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NOiW-a TALMADGL notice Polk Count . J. c. it. ton Madison Yhcr.-y Madison i is i-atiM- it appearing trot., i, u hit U a ivni to. that .M.,.iiM,!i resilience i Ail; i . t hi- ascertain a ! i i ivt i ; i ini uiry, so that !::;:irv ! i cc--of law can be ef vcw en her. Siu- i iiuiii if, ii r i v required to ;t; . .".; 01: or i:-'"ie (lie first Monti. i NOTICE Polk (Vjnty, In he: In al, Teitnesi"e Anna ilai! vs Joe Hal! In this cause it appearing from the bill, which i- -worn to, that Joe Hall is a t:o;-iv-iiIcnt f Tennessee, Arkatisns, a ml resident 1 mi that the ordinary 4 . " :n .ua'.tl, we-. i M i-u r -i tec in I 1 1 1 il'.-.kc deli Use ngatn-d her i:i f- This young wonsn, v. ho in private life is Mrs. Jcjcp :!i.n-.k, fairly ran away with the henors in a recent con test conducted by a Chit-ago newspa per to ascertain the rac-t popular ac tress in movieci'sm. Mils Tnlmacige wac born at Ningaia Falls, N. Y., in 1897 and educJted in tho Brooklyn choc-is. At the aye of fourteen she entered motion pictures. She now headi her own company. S!ia is 5 feet 2 Inches tall, weighs 110 pout-ds and has dark hair an-: brown eyec. () . before the Clerk al court, at his n, I ennessee, ami to tile hill tiled u'd eoiirt hy I . ( i. n!ion, or oUier.u-e tne IjiII will he taka lor confessed. It is further ordered that this notice he paUi'.hed for four con- -culivi- weeks in the folk County Xc.vs. i hi-, .I.uiaarv M, l''M. A. J WILLIAMS. M mm rV 1 I 1 ! ! ; ... Vfti j'C4lii'llii ft j'k-. : , 1 i ; i : f M ir v T?T-;-i nil .1. Ada iii- Clerk & Master Sol. ill! , tree inoiit atc oae my i neu . wol's a cii)) ecu da nilcrcii sla tion gotla iiicicasi- for da family. 1 !-- wife liava f:rc:ila hi'i'pi fat lit t It luiai blno hey ecu da liosiu'etal. I:it c geeva da cee;:ar allit liees fritais ran.' tella evciy lioily ln itolta hesta liahi ten Wnircda State. My frii'ii pe,s sure strona for dal keed alia rijjlit. Ami I tink heCoi'e.dal keed getta beejra iiiaii'he geeva liees 'fniia" iilenta" ifainln-,' for he greats cop. Vou.laiow all da cop gotla do ees keepn. everybmly out of t-roublp. lie Btotij'.H da noise and Kf;ipa da figlit and aiaka everybody f:cla good. Ami seence be gotta dat new bambino m frlen wo.rka m shift as eop for d;i eeety and-one shift for da keed. lie tella me mi da street be ear ket'pa da poaee and sioniia da iinisi weelli no moiielia 1 rouble. Jusa be tween yon : 1 1 J 1 1 me and no for sjireada round, he tella' me bees job was preet softa one. Hut be tella me now dat keed gotla hees goat. Me say da It el le son-of a gun iiiaka more trouble one night as Ik Hilda on da street, eon socxu week. II tsay when be feeliish walka da heat foi da ceely be gotta walka da heat foi tjut keed, too. He say da leetlo shavei yella so louda be can all ni'.'hl jusa for nuika dn noise. And my irien ik can plltta dat keed ecu tla jail foi breakn da pence weeihoiil liava da scrap weeth bees wife. Eef .somebody ees raisenell on hee beat lie getta preety sore and trow een da jail. J!ut wlien dat leeile bam bino lireaka loose be maka more Iron ble as tiva, seexa men. And da cop be tink was greala stuff. He flia me hi no trade dat keed for modioli bucks. Weeth da mini ray frlen ees tougl; guy and gnnda cop. 1'iit weeth da keed lie ees gooda man and a bum cop. Tail eef I gotta leetle bambino mehbe 1 ait (la sama ting, I (lanno. Wot .veil (ink? N()N-IIKSII)ENT NOTICE in ( l.a.v.vry at L'enton, Polk County, 'l tiiaess?e l!ri.- Carder .Millard Carder In this eause it appearing- from tlu- hill, which i? sworn to. tl'.at .i iiiard Carikr is a non-iesid oi 1 t:niu;--ee. and a resilient: el the siaic ol deoi'siia. so thai the onlinary proee of law cjtinot j'C sci t-i 1 on him. Me is therefore, hfve-hy rcqiiircii to appqar on or he tore the first Monday in Mar. next, he fore the, Clerk X; .Master of .-aid court, at his office ia liv.-nton, Tennessee, mid make to tie.- lull filed against !iim in said court by Erie Carder, or otherwise the bill will be taken for contested. It is further ordered lltd this no tice he published for four consecutive weeks in the Polk County News. This January 31. 1921. A. J. WILLIAMS.. C. & M. Iv Adams, Sol. process of Ijwcnnr.ot he served ... u: ii ... , i on n:ni, lie s u ereiore, nercoy retpairetl to ,ttpt ar on or h.-fore the lirst .Monday in March next. be tore the Clerk cv .Master of -aid court, at his office ia Menton. Tennessee, and make !eJen-e to the hill riled him in said court by Annie Hali, or otherwi-e the bill will he taken fo; confessed. It is further ordered that this no tice be published for tout- consecutive weeks in the Polk County News. This January 31, 121. A. J. WILLIAMS, C. & M. J. Iv Adams Sol. Nix on the " Parley Vb o'st ufT! CHAS. B. WITT A bstractor Benton, Tennessee", NOX-KESIDEN? In Chancery at Uenton, i c-nnessee. C. Coh NOTICE Polk C-ainty 20 for 20 cents in ai r-ti ght packages. Alio obtainable in round tins of 50, vujuum-3ealeJ. A FRIEND of mine. WHO COULDN'T speak. A WORD of French. WENT TO Paris. AND THE rst time. HE HAD to get A HAIRCUT and share. HE PRACTICED an hour. MAKING SIGNS. IN THE looking glass. SO THE French barber. WOULD UNDERSTAND him. AND THEN ho went in, AND WIGGLED his fingers. THROUGH HIS hair. AND STROKED his chin. AND THE barber grinned. AND FINISHED the job. THEN MY friend thought . . HE'D BE polite. SO HE gave tho barbel. AN AMERICAN cigarotto. WHICH THE barber smoked. AND MY friend pointed. TO HIS mouth. AND SAID "Likeo TOO." AND THE barber roared, AND SAID "You BET. I USED to smoke 'em, WHEN I workeJ. IN INDIANAPOLIS. AND BELIEVE me. THEY SATISFY!" ITERE'S a smoke that talks in any 1 language and needs no interpre- -ter. Light up a Chesterfield, draw- deep and more plainly than words our smile will tell the world iney iatisfv". It's the blend that does it and you can't get "Satisfy" any where except in Chesterfields, for that blend can't be copied! I. In this cam the bill, whic 1). C. Cole ts a lennessee. ami State of Iowa, so nary process of vs. C. Colt- it .i'lp-ai -in;' irom IS S'.YoIM to, lll.'t i it. o,-i esmlent of a i e.-.i-lent of the that the ordi law cannot he NON-RESIDENT NOTICE . A LINE 0' CHLER By John Kendrick Bangs. YOUR VALENTINE. Whoe'er you lire, wliati.'er your lino, If you linll ncoil a Valentine, I'll serve- If It shall t'lmiicc to lie That you've tins .soul tit' Hyniiatliy, A heart that heals responsive to The auflVror In nurd of you. And always tin the best you can To serve anil cheer your fellovv iniuv (Copyright.) In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, I ennessec'.' Julia Voyles f . vs. George Voyles -J n this cause it appearing fro.n the bill, which is"; sworn to, that George Voyles is a non-resident of Tennessee, ami a resident of he state of North. -Carolina, so that the onlinarv Tirocess ol law cannot be serveil on him. He is tlu rofoic, hereby revuii'ed to ap pear on or be I ore : the first M outlay in March next, before the Clerk & Master of said court, at his ofliee in Uetitou, Tennessee, and make defense to the bill filed against him in said court by Julia Voyles, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. II is fui the:- ordered that this no tice be published for four consecu tive werka in tla; Polk County Jev5. This Jamtatv 31. 1921, A. J. WILLIAMS. C. & M.- J. K. Adams, Sol. served on her. She is therefore, hereby required to appear on or before the first Monday in March next, before the Clerk .& Mast er of said court, at his office in Benton, Tennessee, and make de fense to the bill filed against her in said court bv V. C. Cole, or otherwise the bill will 'be taken for confessed. It is further ordered that this notice be published for four consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News.J This January 31, Nil. A. J. WILLIAMS, C. & M. J- Iv Adams, Sol. CIGARBTT3S Nashville Spedacle fipusc Makes ftScmarkable Utter 1 Days Trial Free KJryore who wears glasses or neejiy glasses to leneve t-yoimni or headache will be glad to Know that The Nashville Spectacle House 58 Arcade, Nashville, I'enn. will send a pair of their " True Seeing" glasses, large or medium sie in gold filled frames or handsome and stylish dark or light "shell" frames tr nv remionsible person who writes them stating age, and how long they have been wearing glass es. "We havcglasses from 1.50 to $5.00 and after using the glasses for five days you can send us the amount of the glasses Si. 30 or 2 50, S3.50 or S-5.00 at cording to the kind and price von order- Jf the glasses are not satisfactory and you do not wish to keep them just return them and we will cred it you with amount and you will he out nothing except a little post age, For those who inclose cash with order we will send a nice fold ing spectacle case free.' ' SI-'"10 glasses have aluminum frames. Si 50 glasses are in small gold filled 1 rames. !?3.30 gla -ses arc in medium large gold tided liames. !s5.l0 glasses are in extra large gold filled or "Shell" frames. Address Nashville Spectacle House, 5S Arcade, Nashville, Tennessee. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE -i - The Difference s Between the Cost of Good and -Cheaj? Printing is so slight that he who goes shopping from printer to printer to secure his printing at a few cents less than what it is really worth hardly ever makes day laborer wages at I ; this unpleasant task. jj ' If you want good work at f ; prices that are right, get your1 . ft job printing At This Office DO.YT LET THE GRAVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES GO UNMARKED MOMENTS CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS National Cement Monument Works' 25S N. PRONT ST. MEMPHIS, TENN. In Chancery at; Benton, Polk County, Tennessee . Martha Talley vs. Horace Talley mjIii this cause it appearing from theibill, which is sworn to, .; that Horace Talley is a non-resident of Tennessee, and a resident of the State of Georgia, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, lie is there fore, hereby required to appear on or before toe first Monday in March next, before the Clerk ec Master of said court, at his office in Hen ton, Tennessee, and make defense to the bill filed against him in said court by Martha Tal ley. or otherwise the bill will be taken for con lessee, It is further ordered that this no tice be published for four consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News. This January 31, 1921. A. J. WILLIAMS, C. & M. E. Adams, Sol. NON'-KESJDENT NOTICE In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, Tennessee Sarah I 'ay ne vs. Thomas Payne w In this cause it appearing frojjfc the bill, which is sworn to, that Thomas Payne is a ' non-resident of the'state of Tennessee, and a resident of the state of Gcoigia, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him. He is therefore, hereby required to ap pear on before the first Monday in March next, before the Clerk & Master of said court, at his office in Itenton, Tennessee, and make defense to the bill filed against him in said court by Sarah Payne, or otherwise the bill will be taken for confessed. It ia further ordered that this no tice bepublished foi four consecutive weeks in the Polk County News. This January 31, 192 1- A. J. WILLIAMS, C. & M. J. Iv Adams, Sol. Subscribe for this paper NOW, MIJ. RAT'S ONE LIFE M' It. RAT was cornered and he knew if he tried to use force with big Mr. Tom Cat he would come to grief, so he used his wits, thinking to gain time and by so doing he might pave his life. "Before you take me," said Mr. Kat, "I should like to know, Mr. Tom, if it is true that you have nine lives. "I have often heard this, but I have never believed It, and I should like to know before I die from your own lips the truth of this matter." "It Is Quite true," replied Tom. "I have sis lives left. Once I was thrown into a pond and came home. Another I J time I tumbled olt the limb of a tree and fell into a hogshead o water and was rescued, aud once some bad boys Atoned nie and left me for dead, but I came back and here I am." "Well, well, I Khali have to believe you, Mr. Tom," said Mr. Bat. "but how I should love to really see you die and come to life! That would he most Interesting. "Suppose now you should Jump Into that meal box with the cover open, Bud It should close and smother you. do you think you would come to life?" "Of course I would," said Tom, knowing that he would not smother, and thinking how surprised Mr. Kat would be to see him come out alive after he thought him dead. "Want to see rue do it?" he asked. "I should be delighted," said Mr. Rat, "but I must say I do not believe you can. So do not take any chances on my account. You might not be able to do it this time." "Oh, if you hud as many lives as I have you would not he afraid," said Mr. Tom. "It must be very uncom fortable to have only one life. Well, here I go. Now watch." When Tom jumped in, Mr. Rat, as quick as a streak', run up the box and tipped the cover, and down it came with a hang. "Are you dead yet?" asked Mr. Rat. Mr. Tom, to make hiin think he wus, did not reply, but when lie tried to Jump out of the box, to his surprise, the cover was so heavy he could not move It. Mr. Rat was safe, and he decided he would not run Just yet, so lie asked: Are you there, Mr. Tom?" "Yes, I came to life again; open the cover and'I will show you," was the reply. "Oh, I'll take your word for It," said Mr. Rat. "You have live lives left" and I have only one, and if I let you out my one life would not be worth a grain of com. "I will take your word for it, Mr. Tom, that you are alive, and as you have five of your lives still left I will take care you do not see me again. Good-by. I hope you get out before your other five lives are used up." Poor Mr. Tom meowed so loudly that some one heard him and let him out, but lie stayed in the meal box so long that he almost smothered, and be was not at all sure after that whether he had five lives left or only one. (CopyrlKht.) LADY or Gentleman Agent Wanted in the city of Kenton, - to sell the genuine J. K- Watkins Medicines. Spices. Extracts, Toil et Preparations, etc All or spare time. A wonderful opportunity to get into business for yourself. vVrite today for free particulars ami sample. J. I. Watkins Co. 60, Memphis, Tenn. World's Larasst Spring-.. Probably the rounttiine de ranches In southern France In tho h'rget spring In the world, and Mnlnd Sprlngi neiir the Knalte river canyon. Idaho, the largest In the T'nlted States. Short.3ignted Humanity. Y,. all dread a bodily paralysl and WOnhl make use of every cotun vane to avoid It but none of us Is tr-uibled obout u pandysDt of tin soul.-Bplct tus. REPORT all the news happen ings that come to your attention to this office. It will be appreciated for every piece of news will make the paper more interesting for you as well as othen. We want and with your help will print all THE MEWS iMtMWUMIMIMMttlWItlllM tTTI MID Writ M Advertise this Paper Watcropouts and CloudburiU. A cloudburst In simply a sudden copious rainfall, n if tho wholo cloud had been precipitated at once. Water pouts nro bursting rain-clouds, accom panied by whirlwind, which whip th rain Into dense, whirling columns of Water.