OCR Interpretation

The Vermont watchman. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1883-1911, December 12, 1883, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071719/1883-12-12/ed-1/seq-7/

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Grand Opening of Fall and Winter Dry Goods at M. M. Knight's,
Wo can now show the largest linc of Fall and fVinlcr Goods ever
exhibited in this section. Our
is full of all the new styles and fabrics of the season. Elegant
Brocade Velvets in all the popular colors, and a very
full line of the celebrated Nonpareil Velveteens.
"We are also throwing out
Some Drives in BLACE SILES!
Prices $1.00, 81.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. They are
as good value as can be found in New
York or Boston markets.
We have one of the largest assortments ever shown in Northern
Vermont now on exhibition in
including all the new and elegant styles made this season in
Ladies', Children's and Misses' Cloaks, and rang
ing in prices from four dollars
to fifty dollars each.
Ladies Desiring a First-Class Garment
either for themselves or children, should not fail
to examine the goods in this depart
ment before purchasing.
'Iwffl Ijjf w
We Cannot Mention
4 fSihildnii.
Bomplng throngh the hallway,
Jurnplng duwn Ike etaln,
risylng peek-a-lwo behlnd
The sofa and the chalrs;
Frtky as a kltten
Wllh Ita mites at play
Little Rosebnd. darllng,
Four yeari old to-day.
Down among tt-e dalales
ChMlng bulterfllee,
Chcks MVc two blush roees,
Bparkllng rlolet ej ea j
Golden halr In rlngtets,
Decked wlth Oowera gay,
Little Rosebud, datll g,
Four yeare old to-day.
Kerer little blrdle
Ilair aii bllthe as theej
Falrer than the blossoms
Of theapple tree,
Ileaven gnard and golde thes
Through llfe'e treacberoui way,
Lltlle Itofebud, daillng,
Four years old to-day.
Joe's llnnie.
Joe Ashton wtw chore boy in the great
booflo of Harrin & Brothers in a ruy,
bnstliog city. Lrfe went bard with Joe,
but he thought himself bighly fortunato
when be secured the place. There were a
few clerka, bound to be reapeotful and
civil to their suppriorp, but ventiog thpir
epitB and evil naturea od defenseless Joe.
He was only thirteen years old, small
of bis agp, rather stunted in growth, as
the poor olass in oities are apt to be, but
smart bevond his years mentally.
Joe Ashton was bora with good chaucps
in life. His fatber, a good seholar, was a
country minister on a strugglinjr salary,
and bis mother a beautiful lady, educated
and refitied ; she was also the daaghter of
a' rloh, iofluontlal father who disowned
ber for marrying against bis wlll. Joe's
fatber died wben be was five years old,
and soon after he and his mother came to
tbe city, where Mrs. Ashton, by selling
now and then some article of honsehold
nse or clotbing, and doing fioe needle
work, managed to subsist till Joe waa
eleven years old. They had grown poorer
and poorer, moving from one wretcbed
tenement to another, until she finally died
in a garret and was buried by the city
There was no friend nor relative to
eare for the little boy, and no one intor
ested himself enough to secure him a
home in the orpbans' asylum, henco there
was no dwelling-place for him aside from
tbe street.
It was spring timp, and he knew be
should not fretze. He was born with a
bigh moral nature, inherited on both sidep,
beaides implanted by hia mother's teach
ings, therefore he resolved to starve before
Just how tho child lived, how he pro
cnred food sufQcietit to salisfy the natural
cravings of tbe syatem through tbe six
tnontbs tbat followed, 'iwould be bard to
tell. At nigbt be crept into some old
buildlng, or a large empty box in a by
corner, and one day he atumbied on an
old, unused coach, where he lodged for
many a night. There he existed, and as
winter drew on, and he Sfcured the char.ce
of choro boy, and' meals and lodging in
tho cheapeat rate boarding-house, be reck
oned himself an extremely f irtunate boy.
He was rather bIow and not very strong;
not bo well tu'tid to lifting beavy boxes
and balec, and running incessant errands,
as many another who applied, but he was
faitbful ; he could be trunted not tosligbt
tbe smalleBt detail, and not to sbirk when
not watchpd. Therefore the great bouse
of HairiB & Brothers decided it was best
for their intereata to retain him. Of the
lnterestfl of the child it never eutercd
their miuds to inquire, and as he never
complaioed, the cuintant brunt the little
boy Lecame lor the c.vil-ininded among
tneir woremen loey never Knew.
But if Joe was slow in workinp, be was
qnlctc in thluking. Alany knotiy que
tions of "balves" and "qnarters" tbe
eoft pated clerkc, with their perfumed,
oiled bair well p-irted in the middle, could
not for their lives Bolve, Joe worked out
with iocredible rapidlty.
Miny an evening did ho spend looking
over their "credit" and account books,
straightening tbe crooked places, tbat
iney mignt oe presentauie to tne employ
ers ; and thus he worked on a year and a
balf till his thirteenth birthday arrived,
ana with it rnanKsglvlng day.
. The great national feast meant nothirg
to him, except increased work and sbarpur
ecolding. When his mothor lived in their
better daya he remembered they bad a tur-
Key, uig ana nice, lor tnetr dinner, wtth
other fioe things, and she had told him o(
the beautiful times in her childhood in
ber fathsr'u house this day brought ; but
now it was notbing but work aud drive,
for altlnugh the others many of them
were off tor a holiday, no suoh thing was
evpr men'liined to bltn. Tbe ohor'e boy
of Ilirris k Brothers repreaeuted their in
teroHs, notbis own.
The Thtuksgiving of his thirteeuth
birthdty ma bright and oloudlea, but
before noon i drivltig storrn of sleet aud
wiud and raa sat in. Jia had woikfd
bard all the week harder than usu-tl,
and tbat moriing be was very tired. He
All the Lines of Goods We are now Offering, but Would Simply Invite All to Come
hadn't oaten ruuch breakfast eitber, and
had hurried from one place to another as
swift as his feot could carry him till noon,
when he waa ordered to Mr. Bentlny's, a
beautiful suburban residence several miles
away. The tired boy reached and enterod
the warm, bright kltcben. Grace Bent
ley, an uncommonly lovely child, with
great eyes of deepest blue and lovely
goldeg curls, was ilayintj with her kitten ;
for a moment he gnzed at the beautiful
child and the kind face of Mrs. Bentley ;
for a moment stretohed his nnrabed
fiogers to the firo, and without delivering
his errand, overcome by exhaustion and
the sudden heat, fainted quitn away.
"Dear boy 1 " exolaimed Mrs. Bentley,
as she lif 'ed him to the sofa. " VVhy is
be not at home with bis mothe- Tbanks
giving day ? " and batbed his head, ap
plied restoratives, and soon the brown
eyes opened, gazlng first at ber, then at
" I thought," he said slowly, " I thought
I was in heaven," as Mrs. Bdiitley placed
a bowl ot warm brotb belore him.
" Sit up now, my boy, and eat this, and
then tell me your name, and where your
parents live."
As be eupped tbe retreshlnrr sonp bis
strencth revived and be cave bis name,
Joe Ashton, and said that both parsuts
were dead. lle told tbe Kind lady tiis hU
tory, sho seemed so intercated, and in Bucb
a straightforward, earnest mannerthatsbe
beueved every word. bhe also told him
bis employer's home was next door to
hera. Tbat she would notify him, and
he should remain with them that day
tbeir Tbanksgiving guest.
l'oor Joe could not believe bis senses.
Everywbere was eo beautiful he Bcarcely
dared etep. He had never seen such
coatly surroundings before. "Walkiog
on roses," be atterwards aaid, was wbal
the carpets reminded him of.
My aud by tne dinner came. Tbe eto-
ries of fary-land he had read in hia moth
er's books were before bis cbarmed eyes.
After, wben urace was snoning him her
treasures, ber books and endless play
things, Mrs. Bentley and her busband
were bavtug a serious talc about tbe boy.
They bad long inteuded to take one s
their own acompanion and phymate for
Grace aud a son for tbemBelves. This
boy there was nooe to claim. Tbat he
was ot rtnued parenlage was plaiu, even
though his clotbing was coarse, and Mr.
llarrti, tbat snarpest ot men, gave nim a
clear record. The boy was thorouchly
honest Tbus, all unconsciously to J.e,
matters were approaching a climax,
wherebv tbe tenor of his life was entirely
changed j and the Thanksgiving twiligbt
drew on.
Tbe sleet and rain had ceased now, and
the wind, sliarp and cold, whistled at the
window casements, aud ehook the great
treea near. He remembered bow lar
awav hia dismul lodgings were, and ahud-
dered at the thought tf leaviug. But he
muat go, nevertbeless, aud Inoaea about
for his old cap, when Mre. B'utlpyV sofi
haud was uid on his shoulder, and ber
sweet voice was Baying, asshe looked him
directly in the face :
"Aud bow would you Iitce to live bere
always and be my own boy and brother to
(irace, yonder l JSlr. llmtley and myseii
have decided to cive you a home with us,
aend you to Bchool, buy you books and
clothes. eive you every advantage tbat we
should our own son bad'be lived, 11 you
would like to do ao. '
" Mrs. Bent " but a great sob choked
him ao he could get no farther. lli cov-
ered liis face with botb hauds, wbile tears
fell like rain.
" Tbat will do." aaid Mrs. Bentley. " You
needu't say anvthiucr more; we under-
stand you are our boy now ," and Joe
Kext mornintr Mr. Bentley took Joe to
the clotbier's, aud when they walked into
tbe store of Harris & Brothers, not one of
tho clerks recccn zid 1am. But his Iand
lady, when be called there for tbe little
truuk tbat beld all bis world s possetiBlons
a few books of bis mother's, one dress, a
lock ot bair and her wedding-ring, to
gether with an old jacketof bis Bhe had
patcbed and raeud-d, and a few other odd
things he said, "liowever flue Marser Joe
might be dressed, ahe ehould know that
face anywhere, bright and shiniug as tbe
inorning, and be allus paid bis bills be
sides, bless bis beartl" and to Joe out of
the very aluuis of the city had found a
A year has rolled by, and it is Thanks
giving eve agaio. To-morrow is Joe's
fourteenth birthday. What a year it bas
beeu for him I How tall and mauly he
bas grown, and what a fiue developmeut
ot chost be bas.
He is deep in his Lttln crammar, over
wbiob he is poring, leavlng it every now
and then, bowever, with iuuch patience
to heln Urace with tangied questions. fllr.
and Mrs. Bentley have looked upon him
for a year as tbeir own son, and he haB
not disappointed them, and to-night, as
they glauce across to the table wbere
their children are i.itting, it ia With pride
nnd iiltjotioii, and with a prayerot tnauK
fuluess in their hearts. Just at this ino
meut the door-bell rings a loud, startling
peel, aud a deep, strange voice is heard
in tho ball atking if Josepb Ajhton'a
nome is nere.
His erraud is ouioklv mado known
Joe's mother'd fatber his graudfatber, is
dead, and his large wealth paases to him,
ho being tho nearest livlng heir and no
will left He is a lawyer, and after a
brief, business call departs, and the B-nt-ley
bousehold reaumes its wouted quiet,
not, however as before j with beseeching
looks and voice, Joe haa implored them
not to east him from their home. They
assure him they never nball: tliat.it is
his home, now and always, and Mr. Bent
ley, as he crozes at Joe and Grace. saya
softly to his wife, "Miriam, what should
we do without our boy V
But shedoes not anawer at once there
is a far-away expression upon her face as
he repeata the qnestion, for she is not
ustenmg; matead, ber inind bas traveled
backward to a period of nineteen huu-
dred years, and ahe hears the centle voice
of her Saviour, For f waa a stranger
and ye took me in ; hungry and ye fed
me; thirsty and ye eave me drink. In-
aamuch as ye did it unto the leaatof
these, my brethren, ye did it unto me,"
and Mr. Bentley speaks again.
" VI wbat are you thiusrng, Miriam I "
"Tho blessing, hnsband," she replies,
" the blessing." Jtanie Deant, in Chris-
Imn at Work.
ccw dvciitiscnwnti,.
Without Medicine.
FaluaM Diieovery or Supplying ifagnttim to
the Hnman Syttn. Jlhetneitv and Mag
nellim UtUiitl at Kner Biire
Jor Utalxng Me Slek.
Magnetic Kidney Belt
l tho followlng dUejws with
out medlctoet Pin: i.t tiik Back, llirs. IIbad ok
I.ihbs, Kkrvocs Dsbiutt, I.umhaoo, (Jkmkral )t-
lOBftD Livkr, Ooat, Smlaal KiuUModb, Imiiotencjr,
Asthniii, lleart DUeaw), DyipeplA, Contlpatlon. Ery-
s petas, In'IIkjetion, IIernl& or Hupture, Calarrh, IMes,
Epllepfly, Duml) Ague. elc.
When anj deblllty of the GENEUATIVE OROA.NS
oceurv, Lost Vltallty. Lackof Kerve Foica and Vigor,
WHBtlng WetkneKs.and all thoe dleaset of a personal
nature, from whiterer cnue, the contlnuoun ftreAin of
Mnnetlnm penneatlng ttirouRh the partt muft rrtttora
thftn to a heallhy actlon, There ls no inUtake about
this app'Unce.
TO TUC I APirQ 1 Ifyoa are nfflWM wlth Mraflltack.
IU lllL LflUlLO. WwtkneNK ot thn plie, Kalttg of
llm Womt, L-ucorrho8i,Chronlc Iufliuiriilon and Uicer
Htloiioflhe Womi, liicldeui II-morrlmgH or Kloodlng.
ralnful, Suppworxi and irrfgultr lienHtruauoa. ifar
renn-B,and Chnnge ot Ufe, itita ta tha tieat anpllaura
and cnrtttve sgfnt hnown,
For all formHof Kfinale PlfflrntUea It li uniurpanfd
by Hnythlntf bfore Itiventnt, i oth h a curatlvo agent
and a a ourcof power nnd viuiliitlun,
Trlee of rtt er Hett wlth M gnetlo IupoIm. $10. sent
by exprcM C. O 1.. and exmimttlon allowed, or bv
millon recflrt of prlce. In orderl g.teud meHRurrt of
wilat and lz of fhoe. KemliUncu can bo made ln
currency, aent ln ietter at our i tk.
The Mg"Cton Onmenta are hdptM toall aeen.and
are worn uT'-rtheund r-clothlrg (not nxt to Ihe hdy.
ltke the niny U tlvanlc and Kleorio IlunitHitrx adrtr
tt no PilriiiWflv). nnd Miou d b tken S at nhtbt.
they ho!d their I'OWICK KOHtCVKlt, and are worn at
all peaun nr tne year.
oiTia lumu ror me "new uepimara in aitwiici
Trtvtiiietit Wltbout Uedtclue," wlth thouBandiof ttMtl
Kots. Sonel one dollar ln noUeo rtanwfl or cur-
rem-y (ln letlerat our rlk) wltti Mxe of he uiually
worn, and try a palr of our MHgaetlo Intolfn. and be
convl ctMt of the rxiwr rtwldlnz fn ur other MizhH1c
AppllanreA. I'oltWtfly no cold feet when they are
worn. or inoney remnara.
t rrr.l CAvo tho ITunoriroinyoui
Hmca and Ulotches
blood, r.ml can tc
NA. v k. '
Tcr.iovcu ia n taori
!, U you cro
tho lcst cml chenp-S Va
fra8d you v 111 bo eatlsncdV.
I &:, ml wlh tonvo loolclniro, B.
U58 Bl M'UUJl BlTTi:it3. They
never fall tncnro.
l'rice. twcnty-Dvo ccnts.
All good) uarranttd ( f tqual lo thtlittl in the marlct,
Killue A. llaoWM.Tretti. bAXJCM, 1LASB.
The Best
VTiy It tlxe Best:
Tt will o.ut faater than anv other saw: it will out p.isipr f.hnn nnv nfTior onw if ia
j - I '
kept in order easier than any other saw; it is made of
is tempered and ground by the most skilled workmen.
D. L. Fnller &
Geo. P. Boyce,
TliQ Daprn Pl ntViiop I
ino uaiio uiuiuiDi :
Hu a full stock ot Men'. YouUu' and Iioyj'
Clii ;il Furisii Goods!
11U, Cr. llooti nnd Bhoen, Vur CoaU, Robes, lllank-
et, Trunkn, TraTtlliig ig), eto., whlch be l Belllng at
bottotu prices.
IlATtnE. VT.
The (rentestPatii Allcvliitor KnoAvn.
Wlll qulet th pli lntanil ln mrh cae m L"me
Itftrk, Ui eiimntiKni.Neurn'U, Inflan in ittonof th Kld
nBR, Lurg and Thruat Aff ttionn, Ciunp, ttpd sudden
plnof every kind; and lor Kemale Weakne, lt bet
hII ihw ntl'n in thn world. TtoiiHtnd ara now under
t etmn for d'SKpe whlch a MHch'll Hetlndonna
riaftU-r wonld ltav prevenx', Maiy In the flrFt tagw
of conmiinptton, who tKln to fprl their rare hoptlw,
can ue curea uy ineir coniumea anu j-erpwrni use.
Gold, Sllver nnd Nirkcl Wntches, Dln
mond Itlngs Sllvcr Wnre,
Wblte and Decoratnd Tea, Dinner and Tollet BeU,
Xo's Koeeand Oo'd lUnrt Pivnch Cblna Tea KeU and
ThonAtndA of otber Useful and Ornitinental Aitlclea a
I'UKMIU&IS for tbe formlng of CLUBSi
Send your addmi to
and e wlll mall you our Cl.Ult ItOOK contalnlng
al'IlICH LIST of ourTEAS and COrFEESand a
List of our Premiums.
TntliA rnninmntlvc-Wlthor'a CTntnnnnnd
of Coo I.iTkk Oil ahd Iauil, wtihont popB-fdPg tbe
very nHUHfatlng tl vr of the article herrtifnrtt u d.
Upndowtnl hv tha I'hoMihat of Mmewhh a htallnK
prop-rtr wtili-h ffndera the (I douhly i fneclu. Itf-
innkaiilf tfniimonUl of ttf ftlntov cnl) h'w. Kold
by A 11. WiLBoa. Chfin Pt, hutttnntand "11 Urnpjtt'U.
Poor, White & Co.,
45 Wall St., Now York,
nroken and Doaleri ln Ilallway and all otber Hecnrltlea.
a erorlaltr, ln the aelrctlon and ntlnutte of whlch their
lont oonnectlon wllh "I'onr'H AlHnunl of ltnll-
ri)la" KVt them ipeclol adrantigM. Correepond'
f nce IiitIUmI and lnqulrlea auuwenxl. l)eKU aocouuU
rroelvetlandlnteri'atallownl U-'i
-JJ dttferent, wtth or without adveitlwnint on
ttiem noKt frtw. for len 3-wnt rUmnM 3iki.hU dlnVrtmt,
11 KHi bandHoine Scrap Hook lMeturnflmita. Addrw
A VKKK,$Uud'iyallitiiivfailyiuade. CotfUy
fiuttlt trv. Addrewi Ti-uk A Co., Mtguata. AU-
Perforated MM Plaster
ew Mdvtrtintmmin.
Saw in the World
$011, - - - -
Portable Bngines
C to 40 h.p. readr for qulck ahlpment,
noflt Portables bullt ln theUnlted tatM. PlntLlnuiln
woikmanBhtp and malerlal. Over 40 ln conBtant uoe,
Prtcei made at catomer'n otatlon, Send for Catalogtui
and Prlcos, statlng Jait what rvqulred.
Xetift Modern Jtulld,
Compftct, qnlcX worklng. econora'c, wllh heater, pnmp,
goveraor, THive.anti au nxiure. peir-ooniaaieo.
at followlng unprecedeuted prices. Tlx.:
20 h.D
, . asr Full stock at our Faetorr
400 Come and examine. Im
. r.ool
. CflO ) medUte sblpment made.
40-h.p ,
All styleR. new and Reonnrlhaml a npecUHr. wjille we
have at our works the Inrgeot fttrek of general macblnery
ln tbe lutb.l of any one Him ln thu country.
Macblnbitd and Oeneral Marblne Dealera.
10-3 Mauchrptrr, N. II.
No. 7G Statc St., opposlto Kllby, Boston
Swuren Patenta ln the UnltM 8'atew; alo ln Oreal
iuit-in. rrance ann otner roreijin couninw, jopieaoi
theclaluiB of any 1'atent furnlahnd bv reinlttlnit onf
d-iilHr. Aw!nnmenU rrordwl nt WrtHhlngton. St
Agnty in the Unxted Statet poitettej itperxor facxti'
tiet or obtaii'xng Patmtt or ateertaxnxng the patent
abxttty of tnventxont.
" I mrard Mr. Kddv as on of the mif catxxbte and
tutefttful practltlouen wlth wbom 1 have had offlcJal
C1IAH. MAsOKi uommiasiotier or fatenu."
Inventora cannot emnlov a Derton more truntworth?
or morecapatile of Berurlng for them an earlyand fa
vorahle connideratlon Ht the Patent Offlce.
UMUM) uuhkc. utouommtflitoner oi raunts."
108T0H, October . 1S70.
" R. . Eddxt. Eta : Dear Sir You urocuml foi
me, ln ItMO, my tlrat p4teot. HtncH then you have actad
for and advUed me ln hundrolB ot one and procured
inanv nntAntA. rrlwaea and extnlonn. 1 tuve oona
rlonally cmployl the beet ageu lt ln New York. I'hlla
aeipnia ana wanmgion, uui i buii give you aimoi ine
whole of tnv bunlnMM. ln your Une. nnd advlse others to
etnploy you. Youre truly, UKOKUU DKAI'KK."
iioaion. january i, ituu. u-xa
Tlio Dakota InvBstment Go
Grand Forks, Dakota.
(Litblt IIoiaio A CtirroaD.)
Money loaned on KIrt Mortg g acurlty npon lmproved
lttd lllvcr Vailey Farmii, at
Eig-lit Por Corit IVet.
Wehnvemidfl ovr one thonand loane. nttret'rg
4Vt,OtiO, upon Dikota farmi without the Iom of a tl 'gl
ilulUr to lh lnveRlor &lonev nUcrd nnd Interflt Kitd
prlne'i-al oollected and trauinlttl free ot charg-e Kor
rffrrrnc nd full partlcuUia aridirftft ibe Untota
InvealmeMt Juinauy, Ornml Fork. JUukota
Attornor n Law.
Careful atlentlon giTf n to all legtl matten wlthln the
Termory ot w.inoia, n-u
M Nantaskot Riiller M
Supernedes all
Nantasket Beach
fcV"'on(l for
ClroiiUm nutl
l'rloo Ll.ts.
Nantasket Roller Skate Co.,
25 Middlo Street,
IM)X 78. LllffKH, MAH8.
VortheRtudy of the I li ilogt-al Wrltlogsof
"ITT'II.L te opinl Jan 1, I8SI, by ibe llieol. g'cal
hiiiooltit the Oeneral Convei tlon nf Uih hw
Jerutalrm. For clroulr , addnx Ibe Krw Chuii h
Uomspoudenco Ckbool, 16 Tninout at., llmlou, Mass,
and Examine Theml
w&i.wka V Uli1 9j A.V XAj
the best spring steel ; and it
IHontnelier, t.
Central Vermont Railroai
" Eostern " Stnndard Tlme.
Commoncing November 19, 1883,
Train Qoing South tetll Leave Montpelier
as follom:
Q 9R 9 m VAIL, from HU Albam and linrllnirtoa
O.LJ a. III. for Concord. Mancheeler, Naua, Wor
cnter. Lowell, Fltebbu g, Uoton, Sprljig"
fleld, w London and New York.
19 V n m FAST TRAIN. from Montreal. OgdeiM
L.0J (J, III, burgand the Weat.for ISoeton.vU Lowell.
and New York Yia KprtnufWd and New
London. ruHmati Drawlng Koom Carto
lloHton vl Lowell and ew York Tl
miRn m LOCALEXrREa",froin8t.AIIan.Rn
IU, IJJ, lli, ,( n nrin!tnn for White R1t
JntTtlon, SpMngflrbl, JJew Lon1on an4
Kew York. Hlplng Car to Bprlngdeld.
19 4(1 9 m XIOHT KirilExs. from Montreal, Og
Ititu a, ui, deunburg and the Vful for lloeton Tla
Lowell, and all tnluta In New England.
Sleeplng Cara to lloston Tla Lowell.
Tralns Qoing Korth and M'ett:
"i fi 1 m MOIIT EXPUESS, from Itooton and New
O.IJ d. III, York for Montreal, Ogdennhurx and Ibe
Went, Hleeplnn Car to Montreal.
Q Ot , m LOCAL EXritESS, from White RItw
3.LJ a, Ml, Junctlon for Uurllnglon, Ht. Albant and
t fifl n m DAY KXPRF.S. for Burlington, Rt. Al
O.JU l, III, ban, Montreal, ngdensburgandtbe West.
Drawlng Koom Car to Montreal.
6 55 p m CIIICA0 fiE!is.
Traln leave for Ilarre at 7.00 a. m., 10.15 a.
m. iind 4.13 p. m.
Tbrouub ttcketa to Chlcam and all polnta Weit for
tale at tbe prlnclpal statlonH.
j. tv.uuiiA!ii,uencra!Aianziier.
8. W. CUMMINQS, Oeneral l'aaxenger Ageut.
Montpelier &Wells R. R. R.
Taking Effect October 8, 1883.
Tralns leave Montpelier a folloxe t
Hall at 8 tO A. M Exprwa at l.JJ r. H.. MUed at J.00
p. u.; arrtve at Wella KlTer at 10.10 a. ., 3.M p.
u 7 '-'0 r. M.
Triidu leave Wells Hiver at folloivt ;
Mlxed nt 9.00 a. x., Exprraii at 10. W a. x Mall
at S.4S r. u.; anlve at Montpelier at 9.00 A. u
12.10 r. m., 5.i r, u.
Tralna leartng Montpelier at 8.70 a. u. and l.H r. ic.
make cloHe ooniirctlona at Welti Rlver for all potnu la
tbe VVhlte Mounulnn; aUo fnr norton and alUuteruia
dlate polnta. Yf. A. NIOWELL, Superinttndent.
F. W. MOltSK. Oeneral I'aumarr Agmt.
We have now nearly a thonaand cniomer, ln whorn
we hT cold peHlng niaihltit-a, antl aann e ft lng:,,
bve conclnded on the lol owlngi Take Aot'ce. w-ao
apMlnt e ch one oi our cuntom ia uur fprt UI gent, an4
inreath nrwcu-tomer fo a it-wlnrf m( bl- e y u aerid
us we wM tireeent you wlth a htndoiii nlfr. v -Itied at
no Ira thnn f n m twn nve d'Hlais I hl ff r Is good
forlbren montl-B The lu.wt v.iluBblft preirnt wlll be
giv.n brfor-CnrlslniHS. Call atlheCapit 1 Orgmand
wwlw Machlne Offl -e, or send pjatil to J. r. I'OSt
OVAN, Monltwlirr, t. 25-28
For Bablea-BABYLAND 50 cents a year.
For Youngest ItMitets O ur 1.11 tlo
M.il mimI W'omrn SI.CO a year.
Fer lioi and Olrls lh I'wnar 74cntsaear.
For Old and Young Folks-W I D E A W A K E
JJ-l'nge tlluatrated 1'rrmlum l.t Free. tl 60 a ear.
Aildrraa, I. I.Hlhri i .V Co., llnatoii, Mhss.
Auction Every Saturday,
At two o'ctock r. k , la Carr's Commlts'on Ilonse,
Ilacon Illock, South Maln Htrwt, Mont'ller. Vermont.
Teas, Sugitrs, Uruoerles, 1'roTlslons, Wooden War.,
Furnlture, Tobacoo, Clgars, etc. Conslgnment of goodi
ollc-lted. Einploymeut farulihed, and belp secured at
bort notlce.
M-tf I). GA1UI, Auctlnneer.
Curvtl without tho Vao of tho Knlfo.
WII.LIAM HEAl)(M.I).,llarvHnl,18t5.ndU0nF.RT
M. UK.Mi (M. I. Ilarvard, 187b), iitlliva, Kvaus
lloiiai), 175 Trennint Mrvet. llotoii.glve.ll
attflillon Ui the troatine-t ot KINTUL.A. I'll.ICS
without detenllon liom buslneM. Abumlaul refeiencea
glven. l'awpblet sent on appllcatlou. Ofllee boumU
A. M, to 4 r H (exrept Sunday'l.
Junction House,
C. E. Domorltt, Propriotor.
ThU houe has lately beea thurout;tily rft-.
Iiilrej nnd put in good ahape (or accotuodtttlon
tif kihwW.
N4TICE.-ThlltowrtlfylhitI, Obed K. R.)bln
Iiimoii, ihlsdty iilveiiiy ou,Oi8 II, Koi lnaon.
1 1 iliueiliiilnn ibe miiliiil-r of ln ui ii.'iln, aml tliall
li ly noilei.isot lilKOutraclliiKo'rlHiMi anv ol hi w.kes
troni Ihlad .ie. OUEU K. KOIUNSON.
Warreu.-SoTember 84,1883. ti-iV

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