Newspaper Page Text
1 4 is? ECIAL NOTICES. -?jW cLaae's Great Remedy for Iiiver Coaa rplaiaw The proprietors of this justly celebrated medicine are 15 the daily receipt of the most gratifying testimonials of ti excellence Cases that had been givea up as incurable ty roost' skillful physicians, were cured immediately after ueie .Fills were given- lne certincatcscie so numerous Iritis impossible to publish them within the limit of a spaper; but as it now is an established fact that McLane s lntr Fills arc the best medicine ever ottered for the cure ol atic derangement, their publication is rendered un- ssary. Those who suffer from, that worst of scourges, iiiver Complaint, should lose no time, but hasten to purchase ttidjpe this invaluable medicine. r?TIliis invaluable medicine may be purchased of all th $ s-s of Nashville Stop that Dreadful Cough ! Nothing can be so iHtrcvsing to relations and friends as to see a loved object jiughmg inccssartly. Dr. C. Williams Pulmonic Balsam Jf Wild Oman anp Wood Nattu, will certainly cure in al very sholt time the mot obstinate and distressing Coughs, 4S anJ a" other Lung Complaints tending to Cosump 4rfion' Head advertisement in another column. deel Another Scientific Wonder! Important to fiwpeptics. Dr. J. S. Houghton's Pepsin, the True Di- Jve Fluid or Gastric Juice, prepared from Rcnnef, or the w'f" Stomach of the Or, after directions of Baron Leibeg, 'chnVat Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., slelphia. This is only a wonderful remedy for Indiges cou? ,0Psa undice, Liver Complaint, Coustirpation and thii l3't curing after nature's own method, by nature's own of i. the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets, containing scientific sates .r:up.iin. r.,-..T.-i..i v.. i: c cises, :. v ifcT iuiU, lUlillSIIL'U 4 ait.). etc UVJ.IVC medical advertisements. An Ounce of Fact is worth."pound of theory and the f vurma of conclusive facts .that cluster around tliat incom vtable preparation, Holland's Gennan Bitters, prepared by C; M. Jac'cjovPhiladelphia, establishing its value as a ypnic and restorative, arc such as would prevent incredulity Uelf fro; questioning itsefficacy. In all cases of disease ol the -stomach, whether acute or chronic it may be recommcu 6edibr its soothing, cordial and renovating influence. Dys epsw heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea, nervoue tremors, rela-; on, debilitv, Jtc.. are relieved, bv the Bitters in a s'ort space of time; and perseverance in their use never 1 work a tliorough cure. "V. 'ongh Cn.ndy.This valuable Cough Candv, IlpdFir on i' al llie Lrgisis in tuts city, is Having a pop , , , I'ersons iiiai uaic inca 11, m uwuiiic unjuaiuicu jiiiu lis IJ"3Tat healing properties, use it in preference to any article -rr j i i- l?t It is a safe and certain cure for Coughs, Colds; Hoarse ness, dtllicultv of Hrcat!iinr, rams, an i weakness ot tlie l i ::... ...i ....JJ, r,.., r I . , , ,, . . , . : inary organ. ilic Speakers and others troubled with affections of the t will find this an efficient remedy. Price 20 cents per '"package. deel jTh Chattanooga Advertiser. Published Weekly antri-Weekly, by PitiLLir-s k Ciiaxdall. s Tne UWVy is issued every Saturday, and is intended for a a fa nilv paper. Rates, $-2 tw per year, in advance, or $3 00 if jwid at the end of the year. The Ti-i- Weekly is a business aud commercial paper.issucd a eery TtfiJay. Thursday and Saturday morning. It cir tculitc iir North Alabama, North Georgia aud Eat Tennes. .fice, thus affording a superior medium for advertising among jiness men. It is lurnislied at 54 00 per year, or Jlo for in advance. i , " 1 "fgy AnvEnnstxr; asd SamcairTio.vs. Subscriptions will be isfrccr ived at tlie unioa U:hcc, and liberal contracts made with jtlicse who desire to advertise by the month or year. fella's Ne'ir Saloon. Lunch Every Day. Ibis finithe I Establishment has Lunch sot out every day 4 biU-pa t ten o'clock. Cblla's Saloon: is a favorable re t to all who like to luxuriate, lie has the best of Liquors 11 1-:...!. 1 1... 1 1. i. - 1. i. ... 1 ...1 jipctlte of an epicure. Polite and clever himself, he ulito and clever assistants; and all who visit him once K i.H e sure Ut call aain. t most extra-)rd,rutr- dwconTif in the )l orLl ut Me Great 1 f . j . j. t it . ti KnnKf.i'. yjt CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT 'S well kuowu it possesses iho mot wonderfully healingpcn- iu effecting curei, which previously had resisted all other (bines, administered by tfie mot scientific physicians, haceJ it far beyond any similar remedy ever introduced e people of tfie United States. It .stimulates the absor (s to increased action, and thus enables nature to throw I licasc n jciic.i avta tj uiu- iiuuiu suvuiu aim ui;iivi jfe i tlie muscles it is powerfully anodyne and thereby al- nervous irriiation, proaucing a ueiiguuuuy pieasmgsen 9a through the whole frame. Oirixg to its remarkable centic nrouerties. it purities and nc.itralises that noisou- j?J fcarosive principle which rcmlers old ulcerous sores so Icult to beat; It .herefore is peculiarly adapted to their ;(sdy cure. This Liniment from its penetrating and Ii tsis or Palsy, Whites'.vellings and diseased joints, and i jh i Rail complaints involving the muscular system. It ha f. 'ed casvss of Rheumitiam of twenty to thirty year's statu 'If ' land affeclious of the Spine wherein the entire spinal co 4 CUjjMK.11111 vjl4H, klL-J WV-.I I UUI1U IV LC IUCiii lJk 1 U J Ol.J J f it .... i v.a -J Miavft miiJUU jUlllt. 4XllVt lit it Has stand SDinc wherein tlie entire sninril p.ol L-1 m was so crooked and distorted, that the patient could not it or stand wittiout artiticia: support. . umerous coses Sj- jjaLsy have been cared when the flesh had withered, lear f nothin? but tlie dried skin aud hone, and the limbs total- without um; or feeling torutiiiitrca niti Uroup it is ol .a t. . . 1. 1 . .i his signature on tie wrapper, all others are counterfeits. O01U i u.uti M Itiuill IV .lll.U.-)llU.U, by regular authorized agents throughout the United ? j Price 25 and 50 cents, and -?1 per bottle. ENTS WANTEI' in every town, village and hamlet in i Onited States, in which one is not already established, '"ddress II. G. Farrcll as above, accompanied with good re- -ence as to character, respectfully, Ac dkvr O ENTLEillEN'S CONGRESS GAITERS, AND DRESS BUyra. tientssup. pat. leather Ope- Gaiters. Gents sup. pat. lid top Gaiters, " 41 ' Cloth Congress Gaiters; Lasting Pn. Tie 1. L. OxtorU Jlf. Rump Soled Dress Boots; . aliened Waterproof Boots; Ladie' feSFCufcprsrBuckskins, Ac; "Sffifr inn his- day- ' TO SLAVJS JHULDEBS. . iHE.'Nashville k Chattanooga Railroad CompawTsh to aire lor me nexi jijc uuuurea anu jiiiyjjyjc sd Negro men, part totay track for the first'four" mbm 1 nil to repair trace auci xnai iime. nie worK isieanny, firuililalm p111 ...w - ,Dlvat Railroad Office Nashville to P " ISAAC LEDUETTER, Murf. Depot. R. MOFFATT, Shelbvville. E. IL JORDAN, Decherd Depot. THOS. A SHILCUT, or I nn , u7lm J. GRA.VPS. on the road. CTT- BEN. M. JT0EL & BRO.. t . lMfrfl2BaHComwLKsiou, Receirii . .1 i- ,1 1 . 1. 1 ' .1-1 - 1 Tioo bbls Wilshirc, do; 50 bbls Old'Monongahela do; do American Brandy; 50 do American Gin; 'do S M Vine; 25 do Old Port Wine, b do Old D D Whisky 25 do New .England Rum; KtJipes Ula iJramiy, Desioranas; s ' do Holland Gin- In store and for s.i TITBIT r sale bv dcc!5 BEN. JL NOEL k BRO. SUGAR: C0FFE3 AND SALT. -4 Hhds prime Brown Sujar; 30 bbls Loaf Sugar; III If 15 bbls Powdered to; 25 do Clarified do; 300 Bags Prime Green Rio CofTee. . 1.000 Bags fine Salt; 5)0 Bags coarse Salt. 500 bbls ivanawua ouiu-ui wureaua mr sale ny !ccl5 Jilii. .M. IsUELA BRO. TUST RECEIVED 50 bls Nos. 1, 2 aud a Mackerel; -40 Kits Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Maierel; 200 Demijohns, assorted 1 ') Boxes Herrings, Painted Buc! 10 Cases Pine Apple C o va2s oarames; ) bbls S S Almonds; do Cream Nuts; J Drums Fig,; Casks Madder; NOEL k BRO. G$5 Boxei Cuba sixes CV IMfttAUis nranM ' H? "do 1 '3- " ... . - BA M ef whieh will be eoia (- SCHOOITBOOKS. PROFESSOR ANTHONYS SERD2S OF CLASSICS. PROF. BULLION'S LATIN AND GREEK SERIES. ARNOLD'S LATIN AND GREEK SERIES. Audreys' Latin Series. Owen's Classical Series. "Loomis's Mathematical Series. . . Danes do do. Hacklcy's do Works. " Ray's do Scries. Dr. Ambercrombie's Philosophical Works. Professor Uphain's do do. Philosophies Porkers, Comstocks, Olmsfeds, Smellies, Smittes, Lardner's, Gales', Jones'. Chemistry Fownes', Kane's, Sillamon's, Comstock's, Johnson's, Turner's Elements, Gray's;';Phelps'' large and small. English Grammar-Goold Brown's, James Brown'., Butlers, Wells's Weld's, Kirkham's, Smith's, Bullion's, Fowler's, Fraziers. Botany Mrs. Lincoln's, Wood's Class Book, Mrs. Phelps' for beginners. Gnographv Mitchell's School, Mitchell's Intermediate, Mitchell's Primary, Smith's First Book, Smith's Quarto, Smith's School, Goodrich's Comprehensive ' Geography and History, Jlitchcll's Ancient, Buniti's Geo. Heavens. Arithmetics Ray's,' Davies', Smiley, Adam's, Green leafs, Smittis. School Readers Tower's, Sanders, M'cGuffey's, Good rich's. TOON k RUTLAND. January 1, 18"3. B DR. ROGERS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF LIVERWORT AND TAR, Tor the cure of Consumption and all Diseases of the Lungs and Breast E?2 THE best remedy ever known to man, for coughs, Asthma, Colds, Croup Bronchitis, Influenza, Bleeding of the Luugs, Difficulty of Breathing, Liver Affections, Pain oj Weakness of the Breast or Side, First stages cf Cousiuni tion, Ac. Extracts from Certificate!, which canleseen by calling upon the Agmts. Mr. A. L. Scovil. Having been afflicted with a mos distressing cough, until my lungs became affected to such an extent that I was continually spitting blood; arid being under the care of a physician, without obtaining any relief, 1 procured a bottle of lir. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, which restored me to health in a very short time. J. FINCH. Cincinnati, November f, From the Hon. Judge William Burke, late Postmaster of Cincinnati, for more than twenty years. The statement of Justice Finch is entitled to the fullest confidence of the public. I enn fully corroborate what he said, having used the medicine ravselt with the most decided benefit. " WILLIAM BURKE. Cincinnati, August 12, lSiT. A REMARKABLE CURE OF CONSUMPTION. Mr. Scovil. I was taken with a most distressing couirh. and my lungs became so diseased that I bled in a short time several quarts. I was reduced so low that all of mv friends. and even my physicians, thought I must die with Consump- tion! Mv brother lKurimrof the remarkable cures made bv Dr. Rogers' Livenvnrt and Tar, procured a bottle, and be fore I had taken one-half of it, it seemed to go to the very seat of the disease. I raised a large quantity of phlegm and matter, and my cough was stopped as by a cliann; and by its use 1 was restored to perfect health. GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscribed this 2iith dav of November, 1S47. H. E. "SPENCER, Mayor of the city of Cincinnati. Extract from a letter from the Rev. Henry Wiseman : .Mr. A. L. Scovill As Dr. Rogers' Liverwort aud Tar has been tlie means of snatching 1113- companion from a pre mature grave, I feel under the obligations to give my influ ence in the circulation of so valuable a medicine. HEXRY WISEMAN. Patriot, Gallia co., 0., Dec. 23, lS-i'i. FROM DR. WILSON. I have been the family physician of Mr. Wieman for the last twelve years. During that time Mrs. Wiseman has been suffering with diseased lungs; and finally all the symp toms of Pulmonary Consumption appeared. All the usual remedies failed. At this time she commenced using Dr. Rogers' Liverwort aud Tar. It acted like a charm. In a few days she declared herself nearly well. I have no doubt of its virtues, and would cheerfully recommend it to persons afflicted with diseased lungs. Yours, R. H. WILSON, M.D. Patriot, Gallia co., 0. From DR. HIRAM COX, late Professor in the gincinnati Eclectic Medical College : Mr. A. L. Scovill, However reluctant I have been to per mit my name to be attached to patent medicine, I consider it a duty to the community to state that in three cases of In cipient Consumption, viz: Miss Bell, Miss Badger, and Mr. R. II. Cox, one ofonr city Council, that Dr. Rogers' Liver wort and Tar operated more like a specific than any other remedy that I have ever used. One of these cases, viz., Miss Bell, was pronounced to be laboring under the last stage of Scrofula Consumption. She is now In good health, from thp use of a few bottles of the above syrup. HIRAM COX, M. D. Cincinnati, January 25, 1S47. Price $1 per Bottle, or six boltles for $5. SCOVILL k MEAD, No. 113 Charles street, Xew Orleans, General Wholesale agents for the southern States to whom nil orders must be addressed. Sold iu Nashville by EWIN, BROWN k CO., W. W & J. B. BERRY, II. G. SCOVEL, THOMAS WELLS, J. M. ZIMERMAX, CARTWRIGHT k ARMSTRONG. auglG Gm. GREAT ADVANCE IN PIG Mi2f AL, "VfOT WITHSTANDING the great advance iu the prices JLN of all metals, the subscriliers continue to sell their large stock of Stoves, Gi-ates, Hollow ware, &c, for cash, or on short credit, at the same low prices that they have iold them during the past year. Vc have in store, and for sale, a full supply of our ccle- r. s. f- it, 4 u. jr. VALUABLENEGROES FOR SALE... f virtue of a decree of the County Court of Davidson county, rendered at the November term, 18)2. and re B newed at the December term, 1S52, 1 willoffer for sale, at the lour.-house door 111 the town ot Nashville, on Saturday 1st gro uov uamea UAim 1 , agea aoouiiy years. decll trtd F. R. CHEATHAM, Clerk. GROCERIES, &c, &c. T L have now in store VV 2 40 hogshead's prime Sugar, new crop: 200 bags prime Rio Conee, do do; 35 do do Laguyra do do do; 10 do do Java do; 100 bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar; 25 boxes Boston double refined do, 300 bbls k hf bbls Molasses, 100 half bbls Lyrup; 32AJiarrels flour, best brands; 30o kegs Nails, assorted, best brands; 200 boxes Glass Ware, assorted, 100 do Tobacco, assorted brands; 50,000 Fine Cigars, do do: 22(1 boxes and half-boxes Raisins and figs; 20 bbls S S Almoudsand Pecans; 10 tierces Rice; 20 ceroons Indigo very best; 1 cask Dutch Madder; 100 X bbls snp. Carb. Soda; 25 bbls Linseed Oil; 25 bbls Copcras; 10 do Alum; iy do Brimstone, 23 bags Pepper, Spice and Ginger; loO dozen Painted Buckets and Tubs; 500 reams Wrapping Paper; 1000 bbls Kanawha Salt; 500 bags fine aud coarse Salt- . Trnnnoo'W'1 I.. . - tm.'i tdo;A illed 'dor jy co ijrandy, and Gm; 50 do Malaga, Port and Madcria Wine; 1 1 9 pipes Cognac Brandy, best brands; 1 do Holland Gin; 1 Bipe Jamaica Rum; 25 bbls Irish Whisky; 25 bbls Rye Whisky; 25 do Bourbon do; 50 boxes Fancy Cordials and Wines; With numerous other articles iu the Grocery Line, which we offer at very reduced prices for cash or barter. dcc2l MORRIS k STRATTON. CASH FOR NEGROES. THE highest cash price will be paid for Twenty -five young Negroes, ranging from 12 to 20 years oldl Apply to the undersigned, Cedar street, Nashville, opposite Thomas Washington's. dec22 JOSEPH VV. DABBS. OR SALE. A likely NEGRO MAN, 34 years old, good cnaracter, nrst rate larmer, and a fare stone mason, by JOS. W. DABB37 deci'a Cedar street, Nashville. FOR SALE. A likely Negro man, 25 years old; 2 boys, la years old; a woman and two children, ireod cook, ironer and washer. Low for cash or good paper. at snort date. Apply to dec22 b JOS. W. DABBS, Cedar street, Nashville. SMYRNA FIGS. just received by -A few drums fine Smyrna Figs, d!5 R. k J. NIXON? of January, 1853, to the highest bidderfor cash, the following slaves belonging to the Estate of Addison J. Ford, deceased, to wit : A Nejjro Woman named FANNY, aged 25 years A Xejrro Woman named ESTHER, ajed years, and a Ne- P!Ul M Old Double Disl SOWS, YORK &' CO. SEW BOOKS THE History of Henry Esmonds. By W. HThackeray. Men's Wives. By Thackeray. New Themes for the Protestaat Clcrgy-r-Creeds without Charity, Theology without Humanity, and Prulestanism without Christianity. Waverley Novels : Abotsford edition, 00 cents a volume. Abott's Histories, complete, beautifully printed. Annuals and Juvenile Books for the Holidays. For sale by dee22 JOHN YORK k CO. WRITING INK. ARNOLD'S Writing Fluid, a superior article ; Maynard k Noyes Ink; Carmime Ink ; for sale by dec22 - JOHN YORK k CO. GOLD PENS. JOHN YORK k CO., Union strcst, has just received a great variety of superior Gold Pens, large and small, in sil ver and gold holders, or single. Ecery pen tear r anted. WRITING PAPER. LETTER, Foolscap, Note aud Bill Paper for accounts. Commercial Note Paper, Yellow and White letter. Envelopes, Note Envelopes, with Paper totnatch. For sale bv dec22 JOHN YORK k GO. s TEAMBOAT B0OK3- -A full stock, for sale by JOHN YORK k CO. dec22 rpo GARDNERS. 3,000 MAMMOTH ASPARA JL GUS ROOTS, very superior, from the seed of Aspara gus that hits taken twoprize at Horticultural Exhibitions. To be had, if immediate application be made, at dcc21 EWIN BROTHERS. C1I1II1STJIAS PRESENTS. 10 dozen fine di eased Wax Dolls; 20 " " Kid do; With a variety of other TO VS, which we will sell at cost, wholesale or retail. dcc20 A. 310RRIS0N k CO. FRESH PERFUMERY. JUST RECEIVED. 7" dozen Cologne, assorted pattern bottles; 50 do Rose Oil, do do ; r0 do Bear's Oil, do do; 20 do Ox Marrow. For sale very low. at wholesale. dec20 A. MORRISON k CO. CASH! CASH!! WANTED at the South Nashville Furniture Factory, of good SEASONED LUMBER 100,000 feet of 1 inch Walnut Plank wide ; 50,0u0 do do do do do; 50,000 do 2 do do do do; 100,000 do Walnut Scantling, 8 feet long, 4, 5 k 6 in. sq're; 100,000 doCherrv do do do; 100,000 do l inch Cherry Plank wide; 50,000 do do do " do; 50,000 do 2 do do do; 50,1Q0 do Ash, rangingfrom to 5 in thick wide plank; Also, Poplar of all sizes used for .Cabinet purposes, for which Gam will be paid on delivery. Also, 25 or 30 good CABINETMAKERS wanted, to whom fair prices will be given in cash. Also, 1 or 2 good UP HOLSTERS. None but good workmen need apply. dec2i. CLOTHING-CITSr MANUFACTORY HOME INDUS TRY. 1 T KEEP vonstantlv on hand a full supply of all kinds of i X gentlemen s wearing apparel, made up in the very best j manner under my own superinlendance, aud would ask my menus aim me puuuc 10 give me a caii ana convince them selves, it is their own advantage, as I knowl ran suit them in iWv. A. SANDIIOUSE, dec 1 Market sfrent, six doors from the square. HOUSE AND LOr FOR RENT. GOOD two story brick dwelling, with live comforta ble rooms, and necessary out houses, cellars, kc. A witn two large lots ana stable, t or rent 011 liigli street, be low Gay. House recently repapercd. Water on the lot. Price 250. Apply to decli WILLIAMS & GLOVER. FOR BURKSVILLE AND WAITSBORO'. REGULAR EIGHT DAV PACKET. fW , The light draught fast running passen- dfefrSp ger Packet REPUBLIC, M. G. McCallistkb, SBSSSSSi Master, will make regular eight day trips in the above trade during the seosou. Shippers and passengers may rely upon punctuality of this boat for freight or passage. ' Apply on board or to JAMES CLAIBulCXE, AguV dcc20 b w a a ex Front st. MtESII GROCERIES 100 b.-.j;s Java, Lajmvra and Rio Coffee: ti bags Pepper; 20 nests covered and un- 10 dozen'Puintcd Buckets; covered Market Baskets; 2 tierces fresh Rice; 15 nests Tubs; 50 bbls and hf bbls Molasses; 25 boxes fresh Raisins; 50 boxes dried Herrings; 50 kits No 1 and 2 Mackerel; 10 bbls American Braudy; 15 bbls and hf bbls Mackerel; 5 bbls Old Rye Whisky"; b bbls American Gin; Also many other articles in the Grocery line, which will be sold at lowest prices for cash. R. F. BELL, dec 14 opposite Sewanee House, College st. QUEENS WARE at REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH ONLY HAVING purchased of Mr. W. Gilliam his very large and well assorted stock of Q,ueensvare, Glass aud China, a great portion of which is of late importa tions, I am now prepared to furnish all who may favor me with a call, with Queenswarc, ic, very low for cash. Country Merchants would find it to "their interest to give mc a call. Close personal attention will be given to business, and good packers employed. ZST Call at'Gilliam's Old Stand, North side of the Pub Ec Square, Nashville Tcnn. oc7-tJm J. C. DARDEN SOMETHING NEW. THE SOUTH NASHVILLE FURNITURE MANUFACMURING CO.MPANV, are now offering 1 ' ;?splenaia assortment ol Plain and fashionable Fur nitureat their Depot on Market street, Thomas' It new building, (between Union Hall and thes Square, which thev oiler at prices to suit purchasers. IT I both at whole sale and retail. Tiiey intend to give satisfac tion to purchasers work warranted. Call and examine their stock. Orders for Work attended to with despatch. R. fl. GROOMS, Pres't. W. L. Naxce, Scc'y sept 11. FURNITURE, CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTH, Matting.Drugget, Girondoles, Solar Lamps, Mantle and other Clocks, Glasses. Pier Glasses, and all kinds of Looking has in Store, and is constantly rgc supply of the above articles, be found Rosewood Parlor Setts. T23& pert-7 wot-.: Jerior article of French Brogatelle; Koac :tts, Mahogany ilo; a large assortment of iewood Centre Tables; Dressing Bureaus; h Bedsteads; Etagere Sideboards; Mahoga "hairs. nnd a complete Rssortmcntof com- tvit : Bedsteads; Bureaus; Dining, Break. oies; wasiistanas; worK Tables; W ard uidle Stands; Sofas, kc, kc; Windsor irs of all kinds. Tupstry Brussels, Three -r. . -o riy uarpetting, Kugs, &c. 1-loor and all kinds, from one yard to elcrht yards ui"- " icrji.-uiiuiij unucu 10 examine, sold low fur casu, or on time for approved '.selected every article, and the wokrman 1 woric sola oy mc win be warranted to A. PATTERSON, eet, near Church St., Nashville, Tenn. DR. J. W. GRAY 015C3 in .McCambs' Now Building, on Cherry Streot, liehcxtn Deaderxck ami Union. decl4 12m Residence Sewanee. E. S. WILKES. JNO. LELLYETT. WILKES & LELLYETT, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Al the old stand of Eli Morrht ifc Co., Market street, south of Church, Aashmlle, Tennessee. Beeswax, Feathers, Wool, Rags, Ginseng, Dried Fruit, kc, taken in exchange for Groceries, "atthe market value decll FRESH ARRIVALS. 1 .TILKE3 k LELLVETT are 111 receipt of a rood stock y of fresliGroccries p?r California, America, and other uuais, consisting in pan 01 M hhds new Sugar, 40 bbls Molasses, very fine, 50 bags best new Rio" Coffee, 50 boxes and half boxes Raisins, ' SO boxes Herrings, 10 bbls Crushed Sugar, 10 do Powdered Sugar, 20 do Loaf Sugar, 10 boxes double refined Loaf Sugar. 1U0 bbls Flour, 200 kegs Nails, Ac., Ac. LIQUORS. We have also lately received, and have now in store, n well assorted stock of foreign and domestic Liquors, consist ing of Old Jamaica Rum, New England and Louisiana Rum, Fine Cognac Brandy, American do, Wine of various kinds, Holland and New Vork Gin, Old Monougahcla Rye Whisky, Old Bourbon Whisky, Old Reserve Whisky, (Marcus Smith's,) Old Robertson county D. D. Whisky. Rectified Whisky, Ac In the sale of which we will offer every reasonable induce ment. WILKES k LELLYETT, tlecll Market streot. BARTEETT JONES' TORACCO. A very su perior article, just received and for sale by decll WILKES k LELLYETT. T A NACIONAL SEGARS. A cuuuine article I 1 (warranted) ot these fine Regalias, in store and for mtcd) Regalias, in store and 1 WILKES k LELLYETT. sale by decll LANG1IORN & AIWJflSTEAD'S BEST TO BACCO. A small lot of the above extra fine Chewing Tobacco just received, besides various other brands, making a complete assortment of Tobacco, always to be found at decll WILKES A LELLYETT. MORE PIANO FORTES. WAT. n. GREENFIELD A CO., have just received , another lot of those unrivalled PIANOS, made by J. B. Dunham aud Adam, Stodart A Co., which will be sold very cheap for cash. dec20. L vi'uRE UuOiUS EOR SALE. 2 splendid store j3 rooms on Broad street, four doors from Market. Market. A Apply decSO WILLIAMS A GLOVE MlSCELEANEOXJSr - L. D. STEVENSON, Dealer in Xieh, Fancy asd. Staple Dry Goods, Corner ef College Street and. the Square, HAS returned from the' Eastern cities, where he has se lected with great care one of the most desirable stocks yet offered by him in this market, and for iucilvess, beacit, and fine taste, will vie with any assortment offered In tin's or other Western or Southern houses. This stock comprises every variety of Ladies and Gent's wear, with a fine stock for Children, Furnishing Goods, Da masks, kc, Ac Consisting in part of the following, en tirtly, Aeie styles: Ladies' Goods. Extra Rich Brocade and Emb'd Silks, a large assortment; Super Plaid and Checked .Silks, Plain and Plaid Merinoes: Super Plaid and Plain Spun Silks, super Bombazines: Rural Tartans; French Chintzs and Prints; Rich Gro de Rhines, blackaml in colors; new style Delanes; Black Brocades and Rich Embroideries and Laces. Extra Ricli Valleiicieunes, Collm-a, Chimezettes, Sleeves, Ac, all to match; Honiton, do. do. do., Uouiton Coiffures, Caps and Hlianffs, late importation; Applique, Insertings' anddgings; super rich Crotchet Collais; Swiss and Lawn Bonnets, Habits and Sleeves with a great variety of WHITE GOODS. Fig'd Cambrics and Dimities, Madona and Mar. Shirts, Plain, Flounced and tig'd; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs of great variety, quality and price Checked, striped and plain Swjss Muslins; Jaconets, Lawnf. and'Canibrics; India Mulls and Twills; Shur French and Nainsocks, with SILK MANTILLAS in great variety. Also A large and complete stock of GLOVES AND HOSIERY, of all styles and qualities. f& Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Avery large and complete assortment, with many other Foods to which I respectfully call the attention of buyers, feeling assured that the stoclc will please those wishing to purchase, as I am determined to olfer great inducements, particularly ron cash. sept 21. L. D. STEVENSON. Latest ie ws 1 1 1 STEAMSHIP AND FOR' TUB LADIES. New style Cloaks; " " Mantillas; Long Shawls. PRESS GOODS. Brocade Silk; Emb'd Cashmere; Bayader Robes; Royal Tai-tan Plaids; Plaid Flannel; RAILROAD EXPRESS ! ! FOB GENTLEMEN. Guttta Pcrcha Gauntlets; Buckskin Uaunticts; Fur and Chamois Gloves; Gents' Hose of every variety. UNDEUl GAtUIENTS. Drawers; Vests; Russia Flannel Nett ; Ladies' Russia Vests. ' runnels, all colors. A new arrival of those celebrated Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, together with Collars, Stocks, Scarfs, Ties, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Emb'd Yestiugs. octl2 JOHN K. HUME. BLANKETS, FLANNELS. TOHN K. HUME has now received a complete assort- fl mentof Extra tine Bed Blankets; " " Coat " " " Fancy col'd Blank ets; Horse Blankets; Negro " Real Welsh Flannels; Unshrinking Saxony Flan nels; Fancy und Plaid Flannels; Rogers' extra fine " A1.SU, Marseilles Skirts; Flounced Skirts; Saddle " Marseilles Quilts; Embroidered Skirts; Grass Skirts; TOGETHER WITn India Twills; Swiss Muslins; New York Mills Domestic; Jaconci Muslins; English Long Cloth; Cambric Muslins; Nainsook Muslins; ALSO French, English and German Merinos and White and Fancy Cashmeres, plain and Fancy Mous de Laincs, in great variety. All are respectfully iuvitedto call aud exam ine. " oct!2 JOHN' K. HUME. MORRIS' REMEDY. AN INFALLIBLE CURE for Gonorhea, Gleet, Stric tures, Nocturnal Emmissions, Gravel, and all those distressing complaints usually consequent upon youthful ex cesses and indulgences., In preparing a specific for this class of diseases, Dr. Mor ris h:is expended much time and money in order to present to the unfortunate suiTercr, a pleasant, safe, and efficient medicine That he has succeeded, fs a fact well established, as there has been many thousand bottles sold. Warranted to Cure, Or the money returned, and so far has given entire satis faction. As an invigorating medicine for Broken Constitu tions, it has no equal, being extremely palatable and "mild, as wen as active aim permanent in us cucds. For that distressing complaint so common among females, termed Fluor Albus Whites, this specific is a sovere;gn remedy, and should be used byall who are thus afilicted. Sold by II. G. Scovel, G. W. Hknoersiiot, W. W. A J. B. Bkkrt, Nashville, Younglovi:, Bowling Green, Kv. declO 8m. " DR. W. H. MORRIS. INVENTOR of the tar-famed MORRIS REMEDY, can be consulted by letter, by those who cannot make it con venient to consult him personally. Persons afflicted with' Syphilis or Gonorhea, or with auy of the distressing and unpleasant consequences attending an injudicious use of powerful medicines, can, by describing their desease in writing and inclosing the reasonable sum of Three Dollars, have advice and medicines sent with full directions for use Medicines pleasant and convenient, requiring no restrictions or hiudrance from business. Also, Scrofula, Cancers, Ulcers, Tetter and Ringworm, removed and permanently cured. W. II. MORRiS, decltl Urn. Cincinnati, Ohio. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, AND HOUSE TO BENT. I WISH to 3cll, (or rent conditionally,) if not sold fei by the 1st of January next, the following houses. viz: ELM WOOD, 9 The residence of the late Daniel Berry, near the State Hos pital witn six acres ot land attached. It is oneof the most desirable places for a residence in the country, has many varieties of fruit trees, and a never failiug well of the best water. A BRICK DOUBLE HOUSE, On Waterstrcet, near its junction with, the LcbanonTum-, pike. iSfF ALSO-FOUR VALUABLE 4NEGR0ES1 CHERRY, a valuable house servant, and superior washer and ironer, -ill years of age. HARRIET, a verv superior cook, washer and ironer, 37 years of age GEORGE, her mju (to be sold with her) a likely boy a years of age. STEPHEN, her son, an excellent and efficient servant, W years cf age. N. B. These servants a'reall favorite family servants, and sold for no fault, but to settle'ati estate. A. D..J3ERRY. nov20 lm. Exccjitpr of the Estate of Daniel Bcrry.dec'd BUCKSKIN sale by MIXTS. la dozen BuckskinfMitts, for elect' A. .MORRISON A CO. TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS. 10 bands, best article, Patent Safety Fuse for sale at Manufca turers prices, by dect A. MORRISON A CO NOTICE. I wish to hire for the ensuing j-ear, a good servants, for which I will pay a liberal price. MRS. F. B. EDMONDSON, few" ' dec2 no Proprietor of Verandah Hotel. PORTRAIT OF JACKSON- ENGRAVED (by permission) from Thomas Sully's only original painting, in the possession of Francis Preston Blaii, Esq. (20 by 26 inches.) Price five dollars per copy. Read This. From the Hon. John McLean, Associate Judire of the Supreme Court. Cincinnati, 29th Oct., 1S52. Bear Sir I thank you for the engraved likeness of Gene ral Jackson; it is an excellent one. in mc latter pari 01 tits life, his errev hairs, his tall and venerable frame, tlie sincer ity and kindness of his expression and manner, captivated all who became acquainted with him. There were few, if anv, persons educated at home or abroad, however much thev may have associated with foreign courts, who could equal the grace and effect of General Jackson's manner in a social circle. Whether we consider him in the field, in the drawing room, or at the head of the administration, he was a remarkable man. With great respect JOHN McLEAN. Geo. W. Childs, Esq. Great inducement to Club Subscribers. In order to enable all to possess copies of the above ele gant Portraits, the subscriber respectfully offers the follow lncr inducements for the formation of CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS. To wit : For a Club of five, $20 00 " " ten, So 00 " " fifteen, 45 00 Either copy of the works will be sent J3"0n receipt of the subscriptions, the Portraits will be sent free of postage, (at the sole risk of the subscriber) to one address, or to each of the said club, as desired. Address ROBERT KING, Agent for Welch's Portraits of "Washington" and "Jackson," for the States of Virginia and Tennessee Eagle Square, Richmond, Va. dec29 O UNDR1ES. 7n dozen Black and Brown Wool Hats; SO dozen Black Kossuth Hats ; 2000 do Spool Cotton, assorted qualities; 200 lbs Patent Thread, " 80u dozen Tuck Combs; " " 200 do Dressing " " " 200 M best Drilled Eye Needles; 300 Packs Pins; with a general assortment of Gold and Gilt JewelrvvToys, Fancy Goods, Ac For sale very low by dect tw A. MORRISON A CO. YSTERS. 100 kegs Pickled Oysters, do. J 500 Cans Fresh Just received by dec 23 R. k J. NIXON. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I WILL offer for sale, for cash, on the 13th of January next, the House and Lot, located on College Hill, near the Union Spring. The Lot has 42 feet front and runs back 103 feet Also on the 14th of January-, 100 Cherry Trees; 100 Apple Trees ; 25 Fig Trees ; 7 Orange Trees, and 600 Grape Vines, oue year old. For further information, apply, to J. MALLANG, Agent dec3 lm Boota nd Shoe maker, Union Buildings. LARD ! LARD ! 1200 barrels Lard wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in Groceries or Cash, dec 23 STRATTON, SMITH A CO- CRANBERRIES. SO bblj Cranberries; 15 bbls 'do; 15 X bM aBt received by nam on:), an cuiuro; u urapes; uranuine aud tiro de 1 leaving .asnviue every alternate Saturday at 4 o cloci flaps, an Kinds ana colors; uro de trance; Evening Dress J il., and leaving Cincinnati even' alternate Saturday at .wl .- I- n J. . I 11 If MM. Clt . . .... wuu .w . uciuck, i .jj. ine "oom Vioon is unsurpassed m tier ;STIMMB.OAi:S.; vf 1T.X01H JT WASHVILLZ WEEXLYPACTET SPLENDID Passenger Steamer, Aleo Ba. Capt. James Miij.kb. This fine Steamer will take the place of the West New ton, between Nashville to St Louis on the first rise ol wmer. Being entirely new, unsurpassed for speed aud accommoda tions, and every way adapted to the above trade, for which she has been purchased, a share of the travelling patron age is respectlully solicited. All orders entrusted to iier will be filled with care and punctuality. A. HAMILTON, oct '20 Agent. FOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE, r 1 "tit. magnimcent new steamer, SAM. , K L CLOON.Sam.Cloon.Jb.. Master. This splendid steamboat, now on her way here from Cincinnati; will run in the aborc tnid 3H Uila season. r.P 11 ac commodations, by any steamer afloat and 1 solicit for her a snare of public patronage A. HAMILTON, ov IS. Agent MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. 'MATT. PACKETS. iiw SLIUU, No. 2, Raw4' sKffNflK . . JlliASSl. bLiiuvs iiu. z, win leave asi'vuie tor iiemptu every ilonday, at C o'clock, p. u., and leaves Memphis for Nash ville every Thursday, at 10 o'clock, x. u. EMBASSY will leave Nushville for Memphis every Thursday at S o'clock, r. a., leaves Memphis for Nashville every Sunday at 10 o'slock,, a. ji., delivering the mail at the several post ollices between the above ports. They will aUo touch at all points between the post ollices. Persous traveling southward will find it to their advantage 10 take this line, as it is frcm two to three days quicker and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting at Memphis with every locdity to take Southern Steamers ; also coiineeting w!'l'lie Arkansas and White River Mad Line. Even-pains .vili be taken to render those who call on me comfortable. For freight or passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Office. poy- A. L. DAVIS. NEW ORLEANS AND NASHVILLE PACKET. SPLENDID New Passenger Steamer, H. R. W. HiU, Captain T. H. Newell, 1600 tons burthen. This magnificent Steam er, now Deing compietea at cw Albany, will take uer place in me above trade as soon as navigation opens. The Hill is entirely new, of the Iai-gest class, and is, in ev ery respect, equal to auy Steamboat on the Western waters. She has been built under the siijerintcndence of her expe rienced Captain, and has all improvements required by the late law. A plan of her Cabin can be seen and State-rooms engaged by application to A. HAMILTON, Agent, oct30 Mai ket Street. Egr Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for t the Hill in New Orleaus, and give his best attention to the 1 purchase of Merchandise ordered by her. A, II. 5 REGULAR PASSENGER STEAMER BETWEEN NASH j VLLLE AND NEW ORLEANS. riiii, swut ana superior Steamer A ash. jWxJa 1 ville, Tnos. Bellsnydek, Commander, Lftfegv? will resume her place in the above trade onSs!; the first rise of water, leaving Nashville erery mree mcc&s tnrougiiout me season. , The Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade for 1 safety, comfort and convenience. A plan of her Cabin may be seen and State-rooms engaged i by application to JAS. A. McALLISTER & CO., Ags, oct-50 Comer cf Broad and College Streets. : tT Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for ; the Nashville in New Orleans, and give his best attention to uie purcnase 01 Jiercuaiulise ordered bv her. J. A. McA k CO. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE REGU LAR WEEKLY PACKETS. riTiit, splendid new rasscnger Steamers, K?ASi JL STA.TiiS.UAN, II. G.M'Comas, Mas- ( tei- MATTIE WAV NE, C. T. Reader, Master, will make regular trips in tlie above 'irude; leaving CINCINNATI every Wednesday, at 4 o'clock; and leaviuc NARIlVIT.T.17vpvTfTKi- tan'..lnl- The above Boats having been built expressly for the Trade, will take their places as soon as navigation opens, and will be thankful for orders for Merchandise, and promise to give satisfaction to all who mav entrust business to their care JOHNSON k SMITH, II. T. YEATMAN, sept II 6m A gent. SMITHLAND, PADUCAH AND NASHVILLE WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY PACKET. ' I Jiili new ana splendid nasscmrer stuamir V X Odd Fellow, CAPT. JO. V. LEAKE. wii: leave xsasnville 011 her tirst trip, on Sat- sjlg; uruayiue znn instant, at iu a. Ji and will wniuuue in the above trade, leaving Nashville on Wednasdavs and Sat urdays, at 10 A M. and leaving Paducah on Thursdays and Mondays at 4 P.M. The ODD FELLOW ha.r been purchased by Capt. Leake, for the above trade. Her accommodations "for passengers aro not surpassed by any packet on Cumberland river. I ask for her a share of public patronage. nov27 6m A. HAMILTON, Agent THE HUNTRESS SUL-MALLA. WHO moves so stately on Lumen, at the roar of the foa, my waters ? Her hair falls upon HEn iieavieg nmcAST, white is her arm behind, as slow shebemds the bow 1 Why dost thou wander in deserts, like a light through a cloudy field ? THE YOUNG ROES ARE PANTING by their cret rocks. Return thou Daughter of Kinirs ! THE CLOU DY NIGHT IS NEAR 1 fa It was-the young branch of green Inishuna, Sul-Malla of blue eyes. - She seat the bard lrom her rock to bid us to her feast Amidst the song we sat down in Cluba'g Echoing Hall, white moved THE HANDS OF SULiMALlbA 1 On the trembling string?, half heard amidst the soundr was the name of the truly ibrtuuatc and far famed Xottery Agents aud Bankers. PYFER & CO. iY5. 1 Light street, L'altimore, Maryland, 'There are deeds which should not pass away. And names that must not wither, though the Barth Forgets her Empires." These lines the ill-fated Byron must have designed should apply to the bright deeds and undying name of th world renowned and universally admitted "greatest of the ereat " r.rni! wiiii. p-: ;..ii,...j ti... u l.i .J 1 of all earthly Prize Sellers. The old established and popu f lar Favorites of Fortune. J?yfcr.& Co., Baltimore, Md. Citizens of the Union 1 We here present to you tho nucleus of the Rrilliant Lotteries ior December. One Order may crown vour wishes. Thnns i- rushiug to this inexhaustible fountain of wealth, and the sun- rtf . ' IM 1'AUACES OF THE K1C1I.' JThe experieuco of every day teaches the vital necessity of wealth. "0 'tis isweet.companion ! Kind not true ! A man may trust it, when his father cheats him, Brother, er friend or wife O wondrous pelf, That wch -makes alljnen false; is true elf." Splendid Schemes for December, 18.J2. i-y " ihe Certiticate Prices of packages of quarter tickets omy, are giveu oeiow, Date. Capital No.of Price of Price of Dec Prizes. Ballots. Tickets. Packages. 1 $Gj,t23 7o Nos. 12 drawn $10 So" 00 2 20,000 78 N03. 14 drawn 5 - is 00 8 20,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 5 16 00 , 4 8S.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 10 85 00 8 2d,500 75 Nos. 13 drawn 8 27 00 7- 24,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn & 13 00 - 8 87,500 75 Nos. 12 drawn 10 85' 00 9 20,C08 78 Nos. 14 drawu 5 18 00 10 13,500 78 Nos. 15 drawn 4 13 00 11 52,500 75 Nos. 15 drawn 15 45 (W 13 25,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 8 30 00 14 25.000 75 Nos. li' drawn 5 IS 00 15 35,000 78 Nos. 16 drawn 10 30 00 16 16,312 78 Nos. 12 drawn 5 18 00 17 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 18 00 18 33,461 75 Nos. 13 drawn 10 85 00 20 26.000 78 Nos. 15 drawn 8 25 CO 21 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 18 00 22 30,909 78 Nos. 12 drawn 10 85 00 23 20,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 5 18 00 24 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 13 00 25 60,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 20 75 00 27 80,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 8 30 00 23 17,716 " 75 Nos. 16 drawn 5 15 00 29 35,000 75 Nos. 14 dTawu 10 80 00 30 18,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 18 00 81 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 18 00 JSr"J)rawings forwarded to Correspondents by the first mails after the lotteries are drawn. "Correspondents will please order a few days before the lotteries are drawn. There is a large per centage in favor of those purcha rs who order by the Package, and the chances of drawing four of the largest Prizes in the Scheme, are thereby secured. We advise the purchase of Packages of Tickets in every in stance. Erery Day our Luck Increases ! $20,000 sent to Perry county. Tennessee. $18,000 sent to South Carolina. $15,000 sent to South Carolina. $10,000 sent to Georgia. $25,000 sent to North Carolina. $12,000 sent to Virginia. $10,596 sent to North Carolina. $13,000 sent to Alabama. $9,000 sent to Tennessee. So we go every day selling and paying the Prues, and raising the poor man to a level with the rich "Nabob." Thousands who once never read a lottery advertisement, are now awakening to the importance of this beautiful sys tem of realizing Fortunes from small outlays. How easy can the price of a Package or single Ticket be saved, "little by little," to invest in the MARYLAND LOTTERIES ! PYFER & CO., SUB-AGENTS Thing how pleasant it will be to have "Fortune buckled on vour back,' in this easy manner, and no longer hesitate to make at least one trial, at the truly Fortunate, Far-Famed and Old Established Lottery Agents and Bankers , y . T. , PYFER fc CO., deel lm No. 1 Light street, Baltimore, Md. WRAPPING PAPER. 1 am now makine-a.IU of SUPERIOR WRAPPING PAPER; iSL first opportunity I have bad to make any, for eiirhteen months. All my Wrappine Paper has mv PrintsA rsit which is a guarantee that it is good, tough and strong, i will sell it to my rae customers on verv reascnnhU exchange it for rags. ' I will also pay at all times the Tery highes price for RaiM In CASH. w: S. WH1TEMAN, , wt30 East Sid Public 80.11 MEDICAL. TXE INFALLIBLE COUGH REMEDY. DR. C. WILLIAMS' Compound Pulmonio Balaam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha. For the curt of Oouahs, Colds, Hoarseness, JToopinga vgi, Crovj), Bronchitis Spitting of Blood, AsUmc and sumtttii-n. The" following testimonial is from Dr. S. W Lughtou, of the highly respectable firm of Haughton k Lecherd, Drug gists, Winchester, Tenn. Dr. C. Williams: Dear Sir: I have used your Pulmonia Balsam of Wild Cherry and Word Naptha with a great suc cess in my own case, and would not be without it in my fam ily for any price. I consider it one of the best expectorants ia use for coughs, colds and difficulty in Lreathing. The firm of Haughton & Decherd, vof which I am a partner) have succeeded satisfactorily in the sale of the nicdicin during the lest year, and could give ample testimonials fiom those who have used it rf its efheiency. Winchestee, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1852. S. W. HAUGHTON, From Richard Garrett, Esq., Tobacco Inspector, of th city of Nasbvillw; a gentleman well known. Nashville, October 8, 1851. Dr. C. Williams Dear Sir: I have used with much ben fit your Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Nap tha. I was laboring under a severe cough, ho bad that I could not sleep, and knowing the high reputation of tout Pnlmonic Balsim In the States of Alabama and Missislppi, I procured a bottle of it, and take great pleasure in stating that in a very short time I received great lehef, and mut say that it is the beat remedy 1 ever ued for the cure of a w vere cough, and take g eat pie-asm e in recommending it to my fellow-citizens of Nashville and surrounding country. RICHARD GARKLTT. Winchester, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1352. I was seriously afflicted with coughs of several years stan ding, which was very troublesome and painful, till I used two bottles of Dr. C." Williams' Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherrv and Wood Naptha, which has entirely cured me. N. 0. GREEN, Att'y at Law. For sale Wholesale and Retail.and on Agency by J. M ZIMERMAN, Wholesale Druggist, who is the General. Agent for this popular and talti&ke preparation at the' city cf1 Nashville and surrounding country. It is also for aler by the following Druggists : EWIN BROTHERS, CARTWRIGHT k ARMSTRONG, W.W.BERUY, GEORGE W. I1F.NDERS110TT, T. WELLS, H. G. SCOVEL, BEACH, FLEMING k CO., CURRY L MARTIN, Nashville. BINCFORl) k McDERMOTT. Murfreesboro. E. G. CLOUSTON, tv ... , F. S. -SVOL1UDGE, nUm. 1. HAWKINS &TOWLER, Columbia. And by all Druggists in every town in the State of Tea- t nessee, and all the Southern and Western States, deel lmdtww CHERRY FECI! For llio Cure of COUGHS, 10LDS, HOARSEXESS, BRONCHITIS, WnOOPIXG-COUtill. CROUP, ASTIDIA. ASD CONSUMPTION. "And by th ricer, vpim the bank thereof shall grow all trees for meat, tchose leaf shall not fade and the fruit tlitrto) shallbtfor meat and the leaf thereof for medicine." Here was hope for the sick recorded long ago, and every year adds new proof to the assurance that these premises shall not fail As medical Science discovers and designates the rcmedie nature has given, one by one, the diseases that nfllict our race yield to the control of art. Of all the maladies we suffer from, none has carried more victims to an untimely grave ' than Consumption of the lungs. Subjoined we give some evidence that this too may be cured, and the Pulmonary Complaints, in all their forms, may be removed by Cueebt Pkctokal. Space will not permit us to publish here any proportion 0 f the cures it has-- ected, but the Agent below named, will furnish our Circular, free, whereon arc full particulars and indisputable proof of these facts. Sufferers: read and judge for yourselves. FOR INELUENZA AND WHOOPING COUGH Nashville, Tenn., June tiS, 1851. Sin I have repeatedly used your CukeuT I'ECTonAL for Whooping Cough and Influenza and have no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of my children have been afilicted with thoe diseases, and the free use of the Pectoral has always afforded almost instant relief. JAMES GLOVER. We attest to the truth of the above statement. E. P. McGINTY, Editor of the Nashville Whip-; J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Druggist FOR A CONSUMPTIVE COUGH. Pittsbukg, Pa., Feb. 25, 1651. Dear Sin For three years I have been nlliicted with a Cough, so distressing that I frequently dispaii ed of recovery; much of the time 1 was obliged to "sit up all night in my chair, a3 my cough would sulfocate me when. I hiid down. Having .u't.-d many remedies without much relief I at last tried tlie CHERRY PECTORAL which under Providence has cured me altogether. Iam with gratitude vours, JAilES M'CAMBLESS. This is one ol the numerous Cures of Asthma which have been accredited to Cherry Pectoral. Albany; N. Y., April 17, 1848. Dr. Ateh, Lowell. Dear Sir: 1 have for years been af flicted with Asthma in the worst form, so that 1 have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, be ing unable to breathe on my bed. Iliad tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my physician prescribed, as an experiment, your CnEnnr Pectoral. At first it seemed to make mc worse; but in less than a. week 1 began to experience the most gratifying relief from its use; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely re moved. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy u state of health which I had never expe cted to enjov. GEORGE S. FARA'NT, Commission and Forwarding .Merchant FROM THE PRESIDENT OF AMHERST COLLEGE ED WARD HITCHCOCK, JL D., LL. D., Ac. J. C. Ateb. Sir: I have used vour CHERRY PECTORAL in my own case of deep-seated bronchitis, and am satisfied, from its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable com pound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion, as its superior character, can be of any ser vice, you are at liberty to use it as vou think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. Amhei , Sept. 12, 18-19. Among the other distinguished authorities who have. Ieuk their names to recommend this preparation as the best know u to them for affections of the lungs, are: President Perkins, Vermont Med. College. Prof. Silliman, Yale College. PRor. Valentine JIott, New-York. Pkof. Cleavelanp, Bowdoin Med. College. , i'uor. uctterfield, utuo jieu. college. Canadian Journal of Medical Science. Boston Med. k Sunn. .IrmnNAt- Charleston, S. C, Medical Review. Aew Jerset Medical Reporter. Hon. Henrt Clat, U. S. Senator. Hon. Geo. P. Maesh, Am. Ambassador to Turkey. Gen. Emanuel Bulnes, President of Chili. Rt. Ret. Ed. Power, Lord Bishop of Toronto. Rev. Doct Lansinc, Brooklin, New York. Archbishop Pcrcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, many eminent persons in foreign countries. Not only in the more dancerous and distressing rfisnwi n the Lungs, but also as a family medicine for occasional ue it is the safest, pleasantest and best in the world. Prepared and sold by JAMES C A YER, . oct23 3m. Druggist and Chemist, Lowell, .Mass. " W. W.HERRY. And Druggist and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. FOB KALE AND FEMALE. command children of rocreativB FlirJi- proscribes as an effectual restorative in case of Debility mpotenoy,.or.Barrenness, and all irrecularities of nniiir. Il is all thatit professes to be, vis Nature's ereat restoraffve. j i -. : .t :.j v., -.. wu reiucuy im tuuso iu lue uiameu Biaie WIIDOUE Itis a certain cure for Seminal Emissions, Gleet, Weakness of the Genital Organs, Lucorrnea or mies. as an mvigonm mmmeummt n ua- equalled. Also, a certain remedy wrJJIctpSmt no tion, indigestion, loss 01 Aiusxuiar,ifr,b.ysical Lassi tude, Female Weakness, Debililfac, " It' is warranted to pleasa the user in any of the above complaints, and. it of priceless value to th M witht offspring. Caatioa Extra. F2ad the nanit of Comslock A Bi utk.. era on the, wrapper xi4 nver buy it unless you find tjh. Avotle8rfit m yea would pc-on. rf pr UAKTWRIPflT ARMSTRONG: Wblfa-r' 1 F?tlil Corner Rrnad mail Uurlui a cm evert o fi . lJi t'UUllrUL AJNL MULTIPLY, is a U that should be cheerfully obeyed by the men. JJrLarzett's j UNO COKU1AL. or P j3U 1. t 0 "li ne S to in in. Y i'V X n s- 1 d d d r- le n. ic 1 or t I ma tlv. 1 air I CO. nut I-, . ipal in tank 5 )lhm non- d to ates, ne aa il7 erthe f ft decs a. stLWa. 1 '-.A: ; 'trim