OCR Interpretation

The Brattleboro daily reformer. (Brattleboro, Vt.) 1913-1955, August 29, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071593/1914-08-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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The Price She Paid for Lydia
E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Which Brought
Good Health.
Danvillo, Va.-" I have only eprnt ten
A.ll-rar.n vrmr medicine and I f.-el so
much better than I
did when the doctor
was treating me. I
don't suffer any
bearing down paina
at all now and I sleep
well. I cannot say
enough for Lydia 11.
I'iiikham's Vegeta
ble Compound and
Liver Villa as they
have done so much
for me. I am enjoy
ing good health now and owe it all to
j :iur remedies. I take pleasure in te!l
ii.g my friend; and neighbors about
lhem."--r'r. Mattik Haley, 501 Col
jhone Street, Danville, Va.
No woman suffering from any form
r f (V:;...! tmuMeS should lose hope un
til !'!' Ii.i-; g'ven Lydia R. I'inkham'a
; '.al.h? ('orn pound a fair trial.
'1 !! fr.'Tu.us remedy, the medicinal
i -i g r die u t s of v.l ich are derived
-ra r...!i.i' roots and herbs, has for
i rty ye;irs proved to be a most valua
I ' to' ic ;.:h1 invigorator of the fe-
i .!, .gur.i:--m. Women verywhero
I . .. a:.:' t'-stimony to the wonderful
'. .!.'. i .y !iu 11. i'inkham's Vegeta-
I ( m; .ound.
f f ys.ii ..it (In slightest doubt
1". ;! !,..:;. i I). iMuMiuni's Vegfta
.:, 'ni'ijouiMl ill lj'tj you, writ o
t I . , (I i.i E Mi olv lia in .Icli-ifi(Jo.
( iilial ) Lynn, Iuss lorail-
. . Votir letter will 1' iiit'rf,
it. ;tl ;mi'I ;insvT I by si .ii;m,
iirul iiuhl in strict uoiiluleiu'C.
Floor Brushes
$1.00 to $2.50
Wire Clothes Pins
10c dozen
38 Mala Street
Professional Cards
DE. HENRY TUCKER. Kcshlnncp. 12 Oroe
Hi.; telephone, Otlice, l.eonunl block.
Hours, 1.30 to 3, and 7 to rt. Telephone.
29 W.
a. 3u, 7 to rt. oni.-H
M. D.
Ohone lfi
Hours, 12.30 to
"j- 1 : house 1 C.Vi.
THOMAS RICE, M. D. Offlee and residence
ovr V i-rniofit Ravines P.ank. Hours, 8 to 9
a ui., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m.
Da. W jANE. Ollicc and rcHidence, 32
No. Main St. Uftice boars: Mornings until
tf; afternoons until 2.30; eveuiuKS until ti.
Telephone, 430.
DR. O. B. HUNTER. Williston Block, over
ticntt's Kracery. 'lllice liours: 1 to 3 p. m.,
0.HO to v. ui. Uesideuce. West ltr:ii t le Ijoro.
DR. II. P. GREENE, rnysician and Surgeon.
Office, Bank block. liours: 8 to J a. ui.,
1 to 3 and 7 to rt . In. Residence, 83 til ten
hi. Tab-phono eoiinections.
0. R. ANDERSON, Surgeon' and Physician.
fcurjery a specialty. Ollice and resilience.
Brooks House, rtrt Main Kt Hours until lo a.
01. : 1 to 2.30 ami ti t rt V. in. 'I'hone, 246.
DR. K. R. LYNCH. Surgeon. Oflice, 1'ark
bldg., rooms 1 and 3, tel. ;I0, otlice hours
until 9 a. in., 1 to 3 niul 7 lo p. in.;
A1ilro8e hospital tel. 201, ! to lo a. m.;
remdence 14 1 Canal St., tel. 177; Sundays
by appointniciit only.
B. E. WHITE, M. D. ((lenerul Practitioner).
Uiti.e rooms, 4 ami ti, Ooshy bb.ck. Hours:
a to V a. m 1 to 3 niul 7 to rt p. m. Kesi
di urn. 2) Urove HI. Teh phone. 717.
JORDAN li SON, Optometrists, 1 KUiot St.
HpecialiHts in the em Tectum ot defective vis
ion. Kxamiiiation, 0 to 12 a. in., 1.30 to 5
p. ru. Kveuinns, Monday and Saturday, 7 to 9.
Appointments at your convenience. Tel.. 83 M.
DR. A. I. MILLER, Hooker block. Brattle
bo r;OtBeilmrslitcil. 1 to 2. 0.30 to 8.
DR. C. O. WHEELER, Osteopathic Physician,
10 Crosby block. Otlice hours: 10 to 12 a.
m., 'I to 4 p. in. Oth.-r hours by appoint
ment. Telephone connections. 9 Spruce St.
DR. GRACE W. BURNETT. Physician and
Burgeon, Market block, Elliot St. Ollice
Lours: 8.30 to 9.30 a. ic , 1.30 to 2.30 and
7 to H p. m. Telephone. 714 W.
W. R. NOYE3, M. D., Eye. Ear, Nose and
Tl.roat. 9 to 12, 1 to f, Wednesday and
hmur.lny evenings. Other hours and Sundays
by appointment. Appointments for ehisses tit
ling madn by mail or 'phone. American l'.l.lij.
DR. 0. S. CLARK, Dentist. Whitney block.
Brattleboro. Telephone. 511-3.
JOHN E. GALE, Attorney At Law, Guilford.
Vt. Telephone. 302.
HASKINS ft SCHWENK, Attorney! and
Counsellors at Law. Bralth-horo. Vt.
Rixirn 7.
E. BARBER. Attorney
Oontiy liluck. Hrattleboro.
at Law.
K.'im 1.
C. BACON, Attorney at
Cilery Huil.lin?, Brat tlehnro.
O B. HUGHES. Lawyer. Telenhone. 225-M.
OILMAN & HELYAR. Surveyors and Con
tracting; Engineers. Tel. Hss-W. or 302-W.
0. 0. BILLINGS, recently Firm Assistant
Comnii'i..ner of l'ntents, Solicitor and Attor
rey in 1'atent Hnil Trade Mum Cases. Sey
mi'iir. Sevninur. Metrralh A- Hillings, 71 Rdwv,
v vrit; M.-djll I'.lde.. WiiKliiiict.m. 1). 6.
i W EDGETT ft CO.. Real Estate and In
yectniont: Notary Public, (il Main St.
NARROWS CO., Wholesale and Retail
l)rler In Coals of all kinds. Office, 6
Main St nrill-hcro.
"c..l.r Vine Sr.4 2.
Main Ht
Exclusive Undertaking
MF., 1724. Vt., 27 28. N. II. 220.
Eeaaouatils Prices. Cor.-ect 8ervlce
Autos la Bcasoii.
JtjL. 244 W. BEATXIXiiO&O, VI.
i - 1 1
' Th"lts bpganto run in the Oonnec
ticut river through Northfiehl Tuesday.
Miss Jlt'lfii (riMtdfll of Chicago is
viit'ing tin- family of K. 1'. Howard.
Miss Mils''! Field is with Mr. am!
Mrs. Arthur Molten for the present.
Frank Hunt of Orange vas in town
this week on business anl visited Mrs.
Martha Maskell.
The Misses Callahan returned Mon
day to Moston arol Miss Kllon went
with them for a visit.
(J. . Kidder took a large party to
Mawler's theatre, (Ireenlield, Saturday
'"s anT.mmiule bus.
Mr. and Mis. Walter M. Molten of
I'iti hlaug isited at .lames tind Mer
leit liidton's over Suilav.
hva and Knda Morse, who have
been living with relatives in Worces
ter, liave returned to Xorthfield.
The i range hehl a meeting Tuesday
eeiiinr. after their summer reeess
i my maoe .ians ior a visit on Vernon
(i range Sent.
Ivev. .1 nil ti I homas will preach in the
Auditorium Sunday morning and even
mg. Services will be resumed at the
l iiitarian chui li Sunday, Sept.
I he Sundav si-liool picnic of the Con
gregational ( hun h was held Thursday
and all went to Forest Lake, JV. M.
most of them going by automobile.
Signs have been diced at both ends
of Schell blidge notifying the imblii
ot a fine (rt !fj for all driving horses
across the blidge faster than a walk.
.mis. .eison iamorie or lolraiu is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Mai
ness. Mrs. Meunett of Jackson, Vt
also is a guest ot her niece, Mrs. Har
ness. Charles II. Webster, representative
lrom tins district, goes each Tuesdav
to Moston to report on the recess com
mittee. Mrs. Webster accompanies him
in their automobile.
Mr. am! Mrs. Mames of Westminster
were guests this week of Mrs. .1. A.
Stebbins. at John Fisher's. Mrs. J. A.
Sll 1 1 . 1 1 i IK
is si.eiidiiiLr a few davs a t :
lake, near Mount Monadno. k. !
Mr. and Mrs. I . F. Howard, with
their family, go to Wa I li ngf or. I, Vt.,
Thursday To be away until Thursdav.
While there they will attend the wed
ding of their nice. Miss Katherine
Si-i i 1 1 nor.
The Atlanta uuiversitv ciuartet srave
an excellent concert in the Auditorium 1
Monday evening. There was a large
audieuci- and a silver collection was
taheu to help coloi.-d students iii the
li ni ersity.
h't-v. John Mcliowell of Newark, .
.1., gave an illustrated lecture in the
Auditorium Wednesday evening on Life
lu the Mines. Mr. Mcliowell was a
miner in his boyhood and speaks from
hi own experience and observation.
I'rof. I-'. L. Duley received a cable
gram from 1'riiicipal 1'. K. lickinou
that he and his family sailed fiom
Havre, France. Saturday, August (n
The steamer r spa age ami voii. lie
in New York August :.'!. None of
others who went to Furope for
summer have been heaid from sine
opening of the war.
b'ev. ( '. V. Foreman, who has live.:
in town the pat vear with his familv
leaves Saturday t'or San Francisco,
'al. He will sail Saturday. Sept. .", for
India, to resume his missionary work.j
M i Foreman will rrmniu in town for
the pit-sent. Miss Margaret will at-j
tend the seminary, Miss - oremau wilh
atteiol a school lor missions in Hart
ford. Two sons are in Mount Hermou,
one in Pennsylvania uuiversitv and two
in a t'anadian uuiversitv.
Mr. and Mrs. I '.ax ter Newell oi Wolhis
toii. Mass.. are v isiting fi lends ami lela
tives in town.
Miss Dura Cross and I!utli (iuodnow
came home last week from their w.uk in
Northampton and I irat t leboi o.
A party of A. K. Spencer's friends en
joyed a clam bake at his lode this week.
'I'heie were about :'.." initel gaests.
ilham li. tl lies sold his tanii last week
to parties in (Ileenlield and has bought
I lie old Farnsw oilh place, lately owned
and occupied by doe Lallemme.
Ib-v. Nathan 1). Sherman. !C, the old
est man of this town, died at his home at
Sherman Station last week. The tuneial
was hehl in the home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceoige Vivier
. lh. alias's Sundav.
were at .T.
Miss Pose of Ames hill will simr in the
chinch Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Halliday of Williamsville
weie guests of Mis. .1. !'.. Thomas Sun
day. A large number of the fi iends from
Ames hill attended the sale and supper
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Adams and daughter
of Cill, Mass., and Mr. ami Mrs. Fverttt
lohnsoii and daughter of Coliain weie
guests of Mr. nd Mas. K. P. Adams Sun
day. The I'tith annual announcement of the
Valley fair is out for Sept. 24.
I'.v ei v live fanner w ould do well to attend,
see the herds of cattle anl products of the
Li fiu there on exhibition. He surely
would return with a new inspiration for
is work.
gECOMiNCr.r sTVNNlNC.r (BE "NOBODY AR0WN0 fou r'-rl fVOU Too VA 'A J1) THB. CATEiRiNC; L
hJrC ' 7 : 1 "i 1 1 THOUGHT" VNikKVBPlJ
- - -' - " ' 1 ' " imi.' mi n. iii.hi..iii.i.ii.i.i.i.jih. 11 1 -.-rx-im- .1,
No. 37
' Haskins
Tuesday, Sept. 1,
Amasa T. Eddy
Col. Kittredge Haskins, former con
gressman, present postmaster of Mrat
tleboro, attorney, former municipal
court .judge, and a man who has held at
various times most of the offices within
the gift of his townsmen as well as
several within the gift of the voters
of the county and state, was an
n the I'nion army, but owing to an in-;
v was ob i"ed to resi"n tiom active .
before tin
remment ot which lie
was a member saw actual
Later he served for several years as
civilian employe in the quartermaster's
department of the state.
Kittredge Haskins was born in Dov
er, April x. l.v'it;, a son of Asaph and
Amelia (Ward) Haskins. He came of
lighting stock for his great-grandfath-
r, grandfather and father served re-
t . -
spect i veiy in
the French war, the Revo-
bitionary war
md in the War of 11:2.
He was educated in the public schools
of his native town and by a private
tutor and began the study of law in
the office of Shaffer Ac Daveniiort in
bar of Wim
Me was admitted to the
am countv April 14, 1X.1X, .
ami entered immediately into a co
partnership with t'harles X. Davenport
:it Wilmint'ton
This partnership was
.lissolvod in the
Haskins moved
spring ot I so i ami .vi r.
to Williamsv ille and
ipenod a
In Ail"
law otlice there.
ust, lM'i'J. Mr. Haskins enlist
ed as a private in i'oinpany T, H'dli
ViTinont regiment, at Williamsv ille.
He was elected and commissioned a
short time later tirst lieutenant of the
company. The regiment organized at
I'.rattleboro, going into camp here Oct.
It was mustered into the Fnite.l
States service Oct.
Lieut. Haskins was appointed acting
regimental adjutant while the regiment
was in camp at Camp Vermont, near
Washington, ami later was acting quar
termaster of the regiment. He was
post adjutant to (Ion. L If. Stoughton,
who was for a time in command of the
L'd Vermont brigade, of which the H'.th
regiment was a part. It was while
serving as quartermaster of the regi
ment that Lieut. Haskins was injured
while lifting a heavy case in the fall of
lsjiL', which finally compelled him to re
sign from the service in March, ISl'i:!,
because of disability.
After his discharge he moved to
Krnttlel.oro and was appointed a civil
! employe in the otlice of the assistant
.quartermaster of volunteers, doing duty
. . ,i ! . .1. til 1
here and in I'.urnngron, ;t. .vioans ami
Mnntpelier. He was appointed and
commissioned captain of Company 11,
l'Jtli regiment. Vermont militia, and in
lsi;;i was appointed aide-de-camp with
the rank of colonel on the stall' of (!ov.
Peter T. Washburn.
Col. Haskins has been a justice of
the pence since with the exception
of the eight years he served in Con
gress and in addition to that he has
held many important offices. He was
state s attorney ot Windham county in
1x712 and Fnite.l States attorney for
the district of Vermont from October,
lSli. to .Inly. s.s7.
Politically Col. Haskins started in
life as a Heinocrnt, but at the breaking
out of the Rebellion he became a sup
eorter of President Lincoln and since
then has been an ardent Republic:! n.
He representee! P.rnt t hdioro in the state
legislature in 1S72.1. lSiMi-7 nd in
Miss Minnie Cooper
guest of Miss H.iby W
Mr. and Mrs. A. W
spent SumlaV at 1?. H.
f I'.rattleboro is a
Akley of (uilfoi.l
1 iss Tina St reefer and Elialx-lli
Streeter spent Wednesday in (Jreenlield.
ls. llrvant Washburn of Kaeine. Wis.,
was a week-end guest at Maple'rov e farm.
Mrs. W. L. 1 1 times of Fiteliluiri. "Mass.,
is a truest of her cousins at the Ahmo
Steliliins home.
Mrs. Alliin Steldiins and daughter,
11 lit li. of Fitchliurn are quests at the home
of ( L K. Stel.hins.
Mrs. W. K. Tyler left Thursday for a
few days' visit with Mrs. Jessie Metealf
in South Xewfane.
Inn . h
I). I-:. Trout
will preae.n in t nion
Mindav at . i. in. Sundav school
at '2. All welcome at Loth services. The
' : ' " . - t
"r V v
v it'
lSOS-0, and Windham county in the
senate in lSOU-.s. At the special war
session of the legislature in May, 180S,
he was speaker of the house, also at the
regular session in October of that year.
Me was elected to Congress from the
second congressional district in 1000
and served continuously in that bodv
until March 4, P.ioO. During his long
period -i n ( ongress he served
on se.veral
important committees, oein;
oi tne war claims committee ami a
member of both the committee on
culture and the committee on labor. Jb
was faithful and painstaking in his
worK ami won tne oeeii regard ot his
associates, regardless of party.
While in Congress he introduced the
bill for a federal building in Mrattle
boro, for which an appropriation has
been made, and he has patiently and
continuously followed the matter along
and is almost constantly in communica
tion with some official of the govern
ment regarding it.
! liesidos these elective offices lie has
held numerous other positions of re
in January, iv.u, he was
appointed by
the governor one of th
commissioners To establish, m coniunc-
tion with a similar commission on the
part of the state of
Massachusetts, a
between the two
On December 1, l!HO, the governor
appointed him judge of the municipal
court of I'.rattleboro, succeeding Judge
I K. W. Cibson. That position he held
Jess than two months, resigning to ac
cept the post mastership of Hrattleboro,
for which position he was recnmmeml
' ed by his successor in ('ongress, Frank
j As he has been prominent in the po
litical fit Id of the town, state and na
tion, so has he been prominent in the
Masonic fraternity. He is a .Tld de-
gree Mason and is one of the
members of the fraternity in the state.
having been
May. ls.iT.
made a Master Mason in
He has held nearly all of
the offices in the subordinate lodges and
is a member of the York and Scottish
Rites bodies. He been grand, mas
ter, grand high priest and grand com
mander of tine Mate grafhl bodies and
lieutenant commander of the Vermont
consist in y.
He has been a member for years of
Sedgwick post, . A. ti., and is a mem-
b r of Protective (I range. His l'elig
iou.s affiliations are with the Kpisropal
church ' and he has 'been prominent fn
St Michael's Koiseopar church of
Bratth-boro. lie has long been ,n von
trvnii'ti of the church and 'is at present
senior warden. He hns been very con
stant in his attendance upon the con
ventions of the diocese as a delegat
from his parish and was elected as- one
of the lay: deputies by the diocesan
convention to the general convention
of the chur. h, which met in Chicago,
111., in 1S(. again in the citv of New
York in p"S), and in Haiti m ore,' Md.,
in ls2. ' '
Col. Haskins married. July L 1800.
Miss Fsther Maria Childs. daughter of
Mii: Adna T. "and Hannah (Ltimb)
Childs, One child, .loiin Ailnn, was
lior.n to them, who lived less than two
years. Mrs. Haskins died Jan. L",
liili. following a shock which she sus
tained the precodinp-" Xovomber, His
present wife , was Mis'Maiid Arvilla
.lane Fbrtore of Dorchester, Mas.
I n i v
in ' I
'rsaljst state convention will TieMield
iiittt.-lioTo Aujr. "1 and Sept. "1,
and :V
M,iss Maude . T.evvis of Hartford, Conn.,
is Kpeiidinij a few weeks with her sister,
Mrs. M.ii.,r I'luttertleld.
Nlrs. Hal t ie 1'. VesLitt is employed in
I'.rattlelioi.y Her d.nmhter, " ( iladys. is
with her cousin. Miss Francos Powers.
Mr. ami Mis. (J. K. StehLins 'amj. Al
bert Doolittle, !r. and Mrs. P.. A.
Streeter and ITattie Johnson spent Sun
day at Forest lake. ...
Mrs. M. T. I'eed aceomjiaiiied her grand
children. Marshall Foster Heed and Vir
ginia Heed, to their home in Xevv York
city Friday and remained for a Rhoit visit.
Of about 1 ,-11 10,000 pounds of caviare
obtained each year by the Astrakhan
fisheries, approximately 7" per cent is
Observed Fortieth Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Duggan oh-
served the 4Uth anniversary of their
marriage at their home Sundav. A,,,,'nt in Grange hall, Dumnierston Cen
bounteous dinner and supper 'were ter- Thursday evening, Sept. 3, at S
served to .".0 guests, including children o'clock, when Miss Doris Humphrey of
and grandchildren. A orettv feature i v
was the cutting of a large wedding
eake w hich bore the dates of 1847-1014. t f'
Mr. and Mrs. Duggan were presented , M
a purse of money, being a gift 0f .
their children I
Mr. and Mrs. Duggan were married lrl
Brattleboro and have lived in this
.1 , I A- . . a. -.1
are living: Mrs. Frank Finn, Timothy 'i
... ' o . -
t . a ir. a. . m i .
Mayhew of Moston, Mrs. John ; Mannis .
of this town.
.ns. oir nifu it-nv ui
I tj rn,... a
4 i-tir-ii. , , , r.
Claremont and William, John and Fran-
cis ot this
town. There also are 14.
granule hi Id ren
The public schools will open Tues
day, Sept. 8.
Harold Merrit of Hoston was at
home over Sundav.
Albert Champagne was in Claremont
Hundav with relatives.
Mrs. Mildred Clarke spent Sunday
:it her home in .Alstead.
Thursday was the last half-holiday
for the stores this summer.
Miss lsadore Amidon of Hookset
Heights is visiting relatives in town.
Several from here attended the Ked
Men's clambake in Swanzey Sunday.
I . and O. i.. Koliertson were in
Albany, N. V., last week on business.
O. H. Cooper, who spent the summer
in Maine, has returned to his home
Mr. and Mrs. Wheaton of Concord,
Mass., were guests of L. L. Stearns re
cently. Mrs. Maude (lilmore of Westboro is
visiting at the home of Mrs. N'ellie
A large number of logs have been
put through the sluiceway at the dam
this week.
Miss Marion Sprague has gone for a
week's visit in Xorthfield, Cill and
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Preston of Hol-
voke were week-end tniests of Miss
Cora Dexter.
V. I. Lyman has been filling a
week s engagement with a band at
Lake Pleasant.
1 lie Knitting- eiut and triends held a
picnic at W . O. J. Martin s larm Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. K.ilph Wood of Ashulelot is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ().
! '. Hobertson.
Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Langworthy and
Miss Lamoille Langworthy have gone
to Littleton to visit relatives.
Harold Hrown, who was with his
brother, l)r. 11. L. Hrown, severa
mouths, has gone to Franklin.
(ieorge Waterman has finished work
in the u. I . KoOertson paper mill and
gone to his home in Hernardston.
About 2.") tickets for the fish am!
game dinner at Silverdale, Spotlord
lake, Thursday wore sold in this town
N. H. Hallar.l of Harre, Vt., has
joined his family here, who have been
spending several weeks at Newton
Stearns s.
, Mrs. W. F. Robertson, Avho lots been
in a hospital in New IVork receiving
treatment lor an eye. trouble, Ls much
improved. v , . ' ;
F. C. Sargent,-who went to Henuing
toti, V t ," for medical " treatment, is
much improved and is expected home
Satu rdav.
Cam in laiie numbers have been
moving up stream iu the Ashuelot river.
coming it is thought, from the (,'onnei';'
tout river.
Edwin V. Yotiujr, the new pritici-ji.nl
of the high.' school, with his wife ar
rived here last week. He has leased
the tenement in Mrs. Ida V. H or ford's
house. .
Miss Elizabeth and Miss .Madge' and
Harold Hruce have returned home af
ter a week V visit with relatives in
Holvoke, Spiiniilield and Amherst.
Mass. . '
Key. and Mrs. ('. H. Temple and two
children vtll retui'n to -their home in
Levvisou; "Me., 'Tuesday after hjiendin
several weeks with tlieir parents, Mi
and Mih. K. J. Teinple and !r. and Mrs.
C. A. (iray. ,
East Jafl'rey baseball team wijl day
the lacals at .Riverside park Saturday
al'tenoon and it is expected that the
contest will be the best of the sea
son, as the visitors have a strong nine.
They have won nearly all tlieir games
this season and Hnsdale has yet to
lose one. " '
The primary voting will be held in
the town half Tuesday, Sept I, for all
state and local candidates on the tick
et for the November election. The
most important local otlice to lie filled
is that, of town representative, for
which there me tvyo, candidates E. J.
iTemple, Republican, and O. V. Hobert
son, Democrat. . , i
made in
00 per cent of
(lernianv eoines
the alcohol
from pota-
Father finds that
Pleasing Entertainment Planned.
The Ladies' club of Dunimerston
K1 11 very attractive entertaiu-
n"go w" present a series ot ioik
ot all nations, in eostnme. K.
- .1L,lle.r, w,u .slt! Sln" -ws- r"
1 ,er ?'ul l:ln't- ice-rream, caKe
anu con ee w ii ie on sale.
iiumpiirey took part in me .uue
' an.ces " 1,0 .euow-eii rest.va, re-
' '-v f tT.er,"r. Is- J r "e's ,M
i . -.. ij-.i.I.. . . k 4 1. . .i l,..diii' ivA a.i O
liter of Mrs. Nellie Wells Ilum-
T.liriv iv
ho was a well-known and pop-
icher when lier father, liev.
i t
'Moses Wells, was pastor of the Congre-
-'national eliurcli j.u this town, before her
,.,..:.... ti.. ,.t
mill I nir. 1 Jir lll.il! I irims ill ipui n
. r(Mnp11lh(.r tll,.ir 'u :miftnf, thpn.
T4. !o ,, , ,.i.,.i .:ii
iraw a inn nouse. i ne anair is ninier
i 11 i rr i a- . r. J
the auspices
of the Ladies' club, for
their benefit.
Miss Patience Wilder is with Mrs.
W. F. Walker a few weeks.
Hansom H. Laughton has returned
from his outing of several days.
E. H. Miller went to Townshend
Thursday with an automobile party
from Hrattleboro to attend an auction.
Miss Hlanche Xewton and grand
father, T. X. Hoed, attended the baby
show Wednesdav in Hrattleboro. Miss
Juliette Miller went with them.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Mailer and guest,
Frank Fairbanks, went Wednesday to
Spofford lake to spend the dav, after
which Mr. Fairbanks left for Hoston.
If taxpayers want the 4 per cent dis
count they must bear in mind that Sept
1 is near at hand and make the tax
collector, Adin F. Miller, a visit without
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge A. Sheldon and
Miss Hazel Sheldon spent art of the
week with M.rs. Jennie Patch, who is
entertaining; Mr. ami M i s. 'Currier and
son, Wesley Currier, of Xewton, Mass.,
who came in th!r motor car Saturday
Weslev Currier and parents, fr. and
Mrs. Currier of Xewton, Mass., Mrs
Jennie Patch and Master Lowell Patch
jr.. motored luesoay to Kutlaml tor a
brief visit with relatives, tftiirnin
spend several davs with
sister of Mrs. Currier.
1 he Ladies club had a pi. visa nt meet
ing with a good attendance Wednesday
afternoon. The C supper was a success.
Each of the toothsome viands had C
for its initial letter. The next meeting
will be held in the vestry Wednesday
afternoon, Sept. !. All are invited.
Judge and
H. Watson of M.uit-
.1" Mr. and Mis. Fred
peliel ai e t he guests
lllderwo. id.
Mr. and Mis. (Ieorge Edwards of Spring
field, Mas.. are boarding at Mrs. Anna
Xevveoiuli's a Week.
Miss Elizabeth Knapp has returned to
Cambridge, after spending; two weeks at
Mrs. Anna Xewoomb's.
The ladies' aid .society will have a sup
per in the town hall Thuisday, Sept.
All are eoldially invited.
The. A. Z. club will meet with Mrs. W.
L. Warren Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 2.
Any who wish to ride are leipiested to see
Mrs. Priggs.
Mrs. Jane Whitney and Miss Hath
St teeter of Hinsdale and Mrs. Lula Har
ber of Springfield, Mass., uttt the guests of
Mr. ami Mrs. H. E. Howard.
- Mrs. Hurland Higgins- and. son. Am
brose, and the Litter's wife and child of
Hiineit visited Mi-s. H iiruiris's sister. Mrs.
5 Fred Cnd ervvood. Satuiilay and Sunday,
I ; ,,f t.i- nit.-.,... l.ii..
Miss Alice Knapu and Miss Alice lelt
' went to Hoston with the homer
s sister,
in Xevv
(before returning to their hoim
Haven, t'oiiu. They spent the. summer at
Mrs. Anna Xevvconib's,
- The ladies" aid society are making ar
lanements for a sale of useful and fancy
ai tides the tirst week of December. Any
contribution ' for the same will be thank
fully received by the society.
The A. Z. luli held their annual sale at
the town hall Aug. V.i. It proved a suc
cess in evei y way. The net proceeds
amounted to .PJ."i. The elulv wish to
tlumk ail those who assisted them in any
Fire and Life
Strong, Reliable Companies
Sanford A. Daniels
Crosby Block, Brattleboro
Telephone 41-2
E. 0. TENNEY, Manager.
. Visitors Alwayi Welcome. Tel. 227-'
he IS of some importance even at a Wedding
Wc have
Pure, Fea'tl.'ul and Refreihirg
Made is a sanitary dairy and you set it
freah from the churn.
104 Main St.
And We Do The
"Do It
Has Become
the Motto of
the World's
Most Up-to-date
Clear Policies
Brattleboro, Vt.

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