Newspaper Page Text
MISCEDLANEOUS, v ai , . 8 CHURCH & MARLIIfG, I'repnetgrs. -OFTCCE NO1. OS, UNION BUILDINGS, CfflKRT ST. rljg ' SHE WEEKLY UNION Is fursfe-feed to mbeeribs as - the following raies: Single -copies,- (lie year is advance. ?2 50; within tbeyear$$ X)0; attbe end of ifeeyear 4 00. Clubs Of fire said upwards 2 00' 'per copy for oae year. Clubs oTreb3cribers will be received lor six months at the foregoing rates; The TRI-WEEKLY is published every Taeeday, Thursday and Saturday,'at $5 persnntm in'ad Vance; it not paid m advance; $G. " The DAILY is jmblfched at Eight Dollars. - - - rTHE MONEY IN ALL CASES-TO ACCOMPANY SUBSCRIPTIONS".. vj i li, ; . . , : Remittances of subscriplkms may be'Tna'by niail at "ear risk; - ! l '--' 'Vj . - b,i 4. ... - jso paper win be sent out of the State nntesa'fhp nrd ia'Ai companied with the cash. ! :'-. " STEAMBOATS. . inimifircnt fer, now being completedat New Albany, wilLtake her p! in uiu auove iraoe as soon as navigation opens. The Hill is entirely new, of the largest class, and is, in ev cry respect, eual to any Steamboat on the "Western wafers, ghe has-been built Tinder the EuperintendeuceoCher'exper ienced Ciiptaiu, and ha?, all improvements required by the i fate law. A plan of lxr. Cabin can be seen and State-rooms f Engaged by npplicatriSrtb A. HAMILTON, Agent, octiirt - t 3fai ket Street. IW Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act .as Agent for the Hill in New Orleans, and trfve his best attention to the purcliasepf Merchandise ordered by her. A. II. "REGULAR PASSENGER STEAMER BETWEEN" NASH " YILLE AND NEW ORLEANS. HTMIE swift and suoerior Steamer Nash- . P53s- X villcTnos. It ellsxtdeil Commander, UfesJwr will resume her place in tlie abovs trade onsi the first rise of water, leavin-r ftashville every tlirce week throughout the season. v The Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade for Kafety, comfort and convenience. A plan of-her Cabin mavbeseennnd State-rooms engaged by apjdication to JAS. A. MCALLISTER & VV., -Ag-ts, OCUD Corner of Broad and College Streets. 1 TMr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for Sltl.i :.. AT Tr.r. lmf .ittnntion n - i' r. ir i i . . .1 1. 1. A J. A. McA k CO. ciou ih FOR BUEKSVILLE AND WAITSBORO'. 1 The -light draught fast running passen- ffiBngTjjj car I'acKetiibi'UJJiiiu, Ji. u. ajcualustek, I )laster, will make regular eight day trips ,in the above trade i daring the season. Shippers and passengers may rely upon ' punctuality of this boat tor freight or passage. Apply on board or to JAJ1ES CLAIBORNE, Agirt, dec20 B w A G ex Front st. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and NASHVILLE PACKET. ' nut- insarnassea Jast running passenger fir JL steamer ENVOY, Ttios. RouoEns, Mas ter, has taken the place of the steamer Mattie Wayne and vail make regular trips trade durinar the season. in the above Leaviug Cincinnati ever' other "Wednesday, at 4 o'cloc I P. M. Nashville every other Tuc3dav. at 4 o clock, P. M. o'clock, The above boat is entirely new and for speed and accom modation is unsurpassed. I will be thanktul for all orders, and respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage JAMES CLAIBORNE, janl A. ex Agent, Front SL Southland, paducah and nashvllle wed nesday and saturday packet. fTMIE new and splendid passenger steamer pJP5" X Odd Fellow, CAPT. JO. C. LEAKE, Wf1 wil. leave Nashville on her first trip, on Sat urday the 27th instant, at 10 A. M., and will continue in the a'bove trade, leaiug Nashville on Wednasdays and Sat urdays, at 10 A.M. and leaving Paducah ou Thnrsdays and Mondavs at 4 P. M. The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt. Leake, for the ,above trade. Her accommodations for passengers am liotSurpassed by any packet on Cumberland river. I ask, for her a sliarc of mibl ic patronage. HOV27 6m A. HAMILTON, Agent. MEOTHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. MAIL PACKETS. iMMH CITY OF UUKT6VILLLJ .ffPS. TnE CITY OF HCNTSVILLE will leave Naslvillc for .Memphis every Friday; at'G o'clock, p. m., and leaves Momnlii.i fur Nnshville everv Monday, at 11 o'clock, a. m. EMBASSY will leave Nashville for Memphis every Monday, at G o'clock, p, M., leaves ileinptns lor asuviue every Thursday at 11 o'clock, a. t., delivering the mail at the sev eral post offices between the above ports. They will also touch at all points between the post ofliccv Persona traveling southward will find it to their advantage, to take this line, as it is from two to three days quicker "and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting at Memphis with ic tino- ry pains will bo taken to render those who call on us com fortable. For freight or passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Of fice, Nashville, or A. lit bUAAV & uu., wempms. juUjl3 A. L. DAVIS, Naslivillp. UNITED STATES HAIL LINE. THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FlFTY-FlVE HOURS. New York and Charleston Steam Packets. J. Dickinson, Commander Marion, 1,200 tons, M. Berry Conraander. , ThO Soullicrner, "W. Foster, Commander, will leave each alternate Wednesday. Having been newly coppered and guards-raised, is now in complete order. For freight or passage, -having elegant State Room Acoom modation, apply at the olficc of gg ConierEastBay and Adgei'fi Sou." AVharvcs. Cabbin passage 25. . "Steerage $3, N.B. A new ship will be placed on the lane to connect with the Soutlierneron Vndncsdays. feblT tnv IRON FENCING, At the Sitrn of the Spread Eagle, Collego Street THE undersigned is now prepared to execute an kinds of Wrought and Cast Iron Fencing. Alert rnw vitin tv of Giitos. Fancv Sten. Balcony and Verandah Railing. My work will bo executed as well as any of that brought from the Eastern Cities, and at prices us low as the same article cm be procured elsewhere. All kinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. The public are requested Jo give me a call and examine my pat terns and prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis faction. . WILLIAM STEWART, College Street, opposite the Firemen's Hall, Nashville. niavl tf DRS. C. K. &-J. D. WINSTON yFFER theirs FFER their services to the citizens of Nashville and yi I ) riiiitr in nractice of Medicine and Sunrery. Office oh Cherry street, near the Bank of Tennessee. . Dr. J. D. Winston's residence, the bouse lately occupied by Mr. Annstead, on Vine street, lictween Church and Broad. JUST RECEIVED. A few of those fine Black Satin Apron'Stocks. Apply soon. T. J. HOUGH' fcb12 . Agent EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL & CO XTORTH-WEST comer of the Public Square, near Plant JL ers' Bank, Nashville; Tcnn. , . . , sT"We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principal cities of the Eist, South and West at the lowest rates, "m tiums to suit purchasers." 5 We buy all kinds of current and uncurrent Ban Notes at moderate rates. - Sr Wo ,)uy South Carolina, Georgia mid North Carolina Bank Notes, at a very small discount. We will purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon ies at a fair premium. pgr We have Gold and Silver for sale will attend to collections--remitliiig on anypoint requested at Bank rates, charge but l per cent, commissions. jf We are taking Bank of East Tennessee the same as other Tennessee Bank Notes. - - f jaul? "BRADY, GORMAN & CO., Cotton Factors and General Commission "Merchants, - new Orleans! ESfThey keep an Office in Tuscumbia, Ala. "ug23 12m S. FRENCH, Agent, Nashville, is authorized to nko CASH advances upon shipments of Produco to th ove firm. , CARRYALL FOES ALE. A first rate uewcus jom made carryall for sale cheap g, TRUNICS, &c Extra fine Leather Trunks, Velvet and Brussell Carpet Bags, Leather and Drugget Carpet Bags,ju5.t received ana tor sate oy jan21 . VT. MEREDITH. 0 RILJIB CLOTHS. Rich and splendid rumD Cloths, with oorders, just to nana ana jotkuo m W- MLUbUlXil. jan w OOL IV.TS. wool liats just received anaior gale by janai w.ji-.uiuixn. BED BLANK-ITS. iixirarune uea uianKeis,. just received.-nd for sale by "W. MEREDITH. TENNESSEE HOUSE IN GEORGIA. VT Y. nAEJUS. SKIDltOEE KARRIS. HARRIS & CO. Eorwardii-g and Commission i Merchants, pnnDUnE AND MERCHANDISE. Jbey also pur chase to order GROCERLES, which can be bought, on j c V-- u in th Savannah market Thev solicit , TVxPW5 NASHVILLE PACKET. QPLLNDID New- Passenei-Steamer, II. , jv j Q R. W. Hill, Captain- T. II. Newell, Us?ysfel , f 1500 tons burthen. This mannifipent Stram-5feiSK lace Jiempins ana iiew uncuus i auncm ttnn;ii v val of our packets, for New Orleans. Our packets also con ti.'ctin(r with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Eve- Forward wi4h care and dispatch to and from the eastern rHiaTto ay point deairH, GOODS, PRODUCE AND nrorifujAvniSR nf all dssoriDtionsl ad sell on commis- dec30 6m J. M. ZOBIERSIAN. J. X. ,ZIXEX AN, Wholeeale Drajjgist axd Pbam&oeatijst, 'SlOV or THE LlOK' AND MOSTJLS. 4 BOOM TSOX: the Squabe, .Market St., Nasbviixe, Have just received, b'r the late rise of water, a large and nusually fine stoclcof Drugs, McdiciHCS and Chemicals, :"SnK6iAL, iliowiPEirr; and Akatomical" Ixsteuhents ; .. Pawts, Oils, Wkmv? Glass, Vaexishes, 'Spices, Co.ica jlsb Akhst Bbdshes; DTE-STUFra, Fine Toots axd Hair BausnEs; Letter asv Cap Paper; Steel Pens; Ixks, &c; Tobacco, Sxcffs, axd Cigars; Powder, Shot, Lead "axd Safett Fuse; Pure Wixe3, BttAXnrES, Spirits, kc; Laxdreth's Gar- w dex Seeds Taxxees' Oil, Beushes, Lampblack, &c Purchasers needing ally of the above articles, will do well in i.T.imine the above sleek before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find ittis extens ive, of prime quality, (if not lower) as low as any other House in Tennessee. I Also, Sole Wholesale Agent for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Williams' Pulmonic Balsam, Mexican Mustang Liniment, i Canton Tea Company's Teas, Dr. J. S. Houghton's Pepsin. that he will hereader be assisted in his business by Mr. MORTIMER HAMILTON, late of the ,firm of McNain- &. Hamilton, who has been for a number of years past extensively and favorably known in the Drug line. - QXIPErToR ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. O Jockey..Clb Pomade, ,) - ... IjOw's Celebrated do, Jules Hand's do. Kehada do, - for the . Hair. Bairn of Columbia, Genuine Bear's Oil, Hauel's Eau Lustralc, Liquid and Solid Rouge; i;renchand rancyisoaps: Low's celebrated noney Soap ; Roussel's and Hauel's Fancy Soap; Fine and Dressing Comb; ' K' -Plain and Fancy Hair Brushes j Lubin's G cnuine Ext racts ; . MecnFun; , American and French Toilet Powders : Fancy Chalks; - ... Assorted Dentifrices; Pomade Divines, Hoi' chapped skins; Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Plain. Just received by dec20 J. fo. ZIMERSIAh. XTINDOW GJjAHS. Window Glass of all sizes and YV of superior qualit-r received and for sale low by H 1 J. 31. ZIMERMAN. novlO 0 OD LIVER OIL. Trasks 3Iagnetic Ointment. J. Si. ZI3IERMAN. J nst received by dec20 - r INIATURE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Art- IVX ista Brushes, Artists' Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev- rushes, Artists' I Just received by ery Shade. dcc'iJ J. 31. ZIMERMAN. BRUSHES. White Wash, Dusting, Crumb, Cloth, Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers., Var nish, Blue, Paint, &c, of assorted sizes. Just received by deCo0 J. 31. ZIMERMAN. n MO KING TOBACCO- O 800 Rolls very old and'rich; 100 doz. (Jut, in papers ; -50 do. Scafarlatti Turkish; Just received and for sale low by apriteO J. 31. ZI3IERMAN". MAGNOLIA COTTON. We are agents tor tne sale of the celebrated 3LVGN0LIA COTTON SEED, an article which several years experience with some of our best planters has proven to be better adapted to 3Iiddle Ten nessee than any that was'ever grown. Call soon or they will all be gone. JOHNSON & SMITH, jan2'J " Broadway.' Q YCA3IORE COTTON YARNS A full supply of Svcaniore- Yarns. kcDt constantly on" hand--at lac torj price January :3 lor Uasll. liAJlAUti C6 iiuivuu.. 1853. J. T. HATHURST ROOFER AND MANUFACTURER Of Warren's Fire and Hater Proof GmjnsUum. I DEEM it unnecessary for me to say anything in favor of this mode of Roofing"; the constant-increase of -its popu larity for tlie last seven years that it has been tested in near ly alt parts of the Union, is ihebest evidence of its utility and value. The roof shows for itself pjrOlficc ou Spruce Street, second door from Cedar st., in 3Ioore's block. feb2 ly LIEE INSURANCE. HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 11AIIT- FORD, CONNECTICUT. James Dixox,.Prcs. HExnr L. 3Iiixer, Sec'y. Capital and Surplus. $300; 000. Ixsuraxce on lives of white persons on the joint stock and mutual plan. Also. Insurance on the lives of Negroes, on reasonable terms. .. S. 1L L00M1S, jan 15 Gm Agcut, THE STATE MUTUAL FLRE INSURANCE CO. OF PA. a. j. cillitt, sec'y. J. uutherfoud, pres. Capital 250,000 ! ' (OMcton Cedar street "over ihe Mutual Protection Ins Uo.) i - , , . - i -. . i . . i . WllAi taKe Jire nsKS m iinmeu muuuuu ou l-hj ui country property. Policies issued and Losses ad justed and met at the office in Nashville. Repeuexces L J. Levy, 1 B. Gornegevs, Cashier of I'hil. Bank, I W.K Shaffer, ' Gir-ard" TPhiladel. W. Dennie & Sons - J Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Va. Patrick & Brand, Bankers, Pittsburg. W. H. Burrough, InMng Hou3c, New York. G. W. Copelcn, Cincinnati, r . . 1 JOHN G. FERGUSON- 'Nashville, Februarys, 1S5S Gm , EHIOVAL. DR. B. W. HALL has removed, to the olfice and residence on Cherry street, opposite Judge Catron's, near Cornelius fc McCombs' Cabinet. Warerooms; JanS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! " THE subscribers have associated themselves together for tlie purpose of carrying on a general agency business in buying and selling negroes. We can at all times be found atour office, No. 33, Cedar street, between Cherry find Summer, where we have erect ed safe and comfortable quarters for keeping any number of negroes, and those wishing to sell may be assured of getting the highest market pricej us we will cither buy on our own account or sell on commission for others.. Wc pledge our-, selves to obey instructions, and especially promise to be par ticular in selecting good homes for favorite servants, with out -separating fiimilics. P-ABBS & PORTER. Reus W. Pouter, Giles county. Jos. W, Dabm, Nashville. jan2G Spri m g" iiuoits9 1850. ANDREW J; DUNCAN, TTAS now in store a full stock of BRITISH, FRENCH, JUL GERMAN, and AMERICAN .adapted to the prescntaud approaching season, and to which-' he will; continue to receive additions by every .steamer-r- consistinjr of Black and colored Sills; French 3Iuslins; Painted Lawns; Printed Persians Chene Royals; l-ancy Dress do; Embr'd and plain Svlss; 3Iuslins and Lawns; Embroideries, and Laces; White Goods; Hosiery;' Gloves; Cravats; Linen and Silk Hdkfi; Satin aud Silk Vcstings; Black Dress Goods French FnnlcU'ISawns: Bareges; - urapes; Crane Losses: Tarltans;. Dress Trimmings; Cloths and Cassimcres,- Silk and Satin Hibbous; fVittnnndfts. Nankeens. Xremlins, Chambnv Camlets, Fancy Prints, Black Prints, Euglish and French 4-4 Chintz, Ltleacnea aud lirown juusuns, uicaeiiuu auu ojiv tun ings, Cambrics Silkrand Linen Threads, Spool Cottons, Ac . A L S O New Style . Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers and Wreath?, Bonnet Trimmings, kci Hats; Caps, Boots, Shbe-, and a general stock of Goods, xrhinU linis nrminrfid to' (iffer at the lo west prices upon hbe- ralicrms, and respectfully invites the Attention of raercbanta1 ana uie irouu guiici-aiiv. -. . a . i. t. ?! nr(iit!ifor several larsrc factoriesi and will soon be largely supplied with tlUU'F j oods. Nashville, Feb. 2o. lSa f NOTICE. In consequence of the r ireon Jtnuay mocn ine. we are compelled to suspend business forsom time, but will commence again as soon as we can procqrat Kuuuuie uouse, ot wuicu aueuoiicu u meantime we hope our friends who are indebted tops, and.'to, Ewin. Brown & Hn will mm forward and settle up without! delay, that we may meet our own engagements promptly. We can be found at No: 18, on the squares-John Nichols ' Dia sum a. We would also take this occasion to express, our grateful inanKs to tnose who havij-kindly favored us ana our preae cesflors witli their patronage; to ,tho Fire' Companies and citizens, to whoso exertions we tire mainly indebted for what of our goods were saved, and to those kind.friends who sympathise with us in our loss. feb2 EWIN; BROTHERS. T LNSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. 10 bbls I j Linseed Oil: 200 kegs Fabnestock's White Lead. Just - received and for sale low for cash by l T it nMmMtrir aecao o. atJujKWAPi. A T, Y GROCiERY. Families Kyinpr. -tfH near or on Broadway can always.eet the.foU; TtP. lowing articles atmy&tcre,No. 52, on Broadway, Jm-NK; in small or large quantities from day-light to 10 at night: Butter; Eggs, Sugar,-, Tea, Candles, Bacon, L&rd aacL.' all other Articles Xisually kept in a Family-Grocery. 'M feblG D. TRIGG?o.5S, Broadway LASS WARE. 100 boxes Jenny Lind quart Flasks . I JT sl00 -Vaxes Fancy pint'Flasks; 100 " iaPml ao or ale by feb25 W. 1L GORDON &C0. NASHVILLE, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1853. INStJEANCE., THE UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY 01 NASHVILLE. C.APJT?A 100,000 D4LLAZS! 1 Chartered by .the State. THIS Company having fully organiaed,is sow raadv to take risks on ail descrip tions of property, against loss or damages by - 'fire, also atrf.mst penis of the sea or inland nav- r wmtion. ProD08ions for insuraHce will be received at tne I . t . i t i m a f - rit1 Oi oliice oi.iae-riaBBVUie insurance ana irusi vo., vouege ou A. W. JUiiiNbUiN, JrTeaident. J. S. DAsmELL, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct. 8, 1852. COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CHABLBSTOX, SOUTH CAR0LIXA. Canital $250,000: All Paid In. TH nAVH -been appointed Agent of the above Coppany at -X Jasnville, and nm.juiiy preparea mi ui-e iiu, Dire TJ'kVo nW thi mint Mvnrable 'terms. a MaLment. r.r thf jlrfincr of .tie Comuanrucan be seen-atthe office of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Com- pan&on JOHN S. DASHIELL, Agent THE MUTUAL PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. .TTFTfrE nn (War Street adioinins the Post Office, and U opposite the Verandl will insure on the mutual prin- ciple, Houses, Jiercnanaiz ac, uiraiuai -""".'"8-" Fire: Steamboats on any t the Western waters against the Hazards of Inland Navigat b and tjie Cargoes of Vessels o tl Perils of the Seas and Kivers. W the Lives of persons! 'good health, for a single year, I for a term of years, or duri Hue. Also, Bank JN otas trans mitted per mail. . All persons having their lives or property insured in this Institution, are entitled to a full participation in all the prof its, without any liability to loss beyond the amount of Pre miums which they may pay. . 31. S. PH.CIIER, Piesident, 3. B. JOHNSON, Vice President " Q. J. F. WnAETOX, Secretan-. j11 TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $150,000. j-i wfnv. rn ihn Knrth side of the Public Square, midway ( ' I hPtwAn the Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bank. They will make insurance on Houses and Goods of every de- A cionmlmnfi nnfl CnTtm nrninst fire ECnpuuu ajnuiioi' nit, w -o nnA Kotnat- nf till rivpr? on the Caret) of Jvecl .Boats ana other river crafts, and ou sea vessels and other cargoes, on . . 1A11 Xr If TJTT.T. T'TrtirlnTr the usual terras. owun lw..v,m. t jijA 4 i vw-- j - ... t- -n ry A1.T. Allison. John 31. Hill, F. B. xogg, Cr. M. Fogg, Jama? Correy, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph "Woods, Sam uel SeSy, 3Iatthew Watson, J. J. White, Jacob 3IcGavock. jam NASHVILLE STEAM MARBLE WORKS". JAMES SLOAN, Proprietor. MAEKETS ct nppnWF.jnuvSOX&IIORXE'STOBACCO WAREHOUSE, ' NASHVILLE. TENN. Marble Warerooms at tie old stand Corner of Summer and tsprmg street. TTAVINGmade extensive enlargements in my3Iarble ll Works mv facilities are such that I can execute all i-inrtanfu-nrk-inthemost tasteful manner and the latest style, as cheap as it can be dona in any of the Eastern Cities. By calline: at my Ware-rooms, on the corner of Spring and bummer Kirceis, spcciuicus nuy u9w winw v.w Tllir.! Ill III IIIIM'I' 1 1 11 4.11AA A 1 V Ji - Unrinn- nn hnnd nil kinds of 3fai ble from Eeast Tennessee, fino !,s?nrtninht of Effvotian. Italian and American 3Iarble, which I will sell low to the trade, wholesale and re tail, finished or in tne rougn siaie. A InrtTA nsanrtmeilt Ot 3l0XUMEXT3. T0M3S, BAPTISMAL Fouxts, Ukxs, Vases, Gaedex Fiockes, Ge-vve Stoxes, &c, carred and lettered to order. FunxrruitE 3Iauble executed to order and sent to any partof the South-West as cheap as it can be procured trom tne bast. Also, juaiujle jia.m-ls, of every description, plain or carved. Boilpixg Stoxe, sold WhnWrilA .jinil Retail. All orders left at mj Ware-Rooms on the corner of pnng and Summer streets, will meet with prompt attention. My friends generally will find it to their interest to call and ex stock before Durchasine elsewhere. Thankful to my old friends aud customers for their liberal patronage, I strict attention to business to merit a continuance -of their favors. JAMES SLOAN, Corner of Spring and Summer streets, Nashville. feblO ly " PATENT CHOPPING MILL, ' For Chopping Cora or other Gram, An article which every Farmer should have. ttt rcJll orinrl-with one or two horse power, from f I fir. hnslipls an h6ur either fine for bread or coarse for stock and is so simple in its construction, that any boy twelve years old can keep it in order and run it. It is adap fmWn -mthrrstfinm. AVater or HorsePoweri .Hnvinifbld the entire right of manufacturing and selling thsabove-3KU, in Tennessee, to 3Icssrs. J. R. Cowan and A. n TTnn-nrd nf Nashville, nersons wishinc to purchase can, Cnd them at J. M. Seabury's, on College street, where-they will hnnnr to take orders. BOaS & .DA31b. aug23. liv OLDEN SYRUP. r JT 10 qi'. bbls Golden Syrup, -; - 10 hL " Sugar House Molasses,. 1G bbls Loaf Sugar, 5. ' Cr'd. do, Jnst received lrom St. Louis, and for sale by feb23 SAilULLbhAi . TRUNKS, VALISES, and CARPET BAGS. WE-have just received a large anil fine as- ng Pamnt ISafrS' and te V'nlfco.q. fmsistinr of Sole. Bair and Kip4 r-irnr. Ti,roiin,'Pninl-s nrwl Vnlisos. also of Saxon V. J inis Mis Wilmnand common Carpet Bum. which we- will sell at low prices. R.S. H0LL1NS & CO., janlt) Corner of College and Union sts., Nashville. QUNDRIES. Now1 landing from steamer America- O 100 boxes Soap: 10 ceroons Indigo; .20 bags Pepper; 5 do Ginger; 10 do Spice; 15 do Almonds; 100.'dozen.Buckets ; and for sale by fcbi4 5 casks iladcJer ; 82 half barrels Soda ; 15 barrels Alum; 10 tierces Rice ; 10 boxf Oranges ; . 3I0R.qS 'SfitATTON: S1 AAA REWARD. I wil'pay theabovc reward J..VUv to any person or persons, as a premium above i the market price, for one thousand Land Warrants, of the dunominatioi.s of 1 f0, 80 and 40 acres. I Tvill pur chase single warrants oi cither denomination. , U. II. BHOCKWAY Room over Oak Hall, fist side Public Square, 2d door south ui t. m i lcl.iMurihviIlc. octi-i mf.; s fEET HAVANA ORANGES.-JiWt retieiyiid two barrels Sweet Oranges., . , R, & J iNlXOTv. - FURNITURE, .CApSClfD, OIL 'CLOtSt, nnTIE subscribor.IiftVlt,-iliiAd'frtin am X East, and Is (fj0asg"q?Ji kintU of nrpnt ponsisla "flJtiidt5i-VejV aVtfclafii Ins line oi bris nesa. and as extewsiVii tfclin iittlie city. PtirchilSW would do Well to en!L&3 fjg Sdeifcflmmd. ?0cll low for caUpr .on time for approvea J?:t" A. PATlhlUjO, , X8&8G0 MSMQTK. THE thoroiigU 6wStecS;iUlW0a.MAM MOT1L" dinst&mi. Kentucky, tvill iniiku Vis first sensrm In 't!Sties$& at Caney .Sorinir in 3Iarshall county, )lw5je below the fishing ford in Duck River, at thb tjlWfWfera in'surancc and fifty cents groom fee. ."JennefcS: fc3t-fiW st distance will be pastured gratis, arid gratn fed, W'iimfaiA, at fifty ceuts pbr week. He is full fifteen Iwwltii'fJrjtiVd a half inche3 high, good honest measure, umisttotfcf Jsifffa- Done, ana neavy: DiacK, wiui mnalv nose-' 'ltoSffifl form. size, color and blood to re- coinnreudbinIPf?klj! lo those who wish to improve their stoclc o Me eftnCfdiir,: hi m the. master . J ack of Tennessee. F0PtetfiLPpCsruIar3sce hand bills, FLNIGHT & WILSON. TUST 11ECELVED AT 42. COLLEGE STBEET. tl La.dics elegant Gaiters (with heels;; " Super. French Lasting Gaiters; " " Kid (trimmed) Slippers; " ElegantEmbroidered Patent Leather Slippers; best fine 3Iorocco Kid and Goat Boots; 3Iisscs and Childrcns Patent Leather do. This day received by mar23 EAMAGE fc CHURCH. 11. C CARCT1I. WM. -TEnUr. J. C. DEW ic. . CA11IITH, TERRY & DEW. t SEALERS IN HARDWABE AND CUTLERY. , , Market St. and 25, Merchant St., Philadelphia apnlS-H-ly. DR. J. W. GRAY. Office in' McCombs' Naw Building, on Cherry btreet, dtsaiwen jmaaenca ana union. AV 12m Residence -"Sewaxee. SCALES, WEIGHTS, CASTINGS, &C, &C ' TUST-rc'ceived Platform Scales to weigh 1500 ,fls. - do do '. do , .700 lbs. - do do do. lOO.Xbs.'; CouatcrScales. Tea.Scalea. . 3Exb'sets"ofWe-ghts; 100 lb weights, ,. . . , Caldrons,75,50and82:GallonsV " " Sugar-Kettles of all' sizes. ' .Ersglish Pots ffomJI to 18 Gallons. . Tea Kettles of all sizes. :'.-. :-',. -u -Do.. forvStoves. Copper Toasters, with wire cylinders.. Enameled Sauce Pans of all sizes andbestnnality. -Turned Sauce -Pans and FryingPans; of all sixes. apriieT SNOW, MACKENZIE & CO, parlox grates; -r-noT witrpd a few patterns of elarant Paelor Gratis,, ' ufacture, have receivedjpnaea at 'the Northern J - .ThS .iVaHTipP- Kandsomftat Grates that have xhibitions." ever-beea; oflfered for isale in Nashville. , Pril6 SN0W3aA.CKZn:&;C0 CAEPS,&C. -JOHNSON k SMITH, Dealers la Cotton aad Tobacco,- Useeiving- and Fer wardiug' Merchants,. Steamboat Ageats, &c., aprill BROADWAY, NASHVILLE; XAD. STEATTljx. G. F. SiOTn. A. W. JOHXSOK. iSTBATTON, SMITH & Co., Wkolesalii Grocers and Commiado& Merefeank, Csrner qf Broad and Market Streets, NASHVILLE, TENN., HAVING disposed of aa interest in ihe Grocery depart ment of oar business teMr.3Lviisox Strattox, the same will from this date be conducted under the style of STRATTON, SMITH &. Co. atour oldiitand, on tho corner of Market and Broad streets. Our stock, now ample, will be kept so bv large accessions every few days; to which we invite thi atteatiea and so licit a call from merchants in the cota&try as well as city dealers, being determined to sell as low as any house ia. the city. Our terms cash and cash only. aptl, isa.. JOHNSON & SMITiL ' ' - - u EAMAGE & CHURCH. Wholesale and Be tail Dealers in Boots, Shoes; Hate, Caps, Trunks, Valise's and Carpet Bags, College street, Nashville, Texx. : ff" AfTttarrT.TON, Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwanlixuj.and Commisalba . . . Merchant, jjoc& . r ..NASH.yiLLETENN. .. K..J. MOCEIS. ' THOS. E. STRATTC1 i. MORRIS & STRATTON, "(Successors to Laxier, Morbb &,Co., Coiiunission and Forwarding Herohsnts and Who! lie Grocers, Corner ofMarlet and Clark Streets. Nashville. W! have now In store a large stock of Groceries. Li quors, Wines, etc. which will be sold at' the lo vest market prices, for cash or barter. sepi T TEW ORLEANS. A CARD. BENJAMIN T. SHIELDS &, CO., having per manently located themselves at New Orleans, oiler their services as Commission aud FonvardingHIerchants 'and General. Ascents, and solicit consignments of all kinds of Western Produce, fcelintf confident that thev cau and will give satisfaction to all who. may-entrust their inter- J est to their aire. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held ; sacred and promptly remitted. ; r. . xtenave arrangements maae lor ine receiving ana fon-arding of everv species of 3fcrchandl3e, at reduced rates, from charges at tbis point. Orders for Groceries and Insur ance Risks, with t be collection of Bills, Drafts, ic, attended to without delay. BENJ. F. SHIELDS & CO. aug"12 ly MYERS & McGILL", . ,, DEALERS IX EVERV DESCRIPIIOX OF Ladies' and. Gentlemen's Furnishing iind Fancy Good3, . On College street, one door South of the Square. WHERE may be found at all timesa large assort ment of Winchester's, Davis & June's, & 31yers' Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen , 3iuslin with Lin en Bosoms, Gingham, and French Chintz, Standing and Bvron Collars. Underwear. 3Ierino, Shaked Silk, Cash mere. Yieonia Cotton and Canton Flannel, for ladies and gentlemen. Gents Cloth Gatters, Gloves, Kid and Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma,- Cuft' Gloves, and Ladies and Gentlemen s Gauntlets, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, btocks, Ties, Waterlords, Albert, De Joinvillc's, plain, Emb'd and self-adjusting, Cravuts Scarfs. Black and White Satin Ties. Shoulder Braces. Sus penders Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath mjr Cap3for Ladies and Gentlemen. Mousy, Riding and Strena-theuine Belts, Robe de Chambre, Umbrellas, Walk ing Canes. Ridins Whips, -Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises. Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dressing Cases, Work Box?, Toi lets, upera u lasses, rone Jionies, fans, y ruing uesm Cisrar Cases. Flasks, Travellinir Companions, Razots and Razor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Good year's Gum Goods. Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutlery,- c, and a large assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fur nishing Stores. rSj" We have made arrangements with our friends at the North to forward us Goods a soon as received by them; therefore we .shall have goods iere in lessthan ten davs from the New York Custom House. . MYERS & 3IcGILL'S. Furnishing Stpre, College street, 1 door South of the Square, Nasnville. octll BEN. -M. NOEL & BRO., Grocery and Commission, Receiving and - Forwarding Merchants, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, COLLEGE STREET. LIQUORS AND TOBACCO. 4U0 bbls Sara Hale's Whisky; 100 bbls Drans Whisky; 50 bbls Old 3Ionongahela do 50 " Brown's D D do; 50 " American Brandy; 40 " " S 31 AVine, 20 " Old Port Wine; 25 " NERum; 5 4 Pipes Old Brandy, best brands; 1 Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Champaigne; 52 Pipes Holland Gin; 20 bbls American Gin; 50 bxs Gus Jones' Tobacco; 50 " AVal leer's Ale; . 20 bxs Allison's Tobacco; 80 " Fennel's do 10 " Fenix's do " 20 " 3Iissouri do 10 " Sam Wools 5's do 5 " Rend .h Nash's do . BEN. 3L NOEL & BRO. 20 " Young & Birdewell s do 25 " P3IBosrzNol do; 20 " " " Gold Leaf do 10 " B. Daily's do IC " aider's do 5 " S E White's do In store and for sale by feb!9 T-UST RECEIVED.- tl J50 bags Prime Rio Coffee; 50 " " Lajniayrado: . 25,000 Imoovted Clears; 300 bbls Reboiled Molasses; 309 halves do do; 50,000 Jfelee do; 10 frails S S Almonds; 10 tierces Rice; 5 ceroons Indigo; - 2 casks Dutch Madder; . .20 bbld Copperas; 20 bags Pepper; 15 " Spice; 800 reams Wrap. Paper; 600 lb3 Kanawha Salt ; 20 kegs Shot and Lead; 50 hhds choice Sugar; 500 bags fine Salt; 300 kegs Oysters; 500 cans do; 300 bbls St Ixmis 3Iill3 Flour; 100 Cincinnati do: 300 fcegs'Nails assorted; 300 boxes Glassware, ass; 100 doz. lirooms; 25 bbls Golden Syrup: 20 bbls Mackerel; SO bbls and half bbls Crackers: 50 bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar: 300 boxes and half bpxes Raisins; Just received ana lor sale by ism. m. jNUiib & liuu. fpbis. "TTTANTED. A few thousand bushels Pea .Nuts, for- V-V, . w! I'hieltwei will irive the hichest market price. xjrii. .u. nu a, aiw . FOR-SALE. i lower College st.: running back es on the lot, which rent for $216 a-ve.irln)fic(?-S.aow ' ' ' - " ( -LoUP'i ftseWti Ffirn'kliu Turnpike, in Prjston Hays' addi- ALSO, 2GQ4icresoP land in bmitti county, V miles lrom Lebanon - For fertility the land caftnot be- surpassed, being Erincipally creek bottom, about 100; acres cleared and in a igh state of cultivation, the balance finely timbered. The improvements consist oi a good frame dwelling, ne- trro nouses, uarn. stauies. s:c, ana oaw ami unst jiuis, ana Carding juacume, constmciea to run eimer Dy sieam or water. ALSO. 8V acres of land in Edcefield on the Gallatin Turnpike, opposite Mr. R. Houston's lot. There is on the lota goad fiatne house, Kitchen, negro houses, Ac. ALSO, 4S acres of land onSprfrgSeJd road, 14 miles from Nashville. . - T '"-' ' ALSO, 32 acres of land JtdjOitujiff tli&preperty of W.B. LucaS.. - - ALSO, 7 acres oflaadorfihfrMerKylTuro splen- on the Rail Road. College street, il&'ihe prop erty of Gen: SRl-Anderson. " k ALSO, a finely; iinprbved- lot rreit 'tSiM-51k.'si, front ing 88 feet on Vjnestreet, 148 -fee fieefe'rv? - 0 . tal-rimprbverhents good. ' ' t " " . ALSO, a lot on corner of Gay and McLfefilOre streets, with a good brick house containing 5 rooms. ALSO, a very desirable farm 10 miles from Nashville, rsear -the Franklin Turnpike, containing 1 lS acres, good two story" brickwellings and other improvements on the place: , ALbO, a largo hne brick house on Vina street, between Church and Bread streets,, the lot fronts 40 feet on Vine street. ALSO,2,000;ncresof .land'cn the old Sorinzfield road. 17 miles from Nashville, on Mansker's CreekJ good dwellinsrand othernecessary-buildings, and also Steam Grist 'and Saw Mills... ALSO, a Isrjra. brick bouse on Churchstreef. naartheDei ' pot, containingll rooms, besides kitchen and othar necessaj ry Duiidings.- Tiienouseis well constructed for a' boarding house.. ALSOa small brick house. 3 rooms on Locust' alley.'aar Fmn's grocery. " ' ALSO, a doubleienement, 3.rooma each on Crawford fat, aDoyeuign street, - . - 11 .-. rj. ALSO, 209 acres oflandrn; Sumner county wwmuefrcm Gakt'n ThelmnrnTAnia'nrailraiMte.- W ham alsma niiMil-, .t-liji-lotB iatfcft 8KT asdHa3 ! in. the cotwhich'cwlw.boufk aprill3 No. 50 Cbrry-street ALSO, 38 xcrczWwmAmTm& th&niir, ALSO, the- a'afcg'eErXtkWar.ehMS m known as tire: "tfflIiirs; Dj3&-;v - ALSD 2oBclT.hulii;ridm Castiltan ArLbOaitrlcfe.BfuarTd'Tu Cumberland" - well conYtructia?mr8that'pu ! 1 isiiiai-jne.iDuiiui mra-jvere-ereciou. uuif-Hev.iiuu. uuu are AISiJlAacYMofgroundlh NO. 18. CUBREY & MARTIN. CUEJtlCAX HALL. NEW AND FJIESHARRIVALSBY CURREY & MARTIN. , CITEMISZS A2TJD DRUGGISTS, No, 85, BXIOif STRFET, NASHVILLE, HKX. - SODA WATER. As wm weather is nfpfeaching wejiave fitted up a new our Soda Founts, and are pre "pared te dLspesse as jwr nad a coel Soda Water as any other bouse in the city. Ours shall be the nejelm tskrafottU. The syrups are all made ofine finest quality ami most deli cate flavor. We shall be happy to receive the patronage of our citizens and of strangers vkutisg the city. tfOur Soda Founts KiU not U open oh the Sabhatk. CURREY & MARTIN aprilSS NO. 85 Unioa street "VTEW A It RIVALS . Brush as, Ceuater, Paiat,Paint JLl ers' Dusters, Gilders' Tips, Badger G miners; Hearth, Extra Floor, Lamp Brashes, Clamp be rube; Popes' Heads for Windows; Bottle aad rial, together with all ether varie ties, just received and for sale low by ap8t- CURREY &MARTINN0. 35 UaieB st rrXL'E'S CELE BRATED BARBER SOAPS. ' JT JQ dox bars just received by ap22 CURREY & MARTIN. T70K BATHING. Bath Belts, Bath Gloves, Bath UL. Brushes and Bath Sponjres: iust received bv apa UUKKEY & MARTIN. SELECT POWDERS Of Haskell, 3I-aRicn & Bull. We have just received an additional supply of these pure and unadulterated medicines, which are especial ly recommended to the attention of physicians. We are al so supplied with :- Fan's Chetnicak; Powers & Weightman's Chemicals: Tilden & Co's Extracts; Henning's English Extracts; Mander, Weaver & Mander's Chemicals; ThoicaV Extracts, c - All of which are warranted pure, and genuine. The Pre scription department of our establishment is supplied ex clusively with these pure and unadulterated medicines. . ZS$ No adulterated Drugs, Medicines, or Chemicals can find a place in our store. CURREY & MARTIN. FLOWER SEEDS. 1600 papers of rare and select Flower Seeds, just received per express from Philadel phia. Many of-these seeds have just been imported from Europe, and are entirely new to our western gardens. Also in store, a large and fresh (warranted) supply of Garden Seeds. CURREY MARTIN, march2-i No. 85 Union street DR. BLEDSDE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUND The Remedy ocer alt Remedies for tlie Diseasesof the JAter Dyspepsia, Enlargement and IntlamaticR of the Spkcn Jleartb.urm, Colic Flatalence, Pilit, Q)nstlrpatim, all diseases of the Eoicels, and such illieases as artie from a disorderd state of the Stomach, Liver or Jioivels, at Scrofula and Sores of any kind. For General Debility, from which ladies' frequently tufer, there is not Us equatin the whole Materia Medicu. THE inventor of this preparation was for three- years s completely prostrated from Dyspepsia and inactivity- of the Liver that ho was frequently for weeks at a time unable to raise himself from his bed. He soucht aid from nhvsieian? I at home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronounced nopeicss Dy mousanus, ana it was by accident that he suc ceeded in curing himself. Since he has been practicing uier1 icine, his success in such cases has been unrivalled. He has been aware of the incredulity of the public, and conse quently said nothing through the press of his own case, until the character of the medicine was fullv established by its success, as shown j the certificites which have Deen advertised. I subjoin the certifier fe of Prof. 31. Gabbert, of 3Iemphis, Tenn., with whom I often advised during the time ot my suffering. MEiirms, Tenh April 17, 1352. I hereby certify lhat I have been acquainted with f r. J N. Bledsoe and some years ago he was reduced I eel eve lower than I have ever "seen any one that afterwards recover ed, with what I supposed to bo'Dyspepsia ar d Liver affection, and after trying the prescriptions ot many Physicians in tin's as well as other countries, without relief, he finally succeded with a preparation of his own in being restored to good healtlu MGABBERT, M. D. Physicians are requested to try this preparation. We feel satisfied it will sustaiu the character wegire to it in this publication. nuxTSYiLLE, January 12, 1S52. Dr. Bledsoe: I take the liberty and fell it to be my duty to recommend to all persons siufering from disease of the stomach and bowels, your Alterative Compound, as a very seperior medicine. Jlyson, aged 15 years, had been under mcdicil treatment about five years for dyspepsia and diar rhea when baring almost despaired of his recovery, I con cluded to try vour Alterative, two bottles of which, 1 believe, entirely cured" hirn. MICAJAH CAYCE. Hcntsville; Oct. 17, 1S52. Dh.Blepsoe: Some time has eiapsed since I gave a cei tificate that my wife had been greatly benefited by your Alterativo Compound. I now take pleasure in saving to the public, that my wife had for three or four ycirs been subject to the worst kind of spells of cramp in the stomach from dyspepsia. I had tried of several whom I thought to be the best physicians in the place and a great many differeu medicines, with momentary relief. Being persuaded to try your alterative compound, I did so and I am happy to say that it Jias entirely cured her; and I would conscientiously recommend it to all persons suffering from diseases of the liver and dyspepsia. N. B. ROBERTSON. Hunts vi lle, Sept. 20, 1851. DicBledsoe Having seen the publication of your Alter ative Compound, I thiuk it my duty tesay to the public, that I ha"d been for years subject to Spells of Cramp Colic, in its worst form; that I had tried nlmost everv thing that is gi ren by physicians, and never found any thing that would cer tainly relieve me, uutil I tried the above medicine, which nas relieved me in every attack-in less than an hour. W3I. B. LLOYD. Giles CotOTT, Tenn., Dec 23, 1851. Dk. Bledsoe : I feel that I should fall short of mv duty to you and'to those who are alllicted, were I not to further recommend your Alterative Compound. It lias entirely re lieved me, so that I have not had cause to take anything in two months. I can eat anything I want with impunity, and believe my health is as good asit ever is at my advanced age. Should 1 cversufferfrom dyspepsia again I shall be sure to" call on you. I am very respectfully your friend, ELIZABETH J. HARWOOD. Huhtsville, Ala., August 24, 1851. This is to certify, that I had suffered for mam- years with Dyspepsia and Diseases of the Liver. Physician after Phy- r-t rtJ n UnA mwcrri hnr fni mf vcithftilt mv rofot vn rr artv lion- efit, when I commenced tlie use of Dr. Bledsoe's Alterative Compoundi which cured me sounaiy, ana 1 recommend it because of the same liappy eflect upon others of my acquaint .' rtcr'utr ninAfrneno ftUCe. uudmu uxv.i.vxluxvi. Hbxtsville, Ala., 3Iarch 3, 1852. Dn. Bledsoe: Sm : Judging from the certificates you have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for me to add further evidence in retrard to the healine virtues of vour Compound; but I ainst svy, that for years I sufTered a rreat deal from Dyspepsia and enlanrement of the spleen, and thoiurht that I never would recover. I commenced tak- ingyour compound about uine weeks sino;, and have gained 25 or 30 pounds, and feel about as well as I ever did. HENRY J. GOFF. 3S?Thc above medicine is forsale in every Drug Store in the citv. and rno3t of the towns in the State. G. W. HEN- 1 DERSHOTT, General Agent, for wholesaling the med icine. "Srnce 5 per pint xoiue. novia xva tr Kicli Sprio Goods. w. a. & J. g. McClelland, No. 20. PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLR ARE receiving and now opening their Stock of SPRING AND SU31MER GOODS; and in extent and variety, it is decidedly the most attractive they have ever opened. They would call the attention of purchasers to the following, with many other Goods not enumerated : RICH DRESS GOODS. Plaid India Silks; Delicate Summer Silks : Plain Rich Silks, all colors; " Berages, 4 Challeys, Bayaderes; t- Fine Linen Cambrics, 40 to 75 y ' Plain and Bordered Brilliantes; Rich Organdy 3Iuslin3 ; " French Chintz ; French Jaconets, from 2-lo"50 eents; v - LACE GOODS. YalencienneLacea and Insertiogs, Star Point Laces, Ya lencienne and Muslin Collars, Culls and Dimity Bands. Jac onett and Linen Flounces, Mourning Bobes, Plain Mourning and Traveling-Collars. LINEN AND H03IESTIC GOODS. Trih T.?nina T.irvn Shpfttinirs-Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Fine Bird's Eye Diapftr, Huckaback and Medicated Towels, iice and aiusim uurmiua, Sheeting!), Bed Tickings, &c.?&c. MANll-t3- , . The most beautiful Spring- and Summer AntI9:-'eTeT MullNansook, Hair Cord, Striped Swiss, Checked Jace netts, D9W ggBBosa. TANS, &c Blue and White Silk Hose, Thread and Earifeh Cotion Silk and Cotton Stockinis, beautify HibixHW, Bonnets. Fans, Mitta, Kid Gtovee. Alpacas, Challeys, Black and Pkud Silks, Black Crape, 'Berages, GiBghams and Musling,, blue Rept 'Silks, without -lustre, jtourmng uouars. aaa oieevee. OR MSN AND" BOYS. Cloths, Cassimeres.-Cottenades.-Driuiws, Ssiamer Coat lnra. Lisle thread Shirte,.Linn aad Silk Shirts; Cravats.- Pocket' Handkerchiefs, striped" LisHe and Cottea Half- Hb&e, acCAc . - . JTT ' " i We wilLtake ereatjieasare .ia shewiBc.oec Stock, fet ing assured we' will be able to 6ef suoh 4ee'-!fits,. a " regards style and wicm, aa te he jBGakl:hy all MWf NashvaUe, March 29,1S53. No. 47, Gouonk, Stsmt, Nashthzs, Tmwx. ARE fl' Hr ock df HAKD WiJtS aad CUTLp. fbc the Synag Trade, aad 9W the atteatw of the Berehaat of 34iddie aad East Tawes see, Xeatueky, aad Nortk Alabama, t Onifeferg Tid ff011.1 they feel ooni dont Atrt H vriti coafe fvoca bty wth tuatet mr nmm m Any eosstrv, tm& wlwa tiw item of TraEsportatiod-k coaMdered, it will be fining faat lf-intret should prompt all dakrs it, tbis seeties of ftp country to encourage a home market. They also invite the attention of Bfacisc&itlw, Carpenters.. aadFaraaE risiti NaahvWe te time aasortawat ot Toe keemongIuSleaBtS' C & irg 5 wkkkthe-v wrijt w( tr!s- a&4 JSmfa, tak at the highest mt T 56 fer-goods, payiaeatoT debts. "THOU HAST A CRASHED CUP 0 I TAXSF "LiketotbePcaticsea. ' Whose icy curreat asd compabiva cMrsa Tr NeerfretoayA .brts-toeST 0 i. ToiPropontickaadtheHellwpoBt." So the undying lame, bright as the bke of sesset h-lea o'er tho laurel brow'd," deservedly aeeorted AT-r Fortunate aad weU known ExeigHl UJl PYFER Jk CO., Bilmore, 3Cd r Will "keep da.OB,'THntil their pepekrityezteads (naie "icy Capes of Labradore," to the scarchiae saads of Nubia's Desert, and, ubkI the Hosannas of a Universe extol taw name in one prolonged shout that shall frightea ta reiga of chaos, and startle sured echo from hercaverned sleee, "la lazy spathy let stoics boast." The grataful praise duly received from, every sectioa. af the country, from those who have been snatched from the brink of despair by the untiring e Sorts of these far-famed and popular Lottery Agents, is the only reward tfcey covet lor de votiug their energies to the public s service; to them 'praises are wages," The immense amount of good that PXr'ERi; & CO. the Truly Lucky and Far-famed Lottery AgMts, Xo. 1 Liglnbtreei, lialtimore, McL Have accommkhadby.p semmg; to fee public monthly u-schedule of unsurpaMd schemes of juegat and Responsible LotterUt. ' ",' In presenting to our numerous correspoadente ihroahoat the country our very brilliant and elegant schemes for: the month of Mav, we eujoin thoser whose expectations were not fully realized in April, ia.tbeliugujge of the Poet, to "Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt : Nothing's so hard, but Search will find it out'' KEAD-TIIB RESULT 01? PERSEVERANCE! t In package of Whole Tickets, the Brilliant Prize of $50 210, iu braud, Consol. Lottery of 3Iarvland, Class No, 1, was sent per mail to an old correspondent in Virginia. ' $-6,000, in package of Hal ves sent to South Carolina. 515,000 in package of Whole Tickets, sent to Pennsylvania $11,000, in package of Wholes Tickets, sent to Georgia.; $tf,u00, in package of Halves, sent to South Carolina. $20,000, iu package of Quarters, seut to Tennessee. $12,0u0, in package of Half Tickets, senttoOhio. $8,000 in package of quarters, sent to North Carolina" $5,000, in package of Wholes scut to Norm Carolina.w 2T"Bo sure to address lor a handsome Prize,. v?ty - rYFElt& CO. No. 1 Zightstnxt, Daltitnore, Maryland, --Splendid Schemes for-May, 1853. jsyTIic Certificate Prices of- packages of quarter tickets only, are given below. . . Date!- -May. s C 4 5'' -. G . .7 , ' 9 10 -11 . 12. . Capital' Prizes. - $25,000 , SO.yoo 31.D00 25,000--24,000 , 40,U00 3,000 lS,tJ5t5 80,000 . 5,000 - No!of ' Price of Price of italtots. . Tickets. "Packa5e3. 78 Nos. . ;-18 drawn $'8 $3ifc00 75Nos. 78 Nos. 75 Nos 75Nos. 7,8 Nos. 75 Nos, 78-Nos: ' 75Nos.. 78 Nos. 78 Nos. . 75Nbs. 73 Nos. - 75-Nos: . 78 Nos.. 75 Nos. 78 Nos: - 75 Nos. 78LN03. -75 Nos. 78 Nos. 75 Nos. 75 Nos. 75 Nos. . 75 N03. 7S Nos. 12 drawn. 1? drawn 12 drawn 13 drawn lSdrawn 12 drawn I2drawu IS drawn 18 drawn, .. 18 drawn j 11 drawn IS drawn -12 drawn 12 drawn 15 drawn 18 drawn 14 drawn 15 drawn 12 drawn 13 drawn 12 drawn 14 drawn ; 18 drawn 13 drawn lSdrawn 5 10 5 5 12 8 b ' 10 0 4 15 ' S 5 10 5 ' 5 10 8 5 10 5 4 32 8 5 18 00 350 18 CO IS 00 .45.00 3D 00 l:00 Sd'OO 13t00 .15 00 " "53 00 80-00 18.00 -4000 15T0 l 00 5000 25fti0 18" 00 "40 00 18s 00 lSe.00 36 00 1800 13 14' 1 3.30Q . 50,T?00 lb'oori2;00 17- 24,000 . 80,'JOO 20,06o 24,000 '4t,000 26,00.0 20,000. 33,TO0' 20,000 J5,000. 80,000 23,500 18,000 13 19" 20 21 23 24 '25 G 7 23 . SO" 81 "J?"Drawinrs fonvarded to Corresoondcnts bv the first mails after the lotteries are drawn. JST'CorreBpondenfs will please order a few days Eefore the lotteries are drawn. There is a largo percentage in favor of those purchasers who order by the Package,, and tho chances of drawing four of the largest Prizes in the Scheme, are thereby secured! We advise the purchase of Packages of Tickets m every in stance. - gBTBank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable uvGold at sight, will bo promptly remitted to those Correspondents who draw prizes atPYFER i CO'S. J5p"Remember A Package of Tickets, ran draw four of the mast splendid prizes in a scheme STMn order to secure aForfune, and the cash immediate ly after the result is known, the readers of this paper have only toreinif cash Drafts orprfze tickets, to the Old Estab lished, far famed and truly fortunate Exchange and 'Lottery Brokers,. PITER fcCO., april 29 lm No 1 Light street, Baltimore, 3Id. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all those indebted to Ebexe zeu Fisk, deceascdjintestate, to come forward and make payment, and to all. having in possession any of the goods and chattels of said deceased, to deliver them ; and alf those having claims against said deceased to present them proper ly authenticated, by the 10th day of June next, or.-they.wilL be forever barred. D. R CLAII30RNE,V , inarchll fontrw Administrator. DR. . yVM. McLANE, INDIAN AND GERMAN EOOH DOCTOR, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizensof Nashvilk and vicinity, that he has returned again after a.resi dence of fourteen years in the South, and pennaneutlyla. cated himself in faouth Naslrville, at the corner of Wast ingtonand Pearl streets, where, he may at all times be founf by those who may wish to consult liicx. , .. He has in his possession many certificates from men f eminent standing certifying to the permanent- cure of the most distressing cases ot the following diseases, vie Ner vous Affections, Liver Complaints, liyspepsia, Chills'and Fevpjs, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Coughs, Incipient Con sumptions. Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fit. Dsc-psies. Cancers, Ulcers, Scrofliilous, Ilemoptasis of the Lunga, and other Hemorages; Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kidheys;: Mer curial and Venereal Taints of the Blood; Diseases 'of Chil dren, Wcrais and various other Diseases, incident to the 'hu man system. Dunng his residence in the South, he attended to over fen thousand different cases, all of which he treated with more' than ordinary success. Dr. 3IcLane hopes from his much experience in the Medi cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended his efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronage of the xick and afflicted. Nashville, Feb 9 ly. DR. W3I. McLANE - fSPAH Letters addressed, post-paid, to South Nashville. JOSEPH F. DTJNTON, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods House, No. 51, Ptblh Square, Nashville, Tenn, ejef HAS now in store a larga aid well assorted Stock of the most desirable goods of the season, embracing every -. description and quality, French Mantillas, Ribbons, Sils Drap Uoods,White Goods of all kinds,Laces and Embroide ries, French Jaconetts, Lawns and Cambrics," Bareges, Barege de Laines, Brilliantincs; a variety of other Dress Goods, Hosiery of all kinds, Hats of all descriptions, Hard-' ware, etc Looking Glasses, a large variety of Uuns and Pis-' tols, besides a great variety of Trimmings and every descrip-.--tion of Goods, to which he now submits the inspectioa of Merchants of the city and country trade, to which stock will be added daily, desirable goods from tbe East. MerchaBta' ' generally, are invited to examine my stock and coraaara prices with that ot other houses in the trade. feb23 J. F. DUNTON. SODA WATER APPARATUS, for manvfae . turing, drawing andbottlemg, of the latest aad mostap-. proved construction, manufactured and for sale, with ex-, plicit printed directions for its use, by JOHN MATHEWS. CORNER OP' FIRST AVENUE AXD.i' BEET, ' Opposite Bellevue, New Yossr The only establishment devoted exdustvelrto the -Mann-ia-facture of SODA WATER 3LACHLNERY , Slc, in the U-iited States, and where may be found a large assortaient of every, article connected with the business, including Materials, f e, jan 27 3m Establish an 20 1'ahUN . SUGAR. 2S0 hhds Sugar, now landing from steaawu , America, and for sale by MORRIS fcSTRATTONi"' D. S. & W. Hi WOODWARD. Torwardiatr and CommiseioB JCerchaats, asi Texas Land Ageats. 4, Particular atfcnfion paid to fillias- ordersCface, 0768 v fitoreof W. T. Smith 4 Co., tfo. m Magazwe street, ; Ocfc-8,1852 6m newurtew CHARLES. W. SMITH, 10 OK SEX EES AND STATIO-fE Jt,J T-fo. 5V. CoLLnea Strbbt. . C CHOOIt, La;r, Medical Iteligwwa- :ad MikaeewM O Books Abo, Bfank Books andS4-Utofty, at kweii4 "3ryCoantry Merchant aad School Teachers -tsppKed an the most favorable termsv Nashville; Teaa., wb. 2- UMBRELLAS 8Q Ofegbam aad, WhJehe Uia-I Brellas, 100. Cotton, - . ltecv6daBdfor"sale by A. MORRISON CO. . JEtFrHlATD'SAD ISN. t A$r& - JUST received a few of the -bw patajitj&tirjHwiv "Sab "Iron; bv whfeh, with .ttve aaafaiatnc f Jt Trorkr f OIirffti Irci-r for a Wi bm$T'mmr.V ' vdaae ia the shade anlr tbe toas;:ad Mftwaa aa kaa.tMt J -t in . ' - - april 6 SNOW, MACKENZIE Jc, CO, 1 utoo. 3!f f