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POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON, TENNESSEE. I NON-RES1LENT NOTICE In Chancery at U nton, Folk County, Tennessee i Mr. L. V. Brn.iv WANTS AuiiiiriiiiiriiriiiiirirfiBriiriiiriiiriiiiiriiriiriirririfriiiirriiiifirr IV Tins POLK COUNTY NEWS. PLULISHED WEEKLY John S. Shambmx, Editor A. N. Shambun, Associate vs. ! Ilarrv Jl. Rra.1i- In this cause, it appearing fror-i the bill which is sworn to, that Harry H. Brady's residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained after diligent inquiry, he is thert fore, hereby re quired to apjear. on or before the first Monday in September next, be fore the C'K-rk and Master of said Court, at his office in Benton, Tenn., and make defense to the bill filet against him in said Court, by Mr.. L. V. Brady, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this no tice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Polk Countv News. This July 25th, 1K20. A. J. WILLIAMS. Clerk and Master. Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Telephone 27 2 Subscription Rates OnoYoar $2.00 Six Months 1-00 No subscriptions taken for less than 6 months. Advertising Rates Display 15c per inch each in sertion. Pure Reading 25c. Wants, For Sale etc. 1 cent a word. ' Entered at the Benton, Tennessee, class matter Post Office, as second - NON-RESIDENT XOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, Tennessee Clyde Odoni vs. Elsie Odom In this cause it appearing from th bill which is sworn to. that Els'if Odom is a non-resident of the state, she is, therefore, hereby required to appear, on or before the first Monday of September next, before the Clerk and Master of said Court, at his office in Benton. Tennessee, and make de fense to the. bill filed -against her in said Court, by Clyde Odom, or other wise the bill will be taken for confess ed. It is further ordered that this no tice be published for four consecutive weeks in the Polk Countv News. This July 30th, 1920. A. J. WILLIAIMS, Clerk and Master. . mICKIE SAYS UMf MJvTH HttMT PMPefl V)P IN ALL fW PlMnXMrTl WIVES ARE fcULOiwf OOf VNlTW PROFITEER'S,! MAMPA9Eft (STUNS VW1U. 6t V)SOM. Me our 1 NON-RESIDENT XOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk Countv. Tennessee Eula Richie vs. Frank Richie In this cause, it appearing from the bill which is sworn to that Prank Richie's residence is unknown and cannot ,be ascertained after diligent inquiry, he is therefore, hereby re quired to appear, on or before the first Monday in September next, be fore the Clerk and Master of said Court, at his office in Benton, Tenn., and make defen to the bill fileJ against him in said Court by Euia Richie, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this no tice be published for four consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News. This Julv 30th, 1920. A. J. WILLIAMS, j Clerk and Master. column will le charged at the rate of 1 out H-r word each i : insertion. No ;ul taken for ' h-ss than 2"c. UNSKILLED WORKMAN'S OPPORTUNITY FOR WHIT J. .MKNONl.V This is the opportunity of a life time fr the riht uit-n who want to become --killed workmen. and increase their earning capacity a-N they" impruvt- their workman ship. This demand calls fr re liable, earnest white men who want to work and make the best of this opportunity. Men, 21 io 40 years of age, with families, are preferred. The work consists in learning to become rolling mill experts in the Sheet Mill Department of this Plant. Experience unnecessary. 1 here will lie several opening in the departments lor men no are willing tj work, willing to iearn, and are anxious to grow and expand as the various d partments of the mill expand. Xoiie. except men who are in dead earnest, and who have their minds made up to improve their condition and learn the trade, need apply, Apply in person or Address: The Employment Department, Aluminum Company of America. Alcoa Works, Maryville, Tenn, 9-2 ! The Produd of Experience WANTKD Man with team or auto who can give bond td srll 137 Watkins home and farm pro ducts. Biggest concern of kind in world. $1500 to $5000 yeariy income. lerntory in tuis county open, write today to j . k. watkins- Co.. Dept. 114. Winona, Minn. MAN'S efficiency may be measured by the car he drives The efficiency of his car is meas ured by its service and economy. The utmost service for the least money is the standard of efficien cy set by the Chevrolet "Four Ninety" Roadster. Polk County Motor Co. A. V. CLOYD, Salesman Benton, Tenn. 5 From bandit to a hero and millionaire is some jump, but just watch Villa accomplish the feat. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, Tennessee Earl D. Caldwell vs. Mary Caldwell In this cause, it appearing from the bill which is sworn to, that Mary Caldwell is a non-resident of the State, she is therefore, hereby re quired to appear, on or before the first Monday of September next, be fore the Clerk and Master ot said Court, at his office' in Benton, Tennes see ,and make defense to the bill filed against her in said Court, by Earl D. Caldwell, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News. This July 30th. 1920. A. J. WILLIAMS, Clerk and Master TAKEN. UP One white calf with II on right hip, and one spotted calf with warts on nrjck and head, marked with H on right hip. Owner may have sail paying for .up -keep NindWo( advt. W. F. Withrow, .Chic Police, Benton, Tenn. Yby of 1 -5? Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Roadster, $795, I. o. b Flint. Mich. It's now up to the defeated candidates to tell just how it was done. A new Orleans judge has held that a man can't rob his wife Sure not, he can't find her pockets What has become of the old time politicians who went around over the country preaching high protect ive tariff and tariff for revenue only? Sir Thomas Lipton says he will build another Shamrock and try again. Sir Thomas is a good sport, alright. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, Tennessee W. W. Ray vs. Stella Ray In this cause, it appearing from the bill which is sworn to that Stella Ray's residence is unknown and can not be ascertained after diligent in quiry, she is therefore hereby requir ed to appear, on or before the first Monday in September next, before the Clerk and Master of said court at his office in Benton, Tenn., and make defense to the bill filed against her in said Court by W. W. Ray, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It b further ordered that this no tire bepublished for four consecutive weeks in the Polk County News. This July 30. 1920. A. J. WILLIAMS. Clerk and Master. FOR SALK The Willie Hani- son property, located in South Kenton. For further particulars see or write Bob "McDonald, Ben ton, Tenn. CORN AND WKAL FOR SALK I keep on hand a supply of sound corn and meal. Lowest market prices. Phone or write J. h. Williamson, K. 1. , Jenton, Tenn. FOR SALE -One Five passen ger Ford car. For further inform ation call or write the news, Ben ton. 1 enn. Chas. B. Witt Abstractor Benton, Tennessee NOTICE Overland ACROSS U. 27.2 Miles a S. A. Gallon If some liars received over pay, like carpenters. Benton would have more than one millionaires. It is reported that sheep shearers in the west get from $35 to $50 per day, which in- a way, perhaps, accounts for us having to pay two prices for that wool suit we haven't bought- It will be mighty hard to convinc those western farmers that times are hard, and a change needed. NON-K ESI D ENT NOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, 1 ennessee . Medley Roberts j vs. Arthur Roberts In this cause, it appearing from the bill which is sworn to, that Arthur Roberts is a non-resident of the State, he is, therefore, hereby requir ed to appear, on or before the first Mondav of September next, before the Clerk and Master of said Couri. at his office in Benton, Tennessee, and niuke defense to the bill lil-d against NON-RESIDENT No. 827 State of Tennessee, Chancery Court of Polk County. Mrs- S L. Prince, Admrx. vs. Bill Brock, a non-resident of the State of Tennessee In this cause it appearing from the allegations in complainant V bill, which is sworn to, that Bill Brock is a resident of the State of (ieorgia and a non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that the In a remarkable night and day continuous run an Over land stock car arrived In San Francisco on July 20, only 7 1-2 days after leaving New York, averaging 19.2 miles per hour for 34 12 miles, and 27.2 miles per gallon. Twenty-five different drivers, who had never even seen this car before, drove it through every known condition of weather and road. Come in today and see a duplicate of this remarkable Overland with Triplex Springs, whose Economy and Stami na Is being established In new records every day. Touring, $935 ; Roadster, S985; Coupe. $1525; Sedan, $1575 Pri ces f. o. b. Toledo,, subject to change without notice liv Medlev Roberts. 01' Otherwise tlie UUI will ie urn uiuiuaiy (nuus ui iiiw minim hit foi i confessed. served upon him. It is otdered 11 IS IUIlItcr MMi'll-tl mat vine t be published for tour, consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News This July 30th, 1!20. A. J. WILLIAMS, Clerk nnd Muster. Advertising is life try u sample the honey of It is somewhat dangerous now' to invite your friend to "trp up; and name his poison '' j WiSMm 35 MONET DACK itH.,,1) ((unttonif Hunt's Slv 1 tN in the trcBtmrnf of Rc mm I riff KniKWunn.Itrb rtc. Im rHiraard bcceuM th Beware of the fellow who insists J X M tfJSV'f & that he is as good as onyhodv . t JWJZ,". ft else. You have bii number fom faM MZWX' hh own tnouth. lieu'.on Dru Ccmt uny. that publication be made for four consecutive weeks m the Polk County News, a newspaper pub lished in Benton, Polk county, Tennessee, notifying the said Bill Brock to appear before A. J. Williams, Clerk it Master, at his office in the Courthouse in the city of Benton, Tennessee, on or be fore the 1st, Monday of Septem ber 1920, the same being a Rule day of said Cnurl, and nial e de fense to said bill or the same will betaken for confessed nnd the cause set for hearing exparte as to him. This July 12th, 1920 8-5 $8. A. J. WILLIAMS. C. & M. DUNN BROTHERS Office Phone 65 114 Ninth Street Etowah, Tennessee 1