OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, June 13, 1883, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071719/1883-06-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOE. 78. 1000. NO. 35.
A H..
Rt 9.10 A.
, M and 1 ,4 r. M.
pr fnr all nolnt tn
?.vton and all Intenne-
YMi, Snvfrintendent,
rittengtr Apent,
ffmoxit Railroad.
f?S JOItniVH !
3t ITli for Concord, Manchester, Vahna. Wor-
wcr. Lowell, FUcliMi'B. isoMnn, npring
fleld. New Lopdon and New York.
nin. r,tUTElEXritF.'.fromMnntre.l,oi:.
,1U Ui llli rtPn.tmri! nn-l Ihe Wet. fnr Hmton, vla
lowell, and New York via Sprlngfleld and
New t,nndon.
7 90. n m MIXKD. from at. A'n, Kntland and
f lOU P. III. itn.rtlne.fm fnr Northfield.
11 in n m VIOIIT EXritF.as. frnm Mnntrral, Ov
llilU l). III. detiidmri: and tbn Weat for Hwton vln
Lowell and rilolihnrif, 'prlneflel.t. New
lyndon ad New York. Bnd all polnta In
vw Eniriand. xieentntr ram to Hprlng
fleM and lloaton vla Lowell.
TrviCtM Ooltif Xnrth atul 11'ent :
"J Ifl n m fTOIIT EXl'nK8. frnm Tlmtnnand New
0. IU d. III. York fnr Montwl, 0!deniin and tlie
M'e.t. Rleepln? Car to Montresl.
0 (E n m AcrnMMon.VTlOV, from Northfield fot
O.tJ d. III. linrllnrton. Rutland and St. John.
ntc . m T.nCAT, F.XPUF.". from White, Wver
3.33 di III. .innrtlon for linrllniton, Sl. Albsna, Rich
ford and ltnnp Volnt.
3,50 p. m.
TUY F.XrKK"". Leave" Bnatn vla
Fltchtmre at S.OO a. m vla Tflwell at
Q fln ,.. Vew T-onitnn nt. fi 00 a. tp.t
flnrtnnneld at R.oo a. m.. for Bnrllnron.
t. Athan. Mnntresd. OndntwMrp and
th Wpit, nrawinK Itoom Car M Mon
tresl. m rcnMMonTlON. frrm White Ttlrer
UI. .Innrtloi for mirlrnctnn, St. Albann, Og-
ilennnnrg and Montrea.
Tmln. linve for Y.w at 7.1(1 a. tn.. J
m. and 4 V) rt. in. nptiirnlng, leave liarrn at s.M a. tn..
Thronsh tlckdK CIiImso and all polnts wl for
.T. W TlOIt M'.T, O'nBral Surfrlntcndent.
ItllPT NMTlKVAt 11AVK, rot-cmoi IHock.
J, A, Taep, TrpsldPnt s J, 0. tfouahtnn, Cnfhlpr.
Tm'T cnjll'ASV, l'avs Intfwt on dpiwlti".
Hompr w lttn. l'rpldpnti A. vr. Errtn, Tronnrpr.
Ofnce ln Hflrnn Jllork.
South Maln Streft.
II.T KointiTsir.
Ofllw ovr HIt',v' dnic torp. state ftrt.
Rorvn fi. Tnlon ltlork.
AVII ITI'?V. Oftl" and rpldP"re in
Fwch' lllook. onth Jtln "trwt.
Open for
XJl nlgut tralnf.
L'nnrgen rra'. . .
(kp.lr flark. T'roirltor,
Carrlaoe to
all ttalns.
Ijlvery conrptPd.
lrtli ,t parrow, I'roprlptora.
Plrt-rlaaa ln evpry re-
OppO'He C. V. It. 11 titnn.
T. O. ItllPT. ri-onrletor,
1T.1 ttov .1 T. I.TPI!.
Saf ivud ("ntif,tanil.
i Opo. v. Rph1. p,TPtarv: CIwr. TVwv. l'rp'dpnt.
CO. l'roinpt and
J. T. Sibln.spo'v; w.tl, li
TITTKIN ro Ofnpral Innranre ARpnta.
I ppatntockcompaniewrppnpntpd. rost-offlp
Offlro ln roat-offlrc Klok,
Tj. IIOTT, Attorney at Law
rialnfleld, Vermont,
XI Offlce ln SaMnV Illock. South Maln Ptrwt.
yirr .nr. ki tv. innTKtr
j Oflire In Unlon lllook. State Street.
Law and collection offlce wlth S. C. PhnrtlPff,
xj rmtr.
UVFUT. Fint-ela teania
XT nlstied for 11 rxvwrilon,
t'nre reasonai'ie.
Tinni.KY"! T.TVKUY. Feed and lloard
lntr Rtable. Teamsof all dptvrlntlnnfl.
nenaoi M-iie ireet.
TT T.OWE & SOV. Te Dealera and Oroeen..
X X . Cnlffe ronte,l on the prendiea.
T T. KKFKltV. Crockerv. Glaas Ware. Cametn
J . Curtaln, Itoom Paoer. Hc. gtate itreet.
TTT Y.. ST.AYTON . Statlonpr. llooknpllprandNe.
JtX. (lealpr. nialto Illock, Stat Streft,
tJ.AHMKNT made aa thev ationld liv 1Voolon
jiroinprn, jierrnant lauorn. r.atattUDhed ln l&Vi,
A A. STKAT. ilealer In Walchen. Jewelry, Sllver
u.Jk. nuu uiitti " iu)a ttuii r nncy iinfMia,
Tnlon I!lock
T DKWEY. Oeneral Hanlware Ktnre.
X-. Nenrthe Amerlean TInne,
JOIt lMUNTTNd of all klnda neatlv and promptly
dona at reaaonable rtee. Send for etlmate to
WATOnWW ,v ,ioi-Nt, Offlre,
f JI.fimiSH AiOW. Vontnelter Cnckpraand Pnn.
XJ ((irtlonerv. "Tltelet In the tlate," Maln fltreet,
SCOVILL, fnrnltiire.
Iteed'a Illock, Maln Rtreet.
JJAK1,()W, I'liotosrerlier
llioek. Stale street.
For Summer Resorts,
", U (i unilout.leillu a nooit ptan In tate ulih wiu to
Ihe iummr Imme a trrll teltcltilitl c wunc lookior
linglng aniifor pliiing,
For Sl n irl n k. i li Ur ;
ENtAKOKI) KOITIOX (Si Uoanl. or Cloth).
The lt n)lBce11ftnons gelectlon of popular songa, wlib
CCOmnHT)lmnt. xtint
(ti Board. Cloth.) Ileat and onlv collertlon of
ttaa world-wlde, famous l'lantatlon, Jutillee and lltn
itrel aonga
(Sl Iloarda, S2 M) Cloth.) Admlrable npinl.gof the
weetet aacred lyrlea. I'lanoor Organ accompanlinent.
l'orl'lrtylnir. fnke!
(81 lloard. SJ.60 Cloth.) New and very well cbosen
collection of l'lano rieceji of medliim dimc.ulty,
J?I5!!!S W. RTK A ll5. I Kach $3 Iloardi, $J.S0
OKVV TIIK DANOK.1 Uloth. The very
tirlgbteat plano munlo pnbllihed. I)perlptlom of thirty
otber flrt-clai collectlona ent on appllcatlon,
In I'reaa onrt Nenrly Itend y:
For Crap Flr and all O. A. It. uieeUnga. Look out
for U I
Any book malled, pontpald, for retall pilce,
O. Ditson & Co., Boston.
IKorHuudar I iKcbooUiieltfltktock.
1 N 1. IJLrftfT U taldliira IIsVIlmim (uln-M W
1,Uoluwl, l.4S;ttft( fi6.16. K. 9, 4(1 volu'uia,
JrA ,IT'1U- bi"ilrMUUM, UAVIDO.
EEI -I -
1 enny Saved
Is TVo Pence Clear!
HaTlnR fjrtntly enlargcd hls paper, nnO 1m
provocl it by puttlrjR it into tho torm ol the
be?t city tmperri, wlth tho nld ot apccl'l ma
chlncry, the puWlaherof the Vkii.mont TVAT'cn
man & StAte JouitNAii offcrs to nb"crl)ers,
new or old n chitnce by prnctlclrK " l'oor
Ulcliard'g " mnxlm, to " savo a ponjy " and to
Ket bcslde the new elRht-pape AVArcilMAN for
ono year. Bread H tho "staff ot ilfe;" a sood
nowspnper in llfo itcelf. It is niorosKn to
OIVB Sl'llSCltlllKItS IIOTlt, AND U'K THB )tCll
New Subscribers!
Any indlvidual who nppllel to one ot the
ngencles deaIi;Dated below ad complies wlth
the entnlltlonR ot the Milo, iflll recelve tho cn
larged Watchman foroneyear.
Each Old Subscriber
who presents at one f the acenelea nnmed be
low a recelpt fnr thn Watcilman np to or
beyond Jannary J, 1883, and compllea wlth the
conditlona of te "He, nliall receive tlie en
larged Watc"'an fnr ono year. A WatciI'
jian beariivt tho BUbcrlber'H lahel and ludt-
catlng H19C the pnppr hn beon pald for np to
or boyond Januaty 1, 1883, is eo,uiTalent to a
Subscription Agencies!
Xew subfcrlberK, and old ubscrlbpr. havltig
Vatciiman icnolpt", n described nbovo, can
apply to tho fnllowinp loeal BRenoles and re
celve tho bejipfit of tho followint; offera:
II. Lowe & So.v, Montpelier, for S8.C0 will
furnlsh one barrel famnua White Koll Flour
(lowest retall cah priceS7.C0) and tho Watcii
mas for one year (lowest cash prico S2),
maUlDK r, snvinz nf Sl to the bnyer.
Aiuis & IIai.nes, Waterbury, for S8 wlll
furnlah nne barrel of flour, Hrown's Iiest Clty
Itoller Mills (lowest cah prlco S7), and the
Watciiman for ono year(S2), savlng thebuyer
one dollar.
L M. AvEim.r., Barre, for S8 will fiunlsh one
barrel Farber's Uept Pntent Flour (lowest cash
prlce S7) and the Watciiman(S2); or for S7
one barrel Gem of St. Lnnls llour (retall S0.25)
and tho Watcmman one year.
J. K. Ly.vde, Williamstown, for S7 50 wlll
furnlsh one barrel Detrolt Mills Flour (lowest
cash price SO 50) and tho Watciiman one year
(S2); or for S8 ono barrel of Tho Electrlc LlRht
Flour (retall S7) and the Watchman one year,
I!atuiiki.ikk & Dkwky, Hainfleld, for S8 50
wlll furnish ono barrel of Stannard's Gllt FjJro
Flour (lowest cash price S7.50) and the Watcii
man rme year (S2).
A. W. Tf.wkshl'isy & Sons, West Randolph
for 98 25 will furnlih one barrel of llrown';
Best City Uollor Mills Flour (lowest cash prlce
87) and the Watciiman one year (S2).
Ediiekton DttoTiiKits, Xortjifield, for S8 2;
willfurnish ono barrel Drown'a llpst Clty Koller
Mills Flour (lowest cah price S7.25) and tho
Watciiman ono year (S2).
Iliustration !
Xkw SunsCitiitEits. A person deslring to
gub-cribo goes to tlie ngency ho may profer,
lly complying wlth the terms of tho offer be
gfrta hls llour, the agent gives hlm a rcceipt for
the Watciiman for ono year, and the paper
wlll be sent from this ofilce. Old Snsscnnmiis
who have paid np to or beyond January 1,
1883, by exhlbiling their recelpt or their
Watciiman to any of the dealers named, can
tako advantage of this offer. Subcrlbers who
havo not pald up to January 1, 1883, should
remit to the Watciiman ofilce the f ull amonnt
due up to that date, or beyond, and get a
recelpt therefor.
John Smlth has pald for hls paper to Feb
ruary, 1882, or Jaraes Jones has pald to De-
cember, 1880; eitber of these subscribers by
paylng in f ull up to January 1, 1883, or bevond,
and by Bhowing hls recelpt to any of tho
dealers named can taheadvantageof this offer,
and so with any other subscribers in arrears.
The Reason Why
the publisher is able to mako the above Hberal
offer is this: His arrangeinent wlth the dealers
named enables hlm to get from them the prlco
of tho Watciiman, thtts ndvancing at the
same time the interest of the subsctlber, tho
niercbants and the publisher.
This Proposal
will reniain open until July Uth, and will be
subject to changes in the" marhet price of
flour, guaranteelng the buyer always the
same relatire adYantago.
Flour is a staple article of household use. It
the barrel is not empty to-day, It may be soon j
and tho wise man, although not in immediato
want, wlll take advantage of this offer. Deal
ers unlto In warning consumers that the prlce
of llour wlll, without doubt, soon advance.
3ub-crlbe early and save another pfnny.
Many acknowledge the preat superlority of
the Watciiman, who nevertheless are induced
bylowptices to take papers whlch are manl
festly Inferior to It In all that constittitesagood
local and fatnlly journal. The publisher's Hb
eral offer disarins all such objections. It
bringa the enlarged eight-page Watciiman,
with iu select, polltical, family and rellgloua
reading, Its good supply of local news, and its
unrivaled agricultural department wlthln the
pecunlary moans of eyery indlvidual.
To know the Watciiman well is to take It
continuously, as the great niass of Its sub
scribers have taken It for long terms of years.
To glve strangors nn opportunity to become
acquainted wlth Its merits, Is ln large part tho
motlve in maklng the above proposal. Snow
AV. IV. l'HKSCOTT, I'ublUlior.
Montpelier, Vt., June 13, 1883.
Goddard Seminary
UnJer the auinlcei of the claia of '83, wlll be Klven
by Ululailell'ii Orclieatra of Con
cord, N. 11., at the
Town llall, Barre, Vt., Monday Evening, June 25th,
awUled by Mri. W. A. llrlrL-a of Montpelier.
UUUdell'a Orcheetra and lln, llrlggi
are too well known to need any
Admliilon, 00 Centa. All Iteservetl Sest).
Tlcktti for aale at Smllh'a Drug Htore on
and alter June lsth.
Doora oihu at 7 o'cloclt ! Concvrt bcglna ut 8.
inkhmnn & Sjommtl,
Tho WAtclimnti IiCfids.
Oue of tho great advanoes in tho nows
papor tnaohlnery ol ttirsa progresaivo
Hmes is the inventlon and perfeotion of
tho foldlng inaohhie. As traffio of all
kind3 developed and increased in the ear
lier days of newspapors, and tho deraands
of ad.verstisers for spaoo began to trench
on the dornain of the reading public, pub-
lishers from time to tirae enlarged their
old fashioned folio or four page sheot till
they becamo like blankets in size, and
as unmanageable as a cirous bill in tho
hands of the reader. Those great sheets
were so inconvenient that in oourse of
time the adoption of the quarto or eigH
page form became a rnatter of necessity, in
order that space and convenieuce, the
rights of advertisers and readors, miglit
bear a due relation to each other. But
with the general reader the " bother " ci
opening a quarto sheet and refoldingnt,
or of stiching the paper and cutting the
leaves in oidsr to get at the inside pages.
haa been so much of a difQculty or por
plexity as to be in a large measure a bar
to the reading of the inside of a newspa
per in this form. So great has been the
prejudice on this sfiore against the quarlo
form that tnany papers have clung to the
old folio blanket sheet as involving fewer
disadvautages than the quarto. The in
ventiou and perfection of a machiue
which not onlv fold a large sheet int.-
Sidnky Hkown of Ogdenbburg was In town
eeveral days last week.
Mis Nklue Ghaveh is visitlng ber fister,
Mrs. Luciti8 Cooley, at Hoosic Falls, N. Y.
Dit. IIookkk recclves calls ahnopt dHlly lv,
telophone from hls 'old circuit iu Mad tlyL.
Hkv. S. H. Wiikkixu was called to 8nuth
Hero last week by the sickness of his father,
Itv. O. G. Wheeier.
Handoli'ii Johnson, tho young son of liv.
W. J. Johnson, recelved a severo cut on the
leg, Saturday, from a scythe,
The ladies of the Mothndist socioty hnld a
strawberry festival in Ilnrlpigb's block, Wcd
nesday evening, June 13th. Glve them a
Tiiomas MoitWAV says ho had over fllty
applicatlons to mow front yards Monday. Tho
graos has grown sn fast In the pa9t week, all
want thelr yards cllpped at once.
Dit. SANiiortN has removed bls ofilce from
tho hotel to the Hurlelgh block, in the rear of
Dr. Wheelock's ofilce. He will also room there,
but still boards at the Waterbury hotel.
M. Whalon has Fold out his entire buaineas
and real eatate to lllram Boyce of Warren, Vt.
Mr. Iloyce propnsps to carry ou the butcher
business hero ln Waterbury at the old etand.
Somi: of our farmers renort a remarkable
growlh of corn for tlie past ten davs. One
raan planted a piece June 4, and June 11 it was
large enough to hne. Crops of all kinds are ln
an ezcellent conditlon.
Miss Ci.ahinda Woon died at the poor farm
last week and was buried at the Center Satur
day. She was the dnughter of Adam L. Wood
nowdoAd. A slster Uvlng In tho state of Xew
York li the only survlvor of the family.
Mit. MoAllistk.h, the Pulhnan car conduc
tor injured at Montpelier Junctlnn last fall,
broke tho monotnnyof hls longconfinement bv
a vlflt to Watprbury Friday, the enest of Land
lord Chaso. He returned to Montpelier Mon
day motning.
The wlnter, spring and summer thtis far has
been all tho most eiacting farmers conld de
sire for grass. Hiere is a heavv growlh, well
advanced. The only contingency about the
crop now is the meather for securing it, Haying
will commence early.
Thk hot weather has tnrned the attentlon of
housekeepers to C. O. Graves' stock of oll
stoves. There has been a rttt-h for thfse usp
fnl summer artlcles. The Adams aud West
lake seeras tnlpad, thoughMr. Graves has also
the popular Floronce.
Tiii: grounds around tho Congrfgational
chnrcli may be very iiice and convenient for
whipplng carpets, but as " chatlty beclns at
hnme" those who havo yards of their own
should uso them for this tuirpose and those
who have not should not uefllo church prop
erty with thelr litter.
M. M. Knioiit and J. C. Griggs have given
thelr cutomers a broadside tho past week.
The large sheet prlce llsts which they have
been sendlng out Inform the public where dry
goods, clothlug and wparli.g npparel generally,
sold by the former, and boots and shoes by the
latter, can be purchased choap and in great
Zknas Watth Islaylng Ihe foundations for a
feed uiill and elevator by the rallwav track
just easterly from tho Cooley compan.v's shop,
The maln bulldlng is to be thlrty-six by slxty
feet, two stories hlgh. Ilesldes dning a gen
eral buslness In fopd. the proprletors wlll do
custom grlndlng. The Cooley company wlll
turnlsh the power,
Wateiiiiuhy grand Hst Is published in
another colunin. Tho followlng ligures whloh
do not appear there areot InlerPHt For 1883
the real estato nppraistl Is, S82li.032 79: lmr
sonnl estato, 5403,401.87: tntal. S1.31J1.41M 10.
For 1882 the ral estate is, 8800 402: ppwonal
estate. S4M.r, 43: tntal, Sl.25il.0y8.43: galn
fnr 1883. 800,305.73. The real galn is about
510,000 larger when tho Cooley manufaetory
pioperty exenipt by law Is tAken Into account.
The marrlage and death of liert Marston
were published In Thk Watciiman of last week.
He was marrled to Annlo h. Seaver nf More
town, Wednesday, May JWth. and drowned
Tuesday, June 5th. In the Winooski near the
brldge leadlng to Duxbury Cornors. Ho was
bathlng, had swain across the river, and in ro
turning became exhautted and sank when
wlthln a few feet of the shore. His young
wlfe wsh at ber father's In Moretown and was
not made aware ot her bereavement until the
followlng dsy. Mr. Marston's remulns were
buried at Moretown.
A IUUD thunder storm nccurred at St Johns
bury the Cth. Streets and gaidens were badly
waslied, and many ehade treea and fences
blown down,
any desired forin, but paatca tho leaves,
triius the edgea and deltvora tho paper fin
Islmd liko an immenso pamphlot and as
convenlently read, reruoved overy serious
objoction to tho quarto form and rcndored
it possiblo for papera liko'the groat relig
ious woeklies to adopt a nixteen or twenty
pago, or even a larger form. Ono by ono
tho blaukct seoular folioa aro being trans;
fortned into compact, convenient quartos,
with leaves pasted aud triramed, every
page of which can be read " like a book.
At first these machines were used only by
city publishers. They have been adapted
to the use of country establishments, and
The Watciiman, in adopting this won
derful invention, leads the van of the Ver
mont press. Its Stonemelz foldor, a cut
of which is given above, does its work as
rapidly as the papers are delivered from
the new newspaper printing press of
greatly increased capacity, which also has
recently been put into this office. It not
only perfortns tho work of sevoral girls in
the single rnatter of folding, but Binniltrv
neously with the folding it does what it
would be utterly iuipracticable to under-
take to do by hand, pastes the sheets and
cuts the edges. The two machines together
give Tiin Watciiman ofiice facilities un
rivaled in this state for the expeditious
publishing of a uewfcpaper, with all the
latest advautages to readers aud adver
tisers, in form and make-up. We expect to
see our enterprising conteraporaries make
haste to follow the scriptural injunction,
and one by one to " go and do likewise."
It is the publisher's pride nnd pleasure to
iet them a good exatnple.
Dit. FAiiNswouni moved Into Allen Phelps'
house last week.
Miw. J. IIAMHJ.0N, daughter of Dr. Farker,
is visiting her friends in town.
Mus. CLAri', slster of tho Methodist pastor,
H In town and asslsted ln the singing last Sun-
Heniiy lii.AKE hai a very soro eye, caused
by a piece of steel hitting it while worklng on
the railroad.
Skuvickh will be held at the Universalist
church June 21th, and will be contiuued once
in two weeks.
Mns IlENitY Smith invlted her class in Sun-dar-school
to a ten party last Saturday, when a
good time was enjoyed by the little folks.
Tiie seltctmen have succeeded iu lindlng
some road commlsioners. C. W. II. Dwinell
succeeds John K. Eddy and Win. Martin suc
ceods Curtis Martin.
Aunt Patty Enolisii has been very low for
a week back and has not been cxpfcted to llve,
but at last accounts was better. She is with
her daughter, Mrs. C: E. Shepard.
Mii. anh Miw. Fahnswohth wlll treat the
thiee smaller classes in the Methodist Sunday
school to Ice-creara in Mr. Gllman's woods
npxt Saturday afternoon. The little ones have
llberty to iuvlte any children they ploase.
Last week Tuesday Coliuubus Amidon and
wlfe of liiat Burke were in town and stopped
ovo' nlgbt with his nlece, Mrs Jceph Ballard.
They were on their wav to Strafford to visit
their daughter. Forty years Bgo Mr. Amidon
was singing teacher here and is well known by
the old settlers.
The name of the teacher in tho vlllageechool
was prlnted wrong last week and we correct it
this week. It should have read Etta J. Morse,
and she Is dolng well wlth her Bchool of noarly
fifty scholars, ranglng from the smallest up to
sixteen years old. The school is too large for
one teacher, but sho is doing as well as any
one can.
Mit. and Mrs. Alonzo A. Hoi'KiNS cele
brated the tenth annlversary of thelr weddlng
last week Monday. Xoarly nlnety people were
present and were tne representatlves of three
town's. Calais, Cabot and Marshfield. After
singing for a whllo from tha Gospel Ilymns.
Mrs. C. H, Fatnswotth sang the "Cradlo lied
Song." whlch was nlcely rendered. After
pravcr by the pastor, a poera writttn by Clar
endon Tucker for the occaslon, was read by
the author, and ono other poem read by Mrs.
Fnrnsworth. Ileinarks by Georgo O. DavIs
and Mr. Farnswoith lllled upsometlmo. There
was a goodly number of presents, mostly of a
usefu) character, anda purse contalningtilteen
dollars, The tables were loaded vitli eatables
nnd all seemed detenuined to do them justice.
Mrs, Hopklns was formerly Ida Ormsbeo,
daughter of John A. Ormsbee. formerly nf this
town. A rlght good time was enjoyed by all,
TnnSunday-school concertlast Sabbath was
a decidnl strccess ln every particular, everj'
thing being well planned nnd carried out. The
church was beautlfully decorated, under tho
dlrrctlon of the cpmtnittee, Mrs. E. York, Mrs.
D. H Lfivoland, Mrs. Henry Smith and Mrs.
Norman Bliss. A double arch over the pulpit
covered with evergreens and, sunnounted hy
the Inscriptlon, " Chlldren's Day," was a nlce
piece of work. Other decoratiws were also
notlced, and nn nlmcst endless variety of (low
ers, Wo ralssed the caees of singing blrds
which last yoar addrd so much to thosweetnefs
as well as benuty of tho occaslon. Wo hope the
coinmlttee will not leave them out next year.
The coucert was taken from the prlnted pro
gramme and was well rendered, "Fadeless
Flowers " being tho tltle. Tho speaklng and
singing by the little ones was good, but few
hoitatlng or making mlstakei. About thirty
of the little ones took part. To particularize
would be Itnpracticablo, as lt would tako too
much time iind spaco to do all justice, The
pastor and wlfe and the cominlttee are entltled
to thanks prof use for the best exerclses of chll
dren's day we have llstenod to yet.
r'uyston. George Somerville is very tlck
ln eonstquence ot u wound recelved white ln
the arniy. There is no hope ot his recovery.
John J. Kki.tv has sold hls farm to Adam
McKay. who has just arrived from Ireland, for
J. II. TiiojirsoN lost a valuable brood maro
last week, at the time she was expected to
foal. Several fatiuers in this viclnity have lost
thelr young colts.
A lahoe clapboard mlll at Middlebury,
formerly owned by Batchelder, the Brandon
bank wrecker, has been bought by archltecta
Allen and Smlth, who will temove It to a polnt
near the freight denot as a waiehouae for the
Green Mountain pulp company.
Ghaduatino exerclses to-morrow (Thurs-
day) afternoon at two o'clock,
G. 11. DuitKF.E ls eettlne hls " froc nond
hnuso" noarly ready for summor boarders, so
they sny.
Xkxt Sundav thore wlll be a concort in tho
evifnlng at tho UnlvetBallst church by thelr
J. S. Colmnh has elven his hotise two coats
of paint, thoreby very much lmprovlng tho
iooks ol tlie same.
A Fouimt of July celobratlon l oxpected
hero this year, somu two hundred dollars being
ralsed lortliat purposo.
Tiu: members of thn trraduatlnc class took a
rldo over into Berlin, visiting tho homo of thelr
rlastmate, l'errln. A very enjoyable time was
Amiiiiose 11 ATCiiKl.DF.it linn a.now barn al-
raot completed aud Klgln Gale has the foun
datlon for hls large barn laid and Is to erect the
barn lmmediatoly for the accommodation of
nls llvery.
And still thev come. Wallaco Parker, hav
lng boimlit some slxtv acrcs nf land nf Mrs,
Warren, near Twlngsvlllo and northoast of
Goddard Seminary, offers forty bulldlng lots
lor salo, prlces ranging from SIOO to 5UU a lot.
Goddaiid Seminahy comnincempnt exer
clses wlll begln Sundav, June 24'h, wlth a ser-
mon to tno graduatltiK class. uraduating ex
erclses ot the clasa, Wednesday, the 27th, Iu
the forenoon. A further notico wlll bo raado
next week.
We nre glad to see the famlliar faceof A. N
Wheelock ngaln ln our place, and looking as
thouch cltv llfe acroed with hlm. He Is to do-
llver the address beforo the gradnatlng class
thls(Wednesdav) evening ntfortyflve mlnutes
past seven o clock.
E. E. FitKNCii, l'q., has removed hls cedar
hedge, taken away the slat fence, cut the stnne
posts down about twelve luches and madenulte
a costlv Iron fence next the sidewalk. This is
nn Improvement, as it glves n better vlew ot
His weu-kept grounds.
H. O WoimiKN, M. D.. ls lmprovlng the
looks of Mrs. Judith Keltli's place, whero he
llves. liavine removed the vard fence and nnt-
tlng in dressed granlto curbing on the sidewalk,
drlveway and walks. He ls also grading the
v, noio yard anu liiung u.
John Poiitkh was complalned of Monday
for sellirie beer and cider. A warrant was i.i-
sued and he waB arrested and brought before
a justice. but not bfiinc redy for trlal, U. W,
Kcynolds became hU ball In 500, for hls ap-
pearance on iriday lor triai.
PiiOFnssoit II. A. P. TouiiRY. A. M., delivered
theaniilversar.v sermon before the graduatlng
rlafs lat Sunday nfternoon, uslng as a tcxt
Itomansl: 15 and 10. from whlch he gavea
very sound sermon that wnsliJtened to throug
otit wlth marked attentlon. The singing was
by Bethanv cholr from Montpelier, and was
much llked.
Thkue was a iustlce suit lat week at tho
olllce nf ).. w . 1iUpo. Mrs. S. C. French w.
Geo. W. Maun. ejtctniPnt nnd rent. This was
for thn possession of the pame house sold Colla-
mer iMagnon somo two or tliree montus ago,
and he has deeded the n'nce back to Mrs.
French that she mlght get tenanU out of the
house, we suppose. Verdict fnr plalntliT to
have pnsppiion of house. I. W. Bisbeo for
lilalntlff, . A. Boyce for defendant.
Last Sibbath was children's day at the
Methodist church, nnd as such was appropri-
ateiy ouserveci, tno cnnrcii ueinir verv taste.
fully and abundantlv decorated wlth ever
greens and ilowers in pots and cut liowpr.
while the singing of numerous canarios added
much to the nleasure of the tlmo. In tho fore
noon an luterestlng address was given to the
clilldren by Mrs. J, It. Bartlett. At seven r
M. a Sunday-school cnncert was civen. the au
dlencerooms being lllled. The exerclses con-
sisted of songs. rccitatlons, select reading?,
singing oy tne ciioir, rtsiionslvo reading, etc,
Last Saturday the Stnr Creamery Associa'
tion of IUrro was nrganized at the town hall
Some thirty members rioined the associallon
The nbjpct ls the maklng and selllug of
butter to as to command tho hlghest prlce and
at the least cost, creamcry butter bringlng
from fivo to ten cents per nound more than the
common dalry product. Thore are more farni-
frs to ioin the association. The members fur
nlsh the cream, do not havo tho labor and
trouble of maklng and tnklng care ot tho but
ter, havo the sour milk to use, and share in
the higher rates their butter brings. The of
fiecrs are: W. C. Xye. presldent: L F. Aldrich,
ireasurer: i-.rastus Keltli. w. t. Klcharclson,
Erastus Edwards, Israel Wood, finance com-
mlttee;C. S. Wallace, sfcretary. Mr. Wood
wlll collect the cream and he nnd Mr. Wallaco
do most of tho work.
The found of the hammer and saw is still
maklng muslc all around our vlllage. Nat
Whittler is pushlng his house rapldlv. havinc
flnished the cellar last week, and is now erect-
lng tne liouse part. ui 11. Mlnnrd, on a lot
joining Whittler's, has also hls cellar completed
and is striving to have a house readv to occunv
ns soon as hls nelghbor. Jerry Hiitchlnson has
a lot of lumber drawn into tho same field, with
whlch to put up a dwelllng house. These are
going to be quito a pltnsant set of houses lo-
catea in &. u. uiudd s meaaow. utners liave
boucht there. but have not vet commenced
work. Charles Minard has also bntight a lot ot
air. uiuuo east oi tno acaaemy boaraing
house nn tho mad to Gospelvllle and has com
menced grading. Alonzn Hnlt has a honso
nearly ready to occupy, nn South Maln street.
beyond the fork shop. O. II Thompson Is hav-
ing two cottago ltoues uuut just oacK Irom
juain Biteet, near tne "ociagon.
Last week Friday ono Perkins, a stono-cutter,
llvlng noar South Barre, after imbibing too
much of the "critter," went home and
knocked hls mother down. she falllntroii some
thlng and cutting an ugl v gash in her head.
He aiso threatenod to klll hU f ither and ral'ed
trouble generally. Comnlaint being rande.
Grand Jtiror Bassett and Constable Jackman
vi cut np there and arrested the man. brought
Iilin to tlie vlIlflgeandKept lilm until batmday,
at whlch time he was brought bfore Grand
Jomr Iiassett and Justlro Fltleld. Hn dlscloiied
on Webster & Dickenson, as fiirnlshlng hlm
with tlie dtink. Hewastined five dollars and
costs and lct go. Next on tho di cket was the
arrcst of Web-tter & Dickenson, and, it being
late on Satuiday, the hearing was ndjourned
until Moliday forpnoon, at whlch time Webster
came inandpleadedguiltyto two first offences,
maklng a flne of twenty dollars aud costs.
We should like tn knowltow many tlmesa man
Is to be couvicted and nllowed to plead ftrst of
fences, for this is the thlrd flne ho has pald for
seiung inioxicanng annic in viniation oi law,
nnd it Is certaiuly time there was an end made
of drink being sold in town openly and freely,
as uas ucea aone lor tue past year,
Last week Tuesday evening was te occaslon
of one ot tlio.so plcasant gathorlugs that come
as a white day sometimes In lifo, and as such a
nay we juugn our genlal ixistmaster, W. A.
Perry, and wlto, found it nhen. at about eicht
o'clock In the evening, ono ot tho party called
at the olllco and desired them to accomnanv
hlm to thelr resldcnco, to asslst In somo sing
ing. Arriving there they found thelr house
taken possession of by a goodly company of a
hundred or more. Mr. and Mrs. Perry qulckly
took in tho sltuatlon, when lt came to them
tliat (rlends liad reinembered it ns the rounded
circle of flfteen years of married llfe, completed
that day for them, and made it a genuine sur
prise to the brldo and groom of tifteen vturs
ago. Tlie evening was spent In soclal converso
and slnglug, followcd by a few well-chosen
words lu preseutatlon ot gifts in behalt ot the
friends bv Uev. J. A. Sherburn. nnd restionded
to by Uev, J, li. Bartlett fnr the reclplents, fol-
loweo oy prayer dv uev v. iu. Klmmoi, alter
whlch cakoand coffee was seived to the com
pany. The ptesents conslsted ot a handsome
chlna tea set. anlcoalbutn. a rocklnc chalrnnd
black sllk drtss pattetn; also a very handsome
basket of Ilowers from the conservatory ot
Wllliam Clark, The company, wlshlng tho
host and hostess many returns ot the hsnpy
day, separated about halt past ten, feeling that
mey nnu speni a pieasani evening.
Moretown. llert Marttown, wao wag
drowned near Waterbury last Tuesday evening
was nuneu ou tno common iiiursuay.
Gkohcif. Evans ls bulldlng a new horse barn.
II. O. Waiid ls runnlng the box buslness ln
tnesiiopou, li. rassett.
GEOnoK M. FLirrciiEii, who has been elck
for some time, is gulnlng slowly.
North lleld.
Amce Pheston Is homo from Burlington.
Dit. Davih Is bulldlng a barn on hls Aldrlo.U
Or.oiiOE W. KiNosnuitY Is palntlng hls house
on Vlne street.
C. A. EiMip.iiTON wcnt to Boston last week.
returnlng Friday.
List.B McI.ntosii of South Itovalton was ln
town over Sunday.
Lt'LU Nkwcomm went to Waitsfield Mondav
to spcnd tho summer.
Kvik and Denny Whittkmoiib came from
Kansns S'tturday to spend the summer.
Hkv. and Mns. Bootii nttended tho Univer
salist convcntlon nt Plainfield last Friday.
Jl'i.lA Donovan gops to the Crawford house.
White Mountalns, this weok to act as table girl.
C. C. Davis coeg to New Hnmnshiro this
week to vlslt at Concord, Wlnchester and otber
Miss Thomfson began a term of select school
Monday ln her room nt the graded school
Mns. Mahtha IIowahd Piehce arrived from
Boston Friday ou a vislt to her aunt, Mrs. C.
P, Kimball.
Tiie nnnual meetlng of tho Adams Slale and
Tlie corapanv is called at the Northfield house
at ton o'clock to-day.
Wk recret to Iparn that Fred Martin has
bought out John Evans' saloon. He ought to
bo in better buslness.
I)n. N. W. Gii.iiutT went to Boston last week
and his place Is fllled by hls btother, Dr. U. G.
uuuert, oi Morrisville.
Miss Chase. the nrecentress. who was taken
with the measles the last day of school, went
to ner nomo at juornsvuie on aionaay.
Tiie Locklln ealnon under Mclntosh's iral-
lery is being rejialred and will be occnpled
by Charles E. Iteed as a ready-made clothlng
store. ,
Hf.v. W. S. IIazen is nttendinc tho Congre-
gatlonal state convention nt Newport. Hls wlfe
accompanied hlm and they wlll vlslt at St.
Tiie ladies of St. Mary's narish wlll hnld a
strawberrv festfval at Cnncert hall next Tues
day evening, at whlch tableaux, etc. wlll bo
given for entertainment.
Jfnnif. Moulton nlaved the orcan at the
Oongreeatlonal church last Sunday. Abbie
Kimball l.as been engaged ns organlst and wlll
enter upon her dutles next Sunday.
Tiif. nuplls of the hlgh school last week ore-
sented a flne sllk covered student chalr to
l'rlncinal Hltt. nnd abook of poemsand a large
photcgraph album to the preceptresa, Miss
J. F Davis. Epq . of Brooklyn. arrived in
town Monday. He is as hearty and genlal as
ever and flnds many old friends to wfllcorao
hlm. His son, Edgar, ls in a prlntlng olllce in
Childhen's Hav wasobserved at the Metho
dist chnich at five o'clock with the regular ser
vlco arraneed for the occaslon. The church
was very finely decorated wlth pot plants and
cut flowers.
Tiie head of the Emerson water works is be
ing carried about one hundred rods further up
tne tiiu m order to securo more anu coiaer
water. G. C. Maxham and Emons Ilowe are
doing the work.
Mns. Maynahd has enne to Burlington as'
honsekeeper for an nld frlend. Her daughter,
Mrs. Clark. wont wlth liPr and her youngest
poo wlll llve with her. Miss Mlllle'iemalns in
Northfield for the present.
Tiif. attendance at Mr. Camenter's factnie
last Wednesday was small. The lecturo wa
very entertalnlng and 'intrnctlve. He gave
manv now ideaa nf lifo In Washlnaton and his
anecdotes of public raen were interesting.
I.. F. Dekiiino havini: refused the annnlnt-
ment of poiiceman. C. B. Tllden has hftpn nn.
polnted in his place. The lnck-up has been '
thoroughly repalred. It wnuld be good be
ginnlng to place Owen Reed nnd som of hTK
lormeniors in it, uniesstneirdlsturbanccs ccase. '
The Universalist church ls heinr ponoldnm.
bly changed and Improved. An addltlon is
pui on tne rear, ovPr tlie staee. n wli ch tho
orean and choir will be ptatlonfd. The old
gaiierv wlll be celled ud nnd ued as n narlnr.
The audience room will also be newly frescoed
uuu recarpeiea.
W. D Plastiiidoe is bnilding n laree barn
nn the Galiup farm. nne hundred and flfteen
feet bv fnrtv-elrht feet. The fnnndaUnn U
lald and thn frame wlll be ralsed thl week.
The wnrk is in charge of Mr. Debell of Waits-
lleld who haa slr men undnr hlm. Mr. Plnsr.
Tldge is ono of onrpnterprlslng voung men who
do not need to go West to mako farmlng pay.
Tiie followlng notes ln rezard to the school
were recelved last week too late for insprtion;
The attendance of the parents and friends of
tne school at the public oxamlnstlons was not
as largn as last ypar. Thn entire year. but espe
ciallv the past term, has been so badly broken
up bv constant sickness that the work of the
school has suffered matnrially, ar?d yet the ex
aminations nre reported by ihe n mmlttees to
be quito tqnal to last year. Tho grammar
fchool has been very ablr handled this year,
and as gnod work accompllshed as was po'slble-
m tne circumstancps. A nntanie leature of tho
vpAra rnrlr ln tiin lnurpp rrmrlpd lina lioon ta
Introdudion of tho newest methods ln prlmary
worit, inn mnt oi our large scnonis are fol
lowlng St Lnnls in recngnlzingthe necessity of
thnroughkindPrenrten work for primarvgradeg,
nnd we are elad to see that the princlples of the
new ediicatlon are worklng down Into our com
mon schools. The total attendance, we are
told, was not creater than last year nn ac
cnunt of the slcknea, though the number of
pupils was larcer. The tultlnn has, howpver,
increased nearly seventy-five per cent. Tlie
nnntiRl report of the board and prlnclpal was
issued lnt week and the latter contalns some
comparative statitlcs from the varlous schools
of slmllar grado in the state, and other matters
whlch shnuld be carcfully read. Our school is
fast regainlng the posltlnn it had some years
agn and, with the experlence we have had, It
Is tn be hoped that no more " penny wlse " ex
perlinenls will bo tried, for it seems to be
proved that a poor school costs us as much as a
first-chif s one.
Itniidnlnh. Kev. A. S. Maxham and mother
nf North Hartland were the guests of Kev. L.
O. Sherburn last Friday.
Makcellus A. Caui.yle is foon to build a
new barn on his premises.
AnTiiuit C. RALni. agent for Geo. W. Smith.
conffctinner. was in town with hls wlfe Satur
day nnd Sunday.
Claha D. Eddy has been slok for somo time
with rheumattsm, but is now lmprovlng, and
hopeB Hoon to be out.
Two clrcmes are bllled for West Kandolnh
alreuly this summer. Pretty hard on tho folks
wno iiavo to go to taae care oi tne cnildren,
Mns. Mahtiia Eiwon and Mrs. Emma IHmi-
snn, both of MllwRukee, WIs., and Mrs. Ellxa
Steele of San DIpco. Cal.. are vlsitlnc their
many friends In town.
The South Royalton base ball nlnecame up
to play wlth the Randolph Rattlers, Saturday,
but tho latter had falled to recfive their chal.
lengeand were unablo to play wlth them.
The Suffolk pnlled cattle, which Mead and
Kimball importtd this spring, aro so appre
clatfd for thelr many gond qualltles that Col,
J. B. Mead salled from New Yntk for England,
Saturday, to purchate more of the stock,
Suffolk Fahm, the resldence ot Col. John
B Mead and the home of tho famous Suflnlk
cattle, was viiited on Saturday by the Dwlcht
Wiman club of Toronto, Ont., and New York
clty, of which Robert J. Kimball, Esq , ls a
How TO Gkt SlCK. Exnose vourself dav
and nlght, eat too much without exerclse, work
too hard without rest, doctor all the time, take
all the vlle nostrums advertised, and then you
wlll want to know ,how to itet well whlch ls
answered in three words take IIop Bltters.
'i.vbc t.uit. iiuiuid niUUK IUD IUIUBUU llYVK
confirm prevlous reports ot the promUing con
ditlon ot tuo ftult crop.
Inn.nn nl.l. 1 ... 11..J 1
bv 1
suffering from all forms of scrofula, lt they
will takeUood's Sarsaparilla and be cured.

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