OCR Interpretation

The Houston daily post. [volume] (Houston, Tex.) 1886-1903, February 28, 1903, NON-MAILABLE EDITION--CITY AND TRAIN, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071197/1903-02-28/ed-1/seq-9/

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Worlds Fair
1 Mist lasts Honors US Govt Chemists
r A Myfick Tells of the Matter
lUckMeaos Heavy Expenditure
lTilie In Port Arthur Sour
and the Oil Field It Is
a Big Thing
> turnout Texas IVlirunry 8 = niter
iot tlie imat Uvo or tllr
aibi l i liiMi pioniotliiK an cntrprUn
IBtws Billlhiiis to this section He
tVt jDnomiccd the nnturo mid detnila
for the first time lie nml Ids msso
iaiteto build forty miles ot electric
iny that will rcquiie the expendlturu
iiiBtlmn a million dollars
fcctKlag the matter tonlsht with Tho
it torrokpomlont llr Myilck said I
tilremly made application to the com
sMtrs conrt of ielTeison county for
iulon to operate an electric lritcrnrbnn
3 r certain public thoroughfares nml
Suite application to thc city Cornell
Htmont nt Its rcftulnr mootltiR next
rfjr for a frnnehlse to trnvcrao such
uu an nrceaiary to the construction
joperrtlon of our rcvl Wo propose
I Bfaumont and will nsl that out
j 1 given us tlint wv mny tnko In
i Burt rofmory Spindle Top Ilolehts
rt Arthur ami Sour Lake springs
tt prcr < e to matrict forty miles of
I ojsUe tie eM UnlU In order to
s It the point mentl tied and every
tl d tie traek will b hcivl y ballastod
k litll and whn 11 the city pircw a
= et OTtr which our line will run wo will
itotrrljht of nay with thc iatne ma
id ii thu city pa cs with and that with
Jttrttothe city Our roul will be mod
ila every particular nml thc cars will bj
xmtt cars from the hcstniiln ihe
tt It ready to nreomp lsh all that wo
a t arc foliiic to perform and for
t Bitter was iciuly bef re thi > details
n irritced Thc amount neccssiry to
attand quip the proposed llie will
pttite more tUau 1000000
lis bo ray nfsoeinti s ai e I am not at
K t It tlbsrty to btnte but I < nii s y
s lit are lreid lu ely Interested In
JHttloaof Texas and are not aolns Into
J tttttti bllttdh
MfrenHrat Ma kh m of the Southern
Iial i cuirpjiij litltud John N
5 t flalrnun of t t railroad commit
isfthe cliuinlicr of c mmeice this aftar
that ho will airlie in Benumont In
ituning of tomorr at which time
olll talc up with the chamber of com
tttbuilding of a lino of railway from
wt to Spur Lake Springs and will
Mima thc < iupstlon of pioiidlng ft bet
W oyer depot here
Insurance Statements
Wa ItiEs Kebiuarj 117 The follow
ituaiDce companies today requalllled
i e year In the Insurance department
total Ilro Insurance company ot Hart
TjWai Tax JHIUl fees J tiKCllto
nWlU rliks vviltteu lu Tcias lu
pr mlains S1SS7 losses
WH h j lllria 43i5l0f
u lMt > company of New York
fees 2 p agent 1crtlflcatea
JVM business for ltu2 risks wilttcu
LilrIiLmS i i ICM8C3 paid
feiiT irriu 3o0bJ
S WMhles I
SKl 2tUIP l 1 of tho Silver
jJM Lfttt of Waco Agenta certlll
CH loa Kushu of Honor of St
H1 noilt Association of
lSrat t v ollts bottle of
it °
iiifh i > i ut 0lc for the on
orin flavor rtAsTt that is Just a
Alwuys buy Ruruetts
I Rtmge Rsmans Wet
W Wlon 0 2711
today the towii wet
the Ibcal
A full votp was
gh Hands Itching Palms
W htnful Finger Ends
on retiring Jn a
wt creamy iather of Cuticuua
nmi anont frccy with
Coi n
jm 0istMent the great skin
PUrMt of eollients Wear
v w ni2lu0d loosc Slove3 or
F ° W li cn or cot
K j tCJ rough chapped and
sish fissurcd itching
rjitf 1 e wh saPess al3
> SCr Cnds thls lreatmcnt
Can be Done About liie
Houslon Charier Until Next Week
Mr Terrell Spoko In Its Favor and Some
Opposition Was Developed Days
Set for Platfoim Demands
Austin Texas Febiuary 27Senator
Wpmorab was asked this morning If he
would sIrh a minority report on tho Ilous
ton charter bill la rn e the committee
iirroe1 to report It fnVnmtoly He sild t at
l > e did net know whether he would or not
What ho fa orcd however was the Idea
to submit It to u vot > ot the people He
was aeked by The Post corre pondent It
such an election would not be very ex
pensive to the city He admitted that It
would but sold If the administration was
to confident of wlnuing they would not ob
ject to It
The fact was pointed out to hitn that the
oil mills ami other manufacturing plants
In Ohnucyvllle and tin water works com
pany would Unlit the measure In a charter
ejection and spend money in order to keop
from pajina a city Us Juat the same as
thoy nw been ughtluff It befire the seints
There were no new developments In the
Houston charter situation today and City
Attorney Stone and Seuajor Lipscomb left
for thilr itsnectlve homes tuiugiit
Several semitors were oatspokn in faor
of the litii and me of the oplutm that th
opposition hl die out In tjio coume of a
IVw days Nothing > iil b done In th
premises until uujt week as Chalviuau
Hicks has gone home and the sonate docs
not coin cue again until Tuesday
Cnttlcmcn of Northwest Texas Set Forth
Their Objections to It
Austin Texas tebruuiy 27 Tho follow
ing piotcht ngaliibt tho llnul passago ot the
Iiryun juuinntlno bill that paused tho
houbc and Is now pending In the senate
has been presented to every member of the
Twentyeighth legislature by representa
tives of the cattlemen of Northwest Texas
bill provides an absolute open season
without Inspection for blxty days lu thc
r cdoiul and Statu quarantine line which
divides the infectious nnd noninfectious
cuttle in the State of Tuvas Said bill also
piovldca that during ten mouths lu the year
nil Southern cattlu shall bo permitted tq
doss sold Hue provided thu amc nro
sunJelcmiy free from ticks that they will
not commuulcjtc diseusi or that upon
cuttle above the line It Is an estuUHshud
policy of the Federal authorities thnt the
Federal quarantine Hue can cioss n Statu
only by tho sanation of that State and
with its assistance In the enfoicemeut
theieof Theiefore thc inevitable result ot
this bill would be to place tho Federal
line mound the State lenvlng the said wv
cntynvu counties mid We V > uuU00 caul
below the Fuleinl line Foi uy ditjs un
der this bill no matter how mild thu
demorallzed prices In the market as tbj
renult of fori Ing nn Interior grade of beef
cattle Into the market
Dm Ing the year IIMC a gleet dioith vis
ited tho counties adjacent to this line
ospcelnllv south of tbe same while in the
Panhandle of Texas the season wns good
and the grass abundant Cattlo owners
south of the line In order to 8 ve their
herds notwithstanding u lldatlon of the
law and the regulations of the live sMck
commission attempted to crowt their berds
to the north of this line Herds were nut
permitted to crois tbe line nnd many cuttle
Inhered and some iicrjslinl RK cr feeling
arose against tbe live Hock wnlUW >
mission US mlcs nml regnlat onj muJ the
liisticctors consequently extremists de
tlcg aud pronounced
claredAgalnst the theory
nounced the Texas fever a arcc
inaUcshlft and nrralcucd the anrnnjliie
is the cn atlon pf n tcvv rich cnttIfmen to
rirevent the little man from lu ding W
erritory We regard this last attack
wiicn made l y those Infoiincd f > f the bltua
fTpu as n cheap appeal to prejudice uud pas
W lVe Invoke the records of the land ffl
Is not 11 scHn ot the
tl at there
to snow
hIi Hischooi jVnd 1 rmp 1stlt 1
bis not Iieei Hught t m the Ml nrij
imal P Kr5p dTtlle 7
Hgfi0QWBwENmtf w ww SppSw
a eTcllt mlt > K of cattle froi
line v flom tnc nortl > ot tu
0 nlj h a Vt l ° Pcal1 the thnt
nft t Ar4l
time Jl JL1 UlU swUou ttt tut
from SfTicatt le that ad boen driven
we J b 0 J h frn Vrrl n niul consequently
w non
l tii noni P At 1t tlme native cattle
si l errUor > wer < ludeed nnd
s Mate 4nn j n ji It i scarce
Approved Doth < anta Fe mune uVte
arc m for a
Kock island schemes
tluiB Immune period of ten
leafs or mure
M 1 > t < md > d that to nbolish this line
VJi Wl UP ew KMng lands for the
cattle below the line lu repir to this we
will n y that lu most of th lerrttory north
c p the > turea
Pi V l are rrowited to the
w cattle beliuiciiiK to the owners
it fWiu and to prevent fxw on season
l 1mPmint younf Mttle north would
result In n worse crowded condition there
than is found south of the Hue since breed
ing is our ohlef Industry und pastures arc
storked to their llmltn with abecattle
It Is rflso nrRtied lu this connection that
the State school lands are hfld in lurge
bodies liy the ble rattle men thus barring
siittlptnent by people without homes We
enturn the assertion that for every sec
ut lu blaced upon the market lu
the territory above the Hue In the past
two years there has lieen more than two
applicants to purchase oald land and If the
land is not belne put upon the market do
not blame the quarantine romuvlsslon with
u Dor at Oie abolition of the
quarnntine line would put these lands upon
the market
Another matter we would call attention
to Is the fact that a laige majoritv of our
itwill owners especially bine boirowed of
banks to Mock thrlr pastures with he
eattlc on the faith of early rcturaR from
JUo sale nt good prices of their young cat
tle to northern buyers Strike down the
market for this character of rattle and you
reduce the mice of all cattle in T > nas and
lailurts will abound among the money bor
roners banks will surfer und every Interest
inched by this lnduxtry will f el the ef
fects thereof
> i t Fr Wilson belns naked about the
Ptobnblllty of the quarantine line being
2m 10 onh boull1y ne o TOias
I can only aay upon tho nppcirnnre o
rever abpve tho present quarnntiue line
Ve Hie wilt be nmed to the State boun
lanes Me are bound to protect the cat
tie of
other rortlons of the country and
we intnrd to do It
lletueniber thnt wn people above Ihe linn
SVePiRSi1 lBS Tnr nfur J llIected
418000 head of cattle to the Northwest
ratines and we pav taxes on cattle alone
valued nt 2onocX0 and on land In the
I anhnudl Valued nt VinooO0 last n
Upon us the uulust and ruinous llrynn muir
tHV Iill whlrh will force the Iedernl
jtthorltles to nunranflne annst the on
1 I fcf te TJas In order to protect
cattle of other states and vou nffect cat
tle values in every Slate and this Indus
trywould be ruined In the Panhandle
nnd above the line and tuns wn would
be reduced to lnukruptey nnd nimble to
pav our tax or Interest on our lands bought
from tho State and wreck nnd ruin fol
We nre n hclmess mlnoltr silolv nt
the merer nf the more denser populated
parts of thc State nnd their lawmnkU
power and enn onlv appeal to these for
protection of our rlcbts nnd pronrtr at
which the llrynn bill tres n dendlr lilow
We ask due nifij > r consideration of
House bill No M known ns the llryau ns mntter before taking n step the dan
peroits nnd ruinous rna t t i
elTccts nf which can
not be removed by future legislation We
submit this to vou In candor In the spirit
of fn > > s nnd If there h a doubt ns to
the c < ulncnew of the facts above staled
we refer you to the best Informed nnd
most tni torthv men of Northwest Tex
as Respectfully submitted
S T Howard
Goorce Long
Austin Texas lebruarr 27 Following
The author of thd woodbhed and
being tprayed by souiu process satUfatiory Is a ful synopsis of thu Mlddlebrook bill In
to tho siinltmy commission A1m vvIkui the hotiwc the purpose of which Is to aid
onto luspcttcd und hot found to have ticks the iWughters of tho Uopublle to rebuild
lu buitlclcut ijuinbeis to communicate fevor the old bton fort at Nacogdoches Tho
or when sprayed as aforesaid said cattle hm Is niaile general In Its provisions by
hhull not be btopped fur any chUhu or on slIing social and educational clubs through
account of nny ltgulatloti 0t thc sntc to assist the Daughters lu
Thu quarantine Hue State and Federal this work
coinciding inns through tho State thnnv Button 1 provides that 20 < X > be appro
lngnboutb0veutyflveeountleanda500000 Iriut to assist sahl Taugbters of tho
Republic the Cum Coticlllo Club of Nieojt
docbes and other clnlw devoted to promot
ing history education and sdence In Texas
and In Nacogdoches comity In rebuilding
and preserving tho old stono fort of
Nacogdoches county
Section 2 says this sum shall be paid on
a warrant drawn by the president of the
Dauchters of the Republic of Csas coun
tersigned bv the president nud secretary of
the Tern ronelllo upon Ihe completion of
the lebulldliiK of said old stone foil nil
weather or rrum what section ot thu tick other inoncr necessary to be provided by
region the cattle mny come or how biiru t iiauubtcrs and this club
the dcstiuclori to cuttle iiUve the line Section tl provides that when the old fprt
nothing win be done by the State or Federal i coaipleted It 111111 be under the direction
nulhoiitles to piotccr piopcrty uud if a 0f n boaid nt directors elected every two
pilvile cltlcii should dure to piotest yours by the various eduenllonil clubs ns
against heids being dilvon through his pas nbove inentloued these clubs as the bill
tun and umoun bin own cattle he imiat becomes a law to tlert n bulldlns cnu
pay the penalty or a souteuce to a temi mlttec to act > l lt ft < 1 S
for the flmt iisnme
lull the hi provides ns above provided
la the lomitv ns
bh II
the bu ding
It Is not our uov luce to discuss whether years When
ticks cmmuunlciue fevlr or not Able and be onened for pub 11c use uuler dlrecllon
well known scientists after cnis ot In the bonul of control
vchtigntlou of splenltic lever nnd nftor
Vtlh SAL1 oi i tuii uavl a
hundreds of thousands of dollars
bten spent by Iedetnl anthoilly in at Anstln Texas February JThe follow
temptliig to ascertain the uiuuus f trans eoiicurrnt rwolutlon re rdlilB the
liai t rsssas r wns ln
g5SSM n t sar KKM
The author of the bill hlmtelf however wJureas The present method flf ulliiR
uhnlu tho mi rectmuw of the tick theory nrlloatloits to lmrchnse fetate Reboot or
eVossVd a t iS t SSl SSf fSSWiyB as liun lauds with ths varlou county clerks
free fiom ticks not to wiwiinnkutc iufec tj this Stnte OS provided in section
tlon For this reason nud for the fur cnier 126 General Laws of Texnd 1001
ther reason that
will act upon the
we eliminate the
the h7 cloMl utboirUlM n m lu3tmwc reMlle ta freat
illsoUKsldn or the quesVlnu confusion si rloiui condlot nnd lu some cases
of the tick theoiy
bill did not designate the sufflclent niim vn The records of tho land office
al is lfic JSulSSiVbT tZ more than 30000 acres of RU
b u u e th sh
speetor who according to the advocates of g < hool and asylum iand will bo subject
the bill an corrupt ami actuated by mer aiicailon for pureha c within the next
ris ileXV C aVreh one U re tlciJ days by eason of the eviration ot
will produce two thousand voung ticks and existing luass tUeieoiii and
n very few of these young ticks will pro Wloreas It la reliably reported that a
Srt iiSa SSWlVh s Su a on puhllc land
At the iiresent tl ere i a A arket the year which will eliminate the friction nrt dan
rimn for our cattle from thH territory M resu ting from the iirtMUt lucde ot
north ot the line which cattle nro sh ppod Hling applwtloas and
under Held Inspection lo the above uaiued WTiS as The present condltoHs threat
g arlng and f eJing terrUoiles ns veilHugs cning ns they do a loss to the school fud
a id 2vearolds nud with the exception of and a loss of human life tUrraut and de
a occasional carload of barren cows no maud lwinisliue action whereby the lm
cattle are shipped from this tetitory for petidlug troubles may be averted therefore
imniediato slnughter Throw this Hue be It
north of tho State as tho hill wll do and Resolved by the house of reprosntetives
you lose tho market for the kind of eat the nnste concurring That to cnnmlH
tle menUoned above as was done in J8H7 aloner of the general land office is hereby
tints nroventlng shipment from this terrl laithoiistd and instructed to wlthuold from
lory except for immediate slaugliter ard It Mie any and oil sueU scnool nd asylnm
forces us against odds to cuter competl puuls which would come on the market by
with the feeding dl lrtt wberj fed lfHt0U of expiritlon ctntwllatlon or for
Is abundant und cheap and the result Is un ftture of any leeie threor and Ue shall
told dnmnge to those above the Hue and j 0tKy tho voitou county clcrkt of this
Stnte not to rec < Ive applications to pur
chase suah lands for a period of ninety
days from aud nft < r the passage of this
resolution provided U t In tve event the
remedial legislation contemplated MjiII lie
sooner efff led by tie passage of a new
land law then and thereafter Lie proscrip
tion hcreit Imposed shal pease and be of no
Signed bv Xowlln Sillier of Howard
flrav HodfsMh Tlurji Brf < l Utndriek
Crnwford of Ytwn Urelrord Ttljot
titi bSnati
AusMn Tcxtth Tsbrnary 27 The serate
met this vrarnlng vrlth quonnu pres nt
CoTimUtee wl Internal unprovuietitH ie
ported favorahly Uracbfields bill extending
time within which railroads tany complete
their lilies
Petitions were presented Ji follows
liy llriir ir w cltii n ivt Tari tit
fl > pi 1 HS agdpst tuo repeal cf the
tic < i i la v
11 v M I ll ° 5I
kA >
liy Paust l > om citlicnrt of Comal comity
opposing the medical bill
fly Hale Kroui cttlseus of tlorleeon coun
ts favoring Uilacy local optlen bill
Konntnr Ueuty secured suspension o tin
ttihs and final passnee of Ills bill amhorlt
lug the Unit Colorado and Sauta > lMl
taL npauy to purchase an op at m
Julf Ilraamont nml Kaunas i II urn tiulf
ItVatimont and Ureal Northern ialrou1
An Hjucmlnient buggested t > y dlir > railroad
cumuilrdon was adopted prodding that be
lore the approval of bond the roads shall
thrw > ideas as Is now the practice In
Louisiana and adjoining States bordering
on the Mississippi river Different from
Tennyon s brook he the present bard
times along the Rrasos will not o on for
ever but that those people will be aftle
to pay tsxr8 as they wl 1 rofalu their feet
Ilraohfield said he syinnarolred with the
suffering people of the llrasc valley but
could not vote for what can only be ro
Ki M5 Prlvae npprourlstlon
TheTjlll 1 msed flnally
Hetty secured xunpenflton of the rule and
final passage of the Santa Fe < onsolldntl n
Faust secured oonsldemtlon of his hill
providing 1 tat persons charged with lunacy
miry be tried at home Instead ot thc court
boose The Mil p wed finally
The senate went Ihlo evecutlve session
mil ronflrnied the governors rinuiinstlnn of
members of the board of mtuagers of ths
epileptic colony at AJillene
Hanger had considered l bill authori
Ing the Chicago Rock Island and Out to
purchase ard operate the Chicago Rock
Island and Tevas Chleags n k Island and
Mexico nnd Choctaw Oklahoma and Texas
Perkuia moved to postpone further con
rlderaUon of the hill uutll next senste ses
sionDeckot was Indifferent about postpone
The annte refused to io tpnnc and
Decker offered an amcTidmenr forMddins
the consolldatloii of the Chlcno Uoik
Island and MexUo and the blciigo Okla
homa nnd Texts railways Senator Decker
said the people of that dtstHt word on
> ed to fhe coieoildarou of cheiie two
lines The lint he said are not paiallel
hut are competing Railroad Commission
cr Mayfleld believe that consolidation
would be unconslltntlonil He admitted
that he had aerred first the two lines
might lie consolidated with ench other pro
vided thev wonld make certain extensions
He did this he ssld beoaufe he realled
that he was Oghtlnj an almost lotlnu flglit
ts the 1 oiswHdntlOJii shall not become
rfi i t e nnles the Rock lsbmd extends
fiom Ocahain < > Rraekenridir Its author
said that lie ofTcrml the anvndmnt In lieu
of a promts tbnt the extension would be
made that h > hoped some coo would cOlpe
fiom this Mil reallrlng thnt the senate Is
determined to pass It Amendment wiir
ttderl J <
Decker ofTereil th nmendment providing I
that the bill hall lmt be operative itn s
the Rock Island builds from Dallas to
Gnlvciton I
directed fact thst
4t > VL
P ° Iy
lortlouP midtato ni false the au
nt th iHSr 1 Le HT080 to W l
a < KiT u versa as far ni we
inrormed one wnnin Invite
people settle
will tiiV u1 d ter Wo are confronted
tick rlfi 80 nln d with the socalled
thl mI 1 trB l ° t NortWt 11111
moved the previous qncsion On the pend
ItB amendment and the bill The previous
Qafatlon was ordered
Mr Duff made a Irlet statement regard
I iff thc pending iiurLilinrnl which was
offered h Mrfwn Halt llrldnera and Stan
ill rr pioiidrc that any wv of Ihl slot
huvliie nopiiia on of 10 < Xk > tulmbltnnU 01
n ore which lia < ansutned control of ta
pi lillr ncboola nlid In tea a aptclal tax
for the maintenance of the fiamn may by
a majority vote of tlin city school board
cxttnpt fln h city from thu operation of
S P iV wlt 1 t0 I > rfh c price oud th provisions or the net
LiilSL rrUUo > theroto Mr Corhu aetuhd uunnlwous consent to
rf i i ii cal t > l > Hi 1 himself n ik n short rpeetl fnvorinp the miicm
Liiidp KlilJ on t < llr > l ri > a U > pro ui nt ko that the 1111 < ot > ld ronfoim with
printing S8OO0O to survey the Unipot iler th present taw
J n 2 t0 ts tnmitli In order to lnvestl The roll w calld and amendment lost
C4rJ l < Vnl ° 1rfl ° w l > ot of IS to 41
r J1l < > tb spoke at length tolling The bill nmendod
is was psssed by a
or tor ravaged theTtratos
h i Srl i oi rraviB enairmnn or me eoininmw oi
lifirViVl iL0W ater u surveyom Jla e > rtvteres utirfrare and eleetlona Which
rireml fh VM metn > of P venting hnd broucht in the subttlttite bill lie re
f i l iiHle e801ir wH1 authorise I viewed the nbuaes ef elections wbleh hml
YF toratse funds to out rendered fieceswry a t trlct election law
exhaustively explained thc provisions of the
bill snd cured It idontlon 1
Tleferrlnir ti the provision of the hill
which tnskc it a misdemeanor for a elorV
In any of the state departments to mnk
up cchn In aid of nuv candidates J mix
T > f > el Bald that he had seen enonjh of
that sort of derltn nt nml th tvovislmi
was a iriv one He ndrocated especlaltv
uniform tuimaries for Stale countv and dis
trict otricers
At noon Torrelld suecch was Interrupted
by the house recessing nntll H M p in
Terrell tTcarls remimeil nud referring
to the adoption of ballot bo < es h said th
purpose sf s to separate the voter from nil
othcrt so that lie might prepare JiIk ballot
In secret id to further ijunil tho seencY
of the ballot the bill p ovide a penalty Jt
a vot r bliall show Ms ballot t
Terrell again scored tho clerks In the
state deptrtment who leave their work to
electioneer for camiKlQtes ft State officers
Scmiijyy followovl criticising tbe bill as
he said from tbe tntidpolit ot ouo who
fAvorid the measure but illd not ikiw with
mnus of Its provisions H objected larjt <
ly bceijisc It sought to reform the gen
oral election law lunteavl ot being coiiuned
to thu ilrmamls ot tire democratic plntfoun
Seooury objected to thu provtsdou which
dennedtue residence of n Inmate or officer
of public asylum or eleemosynary Institu
tion a clerk In tho statu department or
student 4 his home iicfore he accepted
such vmplovmcut or became a student
Seaburv slso objected to the detluIHou
that n nisi residence is where he sleeps
nt night A man uint > tlmcs sleejis In tli
daytime and n Setter definition would be m
say that 11 umns reshUiuce Is where lis
Utiduliy sleeps
Seuimry sorl the provision which re
quires a mnu when be obtains his poll tax
receipt to state bis party sirlllaUon Yl
said It wan not In nciuod with u secret bai
orhrr r1 tor lot M M h tiie bill oprivcYl a man
Tinrt < J or ti riM nn d 1 p u f Mltutlonal right to vote In nro
WiwIderailfMi and eourtwv
J Pl lV Mdmg that t man evmiH from payment of
road pomtulssloiieis Mm field believed this
measure uncqnstltiitlomil Tehlle the other
pommlivloners nar It Is not objectionable
ii Y
mnii otherw se jitltled to Vote
Senhurv clalmid thnt the Austrsllun bai
ot em which
W was partly adopted In
Perkins declared that It vyu time to on 1 1 tho Mil pcimlU a briber to ascertain how
n halt on tils character of tcKitmtlon Ai each mhii votes besides beiiK Vd cViuVVli
thnujrh not antsgonletlc to corpnritloiis he catec that many ballots of honest voters
iiellpvcil the senate had passed consolldn nre thrown out because defectlvo lie ob
tton bills
without sufficient eonsl lersthvi Inlnevl iiermlsslon to liave several amend
nnd he
was unwilling to go further In the
commlsnlon of a wrong
The De ket amendment wns defeated
1 nv LO 1 rtes
I 1 r off red in amendment providing
Decker attention the
It Itis been publish thnt the llnrl Islnnd J1 thnt MnJ mnI ltivoerltonjHKil jirovid
has purchased th Houston nnd Teas Cen
tral an < would not extend sonlh nnd that
he opposed a trust 0 railroads for It would
be thnt and no u w mileage cniiRtriietsl
McKniny scouted the Idea of an nlenuon
rcent of the Onlrei on extension adding
thnt while he nnnrvoltted the luterist o
Decker nevertheless he renrweuled the
be held In Rl Paso
Mr lUldgera seconded tbe Invitation by
ll ice mi thirl Ms bill est uding
the time for pa ng WS axes i Mlam
alowil anil ilondo junttcs to O toner
1 1 C3
The roii vu c lied id nil paned
uiiiits pi luted In the Journal
Messrs Meltsen Ltmi Rleger Rrels
ford nnd ntheis secured like consent
Set opal tneiubers endonvnred to secure
unaulinous consent lo take up bill out of
their regular order but without suewss
nd at l O oclock the house adjourned Un
til tomorrow morning
Internal Improvements Favorably sejmte
hill by Decker Henderson and Harbison
piovldlus for thc consolldatlou ot all the
Irlseo lines lu Texas t minority report
adverse to the bill will he submitted by
Fowler Tho commlttet repoited favorably
corpdritlnti hmetofoiu ihnrtored
hhall comply with the laws applying to
corporations hereafter chartered This Is
the twin to tbe place uornarailnti bill
JtuUelnry oommlttoo No I reported fayon
ably bll by Cobb luerenslii salaries ot
biipiwme appella nnd district court
peoVVe affected who nre fmtienel with ii Oomutlttee on Stfito affairs reported favor I
present coiullMon of the proposltloi i e 1 nblv contnlttee substitute for bill repeal
aieenrtmnnt was defeated I lt aOt creatine office of State purchasing
The blP wns thm ordered emrrossed ami agent lloyds 1111 fixing snlsrlos tt cer
flnslly pn ed under n simpensloti of the tain State oUetrn andemployes Iillt by
rnes Avcn 21 roes C Urlggs pemilttlug eieetrli siicet aiid sub
Hleks orTcvd n eorvcurrent resolution til urban railways within and tivt jtits tfi
rtetltw t n snnertntendent of public Imlld el slzetilc light and nowci t i H k pifb
It bb end crootrs lo st i 1de n rovu In He and bill by Love provltjltij for deposit
the State cnpl nl for the r > iututors of the 0f public moneys lu SUt depusllorles
Coefederacv to iv > r > lsr their relics etc
Adjourned until Tuesday
Finance committee Fnvoralily on bill
by Panlus to equalize charter fern paid
by domestic and foreign corporations by
making foreign corporation pay more than
at piesent also on bill by Juulus to
iquallse frneih6 tax paid y domestic
and foreign cirparutlous aul providiua tor
Stock and stock raMng Favorably on
hill by iilnnui to exempt McCulloch und folloivi
ludlIlary committee No J repoted fsy6r
ably Gilliams bill relative U costs paid
by State
ABTicultarn cormnltteo reported favorably
Kalnns bill eslnljllshlng brnvrd of entomolo
gy ami Seviers Uljl providing protection
for honey liecs ngafpst fuul brood nndother
contagious disease
Austin Texas Fetjruary 27 Utile were
lutriduccd in the senate this moiulng as
Colemau counties fiom tbe operation of the Ry Mr Wllny Kxeinptlnp cviutes of
Csh and game law The committee con 1 i > r TwentylMco senatorial fUstrJct frm
sldercd Ilryan h cattle quarantine bill but operation Of the ttntne prohibltins th kil
took no action 011 the same Albert Deane
live i > to k ngcii of the United Mute nu
lean of animal induatiy uppearel before
the ioiuHUt o aud expuliieil the pusitiou
of the Federal autioimcs leguidlliif cattic
lug of l > u > iards cuttlrmen relieving riirt
they pread anthrax and other cattle 3U
0 e stork und it
Ity Mr KebBstlan
eo stovk r lnvi r
Detiilng gr iver v1
claim n the office ef the tleik of the coun
pioinUluB a coidlal leceptlou uud hospiuble tj lWfYtk ud t0 perntt the same to b
untertaiumeut to nil who shuuUl intend wltbdluwn and tiled in tbe offlte of the
of Mr Sanders the Invitation clwk of the dlttrict f > W
On motion
un moiiou fBd
JJy jj jtiejer fttnuettAwcnd
wus aceeplfd
his services mi nt t ii m mstn dtonut of tho funds arising fiom the
Mtssis Green a ° A le vf the product raised or pioduced and
IKed the r olutlo thcjii MPiv n attieK inauufnetnnsiby the Inmuis of
persouol tvllLukUcss to < ul < the hoa > e ot correction and leroroutory
members Ihe resolution ot J 0P d a pioWJ uat iutn fund may bo ut d
A r lUt S fdAs fhsV ud vxiMisU l la Uie dlserotion of the pea
Uuu and ll ru nViJ1 VAMtblL l rd fr liVJPoit malnlermnea
demands suull have preceaeHce
such house of eone
platioriti atf k uvw oLUer WiU ujut i1 J > v etoatory
011 ihe pMn i MiMWbiook Aet providing for
be taken upjb thvli iiuncrlcal ordsr Lb I d of JiULW f th t f f
nliiiforni denisnd j tin ilmu rati pirtv
lu older 1 their nrvcedviue cu iio isl mlii
lent rutolutlons pi ov Wins f r n onsttru k
iloual coHVJUtlou und other peiinlnjr pre1
numerical eider
pc isl amendments In vyu I
laid bstore the kuuee
in Texas frbrH y 27 In the
1 s loity Rleger nnd Reimett Introddeed
in b auiondrng the > eiil code providlnt
a b Waln USSt w ° < ot n
conslda er tionb ot the f
TuJsday w ljUtVon oi i > i b > oie of house or lot In weal option territory who
to 3t and thu teport of iie cuimltlee < nti the inme for tto sate Or gift of In
ion rule was ndgpted on Jl lcu b > tote tnluing liquors it guilty of iiii offense
i 1 1 IUI I Kill
The speaker laid before tb b use th
piH fal order for the day the uuuttce
substitute for elect on hills by Tcrieli pf
Tiavbj and Onion The cummlttoe sul
stltute was adopted for the original hi s
Mr Miller of Howard secured onsen to
nml hall be lined itOV fe than 2 nor
more than 1U0
Nu e m county wnujs a mora cirielout
roud law
SennioT Hill tody introduced u bin to re
peal the occupation tax on privnu bailk
uiiol ty voteYf II to 2 itwitor nan on In roOweed a bill today
t ijw Wliay ric I mii < J Mr 0 enn JWY gL ioV malms it an offew to eu any cctnwodlty
U rtI
coru j from tbe atlorney general nn d Is
11 1 iilbai n to tbe 111 Ki trust bills
Tin upplns to tbe ImlMdnui
After n spiiitod com t ho senate fills
morning passed the Rook Island consolida
ticn out and uljovinied until Tiusdny
Senator Mills this tnomlp withdrew his
bill which ronght to orento n new district
conrt In McLennan county
The luuse general appropriation bill was
Clxii to the printer tonight by the nuance
The smnte thin mOiiIng passed finally
tho bill appropriating 8v > tW0 to survey
the Itinxos river
Thc house spent most of the day un the
Tend election bill uud It Is still far from
Senator Willacys nttttUton was called to
u letter writteu from here by a lady proml
cut in Womens Christian te mpttrunce
l imui flicica deiioUuiUig lts aiuor bill
In the most frantic Inu UJgo aim assert
11s tlvit tt vittuulb lepuled tho locai
tlon aw auu nsiwidiig ai i tba
iiniU vould held uu election in one tuuu
piecuiet anil thereby provMUt an tiluutlon in
the balaiKe of the county lov two years
In reply to tot he sutd tho goovl laUj
was vkilrel lid tnneu and thai It she
Would more rhixely InvisttKiUe its pio
vNious she would IvuU tile propiwed In
not suiijici to the objection ottered oa
ihe coutrnry where an election has wn
held lu any subdivision and has reshlicd
either wtiv an vliolloii Uiay nt once be
held in the balnnc ot the county not lu
vludlng this MitidUJrion
lu the opluipn vf t > v senator tbe Ml
Is so euiiniill fair that tt Its provision
are undetntyod jt mu t hr approvv < l J
litis gootl lady mid tivery oilier fair minded
person w bother pro of antl
It U stated that wi n the house Sim
tie concutTciit resolution res bes the seu
ate Unit budy will allow It tt go over foe
sometime and tlun kill It Two yeir nt
tbe senate was cattaht lu a trap of th
kind and wllf xo a1 tiiilo slower this time
la Confined toHte Betl t S n Antonio
at ttio fttisuU of 0 Suvere Cortl
San Antoulo Texas Vubrtturr 27 Rrsr
Admiral V S Scbloy yetlred accompanied
by Ul wifeand Mr and Mrs A IC M
Clure armoil In San Amontvi at 1280 this
morning their train bavin been doltiyod
several fe urs lay a heavy rain storm thst
JolUKtnl nil SoutiinuKr T > ua
An elsboruto program had been prepared
to v li > om tho admiral but tie hour of
his srrlvBl prevonlcd It h lnt carried out
ind nt visiters repaired at oucc to their
hovel This niorntujt at U oclock when
eutnirtlitso of lasdtui cltutaiw called to
pnV titelr respeits tUej were Informed thst
Admiral Khki was two II to see any one
uud later u physician was summoned to at
tcuit him
Them to no serious trouble lu the ease
However Admiral Schlw having oontraete1
< i fceveto mill and thc party pioceeded on
Phelr Wettom trip toiduht
Was Ch rcjod with too Murder of Rusk
Tyler Texas Februarv 7 Walter I lley
w s dctiulted todty of the murdor ot UU
stepbrother Rusk Townsond The < bonil
clde owwrrssl on January 1 1000 near the
renideucn of the deceased There have been
thieo trials of this cbno the first resulteJ
in a huug Juy the second Id a mlsirial oe
Casloned by one of the Jurors becoming vio
lently Inxaue
Th < h n lokie has Us pothctic side Col
< mel l4 > uy the fatlm of the defendant
ami Mrs Ixllcy mother uf the deceased
became estranged and separated on ae
cirtiut of the killing They badbeen mar
ried tor over twenty years uud a sou now
20 j ears old blessed the union Ths son
espoused the mothers side and Is now her
iurIh suppoit ihe Iwnllev una Tawtissiids
tio promlneut In this county
When it Is Frcia of Dandruff it Grows
Hair irelKtrnttoni and dandriuT cuns ns
a rule are tHicky or Irrltdtlua affalim that
do 1111 earthly good Hair when not ill
easfcd glows ltuiuiully luxurlsutly Dan
Uruit Is tlu Iliusi ot iilut tfiitb of all hair
trouble and dandiuft Is uised by t germ
Tho only way to cure duudruft Is to kill the
gertui aiil mi far Hie onlv hair prcpurtfttou
thot will lioslflveiy daw rot the g mi Is
Newbtos Ilerplclde absolutely hurinlesw
fere from uresss sediment tlya matter or
dnugernus > 1iuk it ollnvs Itihlag instant
ly makes hnlr giotsy uud saftus silk De
stroy the cause you remove tbe effect
Sold br Cockrell RoniVr Repd 10c In
stnmim for sample to the llert > dde Co De
troit Mich
Was ths First White Child Born1 in
Austin Ccjlciiy
Fort Worth Texas rcjlirtiiry 27 Mrs T
Darls today received telegrum from
Round Rock statins Uer father William
Thomns Dyer aged 87 waa > dead lie was
a prominent retired farmer and was the
4 > i white child born In liltps colohv at
quarantine Mr Ueaiie slated that if the a desecntlon with o evcr puvlshirin Felipe He wan related in marrla
cJiangcs fcaggestcd ure passed and lienowe uVr > tTT tiMwell known Now YoVlihUikev F M
lHtvtt It will have thc eilect of hairing Jwiiwrj no I S n > oi nud durlpg the Mv svMr had u
Texas cattle fiom outside mark ts
Internal liupiovcin ht uivoablj < u
bill by lleat ami WlUonto authorise 1 > >
St I iuls hotithwcbteu Railway cuiupau
to puiehaxe own ind opciate the Texas
uud 1 0 usiuia 1 ail way A luinouty repoit
signed bv Senator Marttr and onws will
Rj MrKnnjy Authwlziiig trustees of in
dtpendnt srhool itkstrlrts to reTMnd ther
twciitjeor school bondM with forts rmr
bunds Hilucutiou
By Mr HuMson Amending ifoncnil cor
poration 1iw haUluif a number of anii < e
p > elslly ns to prwefs and duti of la
ne submitted wit an amendment that tue teruritan ruilway qonipnujes Judiciary
toe 1 be evtended to Hsmlltou Hamlltow No 1
county I r
THE IIOUiSK j jll > s vtVl toay mtrojluced In th hiiiic
The hcuse toduy met at 930 0 eJock M follows
Speaker Neff presiding Kv yTi Hsrrf Aiflondiiient relating to
Mr itrldgeis uu behslt of the city of 1 > rvWrtatfem nnd prot ntlon of wild gstna
IU Paso emended an Invitation tu the It y Mft n to render the enarnl
legislature to attend the twentywreath roq Juw 0 < Vesaa nore tjifeeUvo In Xueoss
eniiual convention of the Cattle RjUiors couty 1
iiseoclatlou of Texas March IU to la to Iy j y Wood and Btndifcr ct to
validate the record of licenses < f physi
contract to haul supplies tor the
Major J H Carlin Dead
Greenville Texas Febriary 27 MsJor
J II Carlln died very suddenly st Cotii
uierce yesterday mornlug and the body
was broiivht hre this morning onthe Mid
Uud train and burjed U eiuscd was about
78 years of age a ilexleuu and civil war
vetiton serving with company I Fir
Mlwsoml cuviilry duiliu thevvnr between
tJb et te He rose to the rank of major
and served with distinction being n 111111
cf ctimmaudlrg nppeariut u and mllliary
beaiirg He was a member of the MSlho
dl t chiucb a Knight Tcuiplnr Masoiv 4111b
his sudden ilemlss will bo lamcutud by
man fiieiids
A Albreeht DoaJ > j
Toakum Tcvis February 27lMr A AI
brecht uutll recently of Palrstine died at
tbe ho ie of Uls daughter MCa V Mer
gent ha I at 0 oclock yusttiday nionung
after u Illness of some time of rtrifrhts
disease The remains ware embalmed and
shipped to Ptilesitue lust night tor Inter
Qood Food Makes It
rm 0b r > well know 1I11 dellcloue feel
ing thnt cow Atom uei vil fed in the
lie who hAC suffred auf then found food
that really Wcild dlyest nnd nourish
Feed the Ih1v nrlght and see the ehsngo
X lady of laitrobe Penn writes Homo
years ago I bad nu nlinik of nervous pros
tration and nu voenUon ot music teacher
iieliiR very trjiutf uu nenousuccs nilected
my dlgobttv e organs so much that food
vimld not be eaten without great distress
JJiIh bud been my ixirdiUou for years
Altut four j ears ligo 1 bad a heavy cold
that wout to the weak juW and euuscd
catarrh of the stomach 1 toolf bottle after
bottle uf medicine but liothtnjf banned tn
I t as Jilwuvi hunrny rvnil unsotlsCed
but nothing gave me eticnlth rtwl rlnilly t
emild no evoi tnkM a f > > of wdd wale
vlttw > iit pain ami votnltlnc Food OH
a fiharil > v pvrt m 1
caUiis nud I felt ns if 1 bad n little hold
on life That was the bealrjiilns of the
mil at jay ftlckrCK8 Thc ncrniiuneM grad
ually left tne and I became entlrel qured
of that dreadful dtsruse nervous prostra1
tlon I foon iegoluNl my usual vveijht and
and hav mote color In nty cheeks
ihan I 7mVe Vad In vears wd 1 giro Orape
Nuts the ciMllt 1 could cat fu ju Jhreo
J times a day Tbej are Invaluvhlc to tue
1 With a lireiikfiikt of Grain NuU and
I crenm a rol heme fnit and a mo ut
Psstmn Coffee 1 < i 1 bitter nd srpng > t
than on any other f d nud ntu better auln
to stand ai > y work Nuiii ivca by Iost
uw Co B4ttie qreck Mica 1
xt < > lV yaS vy lry s ttf JTi jSy tj trt y mmo
Many Serjou Ol l3asoa Have Arisen from
NealcsVtd Colds Sofne Useful
Mptt cold said a vrell known pi
clan are Bought by Infection iea iiojr
from Un bryvUh of toint > ouv else he a
a cold
When yau nrj < in a close room whn 1
person who is siinealnc and smlfding op u
tin vvjnrtifvi a little or you may cueu t ni
cold > ouiieir Mure colds nro caught
tbrouah being in lltvmMated xu
rooms tlinu from tirnuslits
Hopt nefjleci a cold It tuav run uno
ltiflncnn rbcamatlsm consumption or
any ot n inimbur of disease u
smiiee uWo the case of William ii
LpveU farmer or Ualrn Kan lie
soy I caught a little cold summer beforo
last I didnt < o anythltii for it and be
fore long my health begun to run down
Then 1 begun to have twinges lu tily legs
They grtw worse and about tiie twentieth
of hiiie I had to take to my bed with
What cured me Dr Williams Pink
PUN tii Pule People For four months
I im unable to do any of the work about
tho illness my legs swelled 1 had tsrrlbl
jmliis and the doctor didnt help mo a bit
Then fu brotherltilavv recommsiulod Dr
Williams Pink Pills and In about two
weeks utter boalnnlng with them I fait
better They did wonders for tne und
now I re < ommend them to every one who
qrtrtm ss l did
tlu > eurv of tbe severest cases of rheu
mirliin by Dr Williams Pink lils tor
1ivie People has occurred nil over the ind
and their power In ordinary casea Is > ro
portlnuntely greater Those marvelous
vegetable pills go directly to the sent ot
the trouble nud exert a powerful Influence
In purlttlng and etirlelne thc blood by
eltinlnatlug iKitsnnoiis elements and renew
In healthgiving forces They have also
0111 ed locomotor ataxia partlcl tiarnlyels
St Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia nerv
ous headache tho aftereffects of thc gilp
palpitation of the heart pale and sallow
eumblexlons and all forms ot woaknees
either In male or female
At all druggists or dlrent from Dr Wll
Hartm Medicine Company Schenectady
X Y fifty cents per box six boxes for
two dollars and fifty cents
lesumont Sellers Have Settled on
Seventy Cents a Barrel
In ihe Halliburton Injunotlon Caso nnd
tho Injunction Aqalnat the Alamo
Company Was Dissolved
Beaumont Tsxsa Pefaruary 27 Oil
seems to have firmly anchored tt 70 cents
a gain certainly of 2 cents and In reality
of S cents tn the last three days It hart
been fluctuating from 15 to 08 cents during
the last day 01 two but today went to 0
cents with a prmness thst would tndtctto
tbnt It 1 there to stay for better 0 for
worse ThTc ave Ueen a few ilale re
ceutb lint tho oil buyer eeSw much m 0
Jn evidence than the deller dud that menis
that Mipic 1m nor a great dal of ell selling
at any price The situationlooks cheen
The oil piojucer is gradually making back
In the Increase price all tljat bo lias lost
In Ills decreased production About two
weeks ngo there wt a treneral Improve
aiefct In tho producibm also and thpt eeejos
to be maintained Tie refinery piofilf are
still trilling to buv and do not rallies mit
ti fs when ihey approach the man with the
greasy Hutd
44 +
Judgc Wtts y terday dissolved thc in
tunctloii In the case of Hart vs Alamo nil
company This wss s esse where Mr Hart
bud been granted a restraining order
against thc Alamo company preventing tt
from dellverlnir to the Otno Investment
company a certain amount of nil Hart
clniind thnt the lano Investment company
iwed him nnd thai the Alamo company
owed the Gsno company oil whUI he
sought to get The matter Is settled there
fore so far ss the biislnent of the Alsino
compRUy is concerned aud the suit will
pioittuilj be tried ra Its nwrits
+ + +
Thc Ttsr Petroleum company yesterday
tended tbe harge Pendleton with crude for
tflpment to New Orleans and the tank
steamer Julia Enohenhach wllh 220U bar
rels for shipment to New York
+ + +
Railroad propositions are coming thick
and fast the uttrat line proposed being
hendUki nt Taylor Texas wJt MMUinont
as the tatmlnus Tha preildtut ot th
Nayasota Countrclol club has writteu a
letter to ttoe Iloaumont chamber of com
merce lu Which ha requests that a meet
ng oe heid lu tlIs city by the citizens to
lOiuidur tne proilrlwi aud that a meet
ing uf cltlxiUK or the three cities Taylor
NuTi r tud ItuinuHiin be aUo held to
co ititdei It lue mutter has bean referred
to thc railroad eoimnittec
ihe Halliburton c s which has for so
long u time been ou trial In tbe district
court was closed this morning On yes
tcrdny the queutlon was argued ns to the
amount of the supersedeas bqud Judge
Pj llxed It at 100000
l olouel Crawford contended that this
Ixuid should be nbou S00XI0 ACoruey
Johns held to the oplnlot that It should
be ubout equal to the rcRssvers lrond which
Is 7o000
DefcndnRs attorneys this morning fcave
liollee of uppcal to the court of civil ap
peal at titilwtton They have Leeu given
ton days hi which tu rile the statement of
facts The question on appeal Is shall the
order appointing tbe receiver be vacated
According to the present tatci under the
oil tlekl receivyshlp waste iol can be
gfthorld Mibjis i to the order qt ttte court
onlv An attacfihieut has been Issued
against T J Jrlirin for n violation of this
rule Tbeje nro several cuse of thja na
ture pendlug before Judge 1ono In Yblcll
his dudhlui will be rendered later
+ 4 +
Tho ehambor of cowmetca preparing
sUlfs I 1 information fur Ur hearing ot
the oil taxutlon bill atAusthi Wednesday
nsxt It is probable that theio will bs
quite a large unnbor from he
New Gushor at Arise la Butto
Lafayette La February 27Aflue ell
pusher wmi brought In nt Aue l Butte
The Heyw hh Ilros had completed tae new
derrick over veil No 1 After baillug tt
four times the btller being full of oil
the well commenced roaring anil nuking u
terrible noise which one could Bear for a
nile after which It started to gush end
for full half nn hour gusihed otl sac < nd
Has until It ohokpd IWelf nnd remained
choked for 1 at tvvinb mimtes
It again commenced roarlns nnd gushed
at least V35 feet In helglit The derrick a d
land around ran literally covered with oil
The wc uoked itself gale and tu
illlUoie waulitJ It out to put ii > a iinw
lids was Uic neiJ that h < a bees
liloneilat which th6
V 11r ticd to Jtfiii
tressed mh so thnt I would throw uj > feet
MturUed after lehrulajr there Was 300
rif lui and inucwu
tWtl IrhfUl Iiaehed that sti a ot not
coring mudr to lite and still not quite sick
eiiougU to die whim I finally was Induced
to iry JRipeNits The food worked like
< Thero vvils no dlttrcss after
of oil lu It The gusher U about flvo miles
from Lafayette nud two tulles from Brcaux
Another Doal at Jennings
Jennings La February 27 A otUir
large deal rcpicsentlnu almost lt0000 was
closed last night by which tbe Southern
mid Northern Oil cooipany together with
F a Hubbcll of lies Moines low ami
I D U Williams V It Jsouke A IX
Wllklnx apd TV a Mnhsffey of Jeriolbg
ncqntre fronf the JeniilugsIIeyvtood wr
dtcute nine mote acres la the Jennlpsjt l
field and a onehalt Interest In the few
Inch pipe line Some vm sbsrM of flej
tiltias llcywood yndlate stock which only
a day or two ago declared 400 per cent dt
dcud cbauged hands by tho transaction

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