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Newspaper Page Text
POLK COUNTY NfcWS. BENTON, TtiNNCSSEfc. mm POLK COUNTY NT7VVS. PUBLISHED WEtSLT John S., Editor A. N. Shambun, Associate Subscription Price S2.00 a Year Telephone 27 2 t Subscription Rate oXaYear Six Months No subscriptions than 6 months. Advertising. Rates I Display 15c per inch each in sertion. Pure Reading 25c. Want?, For Sale etc. 1 cent a word. news of the happenings in Benton and neighboring towns and com munities. It is a family news paper your family newspaper and you read it with greater in terest than any other. In fact no othei paper can take" its place; for it is a newspaper full of human interest, and that humin interest your own, vour neighbor's and your friend's. The big city paper, containing the news of the outside world, has its place in your home. You read it and you thereby gain a know ledge of what is going on in the world around you; but the News, your honre paper, appealr to you as r.o big city paper can- The city paper lacks the community interest. Therefore, you buy the city paper for the general news, and your home paper because it is a household necessity. In fact no community ' home is complete without it The publishers of the News OLD FORT Entered at the Benton,' Tennessee, class matter Post Office, as pecond- MICKIE SAYS f I TVV BOSS, U ETL, SEZZE, "VJVW MOT NH SOKAExVWUCr A&OUY XWKC LMW JJUO Gw OA 11 x oV 2Ao . 2.00 1.00 realize this tact and spare no pains tabenfor less or expense to make as complete an epitome of community news as it is possible to make. It is clean. It is wholesome. It is a family newspaper in every sense of t'e word, and its interests are your interests. Net only is the News a com munity newspaper but it is an encyclopedia of general commun ity information, bringing to you news direct from the merchants of Benton, telling vou of the condi tion of the local markets, the prices of merchandise, and notices of reductions that you may profit thereby. The News is filled every week with community, social, industrial and commercial ' infor mation, all of which is of vifat importance to the "people within range of its rapidly widening cir culation. Therefore, - kindlv ac cept our greetings as an expres sion of good-will, and our mostj sincere wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New year. The death angel visited the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Horace Hrackett. Sunday night and took from them their little daughter, Jessie. Chester Mason and Alexander Ledford made a business trip to Cleveland. Sunday. Several called at the home of Edwina Cox. Sundav. R. -Vlantooth aud son. of Kton. were guests at the horn; of Rev Davis, Sunday. Lowery Frazier, Charlie Mason', Ed Howard, Mrs. Milliard and T. .' Davis have all moved to their new homes. ' Mary Wilson has returned home from Ranger, where she has been for some time. The quartette at the home of Delia Mason was enjayed by a large crowd Thursday night. Heulah Dovis and Arvin Led ford were out walking Sunday evening. Kev. Mark Baxter, of Athens, is with us for a few davs. tifiiiriii''iriiiifriirii?i:i8rriz3irriiiiiriffirrr. V at. I av A ft, ft t a A Bk m a". a ft BENTON, TENN. 5 HSjohn L. Williams, Ca'houn, V. President. Pres. J. II. Clemmei , Cashier. t Asst. C. jj D. CAPITAL STOCK. : UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $25,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Stockholders own Real Estateworth over $500,000! 4 o Interest Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS XTT f T II T 1 1 C M :. I H. W. McClarv, II. II. Harris, Jehu L. Taj lor, I tZ John'L. Williams, C. M. Copeland, W. A. Calhoun r DON'T FORGET US When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. NOTES' Prof. TO M. C, KING 1 iXw .-.9 3&-Wit No. 915 In Chancery at Benton, Polk County. Tennessee. Non-resident notice in attachment case. Eugene Galvou vs. M. C. King, et al. It appearing from the bill in this case, vhichis sworn to, that M. C. King, defendant, is justly indebted to Eugene Galyon, the complainant, and that he resides out of the State of Tennessee, aid an attachment having been issued and levie on the defend- As the policy of the News in ant M. C. Kino's oronertv. it is past years has bee.i to give to its orderexl that publication be made working force the week during for four consecutive weeks in the Christmas holidays in which to polk County News, a newspaper share in enioying the published at Benton, Polk county Ku-t.iCCi. u Tennessee. reauirintr said ce MEMBER EAST TENNESSEE PRESS ASSOCIATION CHURCH BENTON. - Sunday School 10 a. m. J. L- Brewer, Supt. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 a. itT. dn3 7 p- m. Epworth League each Sunday evening at 6 :30. R. W. McClary President." " Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday evening 6: 30. Choir practice Friday evening at 7 o'clock. CHESTUA. Preaching .First Sunday, 11a. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. J. Kinser, Supt. MT. HERMON. Preaching Third Sunday, 11, a m, Sunday School, 2 p. m, Jesse Fullbright, Supt, OCOEE. Preaching 1st Sunday, 2:30. I. M. Walker, Pastor. Southern Agriculturalist Nashville, Tennessee The Giant of the South Its immense popularity i due not only to the fact that every line in it is written for Southern farm families by men and wo men who know and appreciate Southern conditions, but to the practically unlimited personal serv ice which is given to sub scribers without charge. Every yaar we answer thousands of questions of different subjects all without charge. When a subscriber this invaluahle personal service is is one reason we have on hundreds you become, yours. That- 375,000 CIRCULATION do their , season's will be issued next week in order that the News force may have a few days of sest. The News extends to all" its readers the season's greetings. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. May your coming years . be full -of : health requiring fendant to aooear before the Chancery Court of said county on or before the 1st Monday in February 1922, and make his de fense to the bill filed against him, and C. W? Kiker in this cause. otherwise said bill will be taken for confessed, and the cause pro- ana napptness, may you nave tne ceecied withexoarte. gift of. new life, may your step This December 21st 1921. De quietened, your mind urignt- w F RUSSELL, C. & M. . ened, aud the enjoyment tof. the CateSt Smith, Tite &Long Sr good tilings the world oilers -you H 1? c Witt & Son SojS- $12. be more keenly and fully realized flhan ever before, and as the News comes to you each ; succeeding week of the New Year we trust it will bring a message of Good Cheer and a feeling of companion ship, in tbe fact that its columns contain the information you seek and which you enjoy reading. . , The News is a community news paper in every sense of the word, It prings tp you every, week the CHAS, WITT A bstractor Procure Loans on Real Estate Ten Years Time : : : : ": : ' Benton, Tennessee, , on , Try. an advertisement , in the News for results, ' JOHN WHITES CO LOUISVILLE, KY, liUblliM ia 1837 Llbaral ortmant Full Value paid Raw Furs !!Iii:n!I!!!!liniliii.llUIIII!lli)il!lilllli!HI!T!:ill!lllHIH! DISTINCTIVE Printing DIIIIIIII!ll!!!lllll!ll!llli;!ll!llllllll!ill!IIIB ; C Printing that will ' attrad attention and put your advertising in a class by itself printingthatcontains . .originality in con ception and excel lence in its execution this quality of originality and in-dividualitychar'after-izes all the printed work we turn out. 2 5 S 5 3 9 3 liiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuijjiiiuiiiiniiiouiniiniiiuiuiiiiiiil J m windstorm;tornado AND LIGHTNING INSURANCE Can a fire break you up? Can one storm destroy your savings of a lifetime? Can one lightning stroke throw you five or ten years back financially? Insure your dwelling, household goods, barn, grain, stock and machinery and feel safe in knowing that you cannot be hurt fi nancially by fire, wind nor lightning. It will help your sleeping, standing and credit. A company is as reliable and accomodat ing as its agents who represent it. Insure with an agent you know and who Avill treat you well enough TO DESERVE ALL YOUR INSURANCE RENEWALS IN A COMPANY THAT PAYS PROMPTLY. THE NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY A standard, reliable, fair dealing company worth $5,000,000.00 assets REPRESENTED IN BENTON BY , J. D. CLEMMER, AGENT For Polk, Bradley and McMinn counties, who has had ten years experience, over $500,000:00 insurance now in force, and has paid over $12000.00 in full in 17 cases 01 loss without contesting a single claim. Rates as low as any company's whose agents comply with Tennessee law, .which insures payment for losses. v ,