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POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON. TENNESSEE. THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. wm Philadelphia, Pa. "I was very weak, Always tired, my back ached, and 1 felt sickly roost or tn time. I went to a doctor and he said I had nervous indi gestion, which ad ded" to my weak condition kept me worrying most of the time and be said if I could not stop that, I could not get well. I heard somuchabout Lydia E. Pinkham'a ecretable Com- rrand my husband wanted me to try it took it for a week and felt a little bet ter. I kept it up for three months, and I feel fine and can eat anything now without distress or nervousness. "Mrs. J. Worthline, 2S42 North Taylor St, Philadelphia Pa. The majority of mothers nowadays overdo, there are so many demands upon their time and strength; the result is invariably a weakened, run-down, nervous condition with headaches, back ache, irritability and depression and soon more serious ailments develop. It is at such periods in life that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition, as it did to Mrs. Worthline. Just Missed Him. A negro was trying to saddle a mule, when a bystander asked: "Does that mule ever kick you?" "No, sah, but he kicks sometimes where I'se jes' been." Berkshire Eagle. ! WOLVES OF THE SEA I By RANDALL PARRISH IB: SHOOK WITH NERVOUSNESS A Lady Was Flat On Her Back With Terrible Spells, But Her Husband Got Cardui, And Now She Is Grateful. McKtnney, Texas. Mrs. Mary Steph enson, of this place, states: "About a year and a half ago I was down In bed for six weeks, not able to sit up. I was flat on my back and had ter rible 'spells , . ,. Why, it looked like I would die. At times I didn't know anything. I would get nervous, ' I couldn't bear anyone to talk to me, I would just jerk and shook with nervousness . . . across my back was so sore and ached me all the time. I would have a iy feeling. My limbs ached me and I would get numb and feel so weak . . 1 . I 6ald to my husband I knew Cardui was good and I believed I had best try It. He got mo a bottle of Cardui, and when I had only taken one-half bot tle of Cardui I felt stronger. I took a half a dozen bottles altogether, then in two weeks after I began taking I was up, In three I was doing my work. I praise Cardui for I believe It saved tny life and I am grateful." For over 40 years Cardui has been helping weak, sick women back to health and strength. Try it Adv. A clonk is not made for a single Bhower of rain. Italian Proverb. Carlyle Sees Ore Chance and Takes It. Synopsis Geoffry Carlyle, master of sailing ships at twenty-six, is sentenced to 20 years' servitude in the American col onies for participation in the Monmouth rebellion In England. Among the passengers on board the ship on which he Is sent across are Roger Fairfax, wealthy Maryland planter; his niece, Dorothy Fairfax, and Lieu tenant Sanchez, a Spaniard, who became acquainted with the Fair faxes In London. Carlyle meets Dorothy, who informs him her uncle has bought his services. Sanchez shows himself an enemy of Carlyle. The Fairfax party, now on its own sloop in the Chesapeake bay, encounters a mysterious bark, the Namur of Rotterdam. Carlyle discovers that Sanchez Is "Black Sanchez," planning to steal the Fairfax gold and abduct Dorothy. He fights Sanchez and leaves him for dead. In a battle with Sanchez' followers, however, he Is overpowered and thrown into the boy. V-uifiul. by A. C JicClui at It. No gleam of light appeared in any direction; no sound trhoed across the dark waste of water. It was clearly impossible for me to attempt any re turn to the wharf through the impene trable black curtain which shut me in. What, then, could I do? What might I still hope to accomplish? Those fel lows had swept the sloop clean, and had doubtless long ago scuttled it. They would suddenly find themselves leaderless, ungulded. Would that suf fice to stop them? Would the discov ery of his body halt his followers and send them rushing back to their boat, eager to get safely away? This did not seem likely. Estada knew of my boarding the sloop from the wharf, and would at once connect the fact of my being ashore with the killing of Sanchez. This would satisfy him there was no further danger. Besides these were not men to flee in panic Surely not with that ruffian Estada yet alive to lead them, and the knowledge that fifty thousand pounds was yonder In that unguarded house, with no one to protect the treasure but two old men asleep, and the women. The women ! Dorothy 1 What would be come of her? Into whose hands would she fall in that foul division of spoils? Estada's? And I, afloat and helpless in this boat, what could I do? MARINES SURELY MADE HIT! Bat Not Altojethsr ta te Entent That Doughboy 0er There" imajired. lie v.-.-m a l":i:t-l S:tis marine. ji:t arrixed in Kramv a a r-iit-f f'r :i of t!i men who Iril l-n ili-i-h:ir;r."l Un condition if rftirf. did n f know Freinli. and li wan't of the fact that verj thlui i'j a se-i-i-i:it town !!!; I?r't i iiaiii-d after thf sea, whh'li. of course, i "la m i- THIII PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Bitro-Phosphatv to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to increase Strengtn, Vigor and Nerve Force. I Therefore, when lie walked ai-vii whi.-h as surely meant torture and j th(k f'''s rv.-tdins.' the i'ns hi- eves death, or otherwise play the coward j ,H:,n ' wi'i"r w'i,,'r- li"r and remain Imnntpntlr l.ohinrt s T ! was 'he r.rnr:e de la Miriiif. here CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER VIII Continued. The two must have hung in silence over the rail staring down. I dared not advaflce my head to look, nor even move a muscle of my body in the water. "How came you aft here?" "Because that fellow leaped the rail from the wharf. I saw him, and we met at the wheel." "From the wharf, you say? He was not aboard, then? Santa Maria 1 I know not what that may mean. Yet what difference, so he be dead. An derson, Mendez, throw that carrion overboard no, bullies, never mind; let them lie where they are, and sink an auger in the sloop's bottom. What Is that out yonder, Cochose?" "A small boat, senor a dory, 1 make If - -; "Cut the rope and send It adrift. Now come along with me." ' The darker loom of the sloop van ished slowly, as the slight current sweeping about the end of the wharf drifted the released boat to which I clung outward into the bay. There was scarcely a ripple to the sea, and yet I felt that the boat was steadily drifting out into deep water. I was still strangely weak, barely able to re tain my grasp. Finally I mustered every ounce of remaining energy in one supreme effort and succeeded in dragging my body up out of water ; i strengtne Weak From Pain Mrs. Gibbert Was in Misery, But Doan's Brought Her Splendid Health. "About 15 years ago my kidneys were in bad condition," says Mrs. Lucy Gib bert, 15310 Columbia Ave., Harvey, ill. "There was a constant, dull, bearing down pain in the small of my back. I couldn t turn over in bed without such pain I could hardly breathe. Morning9 I was stiff, sore and lame all over; my back was like a rusty hinge. "Inflammation of the bladder nearly drove me wild. The kidney secre tions pnssed every little while, day and night, a little at a time, and burned like tire. Great pacs of water formed un- tier my tje. w- -iii. "I was in such misery nn- utMn I would become weak and so nervous I would scream. I had nerve-racking headaches and the buck of my neck pained me. I was so dizzy I didn't dare hend over for fear of falling on my face. My sight became blurred. I was aick all over. "Five boxes of Donn's Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trouble. Since then I have enjoyed splendid health and I owe it all to Doan's. Sworn to before me, ' SAMUEL DANTCK, Kotary Public.' naM'a 1.. llM. Aft m FOSTER-MILBURN CO BUrrAJUU. n. I, TV- Granulated Eyelids, m uur Evei inflamed br expo sure to Sun, Dot t and Wind tl. w , quickly relieved by Marine 81 f RJ tyt Remedy. No Smarting 4 Just Eye Comfort. A' Your UruggMti or by mail COc per Bottlr For Botk ! (be tyt free write t Marina f y Remedy Co. Chlcan: A Swim to the Namur. All was black, hopeless; with head buried in my hands I sat on a thwart, dazed. Before me, pleading, expres sive of agonized despair, arose the sweet face of Dorothy Fairfax. No doubt by this time all was over the dead body of Sanchez discovered, the projected attack on the house carried out, the two old men left behind, ei ther dead or severely wounded, and the girl borne off a helpless prisoner. Ay, but this I knew ; there was only one place to which the villains might flee with their booty the Namur of Rot terdam. Only on those decks and well at sea would they be safe or able to enjoy their spoils. The thought came to me in sudden revelation why not;I Was not here a chance even yet to foil them? With Sanchez dead no man aboard that Dlrate craft could rei . . . .. . . . ... ... i W-r- " nize me. i reu assurea or una. i v fit fought the giant negro In -the ldf'i .sSftit, he could not, during that fierce counter, have distinguished my fea tures any more clearly than I had his own. There was no one else fo fear. If only I might once succeed in get ting safely aboard, slightly disguised, perhaps, and mingle unnoticed among the crew, the chances were not bad for me to pass undetected. Such ships carried large crews and were constant ly changing in personnel. A strange face appearing among them need not arouse undue suspicion. And I felt convinced I could locate the Namur, But could I hope to attain the ship in advance of the returning party of raiders? God helping me, I would tryj My brain throbbed with fresh resolu tion the call to action. There were oars in the boat. I shipped the useless rudder inboard and chose my course from the stars. My boat had drifted considerably far ther out into the bay than I had sup posed, and it required a good half hour of steady toll at the oars before I sighted ahead of me the darker out lines of the shore. At first I could identify nothing, but finally there sud denly arose, clearly defined, the gaunt limbs of a dead tree, bearing a faint resemblance to a gigantic cross, that had been pointed out on the sloop, This peculiar mark was at the extrem ity of the first headland lying north of the point itself, and consequently a straight course across the bay would land me within five hundred yards of where the Namur had last been at anchor. To a degree my immediate plan of drove the temptation to falter away and strode on up the bank Into the black shadow of the trees. I found extremely hard walking as I advanced through tangled under brush. Fortunately the distance was evea shorter than I had anticipated. It was not until after I had advanced cautiously Into the water and then stooped low to thus gain clearer vision along the surface that I succeeded in locating the vessel sought. Even then the Namur appeared only js a mere shadow, without so much as a light showing aboard, yet apparently an chored in the same position as when we had swept past the previous after noon. I waded straight out through the lines of surf, until all excepting the head became completely sub merged. If I were to reach the bark at all this was the one opportunity, I stood there, resisting the undertow tugging at my limbs and barely able to ?Ctaln my footing, Intent upon my purpose. Full strength had come back to my muscles and my head was again clear. With strong, silent strokes swam forward, directly breasting the force of the incoming sea, yet making fair progress. Some unconsidered cur rent must have swept me to the right, for, when the outlines of the bark again became dimly visible through the night I found myself well to star board of the vessel. Stroking well under water and with only my eyes exposed above the surface, I changed uiy course to the left and slowly and cautiously drew In toward the star board bow. A few moments later, un perceived from above, and protected from observation by the bulge of the overhang and density of the shadow, my hands clung to the anchor hawser, my mind busy in devising some means for attaining the deck. the Patlrie d. la M.irine, the C.-ife de hi M;irin I -ve:- Ih'nu eN- tint MsiMy could ;irry the utiix '"de hi murine." Lou: the "devil do.;" looked. Then be scratched his hend. "(Josh I" he murmured. "1 always knew the murine were good, but I never had any idea they'd make such a hit as this. By golly, they've named the whole darned town after 'em '." CHAPTER X. On the Deck of the Namur. , It was here that fortune favored me. strengthening my decision and yield- fresh courage ' to persevere. but : directly over where I rperately to the wet hawser. were able to trace the ow- fjpnt, we rattier loosely furled op Jib napping ragged edges in the gusts or wind. Suddenly, as I stared upward, I, became aware that two men were yrking their way out along the foot ropes, and, as they reached n point al most directly over my head, became busily engaged in tightening the gas kets to better secure the loosening sail. The foot of one slipped, and he hung dangling, giving vent to a stiff English oath before he succeeded in hauling himself back to safety. The other indulged in a chuckling laugh, yet he was careful not to speak loudly. "Had one drink too many, Tom?" he asked. "That will pay yer fer fln ishln' the bottle an' never glvln' me another sup." Tou, h 1 ! Ter hed the fu'st ov it. Thar'a no sorter luck yer don't gil yer fair share of, Bill Haines trust yer fer thet. What I ain't got straighl yet la whar thet stuff cum from sa easy.' "That wus part o the luck, Tom. Did yer git eyes on thet new feller Manuel Estevan brought back with him in the boat?" "The one you and Jose carried aboard?" "He's the lad. Thar wa'n't nuthln the matter with the cove, 'cept he wus dead drunk. We wus waltln' on the beach fer Estevan, an' three fellers he hed taken along with him Inter town ter cum back the nigger, Jose an' me when this yere chap hove 'longside. He never hailed us, ner nuthln'; just clirn over Into the boat, an' lay down. I shook him, an' kicked SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wish to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and men tion this paper. Adv. Judging from ti e countless preparations an,l treatments which r-? continually b- ; u.g a.iverusea ror trie purpuiM ot nuiinf tt..n peopUj riesl.y. devriopmi; arms. nK-ic mi l tjst. anil replacing u,-ly ho. mm and ani?!es by m curve-! linen of health ! and o-auty. there are eviiently thousand ' of nu-n and women :u keenly feel tiieir I e.tmssive thinness. Thinne:u and weatcnei are oftrt due to starved nerves. Uur bodies need mors lomsphate than is contained In modern foods. I'hysicians claim thre is nothing that will supply this denVtency so well as the organic phosphate known among drug gists as bitro-phosphate. which is inex pensive and is sold by most all drucgis's under a guarantee of satisfaction or money hark. Bv feeding the nerves directly and by supplying the body cells with the nec essary phosphoric food elements, bitro phosphate should produce a welcome transformation in the appearance; the In crease in weight frequently being aston ishing. Increase In weight also carries wtth (t a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack ot energy, which nearly alwavs accompany excessive thinness, should disappear, dull eyes become bright, and pale chewks glow With the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: Although bitro-phosphate Is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness sleeplessness and general weakness, tt should not, owing to Its tendency to In crease weight, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. EveryJW oman Wants Heard Him, All Right. Germany's stiff-necked denseness in sensing the necessity for her strict compliance with the hrst nnnlsticp terms, and her brazen indignation at the harder ones imposed as. a penalty for nonfulfillment of the first, make one think of the bunker at Weeping Water, Neb., who was asked by an impecunious farmer for a loan. The banker was one of those people who are deaf for commercial purposes. The farmer was chronically wanting to bor row, and his security was getting shaky. "I'd like to borrow $5,000," pleaded the fanner. The banker cupped his hand behind his lame ear and said: "Speak a little louder and cut down the amount." " FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved ia water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam- mation. Recommended by Lydia . Pinkham Med. Co. for ten year. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh. tore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu tronJmmrjr dauuas and tanicidal power. i Sampla ifrBO. Sue all drugguu, or potfpaid Vf min.Tng P.Ttofi Tcnl-1 Ccwnpany, Brpa. Ma. A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION is always admired, and It Is "the lauda ble ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive. Many of our southern women have fouud that Tetterine is invaluable for clearing up blotches, itchy patches, etc., and making the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema and other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterine. Sold by druggists or sent by mail for COc. by Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. Adv. Automobile Tops, Slip-on Covert, Curtain Windows in stock to fit all cars. Jobbers of trimming materials; quick service. W rite, us for catalog. Atlanta Automobile Top & Trimming Co. ATLANTA. GA. TEXAS OIL NEWS SAMPLE COP Y FREE - AIX ABOl'T B A Jf O B B, THE GREATEST OIL FIELD IN THE WORLD. CHELTftEE & CO. 109 Ellison Bids., Ft. Worth, Texas. Devising Some Meant for Attaining the Deck. over the boat's stern, sinking helpless ly forward Into the bottom. The mo- hlra, but it wa'n't no use; so we Just action had been definitely mapped out nlm He thar fer Manuel ter say within my own mind while tolling at whut wus ter be done with him. Only Jose he went through his pockets an found three bottles o' rum. We took a few drinks an hid whut wus left In the boat locker." "So thet's how yer got It! Who the oars. I would beach my dory and strike out on foot directly across the narrow neck of land. The Namur was not so far out from shore as to make swimming to her a dangerous feat. and I could approach and board her I wus the party?" with far less chance of discovery in I "Thet's more'n I'll ever tell yer. The Situation. "Your husband is hitting up a fast pace at the punch howl." "Well?" ' "If I were you I'd call him down immediately;" "That will have to wait until to morrow. If I quarrel with him now, he won't unhook my dress for me and I can't sleep in a ball gown." Don't Throw Your Old Tires Away ! We rebuild them with 3,500 mile guar antee at saving of Jf to H original cost. , Write for particulars. 1 FRASER & HUME CO. 295 Peachtre Atlanta, Ga. WANTED " Government Clerks Thousands of clerks are needed by the Government We coach you for $5.00. No extras. Examinations in your state soon. Write for particulars. Pittman Civil Service School, Washington, D. C Don't think that because a judge Is small he isn't a tine imposing man. A slupcGlih llvrr Imped Nature's functions. Wright's Indian Veg-table Tills rouse the liver and stimulate thd bowels to function regularly adv. Frankness may ruin duplicity dishonors him. a man, but 60LDIN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Automobile Tops Top Recovers Seat Covers Cushions Upholstering Also Jobbers of Trimming Materials Telephone M. 163 Office and Factory 130-132 Marietta St. ATLANTA, GA. I DROPSY TREATMENT. OItm qotok nllab I ",u Boon rr-movM swnlllns- and bar I breath. KsTar beard of Its eqnml for dropofc 1 XTJ II. Trial treatment aeot rats, bj mall. Writ to DR. THOMAS E. CRECN at a, at. chats won th, auk I SK NOMO Ar'TKK HATH A line, delicata deodorant for perspiration odors. It Is a great comfort in summer. Auk your drug gist, or from us. 25c; .1c postage. NOMO CHEMICAL. CO.. Hon 3116. Frankfort. Ky. W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 23-1919. 1 r J ment this was accomplished every that manner than by the use of a boat I never got no sight o' him, cept In the sense deserted me, and I lay there motionless, totally unconscious. I shall never know how long I re mained thus. Yet this time cgiild not have been great. As though awaken ing from sleep a faint consciousness returned. Then the sharp pain of my The greater danger would come after I had attained the deck, wet to the skin. The sharp bow of the dory ran up on the soft sand of the beach, and I stepped ashore. Then there came to me the first real consciousness of the reckless nature wounds, accented by the sting of salt of this adventure. As I faced then water, brought me swift reall2ation of where I wus and the circumstances bringing me there. I had evidently lost considerable blood, yet this had already ceased to flow, and a very slight examination served to convince me that the knife slashes were none of them serious. My other Injuries were merely bruises to add to my dis comfort the result of blows dealt me by Sanchez and Cochose, aggravated by the bearlike hug of the glunt ne gro. Indeed, l awoke to tne discov ery that I was far from being a dead man; and. Inspired by this knowledge, the various Incidents of the night flashed rriftly buck into my mind. dark. 'Bout all I know is he wus white, an likely a" sailor. Enyhow, when Manuel got back he told us to haul the lad forrard out o' the way, an fetch him along. So we pulled out with the feller cuddled up in the bow." "I never seed nuthln' more of him after he was hauled aboard. Whut become o' the lad?" the probabilities there scarcely seemed one chance In a hundred. And yet I must admit there was the one chance ; and in no other action could I per ceive even that much encouragement If Dorothy Fairfax was already in the hands of these men, then my only op portunity for serving her lay in my being close at hand. No alternative presented Itself; no other effort could be effective. .It was already too late to attempt the organization of a res cue party. No, the only choice left was for me either to accompany the girl or else abundon her entirely to her captors. I must cither face the! namboo trees do not bloom until possibility of discovery and capture, J thirty years old. Once on board the Namur, Carlyle knows he may have a chance to aid Dorothy. It Is a desperate chance, but he Is will ing to take It But how to get aboard without being seen? Can he avoid detection which will mean certain death? (TO BK CONTINUED.) JML Know what you give iriuilivi a y0ur children. J) The open published formula appears on every bottle of j .WINSLOtVS The Infants' and Children's Regulator Solium Citrata-an effective ret ra. lator of the bowels usH fre- ii II a- - i-aT Saona-a prompt, efficient vege table catharic. quently with other ingredients Rknbarb rejuvenator of digea- by learned doctors in treating Uve action. colic and diarrhoea. Sodium Blcarbonata highly valuable in treating aevere gattric indigestion in children. Oil of Anise, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Glycerine, Sugar Syrup, all of which help to make this formula the very best that medical skill can devise. If it were possible to improve this for mula it would be done regardless of the fact that a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Syrup now costs twice as much to make as any other similar preparation. Yet it costs you no more than ordi nary baby laxatives. At all Dragg'uts ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Fulton Street, N.Y. Gmerat Sitting AgtnH: HaraU F. Rfeai A C... lac. Hr Tark TmUt, Gaaia f Guaranteed to destroy potato bum without fall nd without Injury to Tint. Out or two applications usually tufflclsot to lata tha totlrt crop. aUslly Annllprf. Insist taoa ttoiKcyphtr't Iriik Pstitt Kllltf. At druiiitlslt and tc-nernl stores. If your dxnler will not supply you, we will tnd you four Ic esna. postpaid, ror l.oo. Try It nn rucum'er s plash, cantaloup snd tomato plants. Meaty task If tot tttltlW. Unaantlitf ra fwo'tJ' " WntsilMlsr, I t, 4te Ml laji