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POLK COUNTY NEWS, BENTON, TENNESSEE. JUST GAVE UP NEW POINTS IN SUFFERED SO Weakness, Pains and Other Trou bles Had Discouraged This Arkansas Lady. She Took Cardui, Found It Helpful. Got Well! AUTUMN MODES two spoonfuls of JACOBS' LIVER SALT in hot water, taken before breakfast He KNOWS its value as a r.atural safe and effective laxative. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief Ak your diuttut. Gcnrmn hottlt. 35c aru3 75e Sure Relief ELL-AR3S -nFOR INDIGESTION The next time you buy calomel ask for alotabs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 3L5c. BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body Is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To Bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL Th national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; It is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. tmok tat the nun Cold Madal o vrmry bx and accept no imitation HsrmkM, Mralr'vwetaM, Inland' aoi Ckildna'l Refobter, lenla 7 I". GuraaUcd aaa-ureatic, non-alcoholic teUTO4SIOV3 SYRSJP lae IttiuU' and Ckildrta'i RenUtor Children grow healthy and free from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency. constipation ana otner irouoie u riven it at teething; time. Safe, pleasant always brines re- markADie ana srmmyuiar rauiu. At All DratgUt I JUUt"" Teamster's Life Saved "Peterson Ointment Co., Inc. 1 had a very severe eore on my leg for years. 1 am a teamster. I tried all medicines and salves, but without success. I tried doc tors, but they failed to cure me. I couldn't sleep for many nights from pain. Doctors said 1 could not live for more than two years. Finally Peterson's Ointment was recommended to me and by its use the sore was entirely healed. Thankfully yours. William Hanse, West Park, Ohio, care P. G. Reitz, Box 199." Peterson says: "I am proud of the above letter and have hundreds of others that tell of wonderful cures of Eczema, piles and Skin Diseases." Peterson's Ointment is 60 cents a box. Mall orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co. Burtaia Mel We Teach Vou Uurber TmUe. Paying positions guaranteed; Income while learning: 4 wceka' course. We own shop, (white only.) Jacksonville Barber Col.. Jacksonville. Fla linnHunl Oppatunlly to Join company organ lied by formit offlcers Army, Navy, Geolog ical Survey. V. S. Treasury. Profits unlim ited Add. Mn Miinnoy nian.. " "" TAW (I w i " Headache? Nausea? Dizziness? Bilious ness f Constipation? Lazy and Rood for nothing most of the time? What you need is a shaking -up of your "innards' andagingering-upallover. The thing that'll fix you up is: ii in. a ILIRflllSAn u uu An old doctor's proscription ; in use for 68 years. Enlivens your Liver, purifies and enriches your Blood. Regulates your Bowels and is a fine family TONIC. Get a bottle from your drug store and you'll soon bo r3 Hnrrlsburg. Ark. After serious symptoms had become apparent, Mrs. Belle Wllkerson, of Route 1. this place, says she "got worse and worse." "I wasn't able to stand on my feet and had to go to bed," she explains. Tlie . . . grew worse, and for Ebout three weeks nothing seemed to do me any good. I grew so weak and nervous and could not sleep. I began to have pain in the lower part of my body, and all across my back. There was a great deal of soreness and pain in my left side ... I Just gave up, for I suffered so. I grew discouraged and thought I was not going to get well. "My head not only ached, but would feel so light and dizzy ... I decided then I would take Cardui, as I read of how many women it had .benefited, and some whose case was like mine. When I began Cardui, just after a few doses, I noticed a change. I slept better at night . . . and felt like I could eat something. I got up and began to do the work in the house and yard, and after three or four bottles of Cardui I was well." If you suffer from disorders pecu liar to women, take Cardui the Woman's Tonic. It should help you, like others. Adv. Observe decorum even In jour sport, Latin Proverb. . WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bid der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. ... Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this (treat preparation send ten cents to VT. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. A dwarf threatens Hercules. Cuticura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off In five minutes with Cuti cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by-using them for daily toilet purposes. Don't fail to in clude Cuticura Talcum Adv. Blushing of virtue's color. Had Stomach Sends Her to Bed for 10 Months Estonia Gets Her Up ! "Over a year ago," says Mrs. Dora Williams, "I took to bed and for 10 months did not think I would live. Eatonic helped me so much I am now up and able to work. I recommend It highly lor stomach trouble." Euionlc helps people to get well by taking up and carrying out the excess acidity and gases that put the stomach out of order. If you have indigestion, sourness, heartburn, belchlng,.food re peating, or other stomach distress, take an Eatonic after each meiil. Big Tox costs only a trifle with your druggists guarantee. 3! J,,,,, , r.jii mm wiiii wmKiw.iiwJ ' i l'"" 4 THE handsome fur-trimmed suit shown in the accompanying pic ture includes, among other attractions, the newest points of the autumn styles. ,It begins by accepting the vogue for velours and continues to follow fushion's signposts by button ing straight up the front from waist line to chin and by adopting the high, rolling collnr of fur. Its narrow belt of velours crosses at the front and but tons at each side in the manner gen erally approved for cents the styles of the hour are written in its lines. But. with all this following of Im portant phases of new modes, the de signer of this suit succeeded in be ing original by cutting I he coat and fur trimming on unusual lines.' The bottom of the coat at the front and In the Realm NECKWEAR Is a broad term that embraces many different kinds of neckpieces and matched sets includ ing vestees and cuffs. Up to the pres ent time nothing new or unusual has made Its appearance in the renin of neckwear, but we may look for new developments soon, as the holidays dawn over the horizon of fashion. It Is Impossible to predict how Impor tant these particular accessories may become. At present organdie, in white and light colors, or lace and net. continue to make the dainty collar and vestee or collar and cult sets that enjoy an unabated popularity. These sets are displayed with the new suits and very often ecru or tan organdie replaces the pure white or light colors that have embellished summer clothes. Filet lace and the perennial "val" still hold llrst plnce, although other laces are gaining attention. These neck pieces tone up frocks and suits amaz ingly It Is not likely women will part will! anything so becoming unless they can replace it with another they like as well. Many sets are made at home, as Hit manufacturers have placed band ings of organdie which make the wejrk eusv. among the reudy-niade pieces. Those bandings are tucked or lace trimmed and come In pale colorB and while. One may buy also net with tucks, ruffs, lace Insertions and edg !ngs which are easily made up into lechwcar. I H r'-ii -rr i .! l i 1 tVl "Vfc "Iff (. .".' . ',1 J.?-"W' jijwtSV, ir-irrfOrV W ,- . ( JT '--" V . It i r back Is cut in a wide scallop and the fur burder is graduated in width wide at the center of the scallop and narrowing toward the ends. Beaver Is the fur employed on a light brown velours, but any of the short-haired furs might be used Instead on colors they look best , with, as sealskin ou taupe or squirrel on roynl blue. The" second suit In "the group Is adapted to any of the wool suitings and. has a coat cut finger-tip length, with skirt gathered on to the body. A panel in the back, outlined with em broidery, embroidered bands at the front and a high fur collar bring It up to the level of suits for formal wear, and made In sturdy materials Irwlll prove very dependable for all-round wear. of Neckwear It 4 A collar and vest of net and lae appear in the picture. The collnr Is i straight piece of the ready-preparec material and this gives it the propel adjustment on the neck which It somewhat high at the back. The ves tee Is extended below the waistHm and in this regard it differs from most vestees, but the little apron effect b pretty. 0 J Fall Hats Flamboyant. The oriental continues to hold sway In the hat realm. No somber shade? are shown. Leading colors are copper, royal and Algerian blue, mahogany, cerise, Jade green, chow brown and canary yellow. Gaudy embroideries in soutache, wool, tinsel, metallic thread, and celluloid or 'wooden bends carry out the eastern effect. The Hindu ami Chinese coolie turbans are still much In evidence, as are the summer novel ties made of wooden shavings dyed Ii gorgeous hues. The combination ol the shavings with duvetyn of a con trastlng color Is very popular. Trimmed With Drawn Work. Many of the voiles nnd georgetn blouses are trimmed with drawn wot I Small beads nnd elaborate hondwur are also being used. JACOBS' PHARMACY CO. ATLANTA, GA. Ef fervescent Salt FCR ClUOUSNESS.-hEAOACHC INOIGeSTION.COfiT! RATION. DIARRHOEA. COLIC. DERANGED OiGEVTION, alcoholic excesses. CASTRIC. RENAL. Sold for 50 years for Malaria and as a General Tonic. Helps build you up. If Not Sold by Your DrnggUt. Write ARTHUR PETER A CO.. Louiwille. Kr. In One Laundry. First Wall Street Lamb How were you cleaned out? Second -By wash sales. "Cold In the Head" (b an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds In the head" will nnd that the use of HALL'S TATARRH MEDICINE will build up the pystem. cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys '.em, thus reducing the Inflammation and estorinK normal conditions. All Drugrglsts. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Giving Him Every Opportunity. "We're going to move to Ohio." "What's the idea?" "Want to give my young son a chance to become president some day." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for infants ana cnuaren, ana see mui u Bears the ,,fT . Signature ot(JZcZM In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria THAT SMALL BROTHER AGAIN This Time It Really Seems That He Hai Cooked Sister Evelina's Goose for Good. Some things do fall out awkwardly, don't they? One evening the fair Evelina was ex pecting her latest admirer to call and her mother hadn't , come back from shopping. So, while Evelina slipped upstalrso don her best blouse and some powder on her nose, the young brother was left on guard. The expected visitor arrived, and was ushered into the parlor by Wil liam Edward, who promptly began to ask questions, as small boys always do. "Mr. Sloweombe," he said, "what's a popinjay?" "A popinjay, my boy," repeated the young man. thinking hard. "Why er It's a rare bird." "Are you a bird. Mr. Sloweombe?" "Of course not! Ha, 11a!" squirmed his victim. "Well, that's funny!" mused Wil liam Edward. "Last night,' after you'd gone, nia said you were a jay, and father said there was no doubt about that, but' there didn't seem much pop pin' the question nbout you. And now you say you're not a bird at all !" Appropriate. "So you graduated from a barber lloge. What is your college yell?" "Cut his lip, cut his jaw. leave his face." Raw, raw, raw !" Florida Times-Union. . Gomes already sweetened Its own sugar is developed in ttie bakini. It solves your sugar prob lem among readv-to-cat cereals. top Older a package Rom flie grocer. fits flavor appeals and there is no waste, ' Made by Postum Cereal CclncBattle CreekKldi. 'A 'rA U1HIHLL llOWIC AGENTS! Your Opportunity! Act Quickly! Sell Ventallte Shade Regulaforo for uae with every window shade. Clear 11.60 per ahade. Sell 10 to 25 daily. High class agenta wanted in every community. Send (2, bills or Money Order, for sample fixture, literature and agent's proposition. Stock of 100 fixtures secures exclusive agency In any town up to 5.000 pop. Other cities according to size. Act now. Ventallte Shade Kegnlutor Co, 1803 Areade Bid. St. loulg. Mo. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Sup 25c, O&ment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Spark Plugs $11 Genuine "Tipco" Blue Bonnet Plugs absolutely positive. Never failing white hot spark. Sent prepaid on re ceipt of price, 4 for $3.80. Discount for quantity. Send your order today. TAFEL ENGINEERING CO., LOUISVILLE, KT. CLERK MEANT TO GET EVEN Of Course Congregation Could Get Away, But He Had the Minister in Tight Place. There was bad blood between the parish clerk and the minister of a cer tain country church. Neither of them ever missed a chance of getting a bit of his own back. One Sunday the clerk had a special Invitation out to church with a friend after the evening service, whereupon he asked the minister if he would mind keeping his sermon short. It was too good a chance to miss. The minister took a few deep breaths, and preached for one hour and a quar ter by the clock. By this time the old clerk's wrath wns at boiling point. He hnrdly wait ed for the preacher to resume hla sent before springing up and announc ing loudly: "Psalm one hundred nnd nineteen. Fro' end t' end. He's preached all evening, nnd we'll sing all neetl" London Answers. Seeking a Variation. "Did you know people are talking about the way you misquoted the piece of poetry you Introduced in your speech?" "I did It on "purpose," replied Sena tor Sorghum. "I thought It would be desirable to do something, however slight, to shift the argument." !. i