OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, November 28, 1883, Image 1

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BY W. W.
VOXj. 79. 4024. NO. 7.
Clinngo of Tlmc.
Tlie dato to whlch It ls noceseary torour aub
icilbera to pay In order to get Oooil Chccr
one year free la aet forward ono month at
tho beglnning of each month. Aftor thls
week tbo date wlll bo Dbcemueu 1, 183-1.
So tliat ftll aubscrlbors, old or new, who
wlll pay for Thb Watciiman to Decomber 1,
1834, wlll recelvo Good Cheer one yenr free.
Send soventeen cents for tho odd montha.
ThoBO who do not wlah to Uke up wlth tbla
offer nro reqneatod to oottlo thelr duos aa soon
as posslble, as wo ato ln lmmedlato ncod of tho
Locnl Itcms.
Duuob at Baacom'al
Patent medlclnea at Baacom'all
Tiin finest clgara at Boscom'slt!
Eijmant handkerchlof extracta at Baa
eom'sllll Bia trado In "Dlamond Dyoa" at BaE
tom'slllll LniitAity lampa cheap, at Webater'p.
Circdlatinci Ubiary at II. E. Slayton'a.
A lot of platea at flfty centa a dozon, at
Baroainb ln gloves, mlttona, and mndetwear,
by Boyco, the Barre clothler.
CnitisTMAs and New Year'acarda at Kcone's,
opposlte tho bank, Waterbury .
Keep your feet warm by bnylng wool boota
of George F. Boyce, Barre, Vt.
Look for hollday gooda at Smlth'a, Barre,
Yt. Ilo has aomethtng for all.
Seventy-five bnshols of nlce onlona for sale
low, by Arma & Halnea, Waterbury.
Keenb, the Waterbury jeweler, la tho man
to clean and repalr clocka and watchea at short
"Too wlll smlle all oyer your face," at
Capital hall Thanksglving nlght. Felch &
A new involco of buffalo coats and robea,
Jap robea, and horge blankets, at Boyce' a,
Barre, Vt.
Buy yonr achool booka, school paper, acratch
booka, penclla, lnka, eto., etc., at Smlth'a,
Barre, Vt.
Dolxj carrlages, wheelbarrowa, snow shovels,
mechanlcal toy b and other toy gooda at Keene' s,
Larqe atock of flonr ln all gradea very cheap
wlll certainly be hlghor aome time, Arma &
Halnea, Waterbury.
Tiiat komlcal kompound, Ryerson, that
kute, kunnlng Felch, at Capital hall Thankg-
fivlog nlght. Felch & Ryerson.
"IlAl Ual Ha! Why do youlaugh?" "Oh
don't ask me," go to Capital hall Thankaglv
Sng nlght and aee Felch & Ryerson.
Rohbek boota, lumberman'a overs, arctlca
and Alaska'g ln fnll aupply, at the clothing
toro of George P. Boyce, Barre, Vt.
If your annual blg dlnner hnrta you, ald
dcglutltlon wlth a hearty langh at Capital hall
Thanksglving nlght. Felch & Ryerson.
An elegant atock of teaa and coffee, choco
late, broma, etc. Also fine clgara for thoae
who amoke, at Arma St Halnea', Waterbury.
Reberved Beata on sale for one of the fun-
niest entertatnment8 you ever aaw, at Phin-
ney's, for Capital hall Thanksglving nlght.
Folch & Ryerson.
Tiiosk wantlng somethtng elegant for holi-
day gifta wlll find lt ln thn completo new llne
of gold pen-holderB and penclla which has just
arrived at Fhinney'a.
Wantkd Situatlon as mlller in a good grlst
vlll, by one that has had several yeara experi-
ence. Call on or addresa S. L. D. Goodale,
West Topsham, Vermont.
Uavinq made arrangements to remove my
bnslness to Burlington, I wlsh to settlo all my
aecounts as eoon as convenlent. Flease call
at an early date. G. H. Smtlie.
A fbw pleces of sllk plush for trlmmlng wlll
be sold for Sl 25, worth 31.76; also a lot of
itrlped aatlns at fifty cents that cost 81 and
over, to reduce Btock, at Webater's.
Kow ls the tlmo to get a good photograph
album. The most completo llne and lowest
prlces ever shown ln Montpelier you can find
at Fhlnney'B. Call and look at them.
Tiie ladles of Bsthany aoclety wlll hold
fair at thelr chapel on Thursday afternoon and
evenlng, December 13th, wben they wlll offor
for aale n varlety of faucy and nseful articles,
Soott, Waterbury, has a new and largo llne
of watches, jewelry and sllverware for the
hollday trade. Examlne his atock before buy
lng elsewbere. Iloneat gooda and fair prlces
TnAHKsoiviNO la at hand, and wlth It
largo atock of gooda suitable for the occaaion
at the old houso of Arms St Halnea', Water
bury, who offer for aale at wholesale or retall
Kkmemdeu theplace to get fine atatlbnery ls
at Cbarles A. bmlth's, Barre, Vt. Ile off era
largo llne of Crane'a papers.all the lateat tlnts,
Box papeteries, every Tarlety of Btyle and
Fon Sale. One thousand Macomber'a 1m
proved hand corn and bean plantera. Agent
wanted for all unoccuplcd tenltory, For par-
ticulara apply to 0. G. Fhelpa, agent for the
state of Vermont, Milton, Vt.
Kkkni:, Waterbury, has a fine lot of paper
and envelopos ln elegant bozes, Japan good
nuch as card recelvera, brackets, clocks of all
klnds, ladles work bozes and writlng desks,
vases, tolletsets, mustache cups, etc, etc,
Tms question ls, not the watorlng of stockB
bnt the gettlng of water to the village, and to
reduce stock, not by waterlDg but by Belllng,
Uiere wlll be Bold colored sllk velvets at 81.25,
oblldren g cloaklngs, geventy-flvo centa
8125. Just go and see the bargalns,
Tiik best time to sfilect your Chrlstmaa
arda ls before the rusli beglnB, and lt you
want to see the best and most complete llne
all the dlfferent publlahers, call at I'hlmey
bookstore and examlne bla Btock. Dlacount
made to thoso buylng for Sunday-schoola or
Colonel L. Gimao, of Fayettevllle, Ark,
ez-judgeof tho supreme court of the state o
Arkansaa, recently spent several days at the
Detrolt bronze factory Inyestlgatlng tbe work,
Ue Urored the oompany wlth his order for
No. 202 white bronze monument, prlce 8805
and some other work, before Ieavlng for homr,
Ahmb& Haines, Waterbury, have nlce
Floilda oranges, lemons, malaga grapes, rala-
Ins ln groat varlety, nuts, figa, datea, prunca,
cranberrloB, npplos, jelllcs, honey, canned
goods, etc, at tho lowest posslble prlces. Also
a fine stock of fancy grocerles ln groat varlety
to whlch we Invlte the attentlon of all ln noed
of anythlng ln our llne, not partlcnlarly for
Thanksglvlng, but good any time.
Camilla Unao, tho world famona vloltnlst,
1b engaged for the lyceum bureau courso,
Barre, on the evenlng of Decembor 8th. The
only placos ln Vermont whlch thls dlatlngulshed
lady favors are, bosldes Barre, Sprlngfield, St.
Johnsbury and Burlington. Camllla power-
fully UluBtrates the old atory of tho enthralling
wltchery of the violln In the handa of a master.
Currcnt Montlon.
Rrv. J. II. HiNcits la to conduct the aervlces
at Wrlghtsvllle next Sunday at two, i u.
Ouu premlum announcement la crowded out
thla week, but tho offera stlll romaln good.
Good hard wood, four feet ln length, ls
wanted at thls olllco ln payment for subscrip-
A limited quantlty of frult and vogetablea
of good quallty wlll be taken on Bubsciiptlona
at thla olllco.
Claims agalnst tho St. Albana trust company
to the number of nearly five hundrod stlll ro
maln unproved.
CoNBiDERAtir.K correspondcnco has neces-
iarlly been condenscd and mnch entlrely
omltted thls week for lack of apaco.
Every nubscrlbor who dooa not now have
Good Cheer, should read the notlce headed,
Cbange of time," ln the first coluran on thls
Tiie court of chancery baa glven ordors to
M. Gleason, Keq., the recelver of the Ely
mlnos, to smelt out what ore there ls on hand,
and the furnacea wlll be put in order for work
at onco.
The Vnlon eays that the Caledonian just
bearly " escaped belng an interesting paper
last week. We fear there may be a jealous
foellne bruin between these dlspmsers of
mental pabulum.
TnE followlng epltaph ia found on a grave
Btone near Rutland:
Uere 11m Darlus, wbo dled of late,
11U iplrlt (Iew ttralght toheivea'a gtte,
There Uabrlel met Uhn wlth a clab,
And beat blm back to Delzebub.
Elkvkn porsona Bhowed thelr good jadg-
ment by subncriblng for Tiie Watciiuan Kon
day, and our confidence in the ablllty of man
klnd to appreclate a good thing ls being daily
etrengthened by llberal addltlons to our 11st,
Eeep rlght on doing bo, f riends.
Onis of our lady readers sent for aome extra
coplea of last week' Watciiman on account of
that atory headed, " Iloneat for a Day," wlth
tbe remark that she trled the samo tblng once
wlth even worse reaulta than were aet forth ln
our columns. Trnth is often stranger than
Watciuian: " Good hard wood, four feet ln
length, is wanted at tbis olllco ln payment for
subscriptions." Don'tyou want some drled
apples? Clipper. Yea, we wlll take even drled
apples, lf you are ready to Bquare np the bal
ance due Tiik Watoomak for exchanglng wlth
the Clipper.
A company has been organlzed for the pub-
llcatlon of the Rutland Revieto, under the name
of'TheRevlew Company," The artlclea of
lncorporatlon are dated Kovember 12fh and
were Uled November 21st, wlth the followlng
corporators: Charlea Sheldon, B. W. Mar
Bhall, II. W. Love, Jewett P. Caln. The name
of Charlea Sheldon would seem to be a guar-
anty of financlal backlng.
"iNaTleht Flx," among the eelected artl
clea in thls Watciiman, wlll interest the boys
and girls and "thechildren ofalargergrowth"
too. "The Lost Manuscript," and indeed
everything ln the departments of Belected llter
ature, are frosh and breezy, entertalntng and
Instructlve. Do not omlt the pigea on whlch
theae thlDgs are found. They are a very es-
sential part of a good famlly paper, for old and
young, and the objectot particular palna.
Tiie Refortner come8 to the front wlth the
followlng retort at the expense of our nelghbor
around the corner: "The Argus attempts to
be facetious ln cnlllng attention to an item In
the Jieformer of November 9, relatlve to the
bar atsoclatlon meeting October 23-25. Itadds
' It ls rearly amuslng.' Rearly ' ls good. Wo
presume the Argus meana by tbis 'aa seen
f rom the rear.' As loug as the Argus keeps ln
the rear of the Heformer, tbis journal wlll find
no fault wlth its prospect from that quaiter,
uowever ' amuBlng' it may be.
A Montreal dlspatcb saya that Sherlff
Quesnel of Arthabaska selzed the whole of the
Sonth.Eastern rallway Thursday, but a com-
promise was made regardlng the movables.
Tbe selzure was for a clalm of 820,000 by the
townsbip of Wlckham. The sherlff has for-
warded to tbe offlclal Oazette a notlce of sale for
January 28th. Ex-Governor Hendee of Ver
mont, recelver of the bank, ls now in Montreal
endeavorlng to arrange Mr. Barlow's affalra In
regard to tbe South-Eastern road, whlch are
daily becomlng more compllcated.
Mrs. Polly Bolton, a lady elghty-nlno
years of age Ilvlng alone ln her house ln the
village of Snowsvllle, In the towuof Bralntreo,
was burned to death and the house and con
tenta entlrely eonsumed Siturday nlght just
before twelve o'clock. 'The flre, it ls supposed,
caught from a chimney, whlch burned out
early In the ovenlng. When the flre was first
dlscovered lt was bo far advanced that entry
to tne old lady b room was not poaalble. She
waa probably Buffocated by the Binoke, and
charred portlona of her remalns were found ln
the cellar.
Monoay evenlng the beavens to the north of
thls vllUge were brllllantly ligbted by u flre
whlcb occurred on the old county road in East
Montpelier. The bulldlngs burned were owned
by Ilorace O. Stewart, and comprlsed a house,
shed, birn and some small outbulldlngs. Mr.
Stewart dld not occupy the place, but was at
work there in tho early part of the ovenlng and
had g')ne to the barn wlth a tnbulnr lautern,
but had not been near the place at whlch the
lUmes broke out; and, there belng no defect
In the lautern, lt is belleved that the flre waa
the work of an Incendlary. Five head of cat
tlo perisued ln tne namea. several wagona
and sleds, and some furmlng lmpiementB were
also destroyod,
Thbiib wlll be a hearing bofore Judgo Koyce
at St Albaus, December 7th, on a petttlon of
tho Central Vermont and the Cunsolldated
company, that the Central Vermont rallroad
company may be dlscharged as recelvera and
managera bo far aa the posBeeslon and manage
ment of sald roada are concerned, on snch
terma and condltlons as the court may pro-
ecrlbe; but that they be held aubject to tho or
der of tho court for tho settlement of thelr no-
counts, whlch may be ordered to spoedlly take
place. That the actlon of tho Vermont and
Canada rallroad company andtheConaolldated
rallroad company of Vermont, in executlngtho
mortgage to secure sald bonds, may bo fully
approved by tho court, and for such other ro
lief aa to equlty may appertaln.
TnE purpose of Mr. Brock to Bupply tho vil
lage wlth water from Berlin pond conttnnes to
be dlscuBsed. The deslrablllty, the real neces
alty for having the water Is not questloned,
Thero seema, however, toba some diverslty of
oplnlon aa to the manner ln whlch tho end ln
vlew should be reached. The ylew that lt
should be excluslvely by tho village, Boems to
have been adopted by somo Indtvlduals who at
first favored the proposal of Mr. Brock, Noth
Ing succeeda llke auccess, and that way whlch
wlll be most suro to brlng the water, and put
Its management on a good and economlcal
basls should succeed, The votera should como
out to the meeting, whlch occura next Mon
day evenlng, llsten to the presentatlon of the
caao from oach polnt of vlew and vote thelr
honoat convlctiona.
Tiik Unlted States eupremo court at Wash
ington heard laat week, the arguments in the
groat Burdett-Estey organ case. Thla lnvolvea
the patent on whlch the trlplet reed organ ia
based, of whlch more than 40,000 are in use.
Rlley Burdett was formerly a partnor wlth
Jacob Estey & Son of Brattleboro, and he
clalms that ln 18G7 thoy stole away from hlm
thesecret upon whlch thls patent ls based.
The circult court, Judgos Blatchford and
Wheoler, gave hlm a verdlct of 8161,000, from
whlch the Esteys appealed. Mr. Evarta con-
ducta the case for the Esteya, and E J. Phelpa
for Burdett. The latter ls now a wealthy or
gan manufactnrer in Erie, Fenn., but at the
time of the patent he was poor, and the money
upon whlch he worked waa loaned to hlm by
S. M. Walte, then president of the First Na-
tlonal bank of Brattleboro, but now servlng a
term ln the house of correctlon for wrecking
that luatltutlon. The loan waa made for a half
interest in the prospectlve profita. It Burdett
wlns the sum, one-half the net proceeda wili go
to Walte' s estate and his credltora will proflt to
that extent.
The profeised.dlscovery by the Argus and
ratriot of a " Nlchols boom " ln Thk Watoii-
man'b recent article on the govern orshlp was
at first regajded as a feoble display of that
exceedingly aubtle facetlousnesa whlch now
and then, when the elements are propltlous, 1b
lmported lnto the columns of our esteemed
contemporary. More matnre conslderatlon
has led to the bellef that in the " darkness
viaible"of his imaglnatton tho wrlterof tbo
Argus article dld see what to hla vlslon, dls
torted by his chtldlsh fears or a too intense
gazlng at a single object, really appeared to be
allvlngand movlng "Nlchols boom." The
writer aeems to have been reassured by the
announcement of a eimilar dlscovery by the
Landmark, or perhapa he took his cue from
that journal whlch was a week ahead of the
Argus in the publicatlon of lts dlscovery. The
too c-jnfldlng Springfleld Hepubltcan, wlth lts
omnlpjeaent spook at lts elbow and Iaborlng
nnder that mental lnflrmlty which aeems al
ways to affllct lt. when treatlng of Vermont
affalra, falls an easy vlctim to the lnfantile
babble of these twln innocenta. We have had
our "little chuckle" over the freshnesa of
these astute knlgbts of the qulll.
On Saturday last one Edgar III11, who Uves
ln Calais, camo to thls place to procure the ar
rest of George Mower and A. L. Blanchard
from Boston, who had been ln his vlclnlty buy
lng poultry, and bad glven hlm a ring for
which they clnlmed to have paid ten doltars,
ln paymont for thelr board. A warrant for
thelr arrest was placed in the hands of OQlcer
Lull. Whllo attempting to Berve the same
Ciptaln Lull found the warrant to be defectlve
and was told that lt could not be eerved after
aundown Saturday nlght. Ue doubted thls and
whlle seeklng legal advlce tbe partles met. and
Bettled up, the men paying Ilill seven dollars
damages. Wlth thls Uill soon became hllar
lous and disturbed a "corn doctor" who was
sellinga "wonderful compound " at the head
of State street, and the latter ordered him
away. Thla he resented and attempted to
cllmb into the wnfion, wben tbe man of medl
clnea aelzed his torch and struck him on the
shoulder. Ilill was thenarrested and taken to
jall. Some time afterward Ofllcer Keegan
went to the Unlon house to arrest tbe "doc
tor." The name on the warrant was wrong
and Keegan aent Charlea Sumner to Wlng'a
law olBco to have the correctlon made.
Whlle Sumner was gone the "doctor"
stepped to the hall for a drlnk of water
and " departed." Aa goon aa Sumner re
turned, tearch waa Instltuted, and the house
and barn carefully guarded, bnt to no purpose.
Measrs. Lull and Keegan went to Montpelier
Junotlon on the 12: 40 train Sunday mornlng to
aearch the tratn. Aa they entered one car the
object of thelr aearch, who had concealed hlm
aelf ln the woodsbed, followed them and took
a seat, whlle they passed on to the next car.
On Monday a telegram wasreceived from hlm,
orderlng his baggage sent to Wbltefield, N II.
Ilill was bought up on Monday and fined 85
and coats and releasedon payment of the same.
Theuk has been "much excitement" at
Waterbury and business baa been disturbed
the past woek, not however by reason of the
presence of diphtheria, but on account of the
outrageoua reporta whlch the assoclated presa
agent haa sent out in regard to tbe prevalence
of tbe dlaeaso there. I'eople from a dlstance
who had planned to spend Thankeglving wlth
frlends and relatlons in the village, terror
atrlcken by the Btartllng dispttcbeg, hasteued
to Indlcate thelr determinatlon to keep away
from the peat rldden community. Fbysldans
have writteu to thelr brethren there for par.lc
ulars of tho work of the dread contaglon. An
acute prnctltioner in a nelghboriug state ralsed
tbe qnery it the disease bad not been commu
nleated by rallway tralns from a eUtlon on the
llne some fifty mllea dlstant, ln which a death
from mallgnant diphtheria had occurred. All
thls Is the result of a wretched canard, Igno
rantly and thoughtlessly wioged, no doubt, on
lts ralsculevous courae to the four cornera of
tho land. A boy had dled of membranous
croup. Tbe family was very destltute, Ilvlng
ln crowded apartmenta, untavorable for ganl
tary and other reaaons for keeplng a corpse.
Dylng Sunday forenoon, lt was considered best
to buty the remalns as soon as arrangements
could bo completed, ln ln part deference also
to the fears of the nelghbora. So the body
wascommltted to the grave in theeventDg.
There have been a few cases of colds and sore
throat, postlbly some of them of a dlpbtheretlc
character, and as the weather was raw and
damp very llkely a few Indtvlduals of catanhal
Undency may have eneezod, By masslng
all these causea of mild and customary all
mtatainany wellordored New England com
munity durlng the month of Novomber, thla
halr-llttlng preea agent may have made by an
ex post facto count hla " thlrty caBes." Hla
antlcs and capaclty aa a sensatlonal corrospond-
ent were developed and lllustrated by his dls
pitchos at tho time of the Meaker and the
MbCaffrey murders. The facta in a case never
bother hlm, Ilia lmaglnatlon suppllea facta
and dotalla allko of the most lurld character.
The assertlon is ventured that Waterbury Ib in
aa good a sanltary condltlon as any other town
ln the state at thls tryins and inclement sea-
Bon, and people are aa quletly about thelr daily
business as tho capora of a pestlferoua asso
clatod press agent will admlt.
Lanesvillb, a small village ln Berlin, raid-
way between Montpelier and Northfield, was
the ecene of a most ehocklng accldent last Frl
day evenlng. Wllliam Mclntosh and wlfe, ilv
lng on a farm about half a mile south of the
village, gtarted a little before seven o'clock to
attend a prayer-meetlng In the vestry of tbe
Congregattonal church at Lanesvllle, taktng ln
on the way Miss Mary House, a daughter of
KT., Josoph House, a Methodiat preacher.
When they were wlthln a few roda of the rall
road orosstng the Chicago expresa was soon
approaching from the south. The schedule
time of thla tratn ia at the rate of forty mllea
an hour and, as the track at thla polnt la al
most stralght for a mile or two and the train
waa on the down grade, they were running at
about fltty mllea an hour. Mr. Mclntosh
seemed determined to crosa ahead of the train,
but aa they neared tho croaslng the danger of
the undertaking was so plaln that the ladles
began to Bcream and hla wlfe trled to get hold
of the reina. Two men standlng near the
croaslng shonted to hlm to walt and aa he came
np, one of them, Elmer Dewey, trled to catch
hold ot hla horae'B bit and himself narrowly
escaped death. All entreaty and opposltlon
seemed to have no offect on the man ualeas to
strengthen his determinatlon, and he con
tinued to urge on his horse wlth volce and
whip, nettlng on the track just ln time to be
struck by tbe almost flylng train. The pllot
passed under or just behlnd the horse, throw-
lng the poor animalin a shapelesa mass against
a poat on the west slde of the track. The three
persons were thrown back on the east slde of
tho track, Misa House belng hurled fully fifty
feet and Btrlking on a wood pile from whlch
she rolled to the ground. Mrs. Mclntosh waa
rolled along several yaids, belng lnstantly
killed by a broken neck. Mr. Mclntosh had
one arm crushed and recelvod internal iniu
rles. The train was stopped as soon as pos
slble and b-icked up to the croaslng, the pas-
eengers and rallroad men renderlng asslstance
in removlng the lnjured persons. Mlss Ilouae
vas taken to Mr. Gove's house a few rods from
the crosslng. She had a bad cut on the back
of her head, but contlnued to breathetlll eleven
o'clock that nlght. Mr. Mclntosh Uved until
five o'clock Saturday afternoon, belag taken
ilrectly to his home. . The immedlate cause of
his death waa the filllng up of his lunga from
a rnptured blood vessel. Tae f anoral of Mlss
House was held at her father's realdence Sun
day atternoon. Her death ls pecullarly dls-
tresslng, aa ahe was the main aupport of her
ared and invalld father and mother.
Mr. Mc
iiivosh was an old resldent, a qulet 'and re-
spected cltlzen, brother of R. M, Mclntosh ot
Northfield, the well-known photographer,
Some two or three yeara ago he met wlth some
financlal reverses and slnce then haa been par-
tlally deranged at tlmes, and thls waa un
doubtedly tbe prlme cause of tbe accldent, aa
his lnsanlty has manlfeated Itself in a wlllful-
neaa and lmpatience ol opposltlon whlch waa
entlrely forelgu to his natural dlsposltion. The
funeral of Mr. and Mra. Mclntosh was held
Tuesdsy. Two aons and a daugbter survlve
them. No blame attachea to the rallroad com
pany as the proper slguala were glven and the
train waa in plaln sight for about half a mile
before lt reached the croaslng. The employes
rendered every asslstance ln thelr power, and
telegraphed to Mr. Mclutoih's aona on the
arrlval of tbe train at Montpelier.
Hon. and Mrs. L. P. Poland leave for
Washington thla week.
Colonel and Mrs. Georoe W. IIooker
have gone to Washington for the wlnter.
Colonel K. Habkins of Brattleboro haa been
admltted to practlce in tbe United Statea bu
premo court.
Hon. G. L. Harrinqton of Weybridge, one
of the aesistant judges of Addison county, Ia
suffering from a stroke ot paralysis.
Hon. Edward S. Dana of New Havon is very
111 wlth a compllcatton of difllcultles, partlally
caused by a severe fall he recelved a short
time elnco.
Governor Barstow and LteutenantGov
ernor Plngree are expected to be preaent atthe
Grand Army of the Republlc fair, ThankBglv
ing evenlng at Bellows Falls.
NklbonJ. WniTKiiiLL, a graduateof Dart
mouth college and a teacher of experience, haa
been engaged as princlpal of the West Ran
dolph high Bohool, succoeding A. L. Hardy,
who goes to St. Johnsbury.
Hon. Hiland Hall, Hon. John W. Stew
art. 1) V KlflriM. l-'-n I.' I Ph.l,,.
Hon, Fredenck Bllllns were appointed u 'com-
urnieB on Denau oi tue vermont lilatorlcal so-
cleiy to attend and partlclpito ln theceremo-
nies ot tbe celebratlon of the ono hundredth
annlversary of the evacuatlon ot New York by
the Britlsh on tbe 2Gth Inst.
Enat Mon pelier. The ladles of the Unlver-
bsiisi nocitty met at Urs f red Slbley s last
Thursday eveulne. New i fllcerg were elected.
and a purge containlng 851 whs preseated to
lyiiant-a uuaiey, in acKunwiedgment ol nia er
vlces as leader of the cholr The preientatlun
was made by Rv. Mr. Mclnerney, in behalt ot
the Boclety and frlends,
Ira MKAita and famlly have moved to Barre.
Mr. and Mhs. Goodwin were vlaltlng In
Chelsea but week.
Luella West whols eadly 111, haa goneto
Dr. George Nlchols' for treatment.
Uauuy Moksk baa rented the Octagon house
iu uib nna purcuasea luruituro or me same.
J It. Iouno killed ono huodred and fifty
turkeys laat week, uveraging ten pounds each,
William OnMariKK haa been confined to hla
oea lur tiie pa-tt Ix weeka. wlth typhoid fever,
and lt ls now feared he wlll have the pneumonla.
Tiik bcIioo! at the Four Corners, ttught by
Ilattle Arbuckle. cloatd laxt Satnnlnv Ml
Arbuckle was amorjg tha onterpriilng toachers
wiiu nuenaeu me association at Montpelier.
II. D. Fobtku la lald up with severe injurtes
in hU slde, whlch he recelved whlle chornlne
ln the woods near Aro Slay ton'g. The accldent
occurred by falllng from a log whlle trylng to
IIinoiclky Stkvbnh, who has been confined
to the house by paralygls, for the past two
years, dled laat Sunday evenlng. Ue leaves a
wlfe and ono daughter. He is to be burled
io-ujr t une o ciock l. M., wltn masonlo hon,
ors, by Aurora Lodge, No. 22, of Montpelier
George W. Wing, W. M.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Slbley are in Boston.
E W. TnojirsoN was in town over Sunday.
Mr. J. B. Scovillx Ia very low with typhoid
Mi-b Fanny Fifiei.d camo home last nlght
for a we'ek's vlslt.
Senator N. L. Botden was In town last
weok Wedncsday,
Tiik Felch-Kverson comDanv at CaDltal hall
to-morrow evenlng.
J. G. MoRRtsoN wlll tako rooms at the Pa-
vlllon for the wlnter.
C. W. Porter wlll BDend Thankpglvlnc at
his home ln Quechee.
Mr. and Miia. T. W. Wood have returned to
New York clty for the wlnter.
Tiie ladles ot Bethanv goclotv wlll hold a
fair at thelr chapel Decomber 13th,
Mrs. Hiciibornb wlth her son. Georete. ls
vlslllng her father, orange Hliolu.
Mrs. Poi-e of Cleveltnd. Ohlo. ia vlsltlng
her slster, Mra. ueorge (J. ahepard.
Mus. Lydia. wlteof Wllliam Dodge. dled on
Thursday at the age ol alxty-one yeara.
Governor BiNonAM and Hon. Charlea
Dewey were in Rutland laat week Tneaday,
Misa Mauy. daushter of Hon. Charlea Dewey.
has been ln quite poor health for aome time
Mr. A. A. IIadley snenda Thankselvlnz at
his home in Morristown, and wlll go to Boston
next week.
E. W. Bailky St Co. have recentlv orna-
monted thelr fljur and feed store wlth some
attractlve slgna.
Mrs. STKniEN Freeman la soon to move
into her houne on Loomls street now occupled
by W. A. UrlggB.
G. n Smilik advertlsea a closlne-ont aale ot
li ls Btoclr, preparatory to removlng nla busi
ness to Burlington.
Tbe Thankaelrlner servlce of tho Chnrch of
the Messlah wlll be held in the vestry on Wed-
nesday, at seven r. m.
Tiie regular monthly temperance meetlne
wui ue neid at irinuy vestry next sunaay
evening at sevon o ciock.
Somb of the ladles are readlnc In the reenlar
unautauqua courae. They met wlth Mrs. M. U.
rktnsonyesterday atternoon.
Rbv. Mr. WRtanx haa been lavlne a water
pipe irom a epnng on nts premiaes to nia moin-
er'a house on lower State atreet.
TnE post'Offlce wlll bo closed to-morrow be
tween tne nours ol ten, A. M., and lour, r. m,,
ana aiter quarter-paat aix, r. m
Rev. J. D. Bbeman has purchosed an inter
est m tne nnsiness ol untterneid fis uurnett,
sprmg-Dea manoiacturerg at awanton.
E. V Wktter advance agent of the Camllla
Urso concert troupe, was ln twn on Monday,
ine company wui not appear nere nowever,
Aaron n. Martin. a lone-tlmo resldent of
thls vlclnlty, dled of consumptlon at Port
Emma, Dakota, on tho 8th of the present month
Tnit wooden gtructnre In the rear of A. D.
Farwell'a store is being moved to the vacant
lot at ths foot of the hlll and on the opposlte
Biae oi tne street.
Mrs. D. S. Wheatley attended the musical
conventlon at St. Johnaburvlast weekaud was.
we belleve, the only representattve of Mont
pelier taient present.
Mention was made laat week of the 111
health ot Edward L. Smlth. It glvea na great
pieasure 10 announce tnat nis conoition at pres
ent li greauy lmprovoa.
Hon. E. P. Walton has, dnring tho past
ween, rorn aown nts oarn in tne rear ol lila
Btand of bulldlngs, greatly lmprovlng the ap-
pearance oi nia premisea.
Last Tuesdiy C. A. Barnard and J. A. Look-
lin went on a shooting expedltion on thenhorea
of Lake Champlain. They returned on Frlday,
u&ving aecureu twoaiy-ono aucaa.
Tiik Rutland Hercdd rnporta the dangerons
Ulnesa of Mrs. Rush P. Btrrett Mr. Barrett
la well remembered here, having had an ofllco
wltn a. u. snurtien lor some ttme.
Seven of our young ladles, in mutual quent
ior mcreasea inieueciuai auainmenta. nave or
eanlzd a llterarv socletv. Judeln? from
thelr first solection for reading, thelr lntentlons
are senous.
Next Wednesday evenlng at tho vestry ot
me unurun ni me Mesaian wui oe glven.
" Wanted 1,000 Mllllners," and " Wbo Is
Whor or All iu a Fog. The proceeda wlll be
usea iora sunaay.ecnooi unristmaB ceieoratlon,
AnouT twenty-one thouaand nounds ot douI-
try were shlpped from thls place on Frlday lat
over the Central Vermont and Montpelier &
weus iiiver rauroaas. ine amount sniDDOd
from Barre and from thla place loaded two
Mrta M. M.Tbce and daughter. Mrs. Charlea
True. formerlv of thls place but now reaidlng
at West Rtndolph, are soon to leave fnr the
West to pias the wlnter. Mrs, True wlll stop
ai omwauKee wnue ner aaugnier goes on to
E. R. Meadbr, sgont for the " New Amerl
can" sewiug machines. has made his hend-
quartera in the store of Captaln A. A. Mead,
where he has a carload of machines. He will
keep two mon on the road, but will himself re-
main nere.
On Monday a young eon of George O. Brown
waa kicked In the slde of the head bv a hnrae
whlch he waa unbarneaalng, It waa at first
thougbt that he conld not Uve, but at lat c-
c-mntt he waa more comlortable, and it ia hoped
ub wui recurer,
A youno French by. who reiolces in the
cognomon ot Garibaldi, was at work for ono
of our citizina recnntly wben he accldentally
hurt his finger. He stopped work and went to
his employer, holdlng up hla finger. and verv
pltlfnlly exciatmed, "See there. It leaks, lt
On Sunday Joseph Pecor went to the house
of John Moriarty tn collect a small bill, Somo
nharp words entued. wben Morlartv ordered
hlm to leave the premisea. Pecor then resorted
to blows. He was arrexted for hrhiuU and bat-
tery and released on Monday, atter paying one
aonar ana cosis.
Miss Julia Simonds and Mlss Ella Martin
ot Wllllamitown. were ln town last week vl-
ttlnrv at Ira finrlm'a nnA nra.a InlnaJ P.ia.
day nlght by Mlss Fannle Slmouds, a slster ot
tne nrst namea laay, irom uromwell, Lonn
where she has been working for some time.
iney retnrned nome wedneaday.
Onk James Vance, clalmlng to have come
irom uarnec, at tne Montpelier ana wells
Rlver depot, was arrested for drunkennes-t bv
Ofll -er Keegan un Saturday. Monday forenoon
iieappearea oeiorn justice uiarK, and, belng
unable to pay tht fine Imposed waa sontenced
to tne nouse oi correctlon lor nlnety-slx daya.
We clip the followlng from the Omaha, Ne-
braska, Daily lienublican. for whlch we are In
debted to G Hyde Koster: " We wre pleaitd
to reclve a call yeaterday from Hon. Josi'ph
Polsnd of Montpelier, Vt. Mr. Po
land and aon are the guests of Judge Thun-ton
and Mrs. Thuratnn, who Is hU ntece." Mr.
Poland returned (rom hla western trlp Frlday,
Thanksoivinq servlces wlll be held ln Trln
Itv church to-morrow forenoon at eleven
o'clock. The conereeatlons of Bethanv. Trlnltv
and the Baptlst churches unlte on thls ncca-
sion, and tne sermon wlll be preached by
Rv. E. D. Maaon ot the llaptlat church
Eigbty-fire waa the number presont Insi vear
at aslmilHr servlce, and thla fact beara with It
an exnoitanon
A itnroiiT comoa to us of a strange proceed-
Ingat Green Mount cmetery lait Saturday.
aome ooaies, wnicn uau ueen urouzni irom a
cemetery in another town and placed In the
tornb, weie taken out and gravesdug for thelr
reception, out, aarKneaa coming on, they were
left uoburled untll Suuday mornlng, whe-u the
woric waa compietea. ls tms a clvlllzed and
Chrlstlan commuaity I
Mu. J K. Kinney. formerlv well-known In
thls place, and for some time leader of Bothany
cholr, is now a member of a cholr in Hartford.
r Ti. . i , . i . ,
isuuu. Aunuuuirin uoiiiitjaou ui a Boio-qUHr-tette
and churus, the members ot the quartette,
bealdea Mr. Klnuey, all belng li mton urtlsts.
Mlsi Flora Hyde, formerly of St. Albns, is
thecontralto and the tenor Is tho " flrst" ot
tne tamous weoer quartette.
A UEQULAit meeting ot Vermont Lodge
No. 2, I. O. 0. F waa held last Wednea
day evenlng. Deputy Grand Master II. L.
stlllson oi Bennington was present and ad
dresaed the meeting, he belng on the regular
annual vlslt to the lodges ot the etatein the ab
aence of Grand Master W. W. Henry. Aftor
tbe bnslneas had been tranaacted rofreshmenta
were Berved and a Dlcasant soclal time fol
A LAiturc dolegation of that Interestlne clasa
of lndlviduala who are ready to buy any
thlng of a travellng quack have been supply
lng tnemaeirea witu a sure curo ior corna,
whlch wai dt'ponsed last week at the street
corner by the lUrlng Ilght of a smoklng torch.
niey may do pioasca to learn tnat tne aiore
Bald " suro cure " ls cheap axlo grease which
waa bougbt of Flsher & Colton for ten centa
por pound.
Tiik ladles lltorarv soctotv connected wlth
the Church of the Messlah haa been organlzed
aa a " Shakeapearean Club." It la thelr pur-
poso to read aeveral of tho playa of Shake
gpeare durlng the coming wlnter. Some of
the members are then to write easaya upon
aome play and these wlll be read before the
club at later meotlngs. Thelr urst meeting waa
held ln the vestry ot the church and was con
dncted by Mra. A. C. Brown.
Mr. IIadley'b slxth nlano rocltal waa nulto
as successful aa have been the prevlous onos.
ine programme waa composea ot eigntoen
numbers. conslstinz of lnstrumental soloa. dnet
and trlo and vocal soloa. Tbe plano solos,
1'urline Stream." by MlssTupper and "Ger-
man'a Triumphal March," by Mr. Eaton were
neartny encorea. ine vocai soios by miss
Edlth Adams and Misa Emma Cutler formed a
pleoslng f eaturo of the programme.
On Monday a horse owned by a Moretown
man started suddenly whlle bla owner waa
hitching hlm to a poat, and breaklng loose ran
down State street, keeplng the mlddle of the
street untll frlghtened to tbe sldewalk near
the house of J. B. ThurBton by Fetor Badoid,
wbo trled to stop hlm . Uere he was unable
to dodge the trees wlth tbo akeleton wagon,
wnlcu 80on became detacnea. upon reacning
the yard of Ilomer Heaton ho was stopped
by Mrs. C. II. Heaton who gtuck her head
outof awlndowand eaid " Whoa 1"
JosErn Proctor, the veteran aetor. In " Vir-
glnlus " at Capital Hall, Frlday and Saturday
evenmga, uecemDer Ttn and tstn. mursby ln
muslc and froctor ln tne drama wlll glve thls
community entertalnments in varlety and
quallty which it ls not llkely wlll be repeated
here soon, Our people will need no hint to
improve thla opportunity. Mr. Proctor Is sup
ported by an excellent company. Ue recently
celebrated the completion ot fifty yeira ot
nrofeaalonal servlce. Lawrence Barrett and
other dlatlngulshed tragedlans particlpated ln
tne commemoratlon piays, and bdwln liootn
was a noerai contnoutor. Mr proctor a cre
dentialg are of tbe blgheat character and a rare
dramatlc treat ia assured. Let tbe people show
thelr appreciatlon of a good thlng by supplylng
a fittlng andlence.
Friday nlght, one John Murray procured a
team from the Unlon house stable to go, aa he
sald, some siz mlles. Saturday mornlng a Mr.
C. W. Sjott. who llves some dlatance above tho
Junctlon, came to the village wlth the com
plalat tbat be had lost several turkeys ana
some honey durlng the nlght. He brought
wltn nim some siips oi paper cut to tne ezact
form of human and horse tracks found ln hla
barnyard. The l&ttor were found to fit per
fectly the shoea of the horse driven by Mur
ray, ana turkey leatners and noney oeing louna
in the carrlage, Murray waa arrested and taken
bifore Justice 0. D. Clark, charged wlth
larceny. Ue waa fined 810 and costs, amount
lng in all to about 821. Thls he refused to pay
and appealed to the county court. The portion
ot tbe case relatlve to the theft of the honey
bas not aa yet been consiaerea.
The people of Montpelier and vlclnlty mnst
not forget the engagement of the Emmi
Tnursby concert company here for one evenlne
next week, wbicn wtu probably be on tne4tn
or 5th lnst., due notlce of whlch will be glven.
Thls will be one of those fine entertalnments
so rarely bad so far from the amusement
centera. Mr. fratt nia obtatned an engage
ment only at the sacrlfice ot all adrantage to
blmself. His labor and servlces are a gratuitv.
Thursby Is " a brlght particular star" ln the
musical Bklca and tne cblel ol a brlght con
stellation. A contemporary says: "Thepopu
larity of DeKontakl, the planlst, wherever he
goes isalmoat phenomonal, and his muslc ap
peara to be sharing in the favor wbich lts com-
poaer ls gnnnng tnrougbout tbe country uia
great ' Revell du Lion ' was subatltuted for a
Mozart symhouy down at the Atlanta festival
nud tbe Htidlence was deligh'ed wlth the
cliange." The sale of tlckets at Phinney's wlll
begin on Friday.
When Mr. Charlea A. Reed of thls village
removed wlth his famlly to Sterllng, III., more
tbnn a year ago, he was obllged to leave behlnd
hlm a cat. well along in years, named George
wasniogton. to wnicn bis cuiidren were verv
much attached. Wben Mr. Reed's house was
closed, the cat was cared for by Mra. Thomas
Reed, who livea ln the next house, but when
the old house was rented laat sprlng, George
washington came back to nis lormer n me.
Ile wore an alr of general melancholy, which,
though ln pait to be ascribed to the infirmltiea
of old age, Buggested the ldea that he was auf-
lerlng irom a broken heart. In splte of hla
feebleneas. he stlll retained suftlcient vltalltv
to drlve away all intrudera from his sicred
neartnstone. wnen Mrs. need viaited Mont
pelier laat summer, George rocognlzed her wlth
tbe livellest and nolalest demonstratlons ot joy.
Aiiur uor uepuuuru uis souiueruess laureaseu.
Last Thursday. after he bad been alling for a
c luple of daya, Mrs. Robert Cook, who was as
siatlng ln tbe work ot the home, remarked in
ueorge waxbincton a liearlng tbat lt would be
a mercy to drown blm, and if permltted, she
would put nim ln tne rlver. ueorge looked at
hor fixedly as she spoke, in such amauneras
to make her think be underatood. Tbe next
mornlDg, about seven o'clock, he dragged him
self palntully to tbe rlver, a few rod- away,
stopplng to rest every few steps, and dlsap
peared over the bank. Ue evidently was not
after water, for he refused to drlnk at home,
and on his way to tho rlver, fell nto a pool of
raln water. Hla movements had been watched
with curiosity from hla two homea, and on
aearch belng made, hts body was found ln the
stream. It is commonly donled that oneof the
brute creation will commit dellberate sulcide,
though instances of it are sometimes nlleged.
George Washlngton's case seems a pretty clear
one, nor can his conduct beblamedon theoode
of cat ethlcs. Uls remalns were recoveredand
glven honorable burlal under an apple tree
on the place which ho loved so well.
Moretown. E. A. Pierce ls to teach ln
Fiikd Poweus is working for J. B. Fassett.
Nettie Story has been vlaltlng at Russell
Mks. Alice Hatiiawav and dauehtcrs are
vlaltlog H. UathawHy,
Theuk la to be anralBemeetlnsrlnthe chnro.h
Thauk-gtvlug evenlng.
Jbkiiy Casev of Richmond is workine In
the tlu shop of L. W. Farr.
Ellbn Buown recentlv soent several dava
wtih her slster at Middleaex.
Ukv. C. P. I'Ai'LlN. of Waitsfield, nreachod
Sunday ln eichange wlth Rev. E. II. Uirtlett.
Somk of tbe boys recently found a boa tree
on tne ledgei bick ot the village, from whtck
iney ootainea several pounaa ol noney.
EiniiTV persons attended the last meetlnir of
the ladles clrcle. The next meeting ia, we
underrtand, with Mrs, A, E. Lovejoy, Decem
ber 5th.
Tiik followlng teacliera are ongicd to teioh
onr wlnter schools : Dlatrlct No. 3, Carrle Por
ter. Waitsfield; No. 4. Emm Poland. Waits
field, Nettie M. Lovejoy; No. 7, Kmnkle
Steele, Middlosex; No. 8, Mlss Shlpley,
Waterbury; No. 10, Ilattle J. Dile; No. 12,
Georgia B, Preutias; No. 13, Jehsle Morse.
Waterbury. Nos, 5 aud 0 are not yet heard
Painb Is cmtlnually addlng newstyles tohts
immeuae stock of finu furnlture. Diulrg room
tableaauil clwlta, new atylea In chamber and
parlor gultea nave just been added, alno a num
ber ot new styleo in book ctxes are now belng
fiuli-hed. Evorythlng uiad-i and finUhed by
hlm is warranted to tio as ropreaented and to
glve perfect satistactlon or monav returned,
One entrance Is on Canal atreet, No. 48, oppo
slte Malne depot.

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