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SICK? BILIOUS? COME LISTEN! YOU'LL SOON LOOK OLD FROM HERE UP Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear ikin and a txxfy fall of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system In order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL TENNESSEE NEWS Happenings Over Common wealth Gleaned From Various P'aces Let -Danderine" check that nasty dandruff and stop hair falling. Don't Nauseate or Salivate Yourself with Nasty Calomel I Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead Tba world's standard remedy for kidney, liver bladder and uric add troublsa, tba Damiaa of lila and looks. In ainca 1696. All druggists, threa !. Lsak far taa mma CUU MwUl M mwmrw Us mad acpt mo imitria EMM Monev back without question f HINTS BALVfc imus in mi treaiment of ITCH, KCZKMA, KINUVVORM.TETTKKorother iu-hlnff skin dine . Price 75c at dropirists, or direct from LLRicsarii Seiltlu Ce..Shtfata.Ii. The Cheap Man. "Don ag'n, sah, dar's de cheap man :" contemptuously .said good old 1 'arson Hamster. "lie hums ami liaws and hang hack 'bout j'lnln' do church twell lie gits do 'tentlon of everybody, and den In; flings up his hands and mines th'oo wid a howl of triumph, like lie"d done invented salvation and nobody hadn't never used none of it bel'o". And he hasn't been instigated into de fellenship mo' dan 'bout six wont's twell he's runnln' de church wid a high hand and gittin' ready to discharge de Lawd and hold n Jedgement day his se'f. Dat's de cheap man !" LONGJACES "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels bring back Smiles Turn the "kill-joys" out the head ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and misery-making gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting food ; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison In the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They work while you 6leep. Adv. He Voted, Did Andy. Andy, a negro porter at a Brond way theater, belongs to a lodge. The other night the lodge met to vote on the question of changing meeting rooms, but Andy didn't get there. Yes terday we met him on Broadway and he said the organization was to have new quarters. "Did you vote for a change?" we asked. "I wasn't at de meet in'," replied Andy, "but I voted by peroxide." New York World. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. . Women's complaints often prove to oe nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, urita ble and may be despondent; it makes any DBut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bmghamton, N. Y you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. Pussy Had Qualifications. There was company for dinner. Baby wanted to sit with the guests. Ills father snld: "No, when you have whiskers, my lad. you can eat at the table with the company." So he gave the baby a bowl of crackers and milk, and hnby snt on the floor and started to enfov himself, when the cat came along and started to help herself to bnby's milk. Baby pushed the cat to one' side, saying Indignantly: "Go and ont with the guests; you've got whls. kers." Exchange. Otherwise Occupied. "Nobody," said Mr. Groucher. "is penonms enough to sympathize hon estly with other pimple's troubles when he has a toothache of his own." tnfptf? Mailt and Morula. ' V ;' Hoot Strong. Htatthy frAv- r they Tire, Itcn, &C Irritated, Inflamed or YOU ft C.Tl5 Grant-lated, use Murine Often. itfoli. Hafrsahas. Safe for Infant or Adult. UHllDrugirisw. VVritefor free Eye Luulu noriss Eft Kuudf Cs Chics FINDING WEAR OF HIGHWAYS Instrument Recently Designed and Made to Determine Wear of Con crete and Other Roads. (I'rerared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Every user of concrete and other improved highways will be Interested In an instrument which has recently been designed and made in the re search division of the bureau of pub lic roads, for measuring wear of con crete and other surface. It Is an ticipated that from readings made with this instrument a large amount of valuable data may be collected not only regarding concrete roads, but al so concerning brick, macadam, und other type's of surfaces. The instru ment consists essentially of two bear ing plates each 2 inches in diameter, pivoted on uniform joints to a span ner 11 inches long. In the mid point is mounted a micrometer whose plunger has a travel of 1 Inch and whose dial is graduated to read to Measures Wear of Roads. one one-thousandth of an Inch. Id. order to form a base to which meas urements can be referred from year to year, brass plug3 are set In the pavement where readings are desired. Headings are taken by resting the bearing plates on the road's surface and allowing the plunger to rest on the base plate of the plug. The In strument Is plumbed with the aid of a level and the spanner bar Is held parallel to the center line of the road, Other readings may be taken with the bar at right angles to the center line of the road. An important advantage of this In strument Is that accurate data can be acquired rapidly and without Inter rupting traffic. The base plate in the pavement is protected between read ings by covering It with cotton waste and topping with putty. The brass plugs are readily set in any pavement while it Is being laid, and at any fu ture time by drilling holes with star drills and setting the plug in cement grout. PAY ATTENTION TO ROADSIDE It Should Be One of First Places by Which Appearance of the Farm Is Improved. Some fanners evidently consider the roadside along their farms as distinct ly separate from and wholly outside of their jurisdiction, and any time or la bor expended in keeping It up as so much gratuitlously donated to the pub lic. Every farmer should consider the roadside along his farm as deserving as much of his attention as the farm Itself. He should consider the road the "front way" to his farm, and in stead of its receiving secondary atten tion, it should be one of the first places by which the appearance of the farm is Improved. MOVEMENT TO BETTER ROADS State of Maine Votes to Increase Bonded Indebtedness From $2,000,000 to $10,000,000. Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Maine, by an overwhelming vote, re cently Indorsed the proposal to raise the bonded Indebtedness of state high ways from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000, giving an additional $8,000,000 to be spent on the state road system. This Is one of the Instances showing a country-wide movement for better highways, as reported to the United States department of agriculture, which administers the federal aid road act Roads Not Developed. That the roads in thU country, al though greatly improved since the com ing of the automobile, are not yet universally developed to the point where they should be was demonstrat ed during the stress of war. Save Truck Owners Money. Truck owners know thnt good roads not only suve them money but tlx shipper nnd public as well, because they can make faster time and at i savin in operating expense. a Nashville. Despite prevailing high prices, Maj.' E. B. Stahlman, publisher of the Banner, distributed 331 turkeys among Banner employes, following a custom that has prevailed on the paper for 30 years, and in addition presented employes with life insurance policies, ranging from $500 to $3,000, according to term of service, the insurance ag gregating $2i'0,000 for the office. Memphis. The University of Ten nessee College of Medicine is to ba given complete control over the medi cal and surgical staff of the Memphis General hospital by the city commis sion, under the terms of a contract which is to continue for 20 years. Knoxville. Federal court here will be presided over by Judge John E. Mo Call of Memphis, In the absence of Judge Edward T. Sanford, who is to sail for London to be present at the marriage of his daughter. Nashville. F. E. (Fritz) Meyer of Chattanooga has been appointed chief workshop and factory inspector for tho state. Governor Roberts announced. Mayer will succeed Louis L. Allen, who resigned recently. . Clarksville. A crop of tobacco of 3,000 pounds, belonging to R. R. Welch of district 1, of this county, sold for an average of $30 per round on the Clarksville Loose Leaf and Warehouse company's floor. Dyersburg. The Finley girls' home demonstration club has a splendid record for the past fall. The girls are divided into two groups, one doing the cooking and the other the sewing. Friendship Elder D. Potts, aged 9G years. Is now a citizen of Friend-' ship, having moved here from Brazil. Elder Potts is the oldest minister in Friendship Baptist association. , a Jackson The county school teach ers hold their monthly meeting here. There was a splendid attendance and plans for the improvement of the ru ral schools were discussed. Knoxville. The trial of William J. Oliver on the charge of sabotage and fraud against the government will not be held in United States district court until late in January. Jackson. Judd Brooks, farm demon strator for this county, reports a short age; estimated to bo equal to 20 per cent decrease in , acreage , sown ; in wheat this season. Newbern. The seven rural route carriers out of Newbern anonunce that they are now having a tough time in making their daily rounds, owing to bad roads. Newbern. Rev. W. E. Sewell, the newly appointed pastor of the New bern Methodist circuit, has resigned to take up work in foreign lands as a missionary. Memphis. Individual appeals for funds with which to make up Shelby county's quota in the tuberculosis cam paign will he opened within ?he next few days. , Chattanooga. With representatives present from nearly all institutions in the state, the Tennessee Association of Colleges has been organized at a meet ing here. Cookeville. Active oil development has begun in this county. Covington. The Tipton cotton mills here have been sold to the D. B. Chan nel chemical company of Chicago for a consideration of approximately $250,. 000. Memphis Beginning with the sec ond semester of the present year, a manual on fire prevention will be in troduced in the city schools. Nashville. Gov. and Mrs. Roberts were presented with a handsome silver service as a Christmas present from the governor's staff. Ripley. During the past month 67 real estate transfers were recorded in the register's office and real estate la Etill active.' Nashville. A banquet for the Meth odist men of the Nashville district is announced for Jan. 15 at the commer cial club. Jackson Capt. Harold Bond of Com pany I is having arranged in the arm ory here a gallery for rifle practice. Newborn Cm n L. Williams slipped a carload of Aberdeen-Angus steers to St. Louis markets. Chattanooga. The greatest religious revival In Tennessee is now history. For six weeks Chattanooga and sur rounding territory have been stirred as never before. Fully 10,000 people have taken Billy Sunday by the hand, and expressed their intention of living new lives. , Newborn. The board of directors of the Cnlonvillo high school, which is.lo rated in this county, arc making ar rangements to rebuild tho dormitory of the school, destroyed by fire some time ago. Get a small bottle of "Dandcrine" at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, I not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applications often remove every bit of dnndrun and stop falling hair. Every huir on scalp shortly shows more life, vigor, brightness, thickness and color. Adv. J The National Law. I "Do you know figures give over a ! thousand fires in New York every year I aj the result of throwing away lighted ! cigars and cigarettes?'' ' "Well, you know, where there is ! so much smoke there must be some I lire." B0SCHEE"S SYRUP. A cold is probably the most com mon of all disorders and when neglect ed Is apt to be most dangerous. Sta tistics show that more than three times as many people died from in fluenza last year, as were killed in the greatest war the world has ever known. For the last fifty-three years Boschee's Syrup has been used for coughs, bronchitis, colds, throat ir ritation and especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning. Made in America and used In the homes of thousands of families all over the civilized world. Sold everywhere. Adv. Talker Defined. "Is Mrs. Gadder a brilliant conver sationalist?" "Not brilliant, but tire less. Sne's one of those 'first-and-third-person' talkers." "How's that? I said' and 'she said.'" Birmingham Age-Herald. The occasional ui of Roman Eye Balsam at night will prevent and relieve tired eyes, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv. y ' On the Go! Few .. married women are really happy. Even if she marries a man after her own beart she Is in mortal dread that he may, some day, be after another woman's heart. Cartoons Magazine. from your TRADEMARK REGISTERXO The Fertilizer That Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo. Ohio Never take dangerous Calomel again! "Dodson's Liver Tone" will start your liver and quickly rid you of all miseries of constipation and biliousness; all the headache, dizzi ness, bad breath, sallowness und stom ach distress goes. Calomel sickens, salivates, gets into the bones, cramps you. "Dodson's Liver Tone" is a per i rft j.-j:ii1ii SECRETARY GOT HIS CIGARS Good Work to Credit of Knights of Columbus Commissioner in the British Isles. Edward A. Ryan, Knights of Colum bus secretary, who returned from Eng land recently, tells of receiving two boxes of cigars, sort by Sergt. C. M. Summers of Auburn, Ind., with no ad dress other than a snapshot of Mr. Ryan in a group of soldiers. The cigars and snapshot were sent to Edgar Sharp, Knights of Columbus commis sioner in the British isles, and the soldier asked Mr. Sharp to give the cigars to the man in the picture around whose photograph he had drawn u line. Mr. Sharp recognized Mr. Ryan and sent the cigars to him. The picture was taken when Mr. Ryan was helping the soldiers sec London. Summers wrote thnt he desired "to give the cigars to the K. of C. man who had taken him sightseeing nround England when he was clean broke." Away Up. "Is your daughter prominent in the girls' club?" "Chairman of Ihe committee on face powder." Louisville Courier-Journal. fertilizer will if you use fect substitute for Calomel and is s pleasant and harmless you can safely give it to children. It doesn't sicken you or shake you all up. A large bot tle costs but a few cents at your drug gist's. Dodson's Liver Tone is guar anteed to act better than Calomel or you get your money back. No argu ment ! Adv. FRESH-CRISPWHOLESOME-DEUCIOUS THI SANITARY HITHOpS APHIS D IN THI MAKING 0 TtlCSt BISCUITS MAKt TNIM THS STANDARD F EXCELLENCE foar Vultr tun Hunt, or if not ht tkoaM. !sk him r writs its eivitis, his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY C"MSSTM Babies Smile when stomachs do their work and bowels move naturally. Fretful, crying babies need MF?S.W!NSLOYrS SYRUP Tbs lauts uA ClilaWi Rf sktw to make the stomach digest food, and bowels to move as incy should. Contains no alconoi. opiates, narcotics, or otner harmful ingredients. At your dragtut KING PIN CHEWING TOBACCO Has that good licorice taste yojivebeen Looking Cm "T W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 1-1920. be greater