Newspaper Page Text
Curtly TOWS Benton, Tenr.., Thursday. July, 24. 1919 No. 20 Vehrae11 fil 4-: r, i. t : Bryan Confesses Editor of the News: I ttniA trouble and 1 want yo to help me out. Sorne days Kp J wrote to tIie - Cleveland Banner an account of the life- of Bilty Paterson. I told something ahout the "size of cities in 1842. the year erf Billy's birth. Among other things I stated, that Benton was the $ame size that it is now. Ify friend, Mr. J. D- Clemmer. sent the fine write-up that I ever read to the Cleveland Ban ner stating that Benton has grown intoalittle city.' You wrote an editorial about it-, in the Polk County News: Why didn't you itftelligent gentlemen smile about it instead nf taking offense Everybody that knows anything about Benton knows that my -statement is incorrea. , Every body that knows me, knows that I wrote it just for some innocent fun. My" main objeft in writing it was" t get you to strike back at my town, Tasso. You did not strike' so you must let Tasso a- lone. i Benton.and Polty County have no better friend thfKrthis - writer. I have said many good things a bout your.:" Benton Springs. I taught my' first school on the Savannah farm and boarded with "Nep Dunn. f Many of my best friends have generated from Polk County. l am looking forward with in terest to the time- when Benton will reach to the mountains on the East, to the Hivvassee river on theNorth and to the Ocoee on schools evef "since I can remeru 'ber and' that is as far back as the days when Professor- Milburn was in charge of your schools. ! le&ured in your city about twenty - seven years ago and if you and Brother Clemmer would let ' me know I would like to lecture there, again and give. your schools the vn tire proceed'' s You have lived long enough to knowthatall towns -are picked on' more or less. I struck the first lickVfof the town of Chats worth and Dr. Brown '-of litou; told me that was the reason that t did not gYow any larger. I did not get triad. Some men tooled out of a sleeping car window at Tasso when I was a boy, and they swore that if they had a pound of lard A Complete Lfge of Remedies Itiihcrci to thinK 5f W ailment more an. nkVing lb an foot troubles. Eery.atep you taud'is coVantremlnder. But there ar noyt a nwnber of good reme dies on the rndrftet fpr affording quicK relief And-the price., In moit Instances, is very reasonable.' 1( We have a freah stocK of aU the best Known com plasters bunion pads-foot bath tablets-: foot poydrs--and other preparations ur. on iYrtiv vou with salves --liTlt- rnents -dfslnfectanta bentnodruq company Gen. T. W. Peace a Mem ber State Board of Education The appointment by Governor A. II . Roberts of Attorney, Gen eral T. W. Peace as a member of the State Board of Education is particularly pleasing to General Peace's many friends in this coun ty. Mr. Peace is ably qualified to render valuable service for the cause of edubation on the State Board. The appointment was un solicited by General 'Peace or his friends and came as z surprise to him. He and Governor Roberts were members of the same gradu ating class at Hiwassee College. (In Madisonville Democrat. J 'Nopuper prints it all-take the News. ' w they would grease the .town and let some hound lick-it up. We boys started to throw some rocks into the windows at. them but we did n6t. I used to say that Kice- ville was two miles long and eighteen inches wide but RJceville did not get mad. Sam Jones went to a town the same make of Rice-. ville and 4(l he knew U W,1S a Baptist towflhe very minute he entered it because it was long and narrow. Sam Jones told the peo ple at Chattanooga that thev ought to go, .somewhere and ad vised them to go to Ooletwah. Que man said that he was fifty -J?Sht years old but he called it sixty because he spent one year jn Mcon. There is a town down be1 ow Atlanta that tbey say is five mies square?and tVo inches deep: Even the . elevator stops' in-Atlanta are named after little towns around Atlanta. Every stop around Chattanooga is called VVanhatchie. I took up for Benton just the other day. I asked a man if all three of his children were liying an,l hr aid. ' Two of theifl are living but the other one is in Ben ton." Now, Mr. Editor, tell nie what else 1 can do to get out of 'this trouble. I wish you would let rue write au article in your paper each week for the children on "Scientific and Curious Thing.. I love nearly everybody, some people a great deal more than others: Yours lovingly, ,Thos. U Bryan. Atlanta, Ga. adhesive plasters J Circuit Court Ad journed Wednesday "Tom Cat" Payne Gets Ten Years for Abduction. Allen and Brooks Escape Pen by ' One Day. The Julv term of Circuit, Court convened here Mouday morning. One of the largest crowds to at tend a session of Circuit court in many a year was in attendence on Monday. Judge Brown gave in charge to the Grand Jury some of the new Statutes passed by the last legis lature, among them being the sta tute making it ayfelony to trans port into tue state or irum um noint in othe' state to another, more than three gallons.of whiskey, the dog law, the statute authoriz ing the Sheriff's of this state to capture stills. There was a number of felony casws en the docket but all wete continued except the case of State vs- Tom Cat Payne. Payne was charged with abduction, in takfng Daisy Bums away from her father last August. The case went to.,trial Monday and continued until Tues day noon, when the case was mv en to the jury. They, retoruedLa verdict at the ppnvjpjng of coufit Tuesday noon, finding the dele n- dan t goil ty. Paynes attorney made a motion for a Jiew trial, r Vecj,nes- k . , t day morning, which was oy"errul ed. and an appeal teas taken to the Supreme Curt -.TrHs;;aseh:;at-- interest, and was one of the hard est fought cases, both by state and defense, that ha been tried in the court here in yeafs. General Peace was assisted in the prosecution by Col. john L. Smith of Cleveland and B. B. C. Witt of this place. The defendant was represented by John S. Shainblin. Filmore Allen and Brooks were indicted for transpoitin'eight gal lons of whiskey from one point in the state to another point, and plead guilty. They were given each a sentence of sixty days in the county work house' and fined fiftv dollars'andthff cost. The men were arrested April 15th, near Ben ton, The Felony statute in regard to transporting more thcn three gallons of whiskey was approved April the 16th, thereby making it possible for Allen and Brooks to escape a term in the pen, A number of misdemeanors, such as carrying pistols and bone dry violations were submitted, all getting off with fines and costs. Tif following composed the Grand and. Travis iurys'. John L, Williams, Jak' fcymer A, D. Hyde janie G, Kirkland . J, T, Sprigs J, B, Painter W M, Dill- ; K M Prrris Hugh Moats W, T center E. E. Smith Marian Payne K 11. Shoemaker V. L Howard -offices W. D .Mason Grover cole A V Morris ' S . Boring Pink Spurring' Will Stuart'S N C illgdoii Grant StinrJiuls Jim Taylor John &9 S Our Periscope The Polk county teachers' In in session this week and the periscope man - was invited to be oil hand and stand the exami nation on geopraphy and history; but on account of .the iush of business it was imposible to go and so we had the Prof, to send ih a li of questions and we will gi.e the list and oiir answers in the periscope column , not that we want to acWertise our ability, but in hope that it will be of some benefit to the young teachers who may want to take the examination for teacher: later on, y ' ) Where is Germany? . A, Dogan if -we know. Germany geriti is i;i Holland, ";.'.' Q, Why did the. king of 'Aust ria abdio ittr? - A,' Because he had a mother- in- law. . ' Q, V;;.i pai t of Asia is con - tr61ectl)Turkey r' . .- A, A-ta minor. O.AVhtftt will the league of na tion be formed? . vAtJ So ue day, . Ok-What is causing all the treble Ireland yX'il'be Irish,1' fcXibltT::! Ireland? .Q. .'hrt whiped the central power , '-u , . a', ' r: djd: - , neral Directory F " , . ' - ' " " " ' " v . ; 1 " - : - Sheri A. Lilfard ; ' Clerk .. and Master, A. J. Williams; Circuit Coutt Clerk. James Parker; Cjpuu ty Court Oerk, A. R. Arp; Trus tee Charles E. Taylor; Register, T L. Franklin; County Supt., J. Tv. Brewer. Courts. . ; Chancery Hon. T. L. Stewart. Chancellor; meets fourth Mon days in' April and Oaober. Circnit Hon. Sam C. Brown Judge; meets' third Monday in March, July and November." Ducktown Law Court -Fourth Monday's in tM arch, July and Nov ember. . County a' L- Higdon Chairman, Quarterly Court, meets first Mon days in January, July and Octo ber. Court always open for ordi nary business. , CuijRCHES BaptiH Kev. James Neal pas tor.: services 1st and 3rd, Satur days and Sundays in each month. t. K. South-Rev. W. L. Tate pastor; services 4th, Sunday C, P.'Church Rev. Carl Sentel pastor; services 2d, Sunday. I.ODOES Ococe Lodge. V. &-A. M. No, 212 Meets Saturday night on or before 1st Full Moon in each month. Chas. Harrison ' W.' M J. H. Center Sec. Benton Chapter, Order Eastern Star Meets 1st Thursday nigh in each month. Mrs. W. A. Prince W." 'M.. Lizzie Lyle Sec. I Moonstone Lodge I ! O. 'O. F. Xleets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights in each month. K. D. Bonds "N: G., A. R.' Arp Sec. Lcnora Rebecca Lodge - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights breach month." Klsie Hutchins Noble Grand. Citv Cm.'NCii.. A.' V.. Love Mayor; James Park er Recorder. Meets 1st Tuesday night in each mouth. Take your home paper, Honor Goes To Polk County High Announcement has just com that Walter Burns, who graduated at the Pol County High and who is now attending the Sta'e Uni versity, has won the Allen Prize in mathematics.' This prize is : -warded to that student 'who shows the best" kgow!ed e of a'gebra, plane geometry, MIid gM.nutiy, trigononetry, and amdytic geom etry as shown by examination. This is, one of the biggest scholastic honors that can come to a student of the University and as the Uni versity of Tennessee is e niljMhe greatest educational inslituticu of the state, tht people, of Polk Coun ty are deli hted that a gra luate ot one of its high schools has tak en the honor. It is of futhei inter est to note that Walter Smith, a former student of The Polk Coun ty High School, won the Allen Prize last year. It is not surpris ing then tbat people havens1 thJ question, if Polk County has a nionopoly on scholarship prizes. Supt. Brewer has been heard to say that he felt sure, of taking the prize next year as some pupils who wili ent the University this fall from the high-school here are of the same puality "as. -the, ones who have just wan the honor ' .Walter Burns lives on the farm, on the Matlock road pear Par s ville. While in school here he walked from heme a distance of five miles part of the year and "batched" part of ths time. Hethi fall. m mm WINDSTORM, TORNADO, AND LIGHTNING. ARE you doing a safe safe man to trust? Can Can one storm destroy your savings of a life time? Can one accident throw you five or ten vivar hack f inanrialiv? If vour home and everv thlnq burns up, will you at once? Be able toanswer all such questfon- favorab!y,1y carrying Insurance: In A COMPANY THAT PAYS PROiVIPTtY THE INATIONaCUNJOIN PIRG IISSURAINCE COMPANY A standard, reliable, fair . dealing company worth $5,0OO,0a6.00jets. REPRHSEINTECf I IN BENTON BY J. D CLEMMER, VGENT r' , For VPolk, Bradley and ; , IVfcMInn counties, who has 8 years -ajiejjencb, over $250,000.00 insurance n,py irf feffee, and has paid over $8,000.00 fn full In 12 cases of loss without contesting USE YOUR INSURANCE Rates as low as any company's w comply With Tenn., law. you know and who will &TO DESERVE ALL YOUR $ Good farmers produce $ take care of them.. Risky business makes risky & men: takina all Ofecautlons by Insuring In a ro X 9 m y liable campany makes individuals. Insure your dwelling, household S goods, barn, gra?n, stock and machinery and feel safe in knowing tf3t you cannot be hurt fl- & & nanclally by fire, w!nd your sleeping, siaiuug ina crcuti. campany Is as rcllablariand accomodatlas Ifs agents- Willi f ill f .1 111 Ilk mmA : . r - Frank R. Hines Bitten by Mad Dog Was Former Counly Agent In Polk County The many friends f tciftner. cotmty Agent of "ITits county,' I'rof, Frank R, Hi ties, wilt be pained tcilearn that he was bitten bv a mad dog at his hone in Rutledge Mon4ay of last weeki.' Profevor Hines and h wife are well known here the Prof, being county Agent for snoie t,ime and his wife was a teacher in the High. School here for a number of years being before her marriage, Miss M i in ye Ayers, Mr, Hines is county agrmd turdl agent for Granger county, with headquarters at Kutledg. He was taken to Knoxville where he was given- thfc pasteur trtat-ment- and .at this writing his con dition is not regarded, as gerious. he- having responded to treat ment. We Are Ready To tujji out that job of .printing when hecd'tt' 1 Vpf" .Qui Prices fif t Right 'j is goirg back to Are Univerity business? Are you a a fire break ypti up? need to buJJd and buy a single claim. IVtOINEY TO REBUILD Insure with Vrf- agiW treat you well enough INSURANCE RENEWALS) good crops; safe farmers." ' ( - farmers safe business nor lightning, fcwil! hel j fc .... ' . WW . I.I '' ... 'C' Benton, LJoe Blankenship W A Slack 'h , t - Tennessee."