Newspaper Page Text
01 rr tb y a The ' 1 t an ad The 1 tTT Sr Rendu risk. No papt compp 1 c ii b r S I n 1 Re Ma. dur pun boai J cn nr 1 (er, Mat trr m f. ui as i i NASHVILLE UNION. c , . CHURCH & MARLING, Proprietors. OFnCE NO. GO, UNION BUILDINGS, CHERP.Y ST. THE "WEEKLY UNION Is furnished to subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one year in advance. 2 50; within theyear3 00; at the end of the year $4 00. Clubs Of fire and upwards 82 00 per copy for one year. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six months at the foregoing rates. Tho TRI-WEEKLT is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; if not paid in advance, 5. The DAILY is published at Eight Dollar FTHE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY SUBSCRIPTIONS. J3 Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mail at our risk. No paper will be sent out of the State unless the order is ac $ comp'anied with the cash. STEAMBOATS. NEW ORLEANS AND NASHVILLE PACKET. QPLENDID hcvr Passenger Steamer, II. Captain T. IL Newxll, low ions uunuen. mis magmncem Mieam- Tag?grgg er, now beiug completed at hew Albany, will take her place m me nuove trade as soon as navigation opens. The Hill Is entirely new, of the largest class, and is, in ev ery respect, equal to any Steamboat on the "Western waters. She has been built under the superintendence of her expe rienced Captain, and has all improvements required by the late law: A plan of her Cabin can be seen find State-rooms engaged by application to A. HAMILTON, Agent, oeWO Market Street. jap Mr. THOMAS" HAMILTON will act as Agent for the Hill in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purcliasc of Merchandise ordered by her. A. II. "REGULAR, PASSENGER STEAMER BETWEEN NASH- VILLE AND NEW ORLEANS. THE swift and superior Steamer Nash- ppe1 K ville, Tuos. Bellsntder, Commander, will resume her place in the above trade on &2LziZi the first rise of -water, leaving Nashville every three weeks throughout the season. Tfie Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade for safety, comfort and convenience. , . A "pkn of her Cabin may be seen 4ind State-rooms engaged by plication to J AS. A. MoALLISTER A CO., Agts, o3n Corner of Broad and College Streets. !&T Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for thrNfcshville in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered bv her. ' X A. McA & CO. FOR BURKSVLLLE AND WAITSB0EO'. -. "1T.EGULAR EIGHT DAY PACKET. JlL The light draught last running pasen- y. 'er Packet KEPUULIU, 21. U. .ucUallister, Master, will make regular eight day (rips in the above trade during tire season. Shippers and passengers moy rely upon punctualitv of this boat tor freight or passage. Apply on board or to JAMES CLAIBORNE, Agrft, deciiO b w a G en Front st. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and NASHVILLE PACKET. nruili u29crpr.W;a tast runuing passenger r j in'irju- rr T , Ma. V Jui..' ter, has taken tlie piaco ol tne sieamcr a!S5fS3sara Mattic Wayne and will make iegular trips in the above trade during the season. Leaving Cincinnati every other "Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Nashville every otlier Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Tlicabove boat is entirely new and" for speed and accom modation is unsurpassed. "I will be thankful for all orders, und lespeoffully solicit for her it share of public pitronage. JAMES CLAIBORNE, janl A en Agent, tront St SMITHLAND, PADUCAH AND NASHVILLE WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY PACKET. TnE new and splendid pasngcr steamer pftSW K Odd Fellow, CAPT. JO. C. LEAKE, i. wih leave Nashville on her first trip, on Sat- sss urday the 27th instant, at 10 A. M., and will continue in the above trade, leaving Nashrille on Wednasdays and Sat urday, at 10 A. M. and leaving Paducah on Thursdays and Mondays at 4 P. M. The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt Leake, for the abovp trade. Her nccommodations for passengers am not'atirpassed by any packet on Cumberland river. I ask fur her a share of public patronage. A. HAMILTON, Agcnt. MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. MAIL PACKETS. CITY OF HUNTSVILLE THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE will leave .asiville for Memphis every Friday; at (i o'clock, r. m., and leaves Memphis for Nashville evciT Monday, at 1 o'clock, a. h. EMBASSY will leave Nashville for Memphis every Monday at ' 6 o'clock, r. v., leaves Memphis for Nashville every Tluirsdny at 11 o'clock, a. ii., delivering the mail at the sev eral post offices between the above pot ts. They will also touch at. all points between the post oifices. Persons traveling southward will find it to fheir advantage fo take this line, as it is firm two to three days quicker and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting at Memphis with Memphis and New Orleans Packets which leave on the arri val of our packets, for Ne w Orleans. Oar packets also con necting with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Eve ry pains will be taken to render those who call on us com lortuble- For freight or passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Of- fiee, Naslivillc, or A. is. sii.vw x uu., .ucmpms. A. L. DAVIS, Nashville. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FlFTY-FlVE HOURS. New York and Charleston Steam Packets. I EAVES Adger's Wharves, every Saturday -fetifc, V afternoon aiul each altpj-nate Wednesday. f JikJ1' On Saturdav, Jas. Adgor, l'.Wu fons, -stvSj .1. Dickinsoii, Coniinandor Marion, 1,20) tons, M. Beny (Jnnuunnder. The Soiillicrner, W. Foster, Commander, will leave each altcniafe Wednesday. Having been newly coppered and guards raised, is now in compleie order. For freight or passage, Iw ving elegant Stato Room Accom modation, apiily at tlie office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, ComcrEasi Bay and Adger's Sou. Wharves. . Cubbin i.isiigc '.'. Steerage N. B. V new ship will be placod on tho Line to connect with the Southerner on Wednesday?. fub!7 trw IRONlNiNG, At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, College Street rTlll undersigned is now prepared to cxeeute all I kinds of Wrought and Cast Iron Fencing. ' Alwi nvnrv variutv of Gates. Fancy Sfcn. Balcony and Verandah Railing. 31y work' will be executed as will us any of that hi ought from the Eastern Cities, and at prices its low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. All kinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. T'le public are requested to give me a call and examine my pat terns and uncos. I will eridc.ivor to give the utmost satis faction. WILLIAM STEWART, College Street, opposite tlie Firemen's Hall, Nashville. mayl tf DRS. C. KT& J. D. "WINSTON, OFFER their services to the citizens of Nashville and vi cinitv in practice of Medicineand Surgery. Office oil Ghurry street, near the Bank of Tennessee,. -Dr. J. D. Winston's residence, the house lately occupied by Mr. Amistead, on Vino street, between . Church and Broad. ' i USTrRECElS'ED. A few of those fine BlackSatin Apron Stocks: Apply soon. T. J. HOUGH' feb!2 Agent EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL & CO "XT ORTH-WEST comer of the Public Square, near Plant JN ers' Bank, Nashville, Tenn. gp" We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principal cities of the East, South and West at the lowest rates, "in sums to suit purchasers." We buy all kinds of current and uncurrcnt Bans Notes at moderate rates. fg-f We buy South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina Bank Notes, at a very Small discount We will purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon ies at a fair premium. ESP We have Gold and Silver for sale will attend to collectionsremitting on any point requested at Bank rates, charge but percent, commissions. gig We are taking Bank of East Tennessee the .same as other Tennessee Bank Notes. janl7 BRADY, GORMAN & CO., Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants, ffThey keep an Office in Tuscumbia, Ala. au28 12m j-H. S. FRENCH, Agent, Nashville, is authorized to ake CASH advances upon shipments of Produce to th ove firm. CARRYALL FOR SALE. A first rate new cus tom made earn-all for sale cheap for cash, -by jan21 W. MEREDITn. TRUNKS, &c Extra fine Leather Trunks, Velvet and Brusseil Carpet Bags, Leather and Drugget Carpet j Bags, just received and for sale by - i jfcnai W. MEREDITH. j 1 1 i CRUMB CLOTHS. Rich and splendid Crumb Cloths, with borders, just to hand and lor sale by jan21 W. MEREDITH. w OOL HATS. Wool Hals just received and for safe by jan21 W. MEREDITH. TVED BLANKETS. Extra fine Bed Blankets, just J3 received and for sale by jan21 W.MEREDITH. NEW CARPETING. Just received this day and for sale by jan21 W. MEREDITH. TENNESSEE C0USE IN GEORGIA. TV, F. HABJUS. SKID1I0RE HAIUUS. HARRIS & CO. X?ont'aring and. Commission Merchants, 8A.YJUX3A.I1, Of A.., Forward with care and dispatch to and from the Eastern cities, ou to any point desired, GOODS, PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE, of all descriptions, and sell on comuiis ,sion, PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. They also.pur- chase to order GROCERIES, which can be bought on m03t fa'vorabe ferffitiSavannah market They solicit your patronage, iaWfktheir utmost exertions to give satisfaction. vUg deo30 6m ? THE VOL. XIX. J. M. ZIMERMAN. J. H. ZIKEEMAN, "Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist, SrfiN OF TIIE LlOK AND MORTAE. 4 DOORS FROM the Square, Market St., Nashville, Have just receive'd, by the late rise of water, a large an . unusually fine stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Surgical, Midwifeey and Anatomical Instiiuitents ; Paints, Oils, "Window Glass, Varnishes, Spices, Glasswaee, and Stoneware; Paint, Varnish, Coach and Abtist Brushes; Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Fanct and Plain SoArs; Fine Tooth and Haib Br.csnns; Letter and Cap Paper; Steel Pe.-3, Inks, Ac.; Tobacco, SNurrs, and Cigabs; Powder, Shot, Lead and Safety- Fuse; Pure Wines, Beandies, Spibits, kc; Landbeths Gar den Seeds; Tanners' Oil, Brushes, Laupblick , kc. of the above articl"'. will do well to examine tho above stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it as extensive, of prime quality, uf not lower) Pectoral, jiniment, 'epsin. J. M. Z. would also inform his friends, &c, that he will hereafter be assisted in his business by Mr. MORTIMER HAMILTON, late of the firm nr "MpWirr fe Hamilton, who has been for a number of years past extensively and favorably known in the Drug line, - O UPERIOR ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. O Jockey Club Pomade, Low's" Celebrated do, Tt.lra llnfil'a An Xehada do, J- for the Hair. Balm of Columbia, Genuine Bear's Oil, Hanoi's Eau Lustrale, Liquid and Solid Rouge; French and Fancy Soaps: RousseVs and Hauel's Fancy Soap; Fine and Dressing Combs; Plain and Fancy Hair Brushes; Lubins Genuine extracts; MeenFun; . American and French Toilet Powders; . , Fancy Chalks; Assorted Dentifrices; Pomade Divines, for chapped skins ; Tooth Brashes, Fancy and Plain. .Inst twoived bv fdec2u1 J. M. ZIMERMAN. "ITrjJVDOW GLASS. Window Glass ol all sizes ana YV of superior quality rcceived and for sale low by ,T. M. ZIMEItMAN. novlO 0 -OD LIVER Oil . Trask's dec20 Magnetic Ointmcnt J. M. ZIMERMAN. Just received by MINIATURE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Art ists' Brashes, Artists' Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev ery Shade. Just received by dec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. Tl RUSHES. White Wash, Dusting, Crumb, Cloth, X) Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers', Var nish, Blue, Paint, &c, of assorted sizes. Just received by dec ' J. M. ZIMERMAN. S" 3IOKIN(Tt6IIACCO aoO Rolls very old and rich; 100 doz. Cut, in papers ; 50 do. Scafarlatti Turkish; Just received and for sale low by april;30 J. M. ZIMERMAN. aTAGNOLlA COTTOA c arc agents ior ine 1 sale of the celebrated MAGNOLIA COTTON SEED, an article which several years experience with some of our best planters has proven'lo be better adapted to Middle Ten nessee than any that was overgrown. Call soon or they will all be gone. JOHNSON &.SM1TH, janoy Broadway. O YCAMORE COTTON YARNS-A full sup Oof Sycamore Yarns, kept constantly on hand at tory prices for Cash, BAMAGE & CHURCH. January 1, 1sjJ. J. T. NATHURST ROOFER AiW MANUFACTURER Of Warren's Fire and Vatr Proof Camposdmn. I DEEM it unnecessary for me to say anything in favor of this mode of Roofing: the constant increase of its popu larity for the last seven years that it has been tested in near ly all parts of the Union, is tho best evidence of its utility and value. The roof shows for itself j5T"0lficc on Spruce Street, second door from Cedar st., in Moore's block. feb2 ly LITE INSURANCE. HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, . HART FORD, CONNECTICUT. James Dixon, Pres. II emit L., Sec'y. Capital and Surplus S300.000. Insurance on lives of white persons on- the joint stock and mutual plan. Also. Insurance on the lives of Negroes on reasonable terms. S. H. LOOMIS, jan 15 Gm Agent. THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PA. a. j. gillitt, see'v. J. kutukrfoiu, rres. Capital $250,000 ! Office on Ctlar street, orer the Mutual Protection In Co.) WILL Like Jire risks in limited amounts on city or country property. Policies issued and Losses ad justed and met at the office in Nashville. References 1- J. Levy, B. Conifgevs, Cashier of hil. Bank, W.L. Shatter, Gimrd" W. Dciinic k Sons hiladcl. J Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Va. Patrick & Brand, Bankers, Pittsburg. W. II. Burrough, Irving House, New York. G..W. Copelcn, Cincinnati. 1 JOHN G. FERGUSON- Nashville, Februarys, 1S53 Gin eTIOVAL-DR. B. W- H ALL has removed, to the IL office and residence on Cherry street, opposite Judge Catron's, near Cornelius McCombs' Cabinet Warcrooms. JanS. "LOOK-TO YOUR INTEREST ! rpllE subscribers have associated themselves together for 1 the purpose pf carrying on a general agency business in bm ing and scliing negroes. We can at all times be found at our office, No. 83, Cedai sheet, between Cherry and Summer, where we have erect ed safe and comfortable quarters for keeping any number ol negroes, and those wishing toscll may be a..siired of getting the highest market price, as we -will either buy on our own account or sell on commission for others. We pledge our selves to obey instruction, and especially promise to be par ticular in selecting good homes for Jiivorite servants with out separating families. 1WBBS &. PORTER. Rees W. Porter, Giles county. Jos. W. Dabbs, Nashville. jan2G ANDREW J. DUNCAN, AS now in store a full stock of BRITISH, r Jvfc..MJii, GERMAN, and AMERICAN Dry G-ois? adapted to the present and approaching season, and to which lie will continue to receive additions by every steamer consisting of- Black and colored Silks; Fancy Dross do; Embr'd and plain Swiss; Muslins and Lawns; -Embroideries and Laces; White Goods; Hosiery; Gloves"; Cravats; Linen and Silk Hdkfc; Satin and Silk Vcstings; French Muslins; Painted Lawn; Printed Persians Chene Royals; Black Dress Goods; French Fruited Lawns; Bareges; . . Crapes; Crape I.csses; Tnritans; Dress Trimmings; Cloths and Cassimcres, Silk and batm Ribbons; Coltonades. Nankeens. Kremlins, Chanibry, Camlets, Fancy Prints, Black Prints, English and French 4-4 Chintz, lllenrhed and Brown Muslins. Bleached and Brown Drill ings, Cambrics, Silk and Linen Threads, Spool Cottons, &c fa -ALSO- Ncw Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers and Wreaths, Bonnet Trimmings, Ac. Hats, Caps, Booh?, Shoe , and n gcneral stock of Goods, which heis prepared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe ral terms, and respectfully invites the attention ofnierchants and the trade generally. A. J. D. is agent for several large factories, and will soon be largely supplied with their 00,ls. Nasliville. Feb. '25. 1853. "XTOTICE. In consequence of the Fire ou Friday morn N in"-, we are compelled to suspend business for some time, but will commence again as soon as we can procure a suitable house, of which due notice wm do given, in me meantime we hope our friends who are indebted tons, and to Ewin Brown &, Co., will come forwardandscttlc up without delay, that wo may meet our own engagements promptly. We can be found at No. 18, on the square John Nichols old stand. ... We would also take this occasion to express our grateful thanks to those who have kindly favored us and our prede cessors with their patronage; to tho Fire Companies and citizens, to whose exertions we are mainly indebted for what of our goods were saved, and to those kind friends who svmoathiso with us in our loss. r EWIN BROTHERS. T INSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. 10 bbls . I , Linseed Oil: 20Qkegs Fahnestocks White Lead. Just - r. ' , il r ...U 1... received ana iorsaie iaw iui wu. u dec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. n-i 4 -tt.v rTfnnERY. Families living near or on Broadway can always get the fol- f lowing articles at my store, jo. vi, on iroaaway, -7---n smlll or large quantities from day-light to lOatnighh Butter, Eggs, Sugar, Cofiec, Tea, Candles, Bacon, Lard and all other articles usually kept in a Family Grocery. feblC D. TRIGG, No. 52, Broadway. LASS WARE. 100 boxes Jenny Lind quart Flasks t"s100 boxes Fancy pint Flasks; - " 100 " - U pint" do;'- or ale by feb26 W. H. GORDON &C0. as low as any other House m lenncssee. Also. Sole Wholesale Aeent for Aycr's Cherry Williams' Pulmonic Balsam. Mexican Mustang 1 r ontnn TVa Cmnanv's Teas. Dr. J. S. Houzhton 3 J NAS NASHVILLE, TUESDAY, MAY 3. 1853. INSURANCE. THE UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY 01 NASHVILLE. CAPITAL 100,000 DOLLARS! I Chartered by the State. rmmc: nnmranv havinor fullv organized, i3 X now readv to take risks on all descrip tions of property, against loss or damages by fire, alsoagainst penis of the sea or inland nav- X-if i"mTnft;nn fnr insurance will be received at office of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Co., College St 0 A. W. JOHNSON, President J. S. DAsmELL, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct 8, 1852. COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CnABLESTON, SOCTH CAROLINA. fi;tl S250.000: All Paid In. T HAVE E been appointed Agent of the above Companv at X Na vcTivHUa and am fullv nrenared to taKe jianne, xue, ,; I:M-o rxn tin. mnct fiiv-rtrahlp terms. A full statement of the solvency of the Company can be seen at the office of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Com pany, on College street. , . 1 epi3 JOHN S. DASHIELL, Agent THE MUTUAL PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. the Post Office, and KJ opposite the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin- rriuii uu wwt. -w. v- o . ciple, Houses, .Mcrcuanaizc, ac, uqmho- -a-.-J t-.I. ' u' .o nr h vscrn wafers acrainst tne Hazards of Inland Navigation and the Cargoes of ek of j,--.,r omS ihA Perils of the Seas and Rivers. Also, the Lives of persons in good health, for a single year, for a term of years, or during life. Also, Bank Jotes trans- miAfplhaving their live, or property insured in this Institution, areentitfed toa full Pcipauon m a I the its, without anvTmbility to loss beyond the amount of Pre miums which they may pILCnERj Prcs5dcnt, J. B. JOHNSON, VicePf esident C. J..F. Wiubtok, Secretary. :-janl TENNESSEE MARHH3 A2TB FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY CAPITAL S150 000. OFFICE on the North side of the Public Square midway O between the Nashville Inn and the planters 'Bauk Thcv will make insurance on Houses and Goods of every de scription against fire; on Steamboats and Cargo against fire ami therisE of the river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and other river crafts, and on sea vessels anu "". i,L,,l forms. JOHN M. HILL, President. the usual terms. DiKKiTrons. Alex. Allison, John M. Hill, F. B M. Fogg, James Corrcy, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph ootU, toain uel SeSy, Matthew Watson, J. J. White, Jacob McGarock. janl JETNA INSURANCE C0MPA1TY OF HARTFORD, CI. Chartered in 1819. Capital 30,000: all paid n.Aud inrtsUd in January lout 489,000. S. L. LOOMIS, Sec'y. THO K. BRACE, Pres, THE undersigned has been appointed Agent of this Com pany one of the oldest and most able in the United States, having nearly or quitehalf a million of Dollars safely invested at this time for the safety of policy-holders and is prepared to issue Policies on as favorable terms as any other responsible office, on Dwellings, Stores, Manufacturing Ls tablishmeuts,andall other kinds of Buildings; on Household Furniture and Merchandise in general, either in the city or country, against Loss or Damage by Firp. Also, against the hrwnrHW fnhirid TrausDortation by all the usual routes and modes of conveyance. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Office N. W. Corner Public Square, opp. Planters Bank. may! INSURANCE ON NEGROES HOUSE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat I-iremen, Cabin Boys, Ac., at customary rates of Premium. Policies issued and losses promptlyadjusfed at the Nashville Agency. JOSEPH NASH, Agent, Etna Insurance Company of Hart ford -Office N. W. Cor ner Public Square, opposite rianters wnh.. NASHVILLE STEAM MARBLE WORKS. JAMES SLOAN, Proprietor. MARKET ST., OPPOSITE JOHNSON & HOItNF.'s TOBACCO WAREU0CSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. Marble Warerooms at the old stand Corner of Suminer and Spring Streets. HAVING made extensive enlargements in my Marble Works, my facilities are such that I can execute all kinds of work in the most tasteful manner and the latest style, as cheap as it can be doP2 in any of the Eastern Cities. By calling at my Ware-rooms, on' the corner of Spring and Summer rtrcets, specimens may be seen which will enable persons tojudge for themselves, which is th3 best method. Having on hand all kinds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee. Also, a fine assortment of Egyptian, Italian and American Maible, which 1 will sell low to the trade, wholesale and re tail, finished or in the rough state. A large assortment of Monuments, Tombs, Baptismal Founts, Urns, Vases, Garden Figures, Grave Stones, &c, carved and lettered to order. Furniture Marble executed to order and sent to any part of the South-West as cheap as it can be procured from the East. Also, Marble Mantels", of every description, plain or carved. Builoing Stone, sold Wholesale and Uetail. All orders left at nu AVarc-Rooms on the corner of Spring and Summer streets, will meet with prompt attention. My friends generally will find it to their interest to cull and ex amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful to mv old friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I hope by strict attention to business to merit a. continuance of their favors. JAMES SI.OAN, Corner of'Spring and Summer streets, Nashville. leblO ly , PATENT CHOPPING MILL, -For Chopping Corn or other Grain, An article which erert Farmer should tove. IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to five bushels an hour either fine for bread or coarse for stock and is so simple in its construction, that any boy twelve years old can keep it in order and ran it. It is adap ted to cither Steam, AVater or Horse Tower. Having sold the entire right of manufacturing and selling the above Mill, in Tennessee, to Messrs. J. R. Cowan and A. C. Howard, of Nashville, persons wishing to purchase can find them at J. M. Scabnry's, on College street, where they will be happy to take orders. I10SS & .J.DA3IS. aug-25. , OLDEN SYIUJPT 10 qr. bbls Golden Syrup, 10 hf. " Sugar House Molasses, -16 bbls Loaf Sugar, o " Cr'd do, Just received from St. Louis, and for sale by feb23 SAMUEL SEAY. TRUNKS, VALISES, and CARPET BAGS. TE have just received a large anu fine as- y t sortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, consisting of Sole, Bag and KipjG! i.eainer i raveling lraiiKs ana aiiscs, aisoot saxony, isms sells, Wilton and common Carpet Bags, which we will sell at low prices. R.S. H0LL1NS & CO., janlfl Corner of College and Union sts., Nashville. QUNDRIES. Now landing from steamer America O H '0- boxes Soap; 10 ceroons Indigo; 20 b;igs Pepper; 25 do Ginger; 10 do Spice; 15 do Almonds; 100 dozen Buckets ; and for sale bv febl4 5 casks Madder ; 52 half barrels Soda ; 15 barrels Alum; 10 tierces Rico; 10 boxes Oranges ; MORRIS fc S'l RATTON. C1 AAA REWARD. I will pay theabove reward ia) XfJ JJ to any person or pei'sons, as a premium above the market price, for one thousand Land Warrants, of the denominatioi.s of 1!0, 80 and 40 acres. Twill pur chase single warrants of cither denomination. R. II. BROCKWAY Room over. Oak Hall, east side Public Square, 2d door south iu i ui, Nashville. octl4 m27. s WEET HAVANA ORANGES. Just received two barrels Sweet Oranges. R. St J. NIXON, FURNITURE, CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, HPHE subscriber has just returned from tho JL East, and is constantly receiving all kinds of FURNITURE, CARPETING, &c His stock at present consists of almost every article in his line of busi ness, and as extensive as any in the city. Purchasers would - do well to call, as he is determined to sell low for cash or on timeforapprovod paper. A. PATTERiON, . mnrehlo College near Church street" " MARTNG0 MAMMOTH. rpHE thorough bred Jack, MARING0 MAM I liriTlT ,t..,,l fmm Vnnd.nVi. ..-ill m.l-r. his" first season in Tennessee at Caney Spring in UI.1.1..4IU1U ItUIVUbM 1 11 lit .unite Marshall county, five miles below the fishing ford in Duck liiver, at tin rty -live dollars nisurance auu mty cents groom fee. " Jennets sent from a distance will be pastured gratis, and grain fed, if required, at fifty cents pbr week. He is full fifteen hands two and a half inches high, good honest measure, unusually large bone, and heavy; black, "with mealy nose. He has the form, size, color and blood to re commend him highly to those who wish to improve their stock We consider" him the master Jack of Tennessee. For further particulars see hand bills. marchll 3m KNIGHT & WILSON. JUST RECEIVED AT 42. COLLEGE STREET. Ladies elegant Gaiters (with heelsj) " Super. French Lasting Gaiters; " " Kid f trimmed) Slippers; " Elegant Embroidered Patent Leather Slippers; " best fine Morocco Kid and Goat. Boots; Misses and Childrens Patent Leather do. This day received by mar2:3 ItAMAGE St CHURCH. h. a CARCTH. WM. TERET. j. c. dew CARUTH, TERRY & DETVV DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. 154, Market St. and 25, Merchant, St., Philadelphia aprilo ly. DR. GRAY. Office in - ; H McCombs' New: Building, on ChorryStreet, Betwein Deaderick and Union: . 'J7"J , m "'' : " Residence Sextakbi!'?' decl4 12m K0 &c. HVILLE CARDS, &C. JOHNSON & SMITH, Dealers -in Cotton and Tobacco, Receiving and For warding Merchants, Steamboat Agents, &c, aprill BROADWAY, NASHVILLE. MAD. STEATTON. O. P. SMITH. A. W. JOHNSON. STRATT0N, SMITH & Co., "Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Broad and Market Streets, NASHVLLTJ3, TENN., HAVING disposed of an interest in, the Groeery depart meni of our business to Mr. Madeon Stkatton, the same will fenm this date be conducted under the style ol STRATTON, SMITH Co. at our old stand, on the coiner of Market and Broad streets. Our stock, now ample, will be kept so by large accessions orflpr fiir d.i7S. in vnirh v mvifp thf ntfontinn nnd crv. licit a tll from merchants in the country as well as city dealers, being determined to sell as low as any houso i nitv. Onr terms cash and cash only. ii. the apr 1, 1852. JOHNSON & SMITH. EAKCAGE & CHURCH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats," Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, College street,- Nashville:, Tenn. A.. HAMILTON, Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwarding and Commission . Merchant, oct3 NASHVILLE, TENN. K. J. J 6k5. TH0S. E. STRATTON. MORRIS & STRATTON, (Successors to Lanier, Moaras & Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, lowest market prices, for cash or barter. sepl7 GEO. W. SEAT. TII03. a RATES. SEAY, BATES & CO., S. DECHERD. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. aug2'J trwtf HAVE this day associated w'th me in the Saddling Bu siness mv son, A. C. MARCH. The business, in future, will be conducted in the name of J. D. March Son. All persons indebted to me, by nolo or account, will please come up and make payment J. D. MARCH. Thankful for the liberal share of patronage hereto fore, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. janii J. D. MARCH & SON. OLIVER P. ll'ROBKRTS. ALEX. E. m'kEE. M'EOBERTS & M'KEE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission - MERCHANTS. MARK L" 2 ST., -i Boon from BROAD ST., NASHVILLE, TENN. April 23, 1852 ly NEW ORLEANS. A CARD. BENJAMIN F. SHIELDS & CO., having per manently located themselves at New Orleans, offer their services as Commission and Forwarding Merchants and General Agents, and solicit consignments of ajl kinds of Western Produce, feeling confident that they can and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their inter est to their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held sacred and promptly remitted. P. S. Extensive arrangements made for the receiving and forwarding of every species of Merchandise, uf-redueed rates, from charges at this point Orders for Groceries and Insur ance Risks, with I he collection of Bills, Drafts, &c, attended to without delay. BENJ. F. SHIELDS & CO. augl2 ly - - MYERS & McSILL. DEALERS IN CVEUV UESCRItTlON OF Ladics''and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy Goods, On College street, one door South of the Square. W'H ERE may be found at all trme3a large assort ment of Wiuchcsfcr's, Davis &. June's, & Myers Patent Shonldcr Sjam Shirts, of Linen, Muslin with Lin en Bosoms, Gingham, and French Chintz, Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear, Merino, Shaked Silk, Cash mere, Vigonia Cotton and Canton Flannel, for ladies and gentlemen, Gents Cloth Gutters, Gloves, Kid and Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma, Cuff Gloves, and Ladies and Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Waterfords," Albert, Do Joinville's, plain, Enib'd and self-adjusting, Cravats Scarfs, Black and White Satin Ties, Shoulder Graces, Sus- ing Cane, Hiding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dressing Cases Work Boxa?, Toi lets, Opera Glasses, Porte Monies, Fans, Writing Desks Cigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Companions, Razois aud Razor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Gixl year's Gum Goc-ds. JL'erinmery. roiict ioures, rocKet uutlcrv, &c, and a large assortment of other articled, usually kept by Fur nishing Siores. lW We have made arrangements with our friends at the iSorth to forward us Ooods as soon as received by them. therefore we shall from the New Yor have goods he-? in lc-tli.ui ten dnv Cusioat lloue. . MYERS & McGlLL'S. rumisuing store, Louege street, i aoor soutu ot tlie Square, Nashville. " octll BEN. M. NOEL & BR0., Grocery and Commission, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, COLLEGE STREET. ' LIQUORS AND TOUACCO. 100 bbls Sam Hale's Whisky; 100 bbls Drans Whisky; 30 bbls Old Monongahcla do 50 " Brown's D D do; 50 " American Brandy; 40 " " S M Wine, 20 " Old Port Wine; 23 " N E Rum; 5 i Pipes Old Brandy, best brands; "1 Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Champaigne; 0 boxes of Licbcrs Ginger and Raspbeny Brandies; 52 Pipes Holland Gin; 20 bbls American Gin; 50 bxs Gus Jones' Tobacco; 50 " Walker's Ale; 20 " Young &Birdewell's do 20 bxs Allison's Tobacco; o.l P Uiwn Kn 1 do; ,10 " Ffiiinnl'a do 20 " " " Gold Leaf .do 10 Fenix's do 10 " B. Daily's do 10 " Ender's do 5 " S E White's do In store and for sale by feblU 20 " Missouri do 10 " Sam Wools 5's do 5 " Rend & Nash's do : BEX. M. NOEL St BRO. JUST RECEIVED. 250 bags Prime Rio Coffee; 50 " " Laguayrado: 25,000 Imported Cigars; 800 bbls Reboiled Molasses; 300 halves do do; 50 hhds choice Sugar;. 500 bags fine Salf; 800 kegs Oysters; 500 cans do; ' ' 300 bbls St Louis Mills Flour; 100 ' Cincinnati do; 800 kegs Nails assorted; 300 boxes Glassware, ass; 50,000 Melee do; 10 frails SS Almonds; 10 tierces Rice; 5 ceroons Indigo; 6 casks Dutch Madder; 20 bbls Copperas; 20 bags Pepper; 15 Spice; 800 reams Wrap.' Paper; 500 lbs Kanawha Salt: 20 kegs Shot ahd'Lead; 100 doz. Brooms; 25 bbls Golden Syrup; 30 bbls and half this Crackers: 20 DDIs JlacKerel; 50 bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered, Sugar; 300 boxes and half boxes Raisins; Justreceived and for sale by febl'J. BEN. M.N0EL & BRO. WAATED A few thousand bushels Pea Nuts, for which we will give the highest market price. febl9 BEN. M. NOEL St BRO. JOSEPH F. DUNT0N, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods House, No. 51, Public Square, Nashtille, Tenn. HAS now in store a large and well assorted Stock of the most desirable goods of the season, embracing, every description and quality, French Mantillas, Ribbons, Silk Drap Goods, .White Goods of all kinds, Laces and Embroide ries, French Jaconctfs, Lawns and Cambrics, Bareges Barege do Laines. Bnlhantines; a variety of other Dress Uoods, Hosiery ot all Kinds, Hats 01 all descriptions, Hard- . t 1 - r. 1 1 - f Ft . art-, eic. iiOOKing uiasses, a largo vaneiy 01 uuns and 1'is toIs,Jbesides a great-variety of Trimmings and evcry.descrip tion of Goods, to which he now submits the inspection of Merchants of the city and country trade, to which stock will be added dailyj desirable goods from the East. Merchants generally, are invited to examine my stock and compare prices with that ol other houses in the trade, fcb 25 J. p. DUNTON SODA WATER APPARATUS, for manvfac turing, drawing andbottleing, of the latest and .most ap proved construction, manufactured and for sale, with ex plicit printed directions for its use, by ' JOHN MATHEWS- CORNER, op first AVENUE AND 4 REET .Opposite Bellevue New York -1 he only establishment devoted exclusively to the manu facture of SODA WATER MACHINERY, &l, in the United btaes, and where may be found a large assortment of every . uiiuca, including materials: xc. Established 20 Yeaks O UGAIt. 280 hhds Sugar, now landing from steamea O America, and for sale by MORRIS & STRATTON. D. S. & W. H. "WOODWARD, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and Texas Land Agents. . - Particular attention paid to filliwr.orders Gfiicc, over the storeof'W... Smitlf & C6m No? fTSMagazane street, o -lorn ' D:V".V rirlocnt:. Oct. 8, 1852--8m Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Kash tilte. . TT TE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li V y ciuors, Wines, etc., which will be sold at the penders, bilk, oolenand Cotton iSighlCaps, Oil Silk Bath ing Cans fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Mousy, Riding and Strengtncning llclts, Robe do Cimmbre, Umbrellas, Walk UNION. NO. 9. CTJEEEY & MARTIN. CHEMICAL HALL. NEW AND FRRSH ARRIVALS, BY CURREY& MARTIN. C REM IS TS A iF2 DR UGG i'S TS, No. 3o, UNION STREET, NASHVILLE, T3NN. dozen bcttles of this celebrated water iust received. The analysis cf this mineral water proves it to contain Bicarbonate3 of Magne sia and tods, i londe ot loaium, lobtce ot Jiodium ana Carbonate of Lime. feb23 CURREY & MARTIN. BOi R GLE'S HYPERION FLUID. This Hair Restorative has acquired a wonderful reputation. It is recommended for Baldness, Dandruff Humors on the Scalp, and for rendering the Hair beautiful and glossY. 14 Doz. just received by CURRE i' 'MARTIN. iJA-W is; a large assortment ot .Paints ot all colors, i jj.uiuiu iu )n m iiati pounu anu one pouuci cans, reauy CURREY & MARTIN. aEAS. Wo are supplied with a large ard fresh as . sortment of both Green and Black Teas, offine and ex tra fine flavor onsistingof Imperial, Superior Colonv. Sea Queen, Old Hyson, Fine Maev Fong, l'owchong. These are Canton Teas. Just received by feb23 CURREY MARTIN, No. 35, Uaion street DR. BLEDSOE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUND The Remedy ocer all Remediej for the Diteasesof the Liter Dyspepsia, Enlargement and Incarnation of th Spleen Heartburns, Colic Flalalence, Pihs, Contlirpation-, all diseases of the Bowels, and such dUeases as arise from a disorders state of the Stomach, Liter or Bottels, as Scrofula and Sores of any kind. For General Debility, from which ladies frequently sufer, there is not Us equal in the whole Materia Medic. npiIE inventor of this preparation was for three years s JL completely prostrated from Dyspepsia and inactivity of the Liverthat he was frequently forweeksataiime unable to raise himself from his bed. He sought aid from physicians at home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronounced hopeless by thousands, and it was by accident that he suc ceeded in curing himself. Since he has beenpiacticing med icine, his success in such cases lins been unrivalled. H. has been aware of the incrcdnlity of the public, and conse quently said nothing through the press of bis own case, until the character of the medicine was fully established by its success, as shown ly the certificates which have oeen advertised. Isubjo'n thccortifipilcof Prof. M. Gabdert, of Memphis, Tenn., with whom I often advised during the time ot my suffering. Memphis, Tenn., April 17, l'i-'. I hereby certify that I have been acquainted with iJr.J N. Bledsoe-und sonic years ago he was reduced I LeLevc lower than I have ever seen any one that afterwards recover ed, with what I supposed to be Dyspepsia and Liver aflecion, and after trying the prescriptions ot many Physicians in this as well as other countries, without relief, "he finally suceeded with a preparation of his own in being restored to good health. M. GABBERT, M. D. Physicians are requested to fry this nrenaration. We I feel stij,fied it will sustain the character we gire to it in this rnnltUpf Knn HuNTSviLLE, January 12, 18-""2. Dr. Bledsoe: I take the liberty and fell it to Le my duty to recommend to all persons sintering from disease of the stomach and bowels, your Alterative Compound, us a very seperinr medicine. My son, aged 15 years, nA been under medical treatment about five years for dyspepsia and diar rhea when having almost despaired of his recovery, I cou eluded to try your Alterative, two bottles of which, 1 believe, entirely cured him. MICAJAH CAYCE. Hcntsville. Oct, 17, 1S."2. Dr. Bledsoe: Some time has elapsed sines I ave a cei tificatc that my wife had been greatly benefited by your Alterative Compound. I now take pleasure in saving to the public, that my wife had for three or four years been subjectto the worst kind of spells of cramp in the stomach from dyspepsia. I had tried of several whom 1 thought to be the best physicians in the place and a great oanv difTeron medicines, wiih momentary relief. Being peisua'ded to try your alterative compound, I did so and I am happy to say that if has entirely cured her: and I -would tonscientinnsh- . . ... ,i . .11- . it - .. . - nmeud it to all "persons suffering from disoasas of the and dyspepsia. X. B. ROBERTSON. liver , . IIuntsville, Sept. 2, 1S51. Da. Bledsoe Having seen the publication of j our Alter ative Compound, I think it my duty te say to the public, tnct I had been for years subject to spells of Cramp Colic, in its worst form; that I had tried almost every thing that is gi ven by physicians, and never found anv thing that would cer tainly relieve me, until I tried the above medicane, which nas relieved me in every attack in less than an hour. WM. B. LLOYD. Giles County, Tenn., D.;c. 23, 1S51. Dc. Bledsoe : I feel that I should fall short of my duty to ycu and to those who arc afllicfed, were I not to further rcconmend your Alterative Compound. It Ims entirely re lieved me, so that I have not had cai-e to take unvthmn-in two months. I can cat anything I want with impunity, and believe my health is as good as it ever is at my advanced ae. Should 1 ever suffer from dyspepsia again I shall be sunTto call on yoq. I am von- respectfully your friend. ELIZABETH J. BiARWOOD. Hdntsvillb. Ala.. Aumist 9J issi. This is to certify, that I hail suffered for many years Avith Dyspepsia and' Diseases of tlie Liver. Physician afier Phy sician had prescribed forme without my receiving hhv boh efit, when 1 commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's Alterative Compound, which cured me soundly, and I recommend it because of the same happy cfiect upon others of my acquaint ai'ce. JOSEPH CA BOTHERS. Hunts ville, Ala., March 3, 1S61 Dil Bledsoe: Sir : Judging from the certificates you have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for me to add further evidence in regard to the healing virtues, of your Compound; but! amst say, that for years I suffered a great deal from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the spleen, and. thought that 1 never would recover. I commenced tak ing your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained 25 or 30 pounds, and feel about as well as I ever did. HENRY J. GOFF. fr-3J"Tlin ilioi-n mn.lw.:,.n I.. C,... .,!.. :.. ,- c. . . o-- unuiviuii 1a mi oiuc in cury ijvuz oiore IU j tho citv. and most nf thp tniniM in Hi.. tJ . Cl r tii?v ' UEItSHOlT, General Agent, for wholesaleing the mcd icine. jgyPricc per pint ltottlc. novlB lvd tr FOR SALE. LOT fronting 34 feet on lower College st.; running back 108 feet. Two houses on the lot, which reiitfor $21 C a year, price $9oo. Ixit 3 feet onFranklin Turnpike, in Preston Hays addi tion. ALSO, 200 acres of land in Smith county, t) miles from Lebanon. For fertility the land cannot be surpassed, being principally creek bottom, about 100 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation, the balance finely, timbered. The improvements consist ot a good frame dwelling, ne gro houses, barn, stables, Sec, and Saw and Grist Mills, and Carding Machine, constructed to run either1 by sfeam or wafer. ALSO, S acres of land in Edgefield on the Gallatin Turnpike, opposite Mr. R. Houston's lot. There is ou the Iota goad ft ante house, Kitchen, negro houses, Ac. ALSO, 43 acres of land on Springfield road, 14 miles from Nashville. ALSO, 32 acres of land adjoining the property of W. R. Lucas. ALSO, 7 acres of land on the Nolensville Turnpike, splen didly improved. ALSO, 38 aeres of land, 4 miles from the city; on the Rail Road. ALSO, tho large Brick Warehouse .on College, . street, known as the Port Royal Mills Depot. ALSO, 250 acres of land in Sumner coi county, near Castih'an Springs. ALSO, a tract of land in Sumner county, on Cumherl.iml river, containing 190 acres, known as tho Sumner Paper Mills; the buildings were erected forapaper mill, and are well constructed tor that purpose. Price $5,000. ALSO, 3 acres of ground in Edgefield, opposite the prop erty of Gen. S. R. Anderson. ALSO, a nncly improved lot next to Mrs. Polk s. front ing 83 feet ou Vine street, 140 feet deep. ' ALSO, 1 acre and 3 poles of ground near tbj State Hospi talimprovements good. " 1 ALSO, a lot on corner of Gay and McLemors street, with a good brick house containing 5 rooms. ALSO, a very desirable farm 10 miles from NashviIIf r ear the Franklin Turnpike, containing 118) acres, good two story brick dwellings and other imnroVflmpnt on the place. AlsO, a large fine brick house on v ine street, between Church aud Broad-streets, the lot fronts 40 feet on Vine street. ALSO. 2.000 acres of land on the old Springfield read, 17 miles from Nashville, on Mansker's Creek, good dwelling and other necessary buildings, und also Steam Grist and Saw Mills. ALSO, a large brick house on Church street," neartheDe pot, containing 11 rooms, besides kitchen and other necessa ry buildings. The house is well constructed for a boarding bouse. t 1 11 ALSOtasraall brick house, brooms on Locust alley, near Finn's grocery. , . n ,iMfffft 1 st ALSO, a double tenement, o rooms - uuovc xiju aiicuu . . . ., ALSO, 209 acres of land in Sumner county, tne mile from Gallatin. The improvements are first rate. We have also a number of other ots m the ci y and farms in the country, whicH can be fgffjffift. . aprill 3 6 (-'neri7 street. : CHARLES W. SMITH, BOOKS EL LEE AND STATI0UEB , No. 51, College Street. SCHOOL, Law, Medical Religious and Miscellaneous Uooks, Also, Blank Books and Stationery, at lowest prices. "Country Merchants, and School Teachem supplied on the most favorable terras. t - Nashyille,-Tean.;fcb. 2. 1. ti:i. . XTMBRELL!AS-S60 Gingham ha- WfafaeboneUm- Jtt) .brcllas, 100. Cotton; ..Nw"fV''i li?Vn nn fnr- onlo hv A MfYRTJTSlftTC HO 'A. M0RRISi0N"C0r MISGELLA5TEOHS. FAEDWASE AND CUTLESY. b FALL & CXJNNINGDT, No. 47, College Street, Nashville, Tenn. ARE now in receipt of their entire stosk of HARD WARE and CUTLERY for the Spring Trade, and in calling the attention of the merchants of Middle and East Tennes see Kentucky, and North Alabama, to their large and varied assortment, tlie v feel confident that it will compare favora bly with that of any House in any country, aad when the item of Transportation is considered, it will be found that Klf-interexi should prompt all dealers in this section, of the country to encouragea home marret. They also invite the attention of BLicksmitlis, Carpen.ers, and Farmers visiting Nashville to their assortment ot". Topis, Farming Implements, o, a large stock of which they always ; Keep on caao. I Feathers, Ginseng and Bcestccz, taken at the highest raar- ket prices in exchange for goods, or in payment of debts, j Feb. 26,1833. . - w ADMIinSTSAIO& S NOTICE. VTOTICE is hereby given to all those indebted to. Ebene J. i zee Fise; dsccaseit,iMtestate, to come forward and make payment, and to ali having in possession any of the gdbd3 and chattels of said deceased, to deliver them ; and all those having claims against suid deceased to present them proper ly authenticited, by the luth day of June nest, or ther will be forever barred. D. R CLAIBORNE; marchll Smtrw Administrator. DR. WM. McLAN7 INDIAN AND GERMAN E00T DOCTOR, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizensof Nashvillt and vicinity, that he has returned again after a resi dence of fourteen years in the South, and permanently sat cated himself in South Nashville, at the coraer'of "W asi ington and Pearl streets, where ho may st all times be fount by those who may wish to consult him. He has iu his'posscssion'many certificates from men f eminent standing certifying to the permanent cure of the most distressing cases ot the following diseases, viz: Ner vous Affectious, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chilb and Fevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Cold, Coughs, Incipient Con sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fits, Dropsies, Cancers, Ulcers, Scrouiilou?, Hcnioptasis of the iungs, and other Hqmoragcs; Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kidneys, Mer curial and Venereal Taints of the Blood; Diseases "of Chil dren, Worms and various other Diseases incident to the hu man system. t During his residence in the South, he attended to over ten thousand duTcrent cases, all of whichho treated with more than ordinary success. Dr. McLane hopes from his much experience in the Medi cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended his efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronage of the siqkand alllicted. Nashville, Feb 9 Iv, DR. WM. McLANE: 3T"A11 Letters addressed, post-paid, to South Nashville. 7 LOWER SEEDS. 1600 papers of rare andelect Flower Seeds, just received per express from Philadel phia. Many of these seeds have just been imported from Europe, and are enti ely new to our western gardens: ''' AImj in store, a large aud fresh fwarrantody supply' ot Garden Seeds. CURREY St MARTi, march24 No. 83 Union street. SCALES, WEIGHTS, CASTINGS, &C, C rliaT received Platfbrm Scales to weigh i 100 lbs. . uo no ao do do do do do do Counter Scales. Tea Scales'. Extra sets uf Weights; 100 1 weights, Caldrons,? 5t and 2 Gallons. ;. Sugar Kettles of all sizes. English Pots from 1 to IS Gallons! 12)K.s 7Kl6s. llCtts. Teii Kettles of all sizes. ' Do., fbr Stoves. 1 " Copper Toasters, with wire cylinders. Enameled Sauce Pans ofnll sizes and best quality. TiiruedSauce Pans and Frying Pans, of all sizes." apriltj SNOW, MACKENZIE St CO PARLOR GRATES. JUST received a few patterns ofelegant Paulor Grates, for which ou account of their beauty and superior man ufacture, have received prizes at the Sorthcm Exhibitions. Thee are tlie handsomest Grates that hare ever been offered for sale in Nashville aprilii . SNOW, MACKENZIE St CO: SELF-HEATING SAD LEON. JUST received a few of the new patent SHLr-HEATiN Sad Ikons, by which, with the assistance of a cent worth of Cvarcnal, the Ironing lor a-large family, maipbe (lone in the shade under the trecj, and requires no Jaig fire, in the kitchen in the heat of Suminer. april C SNOW. MACKENZIE A GO? PERKINS. & CLACK. GROCERS, COMMISSION RECEIVING 4 AND, Fonvarding ."Ucrchnuts. i'. E. Grrner of CtMege and Church sX, Nas&tille, Tenn. WHOLESALE DSALUfs IN Sugar, Coflee, Salt, F.'ottr, Iron, &c.j &c.J &c. COFFEE 100 bags Rio Coffee; 25 bags Havana Coffee; ' 25 " Laguyra do; " T - .25 " Java do; - . SUGAR 100 hhds Louisiana Sugar; : M r.ft 1.1.!i'.l,;i.,lnlr,,n I ....Tinrl ' ' ou ouisx'iuiauoipnia urusnou Sugar; 25 " " Clarified do; 25 " ' LoaCfLoverimr's: -a Is " M.oui3tJrusii and Pulverized: , 1 cut ...-? TEAS 20 aises Superior Ttra.-; - . MOLASSES ltfO bbls Ktshoiied and S. House Molasses- 50 3$ bbls ' do; NiVILS 100 kegs assorted sizes; ' ' ' IRON Tenneesce and Pittsburg assorted st2cs; FLOUR 20U bbls Gallego'sMills; 50 " Si LiMiis, lluirieou's;) . ,. 50 " Ciocinuaii; . " . LIQUORS 15 cases London Porter quarts atnl pHfe? lo " Scotch Ale ' 50 " AniericHn Brand; ' "ifr 24 pipes tieiich do; ,T Si bbls Bourbon Whisky; 53 " Monortgahala do; 260 bbls Rectified do various brands; r i .50 " OldRve do; r-?, CIGARS 2t,000.Impono"d Havana Cigars; .ari; 18,orti American do;. . io tKixes ijuoa sixes anu jioiee ijigars- t-f TOBACCO-50 " Chewing Tobaccrt-ass'd brands:1 s. Joniiyinu superior article; SAIT 100 bbls Kanawha Salt; ltw sacks Fiuo dp: 125 "T Coarse 100 " Dairy. 75 boxes Table" FISH 80 bbls Maokerel; do; do; do; .:. r. O -' 'i.W v j . r m 5 X - do; - -4 70 kits t do; 10 ca-ics Sardines; POTATOES 150 bbb Irish Potatoes; BUCKETS 100 doz. Painted Buckets; GLASSWARE 50 boxes SxlO Window Glass; 50 " 10x12 " ' "i. 100 " Pint and Quart and hfpt. Flasks SEED 2.7 bbls Pennsylvania Ulover, Seed;, i 5b boxes Star Candle; ' .'I CLOVER CANDLES rj 1 .10 1? 100 " Tallow " KfrP SOAP- -100 boxs Brown bar Soap; 50 ' Fancy; .'I PJ CKLES 10 cases choico Pickles;. CATSUP 10 cases Tommato Catsup; FRUITS-50 boxes 31 K Raisins; ' 50 6 " " do; 50 X ' " do;-. 200 drums Figs; " 10 frails S S Almonds; 10 bblsPecan3. ' 1 - !4-i-t SUNDRIES Cotton Yurns. Osuaburgs fndigo, "Madder, Spice; Iad, Pepper, Shot, Axes, Chaihs,.c., 4c J In tore and for sale by PERKINS St CLACK.t Liberal advances on consignments. B frnarchltj "V. A. & J. G. McCLEIjIiAND, ; No. 20? PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHSrILLE. ARE receiving and now opening their Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; and, in extent and variety, it-is decidedly the most attractive they have ever opened. They would call the attention of purchasers to the following, with many other Goods not enumerated : RICn DRESS GOODS. Plaid India Silks; Delicate Summer Silks . .4 Plain Rich Silks, all colors; " Berages, " Challeys, Dayadercs; v '' Fine. Linen Cambrics, 40 to 75; . . Plain and Bordered Brilliantes- r -. Rich Organdy Muslins ; , , -. . .ni " French Chin fz; . . A French Jaconets, from 25 to 50 cents; . " LACE GOODi!. Valencienne Laces and Inseitingi, Sfar Point Laccs,Wa lencieunc and Muslin Collars, Cuffs and Dimity Bands. Jac onett and Linen Flounces, Mourning Robes, Plain Mourning and Traveling Collars. LINEN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. : , Tnsh Linens. Linen Sheetings, Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Fine Bird's Eye Diaptr, Huckaback and Medicated Towels, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Bleached and Domeaiio Sheetings, Bed Tickings, &c, Ac , i MANTLES. The most beautiful Spring and Summer Monties ever opened in Nashville Also, Silk for Mantles. ;f' WHITE GOODS. . x.? Mull Nansook, Hair Cord, Striped Swiss, Checked . Jace netts, Dotted Swiss Muslins. H03LERY, RIBBONS, FANS, 4c. Elue and White Silk Hose, Thread and English Cotton Hose, Misses Silk and Cotton Stockingvbeautiful Ribbons, Bonnets, Fans, Mitts, Kid Gloves. - t MOURNING GOODS. Alpacas, Challey3, Black and Plaid Silks, Black1 Crapes, Berages, Ginghajns and Musling, blue Rept Sdks, without lustre, MourniDgCollars. and Sleeves. FOR MEN AND BOYS. Cloths, Cassimeres. Cottonades, Drillings, Summer. Coat ings, Lisle Thread Shirts, Linen and Silk Shirts:; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, striped Lishe and Cotton Half- Hose, c.,&c ... c,. -.--. We will take great pleasure in showing our -fatockgfee!-inn.oaa.tToieill ho able to offer such indu'cemen.iS,it .regardsstyleandpricastobewucededbal Nashville, March 29, 1853T " ' - c 4 ?- 5