M t REACtlON IN COTTON MARKET 4 > it 11 M r i 4 V fi 1f 10 Iw ordinary Ordinary Oood ordinary l > w middling Sltddllnc ncxxl middling Mlddllhg fair V > inkWn Jb u A LIVERPOOLS ADVANCE WAS NOT FOLLOWED Amedein Mnrkela Showed Decline on Lack of Bull Support and on General Bullish News AT THECLOSES Liverpool 3 1 > 2 to 4 points hlohar Now York 2 to 5 points lower Now Orleans 2 to 5 points lower SPOTS Liverpool 4 points up NewYork unchanged New Orleans uncharged Galveston 116 tip Houston 116 up ESTIMATES FOR TODAY Houston 7000 to 8000 bales against 2006 last year New Orleans 70C0 to 8000 bales against 12516 last year The cotton market yesterday was fonturo ltss and In a measure disappointing out eldc of Liverpool The bullish tendency reecltod n damper In American market by the sudden change of frontof bullish speculators who do eirttd their flelf nnd refused to give ac tire support to the Upward movement of price The Oecnt scare seems lo ho the ftcodoo for which the speculative cotton world has no counteracting charm ami Mhen It appeared day before ssterday that 0tent cotton was In stght nearly every one looked for nn ndrancc of Starch con tracts to 0 rents yesterday but n halt occurred just before that figure w reached Cotton operators are not yet pre pared to accept 0 cent cotton as a bsels of operations It seems for the turn In the market came when almost every Indication favored a rontniied advance An attempted explanation of the condi tion that contiol the market at present Is almost u41 eta for evplnnatlonn on Ihb order do not always explain but from what can he gathered from experienced cotton in ri It appears that the ratio of prices now existing between spots and fu tures Is entirely disproportionate It le as serted that spel 1lnn tliouth hfld birk ItJi a firm hand at different limes thin j fnn bus caused an advance In futures which Tins not been followed In the pots markets Tht pnrtlnllj explains why the ipot mnrketa have remained consistently Irm for the past two months yet the idvancea In spots have not been considered proportionate to the advances In futures From this may be gathered some of th reasons why futures are considered too high at present and by the Rame process of rca loulng It may be said that spot cotton la really worth wn than it Is now bring its V < i 7 ir in J 3lti 8A Totals 13S38 12170 103013 Comparative Spot Markets The Vollowlng are the closing quotations for cotton on the spot today at the leading msrketa together with th cloning of raid dlfnat yesterday with sales today 1 Tone Today Ycaday Sales MobHe Firm SH tift 400 Barannah Firm 8 1110 Sjji ICbarleaton Firm Mb Sjb Wilmington Firm A m N < folk Steady 0 m BalUmore Nemtl 0 tl Boston Steady OOu JJ tPhlladrfptila Steady 0 30 030 Aucu ttt Stendy M 0 1070 403 8477 MempbU ifjrm f 811in 4 W > et I ul V Film K t N1118 < > Other Spot Markets Oalveston Spots cloned firm priced 118 5fctt iaWSlSM ll r IfrlJ gS2RS 1Si8 rr 4 Swinlil H MO Kales 2030 New Orleans Spot closed Arm prices unchanged Htock 3112377 bales f w drt W Middling Sfc Orflnary 7 7 10 Rood mid tt fl Id ooAorq 7ialO MM fair > > wrttd VI Palea 8000 New Tork fipols eloseil qnl t and nn chsugtdjistoelc irn830 bales Ooodovd 803 Oood mid 037 J > wmMff40T Mid fslr JKM BJIddllBVfI > 1f > ale loo lAr r f > M Bnalness goo l prices firm 4 noJtflpS sales < VO bales of which 11 109 were As eriesn speculstlon and export aoOil ble Imports 20000 balf of nhlch SiW American + to MliMllnr 400 S e l 4M J W 0S llal r4 < T Wi atr > 6fa Wilmington Norfolk Ilaltlmoro New York Hixston Philadelphia IVI8 1102 013 1501 400 New port N Brunswick ilensaiola Port Arthur Other ports S400 Totals J17 700 to2321 4 tv > Jibt + ii < t UttV r1s JkY T4rVMs TWBi ing in the market On this deduction then one may m that the bears ba controlled the snot markets whl o the bulls have had thlr way with Viitures until the Irregular condition has been brought nbout These conditions have occi md Wori according to good authority but they nre unusual and the unusual appears tooccur seasons affairs No mat oftenret In ths ter what the reasons may be the fact remains that the cotton market IMP and bids fair to remain so for some time market the coil As regards yesterdays dltlona were much thn Mm usual ni bs 4 weather reported In the belt showed elgns of mprorement ntc > rlo r h rc eiit J wcTc m5cr r bantg Z tuT tn M February which la n bearish feature The results of yestordavs operations in cotton were advanrea the various filters and allaht dnllliies In tne Liverpool nt f American markets with the exceptions arSta Onlvcston and Houston which were raised 110 opned llh flotation Liverpool < VM higher than the n 4 to B points nesdar The advance at the opening was with the of hooughlyin accord Mteiiji Mm American markets nun the iiiiinm I owcV continued activity during the morn mad 2 m further ellghMdvaiccs were The tone became unlet J he anornix the and prices eased off before Wednesday New York opened firm with notations 1 point higher to 1 point lower than Wed at continued Mrenglh nesdnya close The ttverpool produced no effect upon the mar ket except to cause It to remain Arm ine expected advance did not matrlallro but allgtit declines set In early on lack of bull for the lay support The range of prices wna narrow only fi or points being tun difference between the highest and lowest steady flinires At the clo e quotations were Vv h the flgurea 2 to 5 points below the cImio on Wednesday New Orleans opened steady with prices 2 points lower to 3 points higher than th eir nn Wednesday The market failed to the upward movement at Liver appreciate pool and a lack of Interest was dlspjycd before There was a heiv v delicti In the ciirrnt movement nerelpts at all prt f r the cnmpiired with bales day were 277P0 of hft sea day PM for the ronMpondlnc sen Mnce Krldnr receipts haie bee 1 with 173201 for tb nit bale compared J Mm of last weev and W1M0 forjhe forrespondlng Mnie of Iner eeneon Uat yenr 4301 101810 05131711 Ulrfereuce 152SS SCOO Thus far in the season receipts have h 7 COTTON MARKET QUOTATIONS New York and at The range of prices mouths war as New Orleans for the active Myc1 SmS 2w 8 w New Orlcana M KM Rg < 8n aycl 8vT H Houston Daily Statement Yester Last Today fiross receipts Net lecelpts Oross shipments Htock Total 7638 347 7M7 H1H2 Stock at U S Porta Mock this day Btock this day last week Stock this day lust year lUCCSS tlllB BC11HPI1 day week eiHrt n371 4407 17K ninii r > tKW W22l 1D22WI Houston Comparative Statement Houston nailroncl rteceipts Following nro the receipts nt cotton by the Tarlous railroads entering the city Dales Houston and Texas Central International and Ureal North Oalveston nartlsburg and Han An Texas nnd New Orleans Houston inHl and West Texas iulf Colorado nnd Santa Je Han Antonio and Aransas I ass Missouri Kansas and Texas loiis r03 1812 300 113 75M Hsles ioton43 lO28S0 S78274 1020tn U S Expotts 1 Thlswk Lastyr Rxport to Oreat nritaln BJCM liiTH tn Franco iSVgl Exports V HOiOO Exports to continent Prur Houston Spot Market Houston Spots closed stendy prices 110 op stoek NMKI bales sales 04 bulea V Yester Last Today day year 0 010 OVi 7 3JO 7T iWi 7 130 7Bji 8 o10 Ml 8 1510 II 710 Oil oi3io n Daily Interior Movement HccelptH Shipments Stock Augusta 044 1180 2y1 H 78778 eniphlJ lBOO HO t LVnls 3440 271B STIM Houston 7N1S 7 U7 nOIKJ Mniitb Jamniiy ribrunry tMnrch April Mb > June July lllatenor was 1 3 l ajea mparejl day of last 1 cik smi for the same week h WW for th corrcpondlng day nf Inst aeneou New Orleans Futures psday s Month Qpcnoif Closed Close ebruary gMW gW S fem JaK K VMnreh April May June July August September October November December a asked sroo 801 i > tiCnfll 807 OS 1102 U5 U0RO7 0O2OI OOTW ou12 o iistw Diait 87Sa K7370 H 4 < S 333S 831 hmM NOtOO 813 ir > 7 0S8c SOO W 7PSSC 80000 Ne York Futures Yes day a Opened Closed Close 8 0ipC 8SOH2 80101 SMb 8 81 < 2 8KVS0 s so no 8 8r > so hwiihi 8021 8WW 80HV1 813 01 8 01 8Witt 803a 8S001 StCOt 8 0102 fi JiOlil 1 87273 8 0800 87271 Aiiciist 1 it ir innt September 81214 81810 October HWi n asked b bid Liverpool Futures JiinCib iFebMar MarApr AprilMay MayJuno June July 480 JulyAug 481 I M > AugRept 471 iJ 4 80 ReptOct 4 2M 480 81 OctNov 412 48182 DeiJan 4SO 48183 Not Receipts at All U 8 Ports This This This Lust 1orls day week > car year OnltfMton oWW 44082 1041780 lfliri271 N Orleans 8243 44142 1047812 1004311 Mobile 838 4100 1720H 1347V3 Siivniinah 4848 28317 IO43047 OtillV rtiarleston 402 1102 188DM 220371 13s OlffO The Rice JVlarkcl Duslness Continues Quiet With No Un usual Features The local rlco market allowed unchanged conditions yesterday Receipts and sales wero small nnd there w s no feature til tho market In nny respect Transactions lu rice nre limited now aud the trade doea not ex pect much business between now and the close of the scasoti Irlces continue un changed and the dematvd for clean rice Is very good Following are the iiilluc prices Honduras fancy head Honduras head Japan fancy head Japan head No 2 brewer Urewera 1ollsh per ton Illce bran per ton Rough Honduras Hough Japan Receipts for the day amounted to S0 Micks making the total to date 13PMVi sacks Hale of clean SOO pocket New Orleans Special to The > est New Orleans January 3 > There nore nn sales of rough nporleil todnj Some trail ing ns consummated Inwards tho close of the day but the bulk of the alc whs In lower grades The market cloned strong for the better gradts with Inferior lines dull The nuirket for clean rice presented no change There waa a fairly hrlsk de mand both for distribution nnd for export with only limited supply nffeilng Trices closed unchanged Receipts from county mills were moderate Receipts 4o i sacks of touch snd 232 poekels of clenil Sl 22SI p ek ls of tdcau METALG V < r Tptk Jsnusry 29Ilri und r Dt piitiu reicU a todAfijcI inj l > bwtr HOUSTON DAILY POST FRIDAY MORNING JANUARY 30 1903 STOCK MARKET WAS IMPROVEDJWHEAT MARKET WAS STRONG t TRADING WAS BETTER IN A GENERAL WAY Activity Was Shown In Several Railroad Stocks But No Noteworthy Feature Was Presented New York January 29 The tone of todnya Block market wna altogether pro fcmlonal Trading wus somewhat In ex cess of the previous day but was limited for the most part to the leading Issues A number of favorable features such as the Increased case of sterling exchaugo and promise of nn nmlcablc solution of the Venezuelan situation were Ignored ns also a number of excellent railroad returns Ht Paul however was not Included In thl t latter class that road bawlnfc a decrease of over S43XX > et for December In point of nctUlty and general Intcrcbt Ht Iaul was the fentuti of thu early msalou The stocks opened moilcrtitcly strong In antici pation or favorable act loll by the directors lespcetliig the piopoicd Increase of fctocks rollonlng nn advance of ovor a point broken representing Important Interests sold freely nnd the stock closed with a fractional loss Announcement that noth ing except routine busluew had been trans ited nt the board meeting did not come out until after the close of the market Other early features of Interest weio 1cun aylvania In which there was extensUe Is trading St LouU and San Francisco sues Delaware nnd Hudson and Amalga mated Copper Later Missouri Pailtlc Hrles and some other leading railways shares developed linrensed Ormnefis The moviiuelt In the Hrles In the nftornoon attracted attention nnd appeared to be bnRfd on a revival of combination leports which wero current h fortnight ngo Lrln common on heavy tradtns made n net gain of He while the flrt and second pre ferred advanced 1 and 2 points respec Cbeia and Ohio Manhattan I JijrMran lMInn nnd Ht I Chicago and Altnni CM and Altrm pf rw nnd Kant 111 Chi and Ureut AS Chi and n W S pf Chi and O W It pf Chi and N W Chi Ter and Traiv thl Ter an T pf C r nnd St L Colorado floutherni Colo South 1st pf I Colo South 2d pf Dela mid Hndi > on Dcla I ick and V < I Denver and lllo G Den nnd Wo O pf Prio IKrle 1st pf rrle 2d pf Great Northern pf Hocking Valley Hocking Valley pf Illinois Central llowa Central Iowa Central pf Lake Uric ami W l ike P nnd W pf Louis and NaSh j Mo InclBc Mo Kan and T Mo Knn and T pf New Jcr Central New York Central iNorfolk nnd West Norfolk and W pf Ontario and est Pennsylvania St IBUl St Paul pf iSiMlthern 1aclHc Sniitbern rtnllwny llrle prior MWIO 2 100 r io too f10 UiO 1700 3200 ttntsi 213K 300 KM iWst 8fHll B2 > 4i fttji f > 2 17 301 MV 72 I 71 TlU 1 l2 ° 7 tvwlf 57 27Wj OTli tii 4mj in nw iniiasa i223 iii 100 1RH a I 7tMt 200 100a now I 33 W4 200 30S 10 1 i > i4 2IO 71 71 i 71 1 1 45 2iOOl7r174lW17iy J tn < l < Imtfl 2 l270 270 30V4 BS 41 73V > V h 202 lOOi 07 11M4 It 73 47 111 127 i 120V I2 > I HVnl > HS53 i 107 112 < nut 01 01 j 11J 1W 1 4 74 71 7 1IK 13 I OJ 10IKVI IllWi 33J1 31 2 ll llKUi l > 2il 2S St Lnulrt 8 W pf 7 rioii 03ii l visi V > 12 lOOi M < 3rujl W V S refunding 2s registered U S refunding 2 < coupon V S 3s registered U S 3s coupon i S new 4s registered V S new 4 connon r S old 4s registered P S old 4i coupon U S r > s registered V S 5s coupon > Atdilsnn geneml 4s Alehlson adjustment 4s ltnltlnore and Ohio 4s Rrli gonernl 4s Fort Worth and Denver City 1st Ilwklng Valley 4i s Rock Islnnd IQlkd West Auetralta 4 < 0 bsles tlvely In the industrials offerings of Qoneral Electrln were freely absorbed with n net gain of 2 points the stock closing UJiH rnoM i WfJ QATS ALSO at the hlgheet flgure Improvement was shown by United Btatea Ilealty Hepnblle Iron and Steel United States Leather aid somo of the minor Issues What was be lieved to be poo manipulation was shown In the course of some stocks and the con current upward movement In Pennsylvania and the Wabash Isaues gave rise to renewal of reports of a settlement of the < 11JTt ences between the Intereats controlling those properties Aside from the strength of Krles and Uie weakness of St Pant thero was no noteworthy feature in the la ter scsfllon Trading continued narrow ana operations for London nccount were sntaii and of an arbitrage character The close was Irregular nnd dull foreign exchange continuing Inactive The supply of re mittance was rather better Ann usual but the Inquiry was not at all urgent to have gone so far The market appears below the go i export level as to rcnoer the n o of metal remittances ltnprobab e by 87 ti 111 100 greasy 3Wft > Zealand UOO balee secured iHWft la 44 artsey i < MQU < Cspe nf Oood Hope snd NstslV bales scoured Mgls5Hd rressy 4 iH Hd Iuntu Arenss tf > b ler greasy 0O 71lV ICO balui KoateA VWUld situation is still modlfled several conflicting featmes which mar de velop interesting amplications almost any although It generally belleeii tna dar s n ccnmulatlon of fillls will be e ppa bv the government before tho nnai npho B latlona for the transfer canal property have been completed mwlerately railroad bond market ws The of distribution active nud tfiowed a good movement was nncer dealing though the 2ol5000 shies value lain Total par New York Money New York January 20 Monev on jail Steady loVcst 3 per cent highest 41 per cent rnllng ay per cent closing 4 and ner cent Time money llrmer sixty South Rail pf fliias and laclflei Toledo S L and W r l S L and W pf iTnUiu Pacltlc Cnlon Paclllc rf AVabish Wabash pf Mtec and L P 1 V and L B Id pf At 1 entrnl A Is Central pf Adams Vrprcss American Bxp 1 nltcd Stntes Cip WfllvPaigo Btp Anil Copper Am Car and Fdy Am Car nnd F pf Am Linseed Oil Am Unseed Oil pf Am S and U Am S nnd 11 pf Anaconda Mln Co Ilrooklju It T solo Fuel and Iron Consol Oas Cnnsol nvbicco pf tenernl llcCtrlc fHoeklng Coal Inlernat raocr Internit Paper pf lnclcde as National lllscult National Lead North American PnclOc Coast Jnclllc Mall Ieoplna liiu fWiOi 07V 1201 4U4 JIW 40 1200 00 1 Pressed Steel Cnr Pr seil S C Pf ililllniaii Pal Car Hepnblle Steel ltepublle Steel pfi Sugar flViin Cnnl nd Icon Cu II nnd r Co 1 11 II nnd P Co pf I S leather 1 H Leather pf r S Itubbei TJ S rtubber pf 1 S Steel 1 S Steel lif Western Inlon Am Locomotive Am Lnconio pf iHan Clli South Knn City South pf Hock Islnnd Hock lsliud pf ano 4000 400 Wisconsin Central 4s ltVKl 40 > 40 400 hoi I aom 3014 KM1 1 I 43 I 44Vj fjoivivjiajloij iio 000 IUVjI MM 04J4 VJn 201vi 20i W 4fKH 1VU 41 44j I 1 t 2 i i 13414 100 100a 74M 300 117H 117 i I 4 < J Vl 0lt W H 81 Closing Prices of Nev York Bonds Consolidated Tobacco Is r > nu < 2 > t ISuuo 133 I220 4t 1 4iy 40V 0V > OOi 74 10 < fc r 2UH117 4200 10ftk 20001 IB Mi 100 IMS 100 23 2000 21Ji 100 1 Manhattan Cold 100 Louisville and Nashville unified 4s 107 I Mexican Central Is 1071i Meslcan Central 1st Ine 131a Minneapolis and St Iouls 4s I3H Missouri Knuins nnd Texas 4s 110 Missouri Kansas nnd Texns 2da 110 New York Central gen 3 103 i New Jersey Central general Bs 101 Vi Northern Paclllc Is 102V Northern Pacific 3s 02 Norfolk nnd Western consol 4s 101 Heading general 4s I I ICloi SnlexinlshlLow1 liic est I esL 1hid K20 > > 0 4 0 I JIM fsli 20i 01U 18 30 lOVj 0VA lis t7i 74 j 217 117 lSMtl 1814 18 7 J If M 1 i0 40W 40Vi 40i < l l 70 J1 28 27 100 71 3100 120 110 113 07 I 30 OIMn MV tnu oi 23 1 231 78V4 7MI IB llirii MO WW1 iKli 1 I I li I i 270O 13 I 12 l 12 S00 80V S0V 80 jhwio l K S7U 87 20 K l 039i RIK13S loo m t 132001 t8fi I 03Y 13tii iui 17 811 X I 871m m 20 llSH 131T < 00 > i 4 < Mi Total wiles for tho day UWOO h re 101 1UOV4 7 ° MADE AN ADVANCE The Outside Markets Were of a Better Tone and a Good Demand Aided in Causing an Advance Wheat opened quiet but strong on eta Slff S 6uVCtror K good 11 a 1 Bnluth rnnnrtnrl rereltltS of 3j ror London January 20 Consols for money PV1 llr silver 21 1110 Money JW ner cenf short bllH 3 r < 33 7 10 per cent I Ihrco months bills 3 rWSSH COURSE OF NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Following we the sales of stock and cl eung prices for tho New Tork toc market 1 i I l < I Sales illlghiLow tig f est est I bid Chicago Tnnunrj 20 Wheat was quilt and exceedingly nenous but the close was strong with May V higher May corn was up VJWA nndgpatH wero higher Provisions were firm the May products closing with a gain of He to 12215c volume and no special features developed unfuo The weather was still damn and able and nn excellent cash demand nnd higher cables also contributed to the gen cially bullish senttmeut The close wis st ng with May Wij hlBlIl rt Yo after selling between 4lc and 4 ie lo rorlg and higher but the Oats wer o s t scarcity of offerings caused demind from market There was a good iiou ter alone Tlth PRACTICE OF FARMERS IS SHARPLY CONDEMNED Purs Bred Males Should Be Used as Hirjher Prices Will Be Paid for l < Improved Breeds Some farmer go Into the eat tie busi ness with the Idea that economy In every tbliic Ik the nulv road to success and that this eeouoim necessarily embraces the ex penditure of ns little fundi as possible fo nnluuls tn start their herd Tho echo Unit money saved Is money made seeini to stand out more prominently to their vision thnn the equally truthful and In this cnae more adapted axiom that only the best brlug top priced and that tliene can not be obtain by bpidug from common cat tle On this mitij ei the BvtcUrH Gazette ghes the following timely advice Kxtrmngiint cououiv Is practiced hy farmer who uses a trade sire What 84 rver lle n0 ot hriedllig the u > e of pure l00 bred males Is of grnter economic Impor 13314 tnnco than tho saving of a few dollars In 1031 purchasing Hires of nondescript breeding 72i4 iack of familiarity on the part of mnny 101 fnriueis with the monetary ldvintngei 07li of using riglhtertil sires Is not the com Thelea gfuturer h raioSe WheatNo 2 Jan May July Corn No 2 Jan May July OatsNo 2 Jan May July 74 s 3W 32s T4J 75U 40 36H 33 n in75 Man y IrtOTWjn July 11 33 1035 higher cables nnd predictions of uiifaror Articles able weather cold wave being predicted l our f 1 for tho Northwest and there was consld J ott bushels crablc cohering by shorts early on the oats bushels unfavorable prospects Outside marUoU Uve bushel ow were stroug which aided In the b cttcr Barley feeling Later when It becamo evident 73 51 4 t 41 S 4Slt 3614 32H iH IS > 43 3fli4 82t4 Mess P kPer o barrel 30 KM g IS iftfo IB jojo ia3o LardPer 100 P < > 7024 w 10BV4 Jan J v > iZ n ss 0tO Oo S 4 ° m 0i fCfrlbsPcr W Po s 002 00V Ton ni Dir M7V 2Sl < 0 ro 3 < > 3O2O0O 2507 > 0701 01000 407X 3lf > 000 213300 17200 to that the leader of the longs was again prices at the karris heniS ujj m selling the market broke and a drop of 10c on mailer awttweil MmaiiJL the May fair low w a JL the point for the after opening waa nervous the but toward the end a firmer tone oped on tmaller ortcrings and on the i > liJS al 0elpt5 tomorrow heat W a strength In corn The close was strong J > corn n nfoMrss oats 170 cars hogs o higher on May at 7fe ic July waa lu cnr bend demand and ruled strong Mlnne 24 g f0lpng I I nsn xil T ourftendler No 3 704 v0 2 WheatNo 2 spring < < white t34fr34J rSJHef ofSng 42 45 fair to rt IlS < S5D55 1 18 No 1 Northwestern lMi nr salted shmilders n l lf > UVj 0 rlhnrt clear sides BrxH j JfiP KK ission am prbe Whskv n1 butter e r s Hn d comm s fJMe > ilrt firm the eloee being V hlche tor on iacjn > rrpnmnrv KVfiC dairy > y n rawanii i yi i aiiLKt uvaw rhe J KiVmwqi rggsWeak lp howed a t ende c Provisions XSI in the ho e7es Included M Grain and Provisions Elsewhere POOR ECONOMY IN BREEDING Texa bull 1175ponnd bullf 3 00 Wi3pound s 2M ti60pouud stags 275 1022 nd Mags 310 C I 1 Whlttlng Hells pound Trias 1041pound Meer 3 to 1100ponnd steers 300 010pound steers 300 Bad ford P Hope Aik SOSpound steers 3E0 Triuev Itrlsson Merkel Teias calve DWJ 3fc3pound calves 300 713 pound cowa 2Til Oldpound cows 220 N70 pound cows 273 J M Aldrlch Mich Igin Cltv Mls tMSponrd cotsb mixed IMV 0 0pniiid mixed 2 13 1032pound bulls 27n A O iStartii Nev llraunfels Iexas Sn pound steer 323 Trigg A Hrhardt la trop Texas 1201pound steers 8 13 C C Henulon ShroveporL Ia Slo pound steers 310 I C Wilson S Co 1 leburne Texas llOVpouml steers 4 10 1JMpound bulb 300 Two tbou and Texans steeis 10 lover rows steady ST LOflfi St Louis Jnnunry 20 Cattle Receipts 3WO head Including 2000 Tcvan mirUet slow nnd weak nntlve shipping and export steers 4Wtyrti > 10 dressed beef and butcher Bteera 10Of 00 steers under 1000 pounds ton < a4 r0 stockers nnd feeders 2300 2o enws nnd heifers 2 2 i4 KO C3nncrs 1 VTl 2 50 hulj 210 3ri0 calves 400 7 SO Texas and Indian steerR 2003440 cows and heifers 220 3 30 Hogs ItecelptK 3500 head market fl lO higher pigs and lights ltd tllll I v U tVI JMA 1 tlll > fi 2 anl0 SO butchers 071 < packers OOOifR Sflli Sheep Re < otpra o00 head mnrket strong nativo muttons 300iK2V lambs 47Sj o 40 culls and bucks 2fJOffir > 0 stock ers and feeders 1C0SC300 Texans 321 CHICAOO Chicago January 20 CattleJlecelpts 13 0i0 head Including 3W Texans market very low good to prime steers 4WWifi7rr poor to medium Soofjt SO mockers and at 132 and futures nt 1311701 nt Lon don while hero It was about 10 ixdnts lower nt M > M2S > 2 s1 < > H v < r reported of fl e toii of spot nt 2010 nnd llc tons for February delUery nt 2000 t > W at Imdon adduced tfjOd to tS4 10 3d for spot and 13 is ttrt for futures while heie It remained quiet was nrm and n shade higher Mandiiril l quotcJ at l electrolytic 124Mtl2l > i lake 12431270 ind castings 122W2M Lead whl e un changed and quiet locally was slight > higher In London Spelter unchanged Iron closed MsM In tllasgow and 4s 1 1 In jMlddle > oro Ixieallv Inin was nominal Warrants are nominal LONDON WOOL AUCTION Crossbred BrouohTGood Prices from American Buyers tendon January 2 Pbi oaerln at the wool auction sbIcs tmlay were 14470 bales Including a large supply of New Jtoiliiul JrosMirods were 13 per cent higher mid seierel lines Mere taken for AuicHea at the advance The offerings were medium aud good grcasbs FrMine bounht medium mourcd f reel Caiie of tiood Hope mid Nalal w bl well Kalss > New South Walor 1700 bales cvured dltlt 0d great OliiWtln DueenalaiHl 4H1I bales acur d Is Mil l e l greasy 7v flSHjd Victoria 0rt pale grant rAdftls 4d South Australia Vi bales gteasy I Colorudo Fuel o 87 iennsylvnnln conv 3is 00 117ft 04 101 highly objectionable from the standpolut of bleeding It should bo the ambition of every man who breeds farm animals to Improve his stock There are few farmers hovever who will make the tiffolt unless assured of larger protlts Iluclng the inattei of pro curing pedigreed sires on the dollarsmid F E JONES en Wholesale Dealer n All business entrusted to us kti ° glbt a ntion 202 MILAM ST HOUBTOrtTtv CASH ADVANCES ON COTTON liberal advances made on iMbw W S BEADLES CO Cotton v Tgo Mo i QIBERT CLAY Coffon Stocks Grain and r Visions NrMBtRS Nw Orleini Cotton Lichinis New York Cotton Lichirjj New Yoik Coffee txchjale Liverpool Cotton AnocUtloi Clilcito Dojrd ol Trade DentsreBHf New Otla FUEL OIL PROMPT SHIPMENTS Best connections at Beanmont wh or wire for prices nn AOHNT BOOTH BDIlSEa Phone 12 Office 217 Mil stwc B W ARMSTRONG Houston Tern RICHARD COCKE CO BROKERS Execute orders for cotton griln visions and stock on tho diateriat changes Members New Orlesoi fnii n Exchange Houston Cotton xcSS Houston Oil and Stock Exchante Iti ence Commercial National Bsax ol ton GALVESTON Hwv Correspondence solicited from tiirtl t shlng to sell Spot Cotton P o iEmtai CRAVENS KELLY Managers Southwestern Dtpirtraui United States Fire Ins Co of NY St Paul FiM Ins Co of St Paul Agents Desired in all Good Towns J N WISNER C W G RARISHIPI J N WISNLR CO GOTTOH FUTURE BROKERS MEMBERS COTTON LXCHANCtS Timed Eiecutloni tictuit Wui OFFIOES COTTON LXCHANCJ1L HOUSTON TtXAS Dilly Market Letter on Applicion ESTABLISHED 1S72 HENRf BEER BERTRASD BHS EDOAR H BRIGHT H B BEER COTTON MERCHANTS New Orleans MEMBERS OP New Orlesaj Conn Ex change New York Cotton ExohasrJ ill Associate Members Liverpool Cottoa Uk elation Special attention given to tie euntics of contracts for future delivery ia cotton Seed Potatoes Triumphs Early Rose Peerless Fancy Northern Grown Slock Browne Lyons Co Medium Sta s Bulls Sheep Hogs 1 op cornfed 160 Medium cornfed Mnstfed lbs and up JpflJ 8S3 Is fully sunnlled rii P 3 3j3 The mnrkot rf classes of cattle with the ei r M calves Reported for The Houston Pelt > u r Norman Live Stock company JwUN ated Beeves Oood to cholco Common to fair Cons Good to choice Common to fair Yearling Oood to choice Common to fair Oil vi licod to choice Conimcn to fair ii 250 Zwii cSi S51VUI V 7ilhY VV nurrllsht Market depressed and Pf JSj to the ruinously1J 2 fZI 01 wt 702 S07 727 71M 075 It 0 2d 070 2 15 breed character constitution and npprovctt 743 2 20 630 820 3l472 21770 ltsal 3027 GO 2 25 2 W 2 40 121U 2 10 2 50 11008 No Wt ITIce II 107VI as i310 ore ibi 18 1105 ia12513 2SOO 13 I I type Is what the fanner needs nt tho head 3 1 < I 2 10 2 05 N < v Wt Frice 20 n 13 It137 11153 7T1PO ill102 23112 is t > 1 tu 0 gt 0 32 5 75 SAlBK AT KANSAS ltl Spccbil to The FeatI Kansas Clt > Sin Unitary 20flu foi lowing Texas and T rHl r > enM were sold today II U HaKcll AUnrad ats steers m pounds 3 > W Bt bn X j pounds ftisi II Willis Ilela Ml slj m 1KH pounds 410 w abultj AlH r Ue 35 sleer 028 I > ounds 335 IS bulls lifts peunds ROO W I Cireeii Ardmore 25 6er 832 pound 3HO 70 steers 828 pSindslt 40 V R Heeler Nlnnekah 12 steers 1002 pninds 4 03 t W Tbomn sop NlunskaV VI steers 80S pounds 3j W A Rrlggs A Co Waialiachte SS l r 7ffi pounds B 05 B n ifirrod v hachle 77 strers 804 paiinds 3 43 A Ceffoy Lometa 7 steeri viV und 3 0 T J Rjsu Holiday 8 Jt r J 8 28 10 cows 776 pounds 340 10 e lvl aut 2 I o U tv H Worth L ve Stack Commission GomparJ WIUUHi UUIIIEtlfll3ulUBI 700 S 1 J proatnble and henuu Increase the farmers interest In his woik of 701 meat production KANSAS CITY Kansas City January 20 Cattle Re ceipts oo bead 500 Texans lun natlto entreat market firmly to lower choice < > v port and Ireased lieef steers SOAR 50 fair to good USHM ntoikers and feelers itl H 35 Western fed uteern 2 70 t4 25 natlie lielfcrs 3 00 < i4 15 cmiiiers tOniialii bulls a is rt 7 calves al Wi l Hogs Ueerlpla avsi head niBrket 5Hf lu higher heavy 117214 iHlkPO mixed packers it3 i M light I140W OfiaW il pigs mffOK Sheep Receipts SfVi liewd nmikel strong nailve Iamb iMHt 0 25 Western lnmb aNxnlu fed we SfsvnVlO nitlve wctbevn l mii IS5 West ern weiherH Suot41Ni Hlmkera and feeders 250W3 50 ST lOFIS KMKK tSpeelal to phe Tostt National Stork Yanls St U111U January 20 The following ssles of Te 9 nmj ter ritory cattle worr made h re today C II SehofI A Co Iloldenvllte I T 840 and 838 pound steers ft35 Mipound steers ft 55 1140joind bulls 375 Tassev Rros Phennan Te ss 10H7 and blflP pound le rs PO Illlett A Simmons Sherman Texas SSSpouad steers 3 BO C C llerndoiu fiartveport la 1130 and 134lVpouud bulli 3 10 1110 and 1076pound hulls 8 00 860 roiod bntli afO 10M and 10 pound bulll 3S6J A O Stutt N w Brauofili rrftAAjt jrf lort Worth Stockyards Fort Worth Ttxas J D Iliyward Jno F Clitk T J Sltwatt New Orlehns GEO T REYNOLDS rrestdfnt A F CROWLEY Vice Pres snd Oej Jigr ilcngo flecretary RATEBMBVt rrD7D RlNNKIS Hogs it OLDEST COMMISSION COMW THIS MARKET to Vi32 t til W ni i < i i f iil J > un unw w i > I dre entlrelj which dressed meat Is bln J jo l fl l packing bouses We see no ohtdii n p lrt nanv present sold oa w Ilee ck dressed beef Is now being Choice 3 OOjIl kct nt 5 cents per pound 75RS a wirJinNTs pnoTwAXAiata u0 1f 2 srf72 Tn AVnsnhncbto 1cxas Jannarr j Mr Hum 2 0ft2 CO hhlpments of cattle have SJ jjrUK earllugg Iiolco from tils city this wcefc BMJ tt tf Consign your stork to is a Fort ti f Kansas City S hep h Mo ArrlJ MARKKT RETORTS W CATION jPW T W See our Market Letter In Tost HAYWARD VICK CO j BROKERS OF COTTON FUTURES FOR ACTUAL DELIYB j Ke H led tv 0rlMns > Ntw nd Liverpool Branch offitfjSH j n m Houston Texai Mtln Nw 0ranU office 1105 Heanen bulldlnr