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Newspaper Page Text
I'OLK COUNTY NEWS, BENTON. TEN NESS EL. NON-RESIDENT NOTICE EXECUTOR'S SALE 0F PERSONALTY No. 872. POLK COUNTY. NEWS. JoHiv3u:AJlBUN. ltor A. N'. SuAMtti.x, Associate Subscription Pi-ite S-'.UO ;t Year TKLKlilONK 27 2 Subscription Rates On.Y..r $2.0 Six Months 100 No subscriptions taken for less than 6 months Advertising Rates Display 15c per inch each in sertion. Pure Reading loc. , i? ci. tr 1 rent a warns, i-ui word. In Chancery at Benton. Tolk County. 1 ennessee. K1U Wmnac s. Alcxamler Womac AJmr. et al It appearing from the a! lew; a i tins in c'mp':'ui ivt s l"r, ! ? t -s..on to, that Kxs. uaii -n. Ma. (jammun aiul Jetwiie linmiuuii reside in the stale of Oklahoma. and are uon-resident of tlie state of Tennessee, so that the ordinary process cf law c&nuot be erved on them- It is therefore orJered thut publication be made lor foui consecutive weeks in the I oik County News, a newspaper pub lished iu Polk County., notifying the said Roy Gaimwu, Mae Gammon and Jennie Gam mon, defendants, to aopear a the next Julv Rules of said court U be held at the court house in Uen ton, Tennessee, on the 1st Mon day in July 1921, the same beine; a Rule day of said court, ami make defense to said bill or the same w ill be taken for confett i! and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to them. This May 11, 1921. A. J. WILLIAMS, Clerk and Master. Entered at the Benton, Tennessee, class matter post Office, as second MICKIE SAYS SlAMtf KlBLWS V4W0 uovtf fOa "Vv 0CCf0ttFsA. ERROR CATS, Vs PRUif ENJR VtDAj I will, on Saturday. June U, at 1 wYKn-k. at the late residence oi I). L. Lewis, oiler and sell to ine higbet bidder the follow hK per- vinai irieii . 1 wheat binder 1 mowing machine 1 r.iU 3 harrows 'Hi RMS OF SALK Said property will be sol 1 on a credit of -x month-, taking notes with good persona! secuiity ThU May -'7. 1921. Lloyd Lewis. Uxecutor- CHAS. B. WITT Abstractor Procure Loan on Real Kstate on Ten Year--. Time : : : : : : : : I'tciitoii. Tennessee. W.P. PRINCE Undertaker. 1 AW" DVeOHESl ( .rrjiS4C THINGS WE THINK Tki.a. Others Think ana vn W think of the thingtothers think PRINTING Good Printing Is the Dress of Business. That Is the Kind We Do. 3 Let Us Show You ....... .....v.v.-.y M SWEET POTATO PLANTS Porto Rico and Nancy HaWs. Fine plants. 200 for $1.00; 500 $1,75; 1000 $2.75, by mail post paid. Express collect $2 per M. Tom'ato plants same price- Plant circular free. ' FRUITVALE NURSERIES Albany, Alabama. Thfe new naval appropriation bill recently passed by the United States senate carries an appropria tion of $494,000, 000. You can get some faint idea of how much that is when you know that Henry Ford has manufactured only about 5,000,000 flivers- If you can't get some idea of the enormity of the appropriation bv the flivver comparison, you might get a bet ter idea when we tell you that it is about five times as many dollars as there are men, women and child ren in the United .States Some appropriation, eh? Well, we should say so. Editor Gates has leased the Etowah Enterprise to Mr. Arthur M. Depew, and Mr. Ik-pew in his Salutatory, says among other filings, ' 'We tc!n?ve that it takes a good paper to sfpresent as good a town as Etowah Consequently we are going to endeavor to make the paper better-" We have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. 'Depew, 'and here j hopinc tliat he may meet with success, but he will have to get up before day if he heats brother Gates getting out a live weekly .paper. Let Us Your Sale Sills When it comes to neat and effective printing of any Kind we will guarantee to give yov satisfaction. LAND SALE No. 732 Carl Center vs. W, T. Center, et al. In obedience to adeem: of the Cli.-mpprv Court at Benton, made in the cause of Carl Center vs. tV. T. Center et aJ, I will, on Satur- ,io Tnnf. is 1Q21. at the west UUT , W - I J door of the court house in Benton Tennessee, sell to the highest and best bidder, the kind described in mi.i rWrpp Snid land is de- scribed as follows to wit : Situated in the old Tenth Civi district, now the Third, in Polk counlv. Tennessee, beginning at the south-west corner of Section twenty-two (22) running thence in an. easterly direction with the southern line of the said section ti? ? fiM feet to a IWuil'inu monument marked XVIII, known as Tennessee Copper Company's Mn picrhtpen (18). and A ..." ' - thence southwardly with Tennes see Coppsr Company's line 434.4 feet to a monument marked avi in the Georgia-Tennessee state line, which monument is knowr and described as Tennessee 'P per Company's corner number seventeen (17); thence west with the Georgia-Tennessee state line 3,000 feet to a stake in the sau state line; thenoe in a northeast .-dmnr 1700 feet to the beginning corner. TERMS OF SALE third L-.'ISll Oil CU1U IMIIU vmi. day of sale, balance on credit o i i....l'a tn mil lis nnd 111 bar SIX UUU ino. ...- of the equity of redemption. mU drawing interest from day of sale, with rood personal security wii ho renuired of the purchaser ami a lion will be retained ns futthcr ... .. 1'f- S18 This 23, day of May, 1921. A. J. WILLIAMS. C. & M. CHARLES C. GUINN Attoknky And Solicitor WHIMS 1 I1IMON VIKKCANTlLE BtDG. ' P.enton. Tenn. Do your advertising columns. in these 3 all the news happen ings that come to your attention to this office. It wili be appreciated for every piece of news will make the paper more interesting for you as well as other. We want and with your he'p will print all THE MEWS It rams but it pours! Air- Tight Tin of SO Ask your dealer to show you the new vacuum mealed Una of 50 Chester fields. A compact, con venient and absolutely AIR-TIGHT packing the cigarettes keep fresh Indefinitely. IT WAS "company night." BUT WHEN I got home. I FOUND the Browna. HAD A sick baby. AND COULDN'T coma. 30 I thortled "Ob, 16 J. WON'T tUt and I hava. SWELL IAT3 for two!" BUT NO, Sue said. "YOU DON'T suppose. I'D WASTE all this tood. JUST ON you!" AND SO I said. "LET'S PHONE the Smiths." BUT THEY had headachea. ... THEN WE tried the Joneaa. AND THEY fell for it. . . . AND WHEN grub for lour. WAS JUST about ready. THE PHONE bell Uukled. AND THE Brown baby wa Utter. AND A minute later. THE SMITHS changed their mind. AND THE Missus fctlntdit. OH, WELL," I said. "THE MORE the merrier. WHAT'S THE difference? IF THERE Isn't euuub tY.!. LL FEED the wales. ON THE cigarettes that satiify. AND YOU women can talk. . AND BETWEFN the two. ... WE'LL ALL b; flatlsflod." WONDERFUL company, fhuat..rit.liU anv time, any where. Just seem to "hit the spot. " Good tobaccos, gouu UK-num, uy private formula that can't lieeopietl), good-looking package with an air tight wrapper. On every count, aa all-around downright good smoke, "tsatujfy"? All over the place. IT 4 I Used 40 Years 0 Q PI Rfillllf m m m m trail m m i ar-A m -.x i k mam tmuw ii Iff C ICS ARB TTBS Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co r .....ii i I. - II" - li" JIIIIIIIMilMJIIjM IIII'JMM. JilWi. .jiMijSfflHBB&WljgiffiQ1 I x7-xT DvcinPVT NOTICE IHWHH"''"" - ' CHURCH NOTES BENTON. Sunday School 10 a in. Prof. J. L,. Brewer, Supt. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a. in. and 7 p- m. Epworth League each Sunday evening at 6;30. R. W:. McClary President. Praveo meeting and Bible study Wednesday evening 6:30- Choir practfee Friday evening at 7 o'clock. CHESTUA. Preaching First Sunday, 11 a. i r l -1 I n T m. bunuay ocnooi, iu a. Kinser, Supt. MT. HERMON. Preaching Third Sunday, 11 a. m. Sunday School, 2 p. in, Jesse Fullbright, Supt, OCOEE. Preaching 1st Sunday, 2 :30. I. M. Walker. Pastor. The News For $2 A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IIS 10 EASY LESSONS This course is notonlv being ap plied by stenographers all over the country, but students and professional men have found it to be of great advantage in attend ing lectures, taking personal notes, etc. THIS COURSE Is short and inexpensive. One hour of study each day for a period of ten days is all that is required to become an expert in taking notes in shorthand, and further more, it is given with a money back guarantee if not fully satis fied. SEND THIS CKII'F'INC; TO-PAY Pyrar.dd Ptess: Publishers 1416 Broadway, New York City Gentlemen:- Enclosed here with is 5.00 (in full payment) for which kindly send me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by mail. It is under stood that at the end of five days, I am not fully satisfied my money will be gladlv refunded. The Woman's Tonic' o ft t old Everywhere j. ,m. f iW. f rf WW mm (3i VN'ime Street City & State- Ella Womac vs. Alexander W.omac, Admr. et al and H. B. Calhoun vs. Ella Wotuac, et al t. No. 872. In Chancery at Benton, Polk County, Tennessee It appearing from the allega tions in cross complainants bill, which is sworn to, that the cross defendant. Massie Cronan, resides ;n the state of Oklahoma and is a non-resident of the state of Tenn., j so that the ordinary process oi, law cannot be served on him- It is therefore ordered that publica- tio.i be made for four consecutive , weeks in the Polk County News, . a newspaper published in Polkj county, Tennessee, notifying the, o; vtrcci Pronan. cross defend - E ant, to appear at tha next July Rules of said court, to be held at the court house in Benton, fenn., 1921, cross bill, or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set for hearing expart as to him. This May 20th 192). A. J. WILLIAMS. Clerk and Master. John S. Shamblin Soh iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiillirniiiiiiiiiuiiift DISTINCTIVE PrintirUL liiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiUiiw L Printing that will attrad attention and put your advertising in a class by itself printing that contains originality in con ception and excel lence in its execution this quality of originality and in dividuality character izes all the printed work we turn out. 3 & 3 mi the 1st Monday in July the same being a Rule day of said J tiniinfidiiiiiiiiiiiitiiilliiiiUUlllinillllll mini and make defense said IlllllllUIIIIIIIIIWillUllllll 5 3 i iiiiiimitimjitiitiiiHtmtitnmitiiiiitiii m mmtwmm mwm iii.iiiiihiiiiiiiiihiiiiiii"ii'"' Cleveland National Bank i Cleveland, Tennessee Capital - $150,0 JO 00 , Surplus ami 1'rofits 140 OrC 00 ; k Stockholders' Liability .jSO.tKiO.OO Total Responsibility 440 000.00 OFFICF-RS Johnston, President. W. P. Lang. Activs Vice Pres Prank J. Harle, Cashier. Interest on Special Deposits Aountshn-ited. t Special Attention to our Mail Order Department. f iBENTON BANKING COMPANY i J i Ijohn L. Williams, President !W. A. Calhoun. V. l'res. RPNTON. TENN. J. D. Clenimei, Cashier. H. W. McClary, Asst. C. $2 5.0(H). 00 $ 3,000.00 S CAPITAL STOCK, ' UNDIVIDICD PROFlTvS, : Stockholders own Real Eslaleworth over $500,000 Uiur. i a u" , 4 Interest Paid on lime Deposits 1 DIRECTORS : W. M. Lower,, W. 1'. U..B. B.ftC.WIilt