Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN .V 8TATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, lssj). Snnntiiirv of Nons. Y.'rmiint. I.IIJUOR HAII'H tt Itlltllllicl, llisl wttlk Wedm-sclav, NSjultSjd in tttMMUTI lianln. lkstkii luniti' tt, nii old'ttim stam.nro. Drletor and driver, dtad t strafford, iust Tlninulay, f ptnMitiionia. Bqbaoi Tyi.ku, u Burlington teamster, htd liis aW-t)01H DTOkflll in u row with Cor iii'lius Ki'iinccl.v Iust KrWliiy. An old lirick lioimn In Vernntines, nccu picil ly .liisper ltristol, wa.s dcxt ro.viI h lir rcrnntly. It WM ImnNd fol 11,900. M. s. ai.ams ol Siniiii Royalton, dealer In lumbtT, floar and trraln, nas susnended paytnciit. UiibllitieH $110,000; asiwt 40,0n. Lincoln I'ahk of l.yrdon, igad eighty hIx, wm probably fatally burned iy tbe ovsrturnlng of paa of boillng miKar rc rnntly. Kktta Carpkntkk of South Huntington, Hbont Hixtrcn fun old, attcniptcil miiciile, April 14, by takiiiK parin gTMD, A lovo affair is n-porti-il to lia the oaUSS, rti.vkstk.k Ploov atni Btephen Jerotne. of North Ferrlaburgli have been arreeted on a c.harge of arsoii and burglnry. Tbe BMB confi-NHeil their miilt to tbe ofllcor. Krnkht Ai.kx aniifr, atrctl n100 J'ars, was run over by an eimine at Newport on Mondav of la'st week. Hotb legS were broken. The little fellow died the same Dlghti Kknkst. ten-yenr-old on of Ityron Berry of WNt Htirke, wa tbrown under the wheels of a rart by the breakinu of a bolt, Monday of last week, and died on Tuesday from his injurien. Khank BOWBM of Readsboro was oanght by a tielt in his father's lnill llfll week Tues day. One arm was tom tfom the hody, one lep broken and his ribs cruslied in. He died Thiirsday tnornlng, A. DkFokrkst, a new liraketnan on the PBSSnmpStO railroad, from BoOttStOWB, 1'. )., was knoeked otl the ears by a eovered hridge at White Rlver .lnneiion, Monday cviming of last week, and fatally cruslied. Conork.bsman Stkwaht has been at liut land, Burlington and St. Albans durinn the PHt week, llsteningto tbeolalms of tiiose of his OOnititUenta who are eandidates for postmaster, railway elerk or othur federal otlices. At a reoent meetlng of the pension exam- iniliK board, twin brothers from Castleton presented theinselves for exainination. The elaims were original and for the same disa bility. The brothers were of the samesize, belgnt and vrelght, and were enlitted in the same oompany and regiment, This was the tirst instanee of the kind in the history of the board. Collki'Tok H. It. Smai.i.ey bafl forwarded to tbe secretary of RKriciiltnre at Washing ton a live-hnndred pound lot of speeimeli "lrieks"of Vermont maple sujjar, whlob is to fortn one of the exhlbits sent by the rulted Htates governuieiit to the I'aris ex pOfltlon. Aeconipanying the snpar exhihit are a series of six fine photographic vleWI illiiHtrative of tbe proeess of ingaMBBklBg. Hannaii BaTTBRCBT, said tobethe largest woman in tbe world, who died recently at Pblladelphla, was born in Vermont in 1K4' a'd was of normal sie nntil her twelftb year. At seventeen yean of ag sbe weighed B00 pounds. she married Jonn Battersby, who traveled with her, exhihit inp; himself as the "greatest living skele ton." Mrs. Itattershy, at the tinie of her marriage, weighed 888 pounds. Mks. H. H. Haxtkk of New York is to give Kiitland a liaxter memorial library in meniory of her husband, Oeneral II. Henry Baxter. The site and building will eost J.'lTi.OOO. It will be strietly a referenc e li brary, and none of its volumei will he loan'ed. She will expend Slr),WK1 in hooks, and siu'h other sumsas inay he found neees sary to complete the various departments, and also make provision for its support. Hon. L. E. Knapf, lately apnointed gov ernor of Alaska, left Middlebury Thiirs day nigbt for New York and Washington. He will probably start for hii new post ahout Jnne 1. There is a great serainhle going on for the probate judgeshlp whiidi Judge Knapp ii abont to relinquiab, It is thought that Henry S. Foot of Middlebury will be appointed to tbe position, as he went to aterlmry Saturilay to eonfer with Governor Dillingbam , at tlie latter's lnvi tation. Amonh the Memorial day orators are H. O. Whecler of Burlington, at Fairfax; '.. M. Mansnr of Island Pond, at Glover; Walter K. Howard of Fair Haven, at Windsor: Frank I'liuuley of Northfield, at Cambridge: W. L. Uurnap of Burlington, at Claremont, N. H.J Colonel Hussell of Salem, N. Y., at Dorset; Colonel W. I(. Howell of Lowell, Mass., at Waitsfield; Hev. T. K. Sanford of St. Johnsbury, at Greensboro Bend; Hev. A. B. Blake of Hardwirk, at Barton. BBV. Dh. BBAOFOBD K. PlBBCB, who died at Newton, Mass., Friday afternoon, aged teventy-seven, was born in Royalton, and gradnated at Wesleyan I'niversity in 1841. He entered the ministry of the Bniaoopa ohurofa in 1813. He was editor of Zhn's fierald in Boston from 1H7'' to last Deoember; was a truatee ,of Wesleyan Dniversity from 1K70 to lKHI; had been a trustee of Boston University Blnce 1H74 and of Wellesley Oollege sinee lKTIi. He was state senator for Norfolk oounty in lH.rj5-(i. A Troy (N. Y.) girl, who works in a box faetory, laabOUt to he married to a Kiitland yonng man wbom she met under romantie oiroumitancea, Having flniahed a box, sev- eral montlis ago, she wrote her name in the bottom. The box found its way to a print- lng estahlishment ln Rutland, wnereapreM- man named Alfred Henruabon saw the name and in a spirit of fnn addressed a let ter to the girl. She replied and a eorro spondenee liegan. A few days ago Alfred went to Troy, met the girl and fell iu lovo with her. Thk linal meetlng of the Vermont i om mission for the Washington centennial was held at Burlington last week Tuesday. 'J'lie fnnd to be raised by popnlar Ittbacrlption has heen practieally all pledged and Ihesnc cess of the plans of the eommissioners for tbe representation of the state on that OOoailon ia tbua assured. Governor Dillingbam and stalf and the eommissioners will leave for New Vork Tliiiisday BTening, April 25. tiuarters for the governor's partv bave been seeured at the F'iftli Avenuo notel. The Natioiial Guard will rendezvou at Brattle boro Monday afternoon, April 20, and will leavo for New Lonrlon on sperial trains, where they will emhark on the Iteamer " City of I.awronee," reaobing New Vork abont leyen o'olook Tueaday morning, The troops will be quartered on board the steamer diiring their stay in the city, and will leave for homo Wednesday evnning. The inilitary representation from Vermont will be a oreditable one and promiaea to eomparo favorablv with that of other states. Governnr Dlllingham and stalT will ride at tho head oftbe Vermont troops in the grand parade, auil tho Montpelier Military Band will proeedo tho" Green Moiintain Boys," who will wear a distineti ve badge a sprig of evorgreen. The mountad eseort to tbe gov ernor will eonsist of tweuty-tlvo otlioert of tlie isational liuaril, and tlie military OOntlU gent uniler his eoinmand will eonsist of the First Regiment. the First Beparate Bat- talion and the Fnller Hattery, romprisiug a forco of 700 ollieors and mon. DonoMtis. Swift, the Hartford wifo murderer, was hanged last Thiirsday. Tiik damago to the " I'ensacola," sunk during a reteiit gale, will not exeoed $M. I'rksidknt Bakti.ktt will returii to Dart mOUtb College in JuBBi instoad of going to Japan. ( Siit Jui.ian PaiTVOBTOOTB, Brltlth minis ter to the Unitad States, arrlveil Suiulay in New Vork. Hknky G. I'kahson, postmaster of New Vork eity, died Saturday morning at High wood, N. J. Laht week Thiirsday Kdgar Kiug of Wosttield, Mass., killod bls fathor, ot ttre to tbe hoiiHo and thou killed hlmsolf. Frkokhick McMahtek of New Vork found ln tho poat-oiHce corrldor, last week Wednesday, a roll contaiuiug S'.KIO in bills and 129,478 inpertloed ebeeks. He tnnk it to the hank where it helonged. The bBBB people otTorod MeMantor Jft for his si'rvlees. Tiik. interstate eonitiieree eominissloii has deolded that the Grand Trunk'i ihlpmenU to Canada are subjeet to tho interstate law. A OOOB formerly employed at tbe Black wel'.'s Island Insane asyliim ehargiv that necayed food Is habitnaliy fanilBBM for the inmates. Tnr. twenty-fonrth aiiniversary of tho death of Abraham Lincoln wasobsorved at the tomb in Springtleld, IU., last week Monday. Wii.i.iam M. OALLBBDBB, presldent of a Newark, N. J., maniifaetnring eompany, has dlsappeared: likowise $40O,OIX) of the i i- pan y's fiuids. Thk remova of the telegraph polea On Broadway, New Vork eity, was begun last week Tuesday under the direction of Mayor irant. Fki.ii k Viart, a professional beggar, dieil recently ln BB old shanty at New ( r leans of dobility and negleet. The eoroner on Wednesday discovered 88,000 hidden aroiind the bovul. Pbbbt Wink, b well'known oltbMn. wai felling a tree in Brockton coimty, West Vlr ginia, Wednesday, when it broke across the ttnmp. detnolllhlng his hoUM and killing his wife and three ohlldNB, Two men, named Riley and Brown, whlle taklng down telegrapb wirea in New Vork, were pulledoutof a w lndow by a rope at tai hcd to a fallingpole. On was instantly killed and the other fatally injured. Tiik. entries for tbe l entonnlal lndnstrial parade foot np the astoundlng total of KK),(KH1 men, and thc ohtef marshal does not knOW what to ilo with them all. It WOUld take all day to see silch a processioti. Very inany persons are coining forward with I'laiiiis as mcmhcrs of the Washingtoa family. JttOOB Thaykr of the I'nitcd States COUrt haa declded that the taklng of papers f rom Ihe top of a letter-hox is no offence against the mail laws. The top of a mail-hox is not a receiitaelo for tho mail, and a package plaoeu there is no inore in tbe CUStody of the mail than a packBge plai ed tinon the steps of the post-otliee. Thk largost tire that has visited New Vork city iu several years destroyed the W. J. Wilcox lard relinery, the Rossiter stores, two large elevators and several piers be longingto the New York Centralft Hudson Hivor Railroad Coinpany last Friday. One man was killed and two were seriously in jured, The damago is variously estimateil at from two to llve millloni of dollars. Mus. W. O. I.KK.ns, wife of one of the rloheat men in Indiana, is abont to prose cute nlneteen saloon-keepen in Mionigan City for selling to her husliauil after she had warned them not to do 10, It is rumored that Mr. Leeds has promised to stand baek of the saloon-kccpcrs in any proceedings and BUppty the "sinews of war." The amount of monoy he can eontrol is esti mateil to he 18,000,000. Om Tuesday of last week, at noon, two men went in'to the State Bank at Minne apolis, when only two employes were pres ent. One eovered the employes with a re volver. The other vaulted over tho rail lng and thrust H,tHXI on the teller's table into a valise. .Iiist then a depositor entered and this forced tho uncovering of tbe as Istant caebler, who ruahed to the safe to got bis rovolver. The rohher threw the va lise to his aocomplice, who daahed into the preaident'a room, jumped throngh a window and lled. The rohbers were tinally cap tured and gave their names as .lauies Henry and Fred Douglasa. Governor RlCHABMOM of South Carolina has pardoned two negrooa oonvicted of lynching a white man. He savs, in justiti cation, that he was Infiuenced oy his deaire to do justice to the colored people, This was tho first time anv one had been cou yicted in South Carolina for lynching, and it was also the tirst time that negroes had lynched any one, and he would not bave them made an example of when white men had not been punished for like ofTenoes. The negroes were ignorant, and had had the example repeatedly sot them by the whites. The governor reeeived lifty-two petitiona, signed by nearly 0,000 persons, asking for exeeutive clemeney. Tho ma jority of tho signers were whites. Foreiirn. Genkrai, Boi'lanoeb will soon leave Brusaela for London. The freedom of the city of Kdinburgh has been voted to Mr. Parnell. Mr. Parnell has begun suit against the London Timep for half a million .dollars' damages. The German reichstag has adjourned un til May 7 and the French chamber of depu ties iuitil May 14. The Parnell commission reassemblea on Tuesday, April 80, when Mr. Parnell will open the testimouy for th dcfense. Six tboiisand einigrants embarkod at I.iverpool last week Wednesday. the ma- Jority of them for the United States. Advk es b:ivo heen reeeived that cholera is epidemie In tho Philllnlne Islands, and that out of l,S00oaaea l ,000 bave proved fatal. Profk.ssor Harrison of Oxford UbI" yeralty has been commltted to jail on the charge of aisiiting beileged tenants at Qweedore, Ireland, A suB-coMMiTTK of the Freneh senatc commission eondUOting the trial of Geueral Boulanger will examiue 10,320 documents bearing on tho case. Patrick Malloy, one of the witnossos of tho London Timtt, has been oonTioted of perjury and senteuced to six months1 im prisonment at hard labor. Kmi'khor Wii.i.iam has Horbert Bismark and Dr stein the representatives the Samoau conferenco. will open April 29. An oxplosion occurred ohildl colliery at Tiefhlau, Austria, last week Wednesday. Five persons were killed and two were datigerously wounded. Six others are missing. Thk German war shin " lga," whicb has arrived at Bldney. N. S. W., reports that tho " Nipsic," SO hadl v injured by the hur ricano at Apia, will not he ahle to return in tbe United states. Thk wheat deticit in tho Australian oolo nios of New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania is reportod to bo fully 8,7.riO,(X)0 bushels, and Oalifornia, with her large wheat crop, expeots to he called on to oic. t tho requlrements of the oolonies. An Ottawa dispatch savs that I'rofessor Wddon's extradltion blll, enlargins the SOOpe of the pros.ent law, will prohahly be come a law this session. Professor Weldou has reoeived a numher of threatening let tcrs, supposed to bave oome from Amerli an fugitives. Mr. Herokssen, the Gladstonian oandi dato, was eleeted at Rochester to a seat in thc house of commous, on Tuesday of last week, by a majority of sevonty-nve. At thc eleotlon of 888 thc conscrvative can- didate led the houie-rulcr by two bundred tifty votes. Tiik Ininan line steamer " Oity of Ches ter" arrived at QaeenstoWB, last week, and reportod that on April H she passed tho Danish steamship " Danmark " in mid occan. The "Danmark" was then in a Sinking coiidition, with no one ou board, and notbing has sinca been learned of tho (ate of hor passengors and crew. The " Danmark " was a vessel of 2,280 tous and sailcd from Copeuhagen Marih 'M with tirtO passengors. Lator advlcoa havo dispolled the foars as to tho safety of the oasscngers and crew. They were all aod by the steamer " Missouri," whicb arrived at Delaware Breakwater, Del., Mondav morning, April 1.1. When tho " Danmark was SOt) mlles from Newfouuillaiul an a -oldent bappened to tho inacbinery whlch killod tho ouginoor and rondered tho vessel unuianageablo. Tho following day tho dis ahlod steamer met the " Missouri," whic h caiiio to her assistance and took away tho pasHongors. A part of the w aud .J pas songora were loft on the A.oros. The " Missouri " then eontinuod on hor way to Philadelphla with ;i passengors and tho roinainder of tbe crew. LflHbM Maikid. Hemlock hoards, rough 1080tOll 00 Bemlook hoards, planrd UOOtO 1280 Plne hoards, coarse ItiOOto 17 tK) I'ine hoards, rofuso to laOf) Shingles, sawMl :i i'l to 840 Brlfkton Ctttle Mmkei. Worklng ostn, pat pair 70 to Mileb cows, extra, pat head, .r.r to Veals, llve welght, pat b.... 'i to Sheep, llve wcight, per Ih. . . '.' to Lamlis live wcight. per Ih. .. . ' to Hogs, western, live wcight . .1 to liogs, uorthern ti to l.M) 1 a Wool Mnrkot. Obio XXX, por lb .V, to obio xx 88 to 84 x to :v Mh bigan X : to :tl Ohiodelalne 35 to :1 Texas flna 20 to 38 Northern Callfomla 23 to '2f Bouthern Californla 18 to 17 Oregon, ordinary lfl to 17 Maine snpora 40 to 4li PfOTlllOH Markol. Pork, Western mess, per hhl Kxtra prime mess Boston clear Hams, small, per Ih Medlum Large Lard, BoStOB, per lb Weatern Pure leaf Beef, extra mess, per bbl Kxtra plate 1 1 7.-. to 1 1 1 'j:. to I 11 r, to I 114 to 11 to lO', t,, K to 84 to 10.1 to x 00 to S 00 to 00 IKI 00 111 II I 11 H ti I", !l 00 0 .10 Itosloti I'ruduco Murkct. BUTTKK. Northern I'reamery. per lb. . 38 to -JI Western, extra ercaiuery 25 to 38 Dairy. Vt. extra 38 to N. V. and Vt. ex. tlrst creaui'y, 38 to 24 N. V. and Vt. dairy 20 to 22 Trunk prints, extra 25 to 20 CHBBIB, N. Y. extra, per lb 11 to N. Y. rlrsts SJ to 10J N. Y. seconda 8 to !l Vermont, extra 11 to Vermont, llrsts !J to 10J Vermont, seeotids 8 to ! Skims 2 to 4 Partsklms o to 8 BCHM, Near by, per doen 18 to 14 Kasterii, extra 12i to 18 Eastern, tlrsts 11 to 11J Vt. and N. H. extra 12), to m Western, tirsts 11 to 12 IIEANS. Pea, h. p. northern, per bush 205 to 2 15 Pea, hand-pickeil N. Y 188 to 175 Pea, scrooned 188 to 168 Vellow-eyes, extra 3 40 to Vellow-evos, seeonds 3 10 to 3 35 Red kidney 200 to - VBOBTABLBS. Potatoes, Bermuda, perbbl... 8 00 to iitio Potatoos, comiiion, per bbl.. . 150 to 175 Potatoes, sweet, per bbl 2 50 to 3 76 Onions, per bush 75 to 100 Cabbages, per hhl 75 to 85 Tumlps, French white, per bbl 1 12 to 1 38 Tumlps, Rnssia, per bbl 75 to 80 AI'PLKR. Baldwin, No. 1. per bbl 1 00 to 138 Cominon varieties 50 to 1 00 Evaporated, por pound 5J to 6 KLOUR. Fine, per bbl 2,50 to 2 75 Common extraa 320 to 8 90 Minneaota bakers 4 25 to 500 Mlohigan 4 75 to 838 Michigan roller 5 (Kl to 5 2.5 St. Louis 4 !"0 U) 5 10 St. Louis, pateut 5 25 to 8 00 OATS. Fancy, per bnsbel 3'.' to 40 No. l', white 38 to 30 No. 2, white 35J to 3t CORN. Steamer yellow, per bushel.. M to Steamer mixed 40 to 4o'. appointed Count Krauel of Hoi- of Germany at Tho oonfereBoe iu the Roths- Special Annoi'ncement. We bave made arrangeinents with Dr. B. .1 Kendall Coui pauy, publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and His Diseases," whlch will enable all OUT suhscrihers to ohtain a copy of that valuable workrn by sending their address (enolosing a two-cent stump for maillBg the same) to l)r. B. .1. KerTdall Company, Knos iuirgh Falls, Vt. This hook is now recog- ulced as standard authorlty upon all dis eases of the horse, as its pnenomenal sale attests, over four million coples having been sold in thc pasl ten years, aBale nover before reaohed oy any publicatlon in tbe same period of time. We feel contidcnt that our patrons will appreciate tho work and he glad to avail tbemselvea of this op portunlty of obtainlng a valuable hook. It is neoessary that you iucntion this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remaiu open for only a short time. The Now Vork asseinhly has passed a bill reinoving the state prison at Siug Siug to some other part of tho state. Thc pur pose of tho removal is to get rid of such an Institution on tho banks of the Hudson. Its presanoe Is said to deter New Vorkera from building suinmcr residences in the Deighborhood of Sing Sing village. A kact that all men with gray and many shaded whlskers should know, that Ituck ingham's Dye alwtiys colors au evou bfotttn or blui-k at will. Oni K used always used they afford such comfort to soreuoss, painsund weaknesses Platttrt- Foit tho delloate aud aged, aud all in wbom tho vital ciirrent is impoverished and lugisbi Aycr's Barsaparilla is tbe vcry best tonic, It reatorea the wastad tissuas, aud imparts to the system surprising elas tlolty and vigor. Prico 81. Worth 85 a bottlo. To My Fuikmis.- As you are well aware that I would not recommend that whicb 1 did not belicve to he good, I desiro to say to all who necd a good, reliahle, family uiedicino, that I bclieve one bottlo of Snl phur Bitters will do you more good than any other remedy I over saw. Itrv. Utphoi Boult, All causeil hy this unoertaln ilimate. Cure and ward off sorcness and weaknoss by applying a Hop Pfasfer. Fou nearly half a ( cntury Ayor's C'horry Peotoral bas heen thc mosl popnlar cougn remedy ln tho world. The oonstantly in- croasiiig ilem tnd for this remedy proves tt tu be tbe very best spocitlc forcolds, OOOgbs, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Ik you wish to enjoy gooil bealtb and pro veut the seeils of diseaso from ripciiing in yonr syslcin, you should use tho best nied iciueintbo world Siilphur Bilters, which will provent TOUrsystatn from boing all run down hv makiiig it strong and vigoruus. li v. II. Bnow. Gkokob A. Ainsworth, Wllliainstown and Barre, dealer in plBBOS, organs aul sowinK-macbiues. Barre headtiuartora , Per ley OhaBdler's jewolry-store. He bus the ageney for tbe White sowlng-iuacbino, " Whloh was awarded the highest preminm on sewlBgmaohinei at tho great oantannlal exhihit at Ciui innati, Qhio. 1888, for sim pllolty of constrnetion, d'lrability of pnrts, adaptablllty of adjustmeiit, light anil ijulet running. ' When lln. lliiby wn .slck we k.ivc hr OiltorU, SfhSB itie whb 11 rtilltl ahe crietl for t'twtorta, Wlipn nlie iM'Ciitne Mlss ntie -lun to I'mtorlrt. Wliell ntte IihcI rlitlllnm Blie K'lv tlu'ln CitHtorln. people as a curo that is snro and in NMk of all. It has eurod eases of twenty-tlve and tbirty years' standing, aud now those who bave spent maiiy dollars llnd their only aalvation is In tbe uso of Dr. Wilbcr's Plle Oiutment. For the piles and nothing olae. Prico thirty-tlve cents. Take 110 other. Sold bv all clruggists in Montpelier and hy M. 0. Kvans in Waterbury, Vt. OOHSUMPTIOM OVBBD. AB old phvsician, retircd from practice, having had placed in his handa by an Bast tndla misslonary the formtila of a siinple vcgetable remedy for the speeily and periiianent cureof consump tlon, broiicbitls, catarrb, asthtna and all throat and lung affections, also a posltlvo and radical cure for nervons dobility and all nervous coinplaints, after having tested 1 it WOnderftll curativo powers In thonsands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known ! to his suffering fellows. Aetiiated by this inotive and a ilesireto relieve biiman sufTer ing, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this roeipe, in (terman, French ' or Hnglish, with full directions for prepar- ing and tising. Seitt by mail hy addressing, . with stainp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyks, 14!l l'l,n; r,i llfork, Uorhmttr, X. Y. NiBO Monllis Winfer and the other three late in thefall aptly de scrihes the seasons of thn year as experi enoad in Northern New Bngland. With wartn waathei comes the tired feellng, lan- guor, sleepiness, inahility to work; in fai t a multitude of lay foiOings that are really symptoms that the system needs braiing uj) and iBVigorattBg. Anti-Apo-ploctine is the great in Mvdirine. It cleanscs, purilUs and gives tone to niuscles and nerve. Dr. F. S. ButOblBSOB & Oo, Enoaburgfa Falls, Vt., will send you tosti monials. Vour druggist will sell vou a bottle. Advlco to MothorN. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren teethlng, Isthe presoriptlon of one of thc best female oursea and physlolana in the United States, and has heen used for forty years with never-failing success hy millions of mothers for their chihlren. Dnring the prooass of teethlng its valuela Inealculable, It rellevea the ohild from pain, cures dyscntery and diarrhcea, griping in the howels and wiud-colic. By giving bealtb to the ohild it rests the'inother. Price twontv-live cents a bottle. Ilutolipr's Goldon I.iquid. The best Butter Color made. Stronger, moretrneto oature, and proved byactual tcst pre-eminently superior. is austained by highest tcstimonials from the best dairy men, ereamerios and dealers, who say it is " far superior to auything I ever used." Gives the Jiinc lint always. No danger, in oxcess, of getting a red or brick color. Try it, by weight or measuro. Apply any test and you will know what color to uso iu fntnre. FREDKRICK DUTCHER & SONS, St. Aliians, Vt. DoN'rget caiigbt .is spring with youi blood full of liupiirltios, your dlgostion im paired, your appetitS poor, kidneys and liver torpid and wbolS system liable to be pros trated hy disease; butget yourself into good oondltlon, and ready for the changing and warmer weather, hy taking Hood's Sarsa parilla. It stands uneualed for jiurlfying the blood, giving an appetite, and for a geu eral spring iiicdic.lne. Sklu CnncPT. Swirr'a IPBCTtlC has curod a caneer on my face, and has almost made a young man of me. T. .. Ttttte, HVicimo, A7. A rkrvant has heen alllicted inany years with a canoer on her D0SS which rosisted all treatinent. She has been curod entlrolv hy Swift's Specitlc .M, IIUI, Thmnwm, Gn. Swikt's Braomc bas cured my caneer, which was very had. I am now in Bns bealtb never hetter. llavegainod twent v livo poumls siB0 I hegan taking Swift's Bpaolflo. K. 8, Bradftra, TiptorwilU, ninn. A man near this town had an eat ing caneer 011 his face, which had destroyed his nose and was eating towards his eves. As a last resort I pat him on Swift's Spe eific, anil it has cured him entirely soBBd and well. .V. F, Ontmlfp, M.O., Offtf lliorpe, Ga. Mv father hail for years an eating caneer on his under lip, which had heen gradually growing worse until it had eaten away his under lip down to the gums, and was feed ing itself on the iuside of his cheek, and the surgeons said a horrihle death was soon to OomSi We gave him nino bottles of Swift's Bneoiflc. and he has heen entirely 1 eurod. tV. II. l.athrop, South Kaslnn, AfttMi Swikt's Spkcikic is entirely a vegetable remedy, an l seems to cure caneer by forcing tho pOMOB out of tho systoin throngh tho sore. Send for hook on canccr aud blood poison, matled free. THK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer :t. Atlanta, (ia. bbcrtiscments. In Kast Ccirlnth, April 1'-', a Hon to Mr. Mld Mri. KrHiik Hunf. arnajgcs. In Cabot. Aprlt Jl. by Kv. II. A. Kussell, Levl I'-CU- of Cnbut iind I'ltirii .1. Wlitte f CulaU. tn Montpelier. April '12, hy Hhv. .1. V KtGiu', Frrtl m. i.awT'Mitu of Itontpouef to Ctara a. itnrtiirk of St. .lolniHlniry. In April 2, bv 11. I. AIUmi. jiintlce of tbe pea'c, Alinnn I. DextOf of CnottM aml t'ora K , ii tii.-l,'- ; if tfotaB W. BMOn of WimtiliiKton. gcatbs. lr. Wilbcr's Pile Ointment. A word to the aniictod: No mattor Ixiw long you bave sufTerod, il will curo you. It has nover lieen known to fail. It gives instant relief. It bas tieen used by Dr. Wilher inany years, and after many urgent rcquosts it has at last been given to tbe in Sharon, April ih, Laeisa Robsrts, . Iu StratTord, April 17. I.oster llarrett. sa. Iu Uardwlek, April IS, laausl Ward, 72. In Chelsea, April 15, Kmt'ry W. Mattoon, 72. in Woroeater, Mas6., April 13, ira Bmory, ". ln Hardwiek April '.M.ef pneuinoala, Mrn. Will' lanis, witlow of the late Warren Wiulama, 74. In Cabot, April 13, Mattie l. liainea. daughter of Mrs. BnaUy C. Halnes, '14. She was lovefl tiy all. bbcrtbcmcnts. W ROYALSSSWS 2 'AKIK" P0WDER Absolutely Pure. Tliin jiowfler never variet. A inurvel of purity, streuntli iinii wbolesinnenerts. More eronomical than ordluarj kimts, and oannoi be sold tn ootn petltion wttbtbe multltudfl of lo test, ihoti weight ah:in or ptionpliate powdern. ',,, onlu tn cnti$. BOTAl BAXIVG POWDMH CO.( IN Wall St.. N. V. LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY -AT TIIK - BLANCHARD OPERA HODSS, Monday Evenin, April 29. Read the Opinions of the Press. " It is boaatlflll pOetn of ehildish love, tnitb and purity, rbannintc iu itn llmplleity, fast'lnatint tn Itn Kentlenein and pirace of inotion, touebtnuiu itn sln cerity aud fidelity to iiHture, and appealinK tn tlie tendere.Ht feulitiK! and purest emtttoni of man and woman wttti a fOFOO WDJCb i- irrenlntible, anil wtiicli i produetive of results not to be liKhtiy esti inatuil." Iloiton Heratd. " It t an Ideali.ation of rtOlOQI ChlldhOOd in its purest and iiobiest fonn, anil tn tlie nubtle eontrats wbieli It prentjntn it teahe a npirttual lesnon whicb no one. we fain y, wtll M dlnpoaed to fornet." fiotion J'utt. "It li tbe mist ntriklimly heautiful exampte of drainatizatton evi-r presented. If It were more neau tiful it would be eruel. It tdnkr now h deep into thehOart tliat ttn- nlensure of witti lilnK aud liKtun iiiK becomu a nain. Ii- Hweetnt88 U Itke rand luustr like a fCiOrloUI reiulttion of 4 Hotne. Sweet lUmio.' "Hostott Journat. Tickets Now on Sale at D. F. Longs Book-store. Heserved Heatf. Heventy-tive and Hfty eents; ad ininHlon, tbtrty-ltve eents. Seeurt your Keatrt. Choice Seed Potatoes Karlv Alltino and Karlv DarbjUDi 8.00 pei bar re!; Morninn star. Wblu Klepbant, 'rinmderimlt and Booansa. iJ.W p'r barrel, for one b.irrel. at Marslitield or VVeil IMnville. Tbe above varietlex are ainouir tbe very bett sortn ever nrowu in tbiM neetton. I- H. aBAD, Cabot. Vt. WEBSTER'S. New Goods are daily arriving, Be sure and secure tlie best choice in all kinds of oods, for the prettiest goods do go fast when they start. A full line of Spring andSummer cloths and goods of all kinds are now ready for inspection. H. C. WEBSTER. is State Stroet, - - - Montpelier, Vt. Posltlvely Cures ( i Couuh. tuUirrtt, Intf - UML IKF ANY OTHER.- i . t fwain tutbms iir.nn b(iU. Cnldn. HftarwneMH. llaekluir Couuh, Wh rVMiJti rVtAKPh i,.! , iU m M.nhns. Hiarrli.eiu ltiouioiH isiu, Nrurulnbl. Tm'UiuWh - " . : .T" .... ...i... i.... i :.,..i sn u i IL ..U nr . ImlML iSt rvoUi, iieuoaene, neiuneu, iu' AS MUCH FOR INTERNAL AS FOR EXTERNAL USE. i ii ml- Karnhf, It U inar-elouH. huw inanv dlffen nt eoinpbtlnth It will oulikly. HialtiiK ull Cut. liurnn aml Hrulwi I nf Museli nnioiutTrn rv AM OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN All who pnjrorardsrtUrMt from usad rtaum it, tbsll rnoiv,. koOosta ihat th.' n,m.v AaUba refunded If not aiMm.h.nily utUTtfd. Boprio HcU.1 t I.1-h, f,"!;" VVB!&JSfJSS ut the Unlte.t stuu a, or l anu.1. jrVuluahlo Bt'lit tivo. I. B. JOHKbON A 0O.. HoUui, Mum. GENERATION AFTER GENERATION HAYE USED AND BLESSED IT. nre. It Mnmu int nt lb-a tn the faet that It aew M , 1 1 ltlh-vlnir itll llkSLliner of i.iini Itlllla. i HtilT JtdtitH i htriLlua. IT IS TIME TO BUY Spring Overcoats. Wo lake plo&Btirc in showing i he Choicest Stock of Overcoats rr Spring wear that we have ever plaoed on our counters, in Bhadea of Grey, Brown and Tan, manufactured by the lciidcrs of Fine Clothing, A. ShnmanftCo.f 440 Washington street, Boston, MllSS. Adams the Clothier, Opposite Court-House, Montpelier, - - - Vermont. MEMORIAL, COMMENCEMENT, Exhibition, Anniversary, And all FkbtivaI- Day KtftlO p0 rertatnty bu nrnetired of tt.ri Comifttiy. Send freely for I.i-etn. Uttseriptionn aiut advlee. Octavo Music. Wp rmi r.ot too ntrotiKly reeoinmenil nurc tavo rieee. ti,(K0 Iu iiinnber. All are mMt rare fully Keleeletl, ;n fnntainlnn ttie ln'st Antbein-. (ilee-. CboriiieK.Quartetit atii Saered Seleettotis. More expeunlve to piihlfh than ntieet tniDllc, we ntlll seli tlieiii fir tbe low prlce of ttve to ten centn eacb. School Teachers Will ilod niuneriMi OOQMrt and Rxblbitton Soinrs tu our well-niade Sebool Souk Colleetlonn, of whicb Moine of tbe neweHt are " n U - VqImm " i Woenti, 14.80 per dosei) . " Ohlldran'i Si'hool Konil" (38 eentsj U.6U per dOE6rj , " KindcriCtirtru itixl rrlmary BcnOOl Soiifc4 " (M cents, $iM per doten i ftnd " Honips nnd iatneH for Little Oiipm " i $2.00). Books for Social Singing llave many effeetlve Soiik- and Chnrune. as "Collrwje Botlffi " tQ c8nt)"War SonB " (M oenta)," ifnbllM and PlAntatlon sns omti)i "Ameiioan Matc Cholr" d.oo, " Tt'inppiHiii'e KiillyiiiK Sonjf " QBOtl " Meiiuiriitl I' iv Boilffl and Ifynins cents). OLIVER DIISON COMPANY. Boston, Mass. rurffuunt to tbe Ofder Of ttie dirertnrn, a anei-ial meettritf ot the ntoekholders of tlie Montpelier & Wells Htver railroad will he held at their railroad offlcelrj Montpelier. VI., on SetnKUy, the nth day of May. imi. ut two o'eloek v. M. 'irt -To tee If ttie atockbolderH of the Montpelier it Wells Kiver ratlroad will hnttruet tbe direetont to take a lease of tbe Barre BraOCh MllTOftd Company of its road fora term of years and tlx the ternm tbereof. Srrotid To tee if the itoekholdero of t-he Mont pelier A Wells Rlver railroad will approve of a lease oftbe Barre Braneb railroad. to be submltted tothe meetlng, and tnstruet tbe dlreetori to execute such lease ou liebalf of tbe eorporation. Third To transaet any otlier buiinpa tliat inay legally eome before the ineetinn- By order of the directors, JOEL KOSTEK, Clrk. Montpelier, Vt.. April W-M. SW ANT E D ! A L E S M E N to eanvans for the sale of Nurserv Stork. A full Une of leulloff speeialties. SALAKV and KX I'KN'sKS paid to Huceensful men. No experience necessary. Write for terrns, statlnK nuv. Afentiun tns p.ifr iirHerymaii, Kat I'ark, C. LB00THBY,N' 53. HIRGS' IMPHOVKU 'JSr R00T BEER! IN LIQUI0 NOQOILINC CAGILY MADE BEgR Tho molt APPK1IZINO and WilOLl'SfiMr TLMPEKANCK DKiNK In Iho world. TKY TT. Aak your DrufftrUt or Grocor for It. C. E. HIRES, FHILADELPHIA. O.L.&E. C.HOYT, Attorneis aud CiMinaellora at Law, Plainfield, Vermont, with all ofllre at MarihOc'hl on KrtdaT and 8aturdr of each week. AI.o Ueneral Klre Iuaurauce Agvuu. I . . Iloyt. IVnsinu nntl Ciaim AtrenU JCcqal lloticcs. rrHOM AS T. s A N ItOKN'S ESTATF. I M A PK K VEKMtNT, WMblQiTtOQ histrict.M. In 1'roliate Court. held ut Montpelier. Iu and for said DUtliOt. OM the 2td dav of April. A. I). An Instruuieut pafporunjl to M tlie . ' Will and Testaineiit of TnomM T. Saiitn.rn, late ((f Water luiry, ln said IMstrtet. deeeased, beinjj nretiented to tbe Court for PrOMMlII is ordered by said Oonri that aii pertonj eoneerned tberein te noinied to appear at a sejtittin of said Court, to be held at tho 1'robate oftii-o. Iu said Montpelier, ontbe JUtdayof Mav, A. I). Ihhh, aud sliow eause. If any they may have. jgllrM tlie 1'robuie of itaiU UUtrttinent l for wiileh iuirpoHe tt U f urther ortlered that uotlee of tbis order be puldlshed three week sticeosat vely tn the Vermont n'atchnuui .1- Stqii Jx'triutl. a newpaper jirtntetl at Moutiieller. In thl) state. previous ko Mtd tiine aptiointed fr hearinir, By tbe Court Attest, tvo KkEOERICK V 0ABLBTON, Kenlter MAT1IKW .lAt'K-.s KVI ATK. STATK tll VKKMONT, Wasbincton IMstrtct, . In I'roliate Court, hehl at Montpelier, iu said IMs triet. on the "ti dav of April. A. I). H. H. .lewell. Adiniuistrator of tlie entate of Ira (1. .lewell, dece.ised. who wa Kxeetltor nf tbe Last Will and Testament of Matbew JtOBi )te of Calais, In said llstrlet, deee ised. preseuts tbe al niinistratton ai'couut of said Ira Q. Jewell, as such executor, for oxaintuatton and albmanfe Wliereupon. tt is ttrdered by satd Court that said aeeount be referred to m session theriMf, to be lield at the l'robate orrlee. in said Mont pelier, on the 14th day of May. A. I for hearth and deeUton ttu reou : is f urther ordered. tliat notiee hereof be jriven to all persoiu iu terested by publleatton of tiie same t hree weeks iue eesslvely ln tlie Vrruwnt Watrhman i Stutf Jourtuil, a newspaper nubltshed at Montpelier, previoui to said time appointed for heariuK. that they inay ap pear at siiUl nme and plaee. and show eause. if anv they may have, wliv natd ari ount sliould not Ih al lowed. By tlie Court Attest. UhOi FHKHKItlCK I'. CAKLKTOM . Kenister. MATIIKW .lAI K S B8TATB. BTATEOF VERMONT, VVMhlmrton litriet. II. ln l'robate Court. held at Montpelier, iu aaid UistrU t. on tlie Wd day f April. A. I. ismt: il 11. .lewell. Adiniuistrator de bont non, witli Ihe will aunexed. ef the estate of Ma thew .lack, late of Calais, iu said lMstriet, de euaseil. preseuts his admtulstratlou aeeotiut for ek.iiniiiatiou and al!owaiit-e, and tnakes appli catioii for a deeree of Utstributtou aud par tttiou of the estate of said deeeased. Whereupon. It Is ordered by said Court, that said aeeount and satd applteatton be r. ti i red to a session there, it , to be held at the 1'rohate ofllee. lit latd Montpelier, on the Uth day of Mav, A. l IHtt), for heartitK aud deeisiou tbereon: is f urther ordered. that uotlee hereof be iven to all p'rons tnterested by puhlh atioii of tbe aiue three weekt ueeesstvoly in the Vermont Watthrnan t Stttt Jour nat, a newspaper publtstied at Montpelier, nrevious to tald time itppotuted for hei.rlnK, that tn ey may appeai at salu ttme and oUee, and ihow any they inay hnve. wliy satd aeeount shtmid oot bu allowed and such deeree made. Bv tbe Court Attest, oe w FREDKRICK P. CAItl.KTON, k. nttter.