Newspaper Page Text
NASHVILLE UNION. M. C. C. CmrnCH. I JNO. L. MAIILIXQ. CHURCH & MARLING, Proprietors. THE WEEKLY UNION Is furnished to subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one year inadrance. $2 50; within the year $3 00; attlie end of the year H 00. Clubs Of five and upwards ?2 00 per copy for one -car. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six months at the foregoing rates. The TRI-WEEKLY is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; if not paid in advance, 6. The DAILY is published at Eight Dollars. E-TIIE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY SUBSCRIPTIONS.. Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mail atsoiir risk. No paper will be sent out of the State unless the order is ac companied with the cash. STEAMBOATS. ST. LOUIS AND NASHVILLE WEEKLY PACKET PLENDID Passenger Steamer, Aleo- . PfJSJ na, Cut. James Miixkh. This fine ?yms Steamer will take the place of the West New ton, between Nashville to St Louis on the first rise ot water. Being entirely new, unsurpassed for speed and accommoda tions, and every way adapted to the above trade, for which she has been purchased, a share of the travelling patron age is rcspecuuuy Mjucueu. All orders entrusted to her will be filled with care and A. HAMILTON, Agent. punctuality oct 20 FOE CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE, rpilfc mngmtficcnt new steamer, SAM. JL CLO0Sam.Cloon',.Ju., Mister. This niiicuuiu Bivitiuuuai, nun ou iicr way ncre a iroin lyincmnaii; will run m tho above trade tins season, leaving Nashville every alteniate Saturday at 4 o'clock, P M., and Ieaviug Cincinnati ever alteniate Saturday at 1 1 o'clock, P.M. The "Sam Cloon" is unsuqaed in her ac commodations, by any steamer afloat and I solicit for her a share of public patronage. A. HAMILTON, nov 18. Agent. MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. p-Mv SLIGO, No. 2, MzSs EMBASSY. MATT, PACKETS. SLIGO No. 2, will leave Nashville for Memphis every Monday, at 6 o'clock, r. 11., and leaves Memphis for Nasll- villc ei'ery Thursday, at 10 o clock, a. m. h.MlJAatj 1 will leave Nashville for .Memphis every Thursday at C o'clock, r. ii., leaves Memphis for .Nashville every Sunday at 10 o'clock, a. m., delivering the mail at the several post oihees between the above ports. They will also touch at all points between the post unices. Persons traveling southward will find it to their advantage to take this line, as it is from two to three days quicker and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting at .Memphis with every facility to take Southern Steamers ; also connecting with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Every pains will le taken to render those who call on me comfortable. For freight or passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Ollice. nov27 A. L. DAVIS. NEW 0ELEANS AND NASHVILLE PACKET. SPLENDID New Passenger Steamer, II. R. W. Hill, Captain T. II. Nuwkll, 1500 tons burthen. This magnificent Steam er, now being completed at New Albany, will take her place ju uie aoove iraue as- soon as navigation ojicns. The Hill is entirely new, of the laigest class, and is, in ev ery respect, equal to any Steamboat on the Western wafers. She has been built under the superintendence of her expe rienced Captain, and has all improvements required by the late law. A plan of her Cabin can be seen and State-rooms engaged by application to A. HAMILTON, Agent, oct;W Mai ket Street. ST-r Mr. THOMAS ILiMILTON will act as Agent for the Hill in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered by her. A. H. REGULAR PASSENGER STEAMER BETWEEN NASH VILLE AND NEW ORLEANS. riMlE swift and superior Steamer Nnsh- JL villc, Titos. llELLsxroEit, Commander, n hi icsiiiui: uui iilivu 111 iiiu uuuic uuuc mi j ii .. i .,i : 4i. ..i t i the first rise of water, leaving Nashville every three weeKs throughout the season. The Nashville is unsurpassed bj-any Boat in the trade for safetv, comfort and convenience. A plan of her Cabin may be seen and State-rooms engaged by application to JAS. A. McALLISTER & CO., Agts, oct JO Corner of Broad and College Streets. 2 Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for the Nashville in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered bv her. J. A. McA & CO. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE REGU LAR WEEKLY PACKETS. riHE splendid new Passenger fct PHE splendid new Passenger fcteainers, . ra$530ro JL .STATESMAN, H. G. 31'Comas, Mas- lr.i'i-i'MMVw'vi' n t " lr-" Alas- LSbvsw? juasicr, will maKC regular flips in uie aoove l mile; leaving CINCINNATI every Wudxesiiay, at 4 o'clock; and leaving NASH VI LLH every Tuesday, at 4 o'clock. The above Boats having been built expressly for the Trade, will take their places as soon as navigation opens, and will be thankful for orders for Merchandise, and promise to give satisfaction to all who may entrust business to their care. JOHNSON & SMITH, U.T.YEATMAN, sept 11 Cm Agents. SMITHLAND. PADUCAH AND NASHVILLE WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY PACKET. THE new ami splendid passenger steamer fpttftftz' fcv Odd Fellow, CAPT. .10. C. LEAKE, llk wil' leave Nashville on her first trip, on Sat- a-SVjrgg urdaythe 27th instant, at 10 A. 3L, and will continue in the above trade, leaving Nashville on Wcdnasdays and Sat urdays, at 10 A.M. and leaving Paducali on Thursday's and 3Iondays at 4 P. M. The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt. Leake, for the above trade. Her accommodations for passenger aro notsuqiassed by any packet on Cumberland riycr. 1 ask for her a share of public patronage. nov27 Cm A. HAMILTON, Agent. FOR BURKSVILLE AND WAITSB0R0'. -pEGULAU EIGHT DAY PACKET. ff ger racKei itiiruiiLiiu, m.u. jicualustiiis, swtcSS Master, will make regular eight day trips in the above trade during the season. Shippers and passengers may rely upon punctuality of this boat for freight or passage. Apply on board or to JAMES CLAlIiuUNE, Agnt, dec20 n w a o ex Front st. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and NASHVILLE PACKET. rrMIE unsuqiassed fast running passenger T'- ffc JL. steamer ENVOY, Tiios. Rougkks, Mas- Jkrgtf ter, has taken the place of the steamer ramiwtt Mattic Waj'iie and will make regular trips in the above trade during the season. Leaving Cincinnati every other Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Nashvill e every other Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. The above boat is entirely new and for speed and accom modation is unsurpassed. 1 will be thankful for all orders, and respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage. JAMES CLAHJOItNE, jan4 A en Agent, Front St- UNTIEDSTATES MAIL LINR New York and Charleston Steam Packets. TRI-WEEKLY -Flt- LEAVES Adger's Wharves every Saturday SJQ and Wednesday. The new and splendid ygyrkr Steamships Union. Cantain Richard Adams. lo.OOO tons. HI ariun. Captain M. Berry, 1,200 tons, Southerner, Cap-., tain W. roster, 1,000 tons, Jits. Adger, Captain J. I)iu- cinson, i.wu ions, as ioiiows: sieamsinp union, April SO, at 5 o'clock; Steamship Southerner, March lGth and -24th, 4 o'clock; Steamship Marion, March 13th and 27th, 12 o'clock; Steamship James Adgcr, now finishing, will be placed in the line early iu April. For freight or passage, apply to Ls r.fiice of the Agent, HENRY MISBOON, apS trw ComcrEast Bay aud Adger's Wharves. JUST RECEIVED 300 Kegs Nails; 20 casks London Porter, quart and pints; 10 boxes Jenkins' fine Teas, put up in metalic X-Puul boxes; 80 boxes M R Raisins, fresh; 20 do Champagne, superior article; 15 flasks fine Otard Dupuy Brandies, vintage of 1S40; 5 half-casks Port Wine, superior article; 700 ban-els Cincinnati Flour; 50 do St Louis do; 300 do Pike's Magnolia Whisky; 100 do Deavc & Naysal'ti do; With many other articles too tedious to mention, which w will soil cheap for cash, nor 18 WEAKLY & RUTHERFORD. ' GREAT ADVANCE IN PIG- METAL. TTOT WITHSTANDING the great advance in the prices JLN of all metals, the subscribers continue to sell their largo stock of Stoves, Grates, Hollow ware, &c, for cash, or on short credit, at the same low prices that they have sold them during the past -ear. We have in store, and for sale, a full supply of our cete brated Wrought Iron Stoves, of ail sizes, wairantcd to give satisfaction. Piskjiiuii Stoves, No, 2, 3, and 4, from th3 celebrated Foundries of W. C.Davis !k Co., Campbell, Ellison & Co., of Cincinnati, and Nicholson & Payne, of Pittsburg. These Stoves arc made of the best hangiug rook iron; suioothe iu t'ie castings and elegant in appearance, and at least equal if not superior to any other castings made in the west. Just received, and more exiwcted, a lot of Fine Slante Grate, with clyptic fenders. Also, Mantle Grates of cheap er quality. The Oriental Coal Stove, a handsome, ornamental Stove. T fie Xew Parlor Stove, three different sizes, for coal or wo, d, Oince Stoves and Gratc3 of all kinds. Our prices for every article, either of our own manufacture or that we offer for sale, are as low as the lowest. Our goods arc warranted to be of the best manufacture, and can not be excelled any where in the Union. Those wishing to buy will do well to examine the quality of our wares "and our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wc are receiving daily accessions to our stock. declC KNOW. MA PIC a- nn CASTOR OIL. and for sale by -7C1 gallons No. Castor Oil, received' EWIN BROTHERS. ri -..rt-.rti T IT F 1 H JDj vol. xvirr. AARON STRETCE. AAS0N STRETCH, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Lor. of Union CJterry Sts., opposite State Bank, NASnVILLE, TENN; HAVING enlarged his Store and received most of his 'Eastern purchases, he invites the attention of persous needinjr articles in his line to trive him a call. His stock comprises one of the finest assortments of Drugs, Jledi cines. Perfumery. Fannv Articles. &c, ever brought to this market Consistiner in uart f the following articles, viz: Lubms genuine imported extract (the most popular Kiuas;; Mailly's Paris Toilet Soaps ; Iioussell's Drown Ominibus, Poncine and Toilet Soaps; Genuine Castile Soaps (different colors;) Shaving Creams and Soaps (different patterns;) Lard Oil (best Cincinnati;) Sperm and Sweet Oils; Pure and Fresh Salid Oil, for table use; Pure Cider Vinegar, Alchohol ; Bermuda Arrowltoot, Balsam Tolu, c. Together with a full assortment of other articles m his line: all of which will be sold low at T- . febio Corner of Union and'Cherry streets. PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. BANDOLINE for the hair; Curling Fluid; Macassar Oil: Bear's Oil in large and small bottles; Pomatum, in china, earthera and glass pots; Ox Morrow, " " Compound Ox Morrow. A valuable oleaginous mixture, composed of purified Ox Marrow aud Hazle Nut Oil, com bined wiih grateful perfumes; Beef Marrow, in small and large bottles; Rose Hair Oil, in fancy bottles; Pomatum, in sticks, (white and black;) Hair Gloss. This newand valuable preparation, entirely free from grcasiness, is especially adapted to the ladies' toilet; au Lustral. The art of Perfumers has never produced a better preparation for the Hair, whether we regard its fra grance, or its power of instantaneously clensing the hair and moving scurf and dandrufi; and imparting a soft aud natural lustre; entirely uevoia oi grease; Liquid Hair Dve a superior article: Tooth Paste, (charcoal) a new article; Toothpaste Rose; Tooth Powder, iu turned wood boxes; Cosmetic Cream for beautifying the complexion, and pre venting the skin from chapping; Eau divine de Venus for improving and beautifying the complexion, eradicating all cutaneous eruptions, and ren dering the fckin soft and fair ; Amandine, for chapped hands and lips; Pearl Powder, in round and square boxes; . JAy White, in round and square boxes ; Mcen Fun, or Chinese Skin Powder; - ' r Powder Puffs, in single boxes; ' - " " " double " with cushions; Sachets, various sizes; Vinegar Rouge Rouge in pots ; Pink Saucers; Cachou Aromatic; Paztilles, forbumingin sick rooms and imparting a pleasant odor; Preston Salts, in cut glass bottles;. " " " screw fop " For sale by A. STRETCH, Druggut, may7 Corner Union and Cherry sts. J. M. ZD GERMAN. J. M. ZIMERMAN, Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist, Sifi.v ok the Lion and MoirrAn. 4 doors j-kom tiik Souaiik. 3Iauket St.. Nashvillk, TAS just received, by the lato rise of water, a large and unusually tine stocu oi Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, SuumcAL, 3Iidwifehy and Anatomical Ixsthiiments; Paists, Oils, Window Glass, Vaunisues, Spices, Glassware, and Stonewake; Paint, Varnisu, Coach and Aktist Bucsiiks; Dye-Stuffs, Peki omeuy. Fancy and Plain Soaps; Fine Tooth and Haik Bhusiiks; Letter and Cap Paper; Steel Pens, Inks, ic.; Tobacco, Snuffs, and Cigars; Powder, Shot, Lead and Safety Fuse; Pure Wines, Brandies, Spirits, &c; Lakdueth's Gar- nKN- Seeds: Tanners' Oil. Brushes. Lampblack, sc. Purchasers, nccdimr any of the above articles, will do well to examine the above stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it as extensive, of prime quality, (if not lower) as low as airy other House in lennessee. Also, Sole Wholesale Agent for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Williams I'ulmomc iiaisani, jiexican .vasiang i.niiiiiem, Canton Tea Company's Teas, Dr. J. S. Houghton's Pepsin. .--r--. J. Jl. A. would also luionn ins menus, xc, i'U 1, .,.;ll Immoftnr )n .WCw(ol in tug hll!llfSS Wife? In-Mr. MORTIMER MAMILTON. late of the firm of 3IcNairy & Hamilton, who has been for a number 01 years past extensively anu lavurauiv munu iu rt i , i 1 r 1.1.. 1 :.. the Dnig line. s Ul'ERIOR ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. Jockey Club Pomade, Low's' Celebrated do, .lulus Hauel's do. Kehada do. for the Hair. Bahn of Columbia, Genuine Bear's Oil, Hand's Eau Lustrale, Liquid and Solid Rouge ; . . , 1 French and Fancy Soaps ; Low's celebrated Honey Soap; Rousxel's and Hauel's Fancy Soap; V. Fine and Dressing Combs; -l Plain and Fancy Hair Brashes; Lubin's Genuine Extracts; Mcen Fun ; American and French Toilet. Powdwrs; Fancy Chalks; Assorted Dentifrices; Pomade Divines, for chapped skins; Tooth Blushes, Fancy and Plain. Just received by dec20 J. 3L ZIMEUMAN. ITriNDOW GLASS. Window Glass of all sizes' and V V of superior quality received and for sale low by novlO J. ill. &1.M1MUIA.N. nOD LIVER OIL. Trask's 3IaLMictic Ointment. V; Just received by dcc20 J. 31. Z1MER3IAN "A T INIATURE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Art- ItX ists' Brushes, Artists Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev ery Shade. Just received by deeiiO J. 31. ZIMER3IAN. T RUSHES. White Wash, Dusting, Crumb, Cloth, I J Black. Pone's Head. Horse. Tanners', Printers', Var nish, Blue, Paint, Ac., of assorted sizes. Just received by dec20 J. 31. Z131EK.MAN. T 1NSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. lObbls I j Linseed Oil: 200 keas Fahnestock's White Lead. Just received and for sale low for cash by deciiO J. 31. ZI3IER3LAN. SMOKING TOBACCO 800 Rolls very old and rich; 100 doz. Cut, in papers ; .r0 do. Scafarlatti Turkish; Just received and for sale low, by" april30 " J. 31. ZIMERMAN. DRS. C. K. & -J. D. WINSTON. OFFER their services to the citizens of Nashville and yi cinity in practice of 3Iediciuoand Surgeiy. Office on Cherry street, near the Bank of Tennessee. Dr: J. D. Winston's residence, the house lately occupied by 3Ir. Armstead, on Vine street, between Church and Broad. IRON FENCING, At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, CoUege Street. nnllE undersigned is nownrenarcd to execute all JL kinds of Wrought and Cast Iron Fencing. Also, everv variety of Gates, Fancy Step, Balcony and Verandah Railing. 3Iy work will be executed as well as any of that biought from "the Eastern Cities, and at prices as low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. All kinds of Blacksmith Work at theshortcst notice. The public are requested to give me a call and examine my'pat terns and prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis faction. WILLIAM STEWART, College Street, opposite the Firemen's Hall, Nashville. niayl tf A PROCLAMATION. 5 KNOW all men by these presents, that I, J. L. GRACE, of the city of Nashville, county of Davidson, and State of Tennessee, am now fully prepared to accommodate trav ellers and boarders with superior fare, at the CU31BERLAND HOTEL, foot of Broad street, directly at the steamboat bind ing, Nashville, Tcnn. The public is respectfully solicited to give this house one trial, and if experience does not prove it to be equal to the best and the cheapest Hotel in the city, the subscriber will ever after hold his peace. .7. L. GRACE. P. S. Baggage takea to and from steamboats free of charge. ap!3 IMPROVEMENTS IN BEDSTEADS. THE undersigned would call the attentiou of the public to ninkley's Improved Patent Elastic Wire Bottom Bed stead, for making which we have purchased the right for Jliddle Tennessee. Persons wishing to see it, will pleaso call at our Ware Rooms, corner of Cherry and Spring sts. 3IcC0MBS & CORNELIUS. J"Wc also keep constantly on hand every variety of Cabinet Furniture, of the best material and manufact' je, which we will sell as cheap as any other regular manufactu rers in the city. All work sold by us as our work wc will warrant good, as wc keep nothing but what is made in our own shop and by the best workmen. McC. & C. julylO tf Do BOWS SOUTHERN AND WESTERN REVIEW. monthly Industrial and Literary Journal, PUBLISHED IK NEW-ORLEANS AT $5 PgR ANNUM. ary Edition Bound, 1840-'50, 8, Vols., 23. NASHVILLE NASHYILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1853. INSURANCE. THE UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY 01 NASHVILLE. ' CAPITAL 100,000 D OLLARS! ! Chartered by the State. rpIIIS Company having fully organized, is I now ready to take risks on all descrip rr tions of property, against loss or damages bV'jpkX fire, alsoacrainst penis of the sea or inland nav-J33L ieatibn. Propositions for insurance will be receire"d at the office' of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Co., College St, A. W. JOHNSON, President, J. S. Dashieix, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct 8, 1852. COMMERCIAL, INSURANCE COMPANY. CHARLESTOX, SOUTH CAROLINA. Capital 250,000: All Paid In. f HAVE been appointed Agent of the above Company at X Nashville, and am luiiy prepared to taue jianue, .rire, Ttivm- Risks, on the most favorable terms. A full statement of the solvency of the Company can be seen attheoflice of the Nashville Insurance arid Trust Com pany, on College street. 1 sepl8 JOHN S. DASHIELL, Agent. THE MUTUAL PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. "FFICE. on Cedar Street, adioinintr the Post Office, and J opposite the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin tration and the Canroes every description against the Perils of the Seas and Rivers. Also, tue .Lives ot persons in good neaun, lor a smgie jear, for a term of years, or during life. Also, Bank Notes trans mitted per mail. All persons having their lives or property insured in this Institution, are entitled to a full participation in all the prof its, without any liability to loss beyond the amount of Pre miums which they may pay. 31. S. PILCHER, President, J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. J. F. Whaetox, Secretary. janl TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL 150,000. OFFICE on the North side of the Public Square, midway between the Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bank. Thev will make insurance on Houses and. Goods of even- de scription against fire ; on Steamboats aud Cargo against fire and the risk of the river; ou the Cargo of Keel Boats and other river crafts, and on sea vessels aud other cargoes, on the usual terms. JOHN M. HILL, President. Joseph Vaulx, Secretary. Directors. Alex. Allison, John 31. Hill, F. B. Fogg, G. 31. Fogg, W. It. Elliston, Jno." 31. Bass, Joseph Woods, .Sam uel Seay, 3Iatthew Watson, J. J. White, Jacob McGavock. janl " .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CT. Chartered in 1810. Capital 30,000: all paid in. Assets invested in January last $4SO,000. S. L. L003IIS, Sec'y. TIIO. K. BRACE, Pres. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent of this Com-' pany-wme of the oldest and most able in the United States, havinc nearly or ouitehalfa million of Dollars safely invested at this time for the safety of policy-holders and is prepared to issue Policies on as favorable terms as any other t nr - rti - r i. . responsiuic oince, on iweiungs, stores, Jiauuiaciurmg rv I tablishnients,and all other kinds of Buildings; on Household Furniture and 3Ierchandise in general, cither in the city or ' country, against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, against the hazards of Inland Transportation by all the usual routes and modes of conve3-ance. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Office N. W. Corner Public Square, opp. Planters Bank. mayt ttfSURANCE ON NEGROES. HOUSE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat Firemen, Cabin Boys, &c, at customary rates of Premium. Policies issued and losses promptly adjusted at tlw Nashville Agency. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Etnii Insurance Company of Hartford Oilice N. W. Cor ner Public Square, opposite Planters' Bank. THE Franklin Insurnnce Co.. of Louisville K)'., continues to take risks on Hulls and Cargoes of Steamboats on Western waters, on Cargoes of Ships by Sea. Also insure buildings or stocks of goods or Furniture in buildings in City or Country. JAS TRABUE. President. W Riddle, Sec'y april 29 5m. H. a. SCOVElI H. G. S00VEL, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, ftorth Side of the Pnllic Sauare. 3 doors M est ... of the AiWimue inn, -Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Paints, Brushes, J'ertumery, Powder. Oils, Dye-btutls, Fancy Articles, Shot, Varnishes, Glass, Glassware, Lead, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Utero Abdominal Sup porters and Trasses, Wachita Oil Stones, Drugs, 3Iedicines, Chemicals, Wines, Brandies, and Porter, exclusively for me dicinal purposes. Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Herd's Grass, Hemp, Canary and Flax Seeds . 1,200 lbs refill . saltpetre; 5,400 lbs Spanish Whiting; 1,400 lbs Epsom Salts; ' " " ' 2,000 lbs Venetian Red; .' 200 lbs Gum Camphor; ; f,500 lbs Copcras; . . 200,000 Percussion Caps; 1,000 lbs Wachita Oil Stone; 250 bxs Window Glass, assorted; "l,2001bsTlake's Fire and Water Proof Paint; 175 galls Winter strained Sperm Oil; 250 galls Refined Tanners' Oil; 450 galls Linseed Oil. 1,000 lbs Rosin; 1,100 lbs Printers' News, Book and colored Inks; 1,000 Dr. Aleock's Pivot, Plate and Gum Teeth; 300 lbs Paris Green, Chrome Green, dry and ground in Oil; 10 bbls Eddie's Chemically refined Lampblack; GO bbls Hydraulic Cement, (best;) 1,500 lbs Alum; . 500 lbs Indigo, (warranter!;) -1,000 lbs 3Iaddcr, (prime;) In store and for sale, low for CAsn, by sepi H. G. SCQVEL. 6 DOZ. CATAWBA WINE, for Church and .Medi cinal purposes. This wine is the pure juice of the rr. pe, and, as sucn, commenus nseu io mose who uesire a pure ar ticle. For sale by Qcp4 H. G. SCQVEL. T?SSENCE OE JAMAICA GINGER Brown's 1 . . 1. 'I IC 1 .1 received direct from the 3Ianufacturcr. For sale b I. sent H. G. SCOVE OTARCH POLISH For rendering Shirt Collars O and Bosoms glossy and smooth For sale by sep4 II. G. SCOVEL. BREAST PIPES, Nipple ShellsGum Elastic Breast Pipes, Gum Elastic Syringes, Glais'Syringes, Womb Syringes, Gum Elastic Game Bags, Female Syringes, Specu lumagi. For sale, by epl H. G. SCQVEL. B- I.UE GRASS SEED A very clean article. To iret a cood stand sow in foil and winter months. For sale by fsep4 H. G. SCOVEL. BBLS scp4 TIMOTHY SEED. For sale by H. G. SCOVEL. 0 ROUND PAINT BRUSHES, Varnish Brushes, VT Sash Tools. For sale by scp4 H. G. SCOVEL. GRADUATED MAGNETIC Galvanic Curatives. For sale by. scpA 3IACHINES, H. G. SCOVEL; TRANSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL. THE departments of this School have been filled and ex tended bv- the appointment of the Hon. TH031AS B. 3IONROE, wlio has long been a successful instructor in va rious branches of the Law, to the professorship he has ac cepted. The faculty therefore consists of The Hon. GEORGE ROBERTSON, (late Chief Justice of Kentucky,) Professor of Constitutional Law, Equity, Juris prudence and Pleading, and the Law of Comity. The Hon. THOMAS A. 31 ARSHALL, (lato Chief Justice , and now Judge of the Court of Appeals of Ivy.,) Profes sor of the Common Law, Elementary and Practical, in cluding Pleading and Evidence The Hon. TH03IAS B. 3IONROE, (Judge of tho U. S. Dis trict Court for Kentucky,) Professor of -Civil, National, Criminal and Commercial Law. And 31. C. JOHNSON, Adjunct Professor, who will attend the class in the casual absence of the regular Professors. The winter session of this. School will commence, as usual, on the 1st of November, and will be prolonged to five in stead of four months, as heretofore. This extension of the session will enable the Professors to give a more extensive and thorough course of instruction, which will be carried on principally by daily examination in designated portions of the text books, with such explanations and illustrations as may be deemed necessary, and also by 3foot Courts, for pleading and the discussion of legal questions, and by re quiring from the students written exercises in drawing up bonus, deeds and otner legal instruments, arguments and opinions, 'inc attention ot tne students will also be special ly directed to the history of Jurisprudence, and to CivilHis tory as conncqtcd with the progress of the Law, and to the Federal Courts. The books will be principally such as have been heretofore used, to be furnished by the students. The extension ot tlie session and oi tne course ot instruc tion will produce some increase In the cost of the Professor's tickets, the particulars of which will be hereafter announced. It is expected that there will be a second session of five months m each year, and in fact that arrangements will be made for a continuance of regular study and exercises during the whole year, by such students as may desire it Diplo mas will be granted at the end of each session to such as are found qualified to receive them. Jd. C. JOHNSON, octal trtt Chairman Hoard Trustees. FLOORING PLANK 20,000 feet Cedar Flooring Plank for sale by "" " W MEREDITH. ciple, Houses, .Merchandize, &c, against jl.oss or carnage oy Fire; Steamboats on any of the "S cstern waters against the Hazards of Inland Navigation and the Canroes of Vessels of CARDS, &0. .... JOHNSON & SMITH, 'Dealers' in Cotton and. Tobacco, Receiving and For warding Merchants, Steamboat Agents, &c, aPri11 BROADWAY, NASHVILLE. MAD. STIUTTO.N. a. p. surra. a. w. johnsox. SXRATTON, SMITH & Co., Wholesale Grccers and Commission Merchants, Curner of Broad and JUartet Streets, NASHVILLE, TENN., HAVING disposed of an interest in the Grocery depart ment of ocx business to 3Ir. 3Iadison Stratton, the same will from this date be conducted under the style of STRATTON, SMITH A- Co.nat6ur old stand, on the corner of Market and Broad streets. Our stock, now ample, will he keoFso by large accessions every few days, to which we invite the attention and so licit a call from merchants in the country as well as city dealers, being determined to sell as low as any house iu. the city. Ourterms cash and cash only. aprl, 1852. JOHNSON & S3HTH. AND. J. DUNCAN, Late of Shepherd, Duncan & Co., Auction and Commission Merchants, NASHVILLE, TENN. WHOLESALE Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, andfor the sale of 3Ierchandize generally, either at private or public sale. Will have Regular 3Ionthly Sales at Auction, and solicit consignments ot Dry Goods, Pittsburg and Cincinnati man ufacture; will give undivided attention to all business en trusted to my care. Instructions sirictlv complied with, and business promptly executed. jan5 tf AND. J. DUNCAN. EAMAGE & CHURCH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, College street, Nashville, Tenn. S." S. WILLIAMS, AGENT OF JOHN WILLIAMS, S7 Gravier Street, New Orleans, HAS taken an office on College street, on the second lloor, above the 3Ierchants' Insurance aud Trust Com pany, and is prepared to make cash advances on all Cotton, TnKni.rt X-r. I - , . - 1 TI i - C 1. i. i.v., vAJiioijiieu io uiu iiuusu, or iu luriuaii supplies to Planters or others who wish to shin to New Orleans. , scjj-J Cm A. HAMILTON, Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, oct3 NASHVILLE, TENN. K. J. MORRIS. THOS. E. STRATTON. MORRIS & STRATTON, (Successors to Lanier, 3Iorris Jc Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, Corner of Jfarl-et and Clarh Streets, luishvitte. WE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li quors, Wines, etc., which will be sold at the lowest market prices, for cash or barter. sepl7 GEO. W. SEAY. THOS. C. BATES. SEAY, BATES & CO., S. DECUERD. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. aug29 trwtf LAW NOTICE. W. II. HUMPHREYS & TH03IAS BARRY, TT AVE associated themselves together in the practice of JLJL tne umce on inc ruonc bquare, opposite the Planters' Bank, Nashville, Tenn. ieb24 A CARD. I HAVE this day associated with me in the Saddling Bu" siness my son, A. C. MARCH. The business, in future' will be conducted in the name of J. D. 3Iarch & Son. All persons indebted to me, by note or account, will please come up and make payment. J. D. MARCH. lW Thankful for the liberal share of patronage hereto fore, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. jan2 J. 1). 3IARCH & SON. OLIVER T. m'rORERTS. ALEX. E. m'keE. M'ROBERTS & M'KEE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS. MARKET ST., 4 Boors from BROAD ST., NASHVJLLE, TENN. April 20, 1852 ly - NEW ORLEANS A CARD. BENJAMIN F. SHIELDS & CO., having per manently located themselves at New Orleans, offer their services as Commission andForwardiugMerchants and General Agents, and solicit consignments of a'l kinds of Western Produce, feeling confident that they can and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their inter est to their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held sacred and promptly remitted. P. S. Extensive "arrangements made for the receiving and forwarding of every species of 3Ierchandise, at reduced rates, from charges at this point. Orders for Groceries and Insur ance Risks, with the collection of Bills, Diufts, Ac, attended to without delay. BENJ. F. SHIELDS !fc CO. aug!2 ly T HULLAIIOM.4 TOTS The undersigned has laid off blocks ol Lots, of several acres each, for private res idence, and is now prepared to sell them at private Sale to those who desire to have summer residence in the beautiful and healthy town of Tullahoma. We have in the site of the town, besides the most health- atmosphere aud purest free stone water.a most excellent spring of Chalybeate Water, sup posed to be mixed with White Sulphur. maylS WILLIA3OI00RE, Agent. SOUTHERN CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING C0NPANY Of Nashville, WOULD inform the citizens of Nashville and Qftsrysf, the public throughout the south west, JsSaE. that they have commenced business at the well-known stand of S. V. D. Stout, a few doors south of the public square, where they manufacture all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Bugiries, ice, which they will sell low and on liberal terms. Their work is of the finest order, and will compare favora bly with any nurufacturcd north or south. They have se lected their material with great care, and having the best of wood and iron u Tennassee, they win warrant their work, in point of elegivty and durability, not to be excelled by any. They hop to receive a share of public patronage and shall spare no triable or cost to induce all that may be in want of Carriages to buy of them in preference of sending north for their work. Repairing done by experienced workmen on liberal terms. E. N. BASSETT.Pres- marcliS wdtrwl2m. , - NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. "FUST received this day; my Fall and Winter stock of fj vry uoous, uoots, onoes and uats, wnicn win be sold for cash, or short time to punctual customers, at a very small advance on Eastenrujost The merchants are requested to call and examine, as they may expect great bargains. sepS W. 3IEUEDITH. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, FALL ST0CKF0R1852. THE undersigned are now in receipt of their entire stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY for the Fall Trade, and in eallins the attention of the mer chants of Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Alabama, to their stock now in store, they teeL conndent mat it will be tound to compare favorably, both as to quantity and assortment, with that of any oth'er House in the country. Experience has already demonstrated to the satisfaction of a large majority of dealers in this section of the country, that in the article of Hardware at least, the Nashville mar ket is preferable to those of New York and Philadelphia; for the simple reason that this description of goods will, not bear the heavy expenses of transportation which must nec essarily accrue when brought through by canals and rail roads. The undersigned are also enabled to place theii cus tomers on an equal footing with those purchasing in any oth er market, from the fact that Jtheir European goods being all imported direct from the manufacturers by way cf New Or leans without touching New York, thus enabling them to of for their goods at a small advance on importation cost. 3Ierchants, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Ac., visiting Nash ville are invited to call and examine their stock before pur chasing. Feathers, Wool, Beeswax and Ginseng received in ex change for Hardware and in payment of debts at the high est market prices. FALL & CUNN1NGHA3L sept 11 College street, Nashville, Tennessee. THE following comprises a portion of cm largo, stock of Hardware, unsurpassed in variety by any house in. the West: Collins' Axes; Stirrup Irons; Warranted Axes of otherBridlo Bitts; brands; Augers and Chisels; Anvils and Vices; Bellows and Screw Plates; Hand and Sledge Hammars; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Razors, Shears, Scissors; Curry-Combs; Padlocks; Files aud Rasps: flames ot all Kinds; Hand Saws, Draw Knives; Hatchets and Hand Axes; Mill and Cross-cut Saws; Single and doublo barreled Shot Guns; Riflles, complete; Chains of all kinds; Cotton Cards: Sifters and Coffee 3Iills; Together with many other articles too numerous to men tion. FALL & CUNNINGHAM, sepll College street, Nashville. Carpeting and Oil Cloths at Reduced Prices For Cash W- MEREDITH would call the attention of the parties hatvant Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Matting, at re duccd prices to his stock, which will be sold at less than any other establishment in this city. sept8 TAILORING. The public are notified, that the un dersigned ha?e entered into cc-partnershipfor the pur pose of carrying on the TAILORING, BUSINESS, in the shop formerfy occupied by 3fr. Wm. Anderson, on Deade ricStreat,. near, the -Square. We respectfully solicit,a share", of public patronage, as we arc determined to get our work apt in the very best style. R. CART, Sept 14, 1852. W. McOULLOUGH UNION. NO. 229. CURKEY & MARTIN. RICHARD O. CCBREY. JAMES C. MARTIN. CURREY & MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Union Street, Aadville, Tenn. MEDICAL SADDLEBAGS. 1 dozen pair of improved styles, just received and for sale very low. FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS. Assorted sizes, with bottles neatly labelled, and filled with tho h purest medicines, just received. SHAKER HERBS. A full assortment of this year's collection, consisting of Sage, Spikenard, Catnip, Comfrer Lobelia, Liverwort, lemonTJalm, Pennyroval, &c Also -1 larupp y of Sageof home col!ection,just 'received. jars and baiJeil1'000 VnadS Sweefzar'3 accaboy Snuff, in S0 dozen Linton's, Garrett's and Sweetzer's Snuff, in bot tles, just received. - ' TLDH;,? MEDICINAL EXTRACTS. An assortment oi these genuine extracts prepared in vacuo con sisting of Extracts ofConium Lettuce, Stramonium ' Tar axacum, Belladonna, Hyosciainus, Aconite, 4c, Ac. iust received. . LINSEED OIL. 5C0 gallons of pure Linseed Oil, just received. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Six dozen Dis secting cases; 5 dozen Surgical cases three and lour fold; 4 dozen I hysicians Poket cases. Also, 10 large cased Sur Fwnw011180 d0 Obsteh-carTo; 10 cases recefved J 5 cases TrePi"g Instruments, just FORCEPSHodge's Obstetrical Forceps;-Bond's Cranistomy Forceps; Dewces Placenta Hook; Tonsil Forceps Hissectmg Forceps; burgeon's Dressing Forceps; Surgeon's Bone Forceps; and a large variety of of other instruments just received. ' TO PHYSICIANS. In furnishin procured Haskell, 3rern'ck & Bull's Select Powders, together with the purest Chemicals, with which all prescriptions will be exclusively put up. Our Tinctures aro also prepared of ficially. Physicians may rely therefore upon having their Prescriptions compounded wiih the purest medicines and in the neatest maimer possible. Dr. CuRin-willjjivehis personal attention to this depart ment of our Establishment. CURREY A- 3HR1 S nov2Q Uuion street, Nashville. HUMBUG! HUMBUG!! HUMBUG!!! OPENING the Campaign for 1852. Scott, Douglass Lean Jimmy and Cass m the field: but Thurstnn "n,rdrra?e always foremost at the Union Store, South bide Union Street, with a quiet smile of Victory on their phiz, ready to exhibit their stock of Spring and Summer Goods to those wishing to purchase. Wc have a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods among which are Brown and Bleached Domestics, do. Drill ings., uiue unnmgs, anu a great variety ot Summer Stuffs: a , 1 . . A C 1 T-l l . sty I1 HO: Pah any house est of the 3Iountains. You who want TFTR hir. gams must be on hand soon, because if you don't buy them some body else will. We are bound to sell. We earnestly solicit an examination of our Goods and prices, and, by strict attention to business, hope to merit a share of public patronage. "Pl5 THURSTON & BERNARD. MILLINERY OPENING on THURSDAY, 14th OCTOBER. 'yE' - Jivvrj jusirecciveumyraliatocKOt I'at- 2T.(A IJSSS-'terns, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Plumes, Vel-cSrVC rz- vets, Ac, a beautitul variety, and all of tl most iasmonaoie uiscnptions. -rhankfill to the Irtina fur past favors and hope they will call before purchasing else- Fashionable dress-making, and other orders, promptly attended to. 3IUS. E. LOCKHART, ctl2 Cherry street, Nashville. PATENT CHOPPING MILL, For Chopping Corn or other Grain, An article tchich every Farmer should have. IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to five bushels an hour either fine for bread or coarse for stock and is so simple in its construction, that an v hnv twelve years old can keep it in order and ran it. It is adap ted to either Steam, Water or Horse Power. Having sold the entire right of manufacturing and selling the above 3IilI, in Tennessee, to Messrs. J. R. Cowan and A. C. Howard, of Nashville, persons wishing to purchase can find them at J. 31. Seabury's, on College street, where they will be happy to take orders. BOSS Sz .ADA3IS. aug2S. THE NASHVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TTA3rlNG, at great epevnse, procured tho most rcccntfy I i uuijruvuu machinery and tools fur ihi- nnnstninHnn nf the heaviest work in metals, we solicit from the Western - , . - . v. - L and bouthem public a portion of their patronage. We are prepared to make to order Railroad Machinery, such as Locomotives, Passenger, Freight Cars, Frogs, Switch Stands, Repair Cars, and all work appertaining to Railroads. Steam Engines. Boat and Stationary Engines, from 5 io norse power, wiin oouers ot the best Tennessee Iron. Saw Mills Fitted up complete, with Circular or Sash Saws, embracing the latest improvements. Grist Mills. jMigines and -Machinery, complete, for Grist Mills of all sizes. Suyar Mills of the most recent construction, with Emrines J 1 1 !.. i O , iu cuiieipuuu, pui up in any pari oi me southern country. Cotton Gin. Engines to drive Cotton Gins, with all necessary appurtenance made to order at short notice. In all cases where it is desired, we furnish an engineer to put up the engine and instruct an intelligent negro, so that lie may continue to operate the engine, &c. .brass and Iron Castings of any size or description, with bhatlmg, .Mill Geenng, Water Wheels, Cast Iron Bank- Vaults, made to order. Information cheerfullvgiven nnd orders received by JAS. PLUNKET. President. N. B. The highest prices paid for old Brass and Copper. JOHN RICHARDSON, Barber anil Hair Dresser, Cedar Street, under the Verandah, TTAS furnished his shop and fitted it up in elegant style. .1 JL TT. 1 1 - 1 , 0. . V Lie iias in ins employ a numoer oi inc Dest barbers in the city, and those who patronise him are sure of an easv. as well as a clean shave, and of getting their hair trimmed neatly and fashionably. He invites the public to continue its lavors. oct3 LOOK AT THIS! In AVE just received a large supply of Elegant1 and Fashionable Furniture, which I am sell- "pi mg lor cash or approved paper. Great inducements 'Z&SSL areolleredin the way ot good bargains my motto bcnin- " ljuick sales and small profits. 3Iy stock consists in part of the followingj viz: A large assortment of Bureaus of Tarious stylesr,from 10 'to $100; Sideboards, fine and common; Book" Cases, Desks, Ward- roDes, a large assortment ; Tinfcates; Common and Jlarble Top Centre Tables, Extension Dining Tables; Wash Stands, fine and cemmon, from ?1 to $28; Dessert Tables, Fancy Work and Side Tables; Clocks, Window Shades, Losing uiasses, uoninioaes, iiat juicks; ropiar, Sycamore, Walnut, Cherry, 3Iahogany and Rosewood Bedsteads; Lounges, Misses' Bedsteads.'Single Bedsteads; Shuck, Cotton, 3 loss and Hair 31attrasses, the cheapest ever sold in this market; Sofas, Ottomans, Parlor Chairs in Plush and Hair Cloth ; Rockers j fine and common Cane, Wood Seat and Split Bot tom Chairs and Rockers, Ac, Ac., Ac . A lew Gmtars; also, a Harp Guitar, which I Iwill sell at cost. ? ! X I Four of Gilbert's superior Rosewood Iron- framed Patent-Action Pianos, warranted, which I will sell at reduced prices. 3Iany of the above articles were made in this city, and speak for themselves, of the taste and skill of our workmen. Furniture made at the "South Nashville 3Ianufactory" can be had at my store at factory prices. All those favoring me with a call I am determined to give satisfaction. EST Furniture moved with care and despatch. je3 I. H. 3I0RT0N, Union Street. FISER'S X ROADS FOR SALE. THIS desirable property of 810 Acres of Land, 350 acres m cultivation, 30 acres in grass, ou the main road from Nashville to Clarksville, will be sold unusually low to an ear ly applicant, and on lime to suit purchasers Houses, Bams, stables, Cribs, &c, all good and in good repair. This is ua qucstionaly the best Stock and Tobacco Farm for the price in Tennessee. Good 3Iale and Female Schools in the immediate vicinity. Health unsurpassed. For particulars, call or address me at riser's X Roads, Robertson county, Tennessee. novlS St w trw J. B. FISER. J REMOVAL DYAS & CO., .tuiesale Grocers, New Orleans. HAVE removed from their old stand, 42 and 45 New Levee, to the new and spacious Store, 139 and 141, 3Iagazino Street, where they are receiving and opening the largest Stock of Goods they have ever had, all of which will, be sold low for cash or good paper. DYAS t CO. novO tf 139 and 141 Magazine street, New Orleans. JAMES CLAIBORNE, General Steamboat and Freight Agent, Office on Front Street, near the Wharf, Kashrille. REFERENCES. Johnson & Smith, 3IcCrea& Terrass, Jas. A; McAllister, H. T. Yeatman, Sam. Seay, A. Hamilton, Johnson & Wea ver, A. L. Davis, and merchants generally. novlQd&tw. ALE. 15 Barrels ShultzXX Pale Ale, received sffamer Statesman, and for sale by declO- w. H. GORDON & CO. INFORMATION WANTED Of the whereabouts of WILLIA3I KOURK, who resided in 1838 three miles from a place called Ross' Landing, Tennessee, believed to be in Hamilton county, but who subsequently removed therefrom. This information is desired bv his daughter Polly, who is now in affluent circumstances. Tho informer will be amply rewarded. Direct to GEORGE T. WALiljAUrj, nov3Q Ini No 111 Vino Street, Philadelphia. RODGERS' PEN KNIVES. 00 dozen "Josep Rodgers & Son's" celebrated Pen Knives, of variono- patterns and prices, expressly ior city trade, just received; and offered by . oct27 FALL& CDNNINGJ3AM " O LARET.- iisuiuiieiifc oi Jjuiuieis. uiooons. h mwis intnst les: Beraares. Bereire de Lanes. SilL-Ti rints, Ginghams, Jaconets. 3Iulins. Fans. Parasnl ninvoa' iiery, &c: Kid Ties. Buskir.s Gaiters: Leghorn sirnw-' m and Kossuth Hats: all of which we wills.!! t.nvni -50 boxes in store and for sale bjr BEN. M. NOELB&Cv uovlG MISCELLANEOUS. DS. BLEDSOE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUND The Remedy ever aU Remedies for te Bheaus of the Liter Butpepsia, Enlargement and. Incarnation, of the Spleen. . Heartburns, Colic Flatulence, Files, Gmstirpatwn, all diseases of the Bawds, and such diseases as arise from a disorderd state of the Stomach, Liver or Boteels, cs Scrofula and Sores of anytind. For General Bebilitxr, from tchich Ladies frequently suffer, there is not is equai in the ichde Materia Meaica. rpHE inventor of this preparation was for three years j: JL completely prostrated from Dyspepsia and inactivity of the Livif r that he was frequently for weeks at a time unable t raise himself from his bod. He sought aid from physicians at home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronounced hopeless by thousands, and it was by accident that he sus ceeded in curing himself. Since he has been practicing med icine, his success in such cases has been unrivalled. Hi has been aware of the incredulitr of thenublic, and conse quently said nothing through the-press of his own case, until the character of the medicine was ftillr established by its success, as shown by the certificates which hare oeen advertised. I subjoin the certificate of Prof. M. Gjujbert, of Memphis, Teun7 with whom I often advised duriDg tho time ct my suffering. Mempios, Tenm, April 1 7, 152. I hereby certify that I have been acquainted with Dr.J N. Bledsoe and some vears a on ho u-.j tvrfnrWI r lower than I have ever seen any one that afterwards recover ed, with what I supposed to be Dyspepsiaand Liver afleciion, ' and after trying: the prescriptions ot" nianv Plirr-rnn in thU as well as other countries, without relief. lp fin-iik- Tvith a preparation of his own In being restored to good "O"'"- Al. GABBERT, 31. D. Physicians are requested to try this preparation. Wo teel satisfied it will sustain the character we give to it in this publication. n t, HraTsniiE, January 12, 1852. De. Bledsoe: I take the liberty nnri fn it I ,i- to recommend to all nersons snffcr?no- iVr.- ,i:.,..-r v... stomacn and Dowels, your Alterative seperior medicine, fly son, aged 15 years, had been uuder medical treatment about five venra tbr iU ,;n a: rliea when having almost despaired of h'is recovery I con- eluded to try your Alterative, two bottles of which, l" believe. 3IICAJAH UAYCE. Dr.Bu:d3oe:- -Some fame has elapsed since I gave a cer- subject to the.worst kind of shells of cramp in the stomaS from dyspepsia. I hat! tried of sevpmJ .!,. t ,i i.. .. . the best physicians m the place and a great many different medicines, with momeutary relief. Being persuaded to tnr your alterative compound, I did so-and lam happy to say that it has entirely cured her; and I would conscientiously recommend it to all persons suffering from diseases of th hverand dyspepsia. N.B.ROBEUTSOV . Huxtsville, Sept. 29, 1S51. Dit. Bledsoe Having seen the publication of your Altai or- an ve compound, j thitiK itnn-dtitv ti.Mt-r.i tha.....i: ...... had been tor years subject to spells of Cramp Colic, in its worst form; that I had tried almost every thing that is ra ven by physicians, andueverfound any thing that would cer tainly relieve me, until I tried the above medicine, which mis relieved mem every attack in less than an hour. "-V3I. Ii. LLOYD. Giles ConsTr, Tenn.. Dec a i?-i Dr. Bledsoe : I fe6l that I should Kill shorl Tof ",v duty toyouandtothosewhoareafilicted, nerel not to "further recommend your Alterative Compound. It has entirely re heredme so that I have not had to take anvthuV in two months l ean eat anything I want with impunity, and beheyc my health ,s as good as, t tver is at my advancJd age. Should I ever suffer from dyspeps.a again I shall be sure to call ou you. I am very rcsnectlully you- Mend LLIZ.UtETH J. ILIRWOOD. nuNTsviLLE!, Ala., Auntsf 4 1S)1 This is to certify, that I had sufli-red for nmny "years' with Dyspepsia nd Diseases of the Liver. Phvsiciuu after Phy sician had prescribed for me without mv receiving any ben efit, when commenced the use of Dr. Bled.Ws Alterative ...u..., , ,u.wu,Wuiiic sounuiy, and I recommend it because of the same happy effect iuwn others of in v acoi.aiut ancc- JOSEPH CAROTLLERS HcxTsvnxE, Ala., 3Iarch3 l?r( Du. BLEi.S0E:-Sm: Judging from the certificates vou have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for me to add further evidence in regard to the healing virtues of your Compound; but I rnnst say, that for vears I suilered a" great deal from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the spleen, and thought that I never would recover. I commenced tak ing your compound about nine weeks since, and have trained 25 or SO pounds, and feel about as well as I ever did HENRY J. GOFF, E3TTh above medicine is forsale in even- Drug Store in the city, and most of the towns in the State." G W HFV pLKSlIOjLr, General Agent, for wholesaleing the med icine. tsTPnce 51. per pint Bottle. novD:vti tr MYERS & McGILL. DEALERS IN EVEKT DESCKIITIO.V OP Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy Goods' On Cullege streA, one door South of the Square. ' J.X it may be found at all times a large assort ment of Winches ter's , Davis it June's, & 3Iyer3 Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen , Muslin , with Linen Bo soms, G ingham, Ic French Chiutz, Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear, 3Ierino, Shafted Silk, Cashmere," Vigonia, Cotton and Canton Flauuel, fa, ladies and gentlemen, Gents Cloth Gatlurs, Gloves, Kin Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma,; Cuff Gloves, and Ladies aud Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Tics, Watcrfurds, Albert, De Joinville's, plain, Emb'd and self-adjustiiig, Cravats, Scarfs, Black and White Satiu Ties, Shoulder Braces, Sus penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath , ing Caps lor Ladies and Gentlemen- 3Ionsy, Riding- and Strengthening Belts, Robe do Chauibre, Umbrellas, Walk ing Canes, Biding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises -Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dressing Cases, Work Boxas, Toi lefs, Opera Glasses, Porte 3Ionies. Fans, Writing Desk d Cigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Companions, Razois an"" Razor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Good year's Gum Goods. Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutlery, &c, aud a large assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fur nishing Stores. We have made arrangements with our friends at tho North to forward us Goods as soon as receded by riiciu; therefore we shall have goods here In lessthan ten dava, from the New York Custom House. 3IY4ERS & 3IcGILL'S. , Furnishing Store, College street, 1 door South of the Square, Nashville. foctll UNION HALL. ACTON YOUNG, having become associated with Jg&f D. Y. Winston in the superintendence of this T;;i;b?i; House, would respectfully invite his numerous acquaintances and the public generally to give him a call. Attached to the House is a good Stable for tho accommo datjpn of Horses. The business of the House wil hereafter be conducted iu the name of D. Y. WINSTON & CO. All persons wishing to travel by Railroad, Sieamboot or Stage, will meet with prompt attention. The best of order observed. Charges moderate. 3Iarket Street. nov4 ALISONIA SHEETINGS 20 bales 4-4 Alisonia Brn. Shf Jigs, in store, and for sale bythe bale only. octS W. II. GORDON & CO. DELPIT'S SNUFF. A. DELPITS Rose and 3Iao ouba Snuff, just received bv oct. 23 ao EWIN, BROWN & CO, . EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL & CO; NORTH-WEST corner of the Public Square, near Plant era' Bank, Nashville, Tcnn. ' 1 m 5ET We aro drawing Sight Checks on all tho principal! cities of the East, South and West at the lowest rates, "ini sums to suit purchasers." We buy all kinds of current and uncurrent Bank. Notes at moderate rates. We bur South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina Bank Notes, at a very small discount. ISj Wc will purchase Aew Urleans and Aentucky mon- ies at a fair piemium. We hare Gold and Silver for sale will attend 'to. collections remitting on any point requested at Bank rates' charge but 3 per cent, commissions. t3ir We are takincr Bank of East Tennessea the samn 13, other Tennessee Bank Notes. f ianl 7 I. S. & W. H. WOODWARD. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and Texas Land Agents. J Particular attention paid to filling orders Office, over the4 store of W. T. Smith & Co., No. 683Iagazine street, - St-1 f norrt f V y. 1 ucu o, 1003 om new uneans.. . BRADY, GORMAN & CO., Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants,. NEW ORLEANS. JSfThey keep an Office in Tuscumbia, Ala. aug23 12m S. iltfciA.uii, Agent, .aasnviue, is authorized t ake UASli advances upon smpments ot .Produce to tu ova firm. NOTICE. Mr. Charles B. Bryan has this day be come interested in our business, which.. wjU be" con ducted as heretofore. jan 1, 1853 W. H. GORDON, & CO. FOK RENT, A good lqdgjng room, furnished, hi a( pleasant-part of th& city.. Apply at thi3 office. J41UA -L Y FOR REN,X A B-ri Eouse 011 Church streef' Dexta dowtaFtancasJLFogg Also Five Rooms over W. Freeman's Furniture store, opnosiSaffanee House. -. 6ff 4X!Or A AJriCK-tlOUSc ua Xinui niiwi uivjiu "-- Aiso-A two story Log House in Edgefield, oppose Capt. ' Millarf with three acres of ground attached. -'Also A Frame Hous&ia Edgefield, near Captain 31iller3,i gjjod garden,. &c - , , Also A large Frame- House in Edgefield, nenrthe.Galk-.& tin Turnpike, with seventeen acres of land attached. jnnlS. WILLIAMS & GLOYfcK, AgenuN tincnte that mv ,,. , . vw" ueueuieit by vour T: Pun,L.,I:nw.tke pleasure in saiUto uis uuauu tuai un lie nan rnrihr. 1