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jTjcTtj :??. vof vtr tcnm Niai 1'V "..U- J.1. . .. WANTS i 1 MS Ka , crtPtved at the 5 or. i ecn o 25c. WE BUY, raise, and sell '"aring rabbits and other fur fur- bearing animals Place your order vith us, and list what stock you vith us. statin? lowest flat r.. .u large shipments. Ad rCULISHEO WETKLV dress 515-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo, X. D. 4-tc. 1 h n -f i u b e- .y-- -- . t John S. Kditor A. N. Shambun, Associate Subscription I'i ice $1.50 a Year Tki.knionk 17 I QUALIFY for positions and I success, write rroiessor hhuh R. Smith, President of the famous Lexineton. Kentucky Business University, for circulary. Twenty- five students from this state have attended it this session. Great demand for graduates of this old and inflential institution, at high Subscription Rates n V... 1 fid I Six Months .so salaries. Endorsed by Governors No aubscriDtions taken for less and thousands of its successful graduates. For particulars address only Wilber R. Smith, "Lexington, Kentucky. than 6 months. Advertising Rates Di-pla 15c per inch each in sertion. Pure Reading 25c. Wants. For Sale etc. 1 cent a word. SHOE REPAIRING Anyone wanting first-class shoe work, I Kntercd at the Benton, Tennessee, class matter. Post Office, send it by P. P as second - King Shoe Shop, Etowah, Tenn. 4-p MICKIE SAYS Ort (x , uvcC $ONe Of v' PUB. guB3CttVftS.g. DO . . A WANTED Man with team or auto who can eive bond to sell 137 Watkins home and Farm pro ducts. Biggest concern of kind in world. $1500 to $5000 yearly income. This county open. Write today J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 112, Winona, Minn. LAND FOR SALE I will off- or $30 per lot in any size pieces wanted. Notes to suit the pur chaser. See H. Coe. For Sale Silvertone Grafanolal and 33 double disc records. Good as new. rnce u. lerms casn. sec Ben Shambhn, Archville, Tenn. 4-15-4tc. for Spring and Summer 1920 THESE stylish clothes for Young Men are now on dis play. Never before have they been shown in so many divers models or In so bewildering a range of fine fabrics. Tile finesse of style and the finality of tailoring, so characteristic of Strauss Clothes are evidenced In each model. i 1 May we reasons? suggest an early call for many well-known EUS CLARK MJ M A" - - - - ' - - w LEGAL NOTICE rc ' 1 1 tell you next week -who ne democrats- ;ire i:'intr to run for county offices. This is to notify all persons that I, the undersigned, havel duly qualified as the administrator of the estate of Ray Norton, de ceased, and all persons having c'aims or demands against said estate will present same, duly authenticated, to my authorized agent D. R. Bacon. Charleston. Tenn., on or before the 21st day of Mav 1920. All those indebted CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE palvation Army Seeks Many Recruits NON-RESIDENT NOTICE No. 814. State of Tennessee Chancery Court of Polk County Effie Palladino vs. Louis Palladino. I little exercise and fresh air, winter sickness not entirely over with, a generally lowered vitality. Blood weak and sluggish. Then come fine spring days that are not as warm as they seem ; or sudden changes in the weather, J and you haven't taken proper Prayers for a "death house" The man who succeeds in busi ness is fhe man who tnVes a per sonal interest in it and pushes it. No business will run itself not even a shell game . In ftiifi raiieA if annanrintr f mm ! nrpr mi firms to will promptly settle the alleKations in omp,ainant.s Vigorus, red-blooded bill, which is sworn to. that Louis i don't often get sick Palladino is a resident of the State of New York and is a non- same. This March 4th, 1920. Paul Norton, Administrator- people If you're not feeling your best, get Pepto Mangan of your druggist and resident of he State of Tennessee I take it to build up your blood Order of Publication Ml. . , . . T uie vnaiianooga ievs and the Cleveland Hanncr have at las learned that Polk county has s resided ter over 100' years old. 1 he next thing you know the Chattanooga Medicine Company will have a picture of the lady And an endorsement of Thedford's IlJack Draught, We refer to Mrs. Sarah Lingerfelt, t who claims to be llcS years old. Headline: Turkey to get justice. Then fare -you -well .Mr. Turk. Prof, Cl.ixtoti estimated that an illiterate produces $230 le?s per year than a pel sun ol common school education. Th" Prof, hnscs so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him. It is ordered - that publication be No. 817, I m rn Yfl Lr nuntv Nautc a nature luvumani iW'dU 1 1 112 . IU i i J n tt . ' paper puDiisnea in roiK ouni y, use of Po k Lonntv I . J ' II nncc tiAf i rumor ca irl nnn - . B. Hopperdeitzel. Co.. et. a . . . . . . - . April Kules ot said totirt. to De lo H. B. Hopperdeitzel Co. : L.. u-ltu . t. I ue iu it i wic uuii uuusc iu utu It appearing from the bill in ton, Tennessee, on the first Mon this case, which is sworn to, H. day in April next, the same being B. Hopperdeitzel Company, is in- a Rule day of said ourt. and debtee! to Mountain Road Com- make defense to said bill or the mission to use of Polk County, in same will be taken for confessed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand and the cause set for hearing ex )oliars. ($25,000) as damages for parte as to him. This Feb. 26, 1920. This effective and agreeable tonic has been tested for over thirty years, and physicians, everywhere, breach of contract, and that the said If. 15. Hopperdeitzel Co. resides out of the slate of Ten ties see, and nn.s property in tins made tor tour consecutive weeks recommend it tor run-down, pale, and anaemic people. The whole family should take Pepto-Margan it is good health insurance. Besides, what a joy it is to feel fit nd fine ready for anything! To have an abun dance o! energy and enthusiasm!. Pepto-Mangan is for sale at your druggist's, and in both liquid and tablet form. There is no difference in medicinal value. Take whichever you prefer. But to make sure you get the genuine, 3 25. ! ask for Gude's Pepto-Mangan" and see that the name "Glide's" is on the package. Adv. W MM W.J Below -Col- iH" I ilm'Jder M. Da- A. J. WILLIAMS, C. & M. his estimate on the time, U fore a ! s(Hte, and an attachment having roal shoveler pulh-d pay p('r day than a lessor- down college more pro- YOUR NAME Is it on our subscrip tion list? VVe'.vil! guarantee yen full valutt -FOE YOUR K30WEV been issued and levied on the defendants property, it is ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the Polk Cou.vrv Nkws, a weekly news piper jntlMtsliid at Benton, Tenn.. re lulling (he said defendant to i;pc::r before said Chancery i Court ' on or before Thursday after the 4th, Monday in April i next, and make his defense to the Will lih d against him mid others in (his caiie, otherwise said bill will be taken for confessed, and the cause proceeded with xparte This March 26, 1920- 4-22 A, J. WILLIAMS, Orli & Master PEPTO-MANGAN FOR SPRING FEVER Spring Days ore Treacherous- Germs Don't Disappear with Cold Weather And Blood is Sluggish and Weak Don't Take Chances if Von Keel Bad. Enrich Your Blood With Pepto-Maugan i There is a 'great deal of serious sickness in the Spring. And it is . easy to see why. Long; weeks pent up indoors, too SLOW. . Edith (sighing) u-Oh. dear! Tom hasn't proposed ft Maria Well, what can you ex pect of a chap who never runs his auto over ten utiles an hour. I T the eoraer, tinder the arc light, Advertising In this paper will bring good returns on the money invested & passersby collected. It wns not tlie ! toe-tantalizing Jazz; It was a soul-stir- j ring hymn. "Pretty soft," drawled the young man whose shoulders propped up the brick store front of a pool hall. "Some peepte seem to get by with It, eh? Do a little singsong on a soap-box every night and call It a day's work. Prob' bly the life of Rellly when you're a buck private In the Salvation Army. .Wo 1C. P. potato ppeling. Pret-ty soft I" And so Colonel Alexander M. Damon, field secretary of the Salvation Army, was asked about It. lie Is In charge. of recruiting Salvationists at the Na tional Headquarters, No. 122 West Fourteenth street. New Tork city. "Say, that's good V boomed the Col onel. "A jft job In the Snlvatlon .Army? 1 uxver heard of It. Listen, uiy friend : ' "Io the United States right now the Salvation Army needs (K) men and women. It Is the hurdeit work I know ; the pny Is the lowest; the hours, why, there aren't any I A Salvation Army officer It on call night ond day. Sick nest In the tenements, stprvlng kUU, Jres, hungry poor In winter, bereaved families, convicts and their families, unmarried young women with babies we aid them all. Strangers at)d friends, all religions, ail races are Just human beings to us, you see. "Do you know the prospective Salva tion Army ofllcer works a year without pay? It takes two years of 24-hour-a-tluy service to God and to man before he, or she, Is commissioned a lieuten ant. And what do you think the pay Is? Exactly $14 a week! Our remu neration comes from serving others. So we are well paid. "Salvationists must visit the Jnlls and prisons. Penniless families of convicts are helped out. Thousands of missing relations are found and re turned to their families every year by the Sulvntlon Army officers." iTIien the visitor remembered thnt two. Snlvatlon sArmy lassies, bustling In th fc'renny, yellow mud of; Hint, KlHmYr.H duKOUt, baking pies and erv lug doughnuts and hot chocolate to somiyveary, half starved Infantrymen. Iiiy after day, and nights, too. J And dm Ink the whole of that maddening August drive those tussles Just kept on sniMin,? and handing out food. "Pretty soft," mused lb flsltorj "liret-ty softr