Newspaper Page Text
i - 1 I r V. r ESTABLISHED 18S3. A HOME PAPER PRINTED FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. WEEKLY h I Volume 1 1 Benton, Tenn4.ThursdayfS; 4 1919 No. : 6 1 C V I A I i k .. f t! i - t ' i . t . ! : i 1 V : .;' Mob Rushes Knox Jail Wanted to Lynch Negro Charged With Murder White Woman. Robin J. Cooper Murder Stumps The Officers Police Baffled as to Why Murder Was Commltteed Rubin J. Cooper, who gained Knbxville, Aug. oO. (Special) An infuriated mob of at least five thousand persons, many of whom nation wide nbtoriety by the kHJ; . " vrrp wnitirn. battered in one of ing of former Unted States Senator the ifo front doors of the Knox Edward Caruiabk i- the street of cv7nfinil toniffht in. an effort to Nashville a few years ago, was take out for tfee purpose of lynch- called from his home on Harding Tn Maurice Mays-eharged with road near Nashville, last Thursdav the mrber of Mrs. Bertie Lind say early thismorning.' The arrival of two squads of state militia under the command of Gen. Baxier Sweeney perhaps saved the situation and prevented - bloodshed and JAMES BACk INOT GUILTY Drank Carbolic Add Drunken Stupor. In night by some man whose identy is unknown. On the following; Saturday! his body was found in Richland cijeek with skull crushed. His blood-sjtai-nsd automobile was found stalid further damage of ing by the side of the rond abbtit property. The Negro May been spirited away at. noon by Sheriff W. T. Cate and taken to Chattanooga for safe keeping. This action on the part of the 'authorities seemed to infuriate the mob and caused its members to be more insistent , 1 The crowdf began to Rather in : from of the jail at 4 o'clock this ifterno6n.-4-C.k, the entire block in front of the buildinp was literally packed with people. They demanded Mays. The jailer ap peared at the door and informed the eath'erinfflhat the Negro, had been removed and was not at the had one mile above where the body tvas found. So far, the police of N'fsh v lie are without clue as to who killed Mr. Cooper or whv. Mr. Cooper , was a son-iu -law of Milton H. 'Smith; president of the L. & N. R. R.. and has been in Denton once or twice on legal business. v-Ttf satisfy them he allowed a committee chosen by. the men to go through the jail. The com mittee did so and reported that Mays was not to be found. By 8 o'clock the crowds were riotos and began shooting. In ten min utes iTery window pane in the building had been shot out. Then the bartering rams were put into ' place. The front door was batter . d in and the members of the inembers of the mob entered the lobby of the jail. Furniture and telephones were demolished. By that time the militia arrived and in a measure kept the men back. Baffled at the jail the mob visited the residence of the sheriff at 10 o'clock, and after breaking out the window panes, battered in the front door ami made a search of the-place for the Negro. At mid night the itmh had not disnersed. but was still cryTngor fays. At that hour they had no! succeeded in getting into the mairj corridor of the jail. Slats' Diary . .t. "Hearts of the World' at the Gem Theatre, Etowah, Tennessee September 5th. Matinee 3 o'clock, night, 8 o'clock. - . NON-RESIDENT NOTICE Eliza Dunn vs. ' Earl Dunn. In Chancery Court at Benton. It appearing from the allega tions in Complainant's bill, which is sworn to, that Karl Dunn is n non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon hitn. it is therefore ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the Polk County News, a newspaper pub fished In Kenton, Polk County, Tennessee, notifying said non resident defendafffpear at the next Oftobepftific9 . o( nid Court, to be held irtihe court house in Benton, Teaoe. on the 1st, Monday of Qclfeber next, and make defence toiiaid, pillor the same will be UkeJ;fpr: ton ; teased and the cayr"6WbeaY-. ing ex parte as tT, Thia August V1919. .: , A x vnvum c & it Friday pa & mister;. Gilltn was a tawking about pwtc6gv--8t mister Gillerh sed fcsuci- cessfiil mad becaws his wife she all ways kep pushing him a head & pa sed he suposed the Reason he wassent Successful was becaws his wife which is ma is all way pushing things at his Hed. Saturday ma sed at the din ner table 2 pa that the Lord had smiled on mister Kraue which ives down the St. & had sent him a pare of Twins, pa sed I dont think heSmiled on him I; wood say he laffed out loud at him. wnicn was an 2 deep tor me not understanding there meenmg. Sunday I staid 2 church 2 heer the preeching today. I guess the preecher is a ottomobeel fan be caws he bad the Audieuts 2 sing a song which was named Threw that Beautiful Land on high, pa sed he had a ford or something. Monday ma & me went down town today & we seen a big crowd & snuk up 2 see what the matter was & they was a man a laying on the ground senseless, ma sed 2 a nother man Did something run in2 him & the man replyed & sed Yes & ma sed What & the man sed About a huff a pint f think. mi sed later he raent likker which is a luxury here in this Country. Tuesday Got a job today run ning errands for the Editor pi the Paper and etc. He sed 2 me if I do well & lent -Sprint & write peaces & CollecVJills & every thing,! will raebby own a place ot my owti sum day. Ats me 2. Tired. Wednesday When I swep out the Editors ofhs this mort ing I fouud a $ Bill a lay iutj on his d.-sk & I put it in nivYeokket & Wrf.ted till he gum in then I give it 2 him it sed I had found it He sed Slats yure afe yung man 2 return that money. I put it there 2 try you. Ireplyed sed Ihats what I thot. He frowned. I'hursday Mebby I can per- svvade ma 2 let me work & do sumthing useful Insted of going 2 Slfool. & mebby leant ZT?kHut we will see. Jim Black, who was arretted nd charged with having poisoned John Rush, near Conasauga last Saturday, was given a' preliminary hearing before lqs. Finnell tnd OATkdner. at Old Fort , Wednesday ,, , - rTfeqd turned loose. iNleveloped on the trial that the young nen were good friends, and had been drrnding; that they were near the home of Bill Baldwin when John Rash in some way got hold of a bottle of carbolic acid and drank some of it. and died within Jess than an hour. "Mr. Baldwin testified that abou one'yfear ago he placed a beer"tfot tie of " carbolic acid behind a ;log near his nrtuse ; tnat ne naa gouen it to use about some of his stock and had put it !out in the woods behind the log in order to .keep any children from getting it. and it is siipposecrthat Rush found the bottle, and thinking it was whis key," took a drink of it. ,: The defendant Black testified tbatthe first he knew anything a-boufltTws-wbile they were stand ing near the log.nd Rush said to .. . - .1 bim. Jim what have I dranKv: that he Black looked around, and noticed Rush .'Sp$iri iinl bxs lips were white,, and that, he saui 6 bim ?-'7olit ' I belive - yon Filmore Allen Takes Leg Bail Captured Tuesday Morning And Is Fow Confined . To His Cell. Chairman Higdon Buys Two Stills Destroys Them 1 Rjssell 'Chapman Tries One Man Miss Grace Russell of tlTs city, and Mr. Joseph A. Charmui ot Columbus, Ohio. were quietly married at the residence of the bride's parents, Saturday evening, Kev. James Neal officiating. Mrs. Chapman is the daughter For Moonshinll g of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Russell. .. , The young couple left Sunday, Moiu'av oroved to U b.,sV ' evenil, for Atlanta, whew they dnv for S. I,. Hfgdon. who holds ! wil1 niJt' for thc Pnt. the rk.rted oositiotis of I. P. . Chairman of the County Court, ' United States Commissioner. Ju-; vin'le Judge, etc. The fir-t offici al acl of his Honcr wb. to open Court. After Court was opened,1 four cases were disposed of by: the payment of ten and the cost. After disposing of rh St.ite! '" v I'inii 1 , . ... . ill', . .1. v i ' 1 i I missiotier's Court was 'onened. ! Film r-re Allen," who is awaiting trial 011 the charge of bigamy and who was tr erj at List term of Court, on the charge of transport-1 ... ....... j , f;iin mjkiy nays i the workhouse, made his escape from tbi guard Mondav evening. is one legged, a.' d was out with the rest of the workhouse gang, gu;trcfed by George Lillard. Allen was sent after water and when ample itne h. d elapsed and be did r ot'return a diligent starch followed., . Monday night about 12 o'clock. Allen made his way to rne Kill btitinett, near land Ulis Burrell. who had been Parksville. and asked Jodtrine for arrented on tht rhsroc nf nmnn- the night but was tefused. He j shining, was given a hearing and j g Went 6nt io StirtKctt's irib and (bound f the next term of FwlernlfH crawled, in it to sleep. . Mr. Stin-( Court at CbattanooRa. B-tfre'l f nettejepfsoned. sheriff Lilian? aid was arrested and brought, to I he went and got him and brought! ton by T. B. Ivins. Deputv. CI- him here early Tuesday iiirrijin? :leaor of Internal Revenue, and ' and placed hiiik in a celi. where he Lea Gerrin. . Constable of this i 1 iM Business " Maii. 1 f wiH likely reiniii'tiutil Court. 2iack at v a dranV Carbolic acld went aft Dr. Gilbert, putWhen the Dr. gotN-o the young fnfn he was beyond meelcal help, and died within a few moments after thear rival of Dr. Gilbert. B. B. C. Witt, prosecuted the case for thi str.r , and o'in S. Shamblirt lepresented the deftn- dant. " Baptising and Preaching Sunday was t ' Ivins oh WvJ'- H, Sharp J).- 1).- of ,1rr(t Jni,e ,wj" a? af fhr-iniaddit1on": county, Burrell is a soirof.Cal Cbastain alais Kurrell,' who shot and killed bv T. B. 1 Ausugt 2.5, near Springtown. this county, while on afraid on a ) "moonshine','', 'still belnno-iucr in 3 W7HY not maic our v V appeal for patrorv,' age through the columns of this newspaper?, Wkh every issue it carries its message into the homes of a!J ths. Beat people of thfs -corrimitruty. Don't hhsaz, the people for flocking to the store of ypur cSmpetv ; tor. . Tell thero what you have to "sell and if your prices are riht you can" get the business. v . . . 'CnmmnniiT'Mii'iimtiMiiiii'Kitfl 1 Uliil!ll!li.llll!ltli:i!illllll!i!llIUII!j! illtiiiMiiJlb Prendergast R 1 'Hearts of theWorld" at the Gem Theatre, Etowah, Tennessee. September 5th, Matinee 3 o'clock, night, 8 o'clock. Jcba C. Prince of ganger, Tex Jim Halford and familv of Oklahoma,' have been vising Mack Eaves and family, John Carrol 'and family of Deni son, Texas, are visiting the famili- a --vfr Li h rarnrnntrn - - Pric : and Mrs: Jim Calhoun this week. M. V. Calhoun has returned from Chattanooga, where he un derwent an operation for carbunk le on his neck. Jordon, Tom and Dewey Carter Hailie and Athol Calhoun, Bart Hewett, Taylor Moreland, W. A Hirrison, and Andy McClary spent Monday in Cleveland. Mrs. Jini Calhoun has had as he guests, Mrs. Cora Hogue and Pat Turley aiyHamily of Chatta- nooea. The box supper at Clear Springs Friday night was a great success, Twelve? fcjpxes were sold, and brou ght $72"; George Gilliland says it's all a joke 'bout this high cost o.liv ing. US'ial hour anrt it th nrvurf Vtmc ! promptly at" 2:30 P. M. '.It is de sired that ' as many Churches as posil le be ren eseuted at these meetings as Dr. Sharp will have a message of much importance. Re. Netlvi'l administer bap tism at 4:00 P. M. at the river. to ... the rhnrjr'e . of - DjirJiigJicf d t ill 1' ieu. ne is cnarged in a J. r. i iroying,- ine reporter over-ficant w irrant with attempt t rape, and 'some remarkable remarks. For Mr. Snie Willinrrson has re turned to he hn-n" in Cohurta, Ga. nfter isitirg nlitivis here this week. THE BENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE BENTON' HISTORICAL SOCIETY have a few books of THE WILD ROSE OF CHERO KEE, or NANCY WARD, for sale. The hooka were contributed by the Author to help raise a fund with which to erect a monument to the memory of Nancy Ward, Tha News is ruuning-the story in serial form. If you wnnt to help out a good cause, write :he Benton Historical Society or the Polk County News, enclosing one dol lar and a book will be mailed to vou as loug as they last. Only about twenty-five left, bet- r order now. 0is Means You, fir. - Merchant! DID you know that you and this paper have ah interest in com mon? Your success helps the cotfimunily as a whole which in turn is of benefit to us. When a merchant adver tiei with us, he i invest ing hii money, which is ictumcd with interest. Lll I, H JPifi Ywr t w wUJri AJvttiM t " Tito fi? NON-RESIDENT NOTICE istate of Tennessee - Chancery Court of Polk County. L. li. Seabult vs M. J. Seabolt' It anne.iniur from the allejrations imblainant his trial is set for next Saturday before Esq. Higdon at Reliance. The still that was cnntuied ;it the time the elder Bur 'ell wns killed, was brought here by Ivin and Carre n Monday, and turned over to fiisq. Hidoii, as provided e t .1 ... rc ior unaer rne new statute. onermithe thing destroyed." Lillard also turned over one tnat ciarv. he Had captured some clays pre vious, and in exchange for the s tills. Esq, Higdon forked over twentv dollars, ten to SheJiff Lil- hrd add ten to Constable Garren. j Its too bad just about, the The Fsq. gave notice that early j time Henry Rodgers and Iliai Tuesday mrrnlng, in the Court I our corn ready to mash, they bad House yard, he would proceed to' to smash up our '.till ''Dr. to destroy the stills. So, Tuesday morning the News re porter proceeded to the design at instance: , "Gentlemen: I have helped, t mate several of them, but this is the first time I fver helped des troy one. S. L. Higdon. " "I never have had any use for liquor and it does me good to see U. V. Mc- "Koys-I-I neuer rlid like the t .te of liquor, 1 ut I cle;rly love to smell it. Jim Parker. - earlvliNucliol - 1 1 I can't see any use . iii ' going crazy about prohibition a UtUe ed place, the Court Home vard. i mountain dew taken in the right and when he got there the Court way am manileJ. wou,d luirt w had already arrived. He was r ..1 n ,. a a can J l WiACUf- one mer. standing near tne stius and was surrounded bv a crowd of cursous spectators, -and just as the first j "I cave never been for prohibi raysofthe sun peeped over the , tion nor vvo,,ian 'ffemge and I tip of the Chilhowee mouutain, i believe keying the law, but I the Court solmenlv if ed his little ' t see good copper destroyed hatcbet and letjt fall, and with a this way."-C. K. Pavlor. few ; whack, whack, whacks, tl e "Hoys let me smell of that con- in v-ompiainani, s 01J1. winch is svorn to, that M. J. Seabolt is a non-resident oi the State of Tenn essee, so that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served upou her, it is therefore ordered that publication be rfiade for four con secutive weeks in the Polk Coun ty News, a newspaper published in Benton, Polk County, Tenh essee, notifying said non-resident defendant to appear at the next October Rules of said Court, to be held at the court house in Benton on the firfet Monday in October next, the same being a Rule day ot saifLCourt, and make defense to saUVUHl or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to her. This August 18th, 1919. A. J. WILIilAMS. C, & M. former containers of the yellow ' 'moonshine' ' wilted and crumpled like frost bitten tomato vines. denser. .1 know how nioonsl iue smeKs but I don't know how it I tastes J. H. Love. ewainiiramuiBeiisiuiBRHiimaninaaBiiiiiRirai COUNTY FARM WANTED -if. Having been appointed by the Chairman of the Caunty Court, as a committee to investigate arid report to the October te rm of. the County Court ; as to the possibility of purchasing a County farm, we hereby request all persons having farms for sale wlthbi seven (7) miles of Benton, to'; furnish us not later than September 20, 1919, a full de scription of their farm' together with location, price and terms. This August 29th, 1919. S. B. McCLMA Chairman, Benton. W B, HUMPHREY 4.J. FET2ER Committee. 'Ml iV. 1 1 0 a is home on a viiit. 1 - f 4