Newspaper Page Text
NASHVILLE UNION. CHURCH & MARIilNN. Proprietors, OFFICEP-NO. CO, UNION BUILDINGS, CHERRY ST. THE WEEKLY UNION Is furnished to subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one year in advance. 2 within the year 8 00; at the end of the year S-i 00. Cixns-Of fire and upwards-2 00 per copy for one year. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six months at the foregoing rates. The TRI-WEEKLY is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdaj, at $3 per annum in advance; if not paid in advance, 6. The DAI LY is published at Eight Dollars. tSTTHE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY SUBSCRIPTIONS. j2 Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mail at our risk. . No paper will be sent 6ut of the State unless the order is ac companied with the cash. " STEAMBOATS. ,T-,,-rrr nTlT-PAVO A WT1 WASHVTLLE PACKET. Sx7ntiKr Steamer. II. ." h R.W.HHI, Captain T.H. Novell, law mapninccnt ijiUSS er now being completed at New Albany, will lake her place in the above trade as soon as navigation opens. m The Hill i cntirolv new. of the larger class, and is, in even- rcpect, equal to'anv Steamboat on the 'Western waters. She has been built under the superintendence of her expe-r-enced Captain, and has all improvements required by the lute law A plan of her Cabin can be seen and State-rooms cn-Med bv application to A. HAMILTON, Agent, Jf . ' Market street. -T Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for Che Hill in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered bv her. A. H. REGULAR PASSENGER STEAMER BETWEEN NASH VILLE AND NEW ORLEANS. THE swift and superior Steamer Nash- fPS. ville, Tuos. Rkllsnyder, Commander, kfrS1 will resume her in the above trade on the first rise of water, leaving Nashville every turee weeks throughout the season. , r Tlte Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade for safely, comfort and convenience. A plan of her Cabin may be saen and State-rooms engaged bv application to JA3. A. McALLlSTER k CO., Agts, ' oct ) Corner of Broad and College Streets. JT Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for the Nashville in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered by her. J. A. McA k CO. T-nS. BURKSVILLE AND WAITSB0R0'. -r-Pfit:i.R EIGHT DAY PACKET. 0" IV The light, draught fast running passen- i..i-0i v!nni.r! v.n. ' Oalustkr. ssz Master, will make regular eight day trips m the above trade during the ca.on. Strippers and passengers may rely upon punctuality of this boat for freight or passage. Apply on board or to JAMES CLAIBORNE, Agu dec20 u w A o en Front st. nrwnrnwATr T.nTTTKVTT.TE and NASHVILLE PACKET. rlfc u2urpa'oa ia running paeiiKci ft i ViiuituiuA w X steamer ENVOY, Tuos. Rodgers, Mas- ifr lnis lukeu the nlace of the steamer Mattie Wayne and will make regular trips in the above (nJn lttwrr flirt Cf1Ul Leaving Cincinnati every other Wednesday, at 4 o clock, P M. Nashville every other Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. The above boat is entirely new and for speed and accom modation Is unsurpassed. 1 will be thanklul for all orders, a:id respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage. 1 ' JAMES CLAIHORNE, janl a EN Agent, Front St SMITHLAND, PADUCAH AND NASHVILLE WED BJ wrenjv A7JTI KATirRTlAY PACKET. nr-nF nAir,mil eW.Hil ti.i-isenrrcr steamer . fPwfc JL Odd Fellow, CAPT. JO. 0. LEAKE, leave NaMivillc on her first trip, on Sat- Wll urday the 27th instant, at 10 A. M., and will continue m the above trade, leaving Nashville on Wednasdays and bat-urda-s, at 10 A.M. and leaving Paducah on Tiinrsdays and Mondays at 4 P.M. The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt. Leake, for the above trade. Her accommodations for passengers aro not surpassed bv any packet on Cumberland nvcr. I ask tor her a snare oi puonc puu-uuugu. nov27 Cm A. HAMILTON, Agent MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. MAIL PACKETS. -,h CITY OF HUNTSVILLE . fiP' Jg- EMIUHSY. THE CITY O'F nUNTSYILLE will leave Nashville for .Memphis every Friday; at 0 o'clock, r. m., and leaves Memphis for Nashville every Monday, at 11 o clock, a. m. EMBASSY will leave Nashville for Memphis every Monday at C o'clock, r. it., leaves Memphis for Nashville every Thursday at 11 o'clock, a. m.. delivering the mail at the sev eral post offices between the above ports. They will also touch at all points betwoen the post otfices. Persons traveling southward will find it to their advantage to take this line, as it is frcm two to three days quicker and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting at Memphis with Memphis and New Orleans Packets which leave on the arri val of our packets, for New Orleans. Our packets also con- uccting with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Eve ry pains will be taken to render those who call on us com tunable. For freight or passage, apply at the U S. Mail Or tice, Nashville, or A. B. SHAW & CO, Memphis. j.ial3 A. L. DAVIS, Naslivillc. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FlFTY-FlVE HOURS. New York and Charleston Steam Packets. -r V. VHS A t(.i-s lian cs even- saiuruay so. I r. 1. l(,n Wn.liiAuttlv. . -t-tifi L J UlllAi li''i miu ' J J 1-1 ii.. lv...... J ... f.,! .1 iliwr. 1 Mill ton. -VSmLi'' U1IC1 IUKIU iillU ilif vm.-...v- J. Dickinson, Commander Clarion, l,2o0 tons, M. Berty Commander. ... , The Southerner, W. Foster, Commander, will leave each alternate Wednesday. Having been newly coppered and guards raised, is now in complete order. For freight or pasmge, having elegant Stato Room Acoom modation, apply at the dfico of Jjf klssR00 ConicrEast Bay and Adger's Sou. Whan es. Cabbin passage tJ". Steerage S. N. B. A new ship will be placed on the Line to connect with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feb!7 trw -QiJ pIjCING, " At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, College Street THE undersigned is now prepared to execute all ::j2p kinds of Wrought and Cast Iain Fencing. J&P Also, every variety or Uates, Fancy Step, Balcony SrsA and Verandah Railing. My work will be executed as wcU as any of that bi ought from the Eastern Citic, and nt prices, as low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. All kinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. Tie public are requested to give me a call and examine my pat terns and prices. 1 will ondeuvor to give tlw utmost satis faction. WILLIAM STEWART, College Street, opposite the Firemen's Hull, Nashville, mayl tf DRS. C. K. & J. D, WINSTON. . vFFER their services to the citizens ot Nashville ana vi J ciuitv in practice of Medicine and Mirgery. Ofiicc on Cherry street, near the Bank ot Tennessee. Dr. J. D. Winston's residence, the house lately occupied by Mr. Armstead, on Vine street, between Church and Broad. JUST RECEIVED. A few of those tine Black Satin Apron Stocks. Applv soon. T. J. HOUGH' fob 12 Agent EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL & CO "VTORTH-WEST comer of the Public Square, near Plant FN ers' Hank, Nashville, Tenn. . We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principal cities of the East, South and West at tho lowest rates. " in sums to suit purchase! s." iF We buy all kinds of current and uncurrcnt Bant Notes at moderate rates. w We buy South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina Bank Notes, at a very small discount. Wc will purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon ies at a fair premium. Wc have Gold and Silver for sale will attend to collections remitting on any point requested at Bank rates, clnire but percent commissions. We are taking Rank of East Tennessee the same as other Tennessee Bank Notes. jan BRADY, GORMAN & CO., Cotton Factors and General Conmission Merchants, NL UKLihAiXo. 35They keep an Olhcc in Tuscumbln, Ala. aujr23 12m . , ?j5JH. S. FRENCH, Agent, Nashville, is authorized to ake CASH advances upon shipments of Produce to th ove linn. CARRYALL FOR SALE. A first rate new cus tom made cam-all for sale cheap for cash, by Jan2l W. MEREDITH. TRUNKS, &c Extra fine Leather Trunks, Velvet and Brusscil CarKt Rags, Leather and Drugget Carpet Bairs, just received and for tale by jji W. MEREDITH. ItUMB CLOTHS. Rich and splendid Crumb Cloths, with borders, just to hand and tor sale by janoi W. MEREDITH. --TOOL HA-TS V VY sale by jan2l HA-TS. Wool Hats just received Ldfor BED BLANKETS. Extra line Red Blankets, just received and for sale by jan2i W. MEREDITH. N EW CARPETING. Just received this day and for sale by jan"21 W. TENNESSEE HOUSE IN GEORGIA. TV. P. DA11U1S. SKIDUOttE UAIUIIS. HARRIS & CO. Voru'arding and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GA., Forward with care and dispatch to and from the Eastern cities or to any point desired, GOODS, PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE, of all descriptions, and sell on commis Bion PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. They also pur chase to order GR0CERD3S, which can be bought on most favorabe terms, in the Savannah market They solicit your patronage, and pledge their utmost exertions to give Mtii&etioa. decSO-Cm THE VOL. XIX. J. M. ZIMERMAN. J. M. ZIMERMAN, Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist, Sick or tiik Lios axo Mortar, -1 doors rnou "nitf SnillUP f 4 lVI? sT VlSUVIl l.l. Have just received, by the late rise of water, a large and ui. udly Or.csttckof unu Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Suucical,' MmwiFERr and Axatouical Isstrbmests; Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnlshes, SncKS, Glassware, a-d Stoneware; Paint, Vauxish, Coacu and Artlst Brcshes; DrE-STOFRJ, PEiircuKRv, Fancv and Plain SoArs; Fine. Toonr and Hair Brushes; Letter and Cap Paper; Steel Pens, Lvks, &c; Tobacco, Ssurra, and Cioars; Powder, Shot, Lead and Safety Fl-se; Pure "Wines, Brandies, Spirits, &c; L.NDi:crn's Gar- den Seeds; Tanners' Oil, Brushes, Lasipdlacs, i&c. Purchasers, neeling any of the above articles, will do well to examine the above stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it us extensive, of prime quality, (if not lower) as low as any other House in Tennessee. Also, Sole Wholesale Agent for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Williams' Pulmonic Balsam, Mexican Mustang .Liniment, T If 7 -nrMil1 ili-n itilrmn Vita Frifnfi4 Jet that he will hereafter be assisted in his business by Mr. MORTIMER HAMILTON, late ot tne ir-m nf MfVoirv k Hnmilton 'who has been for a number of years past extensively and favorably known iu the Drug line. -m Q UPERIOR ARTICLES TOR THE TOILET. O Jockey Club Pomade, Low's Celebrated do, T..l , Vt.,r.V. An TTf-hada do. 5- for the Hair. Balm of Columbia, Genuine Bear's Oil, llaiipl's Eau Lustrale. I.iriiiid and Solid Rouire: French and Fancy Soaps: , ,.&. Low's celebrated Honey Soap; . , '- t.-. Roussel's and Baud's Fancy Soap; Fine and Dressing Combs; Plain and Fancy Hair dJruihir,; Lubiu's Genuine Extracts; . . L Mecn Fun ; . - ------ American and French Toilet Powders; Fancy Clialks; Assorted Dentifrices; Pomade Divines for chapped skins; Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Plain. .W received bv fdec20 J. 31. ZIMERMAN. TTTINDOW GLASS. Window (Jlass ot all sizes ana W of superior quality received and for sale low by novlO " ' ZIMERMAN. CTOD LIVER OIL. Trask's -Magnetic Ointment. Jjljsl rcceivedby dec-iu J. M. ZIMERMAN. MINIATURE IVORIES. Aitists Canvass, Art ists' Brushes, Artists' Colors, in Tubes, embracing cr crSliade. Just received by j zmmiAy. RUSHES. White Wash, Dusting, Crumb, Cloth, Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers , ar nish, Blue, I'aiiit, .tc., of assorted sizes. Just received by (ec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. SJIOKING TORACCO 300 Rolls very old and rich; 100 doz. Cut, in papers; r.o An. Seafarlatti Turkish : Just received and for sale low by npnljo J. M. ZIMERMAN. 7i TAGNOLIA COTTOX. We are agents tor tue M sale of the celebrated MAGNOLIA COTTONSEED, an article which several years experience with some of our best planters has proven to be better adapted to Middle len ncssce than any that was ever grown. Call soon or ;thev will all be gone. JOHNSON &&M1T1I, jaj ' Broadway. SYCAMORE COTTON YARNS -A full supply ofSvcamons Yarns, kept constantly on hand-nt tac tory prices for Cah. RAMAGE & CHURCH. January 1, ISM. J. T. NATHURST n ROOFER AND MANUFACTURER , Of IVnrrm' Fire and Wattr Froif Cinnpositwn. I DEEM it unnecessary for me to say anything in favor of this mode of Roofing": the constant increase of its popu larity for the last seven years that it has been tested in near ly all parts of the Union, is the best evidence of its utility and value. The roof shows for itself C3r01ftccon Spruce Street, second door from Cedar St., in "Moore's block. feb3 ly LIFE INSURANCE. HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HART FORD, CONNECTICUT. James Dixon, Pres. Hexky L. Miller, Sec'y. Capital and Surplus 300,000. . . Ixsoiiance on lives of white persons on the joint stock and mutual plan. , Also. insurance on uic uvea ui uvkiuu.-, ?. Tt i iiinllL- terms, jan 15 Oin J3. XI. IjUUJiio, Agent THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PA. a. j. ciLLiTT, sec'y. J- n. rl-tucefoiid, rres. Capital $250,000 ! (Ojkton &,lar drtet, oar the Mitml Protection Ins Co.) "IT TILL take fre risks in limited amounts on city or W country property. Policies issued and ad justed and met at the otiicc in, Nashville. llKFEKKNChS -Ii. J. liCVV, ) B. Cumegcvs, Cahierof. hil. Rank, I W-Ii-ShatTer, Girard" fPlnladel, W. Dennie t Sons J Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, " tu Patrick k Brand, Bankers, Pittsburg. W.H. I5niT0ugh, Irving House, New ork. ' G. W. Copclcn, Cincinnati. ! 1 ' JOHN G. FERGUSON- Nashville, Febniarj- 2, 1853 Cm R VEMOVAL.'DR. B. V. HALLhas remove.!, to the oflice and residence on Cherry street, opposite Judge Catron's, near Cornelius & McCombs Cabinet warerooms. JanS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! . - THE subscribers have associated thenelve together for the purpo-e of carrying on a general agency business in buying and selling negroes. We can at all times be found at our o!hce, No. 33, Cedar street, between CheiTV and Summer, Where we have erect ed safe and omfortabfe quarters for keeping any number ot negroes, and tho?c wishing loscll may be assured of getting the highest market price, as we will cither buy on our own account or sell on commission for others. We pledge our selves to obey instructions, and csjiecially promise to be par ticular in selecting good homes tor favorite y" out separating families. I'AUBb a l uitiftit. t BkesW. PoiiTun, Giles county. . Jos. W. Dahhs, NVIivillc jan20 ANDR EW !7u UNC AN, HAS now in store a full stock of BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN Dry r ei s? adapted to the present and approaching seasou, and to which he will continue to receive additions by every fcteantcr consisiing i Black and colored Silks; French MuIins; Painted Lawns; -Printed Persians Chene Royals; Black Dress Goods; French Printed Lawns; Bareges; Crapes; Crape Losses; Tarltans; Divss Trimmincs: rancy Dicss to; Embr'd and plain Swiss; Muslins and Lawns; Embroideries and Laces; White Goods; Hosiery; Gloves; Cravats; Linen and Silk Hdkf; Satin and Silk Vcitings; SilK anu saiin moDons; Cloths and Cassimeres, OlIK ISUU OUlill lllUUUiio, v..- " F 1.., .... L'rnmlin. Pliniiihrv (;:l!lHifS- Fancy Prints, Black Prints, English and French 4-1 Chintz, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Bleached and Brown Drill ings, Cambrics, Silk and Linen Threads, Spool Cottons, &c b ALSO Now Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers and Wreaths, Bonnet Trimmings, Ac. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe , and a geucral stock of Goods, which he is prepared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe ral terms, and l especially invites the attention ofmerchants and the trade generally. A. J. D. is agent for several large factories, and will soon be largely supplied with their oods. Nashville. Feb. 25. 1853. OT1CE. In couscquenccof the Fire on Friday morn ing, we are compelled to suspend business for some time, but will commence again us soon as we can procure a suitable bouse, of which due notice will be given. In the meantime we hope our friends who are indebted tons, and to Ewiu, Brown & Co., will come forward and settle up without delay, that we may meet our own engagements promptly. We can be fonnd at No. 18, on the square John Nichol s old stand. , . We would also take this occasion to express our grateful thanks to those who have kindly favored us and our prede cessors with their patronage; to the Fire Companies and citizens, to whose exertions we are mainly indebted for what of our goods were saved, and to those kind friends who sympathise with us inourloss. mQmE T INSEED OIL AND WHITE 1EAD.-10 bbls I j Linseed Oil; 200 kegs Fahncstock's White Lead. Just received and for sale low for cash by dcc20 J. M. AtMliiKJlAJi. I FAMILY GROCERY. Families living ? near or on Broadway can always get the fol- lowing nnicica u. o.u.t, , . . . in small or large quantities from day-light to 10 at night Butter, Eggs, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Candles, Bacon, Lard and allother articles usually kept in a Family Grocery. feul6 D.TRIGG, No. 52, Broadway. &LASS WARE. 100 boxes Jenny Ltod quart Flasks slOO boxes Fancy pint Flasks; 100 " Kp'mt do; or ale by feb25 W. H. GORDON &C0. NAS NASHVILLE. FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1853. INSURANCE. THE UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, 01 . NASHVILLE. CAPITAL 100,000 DOLLARS!! Chartered by the State. THIS Company having fully organized, ;s r wiAr tn take risks on all descnp--gcv- tions of property, against loss or damages by-$j .iunn ui ujijjciy, -- o - im ntanflonm st npnls of the sea ormland nav inition. Propositions for insurance will be received at the office ot the Nashville Insurance and Trust Co., College St. A. W. JOHNSON, President. J. S. Dasuiell, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct 1852. COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPAIfY. CnARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Capital 250,000: All Paid In. IILVVE been appointed Agent of the above Company at Nashville, and am fully prepared to take Marine, Fire, River Risks, on the most favorable terms. A full statement of the solvency of the Company can be seen atthcoffice of the Nashville "Insurance and Trust Com pany, on College street. . 1 llS JOHN S. DASHIELL, Agent. THE MUTUAL 'PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. OFFICE on Cedar Street, adjoining the Post Office, and opposite the Verandah, will insure on tho mutual prin ciple, Houses, Merchandize, &c, against Loss or Damage by Fire; Steamboats on any of the Western waters against .the Hazards or Inland Navigation and the Cargoes of essdsot every description against the Perils of the seas and Rivers. Also, the Lifes of persons in good health, for a single year, for a term of years, or during life. Also, Bank Notes trans mitted per mail. , . , . ... All persons having their lives or property insured m this Institution, are entitled to a full participation in all the proi its, without any liability to loss beyond the amount of Pre miums which they may pay. 4 M. S. PILCHER, President, J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. J. F. Wharton, Secretary. janl TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL S150000. OFFICE on the North side of the Public Square, midway between the Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bank. r will make insurance on nouses and Goods of every de scription against tire; on Steamboats and Cargo against fire nnd therisk'of theriver; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and other river crafts, and on sea vessels and other- cargoes, on thcusual terms. JOHN M. HILL, President. Joseph Vaulx, 'Secretary. - n Directors. Alex. Allison, John JL Hill, F. B. rogg, G. M. Fogg, Jaincs Corrcv, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph Woods, Sam uel Seay, Matthew Watson, J. J. White, Jacob McGavock. jaul JETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF. HARTFORD, CT. Chartered in ISIO. Gipttal $1Q0Q: all paid in. Assets iiutnUd in January last $-1311,000. S. L. L00MIS, Sec'y. THO. K. BRACE, Pres. rpHE undersigned has been appointed Agent ot tins Com J pany one of the oldest and most able in the United States, having nearly or qui'ehaif a million of Dollars safely invested at this time for the safety of policy-holders and is prepared to issue Policies on as favorable terms ns any other responsible oflice, on Dwellings, Stores, Manufacturing Es tublishment.sandal! other kinds of Buildings; on Household Furniture and Merchandise in general, cither in the city or country, ngainst Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, against the hazards bt Inland Transportation by all the usual routes and modes of conveyance. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Oliicc N. W. Corner Public Square, opp. Planters' Bank. mayg INSURANCE ON NEGROES. TT0USE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat Firemen, ner Public Square, opposite Planters' Bank. NASHVILLE STEAM MARBLE WORKS. JAMES SLOAN, Proprietor. MARKET ST., OPPOSITE JOHNSON & HORNE's TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, NASHVILLE, TEXN. Marble Warerooms at tfie old stand Comer of Summer and Spring Streets. HAVING made extensive enlargements in my Marble Works, my fiicilities arc such that I can execute all kinds of work in the most tasteful manner and the latest style, as cheap as it can be dope; in any of the Eas orn Cities. By calling at my Waic-rooms, on the comer :f Spring and Summer streets, specimens may be seen wlik.. v.ill enable persons to judge for themselves, which is the best method. Having on hand all kinds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee. Also, a fine assortment of Egyptian, Italian and American Marble, which I will sell low to the trade, wholesale and re tail, finished or in the rough state. A large assortment ot Monuments, Tombs, Baptismal Founts, Urns, Vases, Garden Figures, Grave Stones, &c, carved and lettered to order. Furniture Marble executed to order and sent to any part of the South-West as cheap as it can be procured from tho East, Also. Marble Mantels, of every description, plain or carved. Building Stone, sold Wholesale and Retail. . All orders left at my Ware-Rooms on the corner of Spring and Summer streets, will meet with prompt attention. My friends generally will find it to their interest to call and ex amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful to my old friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favors. JAMES SLOAN, . Corner of Spring and Summer streets, Nashville. febl'J ly PATENT CHOPPING MILL, For Chopping Corn or other Grain, An article which every Farmer nhould have. IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to five bushels an hour either fine for bread or coarse for stock and is so simple iu its construction, that auy boy twelve years old can keep it in order and run it. It is adap ted to either Steam, Water or Horse Power. Having sold the entire right of manufacturing and- selling the above Mill, in Tennessee, to Messrs. J. R. Cowan and A. C. Howard, of Nashville, persons wishing to purchase can find them at J. M. Scabury's, on College street, where they will be happy to take orders. BOSS & J.DAMS. ang-2a. & OLDEN SYRUP 10 qr. bbls Golden Syrup, 10 hi. " Sugar House Molasses, lt bbls, 5 " Cr'd do, Jnst received trom'St. Louis, and for sale by fcb23 SAMUEL SEAY, TRUNKS, VALISES, and CARPET BAGS." T E have just received a large anu fine a3- VY sortment of flunks. Carpet Bags and V.,l.cnc nnnaietitUr fit rvi IP. uajr anu ivin r nittmi. Tmri.linir Trunks mid Valises, alsoot Saxony. Brus llls. Wilton and common Carpet Bags, which we will sell at low prices. R.S. 1I0LL1NS & CO., janli) Corner of College and Union sts., Nashviilc. OUNDRIES. Now landing trom steamer America V. 1'0 boxes boap; 10 ceroons Indigo; 20 bags Pepper; ; casks .Madder ; 82 half barrels Soda ; 15 barrels Alum ; 10 tierces Rice ; 10 boxes Oranges ; MORRIS & STRATTON. 2- do Umger; 10 do Spice; 15 do Almonds; 100 dozen Buckets ; and for sale bv febU (2? 1 AAA REWARD. I will pay theabovc reward cjllaUUU to any person or persons, as a premium above the market price, for oue thousand Land Warrants, of the denoniinatioLS of lfiO, SO and 40 acres. I will pur chase single warrants ot either denomination. R. H. BROCKWAY Room over Oak Hall, cast side Public Square, 2d door soutti ! i m i u I. Nashville. oct!4 ni27. s WEET HAVANA ORANGES Just received two barrels Sweet Oranges. R. & J. NIXON. FURNITURE, CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, &c. rplIE subscriber has just returned from the X East, and is constantly receiving all kinds of fT FURNITURE, CARPETING, kc His stock at 551 present consists of almost every article in his line of busi ness, nnd as extensive as any in the city. Purchasers would do well to call, as he is determined to sell low for cash or on time for approved paper. A. PATTERSON, march lo College near Church street MARING0 MAMMOTH. n rpHE thorough bred Jack, MARINGO MAM X MOTH, direct from KentucKy, win masc i.:., r.-i ...... rn(.tieeAa nf Snniiirin -ts. ma ma, dcujuu in itmnvv ww a .. f.. 1 11 ...... A,.n ...ilACf Vmtnw- ilia nsVimir fnrii in Diiclc River, at thirty-live dollars insurance nnd fifty cents groom fee. JcnneU sent from a distance will be pastured gratis, and grain fed, if required, at fifty cents pbr week. He is fulllitleen hands two and a half inches high, d honest measure, unusually large bone, and heavy; ciack, with mealy uose. He has the form, size, color and blood to re commend him highly to those who wish to improve their stock. AVe consider him the master Jack of Tennessee. For further particulars see hand bills. march lli-3m KNIGHT & WILSON. UST RECEIVED AT 42., COLLEGE STREET. Ladies elegant Gaiters (with heels;) " Super. French Lasting Gaiters; " " Kid (trimmed) Slippers; " Elegant Embroidered Patent Leather Slippers; " best fine Morocco Kid and Goat Roots; Misses and Childreus Patent Leather do. This day received by frnnras RAMAGE & CHUROIL H. C.CARDTII. WJI. TElUtT. J. O.DEW CARUTH, TERRY & DEW. DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. -154, Marlet St. and 25, Merchant St., J'Mladelphia april5 ly. " DR. J. W. GRAY. Office in McCombs' Now Building) on Cherry- Street, Met ween waaerxca ana union. decli 12m Residence SsTTAXEn. X.L Cabm lioys, ic., at customary rates oi rreimuui. Policies issued and losses promptly adjust cd at the Nashville Agency. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, of Hartford Office N. W. Cor- HVILLE CARDS, &C. JOHNSON & SMITH. Dealers in Cotton and. Tobacco, Receiving and For- vrarding Merchants, Steamboat Agents, Sea., ' aprill BROADWAY, NASHVILLE. HAD. STEATTON. G. P. SMITH. A. W. JOHNSON.' STRATTON, SMITH & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cvrner of Broad and Market Streets, NASHVILLE, TENN., HAVING disposed of an interest in the Grocery depa. ment of our business lo Mr. Madison Stratton, the same will from this date be conducted under the style ol STRATTON, SMITH k Co. at our old stand, on tho corner of Market and Broad streets. ' Our stock, now ample, will be kept so by largo acccssicns every few days, to which we invitfr the attention and so licit a jdl from merchants in the country as well as. city dealers, being determined to sell as low as any house ik the city. Our terms cash and cash only. apr-1, 1852. JOHNSON k SMIM. RAMAGE & CHURCH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hate, Cap3, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, College street, Nashville, Tenn. A. HAMILTON, Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwarding and Conunisaioh Merchant, 6ct3" ' NASHVILLE,' TENN. K. J. MORRIS. TUOS. E.. STRATTON. MORRIS & STRATTON, .(Successors to Lanier, Morris k Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville. TTTE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li YV quors, Wines, etc., which will be sold at the lowest market prices, for cash or barter. scpl" oxo. w. SEAT. raos. c. bates. -s. decueud. SEAY, BATES & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. aug29 trwtf A CARD. I HAVE this day associated w::h me in the Saddling Bu siness mv son, A. C. MARCH. The business, in future, will be conducted iri the name of J. D. March k Son. AH persons indebted to me, by note or account, will please come up and make payment. J. D. MARCH. Jgf" Thankful for the liberal share of patronage hereto fore, a continuance of the same is respectfully t-olicited. ja2 J. D. MARCn & SON. OLIVER P. Sl'ROBERTS. ALEX. E. M'kEE. M'ROBERTS & M'KEE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS . MARkh'I ST., 4 Doore from BROAD ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. April 29, 1S52 ly NEW ORLEANS A CARD. BENJAMIN F. SHIELDS A CO., having per manently located themselves at New Orleans, otl'er their services as Commission and ForwardingMerchants and General Agents, and solicit consignments of all kindsof Western Produce, feeling confident that they can and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their 'inter est to their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held sacred and promptly remitted. P. S. Extensive arrangements made for the receiving and forwarding of every species of Merchandise, at reduced rates, from charges at this jioiuf. Orders for Groceries and Insui ance Risks, with the collection of Bills, Drafts, Ac, attended to without delay. BENJ. F. SHIELDS k CO. augl2 ly MYERS & McGLLL. DEALERS IN EVERY DESCIUITION OP Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy Goods, On College street, one door South aj the Square. H ERE may be "found at all timcsa large assort ment of Winchester's, Davis k June's, k Mvers' Patent shoulder beam blurts, ot Jauen , .Muslin witli Lin en Bosoms, Gingham, and French Chintz, Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear; Merino, Shaked Silk, Cash mere, Vigonia Cotton and Canton Flannel, for ladies and gentlemen, Gents Cloth Qatters, Gloves, Kid and Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma, Culf Gloves nnd Ladie3 and Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linen and Silk Haa-Akerchicfs, Stocks, Ties, Waterfords,' Albert, De Joinviiia , plain, Emb'd and self-adjusting, Cravats Scarfs, Black aud White Satin Ties, Shoulder Braces, Sus penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath ing Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. Mousy, RicLug and Strengthening Belts, Robe de Chambre, Umbrellas, Walk ing Canes, Riding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dressing Cases, Work Boxj?, Toi lets, Opera Glasses, Porto Monies, Fans, Writing Desks Cigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Companions, Razois and Razor Strops, Combs. Brushes, Good j'car's Gum Goods. Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutler)-, fcc, nnd a largo assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fun nishing Stores. We have made arrangements with our friends at the North to forward us Goods as soon ns received by them, therefore we shall have goods here iu lessthun ten davs from the New York Custom House. MYERS & McGILL'S. Furnishing Store, College street, 1 door South of the Square, Naslivillc. octll BEN. M. NOEL & BRO., Grocery and Commission, Receiving nnd Forwarding Merchants, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquois, COLLEGE STREET. 1QUORS AND TOBACCO. " 4o0 bbls Sam Hale's Whisky; 100 bbls Drans Whisky; 5o bbls Old Monongahela do 50 " Brown's D D do; 50 " American Brandy; 40' " " S M Wine, 20 " Old Port Wine; 25 " N E Rum; 5 Pipes Old Rrandy, best brands; 1 Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Champaigne; 0 boxes of Lieber's 'Ginger and Raspberry Brandies; 52 Pipes Holland Gin; 20 bbls American Gin; 50 bxs Gus Jones Tobacco; 50 Walker sAIe;5 20 " Young & Birdewell's do 20 bxs Allison's Tobacco; 25 " PMBoerzNo 1 do; 30 " rennet's do 20 ." " " Gold Leaf do 10 " Fenix's do 10 " B. Daily's do 20 " Missouri do 10 " Endcr's do 10 " Sam Wools 5's do 5 " S E White's do 5 " Rend & Nash's do In store and for sale by fublO BEN. M. NOEL k BR0. UST RECEIVED. ioO bags Prime Rio Coffee; 60 " " Laguayrado; 2.1,000 Imported Cigars; 300 bbls Reboiled Molasses; 50,000 Melee do; 300 halves do do; 10 frails SS Almonds; 50 hhds choice Sugar; 10 tierces Rice; 500 bags fine Salt; 5 ceroons Indigo; 300 kegs Oysters; 2 casks Dutch .Madder; 500caus do; 20 bbls Copperas; 300 bbls St Louis Mills Flour; 20 bag3 Pepper; 100 ' Cincinnati do; 15 " Spice; 800 kegs Nails assorted; 800 reams Wrap. Paper; 300 boxes Glassware, ass; 500 lbs Kanawha Salt ; 100 doz. Brooms; 20 kegs Shot and Lead; 25 bbls Golden Syrup; 20 bbls Mackerel; 30 bbls and half bbls Crackers; 50 bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar; 300 bojs and half boxes Raisins; Just received and for sale by BEN. 31. NOEL 4 BRO. feblO. WANTED. A few thousand bushels Pea Nuts, for which we will give the highest market price, febio BEN. M. NOEL k BRO. JOSEPH F. DUNT0N, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods House, No. 51, Public Square, Naehville, Tenn. HAS now in store a largo and well assorted Stock of tun most desirable goods of the season, embracing every description and quality, French Mantillas, Ribbons, Silk Drap GoodsWhite Goods of all kinds.Laces and Embroide ries French Jaconetts, Lawns and Cambrics, Bareges, Barege de Laines, Brilliantines; a variety of other Dress Goods, Hosierj- of all kinds, Hats of all descriptions, Hard ware, etc. Looking Glasses, a large variety of Guns and Pis tols, besides a great variety of Trimmings and every descrip tion of Goods, to which he now submits the inspection of Merchants of the city and country trade, to which stock will be added daily, desirable goods from the East Merchants 'generally, are invited to examine my stock and compare prices with that oi other houses in the trade. Ffeb23 J. F. DUNTON SODA "WATER APPARATUS, for manufac turing, drawing andbottleing, of tho latest and most ap proved construction, manufactured and for sale, with ex plicit printed directions for its use, by JOHN MATHEWS- CORNER OF FIRST AVENUE AND " REET, Opposite Bellevuc, New York The ouly establishment devoted exclusively to the manu facture of SODA WATER MACHINERY , &x, in the United Sta'es, and where may be found a large assortment of every article connected with the business, including Materials, kc jan 27 Sm Estamjsiied 20 Years. SUGAR. 2S0 hhds Sugar, now landing from steamea America.andfor sale by MORRIS k STRATTON; D. S. & W. H. WOODWARD. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and -Texas Land Agents. Particular attention paid to fiuimr orders Office, over the store of W. T. Smith & Co., No. 63 Magazine street, Oct. 8, 1852 6m ew Orleans. JNIOft NO. 8. CUKREY & MARTIN, B . . ' ' CH EHICAL HALL. '' NEW AND FRRSH ARRIVALS, BY CURREY & MARTIN. . CJIBMIS T A ND DRUGGISTS, No. 85, CNION STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. CONGRESS WATER. 2i dosen bottles ot; this celebrated wafer just received. The analysis of this mineral water proves it to contain of Magne sia and Soda, Chloride of Iodiuro, Iobide o: Iiodium aud Carbonate of Lime. febSS CURREY & MARTIN. BOGLE'S HYPERION FLUID. This Hair Restorative has acquired a wonderful reputation. 1 1 is recommended for Baldness, DandrutT, Humors on the Scalp, and for rendering the Uair beautiful and glossy. 14 Doz. Just received by CURREY k MARTIN. PAINTS. A large assortment of Paints of all ctilors, ground in oil in half pound and one pouud cans, readv for use. Just received by CURREY k MARTIN. " 1 rrEAS. We are supplied with a large and fresh as- sor.mentoi bom ureca ana lil.ick Teas, or Hue ana ex tra fine flavor consisting of Imperial, Superior Colonv, Sea Queen, Old Hyson, Fiuc Macv Fong, Powchong. These are Cantou Teas. Jnst received by feb23 C URREY k MARTIN, No. 35, Union strest. DR. BLEDSOE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUND lue Remedy over all RemeJiet for tlie Uncases of the tAssr Dysjxpsia, Enlargement and Injlamation of th Svletn Heartburns, . Colic FlalaUnce, PiUs, Cbnsiirpatioii, all iiteatis of the Boicels, and such (lipases arite from a dlsorderd state of the Stomach, Liter or Boweh; as Scrofula ami Sores of any kind. For General Debility, from which, Ladies "freoaently iufer, there is nt xts equal in the tchole Materia Meaicj. rpHE inventor of this preparatun was for three years s i completely prostrated from Dyspepsia and inactivity of the Liver that he was frequently for weeks at a time unable to raise himself from his bed. Ho sought aid from physicians at home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronounced hopeless by thousands, and it was by accident that he suc ceeded in curing himself. Since he has been practicing med icine, bis success in such cases nas been unrivalled'. Hs has been aware of the incrcduluy of the public, and conse quently said nothing thiough the press of his own case, until the character of the mediciuo was fully established by its success, as shown y the certificates which have Deen advertised. I subjom tho certifiri te of Prof. M. Gabcebt, of Memphis, Tenn., with whom I uftcn advised during tho time oi my sufl'ering. , , , T MEiirms, Tenn., April 17,U02. I hereby certify that I have been acquainted with Jr. J N. Bledsoe mid Kome years asp he wus reduced I .u!.eVe lower than I have ever "seen any oue that afterwards recover ed, with what I supposed to be Iiyspepsiaand Liver aflec.ion. and after trying theprcscriptionlot many Phvsicians in this as well as other countries, without relief, he finally succeded with a preparation of his own in being restored to good health. M. OABBERT, M. 1). Phys; inns are requested to try this preparation. We feelsatiUied it will sustain the character we give to it in this publia.tioii. Hunts ville, January 12, 13")2. Dr. RlediOe: I take the liberty and fell it lo' le my duty to recommend to all persons sufl'ering from disease of the stomach and bowels, your Alterative Compound, as a very seperinr medicine. My son, uged 15 vears, had been under medical treatment about five years for dvspepsia and diar rhea when having almost despaired of Ins recovery, 1 con cluded to try your Alterative, two bottles of w Inch, 1" believe, eutireh cured him. MICA J AH CAYCE. Hcntsville. Oct. 17,1S52. . v. ....... -' wf..-i.u i w tificate that my wife had been greatly benefited bv your Alterative Compound. I now take pleasure in saving to the public, that jny wife had for three or four vears been subject to the worst kind of spells of cramp in the stomach from dyspepsia. I had tried of several whom I thought to be the best physicians in the place and a great many differen medicines, with momentary relief. Being persuaded to try your alterative comjiound, I did so and I am happy to sav that it has entirely cured her; and I would conscientiously recommend it to all persons suHering from diseases of the liver and dyspepsia. N. B. ROBERTSON. lluNTSViLLE, Sept. 29, 1551. Dr. Bledsoe Having seen the publication of your Alter ative Compound, I think it my duty te say to the public, that I had been for years subject to spells of Cramp Colic, in its worst form ; that I had tned almost even thing that is gi ven by physicians, and never found any thing that would cer tainly relieve me, until I tried the above medicine, which nas relieved me in every attack in less than an hour. WM. B. LLOYD. Giles Cocntt, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1851. Dr. Bledsoe : I feci that I should fall short of my duty to you and tothoso who arc alilicted, were I not to further recommend your Alterative Compound. It 1ms entirely re lieved. me, so that I have not had cause to take anything in two months. I can eat anything I want with impunity, and believe my health is as good asit ever is at my advanced age. Should 1 ever sutTer from dyspepsia again I shall be sure to call on vou. I am vers rcspecttullv your friend. ELIZABETH J. HARWOOD. Huntsville, Ala., August 24, 1851. This is to certify, that I had sutlered for many years ivith isyspcpsiu uuu uiseaacs ui me iiver. i nysioian auer rny siciun hud prescribed for me without my receiving any ben efit, when 1 commenced th? use of Dr. Bledsoe's Alterative Compound, which cured me soundly, and I recommend it because of the same happy effect upon others of my acquaint uuce. JOSEPH CAROTHERS. Huntsville, Ala., March S, 1S52. Dr. Bledsoe: Sir : Judging from the certificates you have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for me . to add further evidence in regard to the healing virtue:! of ypur Compound; but I .mist say, that for years I suffered a great deal from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the spleen, and thought that 1 never would recover. I commenced tak ing your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained 2 j or 30 pounds, and feel about as wdl as I ever did. HENRY J. GOFF. jggTThe above medicine is forsale in ever Drug Store in the city, and most of the towns in the State. G. W. HEN DERSHOTT, General Agent, for wholesaling the med icine. iSsPPrice 1 per pint Bottle. novlti lvd tr FOR SALE. LOT fronting 34 feet on lower College st.; running tack 198 feet. Two bouses on the lot, which rent for 216 a year, price $900- Lot 32 feet on Franklin Turnpike, in Preston Haj-s' addi tion. ALSO, 200 acres of land in Smith county, 0 miles from Lebanon. For fertility the land cannot be surpassed, being principally creek bottom, about 100 acres cleared and iu a high state of cultivation, the balance finely timbered. The iuiprevements consist ot a good frame dwelling, ne gro bouses, barn, stables, kc, and Saw and Grist Mills, and Carding Machine, constructed to run either by steam or water. AIjSO, 31 acres of laud in Edgefield on the Gallutiu Turnpike, opposite Mr. R. Houston's lot. There is on the Kitrhen. nec-rc houses. Ac ALSO, AS acres ol land on bpringtidd road, 14 miles from Nashville. . ALSO, 32 acres of land adjoining the property of R. Lucas. ALSO, 7 acres of land on the Noleusville Turnpike, splen didly improved. ALSO, 33 acres of land, 4 miles from the city; on the Fkail Road. ALSO, the large Brick Warehouse on College street, known as the Port Royal Mills Depot. ALSO, 250 acres of land in Sumner county, near Castilian SlALSO, a tract of land in Sumner county, on Cumberland river, containing 190 acres, known as the Sumner Paper Mills; the buildings were erected for a paper mill, and are well constructed lor that purpose. Price $5,000. ALSO, 3 acres of ground in Edgefield, opposito the prop erty of Gen. S. R. Anderson - ALSO, a finely improved lot next to Mrs. Polks, front ing S3 feet on Vine street, 140 feet deep. ALSO, 1 acre and 9 poles of ground near the State Hospi tal improvements good. ALSO, a lot on corner of Gay and McLcmore streets, with a good brick house containing 5 rooms. . ALSO, a very desirable farm 10 miles from Nashville, rear theFrauklin Turnpike, containing 118K acres, good two story brick dwellings and other improvements on the PlALSO, a large fine brick honso on Vine street, between Church and Broad streets, the lot fronts 40 feet on V me street. ALSO, 2,000 acres of land on the old Springfield road, 17 miles from Nashville, on Mansker's Creek, good dwelling and other necessary buildings, and also Steam Grist and Saw ALSO, a large brick house on Church street, near the De pot, containing 11 rooms, besides kitchen and other neceis ry buildings. The house is wdl constructed for a boarding ll0ALSO, a small brick house, 8 rooms on Locust alley, near FiALSruabletcnement, 3 roomseach on Crawford Bt, in the tuntry, which can bo bgjbPfffiS, . apriU3 No. 50 Cherry streel. CHARLES W. SMITH, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER , No. 51, College Street. SCHOOL, Law, Medical Religious and Miscellaneous Books, Also, Blank Books and Stationery, at lowest P1jrCountry Merchants, and School Teachers supplieclon themost favorable terms. Nashville, Tenn., feb. 2. UMBRELLAS 300 Gingham and "Whalebone Um brellas, 1Q0 Cotton, Received andfor "sale by A. MORRISON CO. MISCELLANEOUS. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. PAIit & CUNNINGHAM, No. 47, College Street, Nashville, Tenn. ARE now in receipt of their entire stock of HARD WARE and CUTLERY for theSpring Trade, and in calling the attention of the merchants of Middle and East Tennes see, Kentucky, and North Alabama, to thdrLirge and varied assortment, ttiey feel confident that it will compare favora bly with that ot" any House in anv country, and when the item of Transportation is considered, it will be found that selfinleret should prompt all dealers in this section of tho country to encourage a home mark et. They also iuTite the attention of Ittack3mith3, Carpenters, and Farmers visiting Nashville to their assortment of Tools, Fanning Implements, Ac, a large stock of which they always keep on baad. leather. Ginseng and i?ftsrar, takeu at the highest mar ket prices in exchange tor goods, or in payment of debts. Feb. 26,1838. b 13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "XJOTICE is hereby given to all those indebted to Eeene LV zer Fisk, deceased,intestate,tocome forward and make payment, and toall having in possession auy of the goods and chattels of said deceased, to deliver them ; and all those having claims against said deceased to present them proper ly authenticated, by the 10th day of June next, or they will be forever barred. D. R CLAIBORNE, ntarchll Smtrw Administrator. DR. WM. McLANE, INDIAN AND GERMAN ROOT DOCTOR, RESPEcTFDLLYannounccs to the citiiens of Nashvilfc and vicinity, that he has returned again after a resi dence of fourteen years in the South, and permanently la. catcd himself in South Nashville, at the corner of Wasit ingtonand Pearl streets, where he may at all times be fira by those who may wish to consult hun. He has in his. possession many certificates from men f eminent standing certifying to the permanent cure cf the most distressing cases ot tho following diseases, vis: Ner vous Affections, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chills and Fevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Couglis, Incipient Con sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fits, Dropsies. Cancers, Ulcers, Scroffulous, Hemoptasis of the Lungs, and other lliynorages; Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kidueys, Mer curial and Venereal Taints of the Blood; Diseases of Chil dren, Worms and various other Diseases incident to the hu man system. During his residence in the South, be attended to over ten thousand different cases, all of which he treated with more than ordinary success. Dr. McLaiie hopes from his much experience in the Medi cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended l his efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronage J of the sick and alilicted. Nashville, Feb i ly. DR. WM. McLANE. SyAIlLetters addressed, post-paid, to South Nashville. FLOWER SEEOS. l50o papers of rare and select Flower Seeds, just received per express from Philadel phia. Many of these seeds have just been imported from Europe, uud are enti cly new to our western garden. Also in store, a large and fresh (warranted) supply of Garden Seeds. CURREY k MARTIN, march24 No. S3 Union street. SCALES, WEIGHTS, CASTINGS, &C, &C JUaT received Platlbna Scale to weigh 1500 fts. do do do ltW fts; do do do 700-ltisr do do do 10HS3. Counter Scales. Tea Scales. Extra sets of Weights; 100 lb weights, Caldrons, 7,50 and 32 Gallons. . ' Sugar Nellies of nil sizes. English Pots from 1 to IS Gullons. Tea Kettles of all sizes. Do., for Stoves. Copper Toaiters, with wire cj lindtrs. Enameled Sauce- Pans ot'all sizes and host quality. Turned Sauce Pans and Frving Pans, of ull sus. -aprilO SNOW. MACKENZIE- A CO.. " PARLOR GRATES. JUST received a few patterns of elcgnut Parlor Grates, for which onaccount of their beauty and superior man ufacture, have received pruesat the Northern tixMbittOHS. These arc the handsomest Grates that have ever been offered for sale in Nashville upriHi SNOW, MACKENZIE k CO. SELF-HEATING SAD IRON. JUST received a few of the new patent Self-Heatlv Sad Irons, by which, with the assistance ofa. cent worth of C'Auicoaf, the Ironing for a large family may to done in tho shade under the trees, and requires no large tire in the kitchen iu the beat of Summer. aprit-6 SNOW, MACKENZIE A CO. PERKINS. & CLACK, GROCERS, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND Forwarding Merchants. S. L Corner of Ckl'.ege and Church sis., NashtiHe, 2'nn. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Sugnr, Coirec,SaIt, Flour, Iron, &c., &c, &c; COFFEE 100 bags Rio Codec; 25 bags Havana Coffee; 25 Laguyra do; 25 " Java do; SUGAR 100 hhds Louisiana Sugar; 60 bbla l'bilmlolUin. Crushed Sugur; 25 " " Clarified do; 25 " " Loaf, (Lovering's;) 25 " St. Louis Crush'd and Pulverized; TEAS 20 cases Superior Teas; MOLASSES 100 bbls Reboiled and S. House Molasses; 50 K bDls " " " do; . . NAILS 100 kegs assorted sizes; IRON Tenneesre and Pittsburg assorted sizes; FLOUR 20'. bbls Gallego's Mills; 50 " St Louis, Harrison's;) 50 " Cincinnati; LIQUORS 15 cases London Porter quarts and pink; 10 " Scotch Ale " " 50 " American Brand v; 2J pipes French do; 25 bbls Bourbon Whisky; 55 " Monongahala do; 200 bbls Rectified do various brands; . 50 " Old Rye do; CIGARS 20,000 Imported Havana Cigars; 13,000 American do; 100 boxes Cuba Sixes and Melee Cigars; TOBACCO 50 " CliewingTobaccoass'd brands; 25 " Jenny Lind superior article; SALT 100 bbls Kanawha Salt; 100 sacks Fine " do; 12) " Coarse do; 100 " Dairy do; 75 boxes Table do;- , FISH 30 bbls Mackerel; 50W- do; 7o ktis do; , 10 cases Sardines: POTATOES 150 bbls Irish Potatoes; BUCKETS 100 doz. Painted Buckets; GLASSWARE 50 boxes SxIO Window Glass; s w.k 50 " 10x12 " " . 100 " Pint and Quart and hfpt. Flasks' CLOVER SEED 25 bbls Pennsylvania Clover Seed, CANDLES 50 boxes Star Caudles; 50 X " " 4u " " 100 " Tallow " ' SOAP 100 boxs Brown bar Soap; ' 4f 50 ' Fancy; " PI CKLES 10 case3 choice Pickles; CATSUP 10 cases Tommato Catsup; FRUITS 50 boxes 31 R Raisins; 50 14 " " do; 50 " " do; 200 drums Figs; 10 frails S S Almonds; 10 bbls Pecans. SUNDRIES Cotton Yarns. Osuaburgs Indigo, Madder, Spice, Ixsad, Pepper, Shot, Axe., Chains, Ac, Ac In store and for sale by PERKINS k CLACK, Liberal advances on consignments. B marcbl) Rick Spring Goods W. A. & J. G. McCLELLAND, No. 20, PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE. ARE rpcching and now opening their Stock of faPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; and, in extent and variety it is decidedly tho most attractive they have ever opened. They would call the attention of purchasers to the following, with many other Goods not enumerated : RICH DRESS GOODS. Plaid India Silks; Delicate Summer Silks; -" Plain Rich Silks, all colors; ' " Berages, " - - Challeys, Dayaderes; ,- Fine Linen Cambrics, 40 to 75; Plain and Bordered Brilliantcs; Rich Organdy Muslins; ' French Chintz ; French Jaconets, from 2a to 50 cents; LACE GOODS. Valencienne Laces an J Insertiugs, Star Point laces, Va lencienneaad Musli Collars, Cuffs and Dimity Bands. Jacj onett and Liner. Flounces, Mourning Robes, Plain Mourning and TravelColIars. GQQDS rnsh Linen3, Linen Sheetings, Damask Table Linens and Kapklns, Fine Bird's Eye Diaptr, Huckaback and Medicated Towels, Lace and Muslin Curtain3, Bleached and Domestic Sheetings, Bed Tickings kc., , 4c The most beautiful Spring and Summer Mantles ever oncned in Nashville Also, Silk for Mantles. P WHITE GOODS. Mull Nansook, Hair Cord, Striped Swiss, Checked Jace netts. Dotted Swiss Muslins. HOSIERY, RIBBONS, FANS, 4c Blue and mite Silk Hose, Thread and '.p Hose, Misses Silk and Cotton Stockings, beautiful Ribbons, Bonnets, Fans. Mitts, Kid Gloves. Berages, Gingbami and Mnsling, blue Rcpt Sdks, without SSi HanSbieCtriped V Cotton Ha.f-Hose,-4c,Ac. . howi our., stock, feel- bVableto offer suchnducemenLs as ,t istyle andprices, as to -r,, Nashrille, March 29, 1353. 1 I