Newspaper Page Text
mm BY W. W. PRESCOTT. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 18S3. V(XL. 78. 1001. NO. 3G. BimeJ$Hhl& Montpelier & Wells R. R. R. Taking EffectOct Effcct October 9, 1882, Trfiliis leitvn tnntpellnr an follnwa t MrII M 8.W A. M., Eximw t 1.45 p. M., Mlied at 4.10 T. , arrive at Wells lUwtt 10.20 A, M., J.J5 T. ii., 7.30 r. M. Traln lenve ll'ella Jtlver iis follow: Mlxed t 5.30 A. M.i Accommodatlon at 10.45 A.M., Mall t 4.00 p. M.s arrive at Montpelier at S.10 A. m 12.30 r.H., S.S0 r. M, Tralnn leavlng Montpelier at 8.30 A. M. and 1.4S r. M. tnake cJone connectlont at Well Klver for all polnta In Ihe White MountMnm alo tnr Ilnnton and all lnlerme dlate notnt. W. A. 8TOWELL, Suprrinlendent. F. W. MORSE, Oeneral l'autngtr Ageni. Central Vermont Railroad. Commencing October 9, 1882. Trnlns Oo'nf South wlll Iavo Montpelier a fottowa: 91(1 o m MAU., from St. Alban and Rtirllneton ilu d. III, (0r Concord. Manchotor, Nahtia. Wor rerter. Lowell, Fltchtmre, Boston, gpring fleld, New London and New York. 12.40 1 7.30 11.10 1 m LIMITEI) EXTRES1". from Montreal, Os llli ilennhnrc and the Weet. for HoBton, vla Lowell, and New York na Srrlngfleld and New London. m MIXED. from Rt. Alhans, lintland and Hli Hnrllngton for Northfield, m NIOIIT F.XPRESS. from Montreal. Oe III. den.bnxn and the Wet for llosttm vla London and New York, and all polnta tn New Ensland. Sleenlng Car to Sprtng fleld and Hoston vla Lowell. Ti-rtln Golng Xorth aml West: 0 Ifl o m NlOlITEXrRKSS.frnm Boston and New O.IU d. III, York for Montreal, On'lenstmrn and Uie West. Sleerlni? Car to Montreal. Q JC m ACCOMMOnATION, from Northfield for 0.K) d. III. Burlington, Rutland and St.John. n rr m LOCAL EXrRESS. from White River 3.0D 3, Hl, .TuncUon for Burlington, St. Alban,Rlch ford and Rouses Tolnt. 3,50 1 m DAY EX1'RKS. Lcavea Ilontoa vla III, Fltchbnrg at 8.00 a. m., vla Lowell at 9.00 a. m.. New London Rt 1.0(1 R. m Snrlnefleld at 8.00 a. m.. for Burlington. St. AtlntM. Montreal. Ondensbnrg and the West. Ilrawlng Kooni Car to Mon treal. m ACCOMMODATION. from White JtWer . IN. .tnnetlon for narlrneton, St. Albarre, Og- 4.301 densDnrg ana jiontrem. Trln leavo for llnrrn at 7.10 a. m., 10.45 a. m. and 4.M p. ni. netiirning, leave Barre at 8.20 a. m., 11.2 p. m. and fi.OOp.m. , , Throneti tlckel to Chlcago and all polnta Wet for iialeattlieprlnHnalKtRtionn. .... .1. w. nonAKT, Oeneral Superlntendent. S. W. CTJMMINOS, Oeneral l'an'eneer Acent. ttsitms gjincorii. TPIKST NATIOVAT, 1IANK J. A. I'afte, rrealdentt J. C. Houghton, Cashler, 1rOVTPKT,IF.n SAVINOS ItANK AND 1T THUBT UOJir I'AKY. l'avs Interwt on depoclw. Ilorner W. Heatmi, l'reoldenti A. W, Ferrln, TreAorer. DEXTISTS LFKED CI.Altl Oflles ln Itacon' Block, South Maln Street. roitnnsii. Office over Illiby's dniK Btore, State Street. G. 15. IITJNT. Room 6, TJnlon Block. H.T 1VII1TNKY. Ofllre and renldenee In French'n lllock. South Maln Street. UOTEI.S. MKUICAN TTOUSK. State Street Open for XV nlgnt tralns. unarges rpRRonaoie. Chester Clark, Proprletor, TTNION uonsK Latelv KeJltted. Carrlage to all ttalns. Llvery conneeted. Irl"h Sparrow, rroprletore. -OAYH.ION 1TOTKI. Klrt-claBB ln every re- JL Bpect: Opposlte C. V, K. It. Ktotlnn. T. O. Balley, I'roprletor. TVTATIOVAT. TTKK. Safe. ourd.ubftantll. 1 Oeo. W. Keeil, Secretary: Chan. Dewey, l'renldent. fTT. SITJTCAL. l'lltl! 1N8 CO. X'roinitt and V relianie. Ja. T. Sabln.Seo'yi W. U. II. Blngham, I'res't. T4ITKIV A fll, Oeneral Innumnee Agentfl. The tr beotMockcompanleRreprwented, l'OBi-omce jwock. piTKIN & HUSK, Office In I'OBt-offlce Illock. o. Ii. IIOYT, Attorney at Law l'lalofleld, Vermont. TTEAT1I flATCT.KTftN. XX Offiw ln 8bln Illock, South Maln Btrett. nilAItCKS W. I'OIITKR. J Office In Unlon Block, State Street. H. TCKMP. Law and collectlon ofllce wlth S. C. Shurtleff, ariS CJ5ZT,A XH o vs. HLOWE & SON. Tea nealem and Orocen. Cofffe roasted on the premlnea. T 41. KMKKV. Crockerv. Glapg Ware, CarpeUt, tf . Cnrtalne, Itoom Faper, ete. tttAte street. TMT JS. 8LAYTON, Statlnner. Bnokeller and New- m.jl aeaier. Rlalto Block, State StreeU GATIMENTH made a thev thonld lie by Woolaon Brothera, Merchant TaUora. KatablUhed ln 1E.W. A A. MEAt. dealer ln Walehw. Jewelryj BUver andrlated Ware. Totb and Fancv OoodR. TJnlon Illock. Wv DKWF.Y. Oeneral Hardware Htnre. jr NeAr the Amerlean Ilonae, X' I'UINTINO of all klndn neatlv Rnd promrUy done at reaaonable rntM. Kend for etlmatea tn WATCrlMAX & JOCBXAL Oftloe, II. I1IIOSS B4N. Montpelier Crckem and Con. J fecUonery, Tua bet ln the tate." Maln Street, E.N- SCOYILI,. Furnltnre. Keed'a Block, Maln Street. HTAlltOW. l'hotoerapher. XX F.U1 Block. State Street, tw H&vtriintmtnfn. PR0SPEGT H0USE, DANIEL IYI. F0SS, Proprletor. Foss' Beach, Rye, N. H. TliH honoe U a Prlvnlft Itnardlnt? IIon. and locfltetl on a hlsh elevntlon of laml. wlth a stood Uwn ln front.commnmllnB a mngnlflcent viw of th of RhoalflRnd tbe tfliitiltil connt of Itve and IlAinpton. wMle thenH vlev k nniirtmHPd It 1 alao wltbln flve ron or one of tii nnpRt liallilnif waclipf ln iiye, twc rnUpe ln eztent. (lool flbln from the k or tn boats, i D18 nouse nag a goou urainae. i'ott-on:ce aaureBs, Ii, jil. FOSS, rortamnuth, ri II., llox 3GI. Take FoitK IJcacti cof?1i at 1'ortanir.ulh for thU noufie. .NearBt noue to tne iiHacii, an twicoanav, Board b to per week ; Clmilren $5 per woek. 0101 Tke Mudgett HAY TEDDEH (With Patent Steel Forks), uAKnrACTuiKD rou J. & G. A. MUDGETT, ct .1. ..... . . 1. i r. Tlio llghtest draft and most successful Ted der made. Ageuta wantcd In nll unoccupled territory, Send for circulars. All InqulrleB promptly answcred and lnformatlon glren. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. 1883. Locnl Itcms. Bm bargalns nt the five-cent store. I'ahasols Rt Webster's, Irom ten cents np. BltYa fan nt Webster's before you go to tlio clrcns. Weiistek ls Bolllng tbe beat licbt cfimbtlcs (or ten cents. Call for "the patent scythe" Bt C. 0. Grnves, AVaterbiiry. Books for enmmer reading in great vorlety nt I'hlnney'o book-otore. A LArloE aBsortment of the best haylng tools nt C. 0. Gravcs', Waterbury. One lot of Scotch glnghamB at geventeen conts, at V). W. Tcmple & Co.'s. Rememiikh the place to get a good clgar for flve centa is at F. II. Ilascom's. Some epeclal bargalns In noto and box papor can be found nt Phlnnoy's book-storo. New parasola, fana,, rlbbons, glovos, mltts, hoslery, otc, etc, at L. P. Gleason & Co.'b. A few yards left of those plaln and lace buntlngs, elghteon to twcnty-five cents, at Webster'B. Pahis green, helleboro and chlorido and carbolato of Ilrae at the bottotn prke at Frank H. Ilascora'B drug etore. J. G. Moitniso.v & Co., proposes to ehow ress goods, cloaka and carpotB, at low prlces, to all that call next Frlday. Dn. Waknek's, Flexlble IIIp "D" Corsot, Ib sold by J. G. Morrlson & Co., Montpelier, dealors In dry goods and carpets. Gkeat reductlon In prlces of sprlng and sutnmer garmontB, dress gooas, gingnams, parasols, etc, at D. W. Teraple & Co.'b. W. E. Vail sells embrolderles, corsets, lylo and kld gloves, rlbbons, laces and neck wear at loweat prlces. A lot of new goods recelved thls week. SnEET musle, books, stools, etc, to order at wholesale rates, at the Capltal Organ and Sewlng-machlne Rooms, South Maln Btreet, Y. Donovnn, manager. Look! Sewlng-machlnes from S5 to S20, new and second-hand, at the Capltal ofllce, South Maln Btreet, and all klnds of sewlng-machlnes at Bpeclal rates for the next sixty days. Bio dlscount on all klnds of sewlng-machlne parts, needles, etc. binger needles, niteen cents a dozen by mall. Address J. P. Dono- van, or call at the Capltal ofllce, South Maln Btreet. Tue clrcus is comlng and all that attend, and some that don't, want to buy goods cheap Jupt go and see the prlces thathave bcen pnt on Bummer goods to cIobo out at Webster b. Blg bargalns sure. L. P. Gleason & Co. have just recelved another large invotce of ladles' ready-made garmsnts, and wlshlng to close them out dur Ing the noxt thlrty days they offer their entlro stock at less than the former cost. You had better vlslt the first clrcus, for you may dle before the next on e comes. We want everybody to live and, therelore, offer fresh drugs, mediclncs, clgars, confectlonery and fancy goods at bottora prlces. Spear & Lane, M. L. Field of Northfield ls selllng the Palmer Horse Hoe, the Ely Plow and Share's Harrow Teeth, formerly made at the North field foundry. Address all ordors by mall to D. D. Field, Northfield, Vt, Iiapairs for all the above can aleo be obtalncd. A Large line of trlmmed hata and bonnets for ladles and chlldren wlll be sold cheap at Vall's thls week. Look at the hats, feathers and llowers and be convlnced that the PoBt ofllce Block store ls the place to buy your milllnery. Everythlng marked down. Frksii STnAWiiF.miiEs. Fresh strawberrles dellvered at your Tery door, twlce dally, from strawberry camp, teu minutes' drlve from Montpelier. Flrst comt, first Berved, there- fore, leave your orders at once at the drug store of Spear & Lane. We understand that Mr. Lano expects to have from fifty to one hundred bushels. Iveks & Pond PianoCo.: Gentlemen1 have carefully examined your uprlght square planoand am pleased to pay that I conslder them to be thoroughly well made and excel lent Instrnments in all respects. They plrase me so well that I have ordered fifty of them for nse ln the New England conservatory of mnsic. YourB truly, E. Tourjee." Geo. A. Alnsworth, Williamstown, Vt., has jnst taken n general agepcy for these planos, and lnvltes correspondence." We have now arranged for the salo of the MaBon and Ilamlln organ; also the Palace, Shonlnger, New England, Sterling and Smith Amerlean organs, and the II. T. Miller Vose fc Son, Emerson, Wheelock, Ilallett & Davls, Gravea & Pond planos. Speclal rates for the next glxty days to cash cugtomora. AIbo Eold on easy monthly paymenU at the Capltal Or gan and Sewing-machine Rooms, South Maln streot. Address all orders to J. P. Donovan, Montpelier, Vt. Remember the address. Mav aoekts and all others wlshlng profita ble employment wlll find lt to tbelr Interest to call at J. MonnisoN Murray's Mai- Aoencv at Mrs. Illbbard's, opposlte the court house. Mr. Murray hlmseU ls attho Pavillon fora few days and hasylneneio maps of Canada and also ofivcM) Emiland, wlth whlch agents can can- vass all q- Vermont agaln ns successfully as be fore. Ho ls the only map publleher who pro tccts his agents. And agents golng away to ! work on any other map are Hablo to find thels territory all worked and lose their tline and money. There are wholo rountics and hun dreds of towns near you that have not been canvassed in whlch Bgents can make more monoy than over before. No agent can con sclentlously Bay ho is selllng the best map when he U selllng nny other. Nlne agents out of ten who try other maps are glad to come back to ours, aa thoy do every day. For further par- tlculara eoe other papers and speclal circulars, Tnn sportlng fraternlty have been cxclted by the wonderful spced of "MaudS," nnd " Al- dlne" hltched together nnd drlven by Mr, Vanderbllt, tlio owner, nt Fleutwood park on Frlday last. Mr. Vandorbllt made a mlle In 2il5i, sald to be tho best tlme on record In doublo team trottlng. Tho clrcumstnnces wore somewhat unfavorable for rapld tlme. The marea were drawlng four hundrod pounds, the welgbt of driver and wapon, and wero other- wlse lmpoded. "MaudS." Is conslderod by her tralnerenual to n rolln ln two mlmitea wlth a runnlng mate. IIo thlnks she can make 2:06 under tlie saddle, and can bcat herown tlme of 2:10 In harnesa. Currcnt Mcntlon. LiQCOit selzuroa nro belng made at Burlington. Some hard and soft wood Is wantcd nt thls ofllce ln paymont for subscrlptlon, A mass temperance meetlng wlll bo held at Lyndonville on the Fourth of July. Tiie nnnual meotlng of tho Central Vermont railroad company occura at St. Albana to-day. Tna annual meetlng of the Amerlean Instl- tuto of Instructlon will bo held at Fabyan's, White Mountalns, July 11-13. II. C. Mbaker of Duxbury vislted hla Bon Almon at the state prlson last wcok for tho first tlme slnco hla conflnement there. When you come to town Frlday to seo the clrcus, It wlll bo nn oxcellent plan for you to pay what la due on your paper. Please re member It. The proposed removal of Lewis collego to Brattleboro Is stlll undeclded, and wlll prob- ably remaln so untll Colonel Estoy'a retnrn from Europe. The new rules for legal practlce recommended by the State Bar Assoclatlon are belng adopted by tho varloua county bara and wlll probably go into effect soon. The friends of tho Vermont Methodlst Sem- Inary havo been hlghly gratlfled by tho glft of $1,000 to that Instltutlon by Judgo Samuel Plumley of Albany. The Bradford llsters have been Indlcted for offenses ngalnst the llstlng law ln 1881 and 1882 and will have their trlal at tho noxt term of Orange county court. Tnis year ls the one hundredth annlversary of tho settlemont of the town of Cabot and at a meetlng of the cltlzens, held last week Wcd' nesday, H was voted to hold a celebratlon of tho town's centennlal on Fourth of July. The Calcdonian suggests that a guardlan be appointed over A. J Willard. To an outslder, It has seemcd as though Willard had about as sound a head as any one ln St. Johnsbury, acd had shown good reasons for his actlons. Ocn Tunbridge corrcspondent informa ua that complalnt haa been mado to State'a At torney J. K. Darllng, of Eaet Corinth, of the outrnge mentloned in tho Watchman of last week, and tho matter will doubtless be m vestlgated. It la rumored that Harria of the Index does not find his effotts to reform St. Johnsbury very heartlly reciprocated, and that he is soon to retire from the publishing business. Thls wlll give Chase of tho Unt'onhla hands full to keep thlnga stralght ln that sectlon. Some liquor was seized at one of the Barton hotels and a part, whlch was conBidered unfit for use in the town agency, wa3 hldden ln a loft. Some fcllows with a keen scent for liqnor stolo lt and tho MonXor offera to glve them freo obltuary notices when the stnff takes effect. It ls reportcd tbat the Southeastern rallway of Canada has beenpurchascd by the Canadian Paclfic and that tho road wlll go into the hands of tbe new company the lst of July. The South' eastern aystera Is three hnndred milea long and the acquisition of the road will glve the Cana, dlan Paclfic a New England outlet via New port, Vt. The Poultney Journal tells n serious Btory about J. M. Ilaven, the proprletor of the Bates hnnse at Rutland, claiming that he has been largely over-Issueing Rutland railroad stock, a blg proportion of whlch he sold to Charles Clemont, who is said to have bought for the purpose of oustlng Jolin B. Page from the presidency. Tnr. district stewards of the Methodist chnrches in the Burlington district have ap pointed tho Hon. J. V. Carney, Rev. M. IIul burd, Rev. J. J. Noe, L. Howard Kellogg, Ira Russell, M. D. Jnmp and D. R. Lowell a com mittee to prepare a statement of matters con neeted with the boundary dilllculty between the Troy and Vermont conferences. The Natlonal Car Company have recently chosen the followlng dlrectors: Lansing Millii, James R. Langdon, Jo. D. Ilatch, M. Hall Stan- ton, Gilman Choney, Ilerbert Brainerd, E, Curtls Smith. At a subsequent meetlng of the directors, Mr. Mlllia was elected president, F. S. Stranaban of St. Albans, Becretary and treaBurer, and Hon. J. D. Ilatch of Burlington, audltor. SrniNOKiELD Repuiilican: " Green Mount- aln rnstics are this week openlng their eyes at the atyle of the Dwlght-Wiman coachlng club of New York and Toronto, who have Invaded the state with their coach and six for the first tlme. They wear shlny velvet coats, and there are Vermonters unsophlstlcated enough not to see the advantages of their equlpage over Fore- paugh'a charlots." Thua does the RtjmlAican poke tun at lts nelghbors. Aruanoementb have been made for a new fast traln between Chlcago and Boston, over tbe Grand Trunk and Central Vermont roads, by whlch tho tlme wlll be rcduced to forty honrs, three hours lesa than the present run nlng tlme. Golng east, thla traln wlll leave Montreal about 7:30 r. m arrlvlng In Boston the next mornlng. Golng west, it wlll leave Boston in the evening and arrive in Montreal about noon. Thia arrangement will probably begln next Monday. The court at Woodstock has overrnled the motlon to set aslde the verdlct as to four of the resjKiudenta charged wlth assanlt wlth la tent to klll upon Mr. Barrott at Windsor and pronounced senteuce as follows : William Gal lagher, seven years in prlson j Edward Gafney, slx yeara; John and Frank McClinton, one month Imprlsonment andafineot enoli ; Frank Gallagher, one month Imprlsonment and a fine of S160; George Fleld, two years ln the house of correctlon. A Brattleboro man, G. W. Parker, has in- vented a new muslcal lnstrumeut whlch he calls tho " clarlphono." It Is n comblned guitar and liarp, havlng elghteen strlngs, and Is said to posseB great volumo, range and llex ibility, !t Imltates a groat vnrlety of InBtru ments and can bo thrown Into nny koy by tnrnlng a slnglo knob. Mr. Parker has cnn- structed a raodel of four hundred nnd elgbty' four plecea of dlfforent varlotios of wood, nnd ims applled for n patent, The raanagers of "Tho Country Week"of Bocton deslro to send another bovy of boya and glrla who need fresh air and good food Into thla vlcinlty this sumtner. They hopo that those who entcrtalned their little chargea last year thared tho children's pleasure bo fully that they wlll open their doors to the poor agaln thls Benson, nnd that othera wlll joln In the good work, Rev. J, Edward Wrlght of thla vlllage would be glad to henr from any who are dlsposed to asslst. Edwin Dillinoiiam Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Waterbury, proposes to lta fel low posta in thls and cdjoiuing towns to uuito ln a basket plcnlc nt Waterbury by way of celebratlng " the glorloua Fourth." The idea Ib warmjy recelved and wlll probably bo carrlod ont by the posta. It Ib n good one, and we trust tho suggestlon of onr Waterbury friends wlll meet wlth a hearty responae by soldlera and cltlzens. Speaklng and fittlng exerclses wlll bo arranged If the plcnlc comes o(T. The blackmall cnso agalnst II. W. Lovo of Rut land was concluded Saturday. One Wooloy clatmed that Lovo extorted money from hlm by threatenlng to prosecute hlm for selllng liquor. Lovo admltted taking money, but clalmed that it was slmply to establlsh a con- nectlon wlth the bnslness, whlch Wooley de nled. Lovo sald that all hla doings were wlth the knowledgo and approval of the Rutland prosecutlng commlttee. Tho grand jury ln vestlgated tho affalr last fall and fatled to find n blll, Justlco Balley holds hla doclston ln reserve. Bennington clalms tho honor of holdlng the first mldnlght court ln Vermont. On a re cent Sunday Dennls Keefe of IIooslc Falls, N. Y,, canie to Bennington, got intoxicatcd and waa put la jall. Keeto waa afraid ho would lose his sltuation lf his spreo waa known, and a frlend offered to pay hla fine and coats, but the jallor had no dlscretion and a court could not be held on Sunday. Flnally Justlce Keyes offered to try hlm aa soon as the clock struck twelve. Accordlngly tho prlsoner waa brought into court at 12:01 and heavlly fined. His frlend pald his fine and the nffnlr was not heard of by his employers. Dahtmoctii commencement comes next weok. The followlng la an abstract of the programmo: Sunday, 10:30 A. m,, baccalaureate by the president; 8 v. m., addresa by Rev. C. D. Barrowa of San Franclsco; Monday even Ing, prlze Bpeaking; Tuesday, 10:30 a. m,, graduattng exerclses of the agrlcultural de partment; 3 r. m., cI.ibs day exerclsea; 8 l. M., graduatlng exerclses of the Chandlcr Sclentific Department; Wednesday, 10 A. m, grand re unlon of alumnl with addressos, contlnulng through the day; Thursday, 10:30 A. M., com mencement exerclsea. Hon. John Wentworth of Chlcago and other prorainent graduatea are maklng speclal efforts to have a large and Interesting meotlng of the alumnl. Tnr, followlng la the programmo of com mencement week at Goddard Semlnary, Barre Sunday, June 24, sermon before tho graduatlng claesatl:15 v. m,, by E. II. Capen, D.D., of Collego II111, Mass. Monday, June 25, morn ing, examinations: rhetorical exerclses of junlor class at 2 r. m j senlor concert by Blals- doll's orcheBtra at 7:30 r. m. ln tho town hall Tuesday, June 20, mornlng, examinatlona alumnl exerclses at 2 i: m. ; address by T. B, MacDonald of Mayport, Florida. ; essay by Miss Llzzle A. Martln of Barre; evening, at 7:30, prlze Bpeaking by seniors and junlora. Wednes- day, June 27, exerclsea of graduatlng class at 10 A. m. ; annual address at 2:30 r. m., by Rev. C. E. Nasb of Newtonville, Mass.; evening, re- ception of teachers and claes. Vrn principal polnta of commencement at BuAlngton next woek are aa follows: Sunday, tufJt at., bdtTar.iureate dlsconrt,e by the president; Monday, three i m., addresa on the late Hon. Gcorge P. Marsh by Professor Samuel G. Brown of Dartmouth oollege; Tuesday, two r. m., unvolllng oi tbe statue ol Latayotte ana dedication of the new college bulldlng; Wed nesday, eleven a. m., commencement exer- cisoa. Professor Brown's address, whlch was recently given at Hanover, is very highly spoken of. The exerclses ou Tuesday after- noon are expected to be very imposlng and In teresting. Many distingaished gentlemen have been invited. The statue wlll be nuvelled by the Bculptor, J. Q. A. Ward, and Judgo J. A. Jameson of Chlcago will deliver the principal addresa. The appalllng consequencea of a westem cyclone should be seen to be appreciated. Inspired by a desiro to glve hia frlenda a "graphlc" if not a reallstlc conception of tho awful havoc wrought by these elemen tal disturbances, a former resident of thls vlllage sends to a frlend bero a copy of tho Sunday Graphlc, portrayiug Kansaa City's lato bout with the storm fiend. Tho " fiend," sur- rounded by inky blackness streaked wlth chaln llghtnlng, in tho Bhape of a rutabaga ia de scending upon the dooraed city. Treea and ve hlcles are flylng through the alr and a stone bulldlng Is golng to plecea beneath the polnt of tho gyrating vcgctable. The Btreets are filled wlth debrit and a single indivldual, undenlably wrestllng with the "jim jams," Is sole spec tator of the ruinoua acene. "Just as it ap peared, of coursel" Is "Pnt's" endorsemont of the accuracy of the engnvlng, and the work of art ls cherlBhed accordlngly. " W. C." of Middlesex wrltes aa follows con cernlng the measles: "Thls contagious and loathsome disease seems to prevail in nll parts of the state. Ia It not about tlme that the pso ple were warned to be more carefol about speadlng lt among their frlenda and nelgh bors? It coats a good deal to have this disease run through a family at any tlme, and at thia busy Beaaon among the farmers the tax is a aevere one tosay nothingof the danger, suffer- Ing and discomfort of the ones alllicted. It seema to be a generally accepted opinlon that everybody must have the measles ometimc, and many folka thlnk the qulcker the botter. But 1 do not see the necessity any more than in the cafe of small-pox, cholera or other conta' gloua diseases. If those who havo the disease or have been exposed to lt would only be rea- Bonably careful, lts apread mlght bo stopped to a great extent; nnd lt they will not, let the Btrong nrm of the law bo used to raako them careful. If we have not a law for tlils case let us make one." The grand jnry of Caledonia county has In dlcted J. N, Gale, formorly superintendent of the St. Johnsbury water works, for embezzle- ment. No blll wns returned ngalnst Lelghton, who stabbed Heath at Barnet recently. Thla to Indict would seem to lndicato a be llof that Heath waa the aggrossor. Judge Judevlne of Hardwick f oems to have just aa poor luck unlDg tho law as ln trylng to make lt. The Index thua reports: "Tlio caseof A. K Judovlne of Hardwick vt, Dr. Weeks of Walden was trled Tuesday . In one Frank Williama fatled, and hoiihi property was at' tached nnd bld otf nt sherlff'B snle by Jude vlne. Somo of the property was afterwards bought of Williama by Weelis, who clalmed that tho attachtnent and pretendod ownershlp of the property by Judevlne was fraudulent. Judevlne, however, malntalnod hia grlp ou the property under a clalm of ownershlp, and eued Weeks In trover for trading with Williama and taking the property away, Tho only question seemed to be wbether Williama and Judevlne colluded to defraud tho former's lawful credlt ors. The jury evldently concluded that tho trade between Willlams and Judevlno waa not a bona flde one, and returned a verdlct for tho defendant." Alexandek D. Pierce, who llved In Orford, N. II,, just across the river from Fntrlce, com mltted Bulcido last Frlday nlght by cuttlng hla throat, Uo has been subject to odd Bpells, borderlng on lneanlty, nnd was doubtless crazy when ho commlttcd the act. On tho nlght ln qnestlon ho roso from bed about eleven o'clock wlth tho remark that ho waa golng to do some thlng for hla wlfe, who waa 111, and passed out Into the next room. Mra. l'lorce, f earlng some thlng waw wrong, sent her boy out to find hlm and tho llttlo fellow returned wlth tho statement that he thought hla father waa dead. Tho son wns sent to n nelghbor'a for uelp and Investlgation showed that Mr. Pierce had gone out into tho back yard and dellborately cut his throat wlth a razor, , maklng seven terrible gashea nnd severing tho wlndplpe In two placea. The deceascd was a Idnd hcarted man nnd a worthy membor of the Methodlst chnrch at Fairlee. The funcral servlces occurred nt his late homo on Monday, Rev. T. P. Frost of Bradford ofilclating. The forty-nlnth annual commencement of tho Vermont Methodist Semlnary began last Sunday wlth the baccalaureate sermon at Trln Ity church by Rev. A. II. Wyatt, pastor of tho Untversity church at Middletown, Conn., hla theme belng " Flllal Sonshlp ln tho Divine Ira age." Tho sermon was llatened to by the large audlence wlth tho closcstattentlon and ellclted the hlghest encomlums. The prlnclpal'a rccep tion to the graduatlng class occurred on Frlday evening. Besides the class, thofaculty nnd In vited gucata were present, nnd the occaslon waa one of great interest. Tho examinatlona took place on Monday and Tuesday, and wero hlghly satisfactory to the committeo. On Monday evening occurred the plano recital by Professor Hadlcy and puplls, asslsted by Mra. Corlnne Maud Clcveland, the celebratod aoprano. The large audlence and tho close nttentlon showed the appreciatton of Professor Hadley and his work and the frequent applause and encorei showed the dellght of tbe nudlence In the varl ous renderings and especially ln the songa of MrB. Cleveland. The faculty have been very fortunate ln ficcurlng her as teacher ln vocal culture the comlng year. Below ls a programme of the recital: Piano quartetto, Misses Spaul dlng, Whitney, Klnsley and Bates; plano solo, Miss IIull; plano duett, Miss Daleynnd Mr. Hadley; song, "Tho Last Roso of Summer," Mra. Cleveland; plano solo, Miss Daley; plano solo, Miss Newcomb; plano duett, Miss Hal sted and Mr. Hadley; plano trlo, Mlssea Wy man, Halsted, and Mr. Hadley; Galop Mllltalre, Misa Lane; piano solo, Mlsa Newcomb; plano duett, Messrs. Wilder and Hadley; plano solo, Mlsa Daley; song, "Yo Morry Birds," Mra. Cleveland; plano solo, Mlsa Hull; plano dnett, Miss Daley and Mr. Hadley. Last evening an addresa was dellvered before the F.sthetic so- cloty by Rev. J. W. Hanllton. To-day wlll oc cur the class day exerclsea, this evening prize speaklng, and to-morrow the graduatlng exer cIsbb. A report in detail wlll be given next week. Foraonal. n. A. WiNBnir of Bradford has gone on a trip to Callfornla. Lucics Bioelow, the editor of the Rutland Ilerald, ls agaln on duty. Hon. Daniel Roiserts and hla son, Robert, aro taking a trlp through the West. E. M. Hcnter has closed his connectlon wlth the Rutland lieview and gone to a new field of labor. Si'eaker Maiitin wlll deliver the Fourth of July address at the Enosburgh Falls cele bratlon. Georoe W. LeBarhon of Wolcott, has been granted a penslon of $4 a month, with 38G0 arreara. J. G, Eddv, Esq , of Brattleboro Ia rapldby recovering from the severe illness mentloned last week. W. M. Kendall, formerly of the Argus staff, haa started a new weekly paper at Man chester, N. II. PrtOFESson n. E. Parker of Dartmouth College has nearly recovered from his recent erious accident. Rev. J. D. Emerson of Underhill preached the annual sermon before the normal school at Castleton last Sunday. John M. Cosistock of Chelsea haa been re- engaged aa principal of the school at Spring- field for another year. Professor C. C. GovEof Beeman Academy, New Ilaven, ls one of the examlnera of the Randolph normal school. Amono the examlnera at Dartmouth college thls year aro Rev. C. B. Hulbert of Lyndon ville and Rev. S. S. Martln of Peacham. Professor S. G. Brown of Dartmouth Coh lege wlll repeat his addresa on the Hon. Goorgo P. Marsh at Burlington commencement week. Lawrknce Baknes, Esq., wlth Colonel Ful ler of Brattleboro, haa given S7S for a prlze reading at tho A'ermont Academy at Saxton'a River. Sknatob, Justin S. Morrill Is erecting c substantlal structure ln Strafford whlch he In- tenda to present to his natlve town fora llbrary bulldlns when completed. Joseph K. Eof.rton of Northfield was se- vertly, but not dangorously, injurcd the 10th Instant, by a fall, breaklng one rib and recelv- ing some brulses. He Is rapidly recovering. IIon. Edward Seymour of Vergennes dled Friday, after n long and painful Illness. Mr, Seymour had long been prorainent ln state and loral nffatrs, and his death wlll be wldoly and dooply lamented. Hon, Chauncev L Knavp of Lowell, Mass., who was n former resident of Montpelier and learned the prlntor'a trade in The Watchman olllce under Genoral Walton, ls vlsiting old friends In thls sectlon, Mr, Knapp is a natlve of Berlin. Mr. Gkoroi: Lkonard of Hinesburg!! has ln his possosslon tho trowel used by Genoral Lafayetto ln laylng the corncr stoue of the Unlvcrsity of Vermont. Mr. Van Heusselaor Cnon, a grandfather of Mr. Leonard, owned the Impleraont at the tlme, Mit. Georok W. Bentlev has tendored his resignatlon of the general superlntendency of the New London Northern railroad. Mr Bent ley has been connoctod wlth thls road slnco June, 1874, and Is one of the most wldoly known superlntendenta ln thla country, Thr venerablo Nahum Peck of Hlucsburph, who died on Saturday, June 0th, was nt the tlme of his death tho oldest prnctlclnp lawyor (wlth ono exreption) in Vermont. He wns born in Royalton, Mass., October 6. 1700, and was admllted to the bar at Montpelier lu Sep tember, 1823. Immedlately thereafter settllng ln Hinesburg!), whlch was ever atterward his hoine. He was a brother of the lato ex-Gover-nor Aeahel Peck of Hinesburg!. .Montpelier. Frank Owler has cone to work nt the cab shop ngaln. Mr. and Mns. V.. F. Kistiur.r.liavn benn vla. ltlng at Bellows Falls. Frank O. Fjfld and wlfe of Sewicklev. Pa.. aro visltlng at Hon, E. P. Walton's. John B. Dohis' Inter.Ocean clrcus wlll oc- cupy the attentlon of Montpelier next Friday. Mhs. D. S. Wheatlry and her son Ned are visltlng frlenda nt Grafton and Bellows Falls. There wlll bo n floral Sundav-Bchool concert at the church of tho Messlah next Sunday evening. Misses Rnn Jewett nnd Fannle Flfield have retnrned from their schoola and wlllspend vacatlon at liome. The Younc Women'a Chrlstian Temrjerance ITnlon had a tea party at Misa Carrle Wltt'a Frlday evening. Cohntv Cleiik Sjiilie haa ordered a new wrltlng machlne and sold his old one to John II. benter ol warren. Rev. J. Edward Whiqht wlll deliver tho address at Lewis College commencement at Northfield to-morrow. W. E. Adams wlll add a new barn to his Btand of bulldlnes, and William Goodwln wlll havo chargn of the work. Thf. late Nahum Peck of Hinesburgh waa ralsed nnd educated ln Montpelier, whcre he wns admitted to tho bar. Mrs. W. A. Biiioos la engaged to slng to nlght nt n concert nt St. Johnsbury, nnd next Monday evening at Barre. Mn. and Mns. A. J. Howk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Poland and J. C. Emery attended the conven tion at Newport last week. The Lane Mannfacturlng Company wlll shut down Frlday and Saturday of thls week la order to complete taking their Involce. Missfs Anoie C. Wino and Clara B. Dewey, nleces of Hon. E. P. Walton, Bailed from New York last Saturday for a tour ln Europe. There If to bo a meetlng of the Woman's Chrlstian Temperance Unlon at Trlnlty parlors thls (Wednesday) afternoon at three o'clock. The c.ib shop will shnt down the first of July for two weeks. A new llttmo is to bo put ln, Romo inside repairs made and an Involce taken. Mr Elmer WoivrnEN, for the last year at work In a drug store at Bethel, la now clerk Ing at F. H. H.Tcom's In place of Rollln Fll Bon, whola laid up by a felon. Amono those who attendod the maonlo gathering at Burlington were George W. Wing, Colllns Blakelny, T. C. Phlnney. Thomas H. Cave, Frank II. Bascom, and J. W. F. Wash- Durn. C0MMissi0NF.n3 J. M. Tvleh. W. H. Walker. and C. B. Eddy were In town lat Tliursday and took a trin over the Montpelier & Wells Kiver railroad ln connectlon wltn tne omcoraol tho road. Rev. Homeh WniTF.of Randolnh offlclatedat Chrlst church Sunday In exchange wlth Rev. II. F. HI11 wbo also preached the baccalaureate sermon before the students of the Randolph normal school. J. W. Bhock returned from hla ten daya' fishlng trip Frldav. The pirty caught 2,459 trout welghlng in the acgregate 1,050 pounds. beveral of the speckled beauties welgnea over four pounds each. A verv excellent literarv entertalnment was given by Profesor B. M. Hnxley in the sem inarv chapel Iat Wednesday evening. A slmllar entertalnment wlll be given at Capltal iian, inursaay evening. Maiitin- Pemrroke. a verv Hkelv vonnc lad who haa llved at John B. Thurston's for the paBtyear and attended school at the Unlon school, dled qnite snddenlv yesterday mornlng. He was at work only last Thursday. General Lafayette was not entertalnd at the Cadwell house, ai tho ifetiengcr says, but at the old Pavillon. President Mnnroe waa en tertained at the Cadwell house, and Prlnce Ed ward, tbe fatner ol (jueen victoria by Colonel Jacob Davis. John A. Rtder. formerly a member of Watermun's orchestra, dled at Leomlnter, Mass., on the 0th inst. He waa a member of the Elghth Vermont regiment and was wounded at Port Hudson, carrylng the ball in his limb until his death. Edward Sullivan, Jamea Mullaly and G1I- bert Paro were brought before Justlce Clark Mondav. on comnlalnt of Rufus M. Prav. for dlsturbing the peaco at North Montpelier last Thursday evening. Sullivan and Mullaly were eacn tined slo and costs, wnlcn tney iald, and Paro was dlscharged. The graduattng exerclses of the Unlon school wlll occur next week. The graduates and the subiects of their dlscourses are: Edward E. Blakely, "Impulsea of Socletv;" Loule A. Clarke. "Ferns;" Emlly L. Eaton, "Tho Nlebeluneen Lied;" Mary L. Freeman, "Ecnn omyof Mind;" Evelyn S. Lease, "PubllcLI braries." A si'ecial communlcation of Aurora Lodge, No. 22, Free and Accepted Masons, will be held at their hall on Saturday evening, June 23, at eight o'clock, for the rurpose of perfect Ing arrangomenta for the attrndance of the lodge at tho exorcises ln Burlington next Tues day. It ia hoped that a large gathering of the brethren wlll be had on thla occaslon. Be on hand promptly nt eight o'clock. A meetino was held Sunday afternoon ln the vestry of tho Baptist church to boo about organizing a Yonng Men's Chrlstian Assocla tlon, A. J. Howe presldlng. A commlttee waa appointed to revlse the draft of by-laws pre Bented and to nominate ofhcers. A second meetlng will be held next Sunday afternoon at five o'clock ln Betbany ohapel, when It Is ex pected that a permanent organlzation wlll be effected. Jefferson Brcce was repalring the brako on one of H. A. Uancock's work wagons Mon day and cllmbed upon the Beat to try lt when the horses were frightened by a dog and ran awav. They were eating at tho time, their headstalls belng removed, so that Brtice could notcontrol them by the relns. He was thrown from the seat and the wheels passed over his anclea but fortunatoly no bones were broken, although he was b.idly bruised. Nfxt Tuesday evening, at seven o'clock, the Unlon school will givn an entertalnment for the beneflt of the school llbrarv. Every grade will take part In song or recltatlons. Tbe followlng Is the prngramme: Song, " Wake up, Little Daisy," Sadle Wlng. Lewie Hathaway, Llllle Stowell and Wilbnr Lowe; "The Gift of Trite tnlus," Henrv Farwell; " Luck," Mabel Good wln: "Tho'Moon Chlldren." Nellle Hvde; "The Match Girl." Nora Balley: song, "Slng awav, ve jovous Birds;" "The Vlllage Black smith." Mdlo Dudley; "Seed nnd Harvest," May Russ; "Song of Seven," James McDon ald; " Appleseed John," Sadio Wlng; Motlon song, "Wintry Storma;" " Greyport Lepend," Clarn Moad; " Wreck of the Hesperus," Emma Cutler; "Daybreak," Florence Glynn; song, "Touch uot the Cup," Maggle Mee and Wllllo Smith. All tho voung people, and the old too, nro luvlted to attend, Admlttance ten cents. General Crooic has returned safely to Arl zona, brlngiDg in over two hundred prlsoners. lt la understood that he Intends to recross the MexlcAn border, and endeavor to cipture tha most troublesome of the hostilo Apachos. Thk BCientlfio exnedltion sent out by the gnvernment In March last to oberve tho total ecllpse of the sun at Carollnn Island, ln the South Paclfic, has returned, Tlio party roports that tho weather on the day of tho ecllpso waa perfect for observing purioses, and tjio result ls n great auccess. Winston, Forsyth county, C, Gents : I deslre to expresa to you my thanks for your wonderful Hop Bltters. I was troubled with dyspepsla for five years prevlons to commenc ing the wso of your Hop Bltters somo bIx nionthsBgo, My cure haa boon wonderful. 1 am pastor of the First Methodist church of this placo and my wholo congregatlon can testify to the groat vlrtues of your bltters. Very re spectfully. Rev. II. Fereiifj:, Tiie Brltish Immlgranta for Outario nnd the Northwest are now comlng to Montreal at tho rate of one thousand per day. A oood name at homo Is a tower of strength abroad. Ten tlmos as muchllood'aSarsnparllla used ln Lowell aa any other.