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f POLK COUNT NEWS, BENTON'. TENNESSEE The Clancy Kids She Was Afraid of Losing Five Yards 71 T , VCN if TIMMll 0.0 KICK FWC . MJ'f:7 fl --' i - Vr L Coacj out or Five. hi moths SEl'?v 'fefcv tef?3 By ' ' " . , 3 t i PERCY L. CROSBY $ kr ll McClm NPr ytidcl NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS rJsf?J Items of interest from nearby towns GRAVEL HILL We are having sonic fine weather at this writing, fanners are husy plowing. Mrs. D. N. Lankford and her, daughter, Ida, were guests of Mrs. Carrie Lyle at Benton, last Saturday. Stella Quintrell called on Ida and Susie Lankford Friday. Miss Leavie Allen is improvr ing ajtera recent illness, Abie Guinn and wife, of Jtenton were guests of D. N. Lankford, Thursday. Misses Hester Burnett and Essie Jones called on Mr. and Mrs. August Blackwell, Sundav. Come on other writers. Our News is' .getting better all the time. '' ' Blue Eyes. OLD PATTY All the people ..around. here are x busy preparing for fanning this pretty weather. The little son of Henry Moss has been ill fjorthe past few days but is now improving. Mrs. Calhoun and daughter, Kate, spent one day last week with Mrs. McDaris. Miss Estelle Eaves took dinner with Miss Nilah Spearman, Sun day. E- H. Beaver, Dwight Lovin goodandj. C. Carter made a business trio to Etowah, Satur day. Rev, Watson filled his regular appointment at Friendship, Sun day. . Misses Kate Calhoun and Sallie Womac spent Thursday afternoon with Mellie and Mary Lou Carter. Miss Killie Guy spent last week with her brother, Richard Guy. Miss Ruth Curbow spent the week-end with home folk. Tennie Corn was the guest of Mrs, Sarah McDaris. Saturday. Athol Calhoun, R. W. and Ben McClary, and some other boys from Benton, attended the sing ing at Patty, Sunday afternoon. We are glad to have you bovs to help us sing. So come again." The school is preparing for a short entertainment which will be FOR SALE OR TRADE One small four-room house near Polk County High School. House insured for $500.00, insurance paid up for 3 years. Will sell house for what it is insured for and throw in the lot. If interested call or write sometime next week- Everybody invited to come. OAK GROVE We are having some very pretty weather now. There will he preaching at Oak Grove the fourtii Saturday and Sunday in every month, every body invited to come- Garden making seems to be the order of the day at this writing. Mrs. Martha Li Hard spent a while Thursday evening with Mrs. L. H. Lillard. Say you writer of Prendgart, what has became of you we like to hear from every where as well as around home. Mrs. willie Smith spent Tues day evening with Mrs. Cussie Dacus and Miss Zona Adams, Mrs. Ann Evans har been very ill but is some better now. Miss Zona Adams sheilt VVed: nesday morning with Miss Bessie Presswood. Emit Admar spent Thursday night with Marvin Adans. Miss Hester Burnette of Benton R. 1 visited Mrs. Nettie Lillard Wednesday. Mrs. Jane McKissack is .on the sick list this week. Miss Treace Tripplett and Bessie Presswood spent Sunday with Zona Adams. A singing school started at Oak Monday night. Ever body invited to come. Mrs. Onie Burnette spent Sun day with Mrs, Blanche Maynor. Miss Ethel Green spent Sunday afternoon with Laura triplett. Mrs. Ina Wiley of Isabella is visiting relatives here this week. PATTY STATION We are having some fine weath er at this writing and farmers are making use of every minute of the CHAS. B. WITT Abstractor Procure Loans on Real Estate on Ten Vears Time : : : : : : : : Benton, Tennessee, time. Rev. Allen of Athens filled his regular regular appointment at Fair View Sunday. James Fox and son Raleigh of Cleveland were visiting S. P Sun day. A'ike Baker of Chattanooga has been visiting friends and relatives here the past week. Quince Lewis of Big Springs, Meigs county was a Patty visitor Monday. Miss Essie Perkins has returned home after a visit to Etowah. Bryan Comett of Etowah was at Patty Friday on a buisntss trip. R. W. and Ben McClary ivere Fairview callers Sunday. Guess you will have to let me off with this for this time 'cause I'se got to go-'cause I hear old Beck calling r..c. Seems like everybody is waking up. Just keep at it that's the thing. . , Just Plain Bill. SAGETOWN As I've seen news from most everywhere else I'll write a little from here. " ' , The singing is fine here, jv S, too- Everybody invited to coW. M iss Lucy, Guinn is visiting relatives .at , Englewood, .'at tthis writing. ' . ' ... ',;!.. Minnie Jenkins is spending a few days in Etowah.1. ".. " - 1 The many friends of Mrs.. R. A. Biggs will be sorry, to ' hear she is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Delilah Hood spent a few days with Louvaida Rymer last week. Don't forge't the singing at Antioch Wednesday, Saturday night and Sunday p. m. Every body come. It was rumored thev had the doctor with Bert Morgan last Tuesday. Nothing serious I reck on as he was able to court Sunday. Robert Guinn called at the home of Bank Christian one day last week. What for. I wonder? Hey ! Mickie, tf this is printed I'll write more next week. Sammy BENTON ROUTE 1 Well,. we have had some pretty weather since Harding took his seat. Meeting services were held at Oak Grove Sunday. There was a good crowd ouj. Mr. Hicks was the preacher. J.J.Evans and family spent Sunday with lohii Green and wife Mrs. Tuuina-. Adams has im proved soni from a rrrent illness. Mrs. Onie Wiley, ..I Isabella, is here on a i-it- Carl King was the guest of Mark Evans Suddav. Mrs. Ann Evans is improving from a recent illness. Onie Mates spent Sutuiday after noon with Essie Evans. Kate Quails has returned from a few days visit at Parksville. OLD FORT Miss Ruth Curbow spent Satur day night with home folk. The cotton picking given by Hoese Brackett Wednesday, was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ledford spent Saturday night in Conasauga, Several from here attended the funeral of Ada Frazier at the Shed one day last week. Ernest Mason" is confined to his bed with fever. Dr-Gilbert, of Conasauga, was here Sunday. The Blues seems to be our motto this writing. My! The of Polk County News just gets better every week. Look at the good news we hear when reading Items from nearby Towns, enough to cheer any sad heart up,' , Clarence Wattenbarger was in Conasauga, Saturday night. . Mamie Curbow was the guest pi Beulah Davis, one evening last week, B. T. Finnell and- daughter, Leona. went to Cleveland; Sahir day. The singing given at the Davis home Sunday night was enjoyed by a large crowd- REPORT all the news happen in gs that come to your attention to this office. It "will .be appreciated for every piece of news will make the paper more interesting for you as well as others. We want and with you . help will print all THE NEWS CARD OF THANKS The members of the J.adies Aid Society of M..H. Chuu h wish to express their appreciation to the public for the hearty co-operation in the bv supper given March 1st. HEAR DR. SHARPE Rev. J. H- Sharpe, of Knox ville, will preach at'Ocoee Baptist church next Sunday, March 13th, at 10:30 o'clock. Let everybody come and hear him. He is fine. ArlvprHcp it in this Paper CABBAGE PLANTS Finest frost proof Cab bage Plants, all . Vljhf'j 'ties, $2.0(KerTOp; post paid. Strawberry Plants, $5.00; perj 1 000, California? Privet Hedge Plants, $4.00 per 100. Peach Trees,1 0c. to 50c. each. Finest line of nursery stock. Get our Fruit Book and Calalog and before-the war price list, FRUITVALE NURSERIES ALBANY, ALA. THE MEWS NON-RESIDENT NOTICE ; In Chancery at Benton. Pulk Cour.t v, ! Tennessee No. 87u I ill. urn Cro I , j ' Myrtle Lros j It appearing from the allegation I in i-omplainant's bill, which i-; sworn to, that Myrtle Cros, d. lendanl, toides in the State t Georgia and i a non-resident ot the State ( Tennessee, so that the ordinary process of law can not he served on her. It is there fore ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the Poi.k Corxrv News, a newspaper published in l'olk countv, Tennessee, notifying the said Myrtle Cross, defendant, to appear at the next April Rules of said court to be held at the court house in Henton, Tennessee, on the first Monday in April 192 1 , the same being a Rule day of said court, and make defense to said bill or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to her. This March 1st 1921. A. J. WILLIAMS, Clerk and Master... John 5. Shamblin, So. If you like our paper tell other, if not, tell us. we can settle the difference. A good business man advertises his business. -How about YOU? ORDER OF PUBLICATONJ Attachment in Chancery Court at -; . Benton, Tennessee J. R- Johnson vs. W. S. Vineyard, et al Tp V.vS Vineyard and Bettie Vineyard. 1 It appealing from the bill in this case, which is sworn to, that W. S. Vineyard and Bettie Vine yard are justly indebted to com plainant and that they reside .out of the state, and that an attach ment has been issued and levied oil the nrorjertv of defendants, it is ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the l'olk County News, requir ingtlie saiddefendantsjo appear be fore said Chancery Court en the fourth Monday in April next, miu make -defense to said bill filed against them in this cause, other wise said bill will "be taken fm confessed and the cause proceed , ed with ex parte. This March 1, 1921. A. J WILLIAMS. Clerk & Master OFFICE . , ( ; ' .. .