OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, January 19, 1903, MAILABLE EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1903-01-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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4 i
553 a yi T a 5
2 fm
X ± 22ttZX T i
7odys Weather
Wstblsrtot January 18 East Tcxas
jfartij tloUdy MoBdarj probably win In
wetf kd south portions Tuesday raliu
lightunrtSeast winds becoming southeast
Alarms Mississippi lxmUlsni Fair
Monday Tuesday Increasing cloudiness
Jljftu norli to northeast winds
ini TrxasFalr Monday and Tuesday t
re port n Its Alaska
There Iita been bnt little chantre la the
Culorariv reaatorlal situation
Answer of the sovernment In the Tyler
bank canes Is expwted to reach Texas Wed
nesday or Thursday
SV trr
Mrs Mnyfcriek Will Have to Testi
fy In American Court to Savo It
Itlchffioml Va January 18 Mrs
Florence Maybrlck and her mother
the Baroness Voti Uoqiicj will It la
said lose all title and Interest tu
2r52R0 < > seres ot land In Virginia
Went Virginia anil Kentucky valued
at about 3TS00UUO unless Mr May
brlck Is tolensed from prl on In ling
ArtfaOM and New MoxlcoFalr Monday and to testify In a suit now pending
and Tuesday o n < DC chancery court ot this city
OUftaoma and Indian TcrrltoryFilr
warnfrr Monday Tuesday fair
Or > en tlon taken by the United State
w other bureau at S p ra 8th tnerldlan
club has announced that he will offer a
urse of llVXio for a match between Jef
rlcs and Corbett
The London stock exchange wi without
marked feature during the week
The Manchester elolh tnnrkxt showed a
stronger tone In several Hfetlii is with
quotations generally blather
Attorney General C K ltlt ha fi
nished The Post with an opinion by which
rofrs mar be guided lo paring tlie p ll
tax v
Tiq Mrtb of General Hubert n Loo will
be fittingly celebrated In HonMon today
The Hibernian sn > arranging to cele
brate St Jatrkk4 day
Some good scores were made by the
Houston Bowling team In rolling for ttia
Htrecli medal
A negro was run orer by an engine at
Uon Aliram S Hewitt of New Aorfc la the So tlHri Papltle ertuwlus lu the Fifth
dead i
The executive beard of the American I Vice PrWM jit Marfcham of the Southern
FcderctKin if Catholic societies Is In ses I r eifle aay local building will oon be put
son at Cluclnnatl uder way
GonzafcV rowlltlon 1 considered more i Au Injunction U Issued on appllcatioa
honefcl THIroaii Is still In Jail A Kobertwu to restrain Colorado
Another fabul ialy rich strike of cod tVounty wtmlnhrtrator from taking posses
sion of Ounovaut estate
An Injunction U tamed against official
of the Itcnutuout and Saratoga Oil ant
Ml W company reatralnlnR them from
T fourteenth annual convention of the
Indln1 lJ R > Stained from recent
Vnltefl Mine Workers eotnenc at
apolls today
A loomctlve ezpltnied on the Baltlmor
and Ohio kllllnc two persous and fatally
Injuring two others
Twemyelght eltliens of Attala county t offlcjaj
Mississippi have been Indicted fur lynching
two nejrnei1
The North German Uoyd statner Ijihn j
went ashore near the ICock of Gibraltar
with 1S passengers aboard No losi of
life Is anticipated
M Be lllow lt < ti dead
TUe yellow feter 1 nt Guayaquil Kcua
There have been 10T deaths from the
plajae cluce January 1 at Mnratlatt The
situation shons but little Improvomeut
The memorial arch erected to the mem
ory of Baron Von Ketteler was dedicated
at rellu
Chlua has not yet replied to the threat
of the power concerning the Indemnity
iMr Chauiherlalns Johsnncsburc speech
U regarded In IXndon as one of his trnwl
brllUani efforts
The house will probably pas the anil
trust nicrjiuro prepared by the Jndldary
committee during the present week They
will tie siren right of way when reported
The Statehood hill Hie immigration bill
and the Cuban revlprncity treaty will wi > e
a r > recornenU fght for eunstderatlon tu
the rnair
The German cruiser Panther shelled Fort
San Carlos for an hour the fort return
ns the Arc
The commander ot Fort San Carlo says
he Tanther flr d < > n the fort without prov
ocation and without prerlwia notice
sale to 11 tfarlrhftin
j The nberlfl of Harris Washington an I
UflUH cvontlvs met at the nice hotel
lust Dlubt and the iustolr of Garrett Scott
was remanded to tuc Waahtncton countr
A mls of Ilontotitans will leave for
Austin this mornlug to attend the un
veiling of Houston and Austin nurucs
A number of Ilouartonlans attended the
Hoo Hoo concatenation at Tlmpson
A moru looting to iwytneiit of poll tax
by labor unions for their iiiemKrs U ou
young Mens Sunday as observed bv
meetlnes lu Interest of the Y M C A
To the Note Giving Warning of
Serious Consequences
Pekln January 16 Chins hna not
yet replied to the note sipned by all
the foreign minister with bo < x
ciPtion of United State Minister
Conger Informing the Cblnece por
eminent that the failure to frtltlll Its
obltgiitluns lu refusing lo pay the
war Indemnity on u sold basis ss
provided for by the peace protocol
would entail grnva consiuiuences
The government mfjljubtedly Is hard
pressed for money v
Proposed to Keep the Fast Boat Anstice
in the Service
Galveston Texas Jnnuniy IS A S
Newsou of this city Informed The Post
correspondent this afternoon that th j
banes wire that there would be a regu
lar steamship service eatabllslied between
Ualveiton and Sew Orleans in the near
fntutr Ta steamship Austlca one of
the fastest uhlps that ever eantu to Gal
veston Is the venael that wlU be placod
in the propostd ten ice If the plans rna
j terlallze She was built by the Gulf Flsh
i cries couiiwny and broiiKht here
months aeo since which time she has been
plylns iz bciwein Ualveetcm and Campeachp
Visiters to Austin are very numerous
It U hotel ccommodtlons thJinorH irZm
nd eipeetfd hh t t SJ
will co to n premium Autflee Is not exactly what Is desired for
Governorelect Lanham and party bavts
arrived at Austin
Only the usual friction has been en
sendered In wxantrinff the legislature some
of the new members feeling aggrUved
There Is much activity In tlio rice lands
f Waller county
A part of the money stolen last wcelc
fr m the Greenville National hank waa ro
iovered when an arrest was made at
The Epworth League meeting Is to be
add at Sao Antonio April > to St
AbornlnE meteor was found near Tlltch
ce < V and was taken to Galveston after
It had cooled
It Is proposed to establish a regular
ftenmer sarrice between New Orleans and
Gilvcsto n
Tb r Is much Interest among Beaumont
all men ts to what the legislature Inteuds
to do about the oil Held
Manager Powell of the Atlanta Southern
league baseball team has completed ar
rangement fur tlie season
The boxing contest between Benny
lounger npd Young Mowatt has been
declared off
Tho manager of the Tort Erie Athletic
A pity to gee pale girls stay
prtle and dull when it is so easy
to get Scotts Emulsion
One qI the best things
Scotts Emulsion does is to
give rich blood to pale girls
The result of regular doses
tf Scotts Emulsion is an in
crease not only in the red
cdjo r qi the blood and in the
arjpctite but in the good looks
and bright manners which
are tlie real charm of per
ihe > lth
j Stud far l a Sample
KorrtHowNi cuiLti r ui st n y
this purpose and the company thinks khu
can be used to a better advantage
Should the horvlee be established
ship would make tlio trip from Calvcton
to Sew Orleans In about thirty hours Hhe
would touch nt Port Arthur rooking tlie
trip to that port from flaliestoti lu nut
six hours It Is a neat trim rwmel nnd
Is capable of arrommortulluK a ronsldcrablo
quantity of freight Then Ih a creat ileul
or freight shipped from New Orleimi
Oalieston but this Is now almost rntlrclv
eomlng by rail The Anstice would doubt
less secure a share of this freight and
be Tv rfi also possibly < changei 1
the rates between the two points Tit
latter Is regaided here as the most Im
portant feature connected with the now
W s Still Bjrnino When It Was Ohserved
Shortly After FallinQ
Galveston Trxns January 18 Jir r
Palmer brought the
remains of a msteor
here Ubj afternoon which lie states fell
In Ula brothers yard near Hitchcock a few
nights ago It is a piece of rok weighing
7 In time to
arr o i ih x
roof or have set fire to It few sYnallo
ffc eaT rS blirnt ifSE
M r
C A ffiRA t 0at e ceA
i at pa cel l t
Doo Restored to Life After BelnQ Dead
Fifteen Minutes
Clavpland Ohio January
tors of Cleveland
arc Indlned to consider
eiptrlments which hare been earrlwd
on by Dr G IV Crlle luring the past week
ns Kincsfin After uuaiwtlielles had iKn
udliiliilsteivd tu a dog the suspeiiIuii t
respiration was effected by clamping the
windpipe After thj do hall been appar
ently dend for fifteen inluutiti a few drops
of iidrirnllii were administered and artl
rtclal respiration resorted m TliW treat
inent rostored the dog to a eompiimtnely
viinsclops condition
It Is gnid hut ndrenallii has been
tiled tm huuinii bIngs uiul that Its effect
on mmi nut known
Take IiiTotlvo ISroino Quinine Tablets All
drtiggiat refund the money If It falls to
tin K V Grove s slgiuituie la ou vmii
bvi JC
7 2
< > < < <
Another Tremendously Rich Strike of
Gild in Alaska
To tlie Scene 13 Reported Pays 25
Cent at a Depth of Thirteen
Seattle Wosh JnnttrtT IR > A tn clal to
the Times from Datvwn aays A tremen
rttrtisiy rich strike the mncnltndc nf which
lm never liecn equaled since Hob Urtder
tiou told hi wniiderftil story of the Klon
illlSc Ikis bfen mndc elgbtyscven tulles
ninth nf n paint ou Tannna river 300 miles
from Its source The district la In American
territory Circle City has been depopulated
and a wild stampede of prospectors from all
tlio stirtouudluc country Is In progress M
yet few have reached this discovery
The holes which proved tho wealth were
sunk Inst winter nud the Urst man to reach
Dawson from the new country has Just ar
rived He Is a Japanese uaincd J Wnda
wellknown lu Inwtou where his veracity
and honesty arc known as his rolef tralt
So fa i the report has not been spread to
any extent in Daw soli but tbu little that
has been told has created nu excitement
that surely means it Btampcde
The gist of WndaB report N that the dis
trict resembles the Klondike In Its physical
formation but has n heavier growth ot tim
ber Gold In widely different kinds had
been found In eight different creeks when
Wmla left for Dawson ou Dcieuibor 13
The original strike was made on Pedro a
creek running parallel with Tnnann about
eighteen miles from the river This creek
Is staked fot mlbs Dan McCarthy a well
known Dnwsonlte made the discovery on
old strenm n continuation of Pedro which
has ptoved to be the richest so far found
It waH twoutyflve centa nt thirteen feet
diiwn nnd bed rwk not yet reached Mc
Carthy struck pay dirt December M whllo
sinking his tlrst hole It panned seven
cents Ou Christmas day lie had sixteen
cents to the pin Three days Inter he found
twentyflve cents to the pan The ground
became ilchei as he descended and what
he found before reaching bed rock may bi
still more senintlonol when the news Is
anally reiehed
Pedro creek the discovery creek lma not
a yet equaled Gold stream Seventeen
cents Is the ilohest found but Its wealth Is
better Indlcttfd In a statement that Costa
llrothors uuk seven holes to bed rock ami
found an even run of gold In evorr one with
a pay itrsak over eight Teet deep right
through with
a width of about SOU feet
tii h1 1 V big district three claims
Alaska limonslom wide It was not vet all
staked out when Wadn left About 100 men
are working the ground
lack distil lma tucn oirered 00000 for his
claim on Gold stream and refused It
New Yorks Former Mayor Passed Away
at Ripe Old Age
New York January 18Abrnm S Hewitt
former mayor of New York and for many
years representative in congress died at i
oclock this morning In his 81st year after
having been critically III fnr ten days With
him at the moment of death were his wife
his three sons and three daughters
Mr Hewitt wbo has been In feeble henlth
for some months was attacked with ob
structive Jaundice ou Jauuary 8 and from
the tlrst It was realised by his physician
Or a U Keys and Dr K I Koys Jr
there was practically no hope for the aged
patient recovery On the following Sun
doj It was thought that he could not sur
vive the night and the member Vjf his
family wore summoned to his bedside but
his wonderful vitality kept him alive for
a week longer
On Thursday Mr Hewitt rallied so stroug
lv that some hope was entertained that he
might nioovei but ou the following night
a relapse occurred and It won thou evident
that the end wat not fur off A slltlt Im
provement was noted ou Saturday inirtilng
but late that ulght tlie ultysli Inns uotlded
Mr Hewitts sou Peter Cuopet Wright
that death u Imminent and the other
children Kdnanl it Hewitt Krsklno
Hewitt Mrs J 0 Green Miss Sarah
Hewitt and Miss Kleanor G Hewitt were
summoned and with their mother remained
until the end The funeral services will bo
conducted by Illxbop Potter nnd will bo
held lu Calvary church Wednesdny
Gstes and Associates Want to Reply to
Ioutsvllle Ky January 18 The Courier
Journal tomorrow will say John V Gates
nnd associates will demand a hearing bo
fore the Interstate commerce commission
that they may reply to testimony giver by
J P Morgan In New York In connection
with the Investigation of the alleged merger
of Southern railroad systems This In
formation came tonight In a telegram to
olouel II H Young o ws attorney
for the Kentucky railroad commission dur
ing the hearing The telegram says that
Uates feels nu Injustice was done him by
by Messrs Morgan and
the evidence given
Perktns during the Investigation and that
he desires to give hta fcld ot the cose
Pastor Resorts to a Ruse to Avoid Panic
in Church
Chicago January i8Pardon me hut
an old Injury to my hip U troubling me
Kindly pass out nt the conclusion of the
bcnedleUou and proceed to your homes
without the usual closing services
In this way llev Krunk Uuusnulus dls
missed tho congregation at the Htudelmker
theater Ills auditors were surprised at
tlio suddfm termination ot his bormon
They pawed out not kuowluir that Hie
pantor bad dismissed them to avoid a pinle
The theater was rapidly filling with sninkt
when Dr Gunsnulus urought tho service
to a sudden close Tlie trouble was foiln 1
Inter to bo with a broken furnnce but
there was no danger from fire
SixInch Rise During the Past Twenty
four Hours
Beaumont Texas January 18 The
Keehes river la again on a tear and I <
rising hero at the rate of six Inches In
twentyfour hours which on aec tint of
the fact that It la an near the sca level
Is regarded as a pretty big rise It has
been up at least four feet higher thnn
the low water iimrk for nt leust thrv
months and has been practically stationary
since that time though It took n sudden
upward turn during the period Imnied
ately following the big Mood The river Is
thought to be helping Hnblne pass mil
terlally by this suit of thing on ncenunl
of the sweeping out uf the rhinnel that
must be gulni on
Petition for G W Wilson
lleevllle Texas January 18A etltl < u
Is being circulated here asking the pres
dout lo appoint C W Wilson of this place
as superintendent of the National ceme
tery at Orownsvllle Texas Mr Wlsin ts
an Mil Federal soldier and Is well ami
ovotablv known throughout this stctlon
uiul the petition la belug numerously signed
> Nsakcl
tllA < iUj
Physicians Say the Wounded Editor
Can Not Recover
Prayers Were Offered In the Churches
for the Stricken Man but They Arc
Not of Avail Dr Gray Returned
Colttmbla S C January 10 2S0 a ra
After consultation Dr Cucrr Issued th
followlng hultelln
Mr Gonzales condition Is exceedingly
grave His condition has considerably
changed In the last few hours for tha
worse The relief from the bowels has uot
been ptimnnent Phystcal condition no
worse than last night but danger greater
Another consultation will be held early lu
the morning Pulse 113 temperature
101 respiration SO
Columbia S C January 10 At 315
a in hope of Mr Gonzales recovery has
been practically abandoned Tho surgeons
will make a final effort to save his life
but the case Is almost hopeless
Dr A S Wiley of New York who left
last night for Hockhlll Is returning It has
l > ecu decided that he should be In consulta
tion at the prcacut stage of the pattenta
In the churchs of Columbia there have
ImCii offered earnest prayers for the life of
the stricken editor No statements of any
sort Imvc been Issued aud no chnnges have
occurred In the position of Tillman He Is
still In the county Jail and no applications
have been made for his release on brill It
Is considered practically certain that none
will be entertained so long ns the condition
of Oontnlcs remains critical
There has been no repetition of any talk
of violence to the lieutenant governor and
no expression from Gonzales family that
InPlmamorprcUd lnt0 threat against
Columbia S C jTnTary 10 130 a ra
The following bulletin has been Issued by
l r SifiM a m Mr Oonznle has
n r
s ° Temperature
11V 2 5 50 llr respiration 3t
Dr Wyley of New York has arrived
iw nc ° P t0 7hc h ° sPHal to consult with
the physicians lu charge there
The Columbia Tragedy Emanated from
Old Hatted
The TimesDemocrat
Charleston 8 C January IT The enmity
between Ucuteuant Governor Tillman and
Udltor Gonzales which culminated In the
tragedy nt Columbia S C dates back to
Grover Clevelands aecond administration
when Mr Gonzales was seeking an appoint
ment as consul nt a South American port
At that time Tillman was the Washing
ton correspondent of an afternoon paper
In this State and In an article concern
ing the candidacy ot Gonzales he made
statements which offended the latter
Gonzales publicly denounced the story
as a lie Tlie two men met lu a hotel
In Washington a day or two later and
pergonal encounter was narrowly
This Iricldent engendered bad blood and
when Tillman several years afterward
applied for membership In a social club In
Columbia the black ball of Gonzales proved
fatal to his aspirations
Thereupon Tillman commissioned n friend
to call on Unnzjlei and ask him If he
would accept a challenge to tight a due
The editor tersely replied
Tell him to send It If he wants to
know what Ill do lut Tillman never
When the Spanish American war began
Tllluiun then practicing law In Ddgeilelii
H t wn made lieutenant colonel of the
Ilrst South Carolina regiment The reg
lmeut encamped ut Jacksonville
Stories of Tillmans drinking were cir
culated and cauftlc comments theron ap
peared In the editorial columns of Mr
Gonzulc newspaper Tlllmau was nt odds
with his colonel Joseph K Alston and
Induced the members of his regiment to
sign a petition requesting the secretary of
war to hnve the regiment mustered out
ot service While the matter was belug con
sidered at Washington Colonel Alston died
and Tlllmau succeeded him
Thereupon be made strenuous efforts to
hnve the petition which lie had circulated
withdrawn nnd the regiment retained In
ite wns not successful Ills nctlon
In this erUodc was construed as confirma
tion of tie charge that his hatred for Cob
one Alston nnd Ms desltc to humiliate him
was bis mothe to have the authorities In
Washington to imiMor the regiment out
A few weeks prior to this Tlllmau created
a sensation In Columbia by appearing unex
peedxlly In that town and in a wild har
angue to the members of the Second South
Carolina rpgtment encamped there urged
theni t dlsrecnil the wishes ot their of
fleer mid petition the war department to
dlchand the regiment
Tillman would have been arrested by Lieu
tenant Colonel Thomson who wan lu com
mand of the regiment had Tillman uot left
the city ns soon as ho learned that officers
worn looking for him
The merciless Indictment of Lieutenant
Governor Tillman by Kdltor Gonzales In the
Slate during the campaign last summer ub
nuestlonablr defeated him In his rnre for
the gubernatorial chair He was branded
liar and documentary evidence submitted
to prove It Tillman never made any ef
fective replv
The Slate was supported In Its fierce and
pitiless attacks on Ttllmnu by ten out Of the
eleven dally newspapers In the State and
even weeUlr newspaper of Influence
After the election Lieutenant Governor Tlll
mtin sent n challenge to Editor Gonzales to
light n duel Mr Gonzales contemptuously
nn editorial
The editor of the < tnte Is not nlaylug In
n melodrama nnd has no tn te for It In his
paper he has citlled Jim Tillman what ho
was and what In public Interest It was tiee
cjunry to call him and what ho hits said
about htm he has proved If any grievance
exists It Is not on the part of Mr Gonzales
Who franltlv ndtnlts the election has given
him full satisfaction
There tho ls ue rested Gonzates had not
referred to Tllltnnn In tho Btntn since the
election and tlio latter had signified no
di lro to renew hostilities
rnblle sentiment so far ns manifested ts
strongly condemnatory of Tillmans deed
1 mjk
Aa an Experiment Pennsylvania Collieries
Were Put On Overtime
crantnti P Tannarj 1Q As an
tierlment the Delnware Ijiekawvpna aud
Western eompsnv oprrntfd B > t > q
Cayagua and Ortnlond collieries Inst night
until 1030 oclock nnd Its Storrs colliery
until 8 oclock making fifteen nnd twelve
hours respectively for the day The out
put of the collieries for the day was WO
or 2200 more thnn their normal output
The reailt was entirely satisfactory and
the mines can be run every nJsbt If the
men will work
A canvass was made of the men worUns
at the different collieries ot the comnnnj
but onlv it the mines mentioned wotiU the
men volunteer to work The company hi
two wrtshcrlcs that ran all last night and
four that worked today The Ratnrday and
Sunday shipments aggregated flrviO toiu
for the company tn to date the Mp
meuts of the company fropi lbs colllerIs
exceed by 71000 tons those for the sinie
period of Deceml > er
Cure lb chills that otptr chill tonlca
oont cure At all druggjat Sq Cure t
fay Wo
Some Good Scores Made by the II us
tons Yesterday Afternoon
Good Cards Presented ot Both the
Orleans and the Frisco Tracks
Other Sporting News
The Houston Bowling club contested yes
terday for the Jules Hlrsch medal
Ihe contest was pulled off on the alleys
at Dletzicholds The medal was won by
Captain William Kummer on a score of 01
Mr G Appcl won the leather medal ou n
score of 23
Ihc following Is the score lu detail
A II Neuthard t 44
William Kummer fit
A Halla us1
81 Guy 31
J DIetzschoId T
J Hoenlcklo UO
A Ledergerbcr 37
J S Carter 32
Hy Fischer LT
John McNcely 41
T 1 Harr 3
Louis Mulvey 41
J T Mnekey S2
Kd illclnzc 40
Kd Wels S
am Lewis > H
1 A Danlelsen ril
Joe Wang >
G Appel 23
Tlie club will meet on Tuesday night
when the applications of fifteen meml > cri
will be acted upon The club members
will also practice for tho W H Covle cup
contest which tnkr place on the 23rd
The Houston Turnvereln will roll for the
Dlcnstng mednl next Sunday
New York and Brooklyn Only Cities In
Clnclunatl Ohio January 18 Harry C
Pulllatn president of the National Baseball
league Krank De Haas Itoblson president
and M S Iloblnsou of the St Louis club
and Uarney DreyfuM representing both the
Pittsburg and the Philadelphia dubs are
the only ones here tonight for tho adjourned
meeting of the National league tomorrow
President August Herrmann of the Cincin
nati club was with them tonlgnt and they
btnted they had word from others on the
wny so that they were assured that nil of
the eight clubs would be represented
It Is understood that the New York In
junction will not Interfere with the meet
ing aa It lies against ratldcatlon only of
tha peace agreement between the two
leagues and it may be some time before
tiucb action Is reached It Is understood that
Chairman Herrmann and other members
of the conference committee will make ex
planations In connection with their report
nnd then those who did not participate In
the Joint conference will be beard so tbut
It can be ascertained whether the report Is
to be adopted without 0 formal ratification
of the same or In any manner Interfering
with the order of the court
It Is stated that Boston has signified Its
iifflruintlve vote for the ratification of the
ngiconicnt and that New York and Brook
lyn are the only ones In doubt Notwlth
Htandlng the resort to the courts by Presl
dent Brush aud the comments of others
those who are here tonight are confident
that the peace compact will finally be rati
1 1 m
Manager of Erie Athletic Club Wants a
Match Between Jeffries and Corbett
Buffalo N Y January 18 J II Herr
mann manager and matchmaker for tho
Port Erie Athletic club announced tonight
that he will offer a purse of 21000 for a
twentyround boxing contest betweeu Jef
fries and Corbett He has written to the
champion and exchampton making the
offer and If satisfactory answers are re
ceived he will he says at once post n for
feit of SriOO as a giiarnntei > that the conteit
will take place without Interference lo
said he did not anticipate Interference from
the Canadian authorities
Oakland Entries
Six furlongs selling SenBruce 101 Ca
thello 00 Myrtle II 104 Dorn I 00 Frank
Penrce 104 Harry Thatcher 104 Itose of
Hllo 107 Master 80 Derby Winner 100 Fair
bury inrt landus 00 Pirate Muid 101 El
pilar lOii Intorpldo 102
Mile 3yearold maidens selllug Young
Marlow Ml Merman 100 Chemist 104
Tortulla 101 Baby JBIrd 112 Angrew King
122 Brmnel 112
Sevensixteenths of n mile 2yearold
selling Knob Hampton lb e Imp Bath
nmtitonKnobherrl 112 llasterIady b
f Jack ItteliKlleuClani L 112 Hoeeo 100
Plotlanln Belle lot Selected 100 Itnveun
tb f ltuvelstoiiLavena 100 Itose Farr
ch f Imp CrelglitouSfvens 100
Mlln ami onesixteenth selllng Sweet
Tooth 10i Prnnlt Woods 110 Tufts 103
Hupont 04 Hermeucla 107 Nlgrctto S3
Bessie McCarthy 101
ArliMf 01 1 ot ni ellKDolllc
Welthoff lie i
Botany 100 Hslnaiilt 101
Sliellmoimt 101 rtnhus 110 Lady Kent 102
J H Bennett ft Alice Carey 84 Mat lo
san inq Mexlcmna 84 1 ght Ball nil
nSaiiic uoOT nTUR W3 i i WS
Mile purseDainty 80 Proper SO Clnmli
SO Bragg 101 Searcher 103 funard ldl
1 IMr ana fast
New Orleans Entries
Three quarters mile maiden 8yearold
colts purseMempblan 115 Spec 11
Hprlngstead 110 Uoynl Decker 110 Mar
tin Brady 107 Safe Guard 107 Klwasa 107
8 Poplar 107 Jim King 107
Mile selllngCln Spray 142 Aratcma 14
Peter Duryea 130 Passaic 130 11 it y 130
Judge Magee Jltl peat IBtt The Black Scot
1311 Benson Caldwall 130 Pr l annlc I
ltuwielltnii 131 Insolence 120
Six and n half
purse Tom
Kings ei JfO nud of AvonT IWi BeTpro
8evenelihtlis of n mile Flint I > ck 100
Knlnmti 102 Major Tcnny 100 Lennen 10o
naiikln 04 Miss ahanlobo >
Threequarters or n n lie 3vrjir d
PuwcMWwlle 112 Apple llf m
112 Ddonn 103 Ifeley Hnv 105 Par
mount KO GMd Ilxdp lot tWiiii iV
Itosey P soy 100 Lndv Mltke 100 Amuse
mw K cahdarech 100 1
Mlti aid an ith sellhjgjviastcr 3
Milm Coit lim Kin
m King Barecorn
14 Alfred C 101 The wV > 00 PotW
sunt fp t8 Fas I d 18 I hick io
P7 llsn Moo 10 Compaa 00
CUit aud heavy
Boxing Contest Off
Chicago January 18In deference to the
wlshr of Govrrnor Yates who requested
Sheriff Barrett to prohibit boxlug contests
in Cook county the slxrouud contest sched
Pr omorrow night at tho American
Athletic club between Benny Ynnger and
loung Mowatt has been declared off
A Benefit Game
San Francisco Cal January 18 The
Nationals and AllAmericans played n game
today for the benefit of Mrs It Mercer of
Kast Liverpool Ohio the mother of WlnnV
Mercer the pitcher who ended his life hero
last week Atout < 1500 was netted for
Mrs Mercer
AS a Ltvtr Tent
sat OX1D1NK > n
Makes Silver look liko
Silver Polish
Puts and tceps silver in order
Contains nothing injurious
The Advance in Price of Cotton Pro
vokes Different Opinions
Manchester January 18 The cloth mar
ket showed a strong tone lu several direc
tions Inst week Quotations In tnodt quar
ters were mostly higher Improvement
Ibustness has been executed lately and seI
era are more Independent The advance In
tho price of cotton has provoked different
oplulons regarding tho Immediate lcsnlt
some persons maintaining It has checked
liuslnesrt while others declare It has
brought business out In some directions
much lioylDg bus resulted from necessity
or panic others are resisting the higher
rates and prefer to wait Mnnv offers were
Impracticable A good inquiry prevails
however and considerable business hurl
transpired In all descriptions of China
staples The Calcutta turnover Improved
and the smaller outlets are healthy
Yarns Improved on Inquiry and tho turn
over was fairly satisfactory
Txmdon January 18 Business during the
past week on the stock exchange was with
out feature with the exception of Kaffirs
which were generally firm on reports of
settlement of the loans and tho war con
Interest In Americans centered on Lrle
on rumors denials apparently not dctccrlns
the speculators The remainder of the
American list was Irregular
Berlin January IS The boerse showed
several strong features last week While
the market was disappointed over the min
ister ot finances pessimistic utterances on
the business situation and lower estimates
In the Pruslan budget for railroad supplier
than were expected values were generally
well maintained
Monev ioee moderately In the mlddo of
the week but rates are now down moucy
hjlns very abundant and the demand Ight
Foreign exchange Is accordingly firm
eMieclally on Ixjndou Paris and New York
exchange on the Inst mentioned place rais
ing 25 pfennings during the Vcek
Efforts to Secure a Better Class of
Chinese Laborers
Mexico City January IS H Is believed
that the decision of the management of the
Chinese Commercial Steamship company to
operate steamers direct between China and
the Mexican port ot Manzimlllo will do
much towards solving the problem ot secur
ing laborers In Mexico The representatives
of the company state thit they can bring
a superior clnts ot Chluoe laborers to Mex
ico The question of labor Is hecomlug a se
rious pioblem In Mexico Chinese laborers
heretofore have been easy to procure but
the difficulty seems to be in securing n
class of men who will retnln their em
ployment The officials of the new steam
ship company insist that they can Import
a bettor class of men who will make steady
workers If the company is successful In
doing this the question of cheap labor for
Mexico will have been solved
Dedicated at Pekln China With Appro
priate Ceremonies
Tckln January 18 The dedication of the
Ton Ketteler memorial arch today was an
Impressive ceremony The arch was
erected hy China Baron Von Ketteler wai
the German minister who was killed by the
Boxers at the outbreak of the Boxer
trouble Tho dedication took place In tho
presence of a brilliant assemblage of
diplomats many Chinese officials all the
military officers In Pekln tho entire foi
elgn communltv of the city ns well as
German officers and civilians from Tien
Ttlu aud other cities
The Famous Correspondent of the Lon
don Times at Paris
Paris January 18 Henri Adolpho Opper
de Blowttz for many years correspondent
of the London Tlmcn In Paris died here
this evening 01 Blowltz experienced an
attack of apoplexy a few days ago He
was born In 132
Will Educate Them
London January 10 In a dispatch from
Itomo the correspondent of the Dally Ux
press trnys Premier Zannrdelll has approved
of a plan to spend 200000 n year on the
eduratlou of Neapolitans and Sicilians In
tending to emigrate to the Hutted State
to lit event their exclusion by tho American
Turksy In a Snow Storm
Constantinople January lS Turkey at
present Is experiencing an unusual thing
a heavy snow storm All communication
between Constantinople and Its environs
has been intempte nnd the Puropcan
trains hnve been suspended
BecognUed ta 6e Oldest Ks
tabllahed and Moat ell
bl fiptcJalUt
ING APPAREL Mens Cl0th5 i
Also m
tloru In Hovs Clothing HP
Boys Furnishing Qooils
full of bargains
K H CaArthc 7
Mens Store 512514 M
BoyV Store 50S MafasSt
ourtesy Prempfness Liberality
I Sin Antonio Texu
ol FMIiddphii
G stag
W aW
Nyacks Bicjcb T
Linwood Btoycla1
Crcaccn Cavvod Se nii crBtffikl
fdoV n ety 0J naRjnblB
p a
Tire 403
a pair C i LimpiJJti fi
tic fedali 13O Wire Bjiketiw
Birthday of R E Lee ts to Bj k
priately Observed
Brenham Tcias January 18fab
January 10 is tho innlvcrHrr ef ftilf
f that soliller citizen ana CMitiui
trlot Hubert B Lee ana ttt tfc
Daughters of the Confeclerirr To
chapter of Brenham hare sratpl
excellent ptogram for the occarioaur
celebrate the erent at Ink hill u ti
tho public generally are InTltci
Representative 1 A Lowe rime It
from Austin Katurday afternMa U
Sunday In Ihc city with his IinEr j
flays that he has scarcely bwlltt
legislature long enough te tellhtwltEc
it yet but one thing had Improvedklji
lbut was the number of bill fw mCt
or Individual benefit as comDarel trta3
number for tho gemral good of tit 8t
and that a representative was almorti
tilled In voting no on the net ls
of these pergonal bills that wfrt fati
the house
At the Catholic church Sunday fa
presence of n large mimber of frlni
tho contracting parties Father I PI
manskl officiating Mr Ptatiljlauj fit
and Miss Mary Lleana of thli tltj n
united In mnrrlngr
Monroe Williams colorM vW h
brought hero from Beaumont a Unkl
ago quite sick died at WatronsrlUi Ti
night was burled Saturday
late Congres < man Thomas II Tonptfr
laid to rest here The funeral certsO
were attended by OU people I
BALTIMOUK Two men are lii i
two otliers are probably fatally biro
the result of the explosion of lyW
and Ohlart
boiler on the Baltimore
rovla The dead are Firemeo Uni Hi
and James Graham of Baltimore
LOP IS VILLI Navigation
Mimed on th Ohio here but the tajrtM
tie vt
of the boatB Is nlow owlpg to
causing ftom live to six dcaun >
Guayaquil <
of Saxony and M Olron with WW
eloped haie arrived here anaJttt J
May two months j
PANAMA Colombia Ueutcnsnt j
ell n graduate of Annapolis
oflleer on board the Coovmj T
gunboat Bogota died here SatunWH
of fever
MEXICO CITYThe low prl cl
has not caused any dlmlnntfoc JJi
on the part of sliver nimeovvners
buying machine Improving
lields of eper
ami broadening their
Increase the output A
BKBLINThe government Miif
a report from Ilerr Wne 14 f
attache of the German ousulite 4
York upon tho American iron
Herr Waetiold advUea Germai
ero to make an attempt a aw t i
ncnt foothold on the American
BKULIN Among the pnSK
that the
Prussian t
will Include fc
nt the l St WVl S W
tus for measuring invjiw J
which Is widely employed It J y
aeitheslomcter and measures wW
nem of the skin which corrc pi
to the Ijraln fatigue
Enaineer Killed and Thirty P
prlco of beer 1 V P t The
price of nbont 12 P r ft
will be effecUve for six
Sycamore 111 J Vtft
Moines and Minneapolis
eago Great Western railroad rfu
en roll tonight near Mot4
crossed the °
left the
and rolled down a twentyoo dWr
Knglucor J 1 Healey
persons were nJureil PJ dw
Homtlve turned over
slight frnctures Xlye men escn
overturned cars f nf Vhe
verely injured persons j
Iowa were tnkon to 1 hosP
Silver Down EeerUP
Mexico CItl January Jvg
depreciation of silver to J >
les of Mexico have defied
cent 0 t
By giving each case careful and In < tlrl than JJ
tlou I have cured more wen of sm jl
W trMs
other physician In the United States
promptly stops all unnatural discharges
tatlon Imparts tone nnd elasticity j
of It
the canal free for the performance
functions Pvcryone interested
complete booklet on Stricture which exp c
my successful metuod of homo tretitroen
spoudenee conndentlal I also euro all o tl u
peculiar t and will sen J m > t ° Lkj
plolu aealcd envelope upon request
210 Alamo PUu Sin Antonio Tex
yT r f

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