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1 POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENI0. TENNESSEE. IV IK ll Local Mention IL . I!. Kucker. of Coi pcrhi'l. I had biisincs here this week. I i XXX Percy Love, of Pittsburg. Pa., is home for a few days visit. XXX . '.Vil! damble, who lit- spent some time in Dallas Texas, has returned back to Benton. xxx Mrs. Susie Lillard, of Ktowah, spent last week-end with relatives here. . xxx I Guy Love has returned job at Akron. Ohio. xxx Mark Lillard was in Tuesday. ti his I Due to a rush in our job depart I ment we have been forced to leave I lots of our Jive news out of these I colums. but trust our many ree will not resent this week's News, j xxx I). O. Doughtery of Atlanta. Ga.; was here this week on business- I xxx G. W. Shauiblin of Archville was here Mondav. LOST "HONEY MINE" SOUGHT IN TEXAS NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Item, of interest from nearby towns xxx j Herby Lillard, who has been 1'i.iunh woikinc ie West Virginia, is at home. "A CRAZY IDEA" Comedy in Four Acts SENIOR PLAY April 30, 1921 Time 7:45 p. m. CAST OF CHARACTERS James Stone James Guinn Beatrice. His Young Wife Dorothy Harper Eva, His daughter by his First Wife Mary Lou Hiria Tom Wane. His Neuhew. a Stu.lent of Medicine R. W. McClary Danii.'l Wt b. ter White, A Colored Cein'iuan of many Acfomulishmenta C. W. Law son Custave l'utlers, A Composer Fay Swaiwon Julius liution, Who Flees from Creditors, but is Caught by a Mother-in-law - Jake McClary Lillian Tussell, A Comic Opera Singer Floy Hammontree John Davis, From Kokomo Walter Lawson Catharina, His Wife . Velina Harrison Augusta, Their Daughter Hazel Gilbert Samuel Hicks, Stone's Friend, from tin- Rural Districts Loris Lawson Neil Browning;, Eva's Suitor Pascal Love Mrs. Miller. A Widow Mildred McPheeters Hill, A Shoemaker - Earl Thomas Constable Fate Lyle Anna Lillian's Maid . Gertrude Jame Dora, Stone's Servant Louiie Russell William, Stone's Servant i Jake McClary Between the first and second, and a'so between the second and third Acts, a few days only are supposed to elapse. The action ofthe third and fourth Ac ta occurs on the same day. SYNOPSIS A jealous husband suddenly decides to put his home in the care of h's nephew and take Jlis wife and daughter to travel. The nephew is impecunious, and a young colored friend persuades him to rent the house to roomers and take him for a servant The fun then begins. Bees Reported to Have Been Storing Sweets in Great Cav ern for Years. Fort Wiwili. Tex. Search for the fa mous "lost mine of honey," w here It Is claimed that bees for centuries have heeii storms away billions' of pounds of honey, has tieen renewed. Bringing with him numerous maps and diagram of eaves through Texas. r. i. nees, an engineer, armed liere recently to begin his quest for the "cavern of sweets." In the event his search Is successful, an Atlanta (!a.) firm, which he repre sents, plans to erect a hujre refinery near the cave, he says. According to tradition this cave, said to contain 10O,0U0,fXO,0UU bounds of WETMORE rrv t" at this and Sunday School j nicelv at this place The many friends aie of Mrs. (Cheek's illtie. w iitiug. Misses Mellitf Culpepper Alva W'oodv Micnt the week in Ftouali. Pette Culpepper and Xcltia Christian motored to Parksviile, Su nday. Vliscs Mae atul Lmma Lawson spent Sunday with Mrs. Jienlah i-oie. Bonnie Campbell ami Watinett.i Biggs spent Saturday and Sunday with .Margaret Cole. Bible class was organized at WYlnmre church Friday night. OCOEE CHARLESTON K I Mi s Lizif Kit k j a t t ie-U" of 1 levt was visiting her parents Mr. John Sihumaket last in AUCTION SALE at J. Saturday April 30th, 10:00 A. M. at the 0. Burns old store house the following property will be sold to the highest and best bidder. 1 gas engine 1 mill 1 corn crusher 1 hay press 1 mowing machine 1 ha rake 1 section harrow 1 led .stead 1 wash pot 1 rubboard and a lot of other little things 1 old sewing machine TERMS OF SALE: $5 ond under, cash. All over $5 on time until Fall with good note. Sale Conducted By J. L. WRIGHT The Blast Exploded Prematurely. noney, is somewhere near Menard. lex. Indians first reported it. Then Spanish missionaries and soldiers. working their way northward from the outpost of San Antonio, heard of the 'notify mine." It was said to be high up on a hill anil inaccessible, except Dy Hanging over a cliff. In later years, after the Indians and Spanish were gone, efforts were made to enter this cave, and one adventur er is said to have been stung to death. The most promising clew in the pos session of Rees, who is making his headquarters in Fort Worth during his quest, Is from San Saba county. There a honey enve exists, and Is high up on the hillside. Residents near there, however, will not venture an opinion as to the amount of honey stored away In the cavern recesses or as to the age of the cave. But they say positively no one has ever been able to reach the honey. At one time young men living near the "mine" organized to get the honey. The leader, -armed with h blast of ex plosive, was lowered over the face of the cliff and down to the cave en trance. But the blast exploded pre maturely and the man barelv escaped with his life. Rees estimates that the honev. If It exists In the rumored amount and can be distilled, would be worth approxi mately SI, (XX MX 10 000. NOTICE All creditors and debtors of John VV- Guinn, deceased, late of Polk county, are hereby apprised of his death, and warned to make settlement with me. Chas. C- Guinn, Administratcr. unr, ami Mr week. Miss lCppetson was llic week end guest of Mi-i Mar Grvgg last week. Mr. ' l.arlts Bates failed to hitch his horse at his regular post last Sunday wonder if he's ill. Mab'e and Charlie Burch were in Benton last Sunday. Mr. lien Unroll had busim Ocoee Saturday and Sunnay. Misses Pauline and Thelnia Kim sev ol Cleveland are visiting rela- tives on this route. -Mr.awd Airs, f. J). IJates called on Mr. 'and Mrs. 1). K- Burch and tamily Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. A. Kimsey of CI eveland had business on this route one dav last week and was the dinner truest of Mr J. B. Gregg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Main, Joel Cniiiliell Grlrnlf tn Mrs. Rollins of Ren ton called vt the Burch home Saturday after noon ; Has Prendergast been wcpl completely off the map! or what has happened that we don't hear from that cornet of thecountp any more. Prof. J. L. Brewer and J. I.i. Clemmer of Benton visited the a - . . .. .vioiHlaniiti' farm Sunday alter noon. i i I "trare i.a ing some warm weath er ihis n rit in;;. , Jaite a crowd id vou::gstcrs, called on Alices Alma and Alyce Frazicr. Sunday night. Miss Xaunic Lou McCamy. call ed on Mis I'lo'ence Posten Sun day afternoon. -'i- nun .urs. lilies Kose, aiu . i ..... ... . , . M o.iuiuei were ute guest ol .Mr ami .Mrs 1 lassie Rose Sunday. Misses Alma Frazier and Hazel Rose were the guesl of Mrs Myrtle Cusbow- Wednesday. Mr. Francis Watson .and Family made a flying trip to Parksviile Sunday afternoonj liss Vesta McDaris left for her home near Blue Ridge Ga. Satur- i.i jcnuiiif4 mree tnontns with her sis,ter, Mrs Myrtle Curbow" Prank McC.tmy and Frank Dixon went to Cleveland Saturday i i . . .miss .Mayuelle Howard called on Miss Zola White Snndnv after not ui. Miss (Jmie Darnell spent day niyht with her cousin Stella Shipman. Mrs Francis Watson called Mrs Chari;e Howard Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jc-s Frazier, called at the -Mills. ips home Sunday t leveland.. r i.i inn and AiiKjri Cilson passed through our bury Sunday. II til , . noyie Jiiguon ol Cisco, Ca isitinti anions relatives here. L I L .-luuuay sLtioiu is getiin better at Beach Springs. Come and he with us. tome .uMiti other Saturday night at the home of J. L. Wright. Kdd Lewis and family spent Sunday at the home of Henry Rogers. Miss Mildred Thomas has re turned home after visiting friends and relatives at Copperhill. Joe Lewis and Lenoru Roger attended meeting at Cookson Creek Sunday. Miss oja Lewis is improving after a serious attack of chicken pox. Mrs. Kthe! Lewis is visiting but we (lout linmv where. There will le all day meeting it .'ml Sunday in May. F.vcrbody invited to come. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiH:! DISTINCTIVE Printing Sun -Miss on near C Printing that will at trad: attention and put your advertising in a class by itself printingthatcontains originality in con ception and excel lence in its execution this quality of originality and in dividuality character izes all the printed work we turn out. s 3 iiiii.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.'iiMiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiMii IS want to hear from you Writers we ZION NEWS J.T- Lewis have home after a visit Mr. and Mrs. returned to thei to Copperhill. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McNelly are visiting in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brock spent The Difference Between the Cost of Good and Cheap Printing is so slight that he who goes shopping from printer to printer to secure his printing at a few cents less thari what it is really worth hardly ever makes day laborer wages at this unpleasant task. If you want good work at prices that are right get your job printing -At This Office OLD FORT ORDER OF PUBLICATOIN Attachment in Chancery Court at Uenton, Tennessee. A. R. Arp K. C. Crawford To E. C. Crawford: It appearing from the hill in this ease, which is sworn to, that K. C. Crawford is justly indebted to complainant and that he re sides out of the state, and that an attachment has been issued and levied on the property of the de fendant. It is ordered that pub lication be made for four consecu tive weeks in the Polk County News, requiring the said defend- ant to appear on or . before the May Rules of said court on the First Mondav in May, next, anil make defense to said bill filed against him in this cause, other wise said bill will be taken for confessed nnd the cause proceeded with ex parte. April 1st. 1921. A; J. WILLIAMS, Clerk and Master. Several from here went to the all day singing at Coflee's Sunday. Kverbody remember the 3rd Sun day in May is our regular all day meeting at Bltieridge also Hone arges singing class will sing in th-' T.- ... p. in. -ii.erv one inviteu to come and jring well filled baskets. T. M. Davis filled his' appoint ment at Bonearges Sundry, Quite a crowd called at the the home of Beulah Davis, Satur day night. Miss Nola Cox of Hiekson Tenn. is spending a few days among rel atives here. Some few people from Kenton attended Sunday school hare Sun day p. m. Selmer Wilson, Lois Hannah, Jell, Lizzie and Mary Wilson motored to Etowah .Sunday, Oscar Martin, KUa Ulankinsh'p, Krnest Mason and Rella Honey attended the singing school at Ocoee Wednesday night. It is progressing nicely- SAOETOWiN I he Antoch singing class went to Oak drove Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ilerby Lillard and Miss Nancy Posto i motored to Old Fort Sunday. Miss Manerva Holden visited her sister Sunday of this place. Kverbody must know that 2nd Sunday in I'ay will be decoration day at the Brock cenutary. Horn to Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stone! a little son. I Rev. VV. A. Woodv of C.n visiting relatives of this plate. Rev- Jefl Chastain filled hisreg ular appointment Sunday here. FIRE, THEFT ) IS I WINDSTORM, TORNADO, AND LIGHT NING INSURANCE. Can a fire break you up? Can one storm destroy your savings of a lifetime? Can one lightning stroke throw you five or ten years back financially? Insure your dwelling, household goods, barn, grain, stock and machinery and feel safe in knowing that you cannot be hurt fi nancially by fire, wind nor lightning. It will help your sleeping, standing and credit. SPECIAL AUTO POLICY Three years insurance against Firs, Windstorm, Lightning and Theft for $4.50 on the $100.00. Insure your auto. A company is as reliable and accomodat ing as its agents who represent it. Insure with an agent you know and who will treat you well enough TO DESERVE ALL YOUR INSURANCE RENEWALS IN A COMPANY THAT PAYS PROMPT- LY TUV NATIONAL UNION FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY A standard, 'reliable, fair dealing company worth $5,000,000.00 asset? REPRESENTED IN BENTON BY J. D. CLEMMER, AGENT For Polk, Bradley and McMinn counties, who has had nine years experience, over $400,000.00 insurance now in force, and has paid over $8,000.00 in full in 14 cases of loss without contesting a single claim. Rates as low as any company's whose agents comply with Tennessee law, which insures payment for losses.