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POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON. TENNESSEE. rraimnuHununnnBiunmninmnniniinnmnnTimixrmro FOR CATARRH OF THE HEAD AND NOSE c g Ic. Fast Nty Iml, li II, 5 MrsU Mil. I began tuing PE-BTJ-KA Tablets three yean ago for catarrh of the hea& tad cose. Was on able to do anything. I saw a decided improvement after one box and after Tablets or Liquid KO EETUXX OF THE DISEASE IN TVS TEAM using fire boxes be- g Here I am eared M 5 there has been do 5 return of the di- 2 ease in two years." s Fifty years of use- g fulness la the bett guarantee of Fe-ru- g ns merit. j5 Sold Everywhere S niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHit!iiiiiiiuiniiiiiifiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitinuuiuuiu2 IN EVERY STABLE Spohn's Distemper Compound Is the one lndlapcnaable remedy for contagioaa and Infectious diaeaaea anions horaea and mulea. Its auccesa aa a preventive and cure for DISTEMPER, PINK EVE. IOIGUS and COLDS for more than twenty. an year is the htcheat tribute to ita merit aa a medicine. It la endorsed by the beat horsemen and live atock men In America. Buy It of your dructlat. 60 cent and S1.16 per bottle. SI'OHM MEDICAL CO., Coahen, Ind., r. S. A. After His Money's Wtrth. "This imirlne painting is the master piece of Puubson, one of our most celebrated artists," said the dealer. 'It is a bargain at $:0,00." "What!" exclaimed the war million aire. "You want $."0,0K) for a picture of a strip of water and a few clouds? Not for ine! When I buy a seu pic ture it's got to have a cliff in it and a lighthouse and breakers and a ship or two. In other words, I want the whole works." Birmingham Age-Herald. Discovery. She "I hear you skated into an nlr- hole the other day." He "That's what they call it, but I found it full of water." For apeedy and effective action Dr. Peary's ueaa aaoi ' naa no equal, one doaa only will cleaa out Worma or Tapeworm. Adv. Pa radoxical. "John has such a queer antipathy." "He has rooted dislike to potted plants." Baltimore American. Kill That Cold With FOR Cells, Ccs:&s CASCARA Kg QUININE elV vm AND La Grippa Neglected Colds are Dangerous Taka no chances. Keep this standard remedy bandy for the first ansae. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the bead Cascara Is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT "DEAD;" RETURNS AHER13 YEARS New Jersey Woman Gets Terrible Shock When Husband She Thought Dead Reappears. KNEW NOTHING OF WORLD WAR IDENTIFIED HIS BODY GHOSTLY LOVERS ON WATCH Legend of the . City of Mexico That Makes Peculiar Appeal to Super stitious Residents. One of the strange legends of the City of Mexico has to do with "the Calle de los Parados (Street of the Two Idlers). According to the story there was a beautiful girl Dona Maria Ysa bel de Vallejo y Vezca, who lived on the street, aud was beloved by two men, one a young officer and the other a young merchant. After the custom of the land at that period (about 1650) they indicated their love by standing, one at each corner of the block, until the dona appeared. A plague fell upon the city about this time and the girl died without It becoming known to her lovers. She was taken out and burled by night, also unknown to the suitors. The next day they stood at their respective posts waiting in vain. The day after they stood, and the day after that, week after week, month after month, and year after year. They at last died, still on their posts, and their ghosts are said to still stand at night, cloaked and ghastly, in the dnrkest shadows of the streets. His Method. The negro men were discussing the eloquence of a certain member of the faculty of an educational institution for negroes in the southern states. "That Professor Biggs sure does like to use high-soundln' words, don't he?" asked one of them. "Maybe dat's Jest an affection on his part," said the other darky. "Some folks do like to put on airs in talkin'." "No ; I don't figger it out dat way," said the other. "I kinda thinks he uses them big words because he's afraid rial if people knew what he was talkin' about they'd know he didn't know what he was talkin' ahou-V Harper's Magazine, After Deserting Woman He Was Sup. posed to Have Been Drowned Declares Her Love for Man Is Dead and She Is Happy With Present Husband. Orange, N. J. Mrs. Barker Pierson of 9 Elizabeth street, almost collapsed recently when she opened her door in response to a ring and saw a short, dark coniplexioned man whose hair was beginning to turn gray. She rec ognized him at once and barely could hear him addresa her because of the sudden roaring in her ears that seemed an echo of the tumult in her bruin. He w as Charles Toops, her first hus band, whom she believed had been in his grave for more than 13 years. DTiu- ly she comprehended that he was asking for the uddress of their son, Adrian, now eighteen years old, who is in the navy. The startled woman heard herself responding mechanically to the question. Was Great Shock. The apparition leaned comfortably against the porch railing and asked her something else. What it was, Mrs. Pierson does not know to this hour. The full significance of this man's re turn in the flesh had swept over her with his casual assumption of an ease ful pose on her front steps. Sudden recollection of the five-year-old boy who was ploying In the room behind her and of the husband who soon would return from work smote her, and the shock was so great that she suffered when her eyes lighted on the small, dark-featured man before her. Without another word to him, she turned on her heel and shut the door. She tottered to her bed and could scarcely speak when Mr. Pierson, whom she married in 1912, five years American Imprisoned Five Years in Mexican Mine Ignorant of Great Events. Tacoma. Wash. Mate Maguire, an A merles o engineer and graduate of the Boston Institute of Technology, who for six years was a soldier of fortune In the rebel army of Mexico and for five years and eight months a prisoner at hard labor In the Mexi can salt mines, during which time he never saw the light of day or a newspaper of any kind, recently ar rived here, where, for the first time, he learned of the World war and America's victorious part In the great conflict. He reached Tacoma after a thrilling escape from the mines. In Why Has Not U. S. Congress Granted Independence to the Filipinos? By JAMES H. FREAR of Wisconsin, Speecn m House. " IPS a! A Waggish Miss. Madge "Jack remarked that I have my father's eyes." Mabel "Wasn't he mean to call you pop-eyed?" He Could Help Her Out A certain prominent movie star Is a cautious person. She had to hall a taxicab one night last week to get to the theater in time for the show. and remembering the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," she said to the driver: "I have only 60 cents In my purse; these pearls about my neck are imi tation, and I have no other valuables. Little theater, please !" The taxi man regarded her sympa thetically a moment. "Listen, lady" he said, "If you need a dollar I kin loan youse one." New York Sun. Whatever is prophesied falls short 75 per cent. If There's Any Question whether coffee causes sleepless nights follow ed by drowsy days change to InsimtPostom This table drink is pure and wholesome.has a flavor that pleases , arid is made instantly in the cup;. 'You can make Instant Postum strong ormild to suit individual taste, there . is no waste, and whether you need one cup or ten it's always ready. "There's a Reason" for Ibstum Made W Rwcum Cereal Compmy.Iac. Btttla Creek, Michigan. She Recognized Him at Once. after she had Identified the body of a man drowned in Morrlstown as that of her husband, got home from his Work. Where Toops went, where he has been since 1907, and what his present Intentions may be, Mrs. Pier son has no idea whatever. Love Is Dead. Of one thing she is certain, she said. That is that her love for Charles Toops is as dead as she believed him to be, and that nothing now can come between her and her present husband. In this Mr. Pierson agreed with her, "I don't love him any more," said Mrs. Pierson. "He deserted nre and I was sincere In my belief that he was dead." Morrlstown officials said that the body found in a mlllpond there a few days after Toops vanished from his home never had been Identified offi cially, and had been burled in potter's field. Mrs. Pierson said that she had assumed It was the body of Toops be cause a pruning knife was found In a pocket and he was accustomed to carrying such a tool. She had been ad vised not to Inspect the body, she said, and was too poor at the time to pay any burial expenses. Overpowered the Guards and Escaped, which he had been sentenced to life imprisonment after his capture by the Mexican federals. His Story of soldiering as an officer In an American troop fighting for Ma dero and later under Villa, hh final capture and years of imprisonment in the Chihuahua salt mines, and lastly his escape from the mine in the uni form he had taken from a drunken guard and his long journey on foot to the American border, are just a few of Maguire's thrilling experiences. Young and adventurous, Maguire joines a troop of Americans who were BghtitTunder Madero. With two fel low. omcers ne was captured by a group of Huerta officers, and taken before the American half-breed, Gen. Hill, who sentenced them to life im prisonment in the salt mines at Chi huahua. He said that rats, gila mon sters, scorpions, lizards and lice In fested their, quarters and they were fed Just enough beans and flabby pan cakes to keep them alive. No.-medical aid of any sort was available and the death rate was about one prisoner a day. Their bod ies lay uncovered for weeks some times. He was never allowed to see a newspaper or magazine and knew nothing of the World war and other epoch-making events until he escaped when, with some fellow prisoners, the drunken guards were overpowered and the prisoners escaped in the guards' uniforms. Maguire is going to make a system atic search for his family, which be left In 1906 to go to Peru on an expedition. Why has not the American congress granted t the Philippine islands their independence? The ques tion has been asked repeatedly by the Filipinos, anal exhibits have been filed wherein they furnish evidence that these islands, 10,000 miles away from our seat of government, with different interests, ambitions, and racial conditions, have made the most wonderful development in all history, entitling them to a fulfill ment of our pledge. The Philippines have 10,500,000 inhabitant is round numbers, 91 per cent of whom are classed as Christians, with a complete form of stable government, maintained bj officials selected at popular elections, by a people TO per cent of whom are able to read or write, according to accepted literacy tests. Before the Pilgrim fathers landed at Plymouth Rock the San Thom as university at Manila in the sixteenth century was graduating the Fili pino students in the arts and sciences. A school enrollment of 884,000 today, without any compulsory attendance laws, carries its own argument of the extent of its educational progress, which includes the English lan guage in every school. Long before America knew of the Philippines, and presumably cen- A ' - 1 ( O : Til , -i , . .. . ume uciore ojam occupied mc islands, trie mucii-auvertisccl Jgorots were surpassing the world in their knowledge and application of irrigation. Ia the stibprovince of Ifugao 12,000 miles of walls, 8 feet in height, lonff enough to reach nearly halfway around the world, rise like giant steps) up the sides of steep mountain canyons to a total height of 3,000 feet or more a colossal industrial and engineering accomplishment that, in view of comparative conditions, dwarfs our own vaunted irrigation schemes. Modern hospitals, strictly enforced health regulations, a strong, prac tical ly universal religious training, a law-abiding disposition on the part of the people, together with thousands of native constabulary and efficient police, all contribute toward the absence of riots and to obedience of law found among this people. r always keep it in xnydeskX my health insurance is JACOBS' LIVER SALT It 5s the best corrective of all digestive troubles I've ever found. 4? K II 1 GStt&SiSr' .gLl J I Jlmt JACOBS' PHARMACY CO. fJM yyjk AUaati.Ca. (6) (S Next Cigarettes colored to match gowns, are reported to be the latest feminine fad in New York city. Soon the love ly ladies will be wanting to blow pink smoke through their delicate noses. When a man Is In too great a hurry to acquire wisdom he is apt to mate a fool of himself. Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cuticura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Adv. 'Corpse' Balks at Morgue and May Be Running Yet Newark, N. J. Not every body likes a morgue, but it isn't often a dead man balks at one. Newark, however, had a "body" on its hands who posi tively refused to go to a morgue and didn't care to even ride In an undertaker's wagon. This "dead" man emphasized his re fusal with a lively sprint toward Harrison, N. J. He may be run ning yet, for he took an awful fright when somebody, re marked, "Here comes the morgue wagon." The man had collapsed on a Jersey City trolley car. He was removed at Bridge and Ogden streets and somebody pronounced hlra dead. What He Understood. Lawyer So you want a divorce from your wife. Aren't your relations pleasant? Client Mine are, but her's nre the most unpleasant lot I ever met. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for lniants ana emiaren, ana see tnai u Haan ill a Signature of uSxife In Use for Over 30 Years. Children. Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Way of It. "The doctor detected at once the ncipient fever In my husband's sys tem." "Then It must have been the spotted fever." MOSTLY TWINS IN FAMILY Men's heads ore said to be growing larger. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggisfis who are constantly in direct touch wifah the public, there is one preparation tkts has been very successful in overcomoM these conditions, The mild and beatag influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root m soon realized. It stands tbe highest iaST its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of ths prominent Life Insurance Companies, iss sn interview on the subject, made tbe sa tonishing statement that one reason wtsf so many applicants for insurance! are re jected is because kidney trouble is sat common to the American people, and Ua large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspadt that they have the disease. It is on mas at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes medium and large. However, if you wish first to test tins great preparation send ten cents t Lac Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for m sample bit tie. When writing be sure aaaf mention this paper. Adv. Some women wear combs to hafifi their hnlr up and some weur them hold it on. They Ride a Turkey to School. Paris, Ky. Henry WUkerson, farm er of Bourbon county, owns a turkey gobbler which one of his children rides to school every morning. The gobbler Is a pet and the WUker son children had so much fun climb ing on its back that the father de vised a saddle and bridle, which the gobbler took to kindly, and now one of the children rides it to school every lay or visits adjoining farms with It. Shot In Neck, Drives Car. Richmond, Ind. Although he had a bullet In his neck, Clarence Stout drove his automobile several miles to the hospital to receive medical aid. Ills "-evolvcr dropped out of his pocket and discharged while he was putting chplns on his car. Eighty-Five-Year-Old Pair Living Hap. plly In Michigan Claim to Be Oldest Jackson, Mich. "Don't worry and If possible be born a twin," Is the ad vice for a long and happy life, given by Mrs. Lucy Anne Spencer and Mrs. Mary Anne Case, elghty-flve. They claim to be the oldest living twins in the United States. The two sisters boast a family tree sprouting several twin branches. Their grandmother was a twin and she lived to be one hundred years old. Her vncle was the father of twins, Mrs. Carrie Carr Burtless and Mrs. Kate Carr Thorn, both still living and in good health. One brother, Caleb Carr, became the father of twins, and their sister gave birth to triplets. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21. years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"J SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American! Bandy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost brt a few cents Larger packages: AaVbla la tta trad mark of Barar MaaufaaMar ( If awaoatloaoldaattr of BaJlorllosaM