Newspaper Page Text
The Vermont Watchman. VOL. 85. NO. 24. Vermont (K'htebman. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11. 1800. From Town Correspondcnts. Cnst Calais. beiran his work 0. Ri Dwlnell im-uuii lus work as eensns enntnerator for this town last wnnk, and Henry Wells for tlie town ol Marahtlold. Henry Nowton is very low aml is x- necteil to nve onty a iuw tiays. . -s. - inus Burnap is aiaii ln'iit't trouble. The sinl news was rncelvcd on Bunday inorninsot tnoiloatiioi i. n. I'wumn D.D., ii native ol Calata, wlilch hla home In Oakland, Cal., on June 7, after an lllness ol only on dangerotisly iii wltli tnirren at laturday, week. ' wiiii ticr dattghter, Mrs, J, II Garpenter. Ci 11. Robtnaon was north, last week, on ;i ti'ip foi Davia, aud goes r iut li this week Vla Rochester, llulpll I t- atlemled the fnnersl ol hisaunt, Mrs. .1.(1. Plke.ln Cabol lasl Kriday. zzm. Mrs. Npringer has been vi'i'v slck al Charles Pike's, aml the mother if Dr.Carver s siek al the dootor's. Maple Hlll. i-t .it'im itoiti'M iiml son are soon to fortj by foriy.nvefoot barn. JamuH McKnlght In Improvlng slowly. Mrs. George Rolf, who has consitmption. is falllng. TbiiI meeting wlll commonce nnxt Thnra day, Refreshiiients will hn sohl on tha I al uiiuier he town He wifl speak Tueaday even All are invited Fayston. Jotan B. Thouipaon, tb census .ttor. is inlerroeatint: the people ol with regard to their personsand property. The late raius bave maila fearfnl havoc on the mails in many plaoea. Tbo ue road-machine li kept buay when tha weathet wtll permit. John K. Kelty was tbrowu from his wagon Deaf tha old Brnce plaee, last Bnn day, aml serlously Injured. When round he was anoonaelouii and reinalned so nntll Monday. He is now Improvlng slowly. Bupervlsor Booth was In town last week viaiting tbe achoola and In general reports favorably. 1 n some cases he thinks a little inoru nusb iiml atamena mi tbe narl of teaobera wonld do in bartn. on eduoattonal uiatters on iiiL'. .liiiic 17, In Waitsneld, to be presenti Marshfield. A nteetins 'f the Dtamatto Club wai at O. A. lk'inis' Baturday evenlng. TIih baaeball boyi oonteinplate baving a promenade at Hotel Hall nexl week Frluay evenlng. BeT. Mr. Whltneyof Jamaica baa preacbed for tli Oongregatlonallata the paal two .SuiHlayn. Mertoti Beokley has aold a clock that is '.(K) yi-ars "lil to Ai'ily Wintris tor s.'.".. vl,o will tend it to hla uncle In tbe West. Hov. Mr. c'ranc' has reoalled Iiis reaigna tion an paator of the (7niveraaliai uhurcbi and will preach next Bunday an ustial. WbileB. L. Gilman was Ushlng lu Peaubam iiiiiiiI, last Kriday, he booked on to a nut. When it was pulled In and measured it was fomid to bu 114 fuet loli'. Bomu OUe vi- dcntly oontemplated a gooo haul. Thfl forty-sccond annnal aeaalon of the Vermont Central Aasooiation ol rjnlveraal iHts begajn lit".' Wednesday aud oloaed Tlnirsday. The oonnoil wa organiaetl Wednenday lnoininn by tlm i lcetlou of A. II. DaviH, Ksip, moderator. At eleven o'olook Etev. J. fcdward Wriulit preacbed on "The Altar at Home and at two o clock oommunlon was beldi ltcvw. a. Boott and J. Edwatd Wrigbt preaiding. At half-paat two "Tbe Moral Ka.tors ol the Labor Problem" were given by Bev. Wataon Weed of Btowe( tollowed ly a diHcusalon. At lialf-)iast three " Kduuatlon and Goddard Scminary," by l'rim-ipal Maulaby( wan well preaented. In the evenlng there was a sonjj lervioe. conducted by Bev. Mr. Smiley ol Rlchmondi and then tollowed the occa sional lertnon by Bev. Walter Dolu ol Barre. Thursday morning conlereuce meet ing wa heldi led by Rev. M. Klngabury of Morrisillc, and "The Kitifj's Daugh- ter'H " wa.s dlaouaaed by the lame preaober. At ball-pait eleven a miialonary meeting at condnoted by Bev. 8. A. Parker ol Bethel, lecretary o( the stut.: fJnlversalUt Annociation, when a goodly smii ol uioney wal oontrlbuted for inbtalonary work, tol lowed by a general ditcusilon on " The !!. lation ol Soang People'i Booietiea to the Ohnroh." The attendauoe wai very goodi notwltbttandlng tbe levere raiu ol iotli davs and eveuinff. All the Reaiioni were pU'asant and liannonious, and tboafl Who were actlve in antertalning the guestalell wiii repaid lox tin-ir laboni. Mi'H. Barah Ki.dd.s, a tlatet .i Dexter Mr, haH been viaiting with ber brotbor and a Itaiph Ide'i. ii1 oatne from ber bome in ManHacliuHiatn to attend tlir fnni ral of ber Minter, Mrn. J, G. I'iki?. - Mrn. W. H, Waldo in visitinn in Cabot and Walden. -- Qeorge Bwkeley, reeentlj married, wiih in town over Bnnday. He pald the i(jar Baturday evenlng. uui A daugbter of Mrn. Krank Banlora itarted ou Monday for tliu White Monutains, where shi i to work through thn si iij.on. ssss Henry C. Wells ol Oalabj is taking tbe oeuaua in tbia town. Kli Edson was in Lake Village, N. II., three ilays last week vUIMng a .-ister aud ber obildreu. Mrs. Tanner bai nioved frum Mrs. Burnbam'i and will llve trroundn. A.rranguinuHtM h niade to aocoiiituodate t. njn rates. Rlll. Rev. 11 lv . Crain will preacl Bunday. : Mr. and lrs. .1. vialten Irienda In Hardwick jeort:e K. !''lauders, wh Williain O. Oumminga, baa goneon to Albany. : Mr who has I n npendiugth Iso hee aaonabl has moved I A. J. Stone is Luther hore next hn D. Pllnl last week, workn tor visit Williain Montague, winter in Berlin. k on ti. her old plaee. expei ted liotne this week Maxhant baa '" r i.t the Lewis Wbgim farm. Myron '. Max hant is carrying on bbt grandrothor'a farm, Beorge B. Herriok lo btiay taking the ibaerved nexl eensns of Middlesex Moretown. Cblldren'ii day will he i Bnnday. All are luvited, Mr. HolUnd of Bt. Albam aml Marj Tayloi of this plaee were married, Jiine 5, and M. ('. (lortna' of Montpelier and Hoffman ol Moretown were married June 0, both weddingn taking plaee at the Catb Olic ehnreh. Mrs. V. P. Chlld Bpehl last wcH-k in : Olaaalrlcatlou." Buparvlsor Booth will be preaent, and a good tlaeii expeoted. All are cordlally Invlted, M A. Buabnell, in behall of the (amlly r.r the late I'ardon r.ushnell, has presimteil the Qrand Army Pol here with an excellent life-size portralti In abeantllul uilt Irame, of I'm li' " Pardon Buahnelli who had fot so tnany yoarfl been the Rteadfaal friend aml siipporter of the post and of all old soldiers. aml whOBO loRfl is so deeplv I'elt hy all. A ptnaaant company gatherod at the. resi dence of M. K. Hadlny, June 1, to wltneaa the tnarriage of bla daugbter, Luoia Ao to Pearl l'.. Qaylord of Lowell, Maaa. The ceremony was nerfortned hy Rev. George . Howu, paator of the Methodial ohnroh. Tln preaenta were numeroni. Miss Hadlny will l missed iu tlie oommutlity aml in the nhutoh of wblcb ahe was an actlve inember. Her trtenda bave many k I wiahea fot their proeperlty. Boutb Woodbury, Qeorge and Charlen Luaub of Bpringfield, Mass., were calted here lasl week hy the death of their fathnr, l.eouard Leaoh. Blklha Town has retnrned from Watortown, N. Y., whure he has been tbe paat wintur. c Tluiotby Angell is very ill again, Mrs. Henry Leaoh and Allie fjoaoh have been on the siek-list tbe past week. Brookfield. Obildren'a day was appronriately obaerved examlnatlom at nlne a. m., alumnl meeting U! two I'. M., elass day exeteises at fonr r. M.. B exhihilion at fonr r. t . : 30, gradU' atlng axerotaea at niue a. m, The next ti-rin of the si hooi will beglu on Tueaday, Angoat 96. Morgan, .t. c. Moore is taking the cenana. A large barn waa ralaod at A. H. Daggett'a on June 7. Pisbing was good here the llrst days of Jnne. PartleH were here from many plaees iu New Bngland aml Canada. K. li. Jenne l( laid np for a few wneka by an evener braaking, whlle he was harrow Ing, aml strlklng biin in the knoe. Orange, Chlldren's day was obaerved last Bnnday. The houae was prettlly deoorated. The .- easion was a Stlccess in e"ery partieitlar. Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Williamstown vlaited here last week. '- .1. M. I.ord has re tnrned from Newbnry. E. Q, Peake is making repalrs on the postofrlce hullding. st rafibrd, nitweii preacl d last Bnnday late years (.een- has been torn at the S. sisled of reoitationi by th brief hni practfcal iilil i hllti'll. ponslve r 1 he exereises eoll- adtngs, singing aml blldren, tollowed hy a iddress hv the paator illeotion ofaomething n tor t he uongrega Waterbury. threatened with Moulton is takinB Mrs. Ruaael pneumotiia t he eelisu Bawyet iu this towi is Rev. 8 I.. Bates. A , more tbau ?h w as tak tional Buuday-scbool and Publlsbiog So- oiety. Mr. and Mrs Earl Qaylord attended the weddlug f Pearl Qaylord and Miss Lucla j Hadley at Waitafield on Wednesday last. I - Mrs. Williain Qravea leavei this week to isit a sisler in New Vork. with the ' lutentlou of viaiting trienda in Miobigau boloreber return. Mrs. W. I'. Bigelow is vbtiting in town. Dr. Goodrieh is Improvlng iu bealtb. Ohelaea. II. S. Annis loal a valuah week. Obildren'a day was obaerved in the vlllage cburcbes aml on the West llill. The death of Bllence B., daughter of Nathan II. Perkina of Washington , on Wednesday of last week, was an unusnally sad one, She had heeti ill for soine titne of typboid fever. and was apparently dolng when a smlden severe iii-:norniag' mare last two Plainfield. Rev. 1.. K. Portney will preaofa aain t the Dniversalist cburcb next Buuday after noon al one o'eloek. Another earloail ol grauite has arrived at the stom -sheds. Three additional work- men will soon he added to the foroe. Miss Myrtie 0. Slayton, late of this town, wai married in Barre, last Wednesday evening. to Krank K. Danforth of Mont pelier, Bev. I.- P. Koriney ofticiatiug. The worthy conple were the reoipients ol mauy .1.1.. ,.,lj ........ well, when a SUddeU sever l.ev. J. r. Itaie. wiiii lor some years nas , f!llu r,.Mii ts. Hhe was a vouilg been doing misaionary work In tbe South, i ,,i ',,,,,0 ,..yn lovelv disposition, and her loss is keetdy felt hy a large eirele ol friends of all agea. The fuueral aervioes were beld on Kriday, Rev. Mr. Bbermau officiating. Charlea W. Baoon is clerking foi- w. B. llateh. C'. S. Kniery is soon golng to is visit iii'' his paients and frii'inls ln're fot few days. He preacbed at the Congroaa-f tional churoh last Bunday morning, to the 1 i deligbl of his bearera, aud gave an iuter- eating addreaa to a large audienoe In the ''N,'"'"-r' I bouaekeepiug again, tkbi tuue iu the Viu " Queeu Bather was Unely rendered by Wnt bonae, whiob is belng renovated pre home lalent, in costuiuus fr lioston, al paralorv to his oeenpany. Uie i niversausi riuiicii lasi eune.s.iav and Thursday evenlnga. Wblle all aoteu their paris w ith great oredlt, aome were io ; well preaented as to oall oul the ipaoial ad iiiiration of the audieuce. The entertaiU' meut ns wortby of better weatber, aml ii u may he re. W. P. Colby, eutertalnmenl Rev. Mr Bo in Advent Bal The Peter ( iove houae, pied hv Azro Batobeldu down. A oompany is belng formed here to estah lisb telephontc com mnnication with Thet ford aml Norwich. Mrs. Orilta (Robertaj Oolvln ol Black stone, Maaa., after an abaeuoe ol leventeon years, has been viaiting friends in town. A larue foree of worktneii is eugagad in making Improvements at the summer resi- denee of Selh V. Cbaliiller of Cambridge, Mass. Ohitdren'a Buuday was duly obaerved at the Congregational ohnroh. The Horal dls- play was profnse and the exereises were ud- mlrahly conducted. In the evening Henry X. I'ringle of Dartiuoittli Collee t;ave an earnest aml Impreaaive addreaa to the yonng people. Wait's Blver. Chlldren's day was obaerved last Bunday. An appropriate serviee, speeially prepared for the Methodial Bunday-schools, entitled "Our Qrand Army Revlew," was pro- Bented. The exereises were inlerspersed with mualo and speeches, aud were both Inatructive aml entertalnlng. Kn d Downing is viaiting iu Waterbury. Krunk Downlngls at Wells Blver. a Mrs. John Alhert aml her faiuily and " Unelo " Joaiab Dlvoll of Topsham were the (uests of Mrs. Meserve last week. Mrs. Orange Dodge returned from ber visit at Royalton, May 31, in iui nroved bealtb. Erama I. Rogeri of Topsham was the gueSl of Mr. and Mrs. 1 a- vid Koisoui last week. 1 Henry A. Obaae baa gone to Groton, N. II.. to work ih tlu-miiies. lluv. 11. I-. I'k-Key ol West Concord. Jewell of this plaee ck. out 100 is the general ueaire tuat peated. Mm h oredlt is iltt i umli was w hose given. direeliou the Waitafield. ney Prt twn for M. .1. utta, tormerly a few days. Long is vei bei if this vlllage, Cbe I IS III t ! Mrs : belua oared for bj of Warren. Dr. Janes was iu town last Bunday, Ing Hon. W. A. Jones, who is now erit loal eomlition. John K. Kelty was severely Injtiredi l, hv belng tiirown irom uts ouggy. very siek. She is mother. (ira, MiUer visil- June Koi a titne his lile was ueapaireu oi, imt ne is uom thought t'i he, Improvlng. The Obildren'a day exereises al the Methodial ehnreh were intereating and were llsteued to hy a large audieuce, The oburoh was deoorated with piauts and liowers. The day was alao obaerved in tbe uaual manner at the Cougregational ehnreh. At its renular meetlua?, June 7, the Qrand Army Poal adonted a reaolution tenderina Its beartfell th.mks to all so kimlly asslsted in liiruishiii' liowers, wreaths, etc., aml iu the musloal aml other exerolaea of Memorial day, aml especially to Miss Tbompaon aml the cblldren, 'l'lii Mad Rivor V'alley Teaobera' Aaaocia tion will meet in the sonool-house in Wails lieid vlllage on Tueaday, June 17, at aeven o'eloek i'. m. Among tbe aubjeota to be oouaidered will he "Bobool Management," The telation ol the Parent to the Bubool," The New itooks ilnw io Bxobange and Wbat Courae to Pursue with Regard to Dr. II. M. Jewell of this plaee Is ahollt to niove to Maauua, 11 uunng tne seven , years ,.f his re.sideiiee bere he has built up a j large aml succeaslul practioe, aml is bighly j eateemed. An Inlorma) reoeption was ten I ilered bim aml his wlfe Baturday evenlng. Uefreshuients were serveil, aud a dellght- lul soeial evening was eujoyed. Baat Corinth. The Orange county Woman's Cbrlstian Temperanoe Union fnatitute will l- held here June 1- aud 13. Qeorge Qraut of Mcludoe'a waa in town last week. Mrs. K. W. llateh returned to Danville last Thursday. : Mrs. H. M. Wiukley of lioston wtus here over Sun- day. -'Mrs Charlea Page vlslted iu Ka'st Haverblll last week. Baat BUmore, Qeorge -- Morse i"'s purohaaed a new I. am 's planer to put In his lutnber mlll. I,. A. (iale and S. R. I'atneron bave been appointed commlaaioners on the eatate ui II. B. White. Obildren'a day paasedof pleaaantly, with appropriate exereises, at tbe Methodlsl Bunday-sobool, :ii.nd the reniililiean I'aueus saturiia Washinloti was iu town last w West Windsor. The oheese factory is turuing OOUndl per day. Parker Blnaman's bulldlnga In Reading vvure StTUOk hy llghtntng, lasl Thursday morning. aml oonsumed, together with fonr i ows aml some young stook. The repiihlicau eauens will he held at Town Hall, next Baturday alternoon, at tbree o'eloek, to eboose dtdegatcs to the stute and ilistriet eonventious. Ho I...... l 1. .,, ,w,, o'eloek 1 ites to tbe stale aml distriet Bandolpb, Io eleet dele- lonventlons. QbAOM (itiiiu.KV, a nineteen-year-old Imiffhter of a oromlnent buainess inan ol I Amboy, III., has been ileeping souudlyfor uearly three tuonths. Sbe went to hed in ! ber usual bealtb, the ulgbt of Marofa i"', aml oouldnol be rousad from sleep the next ' mnrnlns. After sleeuina ahout a week sbe roused Itpsotuewhat, aud, yettinn out of hed. walked to a roeking-t'huir, whure she m medlately weni to sleep, aml has not awakeneu alnoe. Ber obeeka are rosy, her breatblng regular and beraleep is seemlngly as normal as that ol an infani. Tiik. I'nit.'d states guu-boat " Beunlng ton" waa launobed al Boaoh's sblp-yard at Chester, Penn., on last week Tueaday, in tbe presenre of a larne eoinpany of spi ela tors. The " BenniUgtOU " IS the lasl i- arnmenl veasel coutracted for at Roach's she is a twin uompaulon of the " Conoord," launobed I few montba ago. Tbe of tbi June lllUU' programme of the uloaing xerclaea state Normal Bubool Is as follows: IS, elgbl P. K sernion hefore nradu- ulaaaes hv Rev. Ransom A.uwene, i... well. Mass. ; 10 and 16, wrltten examina tiona; 17, oral uxarainatlons and examina- tlnn. tor ail mil 1 anee. niffhl f. M . MUmnl uiuutiua. with lectuie A. Boward of hv Profussor Middlebury Oollege; Walter l'i, oral Bvrcp of Fiii's, uroduoed from Ibc laxative and DUtrltioua joloe f Oaall forula llga, oomblned with tbe medlolnal viriues of plants known to bu moai boneBotal t Ute buman systera, acta gently on the kldoeys, llver and bow Tis, effeutually eleanslng tbe system, disnelllng colae aud headaches, aml curinu habltual oonitlpatloo. i