deducted from their
contract for furnishing equipment to the
Third lown cavalry by the famous com
mission which unearthed the army contract
frauds In St Louis In 1U3 and the light
uf Mr Payne the floor leader of the ma
Jorlt agalust an omutbus resolution to re
fer ninety Southern claims aggregating
JJJOOOOO for stores mid supplies lkea by the
union mmv during tue uvit wur to lur
court of claims for ttudlug of fact under
the Tucker act Tho fouuer bill led to a
lively cuuttovirey between two Jowa mem
bets Messrs Smith nud Hedge Mr liitt
til the chnli man of the lmclgu nffattA
lommlttee wus the stenographer of tile
tommlsslou uyd was able peteoipillj to
cm rollout Mr ilcdgu In his opposition to
the bill The combination lu lavor of the
omnibus claims resolutions was too stron
for ilr Iltync but on tho tltul vote tin
quuruu failed As the pccvloui question
had been oidcicd the vote on ih udopliou
of the losoltttlou will be thu Urst thing In
order on next claim day
Mr Smith Iowa was lit charge of the
cliiltu of 13 F Mood A Co Tho original
amount exceeded 10tti but It was soilcd
dowu bj the toiiiiuluei lo MK Mi
Smith onteuded that the claim was Just
the contract having beeu executed under
the authority of liciiurnl John Fremont
thintigh bis agent General Cvms Husaey
Mr Hedge tlouu Mr Smiths colleague
linpcnchvd the ihilm tlrst on tho ground
that It had been allowed to clumber for
thltty ycats without being presented to
coiigics und then proiecdtd to point out
that It had Us otlglti In the action of tin
fuuiotm cnuimlsvloti insisting of David
Davis Hugh Campbell nud iQocph Unit
which unearthed the alleged frauds lu
General Fremonts department of the St
louts In lbiVI He deelntcd that General
Fttimunt hud been suspended bet inse of
the intnlciable conultloiis that were found
to f sIM
Tho repot I of that commission he said
wai never printed because Lincoln be
lieved that Its reAclitlotis would mk the
people despair
I bale that lncord said Mr Smith
raising aloft a packago of papers musty
and vellow with age
Hut It was never prlnttd Insisted Mr
Mr Illtl chairman of tho committee on
foreign nftntris who had been the Ucnog
taphcr of the St Louis commission cot
tnborated Ml Hedge alug the report
which Mr Smith had dlsplnved had been
written by bis own band lie told of the
gigantic finuds uucjitbed in that Investi
gation nnd of the unwillingness nf the an
thotlties to permit the Oinplete story to
become public owing to the disheartening
effect It might produce on the people Ilo
did tint lemtniber the di talis of the par
ticular claim of Moody A Co
Mr Smith Instated that tho claim wa
not fraudulent in law or In fac The
house however voted the bill down SO
I to 70
1 Among the bills passer was one to pay
xwt tn Mrs Flora A Darling for damages
ginning out of her arrest In the military
authorities of New Orleans In 1801 wbllu
she was on a tlag of truce boat under safe
Mr Pnvne the tloor leader of the nitc
Joilty led it stoimi tight ugalnat nn omni
bus resolution to refer to tho coutt of
claims ninety separate claims aggregating
xjMlOt 0 for the rinding of fact under tho
provisions of the Tucker ncl lie con
tended the resolution would remove the
statute of limitation which already bi < i
ninnv of these old claims The claims were
nil for stores and mtptilicrt taken hy Federal
foicoB during the civil war
Mr Pavue < inducted n filibuster but bo
was overridden bv friends of the measure
v ho comprised nil lie democrats nnd halt
the republican On u roll tall on the adop
tion of the resolution however a qnoruui
failed and the house ut 445 p in ad
How He Was Approached and Ovortures
Made for the Disclosuro of Testi
mony Given by Youtsey
Frnnkfoit Ky January 10A sensation
was caused in the Franklin circuit court
today vohcu Circuit Judge Cuntrlll sum
moned the grand Jury which has had
under Investigation the Onebol murder case
hearing testimony of Henry L Youtsey
Into open court Judge CanlrHl said to
Ue JllV
Gentlemen I understand that certain
person or persons have apploaithed some
member of the Jury ami mudo Inquiry as
In matters which have been before the
Jury If this Is a fact 1 wnnt jou to re
port It tn the coutt or If thero have beeu
miv oieittnes r Intimations to you
Mr James lllddell who lives at Bonson
arose and stated that op his tettim home
ast night a man of medium height wiilf
black hair well dressed and of good ad
dress was nt Ms home
The man gave his name ns McDowell
nud Mild his bouto was at Indianapolis
Ind that he knew W S Taylor that
he knew I was a incwhor Of tho Jury
which had the InveslJgntlon of Henry K
ttttsey that since tho Investigation of
tbs ease and the testimony of Vautsoy
ravlor was much worried hud grown
niaelatcd that he McDowell knew all
the tnnmhets of the Jury had a diagram
of their houses and ktiPW whom they voi
He snld he wanted to talk privately with
tuc and said he wanted Information about
the testimony of Youtsey and would get
monev for It and that he would divide
with mo
lie called me outside of he house and
stated that If thero was enough evidence
against no lor to convict him Taylor that
he with others would kidnap Taylor mil
bring htm here and dlvldo the rnivnrd with
me He tboii offcj etl mo money which o
had In hs hand npd I refused It then
he shoved some money In my vest pocket
ntnl told me In buy mo a hut with It that
he saw them was no opportunity to tfet the
Information He suld lit was stopping at
tho Capitol hotel and had dilven out l
mv house
Tht > Judge Instructed thtj monev to he
turned over to the trustee of the jury
fund nnd the grand Jury vvna Instructed to
Investigate tho mnttur A warning to
secrecy w < given
To n friend Itlddell Hithl
This man said there was J00i > offered
for Taylors delivery nt Frnnkforl and
Hint he would Kite tue opelUUt of the
money If I would tell him nil that Youtsey
Juid dald about the coimplmev to kill Gover
nor Ooehel I told him 1 nuld not Ih > In
rtucert to tell anv tiling of what t had heard
Youtsey say In the Jury mom and that I
had not ovejt toUl nn wife that Youtsey
was before the Jury
< x
This slgaahtro Is on taran bos of the fennlss
Laxative BromoQuininc t > utt
Uis naudy U t cures cold la oao < ia
I could tell you no
Should I preach a
whole year
By preaching a whole year it
h true that much might be
told of tho merits of
Yet it would but
amount to this that
though Gorham silver
ware costs no more
than that of unknown
makers it has no equal
in appropriateness of
design worthiness of
workmanship or ster
ling quality of material
ketp It
Of tarse
She said If I had silverware
Or cut glass tilings I wouldnt
But I cant entertain like this I
swear it makes me hot
Said he Call up your messen
And send them down to Lccii
If you have got to have such
things thats where they
should be gotl
Legislstivc Fund of S7500 Sttbscr ted in
Short Order Strong Resolutions
Against tho Packing Merger
Kansas City January 10 The sixth an
nnil convention of the National Live sto < k
association adjourned tonight to meet in xt
year at Portland Ore Ileforc adjourn
tnent nil lie officers were reelected ami
the Initiative was taken In a syst riatlc
legislative campaign against the proposed
packing house merger Hon William M
Springer genera counsel of the associa
tion In a spirited address outline a bill
which h had formulated to protect trade
nnd conmieiee against unliwful restraints
and monopoly and which he sihl was
merely an adaptation of mo Sherman law
and the Hoar bill uoir pending lu the
senate Picsldout Springer said If the
proposed nietger vvus ever consummated
the National Live Stock association woud
strjng packing houses from Chicago to
San Fiiimlseti
In response to an appeal front the ex
ccutlvo < omtulttee fm legislative wnrking
fund 7iio vjns sulnt tltua In le s rlnu
tbiitv mliiiitcs
resolution Introduced hy Frank N
Stewart of South Dakota protest lag
ngnliist the ptKklng niergei was adopted
During iti addiess at the afternoon
unit leirj Slmp on favored tariff lefotai
and said the riiactmcnt of the tin Iff law by
Germany was n dlscilnilnntlnn ngainat
Ametleau pioiliicts and should teach u < how
our present tariff sjstetn discriminates
against oilier countries
Hctbert S lltdlci or Kansas City In
nn sddtcss eald that the removal of thu
tariff ou meat prolucts which action was
suggested by tho National HutWieis is
tbrlatlon would please the packets but
would work great Injurj to American
Tonight the delegates were entertained
at au elaborate snmkr at Convention htl
Tomorrow UO of the delegates will stirt
for Memphis and Now Orleans on a special
train over the Ftlsco
Tho following t < solutions recommended
favorably bj tho executive toniuilttec were
taken up for consideration
Indorsing the omnibus Statehood bill
Indorsing Ihe policy of tho ngrlcul lira
depot tmint tn Its efforts to eradicate puis
ouoiis plants on the tangos
Indorsing the Tmgue pure food bill nbk
Ing lougrcss to Immtdlntely puss tho ecu
sut bill
Asking the agricultural department to re
peal the forest exclusion order nud pin
testing agnlost he government setting aside
vast tracts of laud for came prose vcs
Tinnsferrlng tho administration of affairs
of the forest reserve to tho department of
The tesidutlons enumerated vvero passed
after but slight discussion
When Judge Springer had concluded his
address Piesldent John Spriger took
oecason to refer to the bill submitted bv tho
associations counsel This bill said Prcs
ident Springer would embody all the ROod
points contained In the Sbermau antitrust
jaw as well as the main points of all bills
along this line now pending In cungrois
When It becomes law
a t would he as
nertetl regulate my trust that now exists
that be
or may ever formed This bill ulll
ho neither republican
nor democratic
moasute nnd will be adopted lu every legls
Intttre In the land Wo will sec that It Is
not pigeon holed as Is the fate of ev ery
other antitrust bill
M McKlntle president of the Texas Live
Mock association asked Judge Springer if
It Is tho purpose of tho piomed hill to at
tack all met gers or only those affecting
packing houses to which he replied
TJYori unlawful combination In restraint
of ttado within tho States will feel the ef
fects of the law
The Only New Member Was Formerly
Governor of Sonoro
Mexico City January 10General
clso Mena took the oath of office as inln
Ister of war at noon today and Governor
KRiiioti Corral who has been at the
of the federal dlstrkt government was
sworn In as minuter of the Interior Gcn
I iilulM V51 SV ° 001 h6 o
fmiit n i i 1 T le artI1t of encourage
U l V obdro Fernandez as mlu
er of
iiuumunlcatlons and
public works
00 1 ntefittJer
11 0S of
the cabm ° hnora M JKrmJr soveruor of tho
Si > where he mode a brilliant
l un M iftjo
E2 1 tM Of
erTraPpr k
Hpu s Burned to Destroy Germs Re
hef Funds Coming In
iV UC0 JannarT BJhtww
eai of plague and four deaths are report
> o < > 08QQ
aos > oe oo > eo
K H Cawthon Co 2
Mens store 512514 Main Street
S UojV More 505 Main Street
co o eo B Be > 00C000
necpgiiUctl as t o Oldest Ks
tabish d and Most cll
hie Specialist
y nwoodBioyJ
Crecenl Cnwlod AWi t tsv
t lfveiled CoChl dfcLW fe
IroniolM lJ5fBJI < i fci
ioisrtesf Promptness LiSjeralilj
ol Sin Antonio Tevu
ol Ihllirtciphll
Vice rieiidenti
c 8
ngineers Fog
and ftiaqhinisls
Meim Enjiwajh
angers Ptillcyjti
Wheels Crinig
Headquarters or MUG
ns of all kinds iUs
C flolPrvBi
g J iiiM Geo S VYejleife
vale A nt tot 31 MiLlin Avt Houston Texas L D Phone UJ
Will Operate
St Louis Limited Trains Through
North Bound i eave o sn StreeL8 0n 0
n t l n
I Leave Central Depot 815 P M
South Bound Arrive Central Depot 810 A XL
North Texas St Louis Chicago Kansas City
and to Ail Points East North and West
For through rates sleeper reservations and other
information call on or address
City Pass Agent
220 Main Street Phone 703
Ticket Agent 8
Central Depot fhone 101 j
cd today while four more of the lazaretto
patients are djlng
A number of houses In different streets
grrmi l0day Ma vltU
d ague
General Fzcta expresldent of he re
P1 iiVU vnr M ry nt tbo
ltellef funds arc coming In nnd ire most
welcome The situation Is gloomy nnd
business stagnant
The remarkable exemption of the Chinese
fnte t Qm aUacLs ot Pieuo cxcltei
Regarded as a Probable Successor to
Pope Leo
florae January ItCardinal BerafinoVan
nutelll has been appointed vice chancellor
of the Catholic church In succession to
Cardinal Ierocchl who diet yestotdny
Tho haste with which the pope ailed the
vacant offhe Is much commented upon
Cardinal Vannutelll Is now regarded as tho
probable successor of ppe Leo as vice
chancellor of tho church Is ono of the
highest position In the papacy
German Crown Princes Visit
St Petersburg January lOTho Ger
TJL c rovn PrI1 < > Frederick William ar
rived hero today on a visit to the
The crown prince wa welcotneJ f fl
crnrowltoh Grand Duke
C7ar was routined to his apartlWW
ferlng fropi a aevcic mtd
Russian Torpedo Boat Destroyef
ersed the Dardanellea
Constantinople January 18 M wc
anco with tho sanction of tbo tWfiFj
of the fotfr Russian torpedo host awg
ers traversed the Dflrdanell M J
stopped ail >
Pebastnpot The censor
iagca on the subject 5
Vour druggist will refund St
PAZO OIN 1MKNT falls to Cu M
Totter Old fleers and borf 1 a
Hlackheads on tho face and on l a
csibes 50 cents M
Sultans Brother Command a T
Tangier January 10 Four cdoB
troops have left I <
brother command
Vfir minister Gei
mana of the others j
Tnko OXIDINK for Chills n Ff
Cute guaranteed
tFcJforTazs ffl
one of W M
General MenohW
Saps the Vitality
I enre Varicocele safely palnlcs
ly My method of cure has been ncd
of the most aggravated cubis wltliout
r ra
it U
failure or recurrence lW
Under my treatment every trace of dls j
ly disappear the stngnaif hlool U drtvu f
vrlns Horcnesa nnd swelling vanish ami oB j l
utronger In every way and will won nSK1 e
deuce power and acuso of well being which f
pany good health and robust manhocni 1
eonstillatlon or end for free Bjmptom UD tt j
Plaining my successful niehod of home tr 3 j
lu plain scaled
dentlal Address
en elope Uvorythln strbtiy
aio Alamo Plan ban Antonio T < x