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i X x POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON. TENNESSEE. BUCK-DRAUGHT 1 "GUD I DIDNT TAKE CALOMa" RQAD i Criticism and Citizenship It is the plain, public duty of every citizen to criticize proposed govern ment measures believed to be harmful. Swift & Company is in a better pos ition perhaps, than others, to under stand the meat packing business in all its relations to public and private inter - ests, even though the others may have been giving the subject a great deal of sincere attention. Swift & Company is convinced that interference with its legitimate business function by governmental agencies, however well intentioned, would be an injury to every man, woman and child who wants meat to eat, as well as to the men who raise the meat and to those who dress and distribute it. Maximum service that cannot monopolize because of keen competi tion and lack of control over sources of supply is furnished at a minimum of profit a fraction of a cent per pound from all sources. Therefore Swift &. Company is taking every legitimate step of citizen ship to prevent such interference. These advertisements are intended to help you, and to help Congress decide what is best to be done. Mis takes are costly and apt to be harmful in these trying times. Let us send you a Swift "Dollar." Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Old Cannon Ball Found in River. A cannon ball of the type made for big guns of the days before explosive shells was used In warafre was brought up from the bottom of the Mississippi river, below the high dam at St. Paul recently and Is to be turned over to fhe Minnesota Historical so ciety. . When a United States engineering department dredge hauled up a dipper of rock the cannon ball was found in It. How It got Into the river could not be learned, for guns of that type were never put to actual test at the fort and the ammunition always was carefully guarded. Guns that used that type of ball are now used for decorative purposes only, some of them having been given to the Minnesota Soldiers home and others placed on the grounds of the state capltol. Telephone Progress. The development In telephonic and telegraphic equipment effected during the war would have occupied probably from ten to fifteen years during ordi nary peace times. NiQht-Tlme How to See It Radium paint Is not the only thli that will Illuminate a watch on a dark night. So saith Benjamin F. Lock' wood, somewhat defiantly, for he ha! Just invented a decidedly complicated device for so doing. In the first place, you must wear a motorist's glove; then you attach your watch to the back of the cuff; next you adjust the bulb and shade so the watcvj Is Illuminated. A battery Is tucked In the side of the glove and wires run around until they terminate In two contact points in the thumb and first finger. When you wish to see the time, act as If you were pinching some on and the lamp will light. Popular Science Monthly. Horn Headirght. An automobile horn and .headlight have been combined by an Inventor, the sound being produced back of the re flector and issuing around it. I llll lift in iin i II I I I 1 If till Sv llll Nil ZSWWST T.THIS SHOWS Iin llll . ' VeTwDBr- Mil UsaMml2.96t fist " 0 escEi.PToTHi jCJ S - T. L . ola .... 4ve an im al InMnck Kninrl U ft h.m win ro ibuh ii W . At A M V cxPENses and freight ii MOTOR TRUCKS ON HIGHWAYS Series of Impacts Being Conducted at Arlington to Determine Impact on Road. Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) To determine the destructive effect jf heavily loaded auto trucks on high ways and streets, and to meet the de- xand for data on the design of road surfaces and foundations to withstand juch heavy traffic, a series of expert uents Is being conducted by the bu reau of public roads at the Arlington ;iperlment farm to determine the im pact of auto trucks on roads. The most striking single develop ment in the highway field In 1918 was he tremendous Increase In motor- :ruck traffic. Five years ago heavy notor trucks were few in number and Imlted practically entirely to the naved streets of larger cities. These .chicles now comprise probably 4 to 5 per cent of the grand total of all notor vehicles and are to be found .vherever traffic conditions permit profitable use. But very few roads ivere designed to carry any large vol ume of this class of traffic. Conse- juently, the cost of adequate mnin- .enanee was increased greatly during he year. In many place3 the damage Jue to the incessant pounding of these 'ast and heavy vehicles was so great is to require complete reconstruction. 4DVICE ON BUILDING ROADS Much Investigational and Experi mental Work Done by the De partment of Agriculture. Much investigational and experi mental work on road building has een in progress for a number of rears and road engineers are able as result of this work to give valuable Klvice as to the most economical method of building and maintaining oads for the varying conditions exist ng in different localities. Much of his investigational work has been lone by the highways division of the Juited States department of agricul- ure and some by the various state highways commissions. No road bulld- ng operations ought to be undertaken ivithout the aid and expert advice vhich these agencies are willing and ible to give. Taxpayers should insist upon this. Some Kind of Stomach Trouble With' Cramps and Terrible Pains Made This Oklahoma Man's Life Miserable Un til Black-Draught Re lieved Him. CbickBfa. Okla. Mrs. J. W. Walker recently said .this: "We use Black Draught as a family medicine and think it is the only liver medicine made. My husband makes it up and uses it as a tonic as well as a laxa tive. I use it for headache, sour stom ach, a full heavy feeling after meals, which I suppose is indigestion, and it certainly does roe a lot of good. My husband had some kind of stom ach trouble we don't know Just what. It would strike him Just any time in the day and cramp or pain him Just terribly bad. Someone told him how to make a tea of the Black-Draught, which he did. It did him so much good, it removed the cause and cured him. Since then we have praised the Black-Draught to our friends, and gladly do so." Seventy years of successful use has made Thedford's Black-Draught a standard, household remedy. Every member of the family at times needs the help that Black-Draught can give In cleansing the system and prevent ing or relieving the troubles that come from constipation, indigestion, lazy liver, etc. Try Black-Draught. Sold by all drug gists. Adv. You Never Wake Up Weak, Gripy or Sickened Arte Taking "Dodson's Liver Tone" Listen! Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's I horrible ! Take a dose of the danger j ous drug tonight and tomorrow you lose a day. Calomel is mercury! When It comes Into contact with sour bile, it crashes into it, breaking it up. Then Is when I you feel that awful nausea and cramp i ing. If you are sluggish, If liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, f breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harnuVav Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee Go fc asj drug store and get a bottJe of IM son's Liver Toue for a few eevte. Take a spoonful and if it doeY straighten you right up and make ytm feel fine and vigorous, go back to tfe store and get your money. Dortsoo" Liver Tone is destroying the sale af Calomel because it can not salivate m make you sick. Adv. Unique Shipping Condition. During 1918, for the first time in the history of Norwegian shipping, the number of foreign vessels entering and clearing at Norwegian ports was great er than those of national registry. Thi.-s was due to war conditions. A great number of Norweginn vessels had been chartered by the allies for over sea service, and the blockade and gen eral restrictions growing out of it had reduced both imports and exports to a very small figure compared with tho records of previous years. The per centage of vessels of national regi try in the Norwegian carrying trade of 1918 was only 31.6, as compared with "0.2 in 1917 and 50.7 in 1913. is1 COMPACT SURFACE OF ROADS excess Water Successfully Removed By Use of Piece of Pipe, Opera- a ted by Two Men. .A simple method for compacting the jurface of concrete roads and remov- ng excess water has been evolved jy an engineer, is. F. Batchelder, of Ravenna, Ohio. After striking off the surface with i template, according to Mr. Batcheia- ?r's plan, a piece of ordinary gaspipe, jperated by two men, is used as a rol- er. After the excess water has come :o the surface, another trip up and lack with the roller removes all the State at Ohio, rifv nt Tni4 ti.. hrank J. Chenev makes nnth that ha la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing- business in the City of To ledo. County and State afnrenalrl ntiH that said firm will pay the yum Of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh trust cuvnnt im rnroH hv tha HAKSL'fcTAl'AA.RH' MKDICINB. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and aubHc-rlharf in my prwenct, this flth- day of December, A. D. 1886. (beal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINP! la tab. en Internally and acta th ranch tho Rlno.1 on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, ? vuciicy cc t,u.. oieao. unin. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. "j "I L y.awi-1 III I "' Saved Scolding. Fatiencc I like "the movie? because it's dark. Patrice Naughty, naughty. "No, not that, but when it's dark and a dosen men near you stand up and start putting on their coats before the end of the picture, you can't say anything because you're not sure which struck you in the eye." THIS isn't one of those fake free treat ment offers you have seen so many times. We don't offer to give you some thing for nothing but we do guarantee that you can try this wonderful treatment, en tirely at our risk, and this guarantee is backed by your local druggist. J. W. Perkins of Atlanta, Georgia, writes: "I was afflicted with a very bad case of Eczema for 25 years, which was in my feet, legs and hips. Through all this time I tried different remedies and doctors prescrip tions, obtaining no relief until I used your HUNT'S SALVE. "One Box entirely cured me, and though two years have elapsed I have had no re turn of the trouble. Naturally I regard it as the greatest remedy in the world." Hunt's Salve is compounded especially for the treatment of Eczema Itch, Ringworm, Tetter and other skin diseases. Remember Hunt's Salve costs you nothing if you are not eatisfledt so do not delay but get a box now on our money back guarantee. lrice 7oc at your druggist's or direct by mail If he does not handle it. A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Tex .aff mJ K 111 O JP . f 1.. .7' i r SOLn mff Rt VPARQ UK ForJIALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. SOLD FOR SO YEARS. ALSO A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN ING TONIC. Sold by All Drag : Insist on hvin Dr. Peerv's "Desit Shot" for Wormi or Tapeworm and the drugtnst will fet it for you. It is the only Vermi fuge which oneratea after a elnnle doee. Adv. A summer girl has many engage ments, but the telephone girl gets the most rings. A. Piece of Ordinary Gaspipe la Suc cessfully Used aa a Roller to Remove Excess Water From the Road Sur faces. nater and leaves the surface In good condition for further finishing if nec essary. A wave of mortar is carried ahead of the roller the "first time jver," which fills in porous places or Jepresslons. The second rolling re moves nothing but water that is virtu ally clear. This method Is especially useful when using crushed stone or slag. Popular Science Monthly. A woman never thinks that a man thinks she talks too much. INFLUENZA Fever, Epizootto And all diseases of the horse affecting his throat speedily cured; colts and horses In the same stable kept from hav ing them by using SPOHN S COMPOUND 3 to i doae often cure. Safe for brood mares, baby colta, etalHeaa, all ag-es and conditions. Most skillful scientific comievBi, SPOUN'S Is sold by your druggist. SPOHJf MEDICAL CO., Mfra., Goahea, lad. Sure Cure, Anyway. An Ohio man is said to have been cured of rheumatism by being struck by lightning, but no mention is made of when and where the funeral was held. Anaconda Standard. Universal Patronage. Ever notice it? No kid is ever i dinky but some nice old lady stop on the street and says: "My, myt What a big boy you're getting to fcel Judge. KIDNEYS WEAKENING? BETTER LOOK OUT! Kidney and bladder troubles don't disappear of themselves. They grow upon you, slowly but steadily, under mining your health with deadly cer tainty, until you lall at victim to In curable disease. Stop your troubles while there la time. Don't wait until little paina be come big aches. Don't trifle with dia ease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with (JOLD MEDAL Ilaar lem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four everv day until you, feel that you are entirely free from pain. This well-known preparation has been one of The national remedies of Hol land for centuries. In 1UU0 the govern ment of the Netherlands granted a spe cial charter authorizing its sale. The good housewife of Holland would almost aa soon be without food as with out her "Itcal Dutch Drops," as sho quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlcni Oil Capsules. Their use restores strength and is responsible in a great measure for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist and insist on his supplying you with a box of GOTD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Take them as directed, and if you are not satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Iok for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept no other. In aealed boxes, three size FIND WEAK PARTS OF ROADS It Should Be Especial Business of Ev ery Road Commissioner to Make Observations. It should be the special business of every road commissioner to find the weak and susceptible parts of a road, and if there is any likelihood at all of the creation of a "bottomless pit," the saying of "n stitch in time" will apply very truthfully to the question In hand. ' Wp.t Contents 15Fluii Pfacftnl vi Sllll I ' f T-J ' I. T T73l!llr:Ll'::L!l5TTl li . i L'.' n . wm.n. H'.,' i-ii. -Kb mini iniii - ! 1 V L . BT" Children Cry For ii.r.nHOT.-.1 PER CBNt AVpdefflblelVeoafationfcrAs cimilnlindthf Food by Mill - I bntheStonvicnsandBowcM lIRlTiMfr. IT) HI V.',..., .tn'..-..ii FRESH CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS TMI IANITMIV MITHOM WHIIO IN THI HAKIN4 Of THIt KiaCUITt MAKE THIM THI STANDARD t EXCELLENCE 1umr PmW aa turn. Pr it tuk at shonli. Ak him or writ aa 'MI h nam CHATTANOOGA BAKEKT TIM. Interest In Road Building. The inerpnslnff interest in road con struction in Cubn is an Indirect result of the world's demand for sugar In the war period. Motor Truck la Beat. For nil the general haulage on the farm a motor truck is the best vehicle If the roads in the neighborhood are good. Campaign Moving Rapidly. The good roads campaign is moving more wpidly than ever before. V MM 3? 1 "" V ha TbprPtnrPmmotinDiieslionl .... ChGcrfulncss and kcsiwhuh nplther Onlum.Morphlnen Mineral. Not NAkcotiv JimmflUnSmd .XaXnrJM' I A hsinf hI Remedy ft)f Constipation and Diarrhoc and reverisnneas u TcenirSLEEP I resulting ihromjnjrfancy fa Simile Sidnatorapt Whaffis CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Drops ana dooming yrups. it is pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature of SI Exact Copy of Wrapper.' In Use For Over 30 Years Tho Kind You Have Always Bought I OITV, .... ' 1 1