Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 84. 4204. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY :, L889. NUMBER 5. THE VERMONT WATCHMAN. PDBLlfBlD kvf.iiv wi-:inkhipav nv The Watcliman Publishing Company At Montpelier, Vt. AHTili'ii ROPM Montpelier, vt.. (Itnrval A'lior. T. ll. ROSKtftB, m. n Newport, vt., .n 'trtiriit BaitOT, Ai.riiA mksskii JRoeheMer, vt.. lintnilr tiiul .ttir,ilfti;il BaltOti are being oloMd out at low prioeaat L, P, QleMon & Oo.'i new store. advertttemetil deur Tkhms 2.00 u year. tiftv centa for 01,00 for six tnonths: three montha. For Fifty Cents ! The WATCHMAN Fftrm Department, Dr. T. II. HOSKINB, Bdltor. Bpecial Oontrlbutlom by Lendlng Vermont Kiu-iiicfs. among them Ofllcen ol the Dalrymen'a AaaoFlatlon and Membera of the Board of Agrlcnltttre, The attentlon of the farmera of Vermont, aml partioularly the dalrymen, is aaked to Dr. Roakina' aketch of the recent meeting of the Dalrymen'a Aaaoolation at Hur llngton, in the Watchmaji of Jauuary 18th, and eapeclally to whal he pro poaea to ilo tn fnrther reportlng tliiit meet ing. Ilis plan iiinst Intereat every Intelli gent farmer. The wheat of the dlaouaaiona will be given and preaented in the way that will be moit helpful. Dr. Hoihina1 natne and eatabliahed reputation is an ample gnarantee thaf t 1 1 i - work will be done in the most aatiafactory manner. For the farmera who attended tbe meet ings this method will have in declded beneAta, and to thoae who were nol there rt will give lniteh of the Rilvaiita,..! of per- tonal attendance, This work will extend over a period of eeveral weeka and will be aooompanled by other valuable agricultural Kansas matter, editorial and eontribnted, The pnblUheri will send the Watchmaji on trial for three inonths for I'll'TV CENTS, The dairy articlei alone wblch will he Rbad Webater'a throngh, Two Hi .vDitKii blank reoelpte, bound wlth stilhs, ver.v eheup at the Wati HMAN olliee. ExcBLaiOR watkh from BtfatOgl Spriugs pure, fri'sh, aperkllng and penuint by the I glaaa or gallon, at Prank li. Baeoom'i drnfl aml clgaretore onk FfttNDRno blank ordere of teleotmen on town treaanrer, bonnd wlth stuiw, for i sale very low at the WATCHHAR olliee. Thb ladiea oi Chrtal chnroh will give I soeiahlc at the reetory Kriday evening at teven o'olook. Musie. Admhv j sion, twelity-live eents. L. i'. Olbaiod 8t t'. wish to reduoe stnek hefore Invololng, and ari' givlng sotne great bargalna in dress siiks and blaok and colored wool dress gonda. Mn. BLANPIBO and Miaa Northey will give a ptano and song reoital at Bemlnary ohapel on Tuesday evening, f ebrttary S, at half-past seven o'eloek. 1,. P. (it.KAsoN & Co, sell the " Krnit of the Loom " bleaohed cotton at eight and one-half oenta per yurd, and all other cottona ai eheap accordlugly, Affi.ks! Applm! Havlng a large stock of No. 1 apples on hand, 1 will sell for the next ten days at ,'ost, to rednee stoek. All OUttd and good, I'lease eall and r.xaininr. 0. G. DoWttlngi tiO, Tn Main street. ). (). (iooiiNo, dentlst, also dealer ln dniKs and incdirines, toilet and fancy arti- pIbh. Homceopathlc remediei kept in itovk, rhysirians' preseriptiona carefnlly eom ponnded. ( post -olliee, Hoehester, Vt. Ai.kkki) t'l.AHK, di'iital snrjreon, will he at the botel in Waitstiidd Thiir.iday, .lan nary ' rematn two days, to extnnt teeth by the " new " palnleM method: also to lill teeth for any who may wish for sm h work. Sk.vkn I'K.k KNT lNTKHKST i.s gtiarant eed apon real eatate mortgagea aold by the Farmera' l.oan at,d Trnst Coinpany of J. E. Curratr, the Montpelier agent,haaon hand an aaaortment ofanoh loans aud ahould he addteaaed for iar tloulara, Tbi six and one-half per eent gnaranteed tirst mortgage loans and six per eent renis tered COttpon honds issned hy the I'ierrr COmpleted in that period will he worth Savinns Ilank, l'ierre, Dakota. are exc eed- many tlmea the priee. ragiyaeairao n.suneiMs. imouiviuK runaa to inveai atiniann ime year aaouia Remlt by poatal note when poaalble, or net your neigbbor to otn wlth yon and examino thcse secitrities. Pull Informatlon will he i-'ven hy A. (). ('iiinndns, eastern eiKdose a dollar hill at our risk for two manat;er, who not otily has these .seeuritie subaortptions, Addreaa the WATCHMAN PUBLISHING CO,, MONTFKLIBR, VKBKOKI Special Clubbing Offers! WATOBMAM AM CRBONIOLI FOR XHRKK DOLLAR8. To aii-omtnodati- tnanv snlisrrihers elther the WATOKKAM or CBBOmCLB who tuay wish to lake both papers, W0 will make the priee of the two for one year THREE DOLLAR8. CITV WKKKt.lK.S. In connectlon wlth thil paper one or tnore of the followiiiK eity weeklie will he fnrniahed for roBTT-mra cxnta eaeb: New York Tribtinc, New York l'nss. New Vork Iftxtl and Ezpreit, Boeton Journal, Boeton Ailrirtisir. I'aytnent niiist hn atrlctly in artvanee, hoth for this paper and the eity Journala, and for a fnll year. This offer is for Vermont inbaoriben only. )TY DAII.IKK. The Dally Evening Record, Boaton, will be tamiahedi eonditlona aa above, for 11,90; the Datiy Ptetti New York, for $3 a year. MAOAZINKS Asn FAFKHS. The followiiiK rluhhin); offiT is for the beneflt only of aubaorlbera to this paper who pay all arrearagea and a year's attb- aorlptton in advanoe, One or more of the pnblicationH may he ordered, hut the money at the eltih rate mtist invariahly aoeompany all orders. Tbe " elub rate " is alwaya 92.00 leaa tban the amount given in the aecond coinmn of Bgnrea PMttikmf WUk Priee, thU raper, Albaoi Journal $M tiM Amorfean AgnonltorUt M lAi AjnortoMi Oardoo --w IJO Amertcan Oulttvator -Mw J.wi Amorloan Uaaaaine I.M t.m iiai.ii i 'J.mi I.N KattvlillMl ftt Ooncnry Magaalnfl t.w r.w Ohrt.tllUI I !,!..,, 3.1HI 4.1'H QotUgo Hertn 1JH '.'.ts Oetnorest'H MitKUztne J.i :t.wt Foliii (Mn.loal) itiMim l.wi I.M Praak Le.ltar. tllu.tratodWe.kl, 1.00 mnk Le.Ue'. Popufar Monthtj., I.M 4..tu Kr.oik Lo.Ue'i Bunday Ktagaitne, 1M 1.10 Good Uneer .vi -' :ki ;...,. 11 oust-k -. j,i 11 'J.mi 4.10 OodeT'. Ladr'. Hnk 3.00 I.M MHrin'r'n Magwtne t.iKi vni Barper'. Weekly .oo t.N ifarjx'r'i Baaar t.w fi.10 lt.rper'. Voung People t.OO IM II 1 Ilriitlli'lnirii ' l.lo aja Independent, New Vurk 3.1.1 4.1 Utteil'. Urtna Age Mlrror and Parmer l.wi '.'.To Vin I . :', i , 1,11. I.IHI !M new Vork Oburrer a.00 t.wi New I,,. 1 1 1 , 2.011 Ui New KtlgUnd II. 11 teail 3.00 Our Little Hen and Woraeo I.on IM (hir Little One. and Nunen l.n 3.30 Pan.y 1.00 J.TO Foterton'. Ilaiuunne 2.w a.oo Popular Betenoe M outbly IJO rritet leiti Heobanle 1.00 1.76 Pralrie ranner '.'.oo Mj llnrul New Vorker 2.00 3.00 gelentiflo Ameriean a.vo loribner'. Muailna 3.00 i.m at. Nli'liol.iii Mnaazltai 3.00 4.00 The Korun ".oo 0.10 wide awafca 2. 3.00 vuoth'H Ciinp.lllou to fttrlrtly bii .ubMrtDera 1.7ft 3.40 Hon'i liemid .'.so 4.10 The publiahera of tbe Mirror amt Farmer have withdrawn the (dTer of that paper at forly-live eentH and the old tertQJ are re inmed as ahove. BulMII and Amuseineiit AllllOUIK'FIHPIlfN. looi at bargalna tn Webater'j wlndow. ArFi.KH Helling at ciwt for the next ten dayH at 0, ! Downlng'a. IIakoainh In HamhiiriiH, tOTChOH laees and white gooda at (ileason'a. Dr. 0, 0, Wakkkiki.o will treat the siek at the Pavlllon every WelneHilay. IjAoikh' oOttOO nnderwear a eoinplete new aaaortment Juat reoelvod at oieaaon'H. I'koflk dttlrlng a gcxxt paint for huild hi,H, at a low prieti, aro referred to the ad TCtiaement of the l'atrona' Palnt Worka. CddIoU of gloveB, eorseta and hoaiery for sale, hut pays Intereat and princlpal, when dne, at the olliee of Peck vt Cummlna, Montpelier, Vt. TiiK. east ln the " Farmer'a Danghter " is an exoellent one aml Inolndea many well- known New York favorites, among Whom may be mentioned Blanehe Cnrtdaae, the fatnous Vassar firaduate and late of tti.s to Madlaon Bquare Theatre, New York eity. At Blanohard-opera house Saturday, Kdi ruary L'. Seatsonsale at I). F. Long'a store. Adtnission, twenty-live eents. Heserved seats. tifty aml thirty-live eents. At'TUAi. RBaULTa, rather than large esti- matea, are whal tell in life lnauranoe. This is shown hy the reaulta on poliey No. 7,,'Ui'.', issned by the Connecticut Mutnal in 1800. The annual premtum wa.s SaO. The divi dend for the year is, leaving the net oaah payment 925,20. All who want the safest aml hest life insnram'e, at the lowest attainahle eost, are 'avited to eall on or addreaa .T. R. Seaver, aent, 12 Btate itreet, Montpelier, Vt. " OBLBAKI COCNTY, N. Y., .lanuary 10, 1880. Jfr. 0. W. lngroU : 1kar Sik I have just returned from Mtohtgan, where hy ohaoce 1 ran aeross a larople of your rubber palnt, andwaa toldbylta owner of the jjood ipiality and laating atrengthj and, taking Into oonalderatlon Ita oheapneaa, I deaire yon to aend me aample eards aml priees, as I liave some painting to do in the sprinu. Yours respertfnlly, C. S. Burke." 8ee advertlaement of Patrona1 Paint Worka. JWttor. TllK Nkw EmoLAHD MUTUAl I.ikk Ixst'R anck COMPANT laaues llfe-rate emlowment poUolea at the old life-rate premiuin. An nual oaah dist rilmt ions are paid HDOD all polii ies. Every poliey has indorsed thereon the oaah aurrender and pald-up lnauranoe values to wblch the insured is Bntltled hy the Massaehusetts statute. I'amphhdN, rates aml values for any age senl on appli eatioti toJamea E. Ctirran, Montpelier, gen ara agent for Vermont, (iKORIIK A. A INHWOKTH, Vi 1 liatusto Wl) aml I'.arre, dealer in pianos, BfgajM aml iewingnuuhinea, liarre headquartera, Per- loy ('hamller'a Jewelry-store. He has the agenoy for the white aewing-raachlne. of whloh .1. Qrlgga of Waterbury, Vi.(aaya: " I have sold the White mai hine hr the past six years aml have never yet had a eiiHtouier who failed to nrOSOUQOB It tbe hest in tise. On over four hundrel DuV oblnea whloh l have aold durlng that time, all of whloh are fully warranled, f have heen ealled upon to pay out less than BvB dollars for repairs." "Oni.v a Kahmkk's DAOOBTBB," hy Ilarnes, will he presented at Hlanehanl opera-house on Saturday, l'Vhruary for one night only. " It is u peeuliur drama, hold in its portrayal of wiekeilness, yet tbrilllngly Intareating, An old farmer has a beautiful danghter, who is beloved hy an author, who marries her aml vowa to pro teet aml eherish her untildeath. Ten years afterward the author hus gTOWn famous BBd rieh. An adveuturesH, in the gttlM Of the widow of a Krem h (eneral, ilivudi'H the houaebold, and, wlth tha ald of a inaiu ao eomplii e, sueeeeds ln allenating the lnm- band aml wife, alaya the wife aml ohlld, getl poaaeaalon of thn hushand aml hia money, la alaln hy the latter aml lillo a pau per's grave. That is the way the drama seems to eonie out , hut the last scene shows that all the events after the entrunee of the adventureas into the aetlon are the lig urants ofadream. Hut the ilreain curea the author. In the wurking out of the plot the aetion is almirahle, thouuh very hohl, and the audienee follows the developmenta wlth keen intereat."- -A'etu York Tribunt Konlpeller tnd Vtetnltri Mtss BBLBM UtDI is VUllting friends in Bprlngfleld, Mass. Hkv. Db, Pmuuni offlolated agaln at Bethany ohrch last Bunday, Albbbt Joboi.bott wenl to Boaton last Thntsday, to remain for a WBBk, Tltl Misses I'ewey ijave a ladies' drive whist part.v last Krlday evenlng, Bkbt Bhipaed goea to Marahfleld Thurs- day to sini In a eoneert at that plaoe, BarPBR I'itkin has relurned from W s- ville, N. II., where he has heen very 111. Mna, Gkobob B. Taplin gave a pleaaant wblal party at her bome Monday ereulng. t. W. DlXOM of firand Isle, former pro- prletor of the Wak, was in town yes terday, Mns. K. l). Blackwbll la to gjve awhlat pnrty at her reaidence this (wedneaday) I evenlng, TttRBI was a haptistn Sunday BVenlng at the Bapttat ehtiroh, Pottr oandldatea were baptlaed. TnKitK waa no servloe al the Ohurohof the Meaatah last Bunday evenlng on account of the atorm, THRRI will he a l anl-party, for tnemhers only, at the rnnins of the Apollo Club ( Tburaalay BVenlng. Qttrrn a nnmher from this plaoe will go on the exeuisiotito Motitre il, next week. to attend the oarnlval. Mn. Oborob Blaib of the Armitand PaU rift joh oiiiee is out agaln, and bla trlenda are gtad to aee Idm. TnraiK was an enjoyahle drive-whist party Tuesday evenlng at the residenee of Colonel B. Bmlth. Miaa Katr Hobnbroob is employed as atenqgrapher atthe olliee of the Nattonal Life fhaurance Ooinpany; Hom. N. I.. Botsbm of Randolph was in town last Thursday in attendance Upon the distriet Masonic eonveiitlon. Thb woman'a auxlllary of Chrlat oburch will maet Wlth Mra. S. M, Walton Thurs day afternoon at two o'olook, COLOKBL FrBD K. S.mith was one of the apeakera at the Orand Army camnflreat NorthHeld last Kriday evenlng. c w. Skinnku. the leweler, wrttea from Port Payne, Ala , that he is muoh pleaaed wlth the cllmate aml atock proapeeta. Mbb, Johm M, Tmtjbbtok of Omaha, Neb., is in tOW t. havlng come to attend the funeral of hor aunt, Mra. J. Tuttle. WttaoB Drapxb of Bnosburgh, door keeper of the aenate at the last aeBaion of the legialature, was In town yeaterday, Abtrbrb Black, the popular danclng- maater, jives a receptton amt nop at tne Pavlllon this (Wedneaday) evenlng, in honor of bla puplla. Mb am MBB. WB8LBV 0. TaPLIM re turned last Thursday from their wedding tottr, and have taken up their residcnee at lo;, Klm street. M its. s. li, Howa gave another pleaaant tea-party at her home on Baldwin street last Wedneaday evenlng. Sotne twenty la dies were preaent . AnVlCBB from II. 0, Wehster, who wetit last week to Walter's Park Sanitarium, in Pennaylvaula, announoe a tnarked Improve ment in bla health. Thb aermon hy the paator at Trtnlty churoh next Bunday will he on the aubjeot of mlaalona and tha oollection will he de voted to that cauae. M iss Minnik Marbhall of Kast Brookfield, who has heen vtattlng her aunt, Mra, llenrv Pullerton, durlng the past week, relurm d to her home Monday. s. I. Hoi'kins of Burlington, aaaiatant door-keeper of the last house of repre sentatives, was in town on Saturday, with his wife aml youngeat daughter A Mi sit Ai. eonvention is ti he held at North Montpelier at an earh date under the iuanaijeinent of ('. t'. Oudley. The muaic will he fnrniahed hy looal talent, Thb odd Kidiows' haii in opera-houae blook is belng repalred aml Htted un for the meeting m the Qrand fjodge of Ver mont, whloh oooura bere next Wedneaday. RlV. .1. K. WBiaHT is expeeted to preach for the Dnitarlan aooietiea in Middlesex aml Waitafleld next Bunday in Mlddleaes at'J: 15 l'. M. and in Waitafleld at 7:00 e M, THB annual lueeting of the Woman'a Miaaionary Aaaoclatlon conneoted with Bethany ohurch will be held Thursday afternoon at the house of Mrs. A. .1. Howe. Ownra to a mlaunderatanding as to the time of meetim.', only tive memhers were preaent Monday evenlng at the meeting of Bethany aoclety aml no buaineai was trausaeted. QuaTAvoa I.. LmVwbbncb, preaaman at the Argut and Patrlot eatablwhment, had tbe toreflnger of his rlght hand badly torn aud cruahed Tuesday afti'rnoon hy oatohing it in the press. EiOWABD ToTTLB, ilerk in Oeorge ii. Nichola' olothlng-atore, is to go to Omaha, Neh.. in the apnUg to aeeept a positiou un der Hon, .1. M. Thuraton. Hia father, John I,. Tuttle, will go with blm. Jobl FoaTBB, anparlntendent of the Montpelier aquednot, aooompanled by Hon. i:. II. I'owell of Itiehford, went to New Vork Monday night on bualneaa conneoted with the Rlohforu aqueduct, Mkmiikus of the Montpelier military hand i have appited for permtaaion to anena tne . Washington oelebration in New York eity, April 30, with not leaa than thirty membera, ; aml forty Ifdeaired, for their expenaea. Atb meeting of the Bunday-aohool board ' of Trinlty ohureh, held Monday evenlng, I tbe realgn atlon of T. T. Ranney as auper- Intehdent was aooepted, and Oeorge W. Parmenter was eleoted to the vaoanoy, BZPBRU AOBKT M W. DBBW was in l!us- ton the latter part of last week, his work in . the meautiine heiug perforiueil hy A. ti. Trulan, who had the assistunce of Mr. I Drew'a aon-ln-law, Mr. 0. w. Learned. Thk third quarterly oonferenoe of the year was held at Trinity ohurob lasl Kri day evening, Rev. A. B. Truax prealding. I The regular routlne boaineaa was trana I aoted, hut notblng of Importanoe waa done. Bbv. Johm Bbmbt HorKixa, aon of the ' late Biahon llopkius. aud professor-eleet at tbe Qenaral Theologtoal Beminary of New York, delivered two very powerfui aermona at t'hrist oburch lasl Siimlay forenoon aml evenlng, Mkmiikus of the evangellca hurches are Invited io unite with the etudonte at tbe Beminary u the aervloea at the obapel, Thuraday forenoon aml evenlng, in obaerv- anoeol the annual day of pra.ver for eol- Lagea and Lnatitutlona ot learning. Mits. K. It. Kki.ton of Baa Montpelier has a Prenon pwoe limilar to that deaorlbed last week, eoined in the Mlgn of LtOUUI XV. aml bearing the date, as nearly as it i an he dei ipheted, of 1T68, the six heink; so mueh defaced as to make its Identity somew hat unoertaln. a i'nion temperanoa ooooert is to he given in Bethany oburoh next Bunday evenlng, under the auaploea of tbe Woman'a Chrlatlan Temperanoe Union. The exer- t'laes will eonsist of soutrs, readinga aml reoitationa by the seholars from the vari 001 Sumlay-Hchoola. A CUBJOUI pieee of agad and deerepit parobment was ploked up laat weeb on the UOUld premlses, reeentlv purchttjBed hy the Beminary, The serap hears the date of April 13, 1707, aud seems lo he a parl of the diary of Joaepb Oould, who eauie to Mont pelier in April, 1707. k. li. (Iraham, owner of the wood-work- ing shop on Klm street that waa hurned a week ago, will prohahly rehuild aa soou as the anow goea away. Ilis husiueHH aa a dealer in lutobet and ehair sloek will not he in the leasl alTeeted hy the recenl loss, i hut wiii oontlnne as foftnerly, Thb returna from the dlatticnolerk ihow that t''e whole uumber of deatha in Union Bohoo) distriet, whlofa emhraees thevtllage, durlng the year ixhh, was alBtyelght thlrty-fonr malea and thlrty-four femalea, Tbe number of birtha was alxty-flve twenty-nlne malea aml thlrtyala femaleMi At tha regular meeting of Vermont Lodge, t. O, . P.i last Wedneaday evening, W. A. Jonee waa elocted and inatalledBa re cordtng aecretary, in place of T. T. Ranney, Mr, Ranney was obllged to realgn the poal tiou, as he goea to Bprlngtteld next week to lake the management of a dry gooda store. TllK seeond of the series of drive-whist , partiea waa given at the rooma of the Apollo Club last Thuraday evenlng, aml was a repetltlon of the pleaaant ocoaalon of the i preceding week. The gentleman'a priae. a handaorae dreaaingcaae, waa won by Ar- thur Johonnott, and the lady's ptie. a handkerohief caae, hy Mrs. Carroll I'. I'itkin. Tiik laat piohahie menace to the purlty of Berlin pond water has heen removed hy i the pnrohaae. i the part of the vlllage, of the Atwood '. Bullock property near the reaervoir, The purchaae Includea the build Inga and alx acrea of land. The prioe paid waa 91,100, Aatrlpof woodland bordering the falta was also purcbaaed, to preaerve ; the trees. A DBLBOATIONOf fifteell memhers of t'hrist ohurch parish attended the distriet meeting of the Woman'a AuBillary at Korthfleld laat Wedneaday. The delegatea from this and other ohurohea were entertained hy st. Marv's parish of Morthfleld. The apeakera were Rev. Boward P, Hill. Rev, Dr. llop kius, Rev. i. II. Bailey of Burlington, Mrs. M. P. Mooreof Northfield aml Mrs. T. II. Canfleld of Burlington. A LAROB aleurliing party of tifteen or twenty OOOplea from this place enjoved a ride to Waterbury yeaterday, The party started from the Pavlllon ahont four o'eloek in the afternoon, in the " Monitor," with alx horaea, and J. Q, Adama aa drlver,and a large four-horae atelgh, driven hy Pred Hayuen, Tbey took aupper at Waterbury and returned in the evening. Beveral of this same part.v went on a sleigh-ride to Watorhury nearly twenty years ago. FbAMB II. IIasi om. 83 , Bctlve meniher of tbe Bupreme Oounoilof Sovereign 1 rand tn speetors (temu'al, will visit I.afayette I.ode of Perfectlon at Maeonio temple, Boeton, Mass., Kriday evening, Kehruary 1, as the gueat of Benjamln w. Rowell, the thrlce potent grand maater of that lodge, Durlng liis isit he will make hotel arratuemeiils for the Vermont party whloh will attend the third aeml-annual Maeonio excuraion to Boeton, wbich oooura Pebruary 13 to 18 ln- elusive. Thk Qrand Bneampment of the imic pendent Order ofOdd Pellowa of Vermont meeta in this vlllage Tuesday aud the Irand Lodge on Wedneaday of next week, at ohl Pellowa' haii in Blanohard'a opera-house. ndicationa are that this will he the largeat meeting of the order ever held in this atate. a number of new lodgea have heen eatab lished in the state durinn the year. Tues. day evening Hiawatha Lodge of Barre will exempllfy the Initiatory degree, and later in the evening the patrlarchal degree will he exemplilied hy the encampiutoit of St. Jobnahurv. - DI8TRICT eonvention of Royal Areh Masons was held Thuraday, , lanuary 24, in Maaonichall. The eonvention was under , the aupervlaion of Collina Blakely, acting dlatrict deputy grand bigh prieat. The following otheers of the Oranci Chapterof Vermont were preaent: ( W. Wing, deputy grand bigh prieat; Bdwln ). Htbbard, grand klng; Krank II. Baacom, graud cap tain of tbe hoat; .1. W. K. Waanburn, paat deputy grand bigh prieat, and othera. The I deizrees of royal areh, mark master, past maater aml most exoellent master were oonfetred by Klng Bolomon Chapter of Montpelier and Wbitney Chapter of West j Randolph. The oonferrlng of tbe degreea was follOWed hy an enjoyahle hamptet. P. W. BaWCBOFT took the part of Nanki I'oo in the performance of the Mikado hy tbe Rutland Operatlc Aaaoolation at Rut land, , last Wedneaday and Thuraday eveninga, aud at Burlington Kriilay evening. Of his ainging at the former plaee the Rutland Herala sa.vs: "Mr. Banoroft was appar- ently nol in his hest voioe, hut his ainging was marked hy that aweetneaa and expree alon aml his acting hy that Intolligence and ease that made bira so great aml deaerved a favorile in ' Mousipietaires 1 and his Imperaonation was very pleaaing." Of his appearatii'e at Ilurliuton, 1 1 1 - Fn , I'n .. "Mr. Bancroft sanu NanklPoo'a melodioua linea in that almost faultless manner wblch Burlington amliemes have learned to expeet of him." THB fair for the beneflt of the Montpelier military hand la to open at t'apital hall at flve o'olock next Monday afternoon aml oontlnne througb tbe afternoona aml even ins of Tuesday and Wedneaday. Bupper will he aerved from flve to aeven o'olock eacb day and the band will he preaent in the evenlng. Two bnndred tifty dollars' worth of preaettta Will he given away on the laat evenlng to the patrona. A ohalr la to he voted to the most popular olergymBU, a ploture to the most popular clerk aud a wtcker ohalr to the handaomeat baby, Vartoua articlea ornamental , uaeful, edlble aml otherwlae will he onaale. lt is boped tliat every one will turn out aud assist Ihe memhers of Ihe hand in their elforts to make the i asiott a siieeess. A VILLAOR meeting has heen ealled for Monday eveniug, Kehruary II, at seven i o'olock. The bualneaa hefore the meeting will he to take aetiou in regartl to author iziug the haililTs to pay memhers of the hose, hook and ladder aml engine 0Om panies for serviees al lires w ithin the liiuits of the vlllage, Tbe adviaability of author. lalng the balllffa to put in some ayatem of lire-alarui for uae iu the vlllage will also he oonaldered. During ihe year Decemberl, 1HS7 to 1H6JS, the liretneu were paid for their serviees, hy vote of the illae, al the rate of 1 one dollar per hour, hul at the expiiiitiou of tbat time noprovuiiona for furtuer pay ment were made. The haililfs tberefore bave no further autborlty to pay tbe mem bera of the flre eoinpanies for serviees reu- ' dered during the preaent year. RoB MOBBia CUAPTBB, No Jl. order of the Baatern Star. or adoptive Masonry, held , its annual meeting for the eleetion of otlieers Tuesday evenlng, .lanuary 'SJ. as fol- i lows: Oeorge W, Wlng, wortny patron; Kannie K, Wheatley, worthy matrou; Ida l. Wlng, aaaiatant ma roni Buaan J. Morae, treaaurer: Blla D. Collina, aecretary; Mary B. Wakefleld, oonduotor; Mary B, Brwin, aaaiatant oonduotor: sarah a. lVarson, warderj Joaepb li. Morae, aentinelj Mabel L, Prinki Aaab; Bmma T. Orout, Buth; Sadie Wing. Batherj Viola Billinga, Martha; AnnB K. I.ainl, Kleeta; Aliee M. Iluut. oriraniat, The otlieers were installeil hy .laiues K Curran, assoeiate ,, u,.i pai- rou of the grand obapter, order of the past- ern Star, of Vermont, and past worthy pat ron of Rob Morris Chapter. will he a maetlng Of the Wuhun Trlbe. Improved Order ol Red Men, in their nall at tbe oorner oi state aml Main atreeta, Thursday evenlng at half-pasl si'ven o'olock, at whloh all membera are requeeted lo he preaent. The new rooms, whieh are dow ready for ocoupanoy, bava heen fltted up for the use of the trihe and furnlshed in the moal attraetive style. The suite eom iirises four rooms Ihe hall for meattnga, banuuet hall, kiuheu aml dreaaiug-room. Baoh room haa heen newly pailited and papared aml aleotria liuhts put in, and no pains bave heen spared to remler the Bqulp menta OOmplate in every detall, The trihe has niiw heen organlBad 'or ahout seven montha and the names of over forly hraves are alreatly eurolled on the hook. A larxe number of applicationafer meinhorahip have heen reeelved aml the applloanta will he admltted as aOOU as the trihe is fairly estah lishc cl in its new ipiarters. The following are the otlieers of tne trlbe: l'rophet, ,1. B, Curran; senior satramore, .1. P. Iionovun: iunior lagamorei Oeorge ll. Rolfej keeper of reeords, Cbarlea Looklln; aaaiatant keepur of recorda, C, B, Wllaon; keeper of wumpum, K. A . I Iwim II. Thk pretnises of S. B, Stnith on Hfate street were aearcbed last week hy Shorlff K. ll. Atherton aml Prank Martln, and a ipmrt hottle fnll of .lersey liglit niti nti- eartbed ln tbe celiar, ihe tearcn was the reanll of the dlacloaure of Bdward Paro, upon whom a pint of the Julce wus found laat week Tuesday, aml Wnoalleged that he had prooured the same at Smith's empo- rtnm. Smitn w-as at onoe arreated aml three complainta entered againat him for aelling llquor to Bdward Paro, for keeplng anulaanee and for keeplng llqnor with ln tent to sell. The trial of the eases was eoii- tlnued until Tueaday forenoon. Bmlth was theo convloted on each of the three oom I platnta. Por aelling liquor to Bdward Paro he waa flned 910 and ooata, under the nui snliee act 9200 and eosts aml for keeplng liipior witli intent to sell 910 aud eosts. I An appeal was taken iu eaeh ease, T. It. Qordon, his counael, golng haii for Bmitb. Bmitb was then rearreated aml taken to Waterbury to anawer before Juatlce Leaae to a oharge of seiiinc lloiior to Btwln Bbonio aml Bdward Paro, .1. Q. Wing weul down to Waterbury to try the ease againat him, hut owing to the fallure of the reapondenl to put in an appearanoe there was no trial. Tiik Wettnore St Morse Qranlte Company reeelved its obarter from the aecretary of state Monday afternoon, and is now a full fledged corporation. Bight bundred aharea of atock at 9100 per ahare were then taken and ihe booka were eiosed. Tbe entbualaam whloh the cttlxena have diaplayed in this enterpriae aml the llberallty with whieh they have suhserihed for the stoek aUgnra well for the bualneaa tuture of Montpelier. The booka were opened 'I'hursday. .lanuary 17, aml so rapldly were the aharea taken that the amount of capital stoek was raised from .7."i.oiki to, in order to uive eager Inveatoraaohance toaubacribe. More than 978,000 of this amount was suhserihed by realdenta of Montpelier aml the name of nearly every promlnent bualne raan in town appeara on tbe booka. The eighteeu names upon the obarter alone repreaent more tban 91,000,000. Por the organlaatlou of the company credit is duethe citlaena' commlttee, hy whom the opportunity was hroupht to 'he attention of Montpelier capi tallata. Tbrough the efforta of this aame commlttee three other bualneaa eoncerua ' Ihe wati h-key aml elothes-pin faetories aml the stone-sheds on llarre street have been i brongbt to Montpelier within the paat two yeara, Let the i m go on. SKMINAI1V HIM.. Tiik elei trie liglit men tinished their work at the Beminary last Thursday. There are now one bnndred liftynine lightain use and tbe aooiety halla are atill to be provlded for. : Kather Currier. elgbty-fout years nf aLre. assiste.i iu conducting cbapel exerciaea Wedneaday morning. Miss Hnntley is expeeted to return to BChool this week. z Miaa Qordon, who has heen siek wit li a fever, returned home last Saturday. Miss Merrlll went home last Monday. Bhe will return in the spriin;. - Tlu hoys have heen engaged in making a rink on tiie campua, li is ahpnt two bundred ten feet hy forty-tive feet aml will make a liue plaee lo skate. The day of prayer w ill be obaerved at the Beminary hy appropriate exereises at 10:30 o'clook A. M. and seven o'eloek I'. M. An invitati in has heen ex- tended to Rev. T. P. p'rost of St. Johna- hury to he preaent in the evening. There are now two bundred ten atudeuta eurolled, hy far the largeat attendance for the wintei term during the hiatory of the achool. The Bhalceapeare Club will give an entertainmenl in the obapel next Saturday evening. Obltuarya Si-K.Mt Died, iu Berlin, at tbe reaidence of her uncle, i.. I'. Lawrence, Wedneaday, .lanuary 28, Lilla K. Spear. aged flfteen years and ten montha. Lilla was the daughter of Jason IV and Meribah Spear of Minneapolia, Minn., aml granddangbter of Thomaa Spear. Bhe was born in Halone, N. Y.. April l. 1873, moving to Mlnneaota in the tifth year after her blrth, When twelve years of age she heeame a Chrlatlan aml developed a lovely obaracter. Kor nearly two years she had sulTered from a tronble with her bead. In July last. she waa IU witb typhoid fi'ver. aml Inourreda relapse, from whieh she never roeovered. Funeral aervicea were oonduoted hy Rev, J. o. Bherburn, and Interment was made in the fatnily lot iu llerlin on Kriday last. The sorrow miturally awakemd hy the deathofthe young aml promlalng latem pered by the refleotlon that for her " to dle is galn. TtJTTLR. The name of Mrs. John L. Tuttle muat now beaddad to the longroll of those who have reeentlv gone over to the najorlty from this oommunlty , Prlenda have watohed for many montha with great sympathy her struggle with disease. It has heen a most puinful oonfliot, aml, as time beoame more and moreevident that the hest phyaioiana' aktll aml the most tender home nursing eouhl only alleviate aufferingj eouhl not preaerve life, Aml thna she was gradnaliy prepared for the Inevltable cbange, even to welcome it, as with a sigh of relief. And to those nearest aml dearest to her the thought of her rest so minglea with the thought of her death as to mitlgate their grief. Bhe was a per- son iu wnoae attraotive (eaturea even a atranger oould read Intelllgence, geutleneaa. modeaty, truthfulneaa aml klndneaa oi beart. Bbc waa domoatlo iu bertaatea, a devoted bomemaker to hushand aml aona, most ooneldernte aml olroumapeot in her speeeh, loved as a neighbor, aud iu her aflliotion aubmiaalve, hopeful aml truatful. She was Ihe daughter of the late Wiliiam Ileiiuett, of whose eight ehihiren only two Oeorge 11 Bennett of Montpelier aud Mrs. Luther Poland of Omaha aurvlve ber. Ber funeral, on Bunday afternoon, notwlth atanding the beavy inow-atorm, was largely attended hy aympatblaing reiativea aml frlenda, Hjoh, Rev. Wiliiam c. Bigh, who died r ntiyat BomervUle, Mass., waa another natlve of Waitenaid, Vermont, who made a brilllant n rd iu another state as a Meth- odist mlniater, preaching aucoeaafully for thirty years in the lafge eities of Massaehu setts ltoston, Lowell, Springtield, aml other plaoaB whlle a meniher of the New Kngland Conference. He was hom in Waitstiidd Mareh 80, 1882. His motber died at his blrth, leaviog his bereaved fal her With Iwo daughlers, aged ahout six or eight years, amt this iufatit soti. Mr. and Mra, Cobb of Moretown offered to adopl the motherless waif. l'iie father saddled his boree, took the Infanl in his arms, and, leav ing the heart strieken sislers alone with their tears, hore the ohlld, tBB weeks old, to its foster mother and saw it no more, the family moving, soou after, to Olr i. The t'ohhs were memhers of the Me hodist ehiireh at Moretown, aud Young High, wheu old euoiigh, was retiiiretl to attend the meetlnga wlth them. liis oonveralon oeeurred in his elgliteenth year at a eamp meetlng. Iu he Joinea the New Kn gland Oonferenoe, in the same elass w ith Blabon Baven. He uaturaily luppoaed hlmaelf to he tbe ddhl of his foster parenta, hut liy-aml-hy whispers reaehed him that he was not their son, aml he hegan the search for his pareutal liistory, and suceess fully traeed it. His father aml one sister dieil iu their westeru home; the other sister had married aud inoved to San Kraneiseo, Cal. He follOWed the trail, reaehed her house, rang Ihe hell, aud was invited to enter. Wheu he made hiiuself known Ihe womau aprang from her ehair, cryiug out, " It is Wiliiam," aml gave him sm h a re eeption as be had ni ver hefore reeeiveil. In his anoceaa Mr. Hlgh never forgot. the Cobba. Ile Vlaited them often, and when Mr. Cobb died, ahout tifteen vears llnce, I he klnd-hearted foater mother went to reaide under the roof of him the had nuraed Into manbood. Hecared for her aateuderlylo her old age as she had for him iu his In fattoy. At. the age of ninety-three, she is still a Welcome metuher of the lligh family the widow aud a daughter - at Somerville, Mass. i,. Aldbich. Mr. B, S. Atdrlch, formerly a deah r iu hootsaud shnes in Montpelier, died in Paaaadena, Callfornla, Bunday, .lanuary 20th. Of his earlier eareer the Mlllhnry oorreapondent of the Woroeater Uaxetu says: " When qillte yOUOg he eauie to West Millhury and entered the employ of A. Wood s Bona as eierk In their atore. liis falthful aervioea were appreolated, aml he wus promoted to the positiou of hook- keeper and confldential clerk, bavlngoharge of their store aud the BCOOUnta of their large booti ahoe and leather nanufaoturing husi uess. He remained with them aevaral years, until the manufacturlng part of the bttaineaa was cloaed up. After tne death of Mr. John O. Wood Mr. Aldrloh for awbtle had oharge of bla extenalve eatate, being one of the admlnlatratora." Mr. Aldrion had also held respunsihle public offtOBB iu Millhury. Wlien Mr. Aldrieh eame to Montpelier, in 1888, his health had beoome somew hat Impairert. The cllmate bere was too aevere, and ahout a year ago he sold out his bualneaa aml aongnt recovery in the Middle Statea, The Improvement effeoted by the ehange he hoped to make oomplete In Callfornla and went to Paaaadena aboul tWO montha ago. Mr. Aldrieh, during his short reaidence in this plaee, galned the esteem aml OOrdlal good will of the people, who w ill hear of his death with devpregret aml will join iu the trlbute hia townamen pay to ins inemory: "Mr. Aldrloh was a man tbat was univeraally llked, aman of striet integrity, whose word was as good as his bond, Pleaaant aml oourteoua to all, he found frlenda wherever he went." Smith. Died. in Cabot, Deeetnher 'J7, i.hss, Oertie Bmlthtaged aeventeen years. she waa the daughter of Calvln Bmlth. who died tbirteen yeara ago this month, aml atep danghter of Jamea Bouldry, whohaacared for ber with loving tenderness for ten years. Hers waa not aauddenoall. The premoni tiou was a eough, heginning one year ago, whieh was soou pronounoed conaumptlon. During ihe Buminer aml autumn all the . bopea and feara produced hy the changea atteudlni 'bla deoeptlve dlaeaae catne to the loving onea who mlniatered to tbia fading liower, hut loving hoi care aml akillful medlcal ald proveu unavaillng, Theae ies aened the auffering whieh was still very great. hut no word of repining or eoiuplaiut ; paaaed her llpa. The Savior kept her in perfeet peaee. He was a living preseiiee, a divine reality to Oertie. Bheaaid: "Hebe comea more preclona aml comea nearer to tne every day.'' Her faii h never failed ; its : victory waa oomplete. Hers was the mlnd of Jeaua in lelf-giving aud aelMiving for othera, so ber life was formed after the per feet Pattern. Kor her to live was Christ, and the oiiteome of stieh living is purity, unaelflahneaa and belpfuineaa. The Bavlor oalla many hy her lips andexauiple to eome to blm for rest to he Christians. l.'pon a ; cheerleaa morning theangel with theama rantbine wreath pauaed at the door, de seemied, aml with a voioe divine whianered to our loved one a word that soiimled to Othera like death. To her it was "only golng to .lesns." it did not aeem like death, hut a transport to the tobool where Chrlat hlmaelf dotn rule, Bhe no longer needs our poor proteetion; she laaafefrom all temptation aafe from sin's pollution forever more. Bhe livea whom we eall dead. The large aml syinpathetie oongre- gation that tiiied the oburch where from chlhlbood she had delighted to atudyOod'a word ln Bunday-aohooT told howatronga hohl her pure young life had taken upon I all who knew her. She was heautiful I in death, in her white easket, surroumleil i by flowera ao appropriate for onr dear Oertie, for she rests with him iu peaee. : May the hlessed Christ gulde all her young i friends iu ihe way of truthfulneaa, purlty 1 aml honeaty whlcn she foltowed, and hring t them to bimaelf bere and to our loved ones in heaven. o. D. C. From Our Town Correapondents. North Calais. There will he an enter tainmenl at Memorlal hall, North Calais, Saturday evening, Kehruary J. The drama, "The Laat Loaf," will he preaented, fol- lowed hy the faree," Deafasa Post." Good musie will he in atteudame. Habcocx Davld Wilaon of Maaaena. N. Y., is Vialting his hrother, Oeorge Y. Wil son, wdio has heen very ill, hut is now Ini provlng. There is to he a hox soeial aml donatlon at the town hall Tuesday evening. Pebruary .", for the beneflt of Rev. i M. II. Ryan. BBAINTBBK Mrs. K.O. Mann haserysipe laa ill the faoe. Warren Smith has heen very siek with pneuinouia, hut is now a little better. arraugements to next Saturday, The grange has made vialt I). w . c. Blanobard M. M. Blanobard la bavinga large uumber of loga drawn to his l mlll. - C. It. Mann is earrying his tuilk to the ereamery. BHABON. -Mrs. ,1. M, Billinga returned to her home in Perkinsville on Saturday. : The leoture on the Bouthern Planta tions, hyliev. S. A. Parker, on Kriday even lng, waa Well attended. . The following are the ollieers of Ihe Soeiety of Christian Bndeavor: Clarenee Marab, preatdent: II. 0. Brnce, vioepreaident; Carrie Chamber lin, seeretary; Marie Willey, treasurer. Shadv RiUu Oeorge Root died of pneu- monia Sunday, .lanuary 27. A few days hefore he piirehased Oeorge K. Taylor's plaee. Alva Alden has engaged to work for II. W. Ilealon for the eoming sea- aon. Oeorge K. Taylor is to take tha plaee of John Hill on Mr. Heatou's plaee Mr llill goes to South Randolph. There wus hut one death In this distriet during 1KSS, tbat of Mrs. David It. Taylor. Washim: iuN. -Luoy Calef, in oompany wlth Mrs. Braley of Barre, la apendlng a week in Boaton. Dr. Warner's musie elass will give a eoneert at Skinner's hall Kriday evening, the proceeds to he devoted to more aehoola, . The Aid Soeiety met with Mrs. Charles Huntington last week. The railroad fever is ragiug and a maaameetlng baa heen ealled for m xt Sat urday. r Mrs. Kiuiu.t Huntington is v laitfng in Lebanon, N. H. Corinth. The dwelliughouse, harn, rope und shoe-thread fai torv, grisl-tuil) aud dry-house OCCUpled hy the liarues Itroth ers at (hioso 1 reen were totally destroyed hy lire ou the night of Kriday, tbewth. Tha lire started at ahout ten o'eloek. It is said to have eaught from a stove-pipe. The property was insured for $1,400. a The wife of Hon. John A. Tenny is very siek Wlth pneumonia, aml her reeovery is oon sidered doUDtful, WoBOBaTER There was a large eoiupany at the eainp-tire Saturday evening. (ien eral Thonias aml Captain Lull entertained the eoiupany very also did Mrs. New eomh in the Intereat of the Woinan's Relief Corps. ln the eutertainmeat hy the ehihiren, wbioh was all very llne, Eula I Putnam hore off the prize. i '- The even- I iug meetiugs are lo eontiuue during the week at the Methodist Kpiseopal ohuroh, - 1 he snow ol the past week has been thoroughlv improved and the snow falliug at this writing will make husiness still more lively. Stowk. h. m. Bruoe baa aold bla steam mlll near the Noteh to K.dwln Kusaell. A donatiou aml oysler-supper for the henellt of Rev. W. E. Douglas was held at the Methodist Episeopal ehureh on Kriday (OOMT1MOXD OU V1VTU l iUE.J