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&Qricu1tuntl. T. II. 1IOSKINS, Newport, Vr., Eilllor. tjik usKFOi. rttnv. A counttT llfo laiweetl ln mcxlerate coM nnd litat, To wlk tn the alr, llow iileant and fair t ln tvery nld of wlieat, llie ftlrvtt of flowere Ailornlnu tlia lioweiK, And every meadow'a browi Eo Uiat 1 my No cour tlcr may Comriare wlth tlwm nlio clollie ln grayi And tollow tlie ueul nlow, They rle wlth the mornlng lark, And tnbor 1 1 1 1 almott ilark, Then folding Ihelr lieep, They liten to alcrpi While every vleaaant park Sext mornlng l rluglng Wlth b I rd tliatare elng'ng, On each green tender bougli. Wlth whnt conttut and luerrlnicnt Their daya are rpcnt Wlioie nilnds are bent To follow the uf ul flow. Is EStrnTngnncc n HlcssliiffJ Wo cut the followiug from the agricult ural departmont of the Frecman : " ' It costs nbout 123,000 a year to eall and keep In repalr tlie four yachta Itept for tlie use of (Jneen Victorla. Tliat amount of moticy would lieet) from starvlw: flvo hundred faini liea for oneycar. But tbe dlgnity and pleasure of roynlty iuust be tnaintalni'd cveu though thousanda of common people perlah of hunger.' Tlie above paragragli wo flnd lloatlng about, phowing how short-elghted Boine people are. Tho lnlerenco to bo drawn from It l, tkat liy her spendlng tbat amount of money on her yachts, poor people must by just so mucli suffer want and deprivatlon, wlille tbe oppo eite ls tho fact. Tho wnnts and extravagancea of the rlch are tbe blessinga of tbe poor. 'Ihis 5125,000 ta nelther tbrown lnto tne sea or burned up. It payg tho sallors, curpenters, riggjrs, thepalnterB, uordage makersand pro yistunera and tbrough thein, iillera back through all Industries and trades to the producers of the raw material. Such rlch people are a bleaslng to tbe conuuunlty in whlcb tbey llve, but unthlnklng people who feel tbat they are mlsueod, because aomebody elee has more money tban they, glve voice to tbelr dlscontent and envy ln sucli unjust and unreiiHoning para gr.tpbs as the ono at tbe hettd of this article." " In the kiugdom of the bliud men, the one-eyed man is kiug," eays an old prov- erb. Our brother agricultural editor is thoroughly convinced that he is a legiti- mate claimant for the royal ermine as against the " short-sighted " people who think publio money might be better spent, in the alms-house be-dotted realm of Vic- toria, than paying it out at the rate of 8125 000 dollars a year on the Q.teen's pleasure boats. This money is first squeezed out of the people, and then paid back to some of them for labor utterly unproduetive, and useless towards any other end that the mere luxury of an over-paid and praetieally worthless figure- head to a nation perfectly capable of rul- ing itself without any such oostly exores- cenco. This case is not worth discussing. It gives itself away in the stating of it. But our friend brings forward another case, which ho probably thinks a good deal stronger. Here it is : " A w&althy man built an elegant houee, fin iahed ln fine etyle, and when done it dld not su'c hlm, eo he had a part of it taken down, the Viandsome, costly roof taken off, and built oyer with euch alteratlons and addltlona aa he fan cled, and with wbat reanltl Why this tbat people said how eztravagant he was, jaat throwing away money, that the amount he waa spendlng on those needleaa alterationa would have built comfortable housea for several poor men. Well. that was just wbat he was dolng, glving employinent to a small army of me chanics and laborors at fair wagea for labor they could not bave bad lf be had been more easlly suited with hia house." It is probable tbat any intelligent man of wealth who may chance to read the above paragraph will hope for a better ad vocate or nono at all. There is no hoatil ity to rich men necessarily implied by the criticisms upon the individual referred to. In the first place the term " rich man " is a very vague one. There are a great many towns in which a man possessing property to the amount of 910,000 would be called a rich man, wbile in our great cities a million hardly entitles one to that name. We happen to have had a neigh bor, a farmer, who, having a streak of luck in growing a large and very profit able crop, tore down bis old house and built another that cost him so mnch more than all his bonanz that when it was fm ished he had a 0,000 mortgage on it. He was one of Brother Tinkham's public benefactors. He never made another good strike, and a couple of years ago the mortgage took possession, and hefiuda the 912,000 house an entire hindrance to sell ing the farm, because money enough can not be made upon it to keep tbe house in repair. The farm will be sold without the house, and the house will belefttorot down, simply because nobody who will live where it is can afford to live in it. The fact is that labor laid out in such foolish ways is worse than wasted, be cause, as in the case of queen's steamers and the millionaire'a palace, not only tbe first cost is gone, but there is a continual drain ever af ter to keep them up ; and it would be a blessing to have them burned, if we could be sure they would never be replaced. The fact that in such work money is distributed amongst laboring tnen doea deive " shortsighted " people with the notion that it is a good tbing. But the public instinct goes right to the point and hits the nail upon the head when it protosts against the waste of the whole transaction. What constitutes tho real wealth of a nation that wealth which stands between the people and want ? Is is palacea and steam yachts, like Queen Victoria's, Vanderbilt's or Jay Gould's. No political economist will say so. Instead of beiug wealth, these thiugs are a constant drain upon the wealth of a country, because they constantly waste, but never produce. Their first cost is only a part of the loss ; they aro wealth. consumers as long as thoy last. And who produces the wealth thus dally wasted V It is tho working men of the nation, and every dollar so wasted forluxurious pleas ure is a dollar taken from the humblo comforts that would make the poor man'a faraily happy, Let us take the city of Boston for in atance. Go up and down its hundreds of miles of streets and see the palaces of trado and the mngnlficent dwellings, pal aoea, too, in overythinij but namo, that strotch so far a strong man grows weary in walking by them beforo a tltho of their frontage has been passed. Is there any reasonable need of bu9iness, or of domes tio comfort, that rrqniros suoh immonso expenditures, mounting into the thous atids of millions, money spent in carved and poliflied Btono, in sumptuous fur nishings, and a-lornments boyond descrip tion or counting ? All this mu9t bo built, renewed and supported by tho labor of man, and that labor must bo paid for. What is it that supports and supplies all this vast expendituro V We aro told it is the " trade " of Boston, and who does Bos ton trade with ? She trades with all New Kogland and the West and South, Tolls on that trade pay for all this mng. nificence, and the vast daily expenditure to keep it up comes, too, from tolls upon the trado of Boston. Now fifty years ago tho business of Boston was done, and well done, in cheap brick or wooden warehouses, and tho merchants o'f Boston lived in good plain substantial homes of moderato cost. Sup pose the present raco of business men in that city lived to-day, and transicted business to-day, in tho way their fathers did, would not tho plain people of tho country, the working men who produce tho wealth that inakes Boston's trade, live better, nnd bave a little more laid up ? Can these Boston people eat so mnch of the cake without their customers being stinted ? In short, aro the profits fairly divided V Yet, our friend Tinkham will probably tell us that business men fail, and that a Boston merchant isn't any surer of his living, nor so happy as a Vermont farmer. The answer to that is a plain one. If this be eo, what is the real gain to anyone when so much wealth is wasted and no body not even these merchants living in palaces a mite tho bappier for it all ? Far better return to the simplicity of an earlior tirae, a simplicity that was much more diguified and respectable than the mushroom magnifioence of to-day. The truth is, this extravagance that in Mr. Tinkham's "short sight " seems to help the working men and wealth pro ducers of the Nation, really takes two dol lars yes, many times two dollars where it returns one. A nation does not, more than an individual, grow rich by extrava gance. it you want to see now, in the course of time, these things end, go to the once great commercial cities of Italy, where now a magnificent palace may be let, perhnps, for 9500, while its noble owner lives in his garret upon this little rent, and tho common people live always on the verge of starvation. Are there no leBsons for America in these living histo riei, and are we going blindly, in this new world, the stupid, wicked way of the old ? Tlie Connecticut Iteport. We have had the report of Seoretary Gold of the Connecticut board of agricul ture upon our table for some time. We found time to read it all through care fully, and therefore can hardly excuse ourself from not noticing it before, es pecially when so many books are noticed in the papers without being read at all. But we really hate to provoke the appe tite of our intelligent readors for a good book when we know it is not possible for them to obtain it. We have no more val uable book in our library than the goodly row of Mr. Gold's reports, and we count it one of the advantages of our editor ship that we have now for so many years been favored with these useful volumes as they were issued,. The present report, for 1882-83, contains (besides the Report of the Experiment Station, which we have beforo noticed, having received it as a separate pamphlet,) an account of tbe new Storrs Agricultural School of Con necticut. A good paper upon Poultry Itaising by Miss Mary II. Ilead of Ame nia, N. Y., remarks upon Fertilizers by Dr. Sturtevant, a lecture upon the Utility of Birds, by Professor Stearns of Amherst College, on Storm Systems as modified by Forests, on Trout Breeding, Bee Keeping, Ventilation of Farm Bnildings, the Trot ting Ilorse, and Small Farming, by able speakers, and an excellent Keport on I'o mology by P. M. Augur, the pomologist of the Board. By the way, why have we no pomologist on our Vermont State Board V We have had none since Mr. Pringle re tired, but In no departmont can more use ful and profltable work be done by a com petent hand. Wo regret that space is not onre to give some extracta from this ex cellent volume, which stands equal, in merit with any of its predecessors, and for which we offor our hearty thanks to Secretary Gold. Vcniiont's Sugar Tax. The agricultural editor of the Phwnir. seems to be an ultra free-trader. Ile saya that in a good season the maple augar made in Vermont is a little less than the whole amount of, sugar we consume, our crop at such times being about twelve million pounds, and our consamption about sixteen million. But this year ho thinks our crop will not exceed four mil lion pounds, leaving twelve million pounds to be purchased. He then says : " Under the now tariff aot, which makes a slight reduction of tho duty on sugar, the tax will be about two centa a pound. On twelve million pounds it amounta to 8240, 000, the tax which it is cstimated tho peoplo of Vermont will pay this year on sugar a sura nearly large enongh to pay all tho ordlnary expeuses of the stato. And yet Vermont will pay proportionally tho lightest sugar tax of any state in the Uniou except Louisiana. Can any one tell why an artiole of suoh uecossity to all tho people should be so heavily taxed ?" Does not our friend know that tho same argutnent, precisely, appHos to twenty other artioles of Yankee manufacturo, and that tho "necessity" for such "heavy taxation " is simply tho " protection of Araorican industry ?" And does he not know that the abolition of this duty, in a "good year " for maple sugar would tako off just this same9210,000 from the profi's of the Vermont sugar-makers 7 And this for tho benefit of Cuban slave-drivers I Has our brother fallen into tho toils of Professor Perry, P;ofessor Sumner, and the Cobden Club ? Cnrrnnt Worms. " A wrltor In the Frult Itccorder says thero is no necossity fdr breodlDg currant worms. It Is done by leaving buihea untrimmed, the wormB aiwnya attacklng tho new growth first. He saya: ' My plan Is, in startlng a cur rant patch, to conflne cach bush to from ono ti three mnln stcms, and give all the strength of tho root to their stipport. Sprouts will start from the roots each sprlng, but they mnst be rubbed off when about six inchps long. All currant growore know tlnt worms first maka their appearnnre on a new growth, and then spread over tbe bush ; consf quently, no sprouts, no worms. This Is just ns plain as that two and two mako four. I have followed this plan for the pnst two years tn my satlifactlon, and bave baroly soen the effecta of worms on one or two bushca where my plan was not fully carrled out.' " Purdy of the Fruil Recorder ought not to print such foolishness. His papor isn't big enough to be published on the pitch fork and shovel plan, like tho Mirror and Farmer, for inBtance. Tho currant worni fly comes out of the ground in May, and lays her eggs upon the lower leaves of the plant, without the least referenco to whether they are upon the old or new growth. Kvery currant grower of experi ence knows that there is no way of trinr ming currant bushes to avoid the worm, the fly always depositing her eggs upon tho lower leaves, no matter how far they may be from the ground. These eggs look like minute clippings of cotton thread, ranged along the ribs of the leaf. When they hatch the young worms re main on that leaf about a week, eating round holes in it, and then suddenly dis appear, following the branch they were born upon to its extremity, and there is where people usually iir9t notice them. Tho Fertillzr Law. Our new fertilizr law is objected to by several of our editorial confreres because the fee of 50 on each brand keeps out of tho state a lot of fancy brands for which there is not call enough to jastify tbe payment of the tax. We think this a merit, rather than a defect in the law. These fancy fertilizers are fancy in name only. Their composition is essentially identical with that of other fertilizers, and the special names given are only for a catchpenny pnrpose. The analyses of fertilizirs year after year at the Con necticut Experiment Station, under Pro fessor Johnson, show that there is no es eential dlff-jrence between the "Com Manures," Tobacco Manures," " Potato Manurea " and " Onion Manures " and the ordinary brands of anperphosphate made by responeible concerns. In Pro fessor Johnson's last report (page 30) tbe averages of the constituents of three of these special fertilizars were given aa foi lows: iViiro?7i. rho.Ac(d. l'olaih. Cornmannre l.Ti S.91 7 34 Tobacoo manure 3 67 7.30 6.41 l'otato manure 3.71 8 06 6.37 Professor Johnson, therefore, justly con cludes that " It is quite as rational to nse a 'com manure' on potato land or a potato manure ' for the tobacco crop, as any other way." The whole thing is a humbng, and it is a good thing to keep hnmbngs ont of the state, especially when it ls done so easily. X Correction. Seventy-fivo dollars, per ton for corn fodder, in Professor Sanborn's article on Feeding Steers, should havo been seven dollars and fifty cents. A second reading makes ns think still more highly of these experiments. It is really a great discovery that our straw and eorn-fodder need only a little addition of other feed which supplies the deficiencies to be prae tieally equal to the best hayin feeding value. Straw and meal, or corn-fodder and cotton seed meal, or eithor of them with dover hay, give first-class results as feeding material, for both growth and fattening. These things are well worth studying by farmera who want to mako money. Our own experience, in a small way, confirms Mr. Sanborn's. Being short of hay this spring, wo have for over two months fed our thirteen hundred pound horee, seven years old, exolnsively on cut rye straw, with two quarta of com meal and fonr quarta of shorts a day. Ho ob jected to the straw as a change from hay at first, but in a few days ate as much as of hay previously, and has kept in first rate order, being worked nearly every day. It has been a considerable saving. Eosil age with corn, or cotton seed meal is proving to be a completo and perfeot food for dairy cowa and sheep. It will prob ably do equally well with a small feed of dover hay, or with dover ensilage. A New Dangcr from Mulchlng. On the fiery Saturday of May 10, with the help ot a dozen neighbors, wo barely saved a great part of our orchard from destruction by fire set in the mulch around the treea from tho burning wood Bheds of tho Passnmpsio railroad, half a mile to tho south of ub. Oa the same day there were heavy forest firea all over northern Vermont, and the woods a mile to the north of us were all in a blaze al raost as soon as our own premises. But if the mulch brought danger, our other practice of tying laths and staves about the trunks of tho trees to protect them from inice and rabbits gretly helped to counteract it, by affordtng protection from tho heat of tho flaraes until thoy could be extinguished. Without those laths we should have lost a large numberof trees, for the fire ran in tho graas all over the orchard, but as it was, only flve trees wero killed, In some cases thu laths were burned half through without the bark below being injured. I.KAI) MK, OUAKI1 JI1C, IIOI.I1 M1C. Lead me, 0 my Savlour, laad rae , Thro' thh wllderneKi belovrt Orant thy lovlng glance to tpeed me, M I through II maxea go. Choone, 1 pray, the path before me, Pcatter evrry thorn and brlar) As a hleld thy Iotr RpreAd oVr tne, And my falntlng heart Iniplre. Onard me, O my Savlonr, guard me Krom the dangcr ot the wayi Keep tlie demon who retatd me, lly thy Inlghty power, at bay. They aretrong, bnt thou att ntronger) 1 taey are tirave bnt thou more brave, Then, wlth then 1 '11 fear no lonter Thou canst cnuiner, lliou cantt save. llold me, 0 my Savlour, hotd mei 1 here are pltfalln everywheie Bnarea entrap and neta cnfold tne Ttilrk and mMy la the alr., my strength la (alllng erer, And thy faee I cannot ee ' 8hould my grap relax, yet never, Xtttr oav thy hold on me. " Ke)t by falth unto satvatlon," me, 0 my S ivlour, bo, So haU be no separatiou Kvermore 'twlxt mo and thee. Itome at laat, through endlexs agee, Anclent of Ktcrnal Days, Wlth the propheta and the aages, I fhall J ln to tlng thy praloe. Stlecltd. tt Jlecklcss Folly. " A short life and a merry onel" is the exclamation of the mau who has deliber ately surrended himself to a life of guilty pleasure. He who utters it proclaims himself the raost reckloss of fools, since he declares it to be his deliberate choice to give eternity as the price of a day's in dulgenc. Against such folly the awful tbunders of eternity mutter unutterable condemnatiou ; and when the day of passionatc indulgenceis past and the soul of the senbualist awakens in pordition to a perception that he has actually thrown away immortal happiness for a day of un satisfyiug delight, those fearful thunders will awaken echoes within his soul that will torture and terrify hirn forever. The refrain of his moans will be, " I have de stroyed myself "Zion' Ilerald. Plnks of Proprlety. There is a set of people whom I cannot bear the pinks of fashionable propriety whose every word is precise, and whose every movement is unexceptionable, but who, thouqh versed in all the categories of polite behavior, have not a particle of soul or of cordiality about them. We al low that their manners may be abundantly correct. There may be elegance in every gesture, and gracefulness in every posture, not a smile out of place, and not a step tbat would not bear the measurement of the severest scrutiny. This is all very fno ; but what I waut is the heart and gaiety of social intercourse, tbe frankness that spreads ease and anlniation around it, the eye that speaks aff ibility to all, that chases timidity. from every bosom, and tells every man in the company to be confident and happy. Dr. Chalmers. Concclt. , Coleridge tells us of a man wbo never heard his name spoken by others, and who never spoke of himself without tak ing off his hat. This, though very ab surd, is nevertheless amusing. Such a man could never be the object of an un kind feeling. So far from quarreling with the 8ubjct of an hallucination so agreeable, the gravest looker-on may in dnhre his curioaitv in watchinp- tho illn. llApna which appear so grand to him who sutiers them ; and so grotefque to all the world besides. It is a curious fact that the more cenceit a man bas, beyond a certain point, the moro endurabla he is to otbers. A little vanity provokes you ; a little more incenses you ; a good deal more amazea you but after that, every addition is positively agreeable. To this source we are constrained to ascribe the pleasure with which we listen to the speeches of many of our public men not excepting some of our popular preachers. . A. Alexander. Efllcacy of Tracts. A torn Gospel of Mark, given in Orissa to a man who could not read, was one of the most important links in the chain through which the church at Khunditiur was formed, which has been in existence some forty years, and from which some of the best Orissa preachers have come. A tract, the " True Refuge," received at Chittagong, led to the formation of the church at Comillab, in eastern Bengal. This same tract has led many othera to Christ. Tract distribution lav at the foundation of the great work in Backer- gunge. The " Jewel Mino of Salvation " and other tracts have been wonderfully blessed in Orissa. A gospel and tracts bave been wonderfully blessed m Orissa, A gospel and tract given on a tour in Assam to a liaro man led to his conver sion, and eventually to the commence- ment ot that proimsing work ot the American Baptists in the Garo Hills, where tnere are now, we oeiieve, a thou sand church membera or more. G. II. House. Tho Seoret of Life. This is the secret of life to believe that God is your fatber, schooling and trainingyou from your cradle to your grave ; and tnen to piease and obey htm in all things, lif ting up daily your hands and thankful heart, entreating him to purge tbe eyes of your soul, and give you the true wisdom, which is to see "all things as they really are, and as God him self seea them. He will teach you more and more to see in all which happens to you, all which goes on around you, bis fatherly love, his patient raercy, his providential care for all bis creatures. Ile will reward you by making you more and more partakerof his Holy Spirit and of truth, by which seelng everything as it really is, you will at last if not in this life, still iu tho life to come grow to see God himself, who made all things according to his own eterual mind, that they may may be a pattern of his unspeak able glory, and beyond that, who needs to see Y For to know God, and see God is eternal life itself. K'mgnley, 3Ilnl8ter.s' Wlves. A minister's wife writos as follows in tho livangtliit : "Can the minister's wife be his " true yoke-fellow " without men tal and spiritual participation "in his la bora V A good housekeeper, caref ul econ omist, able to hold her tonguo or to smooth differences, yet, if worldly, or ohildish, what help can she be to hlm who would watch for souls, as those who must give account? We need intelli gence and culture, and we need a deep, ablding appreoiation of the importance and responsibllity of gospel work, to share with tE of souts, tho tho Mastor. Ler his homo to bis nuT oncouraKinrr words. terested, you will not him astrav bv worldlv nil hlm feel that he can labol wife's love of luxurv or soJ can be indulged. A heart' love to the ltedeemer nnd died for. will not renine nt s! pnvation in any place he secl you." A Scrmonctto in Tcncc. HlW Bhall I find Deatn ? Tn thU universal nuestion vo offer a hrii? Berraonette, having no time or space for a uiBuuuree. une ining is certain. Sin CAn make us suffer, but it never can give bujiu sausiacuon. it; can torment, but it cannot tranquillze. What a powerful picturo of a soul without God is that drawu in the prophecy of Isaiah, which desonbes it aa a " troubled sea, whose waters east up mire and dirt." This is the work of memory. Lt tho wrong doer try Vo hide his sins aa carefully or to bury them as deeply as he knows how, memory will throw them to tho surface as troubled waters heave up what has been flung into their depths. When a vesselhad sunk in Lake E-ie, an effort was made to raise the bodies of the drowuod passengera by fl'ing heavy can non over thespot; and the jar brought tliem up. So Uie tromendous artillery of Gid's juatice iaanned by those two gun ners, Memory and Conscience brings up to our eyes tho Udeous sins which we thought were buriet forever. Conscience utters two great voicia. Ono of them de clares, " Great peace hiye they wlio love God's law ; in keeping h?s commandmeutfl is great reward." The other voice is, " There is no peace to the wicked ; tbey are like the troubled sea which cannot rest; tho wages of sin is deth." Just in proportion as we hear and lieed these voices, conscience becotnes our swetest comforter, or our most terrible toruientir. Yut all the time the universal craving u for heart-peace. Everybody wants that. iho auction-rooms of business and pleas ure are thronged, and the busy auctioneers are continually crying " peace, peace," when they aro really biddiug off cheats and delusions. They have no geuuiue peace to give. Satan's policy is to give people satisfaction by gratifying their ap petites and selfish desires and unsancti fi'd cravings. This is about like the at tempt to extinguish a fire by heaping on bituminous coal, or to quiet a druukarTs appetite by administering braudy. Sa tau's plan only perpetuates the heart's disease, and incroases its disquietude. In tbe midst of the noisy worid's clamors, crying off its miserable frands, there stands one majestio personage who with a divine calmness utters the deep loving offer, " My peace I give unto you ; not as the world giveth, give I unto you." Cbrist's method is the opposite of tbe worid's and of the father of lies. Christ gives peace by healing the diseases of the soul. Instead of the wretched device of attempting to satisfy restless, unholy crav ings, he expel8 them and brings in the new sources of joy. The worid's false peace begins in delusion, goes on in sin, and ends in perdition. Christ's peace be gins in pardoning grace, goes on in quiet trust, and ends in glory. Is an nncon verted, world-worshiping heart, like a troubled sea, casting up loam and mire ? The benignant Jeaus can enter even such a heart If it will invite him and say to the angry waves, " peace, be still ;"' and it will smooth out, like Galilee'a lake, into a placid calm, reilecting the sfars of heaven in its depths. Two things Jesus can give which ensure tranquility of soul. Tbe first one is pardon of ain and reconcilia tlon with a holy God. "Justified by faith, we have peace with God." The other is a deliverance from the tyranny of ungodly desires and lnsts, and the oc cupation of tbe soul with pure, satisfying occupations. Obedience to Christ is a wonderful tranquilizer. Rest, to a true Christian, is simply the uuhlndered per mission to do his perfect will. Ditn np a clear, swift-flowing brook, and it foama with anger; pull away the obstrnction aud it joyfully darts along its bright course, wherever its silver feet shall lead it. Peace is not sluggish stagnation ; it is tbe deep, strong current of a sonl flowing in harmony with God. Before our blessed Lord went out to his dying agony on the cross, he made his will. He had not a shekel of silver to bequeath, or a dena rius in the pocket of his coarse robes. A poorer man there was not that night in all Jerusalem. Yet be makes a bequest that outweighs all that the markets of the world can offer a richer legacy tban Canar leaves to imperial heirs. " Peace I leave with you." Such peace aa he had psessed amid innumerable persecutions and buffetings, amid poverty and ob lcquy, aud such aa filled his divine soul in view of Gethsemane and Calvary. " My peace I give unto you." A gift is all the dearer because it has belonged to our dearest friend, and is linked with him or her in our memory forever. Our Lord's gift is of his own " peace," which had dwelt in his own divine breast, and is ponred out into the hearts which open to nim. It is a peace which passeth all understanding ; it keeps the heart from diatressing commotions, from racking doubts, aud from uneasy apprehensious of the judgments to come. This is genu ine happiness. This beals the sore spot, and cures the heart-aches. Believer, you may have this, just in proportion as you turn away from thelying frauds of Satan's auction-rooms, and tbankfully accept your share of your Master's legacy. " My peace " in this world will be tbe prelude to " my'glory " in the next world. Open your eoul to the inflowing rivor, while you gladly sing: "Thyreign ls perfect peace. Not mlne, but tblne; A atrenin that cannot ceaae For Its founlalu Is divine. Oh, depths unknown! Thou givest of thine own, l'ouring from tblne, and rllllng mlne." llev. T. L. Cuyler, in Evangelist. Music's 8ublimest tones are found in sorrow. The satisfied tones of the major mode can never attainthe appealing power of tho longing minor. Hdydn's pleasant, contented nature never reached to the level of Handel's unrest or Beethoven's Titauio striving and fitful gloom. Sohu bert frfquently complained that the pub lio setmed to like those songs best which liad been writteu in his groatest tnisery. He sought refuge in tones from his sorrows attd disappointmeuts, however ; for when ho was in pleasant ciraumstances he wroto little or nothing, but wheu he was in dnep troublo he couiiwsed with prolifio ardor. Truly, as the poet has said, "The angulsii of tbe singar Makes tbe beauty of the straln." Tiikuk is no soulpturing like that of charaoter. Beecher, Mtao Alirmt ntu? liml M-ry little wnlks. nnd lic wllli n litilnnr H colil liands ain mucii us gicu anxiet linttlp nf vnltr Sfirnfilvir olm lintl- L. n tliltt.illi. IPnil .7-fllt t li.t'l iii ti Ira iimnli ntiifnpii .1L. iiuillllikiiniilNlli.ll .1.1.1 .(llilb I. llH ...i.i. 1.1 I. ...i . l ll 1 altrlbulc tlils liniirovciucnt In bcrlV itt'ii inivi in uiu .i.ii .iiMi iiia. 1ti 1 ti'fia fn ....itfiai. 1 1 ... I.l.l nt at llrt I now have great f.iltli ln it as al A 't IllS.V'I.- VV Ko. 2&1 liru.nlw.iy, l.uwellfjl'ass. Hootl's Sarsaparilla. 8nld by all ilniKsl.'ts. 1'ricc .?l ; or Mxfor S'i. 1-iLlMliil by C. I. IIOOIJ & CO Apotb tc.irlea, I.owull,,s. The Latest Styles Men's, Boys' and Children's GLOTHING! Men's Bcotch Suits, from $6.00 to $12.00; Men's All-wool Indigo Blue Suits, $8.00; Men's Black WorBted Dress Suits, Prock or Sack Coats, $15.00. Children's Kilt Suits, $5.00 to $10.00; Children's Jersey SuitB, $3.60 to $6.50 ; Children's Sailor Suits, $1.75 to $5.00; Children's Shirt Waists, Fancy Wool Blouse Waists, odd Pants, etc, etc. Adams, the Glotier, Opposite the Court House. Hop Blttcrs are the Purcst and Best Bltters Erer Jlade. They are componnded from tlops, Malt, Buchn, Mandrake and Dandelion, the oldeat, bet, and moatvaln&ble medlclnealn the world, and coatoln all the best and moat curatlre propertieo of all other remedlea, being the Seateat Blood Puritler, Liver Kegnlator and fe and Health Beatoriug Agent on earth. No dleodse or 111 health cnn poxslbly long exiat where these Bitters are nsed, eo raried and perfect are their operatlona. They glre new life and vigor to the aged and Infirm. To all whose employmentg cause irregnlarlty of tbe bowela or nrlnary organs, or who reqnire an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stlmnlant, Hop Bltters are lnvaluable, being highly curatlve, tonic and etimulating, without lnto xl eating. Ko matter wh&t yonr feelings or aymptoms are, what the dlpeaso or ailment la, ose Hop Bltters. Don't walt nntil yon are tick, but if you only feel bad or miserable nae Hop Bltters at once. It may ttavo your life. Hundreds have been savod by so dolng. Five hundred dollara will be paid for a case they will not cnre or help. Do not BufTeror let yonr frienda snCfor, bnt tne and urge them to use Hop Bittera. Ktmember, Hop Bittera ls no vile, drngged, drnnken nostrum, but the Pureot and Best Mediclno ever Made; the " Invalld's Friend and Uope," and no peraon or farully should be without them. Try the Bittera to-day. AND PAPER BOX FACTORY. BOOKS, MUSIC, MAGAZINES, &c, bound. I.IItltAKV liOOKS r"ilrol. 1'AVKR itui.Ki). jjrxic itooKs, iapi:k taij- I.KTS, aud I'AI'KU IIOXKS lilnile to order ln tli Ix-Ht, itoiitPHt iitxl rhonprtt umnner. I'urtlcK who 1 ii vo iiuy work tlit-y iialnlnn ln 'ltlii-rir tln nlmve llm-K w"ll roimult tlu lr iiwii lnti ri-st liv huikIIiii; It nr rltlli(r for "r!:r M1RTIN W, WHEELOCK, NOTICE. The town and sttite ftcliool Ux blllt, on tlie Grand Ut ot of Ui town of CaUls, h1nn btn detOAlteU wltli thu town treaurer by tle stlectinen, agrwAbly to llie provllon o( tbe Uw for tbat puriKwe; uqw, tbere fore. 1,8. O, Hoblmon, Town Ireaaurrr tt CttlalK. du Iiereby catl on alt pprflonihAVtnffa town and fttMe nchoot tax, pay able to tb town of Caiala to vay baUI taxea to tbe treauirer. at bli reMtmci wlttilu nioely dayii from thelMdayof June, A. 1. XbSi. There will be fouruer cent dUcount atlowed ou tbe town tax tbat Is paid to tbe Ireaauier w Utiin aald nlnety daj. . O. KOlKOX,Town Treannrpr- CaUta, June 1, 1833, bV-lHi Junction House, KSSKX JIJNCTION. AaiSIONT, C. E. Domoi-ltt, Proprlotor. This hoHo baa lately been thoroughly re palred and put in g(d ahape for accomodatlou of guesta, H in fcOnrriiavt Ikiiiw. Sampliw wnrth Mjrpa. J J IU Aililrcnt tiiikiON ii Oo., POrtUnd. Mo. Book bindert