Newspaper Page Text
1 XI NASHVILIE UHB9J3r T" " X " U-z prm 'iMiimiiii inn"" "i in" "7 i ..'iH r; I IT Hi 1 1 -I-' V CHURCH & MARCING, Proprietors. 1 . THE, WEEKLY UNION Is furnished subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one year in advance. -.152 50; within theyear $3 00; atUie end of theyear $4 00.- .i -.d.Cums Of fire and upwards $2 00 per copy ior one . . year. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six months at; the foregoing rates. "The TRI-WEEKLY is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; if not paid in advance, ?fl. ' The DAILY is published at Eight Dollars. JST THE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY 'SOitSCUII'TIONS.I ' Remittances of subscriptions in&y be" madc'by'mall at our risk. No paper will be sent out of the Slate unless the order is ac ..oompanied with the cash. TEW DAVID'S HEBREW PLASTER. THE great reined- for rheumatism, gouf, pain in the side hip, back, limbs, andjofnts; scrofula, king's evil, white wellings, liard tumors, stiff joints, and all fixed pains what '. ever. Where this plaster is applied, pain cannot exist. These plasters possess the advantages of being put up in airtight boxes: hence they retain their full virtues In all limates. "' This celebrated Pain Extractor has been so extensively used by physicians and the people in general, both -In" this country and Europe, that itls .almost needless to say any thing about it Yet there may be some who staud, in" need of its healing powers who have not yet tried it. For'their sakes we will simply state what it lias done In .thousands of coses, and what it will do for them when tried. A voice fkommGsoRGU Bead the following testimonials from a ohysician: Gentlemen: Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains, of which I have suffered for twelve years past. During this period,-! have labored under an affliction in my Joins and aide, and tried many remedies that my own m.;dical experi ence' suggested, but" without obtaining relirC At length I used your Plaster, and amjiow, by its good ejects, entirely cured. I will recommend the Jew David orllebrew Plaster to all who are suffering from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the side or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted "with its virtues when -they will resort to its use. - Yours truly," M. W. "WALKER,. M. D., v " Forsythe, Monroe county, Ga. 1 To Messrs. Scovil k Mead, New Orleans, La. JEW DA rfflS OR HEBREW PLASTER IX NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scocil tb Mead: 1 hare been troubled with the chrome rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the 1st of July, 1S49, 1 was so bad thatTcould not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not slept a wink fornix davs. At this time my attending physician prescribed the "Hebrew Plaster," and it-acted like a charm ; the pain left me, and I slept more than half the night, and in three davs 1 was able to ride out. I consider the Hebrew Plaster the best reined v, for all sorts of pains now in use. Ucudersoiivillc, N. C, Aug. 10, 1330. G. W. McMINN. B SWA RE 07 Co UXTEItFEITS AN'0 BASE IiUTATIOKS! The genuine will in future have the signature of E. TAY LOR on the steel plate engraved label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this ar cle is in existence. The genuine Is sold only by us, and by our agents ap. pointed throughout the South and no pedlar is allowed to tell it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cautioned against buying of any but our regular agents; otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCO VIL A MEAD. 113 Chartrcs street, New Orleans, Sole General Agents for for the Southern States to whom.all orders must invaria bly be addressed. Sold bv EWIN, BROWN k Co., Nashville, Tcnn. W. W. k J. B. BKRRY, do; J. M. Zl MERMAN & Co., do; CART WRIGHT k ARMSTRONG, do; DAVID SAFFARRANS, do; H. G. SCOVIL, do. jyl 2 dtww , COTTON LANDS IN ARKANSAS AT PUBLIC WILL be sold at the court-house in Helena, the county scat of Phillip's county, on the third Monday, the 17th of January next, being county com day, commencing at 11 o'clock, a. in., the following tract.- jf laud, vie In township 5 north, range 3 east. The northwpst fractional quarter of fractional section .', the north half of fractional section ", making altogether nine hundred aud thirty-six acres in a bod. It lies on Tellico Creek in St. Francis county, a most beautiful stream of never-failing water. It is about seven miles northwest of Mad i- ion, tlie county seat, tlirec miles soiuii ot tne road irom Memphis to Little Rock, four miles west of the road from Helena to St. Francis, four miles from Lane: Kile river. twelve miles from Judiro Strong's Ferry overthc St. Francis river, where tlicMeinphis and Little Rock road crosses, hav ing several improved lamu witliin a mile. Township 4- north, range 3 east. West half of section 9, containing three hundred and twen ty acres. West half of fractional section 18, and the west half of fractional section 19, making- together a tract of near six hundred and seventy acres. It lies six miles from Madison, und adjoins two improved farms. Township 1 south, range 2 east. South half of section 13, in Phillips county containing three Hundred and twenty ncres. South half of section ii, north half of 29 and southeast quarter of 29. forming a tract of eight hundred acres. South lialf of section M and north half of section 35,'fonn- mir a tract ofsix hundred and tony acres. f North half of section &, three hundred and twenty acres. Township 1 south, range 3 east. Section -1 entire and the north half of 9, making a tract of eight hundred and ninety acres. Section (5 entire, containing five hutidred and ninety-fire acres. The west half of section 8, cornering on the foregoing three luiudrcd and twenty acres. Tmonship 2 south . range 3 east. The south half of section 9, the south half of section 8, and section 17 entire, forming a tract of twelve hundred and eighty aci-es. ' The south half of section 25, section 26 entire, the cast half of section 27, the north half of section 35, and the west half ot section 4, making a tract oi nineteen hundred and twenty acres. The lands in the foregoing townships lie from 1C o 24 miles west of Helena, a considerable town on the .Mississippi nrcr, the county scat ol l'tiillips county, in the vicinity, and partly above and partly below the road lrom Helena to Lit tle Uock, near I Jig Crcct, a branch ot White river, which is navigable about tive months in the your from 7 to 20 miles frcm the nearest landing on St. Francis river, a stream al ways navigable for steamboats. There are settlements adjoining or near all these tracts, and that region of country upon the peninsula formed by the Mississippi and White rivers, and intersected by the at r raneis and liig creek, is destined to be one ot the richest in America. Township 3 south, rangs 4 east. South half of section 12, containing three hundred and twenty acres of first-rate Mississippi bottom land, about five miles south-west of Helena, within two miles of the river, two-thirds ot which arc above the highest hoods. Except the last-named tract, all ot the foregoing are up- lauds, most ot them wen adapted to nic growth ot cotton, and some of them equal to any uplands in the cotton-growing fatatcs. They arc all adapted 10 trie growth oi wheat, com, potatoes, iicaches, and all otner products oi the united States, except oranges and sugar. Cattle are liiiscd in that region almost without labor, as they feed on the cane, which continues green during the winter. Proximity to the New Orleans market, and a .navigation never obstructed, give to this region great advantages over the States on the Ohio annd Upper Mississippi, which are much ot the time cut oil lrom the iew Uncarts market by low water and ice. Nor is there any portion of the United btatcs where slave property is more secure. These Lands will be sold to the highest bidder, one half ot the purchase money to be paid m hand, and the balance iu one and two years, with interest, A good title with wur- ranty will bo given by the undersigned (Amos Kendall at the time of the sale, the subsequent payments beings se- curee oy mongages. Proposals for pnvare purchase will be received bv John S. Horner, Esq. of Helena, or Amos Kendall, of Washington Cll), UUlll UIO US Ul isaiti. AJlUa AXiUAUU, FRANCIS P. BLAIR, JOHN C. FIVES. Washington City, Dec. 10, 1S52 lmtnv w UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York and Charleston Steam Packets. TRI-WEEKLY LEAVES Adgcr's Wharves every Saturday and Wednesday. The new and splendid Steamships Union, Captain Richard Adams, 15,000 tons. Marion, Captain M. Berry, 1,200 tons, Southerner, Cup tain W. ioster, 1,000 tons Jas. Adtrer. Captain J. Din- cinson, 1,500 tons, as follows: Steamship. Union, April 80, at 5 o'clock; Steamship Southerner, 3Iarch 16th and 24th, 4 o'clock; Steamship Marion, March 13th and 27th, 12 o'clock; Steamship James Adger, now finishing, will be placed in tho line eany m -'vpni. For freight or passage, apply to the office of the Agent, HENRY M1SR0ON, apS f nv CornerEast Bay and Adger's Wharves. DR. DAVID W. YANDELL, offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Davidson county. Residence on the Gallatin lurnpike, four miles and a half from Nashville, at the place formerly owned by the late Jo- aiah Williams, Esq. noy2 diwtf.J JUST RECEIVED. 300 Kegs Nails; 20 casks London Porter, nuarts and pints: 10 boxes Jenkins' fine Teas, put up in metalic impound 30 boxes 31 R Raisins, fresh; 20 do Champagne, superior article; 15 flasks fine Otard Dupuy Brandies, vintige of 1S40 5 half-casks Fort Wine, superior article; " J ' 700 barrels Cincinnati Flour; 50 do St Louis do; 800 do Pike's Magnolia Whisky; , . .J00. do DeaveA Naysal's do; " ' With many other articles too mention Awhich wo will selliCheapfer cash, ; J . U3v 13 WEAKLY & RUTHERFORD: ' VOL. XYHT. AARON STKETCH. AARON STRETCH, gt-rf DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Of j.' -NASHVILLE, .TENN. . ! r r 1 1 , HAVING enlarged his Store and received most of his Eastern purchases, Invites the attention of persons needing articles in his line fq give him a calL .Ifisstock comprises one of Hie finer assortments' bf Drtrgs-f Medi cines, Perfumery, Fancy Articles t&c., ever brought to this maikctrrf&insisting in.partef the following articles, viz: Lubin's genuine imported extract (the most popular Trinds;) Mailly's Paris Toilet Soaps; . -.,0 Rousscll's Brown Ominibus, Poncine and.Toilet,5?oap; Genuine Castile Soaps (different colors;) Shaving Creams and Soaps (different patterns;) Lard OTWbest Cincinnati;) - " Sperm and Sweet Oils ; Pure and Fresh Salid Oil, for 1 ablo i use; Pure Cider Vinegar, Alchohol; Bermuda Arrow Root; Balsam Tolu, Ac Together with a full assortment ofother article! in his line:all of which.wll Lc.sold low at . STRETCH'S DRUG STORE, feblO Corner of XTniOn arid Cherry streets. PEBFUMEBY, FANCY ABTICLES, &c. "T ANDOLINE for the hair; JL) Curling J-Juid; Macassar Oil; Bear's Oil in large and small bofflos; Pomatum, iu china, carthern and glass pots; Ox Morrow, " " " " " . Compound Ox Morrow. A valuable oleaginous mixture, composed of purified Ox Marrow aud Hazle Nut Oil,. com bined with grateful perfumes; Beef Marrow, in small and large bottles; ' ' Hose Hair Oil. iii fancy bottles: Pomatum, ,in .sticks, (white and black ;1 Hair Gloss. This new and Valuable preparation, en tirely free front greasiness, is csjiecially adapted to the ladies', toilet;- Eau Lustral. The artof I'ei-fumers has .never produced a belter preparation for the Hair, whether wc regard its fra grance, or its iower of instantaneously cleusing tlie hair and moving scurt ana uananiii, ana imparting a sou auu natural lustre; entirely devoid of grease; Liquid Hair Dye a superior article : Tooth Paste, (charcoal) a new article; Tooth Paste" Rose; Tooth Powder, jn turned wood boxes ; ; ; , Cosmetic Cream for beautifying the complexion, and pre venting the skin from chapping; ' J Eau divine de Venus for improving and beautifying the complexion, eradicating all cutaneous eruptions, and. ren dering the skin soft and .fair ; - ; Amandine, for chapped hands and lips; Pearl Powder, in round and square boxes; Lily White, in round and square, boxes ; Meen Fun, or Chinese Skin Powder ; Powder Puffs, in siugle boxes; " " " double " with cushions; Sachets, various sizes; Vinegar Rouge Rouge in pots ; J . , Pink Saucers; Cachou Aromatic j Paztilles, for burning in sick room and imparting a pleasant odor; Preston Salts, in cut glass bottles; u h screw top " For sale by A. STRETCH, Druggist, may? Comer Union and Cherry sts. J. M. ZIMEE.MAN. J. M. ZIMEEMAN, Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist, Sign or the Lion and MoirrAit, 4 dooes veom ' me Square. Mauket St Nashville, TAS just received, by the late rise of water; a largo and unusually line stock ot Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, Suiuucae, Midwifery juro Anatomical Ixsteuuents; Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Vausishes, Spices, Glassware, an'd Sto.veware; Palnt, Varnish, Coach ash Artist Bkcsiiks; Dye-Stui'fs, l'EuroMERY, Fancy and Plain Soais; Fine Tooth and Hair Brushes; Letter and Cai- 1'ai-er; Steel Pens, Inks, kc; Touacco, Snuffs, and Cigars; Powder; Shot, Leap and Safety Fuse; Pure Wines. Brandies, Spirits, kc; Landreth's Gar- pen Seeds; Tanners' Oil, Brushes, Lampblack, Ac. Purchasers, needing any of the above articles, will do well to examine the above stock before purchasing elsewhere, as ther will find it as extensive, of prime quality, (if not lower) as fow as any other House in Tennessee. Also, Sole Wholesale Agent for Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, Williams Pulmonic Balsam, Mexican Mustang Liniment, Cauion Tea Company's Teas, Dr. J. S. Houghton's Pepsin. -3 J. zi. Zi. would also miorm ins inenus, c, l llllifc U III IILIVIMII IJ uooidlU -J wulll v-j.j firm of McNairy & Hamilton, who has been for a number of years past extensively and favorably known in the Drug line. UPEUIOIt ARTICLES TOR TIIE TOILET. Jckey Club Pomade, .low s ueichraied dp, .lnlrs IIbiiM'h do. Kchada do, for the Hair. Balm of Columbia, Genuine Bear's Oil, Hand's Eau Lustrale, Liuuid and Solid Rousre: French and Fancy Soaps; - ."fTtli" Low's celebrated Hone v Soap; yn Boussel's and Hand's Fancy Soap; ' tuj( Fine and Dressing Combs; .- ' h j Plain and Fancy Hair Brushes; l.nbin s Genuine Extracts ; Meen Fun ; .,-. American and French ToiletPowdors; ... , Fancy Chalks; " J Assorted Dentifrices; " Pomade Divines, for chapped skins ; Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Plain. , r Juss received by decSO J. M.. ZIMERMAN "TTTINDOW GLASS. Window Glass of all sizes and VV Of! i'sunerior nualitv received and for sale low by novlO 4 j . J. lil, iUUlMlAA. 0 OD LIVER OIL. Trask's 'Jlagnetic Ointment, . i i- Tins' I MATURE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Art AjXI fsts' Brushes, Artists' Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev- ery Jjuade. J ust received by decIlO J. M. ZIMERMAN. TTRUSHES. White Wash, Dustinir, Crumb, Cloth, JL) Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers', Var nish, Blue, Paint, kc, of assorted sizes. Just received by dec20 J. it- illbK.A. LINSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. 10 bbls Linseed Oil: 200ketrsFabncstock's White Lead; ,Just received and for sale low for cash by dCC20 - J. M. Z.1A1 JiAiM. SMOKING TOBACCO 30D Rolls very old and rich; 100 doz. Cut, in papers ; 50 do. Scafarlatti Turkish; . Just received.andlbr,sale.low' by apnJSO J. M. ZIMERMAN. tT) t? n tr . t n TrrnncpnuT VFI'ER their servi nces to the citizens of Nashvillo aud vi V cinity in practice of Medicincand Sunrery, Ofiice on Cherry strce ,;ar the Bank of -lennessee. Dr. J. D. Winston's residence, the -house lately occupied by Mr. Armstead, on Vine street, between Church and Broad. IRON FENCING, At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, College Street. t jnHE uudersiffned is now prepared to execnto all I kinds of rought and Cast Iron Fencing. " Also, every variety of Gates, Fancy Step, Balcony aud Virandah Railing. Mv work will be executed as well ai any of that brought from the Eastern Cities, and at prices . i .ii.. . : i . i . a i i. as iow as vue fame anicic can oe procured eiscwuere. AH liinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. The public iivrc requested to give me a call and examine my pat terns tJid prices. I will endeavor to trive the utmost satis faction, WlLLdAM. STKWAKX, Ccllcge Street, opposite the Firemen s Hall, Nashville. may'.l tf A PROCLAMATION. TZ"NI)W all men by these presents, that I, J. L. GRACE, fv. ol' the city of hashville, county of Davidson, and State of Tennessee, am now lully prepared to accommodnte trav ellers and boarders with superior fare, at the CUMBERLAND HOTEL, foot of Broad street, directlv-at the steamboat land ing, Na.shvlllc, Tenn. The public is respectfully solicited to crive this house one trial, and if experience does not prove it to be equal to the be-1 and the cheapest, tlotel in the city, tho subscriber will ever after hold. his peace. J. L. GRACE. P. S. Baggage taken to and from steamboats free of charge apl3 1 IMPROVEMENTS IN BEDSTEADS. THE undersigned would call the attention of the public to JJiiaklev's Improved Patent Elastic Wire Bottom Bed stead, for making which wc have purchased the right for iuiauiC'Aenucssce. rcrsoas wisuiugui see ii, win picase if i it m 1 I ii T . call at cur Ware Rooms, corner oi unerry and bnnng sts. -McUUJlllS & UUUMSLIUS. SST-WV also kepn cnnstantlv on hand everv varietv of uauinei runuture. oi tne pest material aim manuiaciure. which we will sell as cheap as any .other regular manufactu rers in flic city. All work sold by ua as our work we will warrautood, as we keep nothing but what is made in our own shop and by the best workmen. McC, k C. juiylO tt . Be BOWS SOUTHERN AND WESTERN REVIEW. ' Monthly Industrial and Literary Journal, 4i ary Sdition Bound, 1840-'50, 8 Vols., 125. am NASHVILLE, THUKSRAY, JAN UAKY G, 1853il ESTSTTKiySOE. TOTE UNEEEli PHIEMEN'S INSUEANCE COMPANY 01 NASHVILLE. , -'CAPITAL 100,000 D 0 LLARSU Chartered liy the State. - 8 THIS Company having" fuilj-;organizcd, is now ready to take risks on all descrip tions of nronerty. against loss, or dainagos'by 4 -fireL also aaraiiist. perils of flwea or inland nar- - . ; ,f.T r r . - :ll l. : i Jcrauou. Jiroijoaiuoiia: lur iusiuuim:. niu uts iccuku "i office of tha Nashville insurance and Trust Co., College St., A. W. JOHNSON; President. J.-S. DASinELi Sec-'y. jSashnlle, Oct. 8, 18a2. COaUEEECIAL TNSTJBANCE COMPANY. CHARLESTON", SOUTH, CAJIOLIKA. ' ' Capital iS250,000: AU Paid Ik. ' irllAVE been appointed Agent of- the above Company at kT"Nashvillc. and am fully prepared to take Marine, Fire,. '"River Risks, on the most favorable terms. .A full .statement of the solvency ot the Company ean. De :secn'at tlie office" of the Nashville 'Insurance and'Trust Com pany, on College street epis JOHN'S. DASniELL, Agent THE MUTUAL PROTECTION INSUEANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. O' FFJCE on Cedar Street, adjoining the Post Office,, and Opposite the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin- cjnle. 'H(iiises. Merchandize. &c ocainst Loss or Damage by Fire; Steamboats on any of the Western waters against the Hazards of Inland Navigation and the Cargoes of Vessels of j - Ti:T r .,,1 dIvqn every uescnpiion agaiiisi uib r ems v ",K ww nuu t".--Also, tlie Lives of persons in good heal tli, Tor a single year,, for a term of years, or duringlife. Also, Bank Notes trans-1 mitfflfl niermail. All hersons havimr their Hve8 or property insured in this- Institution, arocnGtled-toa full'all the prof ' its, without ahyiiability to "loss beyond the' amount of Pre miums which they" may pay. M. S. PILOHER, President, J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. J. F. WnAKToy, Secrctan-. janl TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSUEANCE COM- . PANY CAPITAL S150.000. 0! FFICE on the North side of the Public'Squarc, midway between fhe Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bank. They willmake insurance on Houses and Goods of every de-. scription against the; on Steamboats and Cargo against, fire and the risk.of he river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and other river crafls, and on sea vessels and other cargoes, on the usual terms, JOHN M. HILL, President Josei'ii Vaulx, Secretary. DiiuxTOus. Alex. Allison, John M. Hill, F. B. Fogg, G. M. Fogg, W. R. Ellisfon, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph Woods, Sam uel Seay, Mattficw Watson, J. J. White, Jacob McGavock. janl " iETlTA INSUEANCE COMPANY OF HAETFOED, CT. Cltor'tered. ini.SU3.(Ztj)iial g30,000: att paid in. Assets invtsled in Jan tuny Tost 139,000. S, L. L00MIS, Sec'y. TII0. K. BRACE, Pres. THE undersfgiiQd jios been appointed Agent of this Com pany one of the oldest and most able in the United States, haying nearly or quite half a million of Dollars safely invested at this time for the safety of policy-holders and is prepared to issue Policies on as favorable terms as any other responsible ;ofIice, on Dwellings, Stores, Manufacturing Es .iabhshipenls,andall other kinds of Buildings; on Household Furniture and Merchandise in Kvncral, either in the city or country, against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, against' the - iiazarusoi lniauu irausporiauon ov nil me usual rouiea anu modes of con vcyancb. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Office N. W. Corner Public Square, opp. Planters Bank. may6 INSUEANCE ON NEGROES. HOUSE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat Firemen, Cabin Boys, kc, at customary rates of Premium. Policies issued and losses promptly adjusted at tlie Nashville 1 TClrT X t CTI 1 I Agency. juoiji " iiaon, gcni, Etna Insurance Company of Hartford Office N. W. Cor ner Public Square, opposite Planters' Bank. THE Franklin Insurance Co.. of Louisville Ky., continues' to take risks on Hulls and Cargoes bf Steamboats on Western wafers, on Cargoes of Ships by Sea. Also iusure buildings or stocks of goods or Furniture in buildings in City or'Cbuntry. JAS TRABUE. President. W 1) n O- :i an IT. (3r. SCOYEL. H. G. S00VEL, DRUGGIST A APOTHECARY, ijibrth Side of the Ptillic Sqvare, 3 doors WeslA oj ine inmviue mn, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, Brushes, Perfumery, Powder. Gils, uyc stuns, Fancy Articles, Shot, Varnishes, Glass, Glassware, Lead, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Utero Abdominal Sup porfcrs and Trusses, Wachita Oil Stones, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Wines, Brandies, and Porter, exclusively for me dicinal purposes. Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Herd's Grass, Hemp, Canary and Flax Seeds. l,l.'00 lbs renneu saltpetre; 5,400 lbs Spanish Whiting; ' . . - 1,400 lbs Epsom Salts; 2,000 lbs Venetian Red; - : 200 lbs Gum Camphor; 5,500 lbs Coperas; . 200,000 Percussion Caps; . ' , 1,000 lbs Wachita Oil Stone; . -. i . - -- 250 bxs Window Glass, assorted; 1,200 lbs Blake's Fire and Water Proof Pwnt; 175 galls Winter strained Spenn Oil; ,. 250 galls Refined Tanners' Oil; 450 galls Linseed Oil. "i - 1,000 lbs Rosin; , - j- 1,100 lbs Printers' News, Book and colored Inks; 1,000 Dr. Alcock's Pivot, Plate and Gum Teeth; . - ' 800 lbs Paris Green, Chrome Green, dry and ground in Oil; 10 bbls Eddie's Chemically refined Lampblack; GO bbls Hydraulic Cement, (best;) 1,500 ILs Alum; 500 lbs Indigo, (warranto:!;) 1,000 lbs .Madder, (prime;) In store and for sale, lo w von cash, by. sept H. G. SCOYEL. U cinal purposes. This winoisthepurejuicc.of thegr. pe, and, as such, commends itself to those who desiroa purc'ar ticle. For sale by sep-t II. G.SCOVEL. ESSENCE OF JA3IAIC A GINGER. Brown's received direct from the Jlanufacturcr. For sale by sep4 H. G. SCOVEL. t TARCII POLISH. For rendering Shirt Collars O and Bosoms glossy aud smooth. jeor sale Dy n. G. SCOVEL. sep4 BREAST PIPES, Nipple Shells, Gum Elastic Breast J Pines. Gum Elastic Sviinces.. Glass SvrimresrWombn o..: ci n.. rS5i.'d:'-J o Ium Vagi. For sale'by" SCp4 11. tr. SCUVrJU BLUE GRASS SEED. A very clean article. To cet a rood staud sow in fall and winter months. For sale by sept - H. G. SCOVEL. i . ...... .J.! U . fj sep4 nnr.e TiiwrkTrrx' sppp. For sale by H. G.SCOVEL & ROUND PAINT BRUSHES, Yaniish Brushes, Sash Tools. For sale by sep4 11. G.SCUVJSL. G RADUATED MAGNETIC MACHINES, II. G. SCOVEL. Galvanic Curatives. For sale by. sep4 TRANSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL. THE departments of this School have been filled and ex tended bv the appointment of the Hon. THOMAS B. MONROE, who has loner been a successful instructor in ra- rious branches of the Law, to the professorship he has ac cepted. The faculty therefore consists of The Hon. GKORGfi ROBERTSON, (late Chief Justice of Kentucky, Professor of Constitutional Law, Equity, Juris prudence and Pleading and the Law-of Comity. The Hon. THOMAS A MARSHALL, (late Chief Justice and now Judge of tho Court of Appeals of Ky.,) Profes sor of the Common Law, Elementary and Practical, in cluding Pleading and Evidence. The Hon. THOMAS B. MONROE, (Judtre of the U. S. Dis trict Court for Kentucky,) Professor of Civil, National, Criminal and Commercial Law. And M. C. JOHNSON, Adiutict Professor, who will attend the class in the casual absence of the regular Professors. Tho wintcrsession of this School will commence, as usual. on the 1st of November, and will be prolonged to five in stead of four months, as heretofore.. This extension of the session will enable the Professors to give a more extensive and thorough course of instruction, which will be carried on principally by daily examination in designated portions of the text books, with such explanations and illustrations as may be deemed necessary, and also by Moot Courts, for pleading and the discussion of legal questions, and by re- quinug irom iiie&iuuems wniicn exercises in arawing up bonds, deodsmid other ;leg,u instruments, arguments and opinions, ihe attention.ot tho students will also be special ly directed t6 the history of Jurisprudence, and to Civil His- torv as connected with the nrooross'ol the Ijiw. and to tlm Federal Courts. The books will be principally such as hare been heretofore used, to be furnished by the students. The extension of the session and of the course of instruc- tiomvill produce some increase in the cost of the Professor's tickets, the particulars of which will be hereafterannounced. It is expected that there will be a second session of five months in each year, and in fact that arrangHnents will be made for a continuance of regular study and exercises during the whole:year, by such students as may desire it. Diplo mas will be granted at theepd of each session to such as are found qualified to receive jthem. M, C. JOHNSON: oct21 trtt Chairman Board Trustees. T7VLQORING M.ANICt-20.0 -1 PinnVfir cni..n,;;'- -- 000 "augl8. J m CARDS, &0. JOHNSON & SMITH, , mls in Cotton aud Tohacco, Eeceiviag-, aai For - -.warding , Iterclants, Steamboat Agente, &c, aP11' BROADWAY, yASHVILLE- MAD. STUATTO O. P. JIITH. A. W. JOKKSOX., STBATTON, SMITH & Co., WholesaTo Grocers and Comrnissioa7fforchanta, v Qornfrof JSroad and Jfartet Srredst B.,rTro ,. ASHYRVIE, TJENN,, AJjyr sposcd of an Interest in UiVGrocerf'depart " m.?c,0S:DU.c1 .business to Mr: Madison'Stkattok, the xr SlrJS 3tcbc conducted under the style of STRATTQN, , SMITH A Colour, old .stand, on.tha Corner of Market and JJroad streets. " ' Onr stock; now ample, will be kept so by large aceessicna. every few days, to which we invite the attention and o licit a. call from merchants in the country as well as city dealers, being determined to sell as low as any house li tlie city. 0ur terms cash and cash only. apr 1,182. JOHNSON fc SMITSL j ;f AND. J. DUNCAN", Late or Shepherd, Duncan Auction and Coniinissioii Merchants, NASHVILIJi TENN. TT7H0LESALE Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes; Hats1, Cap V V . Umbrellas,, and for the sale of Merchandize generally, either at private or public sale. Will have Regular Monthly Sales at Auction, and solicit consignments of Dry Goods' Pittsburg and Cincinnati man ufacture; will give undivided attention to all business en trusted to my care, Instructions strictly complied with, and business promptly executed. r Itrt I VT T TTTV-rt 4 XT AND. J. DUNCAN. EAMAGE & CHUECH. . Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Boots, .Shoes, tt- Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, ' College stkect, Nashville, Hess. Hats, S. S. WILLIAKS, AGENT OF JOHN WTXLIAMS, 87 Giuvieu Stoeet, New Ohleass, HAS taken an office on College street, on the second, floor; above the Miirchants' Insurance and TrustCom pany, and Is prepared to hiake cash advances on all Cotton, Tobacco, ic, consigned to said House, oc to furnish supplies to Planters or others-who wish to ship to New Orleans.' scnaGm ( A, HAMILTON, SOT Cotton and Tobacco Dealer,, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, "oct3 NASHVILLE. TENN. uonius. TH03. K. STEATTOX. M0EBIS & STEATT0N, (Successors, to Lanier, Morris k Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, Corner of Marleland Clark Streets, Nashville. "YTTE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li- V V rinors, Wines, etc., which will be sold at the lowest market prices, for cash or barter. sepl7 GEO., w. SEAT. TH03. C. BATES. S. OECUKRD. . SEAY, BATES & CO., COM3IISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, JS. C. Qug29-trwtf ' LAW NOTICE. W. H. HUMPHREYS & THOMAS BARRY, TTTAVE associated the'mselves together in the practice of tne iaw. unice on the rublic square, opposite the Planters' Bank,'Nashdlle, Tenn. feb24 A CARD. T HAVE this day associated with me in the Saddling Bu- X sincss my son, A. C. MARCH. The business, in future, will be conducted in the name of J. D. March k Son.. All persons Indebted to me,-by note or account, will please come up and make payment. J. D. .MARCH. 5?" Thankful for the liberal share of patranage hereto- iore, a continuance oi ine'samo is rcspeciiuiiy soucueu. jan2 J. D. MARCH t SON. ouviii: p. n iwnuKTs. ALEX. E. U KEK. M'EOBEETS & M'KEE, Wholesale Grocers arid Commission MERCHANTS. - MARKET ST., 4 Doors from 13 ROAD Sl, NASHVILLE, TENN. . April 29, 1852-r-ly . NEW ORLEANS. A CARD. TDENJAMIN F. SHIELDS & CO.. having oer- X), manently located themselves at New Orleans, offer their services as commission ana l onvardingMercliants aud General Agents, and solicit consimiments of- all kinds of Western Produce, feeling confident that they cn and will give satisfaction to nil who may entrust their inter- their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held sacred and promptly remitted. P. S. Extensivc arrangemenbi made for the receiving and forwardingof every species of Merchandise, at reduced rates, from charges at this point. Orders for Groceries and Insur ance Risks, with 1 Le.collection of Bills, Drafts, kc, attended to wutiout delay. ISJVINJ. f. SHIELDS & CO. augl2 ly nl 'ULLAHOitlA XOTS. The undersifmed has laid JL off blocks ol .Lots, of several acres each, for private res ilience, anu is now prepareu io sen mem at private sale to i ; . m ii i .... uwcwuuurauiiiu iiiiic auinuiur resilience m me ucauiiuu and liealthy town of TuIlahOma. We hare iii the site of tha town, besides the most healthy atmosphere and purest free stone water,a most exccllentspnng or Chalybeate Water, sup posed to be mued with White Siflpbur. maylS W1LLJAM M00RE, Agent SOUTHERN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING C0NPANY rxr xr.. , i. ..: m VTA llUSllklUUy OULD inform the citizens of Nashville and the public throughout the south west. that they have commenced business at the well-known stand of S. V. D. Stout, a few doors south of the public square, 'where, they manufacture all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Buggies, kc, which they will sell low and on liberal terms. Their work is of the finest order, and will compare favora bly with any jnirtifactured north or south. They have se lected their mattiiaPwith great care, and having tlie best of wood and iron ii Tennessee, they will warrant their work, in point of deputy and durability, not to be excelled by any. They hop li receive a share of public patronage and suan spare no irtvue or cost iq induce an that may bo in want of Carriages to buy of them in preference of sending norm ior incir won& Repairing done by experienced workmen on liberal troi.s.; E. N. BASSETT, Pres- Jr march 3 wdfrwl2m. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TUST received . this day,my Fall and Winter stock of Ji? i,riast1' tj -fry uoods, Uoots, bhoes and tlaus, which will be sold or short time to punctual, customers, at a very small on Eastern cost. The merchants arc requested to auvance eau and examine, as they may expect great bargains. scp3 W. MEREDITH. i. . . .. ..... HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, FALL STOCK FOE1852. THE undcrsicmed are now in receipt of their entire stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY for the Fall Trade, and in calling the attention of the rner- faP cuants ot lennessee, nciuucKy, and iorm Alabama, to their stock now in store, they feel confident that it will be found to compare favorably, both as to quantity mid assortment, with thai of any other House in the country. Experience has already demonstrated tb the satisfaction of a large majority of dealers in this section of the country, that in the article of Hardware at least, the Nashville mar ket is preferable to those of New York and Philadelphia; for it . , .1 ii .i ?. i? . , ... tuc simple reason mat mis ucscnpuon oi goous will not bear the heavy expenses of transportation which must nec essarily accrue when brought through by canals and rail roadst Thoundersigncd are also enabled to place then cus tomers on an equal looting with those purchasing m any oth er market, from the fact that 'their European goods being all lmponeu uircci irom me manufacturers oy way ci mewur leans without touching New York, thus enabling them to of- J II . .11 J ' ? 11?.. 1 ior tueir goous ni a siuau auvance on importation cose Merchants. Blacksmiths. Carpenters. Ac., visitinir Nash ville are inritcd to call and examine their stock before pur chasing. Feathers, Wool, Beeswax and Ginscne' received in ex change for Hardware and m payment of debts at the high- l I. l TIItV I. imwiVrtTT I ,r est mniKei. prices. iauu a vuiiiiiiriunAai. sept 11 College street, Nashville,' Tennessee. THE following comprises a portion of our large stock of Hardware, unsurpassed in variety by any house in the west: Collins' Axes; Stirrup Irons; Warranted Axes of otherBridlo Bitts; brands; Augers and Chisels; Anvils and Vices; Plames of all kinds: Bellows and Screw Plates; Hand Saws, Draw Knives: Hand and Sledge Hamtnars; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Razors, Shears, Scissors; Curry-Conibs; Padlocks; Files, and Rasps; tslft - i 1 a. . lr-n.. llatchets and Hand Axes; Mill and Cross-cut Saws; Single and double barreled Shot Guns; Riflles, complete; Chains of all kinds; Cotton Cards; "Together with many other articles too numerous to men- I TllTT f nTTr?fVriTT i sepll College street, Nashvill. Carpeting and Oil Cloths at Reduced Prices For Cash Only. ' - W MEREDITH would call the.attention of the parties thafwant Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Matting, at re duced prices to his stock, which will be sold at less than any other establishment in this city. sept8 TAILORING. The pubhc are notified, thaHhe un dersigned have entered into co-partnership for the pur- - At. miTT nnr nrrrt nVnnm . pose oi carrying on ine lAiiAjmau liuauHXss, in the shop formerly occupied by Mr.1 Win. Anderson; bn Dcade- V rieStrect. near-tho Sniiaiv. We rpsnrpifiillv ) feet Cedar Flooring 'of public patronage, as we are dotfcnined to get our work up W . MEREDITHS r-n thVyery best style. E. CART,, . 1 Sept 14, W. McCULLOUGH. no: 223. CUEiREY & MARTHY. p-- iuciiaju) o- (TjRhet. JAMES G. MAKTIX. CUSEEY & KASTUI, Wholesale aad Retail Druggists, Tnion Street, Nashville, Trim. MEDICAL. S ADDjLEll A GS 1 dozen pair of imprpved styles, just reeeived and for lf FAMIJDlriM3HCIN'K niTT?T a.: withbottlcs nejitljr labcUcd, and filled with the choicest and J2"e3,neu,cm'rf! justreceived. suAKEirilERBSi .. . iiiii mvi uurukUl IUI3 ltr 3 collection. nmN ni.Af O c:i j ... J - A full .AJm..i r l.r .Tv.i;.. t ""fc oiiikvuartv uaimp, vomirey hJZT. a'LrPr?grt'leonm, Perinvroyul, icl Also ' I'JPPlSageorhome collection, justWcivcd. a JarsatidbhrrcLi. " " iaiiouuu,in TALDEN'S JWEDICINATj EXTRACTS -An assortment of these genuine extracts prepared, iu vacuo ron rittinffof Extrfcto of Conium LehuTraZnulmt' Ta axacum, Belladonna, Hrosciamns. Aconi a .received. ' ' ' . 'CINSKEtf OEL. 500 gallons bfpar Linseed Oil. justrej-" d. ' S.UrV CAJC INSTRUME3VTS Six ,1n,on n; iaS f f, 5j dozen Surgical cases three and four fold; ri Auawviuw. .aiw. iu lanre cases our- fl lTT0 d0 Obsteticalo; 10 cases receS. ,nStn,meuU;5sTrcl"ngInstn,ment3,just Obstetrical just received. ' TO "flFJA8 In furnishmgourstore we hare procured Haskell, .Mernck & Hull's Select Powders, toeether with the nuiwt Plifm?ili ;n. n - b V,- i- "J uiayreiy uicrciofe upon haTing their 1 rcscnptions compounded with the purest .medicines, and in the neatcstmanncr possible. Dk. CoBur wi ill give his personal attention, to thisdepart ent of our Establishment. CURttEY A MARTIV ment nor 20 tt: l Union street, Nashville. HUMBUG! HUMBUG ! HUMBUG!!! PENINGtheCampaIgiifirl8u2.-Scott, Douglass, Lean J Jimmy and Cass in the field; but Thurston & Bcr. ".u,rdITareaI;3 foremost at the Uuiou Store, South Side Union StwL. with a quiet smile of Mctory o'u U.cir te readv to oxhibitthelr stock of Spring and Summer Goods to thaie, wishing to purchase,. "- We havea general assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, among which la-c Brown and Bleached Domestics; do. Drih nigs Blue Drillings, and a great variety bf Summer 'Stuffs: a splendid assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers latest styles; Bene s, Berege deLahes, Silk Tissues and Poplins, I nuts. Ginghams, Jaconets, Muslins, Fans, Parasols, Gloves .Hosiery, ic.; kid Ties, Buskins, Gaiters; Leghorn, Straw! Palm and KosmthHata; all of which we will sell aslowai any house Weit of the Mountains. You who want THE bar gains must be on hand soon, because if vou don't buy them some body elsu will. We are bound to sell. We earnestly solicit an. examination of our Goods and prices, and, 1$ strict attention to busjiDss, hope to merit a share of public; patronage. ! aP15 TnURSTON k BERNARD. WTLT.TNEEY OPENING onTHUESDAY, 14th OCTOBER. x nvriiijustreceived my Fall Stock'of Pat terns, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Plumes, Vel vets, kc. a beautiful Tirietv nml ..u .irii, mosi lasiuonaiue Uiscrmtions. Thanl-fnl n r.,TiTZT past favors ana hope they will call before purchasing else- .where. :hionalfo dress-making, and other orders, promptly attended to. MRS. E. L0CKHART, yjunj aucci, naailTllie. PATENT CHOPPING MILL, For Chopping Corn or other Grain, An article- vhich event Furmr tf,nM IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to five bushels an hour either fini fiir h-.,i r.. stock and is ?o simple m its construction, that any boy twelve years old can keep it in order aud run it It is adap ted to cither-Steam, Water or Horse Power. llavinir sold the entire richt of -the above Mill, ju Tennessee, to Messrs. J T? t".n CTF 1 rT i ... ' wtiA UliU X .Howard, of aashnllc, persons wishing to. purchase can hnd thematj . M. Scabury's, on College street; where they will be liaDnv to tiit( nrr?fr iinccj ; i . -wc augas. iu BOSS k ADAMS. THE. NASHVILLE MANUFACTUMNG COMPANY. HAYLNG, as great epcynse, procured the most recently improved machinery and tools for the construction of the heaviest work m metals, 'wc solicit from the Western and Southern public a portion of thnir prepared to make to order Railroad Machinery, such as locomotives, Passenger, Freight Cars, Frogs, Switch btands, Lepair Cars, and all work upper1 fining to Railroads. Steam Engines. Boat and Stationary Engines, from 5 to o00 horse power, with boilers of the best Tennessee Iron, saw Mills Fitted un comnlefo. with PirrM?. rti. Ci.ol. Saws, embracing the latest imnrovemenfs Clri tw;ii Engines and Mitchinery, complbte, for Grist Mills of all sizes. ougar iumsoi tne most recent construction, with Engines to coirespond, jiut up in any part of the Southern country. Cotton Gins. Engines to drive Cotton Gins, with 11 necessary appurtenance made to order at short notice. In all cases where it is dMirnrl tn fnrniati n n..r;nn-in nut up the cugme and instruct an intelligent nero, so that he may continue to onerate the Brass and Iron Castings of any size or description, with Shafting, Mill Gecnng, Water Wheels, Cast Iron Bank aults, made to order., jntormation cheerfully given and orders received by r t rr-i t- , . - ,,Aam 1 uimvci, rresideat. Tuc highest pnees paid for old Brass and Copper. SCJrx JOHN RICHARDSON, Barber and Hair Dresser, Cedar Street, under the l'trnnJs,h H f urni.sued I" snoP and fitted it up in efegant style. He has in his employ a number rf tho host iUrhom :n , the city, and those who patronise him are sure of an easy as well as a clean shave, and of getting their hair trimmed favors. u idawuuuuiy. nc mvues the pubhc to conunue its oct3 LOOK AT THIS! I HAVJi justreceived a large supply of Elegantg iuouiuiwuiB x urnimrc. wnicn i am sell- mg lor cash or approved paper. Great inducements 5 arepuerea m the way ot good bargains my motto beiuir My stock con'iisf sin part of the following, yiz: A large assortment of Bureaus of various styles, from $10 to $100; Sideboards, fine and common; Book Cases, Desks, Ward- Misses Bedsteads, Single Bedsteads; Shuck, Cotton, Moss uuu uau jiuurasses, ine eneapest ever sold in this market; Sofas, Ottomans. Parlor Chairs in Plnh anrl TTntf ninth Rockers j fine aiid coiximon Cane, Wood Scat and Split Hot- inm i rt f a will uumia auu ivocxcrs, ClC,, &C.f VC Aievr uuitars; also, a Harp Guitar, which I 4TU l-'our of Gilbert's sunerior Rosewood Tmn. framed Patent-Action Pianos, warranted, which I will sll ut ivuuccu pnecs. Jlanv ot the nhnvfl nrtioloa worn mmln ir 41,:a :,. speak for themselves, of the taste and skill of our workmen. Furniture ma-Je at the "South Nashville Manufactorr" can be bad at my store at factor- prices. All those favoring Mw vitkUMvuii a uciciiiiiucu IU UIVU MUSlaCUOD. tffir x uxmiure movea witn care and despatch. je3 I.' H. 3I0RT0N, Union Street, USEE'S X E0ADS FOE SALE. THIS desirable property of 810 Acres of Land, 350 acres in cultivation, 80 acres in grass, on the main road from Nashville to Claiksville, will be sold unusually four to an ear ly applicant, and ( on ume to suit purchasers Houses, Barns, &:ables Cribs. J;c, all (rood and in good repair. This is an questional)- the bsst Stock and Tobacco Farm for the price in Tennessee. Good Male and Female Schools in thoimmediate vicinity. Health unsurpasised. For particulars, call or address me at riser's X Roads, Robertson county, Tennessee. novlS 3t w tnv J. B. FISER. IlEMOVAL DYAS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans. HAVE removed from.thelr old stand, 42 and 45 New l-cvec, to the new and spacious Store, 139 and 141, Magazine Street.-where they are rcceivinc- and onenincr tho largest Stock of Goods they have, ever had, all of which will be sold low for cash or good paper. DYAS fc CO. now ti iiu ana li oiagazine street, Jicw Orleans. . JAMES CLAIBORNE, General Steamboat and Freight Agent, Office on Frmt Street, near the Wliarf, Nashville. i EEI'EIIK.VCES. Johnson k SroSth. McCrea & Terrass. Jas. A. McAllister. H. T.Ycatman, Sam. Seay, A. Hamilton, Johnson k Wea ver, A. L.Davisj and merchants generally. novlOdAtw. A EE. 15 Barrels Shultz,XX Pale Ale, received steamer Statesman, and for sale br declO W. H. GORDON & CO. INFORM AltlON "WANTED Of the whereabouta of WILLIAM KOURK, who resided in 1833 three miles from a Place called Boss Landinir. Tennessee, believed, to be in Hamilto county, but wno" subsequently removed ii - rm r.. r ? i . i j i uiuivuijiu. iui luionuation is aesireu uy uis oaugnier Polly, who is now in affluent circumstances. The informer will be amply rctraidcd. Direct' to UEOKUJS T. WALLACE; noT30 1m .A :No 111. Vine Strco.Philadelphia TODGER PEN KNIVES. 90 dozen "Joseh - Rodgcrs AjSpns celebrated Pen, Knives; of-twiou ipatterns.and priQJS, expressly tor city .trade, just received ofrered by " pct27 FALL k CUNMNQH4M1" EARET.-60 boiw in atoreandforsale hy J novlO BEN.M. NOEL ABRt " ForceDs: Bond's uiauuwuirr orcepsuewees I'lacentu Hook; Tonsi Forceps Dissectmg Forceps; Surgeon's Dressing Forceps; SuS Bone.Forcens:'and alarw vnriiw j,ff .i,... r'. . d v wi'uuji luairuiuems, The mbaZf Way'iJitom' the Liter 'HvtpepnaSHSmrgmteitt andfiematiohf tl&Splttn IleaT&untStCjfclaJaLmce, J'ilet, Omstirpatton, ull diseases of t&i Botvth, and such diseases as arite from a disordird sktie of the Stomach, Liter or Rowels, as Scrofula . and- Sores,of amj kind. Tor GeneralDelMyT from vihkh ladicsfreauentlu svfer, L'.ere it not xls equal is tie vftcJe "Materia Medita. THE investor of this preptration was for three years s X completely prostrated from Dyspepsia and inactivity of the Liver tliat he waa frequently for weeks at a time unable to raise himself from his bd. Besought, aid from physicians at home and in Europe, but in rain; his case was pronounced hopeless by-thousands, and it was by accident that he suc ceeded m' curing himself. Since he has beenpracticing mcd icine, his success in such cases has been unri-alled. H has been aware (if1 the Incredulity of the public, and conse quently said nothing through the prc of his ownsase, until the character cf the medicine was fully established by its success, as shown by the certificates which have Deeu advertised. 1 subjoin the certificate of Prof. M. GAEBnirr, of Memphis, Tenn., with whom I often advised during the tune ot my suffering- ' - Memphis, Tenn., April 17, US?. I hereby certify that I hare been acquainted with Dr.J N. Bledsoe and some years ago he was reduced I cl eve lower than I hare ever seen anv one that afterwards recover ed, with what I sUDDOsed to be l)v. and aflertryinir theorescrintionsot Plirs7n;ir ; j.Ta as well as other countries, without relief, he finally suceeded with health. u.kuomuu vi ma own iu oeing restored to rood M. GABBERT.M. D. Physicians are requested to try this preparation. W& feel satisfied it will sustain the character we give to it in this publication. t. Himsnmi, January 12. 1852. Dr. Buwo.s-1 takethe liberty and fell it t7be my duty to recommend to all persons suffering from disease of the stomach and bowels, your Alterative Compound aV a "cry sepenor medianc. My son, aged 15 years, bad been un.leJ medical treatment about five r fi. .i.i, T" , ; rhea-when haringalmost despaired of lZ eluded to iirur Alterative, two bottles of which, 1 believe, entirely cured him. MICAJA1I nAYf!H tificatethavmy wife hadbn goTly bn fifef ' by'v' VSS::,1.". Pleasure in savimr ficate thaVmv wife ltP & cer- our to -, " . . . - M1(,W4M IJUU1 H tnt lWuliniiD f ..1 , tnli.Tn !tK .. f-M.r-"""" many uinerent w v puuHViUli 111 Lilt' IlXIIfl tin1 n uiunicuun relief, jieui" Dersu-uln.? tn youralterAtirecoinnound:r,H,? M ' ,L "ft?T .u?1,ca .to 7 J U. T'. ' "apny tosar. uuo cuuic IMIITM I HUT- n rt I I ....... i.i . . . . fl f a nuuiu "...aui. iN. if. ROUKIiTSO V ative Compound, ULiuk iinvy ZTZZ I..hd. for.y!bject spells of Cramp S. 'h its worst form : that I had tried lrSn.i ' 7 r,"' L'J ven byphysiclans. and .f.r Y .? taintv iliri ma n.;i i i .i I T J uuu would cer tainly ruieve me, until I tried the above medicine which naa relieved me m every attack in less than an hour WM. B. LLOYD. Du.Bi.oso:-! fREtf "51. to you and to those who are afllicted were I . r" ..Ut-V recommend vour Alteratfrp f '.m ..f.??,erc,f ,not to. l"tlh lieved me, so tliat I have not 1 fo' L'ff u LT. two monins. l can eat am-thh.n. r " v ,i. ; --;& - nun impunity. and anced age. peetf sure to iiLIZABETJl J. HARWOOD. rri- i . DoxTsraiE, AIa.,Auffust a4 1S51 This is to cerfifr tht ! l..i -"ufausl -" isoi. dyspepsia and Dis ofX SE S S?. siciun nau prescribed for me without im- w;.f.. i J efit, when f commenced the use oM .n.V",3. "L Uompourid, which cured me coundlv -.7. ? tT J",era"v.e auce. JUaEl'H CAROTHtRS. Hraisrap; Ala., March 3, 1SJ2. Da. Btrcsoc Sm : jour Compound tai I ttta ?t Sft VT' ,f and thought that 1 never would recover. I commenced b!k' mg your compound about nine weeks since il7 . SawSOpounandfeerabouY HENRY J. GOFF. t7JLlie above mpilff-rno ;. l-., r. .. r the office of t4MUlUli. iii 111 UL linn JuuviijUi, nn -x9-i ',, "B5" 0UD & YERGER and J. COOPFR k Prioegl cor pint Bottle. ' mTrlS-lyd ir v v t-w tiu: ci nr riir- vir Knitin - an A. J. 3IUSSELMAN & CO, ty of Tobacco can be imported fi TnlZ maeegood any Tobacco sold that Say pro". diiS1?' l what represented. Wo havemnoforLsaf manufacture. 120 Boxes pound Lumn 135 do Fire 75 25 Sevens 50 FF poiind 20 " X 40 IXL 75 Nectar Leaf juue 27 tljan'53 A. J.MussoIman JfcCoXbrand; " extrafine: ' A. T. MUSSEU1AN k CO. MYERS & McGILlT" dsaleics is Kvenr PEScmr-riov or Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy Goods, OoUegt strtft, one door , J TTT1I "C T 1 W nta be found at all times a large assort ment of Winches ter's,, Davis & June's, k Myers' Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen , Muslin , with Linen Bo soms, G iugham, k French Chintz, Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear, Merino, Sliaked Silk, Cashmere, Vigonia, Cotton and Canton Flannel, f, ladies and gentlemen, Gonts Cloth Gattcrs, Gloves,. Kin Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Nona,J Cuff Gloves, and Ladies and Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Waterfords, Albert, Ho Joinville's, plain, Emb'd and self-adjusting, Cravats, Scarfs, Black and White Satin Ties, Shoulder Braces, Sus penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath ing Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. Monsy, Riding and Razor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Good year's Gum Goods. Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutlery, kc, and a large assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fur nishing.Stores. IZtjT We have made arrangements with our friends at tho North to forward us Goods as soon as received by them, therefore we shall have goods here in lessthan ten davn, from the New York Custom House. MYERS k McGILL'S. . Furnishing Store, College street, 1 door South of tho Square, Nasuville. octll UNION HALL. T7 ACTON YOUNG, having become associated with D. Y. Winston in the superintendence of this Jjjjja. House, would respectfully invite bis numerous acquaintances and thepublic generally to give him a call. '. Attached to the House is a good Stable for the accommo dation of Horses. The business of the House wil hereafter be conducted ia the name of D. Y. WINSTON k CO. All persons wishing to travel by Railroad, Skamboat or Stage, will meet with prompt attention. The best of order observed. Charges moderate. Market Street n0v4 ALISONIA SHEETINGS-20 bales 4-4 Alisonia . Brn. She- jigs, in store, and for sale bythe bale only. oct8 W. H. GORDON k CO. DELPIT'S SNUFF. A DELPITS Rose and Mac ouba Snuff, just received by oct 23 a o EWIN, BROWN k CO, EXCBANGE& BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL & CO, -VTORTH-WEST comer of the Public Square, near FUnti LI era' Bank, Nashville, Tenn. t3T We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principal cities of the.Easf, South and West ot tho lowest rates, "in sums to suit purchasers." J3F We buy all kinds f current and uncurrent Bank Notes at moderate rates. WeTiuy South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina Bank Notes, at axery small discount ' ESTWe Jfill purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon ies at a fair premium. We have Gold and Silver for sale will attend U collections remitting-on any point requested at Bank rate charge but per cent commissions. tSf We are tikinr Bank of East. TenBcssoa the same as other Tennessee Bank Notes. janl7 : D. 8. W. X. WOODWARD. Forwarding ana Commission JCerchaati, and . Texas Land Agents. Particular attention paid to filling orders Office, over the tore of W T.Smlth k Co., No. 58 Magazme street, Oct 8, 1S5S - JHexrOrleansJ - ' SEADY, jlOEMAN t.CO., Cottoa. Factors aad General Coaaian Xercbati,. J ' " NEW ORLEANS. iSTheY keep an Office in Juscumba. Ala. wr3e 12m, - '' . . TsTH. S. FRENCH. AeentNashTille. is jaatberMedtte afce CASH adrahirea apos shipmeBta of IWsee to tb or 9 fkBB.H bhould 1 eTersuflerfroin ihs.r?,, t :t. V. cdlonyou. I am Very reseeViuHy Weno Aobaccouturers CoUege st. near.Broad, Ifashville. E are manufacturing Tobacco from Tennessee Ken If -ft 'I- - - e