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POLK COUNTY NEWS. BENTON, TENNESSEE. SUFFER PAIN? Heed This Woman's Advice Springdale, Ky. "I was ia a run down condition and every month suffered pain. I had taken treatments for femi nine trouble, but seemed to get no results from thi treatments. It was through my daughter-in-law that I hewd of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and de cided I would try it. I took a few doses when at her home in Illinois, and when I came home I took it regularly. It surely helped me very much. I can say that 'Favorite Prescription' is a very good remedy for women in a run-down con dition or if troubled with feminine troub le." Mrs. Henry Soward, Route 1. If you have the above-mentioned Bvmptoms, you should profit by Mrs. Howard's advice, and get the "Prescrip tion" from your druggist at once. To be had in tablets or liquid; or write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. for free medical advice. RATS and MICE IY.U57 BE By Viing tht KILLED c STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE Ready for Usa Better Than Traps Directions In 16 languages In erery box. Aata, Mice, Cockroaehei, Ants and Waterbtipft destroy food and property and are carriers of disease. SUnm$' Electric Paste forces these pests k ran from the buildinK for water and fresh air. . 85c and 11.60. "Money back If It falls." IT. S. Government bay it. YOU NAVE509 hf recovering foot old a to top frame yourself . We mue these recovers to fit all makes and models of ears. Any 0L fTIf and UD person that can drive a )) J Farads PmI PiU mm nuf i nTl Wm farnhb instractiona. Roof nd aatviaif nw1 tofvthar wftfc ruff car tain, f aatenera. writs and tacka. All compUts. Gtra os thm aims, fear and model Dombar of your car and wm will asd torn w catalocoa with asunp'ea and quota rn exact prica. LIBERTY TOP TiflK CO., Dapt. 7 Cincinnati O. I The Truth About Me I am a mop. Not just an ordinary mop, but the best WRINGER MOP In the world. No more backaches and red hands for MOTHER. Light weight. Guaranteed three years. De tachable scrub brush. Hesrular orloe 12.75. BUT If you send $2.00 and this advertise ment I will be sent to you POSTPAID. , A practical gift. THE SMITH-TANNER SALES CO. " 227 East Eleventh St., Jacksonville. Florida. Aecktle Wevice Greatest seller of season. Iemonstratrs overwhelmed with business. Each sale 50c, -125 profit. Sample 30c. The Necktie Form & Holder Co., Elgin, 111. Why They Fell Out. The elevator boy in the hotel was a great friend of Tommy's and often gave" him a ride; but a time came when they ceased to iove eaeli other. "What's the matter with you and the elevator boy, Tommy?" asked his ?atVA''C5- "Don't you speak any more?" , Jr. said Tommy. "He put me out , elevator last night." "Why?" v - "Because I punched him." "Well, wasn't he right to do It?" "-Maybe so," said Tommy, "but he needn't have put me out on the tenth floor and make me walk down!" MANY LIVES LOST IN NEW HAVEN FIRE rHREE BODIES RECOVERED IN PICTURE THEATER HOLOCAUST. SEARCH MADE FOR OTHERS INJURED ESTIMATED AT 400 Many Yale Students In Crowded House Manager Arrested On Orders Of Coroner mENNESSEE STATE ITEMS IN BUYING ASPIRIN- ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Look for the Name "Bayer" on Tab lets, Then You Need Never Worry. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can be taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neuri tis, and Pain generally. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions In each unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets if Aspirin." This package is plainly Btamped with the safety "Bayer Cross.' The "Bayer Cross" means the gen uine, world-famous Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years. Advertisement. Trying His Hand. Preacher Parker I reckon you art gett!n' kinder negligent in yo' religious duties, Mr. Botts. I ain't seen you In church for three Sundays. Mr. Botts No, parson, I ain't get- thV negligent. Ps Jest tinkerln' with my soul myself. Exchange. New Haven, Conn. Fire swept the crowded Rialto theater, a motion pic ture house, recently and the police estimated on the basis of various ac counts that 20 persons perished. Three bodies have been recovered those of two women and one man Only one has been identified, that of Mabel Moran, of Derby, Conn. The other two, those of a young woman and the man are badly charred and identification will be difficult. Timothy Halon, who was not in the theater but rushed in from the street to help in the rescue work died of heart failure in an ambulance while being taken to a hospital. From five to fifteen bodies are be lieved to be in the ruins of the thea ter. At the New Haven general hospi tal, where most of the badly- burned and trampled persons were taken, three persons were reported to be dying. Lawrence W. Carroll, i manager of the theater, was arrested recently on the order of Coroner Mix who said he was prepared to lodge a charge of manslaughter against him. Frank' Kildea, member of the New Haven fire department, is among the badly injured at the general hospital He was caught beneath a section of a side wall of the old building while searching for bodies within the house. Firemen searched carefully in the ruins which were scarcely cool. Every one able to tell a connected story of the disaster insists that other bodies are in the ruins.some estimated that over a score were unable to get out. - The Rialto, holding from 800 to 1,000 persons, was an old church, a tinder-box structure. Possibly 50 persons out of the 400 reported injured are so badly burned that their lives are despaired of. Every physician in New Haven and others from nearby cities are work ing in the hospitals or the Hotel Taft. -- A motion picture was being shown. Incense was being burned on the stage as the prologue was being shown, when from somewhere behind the screen there came a burst of flame, and, according to some, an explosion. A frightful panic ensued, many per sons being trampled or overcome either by extreme heat or suffocation. Human forms dropped from the bal cony, which had a seating capacity of 300, tnto the struggling mass in forced over the rail or leaped to make a short cut to the exits. As the first burst through the screen, every light in the house was extinguished. The panic-striken pat rons could be described only by the reflection of the mounting flames. In this setting the people began their struggle to reach the doors to the streets. The crowd waiting in the lobby for the second show was apprised of the tragedy by screams from behind the house doors. Then the doors burst open and the lobby crowd was fairly swept out into the sidewalk and td the street by the mad rush of panic sticken men and women, some with their clothing singed. FOR COLDS, CROUP AND PAINS. Use Vaeher-Balm ; It relieves at once. AVOID IMITATIONS. If we have no agent where you live, write to E. W. . Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La. Advertisement No Wonder. Bix Whadjnmean your insomnia Is due to hwdity? Dix My father was a night editor on a . Greenland newspaper. Boston Transcript. , lire Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief 25 75 Packages. Everywhera Experts To Make Navy Cut Report Washington. With the question of land armaments definitely thrust in to the background by the -develop- meuts of the recent week, the con' rerence on limitation of armament 'will enter its third week with another stride toward agreement on naval limitations foreshadowed. Tokio Takes Hand In Navy Problem Washington. The Japanese cabinet and diplomatia advisory council at Tokio are taking a hand In the nego tiations at Washington over the ton nage ratio of capital warships to be allotted Japan. Admiral Baron Kato, senior Japanese delegate, has laid the entire situation growing out of the discussion by the committee of ex perts before his own government. Mill Three Men Killed When Bolter Burst. Columbia, S. C Three men were killed In a wreck of Seaboard Air Line northbound freight train No. 86 two miles south of Youngville, N. C, at 8:15 o clock at night, according to in formation reaching the Columbia of fices of the railroad one night recently. The dead are: Engineer Cerow, Brake- mail Murphy, white, 'and Fireman Jones, negro. Nineteen cars are re ported to have been derailed. The men were killed when the engine ex ploded. The cause of the explosion is not given out - Knoxville. Allen Hart, 16, was in stantly killed while hunting near.Elit-abeth. Cordova. A Thanksgiving service was held at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening. Union City. Tne local American Legion has elected officers for the en suing year. Huntingdon. W. P. Pearson, N., C. & St. L. engineer for more than 30 years, was killed when struck by a switch engine in railroad yards here. Williston. First Somerville high school quintet defeated by local bas ketball team. a a Chattanooga. News has reached here that the Rhea Springs Hotel and cottages at Rhea Springs have been completely destroyed by fire. Memphis. Bond C. Harmon, an ex press messenger, has been named to Bucceed Bert Bates as federal prohi bition enforcement agent in Memphis. Dyersburg. Ex-Gov. Malcolm H. Patterson will deliver a lecture in the Cumberland Presbyterian church Sun day evening, Dec. 4. " Nashville. The chamber of com merce has invited Henry Ford and Thomas A. Edison to visit this city fol lowing their inspection of Muscle Shoals Nashville. The Nashville Chamber of Commerce wired to Henry Ford and Thomas A. Edison, askine them to visit hire on their trip to Muscle Shoals. Jackson. A, J. McGehee, secretary of the southern interior traffic league, will go to Memphis to attend a cou ference-which will fix rates on petr leura and its products. Greenwood. Jerome Crull, 17-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Crull of -this city, was accidentally killed by a train at Good Hope, La., 20 miles north of New Orleans. Brownsville. Union Thanksgiving services for all the churches were held here at the 'Presbyterian church and were conducted by Rev- Wilson Woodcock of the Baptist church. Puryear. The residence, stock bam and other outbuildings on the farm of Roy and Marvin Moore were totally destroyed by fire of unknown origin recently. Union City. Newt Cole, 19, son ol Dee Cole, a prominent farmer of the Third civil district of this county, was accidentally shot, recently, death re sulting about 40 minutes after the accident. Benton. W. A. Slack, and his sou, Herbert Slack, charged with the kill ing of Dr. Riley Womback in a pistol and shotgun duel near Benton some months ago, "were acquitted 't their third trial in circuit court here. Dyersburg. Judge N. L. Scobey, county judge of Dyer county by ap pointment of Gov. Taylor to succeed Judge W. A. Fowlkes, who died thrae months ago, has announced as a candi date in the general election of next year. H h ft rrA. pnnvpn ffffptivf. ry ; M rlfil YEARS TRIAL world to overcome the lUznatiag effects of catarrh. Catarrh is aflent u4 intidloos ia its rsvarea, tavades nearly every booaebold saa hovers like spest. leoee every where. rca CATAXM AK3 CATARRHAL It ttrikt at the root of Ca tarrhal trouble bf Stimokdar tha dicettloa. earichlof the blood. Ionia od the ncrroua system sad toothing the raw sad lniUmed mucous mtmhrane. Pe-nt-as sets every orraa to wArlcta eraoerlv and elves strength, viror nil mii to the whole body. Try it, sad like thoutaads of others, fears what it means to be wefl. SOLO EVERYWHERE TABLETS OR LIQUID Kansas City Star. "Me and wife had a little jower last night," related Gap Johnson of Rum pus Ridge, "and when I got the best of the argyment she 'lowed that yuarafter she'd suffer in silence. I aim to watch her a day or so, and If she don't kick buck I reckon I'll in vite all the married men on the Ridge to giithUr around and enjoy the spec tacle." Kansas City-Star. Important to all Women Readers o! this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam ple size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. It Takes Grit. "Couldn't you pnt up a bluff?"' "No, I had neither the rocks nor the sand." Boston Transcript. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP We need genius. It works wonders for plain common sense to enjoy. A man's height in the social world Is estimated by the length of his purse. Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heals Throat and Lung Inflammation. The almost constant irritation of a cough keeps the delicate mucous mem brane of the throat and lungs In a con gested condition, which Boschee's Syrup gently and quickly soothes and heals. For this reason it has been a favorite household remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis and especially for lung troubles in millions of homes all over the world for the last fifty-five years, enabling the patient to obtain a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning. You can buy Boschee's Syrup wherever . medicines are sold. Advertisement. A Great Tactician. "Cousin Margaret hides her deaf ness with great tact." "How?" ''She talks all the time." Boston Trans-cript. Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio. Advertisement Avoid extremes a man can go crazy even on religion. One of the least understood things in the world is money. Knoxville. The Tennessee synodical chairmen of the Presbyterian church and the woman's board of the church have been called on to create the sum of $97,883 as the state's proportion of the financial budget Knoxville The entire police reserve was called out here to quell a riotous disturbance growing out of a fight be tween students and friends of the Cen tral high schoor of Fountain City and the Knoxville high school, who played a football game here. - Huntingdon. W. P. Pearson, an en gineer with the N C. & St. L. railroad for over 30 yeard, was killed when struck by an engine in the freight yards at Hollow Rock Junction. He was waiting to take out his own en gine at the time of the accident Huntingdon. The Carroll county quarterly court will meet in called ses sion for the purpose of making all nec essary provision for the Issuance and sale of the highway bonds for road building in Carroll county on the state and government highways. Nashville. On account of the shoit- age of funds with which to continue work on the locks and dams of the up per and lower Cumberland river, and the extremely high water occasioned by the heavy showers of the last few days, approximately 150 government abaters will within the near future be laid off duty until June 1, 1922. Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache- Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache . Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists. Aspirin la U trade nark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetleacldeiter of SallcjllcacU hi HiTzdza, purtlrTcittilble. Idfssts tzi CLilirca'i Regulator. formula on eyeiy label Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic For highly gratifying and most astonishing results in checking diarrhoea, and relieving wind colic, flatulency, constipation, and other disorders of baby and childhood use Tha Infanta' u4 ChlldaWa Ragulator It ia tha safaat and baat com hi nation of purely vas-atabla ineradlanta that madical akill haa arar davlaad and andoraad aa thla eomplat op an publlahad formula ihowa. Raad It. Saaa Swiiaa Cilrita Oil af Anita Ctnwn Q, carina KaabanS S&draa Bicaiaoaats rcnaal CatiaaoW SusuSna It eonta mora ta maka If r. Wlnalow'a Syrup than almllar preparations. Yat It eoata you no mora than ordinary baby laxctivaa. At til Uruggitt: ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Foltao St., Naw York Gaaacal Sailing Agaotil HareU F. Rifckia ft Ca., lac, Ntw YaiL, Laadoa, Toroak fl m