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UL to; si J T J? i ' I 'itJESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT. LIKE THE DEWS OP HEAVES. SHOtTXDJBE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE UPON THE BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OP HEAVEN5, SHOULDiE distributed alike upon the high and the low, the RICH AND THE POOR .jfEW'SEIttESi '1 H"ir3 6ih; . 1 " )Uir. 'f iQ-: Mail WiA I ;si i li III -.'S.-'N" 'III -XIII1 II '111'.: ; ; :; x 1 1 1 y: I . X -tV -r r - ... . : . -.V-------.r- r:t.'i---i-;,':u O Oifj f-Vl -7 AH DinroCltAT Jfe SENT,nXEL,.i3 puLlish- every Wednesday morning, in-Ebeiisburfr, Jiiiabna w., l ay, at 31 Ju per annum, if paid - iv AOYiSCB, if n-t $2 will be charged. :AiVERTISEMKXTS Will bo conspicuously iu- srted at th? 'KT'iOwing rate, viz: ; ;,l quare S iiisertions, , r jKvcry HCbscquent insertion," ,1 squh'iJc juontliS, i yr; ' .'t' Fi'n 1 year, !V - " . , - Iln-MneM Cards. . ' CrTweIve lines constitutfl a square ,$1 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 i 12 RO la 5 -THE WEST BMSCH c J OF LOCli. IIAYEX, PA. IICSUllES rKtaclied UuiMinps. . Stores. Mer chandize, Farm Property, auJ utlier BuilJiugs, od tl)ir contents. '.') t K :. flt J ft H : III. . ! S ' ' DISECTOBS. " IIOV. JOBS J. rU.RCE,ll0N". (t C. HaKVEV, John li. uall, ;fABi.ES A. Matek, f "" Crist. PkTPR Dl' KSOV. - Hok. a.c. r. T. A BR A M.S. D. K. Packman, W. White, 1'hos. Krrciiiix. UAUVEY, Pres. T. T. AiiiiAVs,.Yiee Ivircm:v, Sccv.. 1'res.l 1 ucn. rw"ETERSCES. . PaiousI IT, Ll-yd, 4..-A. Winegardncr, 1 1.. A.' Mackey, . A. White, Jmos Qincgle, " Jhn W. Maynard, Ii!i. Simon Cameron Thos. lovm.iii. M. W Wm. Vandcrbelt, Wm. Fearon, ' Dr. J. h. Crawford, A. Updegrarr. ' . , .lames Armstrong, Hon. Wm. IJigler. J. C. NOON. A-eut. IHcutburj:, April 0, 1S5G. . Ho I tliis Way for; Bargains ! ! . Elf .1S3 AT JAIR PRICES. THE undersigued would respectfully inform the , good citiz-'iis of Ebciisburg and the surround ing vicinity, that ho has just received -from 'the liist one of t!ic most choice stodv of goods ever brought t j this p'.a.-'o. The ''stock is varied, and elected with an eye to- the- immediato wants-of - the public. , His stock consists of the following: A tjmcral txswtmc:il ofi A'ft". .U!es nf Spring .and Summrr (fiXfli, variety of La Am' Drsi GrJs, amoHy whirk trill &e found Lawns, . Delaina, . . Alapnca. Jilack Silks. ... Fancy do. Bleached Muslins, ....Unbleached do. ,-. Calicoes, ; fiioghams. , Cassimors, Fancy do. Tweeds, . Kentucky Jeans, I'aucy Vesting?, . - Shirts of all kiuds . Cravats, ; ; :- l'laiu Gloves, . . . Fancy .do. Cloths, , Together with an innumerable as-iortmeut of ar- rlw not menti n'.-d. tua!!- kept in a country "or. These g'!i will be sold at -fair prices, "all and examine, even if you do hot wish to pur- ' ebat-C. ' ' ' ' ' .,."; j-:. ; JtlLLI.MIIlY GOODS. . . , ' ' I 10NNEC1WI) with the btoro m ii i.irgcK KJ tock of MILISSJU O O ODS. Kvry rticl5 iu this liuewe have hand, and will be constantly in receipt of the latest stj-l's of It OS SETS, for old and young. KWHOXS of every pattern and color, LACLS, EDGIXG, " ' A beautiful assortment tof MoURXLXG Goods rices to suit the times. invito! to call. and ex- " now' on hand, and at p i Lad'wrs are res ncvtfi illy 'ruine thi stock whiali U f;iJ ahead of any gxds a iimilar kind brought to this place. , (iEopjjK :rcANx. - I5en.lurg, April ,22, 1S50. ' ' ., . ;! I'friii. TAYLOR &, JONES, ' TllIIE subscribers would res-poctfully inform the X citizens of Ebeusburg and the surrounding rtcinity, tliat they have entered into partnership for the" purpose of giving full satisfaction to all Mankind and iu the way of giving tits, they may te found at fthe old establishment formerly occu pied by D 'VQ iu an 1 Jones, immediately opp osite U:e 6t ore of Geo. McCann. The public may rest Assured, that all work entrusted to their care will He in:ule in a workmanlike manner, and at the time promised. Garments will bo cut according o the latCkt fAshiuu. A. II. TAYLOR. ' JOHN JONES. 'Ebensburg, March 5th 1830. I'nrmcr'K Look to your. Interests!! I come tvltl Ciooda to Clothe you 1 1 THE undersigned would respot fully inform the citizens of Ebensburg, and farmers cf the mirrounding country that he has arrived with a Urge STOCK OF DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of plain and fancy Cassinets a large T:netv of Jeans. Lmx'iis. JXirrei and Plain flannel.. lilanktfjV VrcrUh and Ihiize. The a.bova -'.ds will be exchansred for wool on low terms, aud if the goods are riot desirable the niar--et prico will be paid in Cash. -r. ' .. 'i April 23, 1850. .. JOS. GWINNER. TiEOUOE IICMTLBY.- . ' . ' ' ;: Wliolesale and Retail, " "Tia Copper, and Sheet-Iron "Ware Kanufactnrer. : : fUESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Eb--Jl.. -eEtiburg and the public generally, that he has purchased the Tin iShop, formerly tarried on :3ty Alessrs. Davis, Evans & Co., and will contin ue to carry on , the business in all its yariou? lrncleB, ' wholesale and retail. His wares will ' ' le- made of the very; best ' material, arid in the .most' workmanlike manner.'- liepairing of all kinds' done on the shortest notice, for cash. .'":' ALSO, House- Spouting made aud put up to rder ou the lowest terms, for cash. , -- ' "Aho on hand and for 6:Ue, a large assortment of Cook' and Parlor stoves,' for coal or wood, Di- ' ning room stoves. Egg stoves; &c , Als - a large assortment of grates and fire , brick, for C joking stovo3, Coal buckets' Shovels pokers, smoothing irons, &o. &c.'i all of which will be sold low for cash. " ' . Tin-shop Tind wareroom in part of the building "j lorroerly occupied by btcphe Lwyd as a cabi-: ;; netwarerooru, and opposite Geo.."M'Cana' store, " 0"A11 orders pj-ornptly attended to, JTci.sburg, My,7,.l85S281y, I.."-'!," ! .: . FASHIONABLE - fir nmn i i n m it nnni t J U I II I IV Ir W ill 1 U li I U J SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING. n REAT ATTRACTION at the'-New' Store vJT of Evans and. Hughes, one door above the Store room 'of Shoemaker &. Clark, where the sub scribers are nt present receiving and opening a large and excellent assortnien of fashionable ! i - Ready Made ClotUlng . of the latest and most approved styles, , which for cheapness and durability can.-not he excelled by any , similar establishment in the-county; not wishing to li ng, but what we pay we will make good cr take the tcalcr. Every article in the cloth ing lint, will be kept on hand, viz: snmer Coats, Sack Covti, Prop do.; Pants, Vests, Cloaks, -e., all of the hitest styles. ; ' :- , Ciuths, ' Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings, of all colours and Ktvles. - -'.;. - ,' 1 , ! Our' Department of BOYS CLOTHING promUes a much more extensive selection than usual. ";"Ye tlatter ourselves that we hall bj able to fuiiish garments suitable for all classes, fitted up in such a manner, and on such terms that shall disarm all competition ; We therefore ask a liberal share of the public patronage. EVANS HUGHES. June 4, '5G. . X Iltntaaii Iile Saved. . Dowagiac, Mich., March 11, 1S,6. J. A. RHODES, Esq. : Dear Sir As I took your medicine to sell on consignment, ' no cure no pay," I take pleasure in stating its effects ns reported to me ov three brothers who live in this place, aud their 1 testimony is a fair specimen of all I have received : ; . . ' : W. S. Con'klin told me " I had taken nine bottles of Christie Ague Palsam, and continual ly run down while using it until my lungs and liver were Congested to that degree . that blood mschargeU from my mouth ana. Lowell so that another chill. ! The doctors to did all tliey could for me, but thought I must die. Notning did me any good until 1 got Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure which nt once relieved rue of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my head and bowels, and produced a permanent cure in a short time." . 11. M. Coski.ik says : "I had been been ta king medicine of as good a doctor as we have in our county, and taken any quautity of quinine and specifics without any good result, from 2oth August to 17th December. Put seeing how nice lv it operated on my brother, I got. a bottle of RHODES' FEYER AND AGUE CURE, which efiected a permanent cure by using two thirds of a bottle." " .''" ' S. M. was not here, but both the other brothers say his case was 'the same as llM's. I sold the medicine' to both the same day, and the cure was as speedy from the same small quantity and I might so specifv,' Yours with respect, ' " ' A. HUNTINGTON. The above speaks for itself.: Good proof as it is, it is cf no better tenor than the vast number of lifoc certificates I have already published, and the still greater axnu:it that is continually" pour-" iig in to me. . ' ' ;;" ' - One thing nxre. Iast year I had occasion to Caution the PuM in theS2 words: " I notice one firm irkn hra" taken one o f ?iy general circular, SHhtlinlfd ihe ' name of their nostrum for my medicine, and thm trilh braz'-.n imnwlmce iiul th'-ir jinmpu'et with Vie. exclamation ' Lit th",priii-ie!'' if any other medicine say a mwh if he dare.' $''. - Now I take pleasure . in saying .that the Cau tion referred to the same " Dr.: Christie's Ague Ralsam " that 13 mentioned in the above cer tilieate. ' " . ; : - ' There are several other industrious people who' are applying to their poisonous trash all that I publish about ray fever and Ague Cure, or Anti dote to Malaria, except the Certificates of Ctires, and the Certilicate of th.c celebrated Chemist Dr. James R. Chiltou of N. Y-, in favor of its pcr fectly HARMLESS CHARACTER, which is ai tached to every bottle. ; Those will always serv to distinguish mv medicine froni limitations. atr e - -JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor. April 23, 1856. -Sin. - r Providence, R. I. Fur salo by Druggists generally. . 710U the last two or three years, I have been engaged in a business kuowu only to myself,- and, comparatively, a tew others, whom 1 Lave instructed for . the sum of S'iOG each, which has averaged me at the rate of from 3,000 to $;"000 per annum ; and ' having made arrangements to go to Europe iu the - month' of 'August uext, to engage- in the same businctis, I am willing to give full instruct tions iu the art to any person in the United States or Cauadas, who will remit me the sum of $1. 1 am induced, from the success 1 have been favored with, and the many thaiikf-:! acknowledgments I .have received from those whom I. have instructed, and who arc making frv.111 $") to il5 per day at It, to every person an opput unity to cijgnge in this business, which is eay, pleasant, and very profitable, at a small cost. There is positively No Hcmbl'u in the matter. References 5 of the best class can be given as re gards its character, aud I can refer to persons whom I have instructed, who will testify that they are making from 45 to $15 per day at the same. It is a business iu which either LADIES or GENTLEMEN can. engage, and with perfect 'ease .make a very handsome income. ScveraWa dies in various parts of "cv York State, Pennsyl vania, and Maryland, whom I have, instructed, are now making from $3 to $t) per. day at it. It is a GENTEEL BUSINESS, aud but a FEW SHILLINGS are required to start it. Upon re ceipt of $1, 1 will immediately send to the appli cant a printed circular containing full instructions inthc art, which can bo perfectly understood at once. . : ' ''- 1 "- ' - Address, A. TJ PARSONS, Ofiice, No. $85 Broadway. New- York; .'; ,; , - -. April 23, 1856. 2 m. :: ; ;."..- -' JiHTV II LACK. S31ITH SHOP. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebcnsburg and the vicinity that he has rented the SMITH SHOP formerly occu pied -by Michael MeCague," where he intends to caTry on the B LACKS M ITf IING iu all its.branch- es. Persons entrusting work to his care can rest. assured that it will be promptly attended to and at moderate Tates. He would also, inform the citizens that the business of -HORSE SHOEING will be superintended by himself personally. Owuers of valuable horses will not be under the necessity of sen ling their stock to a neighboring village, as his experience in this line i widely known. - 1 ',." ISAAC SINGER.' ' Ebeusburg, April 9,' 1856.'-'-- ' -'n '. J, BOCERIES; Can(hes.j. Nuts- and Crackers J. M'Derrait i OLD . Rings jandjBreastpius C'oinbs,,Port- .j;"M'PermitXr' it it . : u au nrp i nr r l ! v lienedict'g Appeal to a Uaclilor. ,B J 3 OJI X . G. 6 A X F. . ;Jl r:-'t Dear Cliarles, be persuaded 'to Wed For a sensible fellow like you,' It's high time to think of a bod, . ; .',. . : And muffins and coffee for two. . ... .,,, So have done with your doubts and delaying, , With soul"o adapted to mingle, . ; ; (.,; No wonder the neighbors are 'saying ;. 1. " 'Ts singular you should be' single? ; Don't say that you havn't got timc- ' , ; , : i -"That business demands your attention There-is not tlie least re a atn- r- rh y m o - In the wisest'cxciiso you can mention-.'1 ' ' Don't tell me about"' other fish '' ' Your dut-is done'wheu you buy 'em - '" And 3 0U never will relish the dish, . , , . Unless you've a woman to fry 'eml You may drearn of political fame. . But your wishes may chanra to miscarry The best way .of sending one's name . . . To posterity, Charles, is to marry I ; - : And here I am willing to own, . : : After soberly thinking, upon it, I'd veiy much rather be known ' ; ' ; By a beautiful son than a sonnet! Then, Charles, bid your doubting gtod-bye ' ; And dismiss all fantastic alarms ' ' - ' IU be sworn you've a girl in your eye - Tis your duty to have in 3'our arms! ". Some trim little maiden of tw enty. . A beautiful azure eyed c If, ! - With virtues and grace in plenty, , . And 110 failing but loving yourself ! . Don't search for an " angel " a minute ', .For, granting you win in the sequel, The deucea after all would be in it. With a union so very unequal! . , The angels, it must bo confessed, : ' . Tn this world are rather' uncommon ; Aud allow' me, dear Cliarles, to suggest ! ' , You'IT be better content with a wonianl Then there's the economj, dear, -'' By jtoctical algebra shown. If your wife has a grief or a tear, . ; ; Onedialf. by the laws, is your own! Anl as to the joys, by division , . ,'Thej''re nearly quadrupled, 'tis said' (Though I never. could see the Aildition . , ' ' Quito plain in the Item of. bread.) Then; Charhs. be persuaded to wed . ' For a sensible fellow, like you,. : . . It's high time' to thiiik of a bed, ; - ,f And tnuftins and coiTee for two. -:: So have done with your doubts and delaying- With a soul so adapted to minple; , No. wonder tlie neighbors are saying ' ''. 1 ...Tis singular you should live (-ingle. r ' '. - Ethan Allen in Captivity. Among the episodes of ' the llevolutionary Yar none is more strange than that of the queer genius', Ethan Alien. ' In England, the event and the mau being equally Uncommon AliYu seemed to have' been a curious combi nation Of rt Iicivuits, ow . .un,i , a. jti - s auu a Tom Hyer. .He had a person like the Belgiau giaut, mountain music like a. Swiss, and a heart plump as Coocr de Lion's. ' Tho' born in 2"ew J jiiglaud, he exhibited no traces of her character, except that his heart beat wildlv for his country's freedom. ' He was frank, bluff, companionable as a harvest.- For the most part, Allou's manner while in England was scornful and ferocious in the last degree, although qualified at times by a hero ic sort of levity. Aside from the inevitable egotism relatively pertaiuing to pine trees, spires and giants, there were, perhaps, two special, incidental reasons for the Titanic Ver monter's singular demeanor abroad. Taken captive while leading a' forlorn hope before Montreal, he was treated with inexcusable cruelty, and. indignity.' -.Immediately upon his capture he would have been deliberately suffered to hf ve been butchered in cold blood by the Indian allies upon th spot, had he not with desperate intrepidity vailed himself . of his enormous physical . strength by twitching a British officer and using him for a target, whirling him round and round against the murderous tomahawks of the savages. Short.; ly afterwards, led into the town fenced abo-at with bayonets of the guard, the commander of the enemy, one Col McCloud, flourished his cane over his captive's head with brutal in sults, promising him a rebel's halter at Tyburn During his passage to England in the same ship' wherein went passenger Col. Guy Johu- s'on, the implacable tory, he was kept heavily 1 ironeu in tne iioiu, ana in an respects was treated like a mutineer ; or it may be, rather as a lion of Asia, which, ' though caged, "was too dreadful to behold without fear and trem bling;', and . consequently cruelty JAnd, no wonder, ; at least, for on one . occasion , when chained hand and foot he was insulted by. an officer.. Yith his. teeth he twisted off the nail that ( went through the mortice of ' his hand cuffs,; and 0 having his arms .at liberty, chal lenged bis insulter to mortal combat. Often when at Pendennis Castle', when no other re vengement was at hand, he. would hurl on his foes such a , torrent of anathemas as fairly shook them .into -retreat.! Prompted" by ' somewhat similar motives both ou' shipboard, and in En gland, he would make the most vociferous al- ' lusions'io5 Ticonderoga', and the part he play-! ed m its .capture, well knowing that of all the 'American, names .Ticonderoga wa as,', period, ijfar the naost faeiotis and galling to Englrshman ?:;J ' i- '..-v.".- C' j i Israel J'otter; an fexile American , I while strolling around Pendennis CasJ.lef ?s here Al len was confined, chanced jto hear him in one of his .bursts of indignation and madness, of which the following is a specimen : ' ' ! 0,4 "Brag no more; 'old England t ; consider that you are only an island ! s Order back vcur broken battalions, and repent in ashes ? .Long enough have you hired tdries across the sea. forgotten the. Lord their God. and bowed to Howe and Knyphausen the Hessian! Hands off, red-skinned jackal I : Wearing the King's plate; as'I, " (meaning probabty," certain niahacies.) iVive treasure of wrath against you British ;; ' ' fff ' '; V ": " r. . Then came a clanking; as of chains; many vengeful, sccKidss, all confusedly together. -r'. Then again the voicVi ' "; - , V Ye broucht me out here from my dun- ! gcon, to thisjgreen, affronting, yon. 8alWth sun: to see how a rebel looks. " lint 1 11 show f you how a true gentleman and christian can I conduct in adversitv. Back, dogs! respect.a gentleman and a christian, though he is' in rags, arid smells of bilgewater. Yes, shine 1 on, glorious suu !' 'Tis the same that warms l the heart of my Green Mountain boj-s, and I lights up with its rays the golden hills .of ormout. , ' ' ' ,.; ', .,'.''. Filled with astonishment at these words, which came from over a massive wall, inclu ding what seemed an open, parade space, Is rael pressed forward, and soon came to a black archway leading far within, underneath, to a grassy tract to a tower. Like 'two boar's s two sentries ' stood on guard at either side of the open jaws of the arch.' Scrutini zing our adventurer a 'moment, thev signed him to enter. . , . ..'f ' ' Arriving at the end of the arched wav where the sun shone.' Israel transSxcd at the 1 scene. ' . - " "' Like some baited bull in the ring, crouched the gigantic captive,, handcuffed m before ; the grass of the green' all gored and trampled all about him, both ' by his own movements and those of the people around. Except some soldiers 'and sailors,' these',' seemed mostly town's people, collected here' out of curiosity The stranger was oiitlandishly arrayed ic the j sorry remains of a hall-Indian, ualt-Lanadian 1 sort of dress,! consisting of a fawn skin jacket j tho" fur outside, aud hanging in raeged ! tufts a half Yotten bark like a belt of wam pum agcl breeches of sagathy ; darned wor j stockings, reaching to the knees; old I stea . moccasins. riddled with holes, their, metal tags yellow with; fait water rust; faded red wool en bonnet," not unlike a. Russian night-cap, or a portentious ensanguined full moon, all soil ed and 'stuck' about' with half, rotten ' straw : uushaven beard, matted and prOfuse cs ft corn field beaten down by hall stones.' " His whole marred aspect was that of a wild beast", but a royal soit, and uusubdued by the cage. ' ' ." Aye, stare !' slare !. thou but last night dragged me out of a ship's-hold like a smutty tierce, and this morning out of j our littered barracks therejike a lnurder'er-for all that you may well stare at Ethan Tieofideroga Al len, the conquered soldier, by ' 4 Y"ou Turks never saw a christian before. ' Stare" oil ! ; I am he who, when Lord Howe wanted to bribe a patriot to fall down and Worship him by "an offer of a major genralship,' and five thousand acres of choice land in Vermont -ha ! three times three for glorious Vermont and the Green Mountain boys ! hurrah ! hurrah I htr rah ! I ani he, I say', who" answered your Lord Howe:' ' 'You, you olTcrJ our land? You are like the devil in scripture',' offering all the kingdoms of. the world, when the cursed soul had not a corner lot on earth!' Stare on, "Look, you" rebel you, -you had best heed how you talk against General Lord Howe, here !". said a thin, wasp waisted, epauleted officer of the castle, coming near and flourish- ing Ills sword about him like a school-master S ferule. , . - - ' ' " General Lord Howe!' Heed how I talk of that toad-hearted king's lick-spittle of a pol troon ! the vilest wriggler in God's worm home below. I tell you the hordes of red-haired devils are impatiently shouting to ladle Lord Howe with his gang you includedinto the seethin-est syrups of Tophet'.s hottest flames. At this bla the wasp-waisted officer was blown backwards as from the suddenly burst head of a steam boiler. Staggering away with a snapped spine, he muttered something about its being beneath fcfe dignity to bandy forth words -with a low lived rebel. -" Come, come, Colonel Allen," said a mild looVlnc man. in a sort of clerical un-Jress, " respect the day, better than to talk thus of what liesbejond. Were you to die this hour, or what is more probable,, be hung next week at Tower wharf, you know not what might become of yourself." ' . ' - ' ' "Reverend sir," said Allen, tfith a mocking bow, " when no better employed than braid ing my beard, I have dabbled a little in your theologies. .And let me tell you, reverend sir," .lowering and intensifying his voice, " that as to the world of spirits of which you hint.though I know nothing of the mode or manner of that worldno more than 'you do, yet I expect, when" I arrive there, to be treat ed as other gentlemen of merit.'- This is to say, far better than you British know ' bow to treat an honest man and a meek hearted chris tian captured in honorablo 'war;', by ! Every one tells me, as yourself just told me, as crossing the sea every billow dinned in my ear thatl, Ethan Allen,' am to be hung like a thief. . If I am, the Great Jehovah and continental congress shall avenge me, while I, for my part, will jshow you, even on the tree, bow a christian "gehileman" can die. Mean time; sir,lif .you. arc the clergyman you look, act 'yont' consolatory function by getting an unfortunate christian gentleman ; about to die, a glass of punch." ff '-f ' 7? ' L The good-natured stranger,' not to-liave his religious courtesy appealed to irr vain,' imme diately dispatched his servant' who stood by, to procure the bcVeTageV ' ' . J 1 At this juncture, a faint rustling sound, as if. the advancing of an army with: banners,. was heard. ; bilks, scarfs and ribbons flutter ed in the" background.-. .Presently .a bright squadron of bright ladies drew nigh, escorted by certain outriding gallants, of Falmouth. " Ah," sai i a strange voice, "what a strange -sash, and furred vest, anl what . leopard-like .teeth,, and what flaxcncl hair, but all mildew ed ; is that he Yf ' " ; ' "Yes, it is, lovely charmer," said Allen, like an Ottoman, bowing over, his broad bo vine and breathing the word3 like a lute ; '" it is he- Ethan Allen, the soldier; now. since ladies eyes visit him, made trebly a captive." "Why. he talks like a beau in the parlor-r-tbis wild-mossed American from the wood," sighed another. fair lady to herniate; "but can this be he we came to see ? . I must have a lock of bis hsir." ." It is he, adorable Delilah ; and fear not, thouirh excited bv the foe. bv clioDincr niv locks tr ' dvcindle strenirth Give, me vnnr j sword, man," turning to an ofricur ; ab, j I'm fettered. Clip it yourself, lady." " No, no I aui- " Afraid, you would say? Afraid of the sword frieud and champion of all ladies, all around the world ? Nay come hither." The lady advanced ; and soon overcoming her timidity, her white band shone like whip ped foam among the waves of flaxen hair. Ah, this is clipping tangled tags of gold lace," she cried ; " but see, it is half straw." " But the wearer ; ia no man of straw, lady; were I free, and you had ten thousand foes,, horse, foot aud dragoons how like a friend I could fight for you ! Come -you have robbed me of my hair ; let .me rob the dainty hand of its price. What L afraid again I - . "" No, not that, but " " I see, lady ; I may do it by your leave, but T: ?t by your word the wonted way of all the ladies There, it is done. ;-wecter that kiss than the bitter heart of the cherry." : . "When at length this lady left, no small talk was had by her with her companions about some way of relieving the lot of so kcigbtlv and unfortunate h man, whereupon a worthy, judicious gentleman of middle age, in atten dance, suggested a-bottle of wine every day, and clean linen every week. . And these, the English women ta polite and too good to be fastideous did actually send to-Ethan Allen, so long as hs tarried a captive - in their land ' The withdrawal of this company was follow ed by a different scene. ' A perspiring man I iu top boots, a riding whip iu his hand, and having the air of a prosperous farmer, brush ed in like' a stray bullock, among the rest, for a peep at the giants-having just entered thro' the arch as the ladies passed outj '. . . . .. : Hearing that the man who tookTiconJe- roga was here in Pendennis Castle,.. I've rid den twenty-five miles to see him, and to-mor row. my brother will - ride forty miles for the filling puipust-. - ujv. iirtu; uy :..ur.-nii.. Sir." lie continued.- addressing the-cantive. '" will you let; me ask you a few questions, and be free with you V.' 1 jr. . .V " Be free with me?. With all my heart. I love freedom above' all things. I'm ready to die i for freedom ; I expeet to. , So bq as free ns you please. - .What is its ' " Then, sir, permit me to ask what is your occupation in life ? in time of peace; I mean." ' You talk like a tax-gatherer," replied Alleu squinting diabolically at him. " What is mv occupation in life ? Why, in my young er days, 1 1 studied divinity, : but ,at , present I am a conjuror by profession." . . . - .- v j Hereupon everybody laughed, ns well at the manner as the words, and the nettled farmer retorted - c' '- - that time you were taken.'.' -., ; ; Not o wrong,- though , as you Bi itish did that time I took ticonderoga, my friend." - At this juncture the servant came jn with j 4 Knrol of rmneh. which his master bade him a uuiii vi ' give to the captive. " No! give it to me, Eir, with your own hands, and pledge me . as a gentleman to a gentleman.'-. I cannot pledge a state prisoner. Colonel Allen, but I Avill baud you the puuch vvith niy own hand, since you iusistupon it." " Spoke and done like a true gentleman ; 1 am to you." . Then receiving the puuch iutohis manacled hand.?, the irou rTnuioc against ihe chln, he put the bowl to his lips, saying: " 1 hereby j give the British natiou crcdit for half a min- ( utes good usage," at one draught emptied it ; to the bottom. . ' The rebel gulps it down like a swilling hog at the trough," hero scoffed a lusty pri vate of the guard off duty " Shame on you," cried the giver of the I owl. '' ' f Y - r Nay,- sirj his red coat is a blush to him, as it is to, the whole British army." Then looking derisively "upon tho private, "you object to my way of taking things, do you? I fear I shall never be able to please you. You objected to the way, too, in which I took Ticonderoga, and the way I meant to take Montreal. Sclah ! but pray, now I look at you, arc you not the hero 1 caught dodging around in his shirt, in the cattle pen inside the fort 1 .It was the break of day remember." .. Come; Yankee," here swore the incensed private, ". cease this, or I'll tau your old fawn skin for ya with the flat of this sword, for a specimen ;" laying it la-hwise, but not heavi ly, across the captive's back. ... . . ,.- ? '.. Turning fcke a tiger, the , giant, catchiug the steel between his. teeth, wrenched it. from the private's grasp, aud Btriking it with his nianacles, sent it spinuingHlike., a juggler's, dagger, into the air, saying-: . s . t ; . vnur rlirtv coward's, iron u a tiM ontlemao as-ain'.- and tbeSe.r lifting his hand 1 j . cuffed fists, shall bo the beetle of . mortality j , MMrtW"fV,o,i Midler wmld" have "struck him with all his force,- but several men of the town itorposing-. . reminded . hjni that it wa.M outrageous to "attack a chained captiver-.j j --" " Ah, said Allen, I am accustomed to thai; and therefore Vvtvn7 befofeliaiiif-wilhryou ; and the extremity of wbatrl eay against "Bri tain is not meant for youkmdfriecids but for my insultcrs present aedto PW9AJsV')i "Theft " rccogniring amng--tho interposcrs the giver of the bowl,' he turned with a cour teous b0W Sajig-Jf-;. - 7 ff 1 T " Thank "yOu; ;agaiu anI" agin ray good air ; ydu may not be the" worse of- it f "ours ia an unstable world so that one gentleman ncv er knows when it may bo his turn to be helped of another.", , . , . . ' ' f But the soldiers fctill 'making ii riot and tle commotion growing general, u gnperioi p0ic;r stepped up, who terminated the scene by re moving the prisoner, to the cell, di.Mnis.siog th townspeople, with ell strangers, Israel the rest, and elosing the castle after them. A Singular ASair. m We have a bit of new s from Holland, whien coming nt this time, excites a ood deal of attention..- .A man at the Hague, becoming ti red of his wife, rttenipted to poison herlo , the following manner: They had sat down Id dioner, and while fche left-the' room. pr; her back was turned, he put the poisou into hef soup". Not daring to trust himself in her pres ence he feigned some excuse and left the room. By a wonderful Providence, when she cam-) to the table, a spider had dropped from -"'tha ceiling of the room into the soup plate. She was especially afraid of spiders and her hus band had often laughed at her for it So she carefully took the spider out with a: ppoon, and finding she could not bring herself to eat it, she, in the adsence of her husband, chan ged the plates and ate his soup. After a whilo he came back and devoured what he supposed to be the pure soap. He was immediate! taken with convulsions and expired. Before death he confessed that he had poisoned th soup, and that it must have been put before him, uninteutionally, by bis wife, Now how narrow was the escape vf his wife, not only from being pojsoned, but from being Kung.y If the mau had died without confession, the woman must have been immediately arrested. Poison would have been found in the roan arid in the soup-plate. She gave him the -soup. Here would have been circumstantial evidence strong enough to have hung her, and an ih- f nocent woman would ha vo expired but for lh I - -r - ' ' .... COU10631UU. - .. . - Flowers-! . . . ,' : In his joy and in his. sorrow, man loves to surround himself with-- plants and flowers.. He crowns the brida with sweet myrtle or the pure Orange blossoms ; "the laurel : Fpeaks to him of glory, and renown j the f aim-branch f glorious hopes for the future. ) And. when tfcd loved one departs," he turns again to the flow- j ers of the earth and the trees of, the forest, to grieve wuh uiem ana to give expression 01 nis - sorrow. From the South Sea to the icy North. from East to West, grief finds the same sim ple um toucning expression, lue mourninfr peasant of Normauny burns the lowly straw bed on which his-friend "expired before his hut, and the round black spot; as it contrasts with the green turf by its side, ' remains lopg an humble but eloquent epitaph of? him who . left no other record behind. . In peaceful vil lages we see neither gorgeous monuments, cor lofty trees rising in honor of the dead and , we fear as frequently in pruise of .the living" but, sweeter far, the graves are covered with green sod or humble flowers. "Weadorn graves," says the gentle Evelyn, "with flow ers and redolent plants, just emblems of thi life of those fading beauties, whose roots be ing buried in dishonor, rise again in glory. The Japanese deck with flowers their 'eter nal mansion,' and the Turks rwrnn-- - Dp seen no more, ,1:1 order, that a ziatursl irrowth of bloom .diail spring up. through the C -'.ill j apertures, and that the bud to nourisnca oy i the grave, and set free to the winds of heavek shall shod their fragrance and strew their pe tals around the Moslem's ' city of Silence.' The western traveler gazed with deep sympa thy upon the grave of the Chinese; it is Ji simple, conical mound of earth, but over it srrcad and twine wild roses, aud cover it witb a mass of pure white blossoms ; or it is crown ed in simpt'2 majesty, with a tall plant of wa ving grass. Our cities, also, now love to bu ry their dead where woods unfold their iras sive foliage aud breathe an air of heaven -their better taste has made the green grovf aud the velvet lawn sacred to the memory cf those that are goue to the realms of peace. 1 Explanation or Attohxets. The follow ing examination of a certain candidate for ad mission to the bar, taken from the Western Law Journal, is decidedly agood one. The ex aminer commences with the following : 1 Do you smoke V " I do isir." ml " Have you a spare cigar 5'' Yes, sir." . (Extending a short six. ) ; Xow, sir, what is the first duty of a law yer." " To collect fees." , ".(.t " " Whatisthesecoud?" ' . '1 To increase the uuniWr of Lis clieule. ' When docs your position towards ytur eli eut chauge ?" '" , '. ' When making a bill of costs "Explain?' " ' ; -f ' -" When they occupy the antagonistic posi tion, I assume the character of plaintiff and they defendant." . : . . , . - : A suit decided, how do yaa stand with the lawyer conducting tho other ider" l!heek by jowlN" ...... ...... ! .'Enough, sir yr promise -to twin an ornament to vour proL'tsiop., and I wish you success. jKo-w. you arc aware of the duty yon owe me 'i" ' " I am. sir." Describe it '"It is to invite you to drink.- ' : 3 But; suppo8'?;t decline?" " '- - (Candidate scratching his head.) "" Therft is no instance of this kind ;on record in-the ! t 1 t w .1. . : 4 Voif are right, and the confidence with which you make the assertion hows thalyo have read the law' attentively. ; Let na have drink, rmd 1 will sign your. certificate -XJ"1 monies, and l pys, at - at that u i