Newspaper Page Text
i POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON, TENNESSEE. POLK COUNTY NEWS. I'L'IiLhiHEy "WEEKLY Joux S. Suambi.i.v, Editor A. N. Sham bun, Associate Subscription Price SI. 50 a Year Telephone 27 2 Subscription Rates OnYar $1.50 Six Months .80 No subscriptions taken for less than 6 months. , Advertising Rates Disnlav l."c oer inch each in sertion. Pure Reading 25c. Wants. For Sale etc. 1 cent word. "outii; -iter u h wt re ift bom jvslu n Judge Mt.i'iivvas tirst elet te t L iirt-- I he associate editor of the New- was !xrn alti-r Inde Mucii wa- clotted to Congress. I ne writer Inning been pcr-on adv aemiaiutt'd with both Judge .M jon and Jujge Je V. William I lor more than 20 yens and have nothing but the kindest feelings kr both. However, under all (he circumstance., the News wil support J ud tje Williams in the primary. We have known Joe Williams ever Miice lie set foot on Chattanooga soil, and believe we are qualified to Judge as to his character; hi integrity: hi nonesiy ami in-, ability, and we are frank to say that we believe he is n. well qualified to , represent the Third Congressional District as any man in it. Jackson Parks says that most politicians are like bull calves the older they are the harder to wean. If you in nice anything wrong with this sheet jusf charge it up to the stork. The darned thing left a girl bain' to our house Tuesday morning, and since then we don't know whether we are editor, lauitor. slave or what. Bothtloi ng well, thank you. Entered at the Benton, Tennessee', class matter PosJ .OmC.v as' second-' Polk folCKIE SAYS ' ( MOST EvfRM TOVN VNHO NtUtR SPENT A. A .' VCKEv.vjnVAlVA' HOME P(KPER J NEW ,IN NEMt OOT, AN NET N "i-- t ."JHH i VU, VAVttt ATOM OP 6R1CK I ; i Fvct AOJEB.rSl40SCWEAE ' NONNONOCR THeVONrT . ' IV EUEVJ6 thAON)ER&SN3r" . . w "villi n m z u - . ' !l I I :, . U AD? B , : ;::d vi8iiMrJ 1 -jjr Jr. PUBLICATION NOTICE No .'In Chancery at Kenton. Countv, Tennessee. Pearl Culberson, vs. Olin Culberson It appearing from the allega tions in comdlainant's bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant, Olin Culberson's residence is un know n and cannot be ascertained upon dijligent inquiry; it is therefore ordered publication be made as the law directs, re turnable to the August Rule Day of this Court, lequiring said de fendant to appear before, the Clerk &- Master of "this Court and answer said bill or make defense to the; same, or the cause will be taken for confessed and . set for hearing exparte. This Juue 28th, 1920. A. J. VIU.IAMS Clerk & Master H. U. C. Witt, Sol. J2-22. . WANTS IV THIS - column will ! charged at the rate of 1 cnt jht word eaih ; insertion. No ad taken for i Ie.s than 2"c. I UK SAU Six-r.m house, with electric ligliK gin! concrete cellar ami over two acres of land, (jod garage, coal and wood house and chic ken house, and enough material to build good sie bain. Location, near Mapti-t church. on pike road, in sight of Court house ami High School. For price and full particulars see or write A R. Arp, Benton, Tenn. At The Moneta Cleveland, Tenn. oil vviil always linil a good show going on dining huv hours. When in C.' land dun fail to come aioinui and bring n i FRUIT JARS WANTED Man with team or auto who can give bond to sell 137 Watkins home and larm pro ducts. Kigget concern of kind in world. $1500 o 5000 yearly income, i erruory in mis county open, wntetouav to j. k. vvai- kius Co., Dept. 114. Winona Minn. FOR SALK-4 good work mules, with harness and wagons. D. C. Haskins.N Reliance, Tenn. FOR SALE Crimson clover eed for sale 10 cents per Dound- R. T. Nicholson, R 1, Benton, en n . - NON-RESIDENT 1 he lcpublicans ot the ,ml Congressional District have three candidates for Governor in the NOTICE No. 5S In the Circuit Court at Benton W. M. " Rymer vs. Dora Rymer In tin's cause it appearing from the pefition for a divorce, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a non-resident and her residence is unknown and cannot be as certained upon dilligent inquiry, so that (he ordinary process of law You Say You Can't Advertise? That's what others have said and all of a sudden found some competitor was doing what they thought they couldn't do. , And getting away with it. Get the bulge on your competitors by telling your story in an attractive . . .:ti u- J T 1 1 iai u ici au it vviu ins i caul You 11 get the results We Are Anxious the kiddies with von, enjoy vour- seltby -eting the MlA'lKS. We have the coolfst Theatre in town. and you can rest youelf, hear good music and euioy a good show all at the same time- Moneta Theatre ;j Red Rubber Jar rings. h the best made, and Ma- ) PRINTERS' INK HAS been respon sible for thousands of business successes throughout the country. Everybody in town may know you but they don't know what you have to sell. Advertising Will Help Yon 2d h son Jar Caps. H i 3 W. P. PRINCE Hardware 8C Implement Dealer xixuju i m ' mi i iu mrm t i uu iti'M'-t-L Hetter renew ygur subscription before the advance nes on. 3 ill trrni-n , t r, ni,-mnTmmr.Trmn 'The Biltmore SModel Only $40.00 An Exlra-T hin South Bend Chesterfield AA'atch that (iftv-rs unusual value. Accurate 17 Jpwel movement. Beautifully designed gold tilled case guar anteed to wear for 2u years. This la but one of many at tractive South Hen J Watches here for your inspection. V"! MBiiMlliiiiMliM VI' r'lii iy m V I e Wdfflmith the Purple 'Ribbon ill T - , , . lif. irtnirn i piTrTrfT'i mi iiit iriipii iiniyri r i m i m 1 1 1 1 1 m i rr 1 1 1 11 h n mi tiiJi 1 1 tmTiTriari 1 1 nn i rr rxrllL ILL 1 " 'tlv r. TAXI CALLS ANSWERED DAY0R INIGIITv Genuine Automobile Parts enfoil & upply to . FJOMET DACR without question if Hunr'sSslM fail, in the treatment of EcS-maJ Tetter. kingworm, Itch. etc. lon'i become discouraged becnucc .tbev trentincnti failed Hunt!lv hat icueved hundred of luck rate. You can't lo oo ou Money Back CutrtnfM. Try it at our i ialc lODAt. frlc lio. For tale locally by Benton Drug Coruyany. ?sr mm arage THE HOME OF THE POLK COUNTY MOTOR CO. ''Tmx' r"f'ar irWlaaif YiiiTarS'a T? Better renew your subscription before the advance oes on. primary. .They arc lion, esse cannot be served on her. wis M. Littleton and Major Ivvans of Chattanoo.i, and Cupt- T. 1" Peck of Coker (.'reek. A peck of one and a half bushel oi tli other, as it were. If you want to wear your last year's straw hat pain next year vote next November tot t lie Wilson ticket -Journal & Tribune s;i'-l petition for a divorce, or the It is therefore ordered that publication be mado in the Polk County News, a newspaper pub- Micd at Denton, for four con secutivt- weeks, requiring said de- Icndant to appear at the next te rm of the (- ii ctu't Court for Polk t'oimiy on fhe 3rd, Monday in July, next, and make defense to Chas. B. Witt . Abstractor Benton, Tennessee NON-RESIDENT NOTICE And it you want to L'o with no hat at all vote next November for the Harding ticket rsow t tie re is lust a omit n much sense in what we -.aid a . there is in what the Journal & Tribune said, and there is none in either- Congressman John A. .Moon, candidate for re election, w.ii here Monday, and in a speech of about 30 minutes presented his claim for re election to a number of tin yeomanjy of old 1,'olk. JOxcepi by inference, he never iclcrcd to his opponent, Judge Joe , V. YVil- ber of personal fnentls in thi- Jv countv. some of whom wish lu- 'had not forced th:m to make I i clrtinn I.e-twriMi liinisrll aii'l " JL. Mmm. IX ..!. I Tt i. . iicii M - i r...l. . p V" JUllge iin.mi. .M.uiy oi Jimr let J Moon's Irieuds led same will be taken for confessed and the case set for hearing ex parte. : Witness my hand at office thi 23rd, day of June, 19J0. JAM ICS I'ARKKK. Clerk Cir. Court M. It. ('. Witt. So). RffORT 'fv served lonn einujli bw any one man, and that be should be will ing to give way to someone else. Amon the audieme Monthly, wn noticed quite a mmibcr of Jl the news happen 'is that come to your Mention to this office. It vvilk be appreciated for ev ery piece of news will make the paper more interesting for you as well as others. We want and with your help will print all PUIS? IJUiLi i No. 589 In the Circuit Court at Benton Lillis White ... vs. Frank White In this cause, it appearing from the petition for a divorce, which is sworn to, that the defendant u .i , , i a non-resiueni ana nis resaence is unknown and 'cannot Sh as certaineil upon dilligent inquiry, so that the ordinary process of law cannoObe served on him. It istherH'ore ordered that pub lication be made in 'the Polk County News, a newspaper pub lished at lieiiton, for tour con secutive weeks, requiring said de fendant to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court for-Polk County on the 3rd, Monday in July next, and m.ike deb'rtse to snid petition for a divorce, "or the same will be taken' for confessed and the case set for hcaiiug . ex parte. Witness my hand at office this 23rd, day of June 1920. . JAM KS PARKER, Clerk Cir. Court. B. B. C. Witt, Sol. , COUNTY COURT SALfi OF LAND John Runion, Admr. vs. Henry Runion, et als. In the County Court In obedience to a decree rend ered in the above styled cause at the June term 1920 of said Court. I will offer and sell, at the West door of the Court house in the city of Benton, Tennessee, on Satur day, July 31st, 1920, the property described iu said decree aud the pleadings, to wit: Forty acres of land located in the new 3rd, district ot Polk County, Tennessee, bounded on the North by the Tennessee Copper Co., lands; South by Johnson; Flast by N. C. line, and West by Runions. TERMS OF SALE Said lands will be sold on i credit of six and twelve month with 20 per cent paid down on day of sale, taking notes drawing interest from date of execution, with good personal security tor the defered payment-, and retain ing a lien as further security. Said lands will be sold subject to the homestead and dower rights of the widow, Mrs. Rosa Runions (formerly Tientham). This June .'2. 1920. , A. R. ARP, , County Court Clerk John S. Shambliu, Atty. 7--15 $12 FIRE, THEFT Let Us Print Your Sale Bills When it comes to neat and effective printing of any Kind we will guarantee to give you satisfaction. i WINDSTORM, TORNADO, AND LIGHT NING INSURANCE. Can a fire break you up? Can one storm destroy your savings of a lifetime? Can one lightning stroke throw you five or ten years back financially? Insure your dwelling, household goods, barn, grain, stock and machinery and feel safe in knowing that you cannot be hurt fi nancially by fire, wind nor lightning. It will help your sleeping, standing and credit. SPECIAL AUTO POLICY Three years insurance against Fire, Windstorm, Lightning and Theft for $4.50 on the $100.00. Insure your auto. A company is as reliable and accomodat ing as its agents who represent it. Insure with an agent you know and who' will treat you well enough TO DESERVE ALL YOUR INSURANCE RENEWALS IN A COMPANY THAT PAYS PROMPT. LY THE NATIONAL UNION FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY A standard, reliable, fair dealing company worth $5,000,000.00 assets. REPRESENTED IN BENTON BY J. D. CLEMMER, AGENT For Polk, Bradley and McMinn counties, who has had nine years experience, over $400,000.00 insurance now in force, and has paid over $8,000.00 in full in 14 cases of loss without contesting a single claim. Rates as low as any company's whose agents comply with Tennessee law, which insures payment for losses. 'TV n i M N n II .0