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The Brattleboro daily reformer. (Brattleboro, Vt.) 1913-1955, December 14, 1921, EARLY MAIL EDITION, Image 2

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1 iMe reformers wedxesoy; i)EqErBERa4; 1921 --- :M .) .Uitiyxt & liniA
BURLINGTON, Vt. Mrs. Alice II.
Moore is one of the most popular ami
widely known women in this section.
Mrs. Moore liail the honor of being the
first woman School Commissioner here
and was elected by a large majority.
When leaving the office of a prominent
physician of this city she sprained her
ankle very badly. The doctor's treatment
did not seem to help her any.
Following is an interesting letter from
Mrs. Moore : "A month ago I sprained
my ankle so badly that I could not take a
step. It was badly swollen and pained
me night and day. A friend induced me
to ue Karnes' Mysterious Pain Ease,
and I applied it freely to the sprained
ankle. The swelling was soon reduced
and the pain vanished. In a week I
could walk as usual. My experience has
convinced me that Mysterious Vain Ease
is a truly wonderful remedy for sprains."
(Signed) Alice B. Moore.
People who use it seem to think there is
nothing in the world like Mysterious
Pain Ease for immediately relieving the
pain of chilblains, muscle cramps, sci
atica, neuritis, neuralgia, muscular colds
where the shoulders, chest and back
muscles are in pain, stiff neck, lumbago,
sprains of all kinds, pain arising any
where from inflammation and rheuma-
One cake of Chocolate
Yeast contains the same
amount of Vitamines as
a compressed yeast cake
and is much more palat
able to eat.
The purity and quality
of Chocolate Yeast has
been thoroughly tested
and approved.
Buy a Chocolate Yeast
cake from your dealer.
1 it- f- if niT giiimiwiMimif
Can You Read Fine Type
with ease and without strain?. If
not If the type dims or blurs it
is a eure sign yon need the atten
tion of our eye specialist. If
glasses are indicated, we prescribe
the proper lenses and see that
you are fitted accordingly.
t IS
f rOP TtlMFTRfS r ?
You Know
If your house burns
down and you have no
insurance you'll stop
talking about , "good
Fire is a constant
menace that i threatens -the
destruction of all
your property.
will assure prompt re
imbursement for fire
loss. Insure your, prop
erty now and protect
your hard earned dol
lars. .
H. E. Taylor & Son
"Insurance Yon Can
, . Depend On."
Brattleboro. Vt.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Prompt Service '
Brooks House Barber Shop ,
to QxMltbm rtfixtat
Published Every Evening
Except Sunday at
Tha American Building Annex,
Main Street,
Brattleboro, Vermont.
Addreat All Cdnaaunicatioaa to
' The Reformer.
Single Copies ; Three Cents
. Delivered by Boy
One Week Eighteen Cents
One Month Seventy-five Cents
Three Months 1 wo Uoliar?
Six Months Four Dollars
One Year Eight Dollars
By Mail
One Week ..... Eighteen Cents
One Month Seventy-five Ceilts
Three Months One Dollar and a Half
Six Months : Three Dollars
One Year Six Dollars
Entered in the poitoffice at Brattleboro as
second class matter.
The Reformer Telephone Ncunbar la
For Business Office and Editorial Rooms.
Member of The Associated Pren.
The Associated Press is exclusively an
titled to the use for publication of au news
despatches credited to it and not otherwise
credited in thi paper and also the local news
published herein.
Transient advertising Run of paper, M cents
an inch for first insertion, 30 centa an inch
for each subsequent insertion. Limited space
on first page at double rates.
Snari rar cm HDnlication.
Classified advertisements Fiva cents a line
first insertion with 50 per cent discount for
each subsequent insertion without change of
cony. Minimum charge 20 cents. Cash with
Reading Notices Twenty cents per ltna first
insertion with SO per cent discount for each
subsequent insertion without-cnange ot copy.
Reading notices are published at foot of local
I Know Just How Warren Feels
By morris;,
It is the aim of the management to assure
efficient service in the delivery of the paper
each night, and it solicits the co-operation of
subscribers to that end. Prompt reports should
be given of each failure to receive the paper
on the morning following the omission, in
person, by telephone or postal card, thus en
abling the cause of the error to be promptly
and accurately discovered and the proper rem
edy immediately applied. It is only by this
method that the publisher can secure the de
sired service.
The Reformer is on sale every evening by
the following news dealers:
Brattleboro, Brattleboro Newa Co, C W.
Cleavcland, S. L. Purinton (Esteyville),
Brooks House Pharmacy, Allen's Depot News
stand, Gilbert J. Pollica, 297 South Main St.
(Fort Dummer district).
West Brattleboro, J. L. Stockwell.
East Bummerston. M. E. Brown.
Putney, M. G. Williams.
Newlane, N. M. Batchelder.
West Townsbend, C H. Grout,
Jamaica, R. J. Daggett.
South Londonderry, F. H. Tyler.
South Vernon, E. B. Buffom.
West Chesterfield, V. H., Mrs. W. Streeter.
Hinsdale, K. H., W. li. Lyman.
Greenfield, Mass., Greenfield News Co,
Greenfield, Mass., C A. Hays.
"Economy, thrift, insurance of liabili
ties, are things that are in all men s
minds, says an interesting bit of Adver
tising. "They hav carried many a busi
ness over a difficult period and started
it on the up-grade again. Industry will
not discard these tried and proven eoun-
llors. But let us not forget that never
have they alone won a great battle, built
great business or won a great cause.
They had to call upon other equally nem siaies inp movies
vinli .rr.,.i,w vision faith construe- nave lnvaucu a narre cimrcn and win no
I .1 U. 1 A. . 1 JT1
live genius and a fighting perseverance . "ouo1 "eeom a pan oi me regular Min
that would never admit defeat. da-v evening service. And why not? The
'"These qualities are essential, and
Protected by George Matthew Adams
Walt Mctfon
It's Dry Law Haines who now explains that bootleg drinks are deadly;
so let's eschew the poisoned brew, and cease to paint things redly. This Dry
Law Haines is taking pains to wain us of our danger; he hates to see the
graveyard ten kill kff the pilgrim Ktranger. The lootleg drinks are made by
ginks who are not moral tlandies. and he is wise to all their ryes their bour
bon?, gins and brandies. Of poisons dire and liquid- lire they are a sinful
medley,; and Brother Haines, lie still maintains that bootleg drinks are deadly.
And Coyirade Haines, a man of brains, should know of what he's speaking,
lie toils among the jug and bung and spigot sadly leaking. He samples rye
and finds it lye, all kinds of booze he handles; lie finds one brew has liquid
glue, put. in by Goths and Vandals. "Oh, jakes and janes," odes Helpful
Haines, "let's all apply the swatter to those who sell this broth of hell that
makes the reason totter. It strikes men blind and wrecks the mind i hat "once
was grand and gaudy; so let us flay the heartless jay who sells this boneynrd
toddy." Thus scaketh Haines; applause he gains from sane and sober
thinkers who've marked the fate that seems to wait for liootleg whiskey
drinkers. . .
Copyright by George Matthew Adams
Today's Events
Tenth anniversary of the discovery of
the South Pole.
Sixtieth anniversary of the death of
Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria.
high posts in the state associations of
teachers in Iowa ami South Dakota and
has lectured on the English Bible in many
parts served as general corresponding
secretary of the Hoard of Education of
the Methodist Episcopal church.
One Year Ago Today.
The Assembly of the League of Nations
recommended that armament budgets for
1921'-:$ should not exceed those for 1921.
One hundred and twenty-two years ago
todav died George Washington, first !
Prci-ident of the United States.
The executive committee of the Federal
Council of the Churches of Christ in
America will meet in annual session in
Chicago today.
Muskegon, Mich., will vote today on a
proposal to forbid jitneys the right to
operate where they come into direct com
petition with street cars
Today's Birthdays.
I Hon. Pierre Ldouard Blondin. Post-'master-General
of Canada, born in Que
bec, 47 years ago today.
Rt. Rev. Frank A. McElwain. Episco
pal bishop of Minnesota, born at Warsaw,
N. Y., 4 years ago today.
Dr. Charles T. Aikeus, president of
Susquehanna University, born in Mifflin
county, I'a., ."!) years ago today.
Duke of York, second son of King
WQH rnm
1 OW""
left im
logically and with the development of
ideas direct and forceful.
It might not affect elections much for
although one speaker converted half a
dozen opponents he could feel fairly cer
tain that about the same -number of his
followers were being converted at other
meetings. Uut that's a minor matter.
If the plan would improve the quality
of campaign speeches, lets adopt it !
The Congregational minister at 15ec
ket, Mass., was asked to resign and re
fused to do so. Then the church janitor
struck- and - the pastor, still with the
courage of his convictinns. attended to
the fires and rang the bell and preached
a sermon at the usual time on Sunday
morning, his own family making up the
audience. At last reports he was still
holding the fort.
1 any day in the week than ride that thing.
Aurora Advertiser.
With Now a Comment and Then
Only a Caption.
Why Violet Scratched the Editor.
The local talent play, "Miss Simplic
ity," was a great success. Miss Violet
I'urns, a talented amateur eatress, took
the leading part. Rroadbank Herald.
Tvvxs Ever Thus.
Little Tom, when but a lad.
Longed to be just like his dad.
Now Tom grown up and in the swim.
Wants his dad to be like him.
During his sta.v-abroad !oughis Fair
banks was bitten by a am-l. Was the-
camera man on ha ml to record this inci
dent V New York Herald.
If lie was we may ee Doug climbing
Camel's Hump.
And Gosh! How We're Going to Miss
Cusphlore. f
The appointment of Miss Emily
ltrown. the Naugatuck member of the
legislature, to be couuty commissioner of
New Haven county is another permanent
nail in the new order. Out goes the cus
pidor and in comes the canary bird in the
' '"' 'iG..t'l1l,l'!?.t'f .our. .beloved ,Jand, -New
Haven (. ourier Journal.
You know, of course, that the Ver
mont man who writes you from New
York that he is on his way to Florida to
stay there until Spring is going to miss
I all the joys of a New England Winter. -
lioston ijlone.
It is probably because the Vermont
man knows so well what he is missing
that he is on his way to the joys of a win
ter in Florida.
A Great Day for the Women.
Ilusiiifs Stagnation at Red Hot.
Horse trading is very dull around Red
Hot now, as most everybody has traded
iini' t.K many times now. Red Hot correspondence.
Stimulation ot tlie potato inuusuj in 0 , ,14.ir pr;,umptive to the Ilrit
tne Northwest and the j.roduct.on of bet- born !,G years flgo to(lay
ier sctHi an nit- jiiiiiiijiai cifjvtt.i j i.
Pacific Northwest Potato Show, opening
today at Spokane.
Hearings are to begin before the inter
state commerce commission in Washing
ton today on the various proposals for a
general reduction in interstate freight
Thursday was a "hog killing" day in
Hoberg. as several neighbors got their Wlutt
hogs together to kill and each helped the I
other do the scrnoing while the women
did the work. Hoberg Correspondence.
Wash Your
mark the men who will put business
or any business back on its feet. Men
who know economy and thrift, because
they have gone, unaided, through days
that tried their very souls: men who
scrimped and saved and borrowed to meet !
educational value of well selected moving
pictures is well known and it is 'but a
step ahead of the magic lantern which
has been used in church work for many
A Modernized Nursery Rhyme.
Polly, put the kettle on,
Th's recipe rings true.
Polly, put the kettle on.
We'll have home brew.
Polly, put the kettle on
And empty out the hops.
Pretend to be a-brewing tea,
Here come the cops!
Rutland has declared war a war on
.... fill, ini I :i I lull ill I H i-iiv v ill, -li si
a pay roll; men who overcame bitter i ' '
ales resistance by patience and good
will ; who solved factory problems by
working 18 hours a day these men know
the value of a dollar make no mistake
about ; aijd they know it better than those
who only know how to save it. They
know how to make it create new wealth,
new service, new products and new op
portunity for their fellow-inen."
This is gospel truth. But it uses the
word "thrift" in its narrower sense as if
it meant saving alone. It doesn't. Thrift
means getting ahead. The really thrifty
person is never a miser. He is one of
the people with vision and constructive
power. The man who buried his talent
in a napkin "saved" it. But the thrifty
said to be overrunning things in certain
sections. No form of armament has been
banned. "Extermination" is the slogan.
Dry agents have been ordered by (om
inissioner Haynes to stop making public
speeche.-. Is this part of Mr. Haynes
plan to suppress jokes on the subject of
What Shall I Get Him for Christmas?
(Jet him :
A box of handkerchiefs. He probably
has&'t more than five or . six dozen.
Elastic sleeve gaiters. They make
splendid sling shots for kid brother.
A nice black tie. Maybe some relation
will die in the near future and it will
come in hanlv.
A dollar fountain pen. They are guar
anteed to leak.
A decorated shaving set. He never
shaves himself.
A pair of suspender. He always
wears a belt.
A book. Maybe the library will burn
If you have a dollar left get him a box
of cigars. E. O. J. in. Holyoke Tran
So William S. Hart has finally lassoed
a wife.
Politeness and Tact.
(Randolph Herald.)
The editor of the Bellows Falls Times
npison l wiin mnroda onnn.h a . is evidently in bad with the Romans
"o- V'"JU6" i. f .i, .:n t u
nun ui liicti tiiuiKV lor cMJiut'iuuig ntr miiu
use his wisely, and thus turn it into ten.
Passenger and Baggage
m r
. The Bishop of Chelmsford, according
to a. London despatch, Suggests that polit
ical candidates ami spi-akers should ad
dress audiewes composed entirely of op
ponents. It is a novel plan, but intrigu
ing, as the novelists xay.r
r .- Jf the speaker's purpose is to win .votes,
why should he always speak at a rally
of his friends, where applause and not
too critical attention are expected? There
are almost always some persons in he
crowd who have come to scoff or heckle,
but they arfr generally lost among the en
thusiasts. The majority of listeners come
with preconceived impressions and firm
opinions and go away with the same.
How much more enlightened they would
le, and how much better the speech would
need to be, if the situation were reversed
and the address were made before a group
of people who know what they think but
want to know what the other side thinks.
aTJi jtieaker-ctuhl not .the n;-,l)oo.s his
cause by catchwords and stock phrases.
His speech would need to be pretty well
planned, with points following each other
Language Do You
Dishes In?
YOUNG MAN, college graduate, speaks
perfectly English, German and French, is
looking for the position as a dishwasher.
Canton Repository.
Grasping an Opportunity.
( Ixmdon'derry Sifter.)
Amonfc our Landgroye items is an
item that at the last dance there Mr.
Hapgood of Peru made some commenda
tory remarks, declaring that "if we were
good, true and honest, we will have a
chance to dance in heaven." The halls
Today's Anniversaries.
1775 Philander Chase, first Episcopal
bishop of Ohio and afterward
bishop of Illinois, born at Cornish,
N. H. Died at Robin's Nest, 111.,
Sept. 20, isr2.
1799 George Washington, fifst Presi
dent of the United States, died at
Mount Vernon. P.orn in West
moreland county, Va., Feb. 22,
1814 U. S. (ingress levied duties on
carriages and harness, except those
ftvoliivi vl v emvilnveil in h nha nd rv.
ISltl Stephen A. Douglas was elected J "kes was falliii
United States senator from Illi- IT beggf"
IfctSO Ixwis Cass resigned as Secretary
of State in the Buchanan cabinet.
101 Fritii Albert, consort of Queen
Victoria, died at Windsor Cattle.
Born near Coburg. Aug. 20. 1S1'..
lsl George II. Williams of Oregon be
came Attorney-General iu Grant's
1S92 The Cincinnati presbytery sus
pended the Rev. Prof. Henry 1.
Smith for alleged heresey.
lie Papa
In The Day's News.
Thomas Nicholson, tlie new president
of the Anti-Saloon League of America,
has been a bishop of the Methodist Epis- fermly
copal church since l'.tHi. A native ot
Ontario, he attended the Normal school
in Toronto and subsequently graduated
from Northwestern University and the
Garrett Biblical Institute. After five
years as a school teacher he entered the
ministry in 1SS4, and since that time has
steadily risen m influence as well as in
Experience as a school
Short Story by Benny Potts.
It was a bitter, cold day and the snow
falling by the hundreds as a
ui the cold pavement
hoiiinz S4meln)dv would drop something
in his tin cup to keep skin -aiid bone to
gether. ' ' . .
Alas, he sighed internally. -1 his is a
heck of a day to be out in with no clothes
to speck of.
lest then a bewtitjll lady full of furs
and dimonds suddinly got of her automo
beel saying. Ah my poor man, take this
five doller bill, you look fearse.
No thanks, 1 never take "charity from
relations, sed the begger haughit illy.
My Husband! cried the lady stagger
ing backwerds and forwerds to keep from
fainting. (me on home with me, we'll
be jest in time for suppir.
Never, sed the begger proudly but
Wv not? tome home and argew
afterwerds. sed the lady.
Never, respected the begger shivering
But think of the children, they are
starving! ixclaimed the lady.
Wy dideut you say so. Ill come rite
home and support them, sed the begger".
Wich he did. wile the bewtilill lady
n.. ..ii .1 li , o 1,1 ; nO'iiiil rni, L-
good tlme'to Ulro "in sothingn the ter or clergyman in Michigan, Iowa, Jhawi : happily as she steered the zvU
churches, which are seemingly losing and the Dakota- has g.ven him wide beel for home, Wat a blessing childlen
their grasp, lie could not get so large an Knowieuge oi miruui m n.r -".'.,,
audience, so he took this opportunity. Stares and of its people. He has tolled .
The End.
Nix on the Contraptions for Charley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Witthaus. Mrs. W.
M. Pate and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Niemeyer drove to Joplin Tuesday to do
shopping and sightseeing. Charlie
Niemeyer said the biggest sight he saw-
was an electric elevator. They wa.ited
him to ride in it, but Charley said he
would rather slide down the cellar door
And He Did!
in his newspaper about a recent meeting
of the club to which he was invited. Bro.
Belknap published the following 'com
munication from "A Citizen" in a later
issue :
"Referring to your report on the last
meeting of the ISellows Falls Woman's
club, to which you - were invited as an
honored guest, calls to my mind a story
which I heard a short time ago of a plum
ber who, after working hard all his life
and not making much progress in busi
ness-or friendship, asked a friend to tejl
him the reason why, W ell, Pat, said tlie
friend. "You lack two. very esential quali
ties, politeness aiid tact.'
"Pat thanked his friend and decided to
profit by his advice. His chance came
soon, for next morning Pat received a call
and on arrival at the house was told there
was a leak in the bathroom. Pat opens
the door of the bath room and finds a
lady in the tub taking a bath. Pat
stopped and backed out, saying, 'Ex
cuse meSir." and losed the door. 'Well,
says Pat to himself, I have learned lay
lesson, 'Excuse me' was politeness and
the 'Sir was the tact."
May you Mr. Editor, Jearn the same
lesson before you are invited to another
, 4 Excllent Advice. t
(St. Albans Messenger.)
To the slogan "Do Your Christmas
Shopping Early" might be added another,
"Shop at Home."
! i foosot mv fL JM
-fZk-r1&GStf MUST
When a Federal Bureau reminds you that
children should not drink coffee or tea
Why not think of your own health?
The Federal .Bureau of Education
includes in its rules to promote health
among the Nation's school children,
the warning that children should not
drink coffee cr tea.'
The reason is well known. Coffee
and tea contain drugs which stimulate
and often over-excite the nerves, and
so upset health.
- The harm is by no means confined
to children, as any doctor can tell you.
If health is valuable to childhood,
it is valuable always. If. harm . to
health should be avoided until bodies
grow up, is it worth taking a chance
with health when bodies have
grown up?
You can have that delicious and
satisfying cereal beverage, Postum,
with any meal, and be safe you, and
the children, too. There's charm with
out harm in Postum.
Postum comes in two forms: Instant
Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by
the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal
(in packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while the meal is
being prepared) made by boiling for 20
minutes. Sold by all grocers.
The road to health is a
good road for anybody
to follow.
x .. . mmmJA
. em to follow kmfmtmk i

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