Newspaper Page Text
VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, AUGTJST 12, 1891. 3 Vaiaiioii-Tiine. AU tlm world is not to rliyme Nnw it i vnratlou-tlme, And h Mwplling Hood o( Joy Hriins tlm lmart ( every boy. No UOn roto ftiid BO more rnlo, No more Htayinu after ncliool Wlii'ii th( dreiiiiiy lirain (Orgftl Tiri'nomo tasks the master sots; NotliiiiR bttl tn play aiul play Thtongfa an endleei hoiiday. Morn ir ftftarnOOO may all Iwiai tha bet and Mtob the batlj NiinliW'footed rni e and run Thronftfa the meadowa lo the sun, ObMing Wtnged i raps (if llffht, Butterfllei la dMting tiiKiit i Or, wliern wlllows len.ii and look Down ut otliers in tlie liruok, ProllO lOUd tlm itrWM within, Kvery ira a iplMhlOg tin. Where the thoray thloketa bar, There Hie sweetcst herries are; WllWt the slmdy tnmk make ilim I'clililv pools tlm hIiv trout swim; Wh6Tf the bottghl are moeeteet, Buililx the humiulng-binl a ncst These arc liauiits 1 1 1 n rover neeks, Toaoh f tan npoD hla cheeke, Aml Within bis bcart tli; joy KBOWD to BO iine but a boy. AU On world . .11 t to rhyfM Xow it i$' VlintoH Scjllanl. Boys. Treat your niotlicr as politely as if .-he were a tnnge laily. He as kiinl and belpful to yoursisters as to other boys' iltters. Don't Brumble or refliae to do lotne errand wnich niut be done. and whlch ithcrwis'c tekea tlic tinio of eorue one who lias more to do. llave your niothcr and sisters for your bcst frlenda, t'iml some amusenient for tht; even Ing that all the family CafJ joiu iu,larf,'e and imall. 15e a gentfeman at home. Cullivate B cheerful teruper. If you do anythinx wrong, take your mrJther lnto your ooofldeQce. Never lie about anytblng you have done. Stltctal. He Conrteoua, Boys. " I treat hlm as wel) as he trcats me," aatd Hal. Ilis niotlicr had just reproached bim because he dld uot attempt to entertain or amuse a boy friend who had just ijoue home. " I ofteu go in there and he doesn't notice me," said Ilal again. ' Do you enjoy that?" ( )h, 1 don't inind; I don't stay long." ' I should eall mysclf a vcry sellisli Deraon if friendi oalled to see me, and l should pay do attentionto them." " Well, that's diflerent; yon'regrown ui." ' Then you tliink that politeuess and coutteay are uot needed among boys?" Hal) thus pressod, said he did uot ex actly mean that; but his father, who had listened, now Bpoke: " A boy or a man who meaaurei his treatnieut of othera by tht ir treatmentof bim has no oharacter of his own. llewiii neyer be kind, or jrcnerous, or Chrislian. If he is ever to be a gentleman, he will be so, iu spite of the Boorishnest of othera, If he 18 to l)e noble, uo other boy's meannesa will change his aature." And very earneaily the father added: " Ke member this, my boy: You loweryour own aelf everytltne you are guilty of an unwortby action beoauae some one else is. lie tiue to vour best self, and no boy can drag y n down." ISmls of fromise. Ethan Allen's Boy Guide. Of ttie boy beroes of the Ilevolutlon, the Brst and almost forgotten one was Nathan lieatnan. n the sprinij of 177"i he llved with his father, u farmer, near the villaee of Shoreham, wblcb was opposile Fort Tieonderoa. Far mer Beaman was an Amertoan devoted to the cause. Being of a roving dispo tition and fond of play, Nathan had often oroased the lake and formed the acquaintance of the boys whose fatbera compoaed the garritoo. The little fel lows had Qne timea under the walls of the fort, and every now and then Na than Went insidu and saw how thingi were moving along there, In the month of -May, Ethpn Allen, at llie head of the famoui Green Mountain Boys, eame up ihrough the foreati to (urpriae and capture, if pouible, the fort iiiui its garrison. The ezpedition with whlch Bene diet Arnold was eonnected was eoni posed of tbree divisions, one of whieh was lo capture some boats at .Skenes boro and iend them down the lake to Allen and his men, wl.o were to get them at Shoreham. 15ut wheu llie re nowned (ireen Mountain leader reaehed the latter village, in the nigbt time, uot a siugle boat awaited him. This wai a bitter duutppolntment, for Allen had but eighty-lhree men with him. and his poiltion was one of great hazard. It looked like madness to i.ssail, with this small foree, an armed place like Ticon deroga, yet it was still more daugerous to remaio Idle. " We eau't wait for the boate, my boya!" exclaimed the intrepid Allen. We must assault the fortressl" In lookiug for a guide the Vermonter found farmer lieamau, who, as soon as he understood wliat was wauled,said: ' Why uot take my boy? Xathau knows all about the fort. He's been all over ii, and knows the location of every ratholc, inside aud out." The suggestion delighted Allen, aud little Nathan was called and iput stioned. " I'll go, sir," lie said at once. "J know the way to Delaplaces' (juarters, too, it you should want lo tiud him." Delaplace was the commandaut, aud, of eciurse, the very person wlioin Allen wanted. The little party croBsed the lake in sueh lioats as were at hand. The oars were dipped sileutly in the starlit water, and uo one spoke above a WbUper, MOmlng was near at hand, and so ruuch precious time liad been lost that every luoment had to be put to me, W'lu ii the patrlota reaehed the opposite shore their commander turned to Nathau Hcamnn, and laying his hand upon his ihouldtr, said quirkly: " We'ro ready now. Sliow 01 Ihi way to the Bally-porl." (iuided hy the farmer'a 100, tht mouutaineers moved toward the fort, and, coming suddenly upon a scntry, heard the snaiiping of his fuscn lock, and saw him run through a covered way within the walls. " tuick?" cried the boy, looking up at Allen, and the. soldicrs eprang afler the guard and made their way to the parade ground unopposcd. The enthusiasm of the patriots now broke fotth in shouts of vietory, Whioh, reaohtng the ears of the. Hritish sol dicrs, oautad them to spiing from their pallets and rush from the barraiks, only lo bfl made prifoners as they ap peared. Xcver was a surprisc more coniplctc thanks to Nathan Mcainan. Whcn Allen had secured most of thc garrison, be asked the boy to sbow thc way to the commandant's room, and the two were soon running up the stcps leadtng t it. Bangl bangl went Allen's sword againsl the eoloncl's door, and the Hritish offloar hurrii d out of bed to answer the demaud. II happened that Allen and Delaplaoe were old BCqualntanCei, and the reader may imagine the latter's nstonishmenl whcn be saw who had hamincrcd at his door; but, of OOUTte, there was nothing for him to do but to surrcnder. The ipoll that fell into the hands of the victors amply repaid them for all the dangers they had faecd, and the fort remaind in the hands of the Amerlcani UntU many monthl laler, wben it was abandoued and dismantlcd bv Grneral Sl. Clair. Amid the gen eral rejoiciugg that followed this ex ploit, the part play ed by Nathan Beaman was not forgotten, His nnme was on uiany tongues and his scrviees were embalmed in the poetry of the day, Wlthout him Allen's heroic expeditioii would, in all probability, have resultid in failurc. Nathan grew to manhood and ended his days in peace in 1'ratik lin eounty, New York, at the age of elghty-nine years. " He livtd," says Lossinir, the historian, " to sce our con federaoy Inoreate from thirteen to thtrty stars, and from 3,0(MI,(MI0 of peop'e lo 30,000,000." TKt Advanee, Joiix was bullding a chlekencoop, White little Budga StOOd by looking on. John bl tiised his thumb, and exclaimed : "Oh gracloutl" MWnat makes you say that?" asked Hudge. " What should I say?" retorted John, for bis thumb aehed. " Well," s.iid Budge, afler re flecting a little, '"you might say the 'mandments." Exchangt. Anecdotei of Bamlin. Tlir tfranilfatlier of lloii. Hannibal Ilaiu- linhad leventeen ehildren. Tbeeldeat iobi were aamed respectlvely Buropa. Aala, Af riea and America; Asia ilicil an infant aml the tiftli BOB was uaiiied Asia. Tlien fol lowed daughters and sons to tlio uuniber of eventeen, by two wivei, and a thlrd wife was a widow witb two ehildren. ESuropa gettled in New 1 lainpsliirc, Asia in Massa ehnaetts, America and Airioa in Malne, as iiid OyruB, Benator Bamlin'i father. This Cyrus had a twln brother, Hannibal. The former named a sod Hannibal (the aenator), aml t iit- latter named a aoo Cyrus, the dls tingutshed missionary and phllaathoplst, so many years in Turkey. Senator Bamlln's father bad sevcn rliildren, Blijah, Cyrus, liliza, Annle, Vesta, Haniiibal, and Han nab. Hannibal was the taat BUrvlvor of thc famliy. Mr, Hanlin, not long before bis deatb, toid how Be was defflated, Litsraily by a sin ole bair, whfln lirst an aspirant for the unlted statcs Senate in isit. when he was speakcr of tlic lniiise in the Mainc lnyisla ture, William C. Allen was a nii'iubei-, and was noted for the great eare witb whioh be eombed bis bair. One day, duriBg adull debate, Bpeaker Samlln nuUeed the smooth, oareful way in whioh Allen's hair was "done up," so be sont a page to tbc yentle- man, asking bim tostepup to the speaker. Allen oomplied, and witb marked (travlty Mr. Hamlln Inforuied bim that oneof the hairs on the top of bis head crossed another. Allen nrew wratby at onoe, and deelared tbat he dld not imjiiid there tobe inaulted. Afterward be beoame a state sunator, and by stubbornly refuslna to vote for Mr. Ham lin liually oompelled liitn to wlthdraw, One day .Mr. Bamlin, in desoribing bis In tlmacy witb fresldent Lincoln, told an In. terestlng story regardlnB bis conneotlon witb the emancipation proelamation. " I was always more radical than be," said Bamlin. 11 1 was ursing bim; be was hold Ing back on bis problems, and Uo was the Wuer, probably, as eveuts provi-. I ib'sired to arm the blacks, and to lssue the proela mation SOOUer than bfl did, aml was always for urglng. I was tbc lirst persoa be ever Showed the proelamation to. I aw it be fore bo submitted it to tlm cabinct. lb- mct me one day and said: 1 Where will you be this evenfng?1 1 1 am K"inK out of town,' 1 replied. 1 No, you an: not, sir.' ' Indcisl I am, sir, unicss you command me.' 1 Well, I do command you. l want you tospend the evenlng witb me at tlm soldicrs' home.1 1 iuet bim at tbc executlve mansion, and we started to drlve to the home, As soon as we bad started be drew from bis kel the roiigb draft ol tbc proelamation, and read it over to me. Naturally I was de- llgbted, aml told bim so. Be was mucll moved at tlm itep he was taklng," Anotbcr story of Bamlln's, illustratlng bis start iu lifc, was told in tbflSfl WOrdai " When Boratio King aud I bougbl ' The Jejfenontan ' at Parls, both of us were under twenty-one years of age. 1 remained in partnership witb him sis montba and worked for him iiz monthi more. I set typeand belped work otT tlm papcr ou tbc old haml-prcss. ',., had to sprcad tlm ink on with balls made of bm kskin. It was very laborioUI, I sohl out my share of Tht Jeffl rtonian ' for (400. I maile a prcttv K"'d spei nlation, aml thc money, I know, hclpcd me materially in my law studiew." Sjc. BfiEAD east upon the water purely as a business speculation is liable to sink before reaehing port. Ucufuess Can'i itc Cored by local applications, as they cannot reaeh the diseased porlion of the ear. There is only one way to eure deulness, and that is by constitutioual remedies. Deafnetl is caused by au inllamed cou dltion of the tuueous liuiug of the eus taehian tube. When this iube gets iu- Qamed, you have a rumbling aouod or iiuperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, deafuess is the result, and unless the inllammution eau be taken out and this tube restored to its uormal OOnditlon, hearing will be destroyed for ever. Nine eases out of ten are caused by oatarrh, wbich is nothing but an in llamed condition of the muooui turfaoea. We will give one hundred dollurs for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) tbat we cannot cure bv taking Ilall's Oatarrh Cura. Sendforolroulara. They are free. F, J. CHKNKY& CO., Toledo, Ohio. CHILDRKN Cry for I'itcher's Casloi ta. OSILDBKM Cry for I'itcher's Castoria. Headache Ustmlly rcstiltn from aderaBffld stomBch or a ilugglih iiver. in altbet oaae, an aperiiint Is Beedfld, Ayer's rnis, Uta mtldsst nnl bmbi rallaMa sathaitk m un, oerrecl an hTetntatntea ot tha itonaoh, iivor, ant bowela, and, in a brlef time, rellcvc Iho notl dlttniilBi headaehe, Thesi! piunnro hiKlily rccnmmcntleil by thc protflSSlOB, and thc (lcmanil for then Is milvcrsal. " I havo beflfl aflleted, for yonrs, with headaehe and Indlgflitlon, and thougli i Rpent ncarly n fortmic In nedlelBMi I tn'vcr found any rcllcf BBtil I begBB to take Aver'.i Pllls. Hix bottics of thesfl Pflli eompletely oured me." -- BeBjanln Barper, l'lymnuiii, Itonttenati w. i. "A tong saftercr from ln adSOtlS, I was CURED BY two boxss ot Ayer'i Pllls." Bnuna Kcyca, HnbbardatoB, Masa. "tm the enreof headaehe, Ayer'sOathaMa Pllls are thc moat efliclent medlotne i ever nsed." Boberi K.Janet, Doreheater,Maaa, " Kor years I was lUbJSOt to OOtUUpatiOa and ncrvoiis hcnlache, caused hy ileranfe Blflnt of thc liver. Aftcr takin raitoui rem edies, I have beeoBlfl eonvil I that Aycr"a Pllll are the best. They nuvei fail tOrekeVfl my blllous attaoks laashorl tlmei and i am iure my system retaiBt its toni loBgerafM the uso of tlujse Pllls, than has bflen the caae with any Otnet medicine I have Irled." H. S. BWdga, Weimar, Texas. Ayer's Pills rilRPAHEIi IIV bcvtiscmcnts. Currcnt Xittraturc. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass, Sold bynll UruggUta and Dt alerH in MtWM BLAINE THE INTERNATIONAL CITY, CATEWAY OF 2 CREAT NATIONS WHERE COMMER CE MOVES WITH TIDE AND RAIL. SlmhI tn the underilued for nmp lllld pamphletl wiitoh witi luforni you about blaine, Puaat pound and iiie new itate ot Waahlngton. Bfalna tlie rutnra Metropolla. I'opuliitlon, Issa, 15j law, 2,100, Con). plete rtj'Htein nf eleetrie llt,'tits; wuler wcrks.ten inii.-H iwelve-iool ildawiiilcai ix mlloa graded atreotai hai baal Isnd-iooked hsrbor on Pugol smniit. roui sreataal trani contlnental rallwajri. Tha Canadlau rnclBo and Oreal Northarn nillwftyi are juat oompleted here. The Northern I'ueiile 1h only 1ft mllaa away and the t'ni,m Paoiflc laconUnK m faat aa man ohI money can )uiiil. .New is the time to buy int t itinek't and raallae on the great rise in valuea, We nre the Inrgeat un ners. Lotaranga from ?7. tni.Miti, Lota fiYa to ten blooka from araterfront. PViioel ftlinp; I'hoie., jUim tn Srm. Terms. one-tlilrd down; balai one year, in .-,,nai mouthiy pay- manta. You gei azactly the iame lerms aa gtven at our nttlee tiere and in Itlaini'. Ily reuilttlln.' ten ilnl. fara by draft, realatered ietteror telegrapu, wa will eleot for you the beal unaold lots. RapauJtsossi Kvery bans and bualneaa Brjn In Se.ittie; Waahlngton Nntlonai Banki ifon, K. o. (Irnvea, Preatdent ini't exAaalatant Unlted stntes I'reaiuier; t.. II. Oiltlllli. Itfiillty and Hnnklni; I'n. himI ex-iinvenmr Bugene Bemple, Seattlei l'irst Netlonal Banki Rlniue Niiilnnal baiik nnd Cluonner nf Oommereo, filaJne, Waahlngton. AddNM NEW ENCLANO LAND AND HAR BOR IMPROVEMENT CO. OO0IBBNTAL ItLor K, - - BBATTLB, WASB. Talk'a chcap, but whun it's backcd up by a plcdgc of the hard casi of a nnancially re sponsible firm, or company, of world-vvidc rcputation for fair and honorable dcaling, it mcans bicsiness Now, there are scores of sarsaparillas and other blood purifiers, all cracked up to be the best, purest, most peculiar and wonderful, but bear in mind (for your own sake), there's only onc gnarantccd blood-purifier and remedy for torpid liver and all diseases that come from bad blood. That onc standing solitary and alone sold on frial, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. If it don't do good in skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases and pulmonary consumption is only lung-scrofula just let its makers know and get your money back. Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common one, by selling it on triat, as "Golden Mcdical Discovery" is sold, would bankrupt the argest fortune. Talk's chcap, but only " Dis covery " is guarantccd. THE CREAT r 'man Remedy. Ptp?ths for the sick. For UioSu ilutitlil) UUInun SiHillBtloponO onSi i i'iii utli 1 1 bbi it will cure vmi. Iht j nti Bttner wuF lint tlroUoadAUgom eollnfc; if iot um ur.rnrn Ri i it will curo yotii tcruUvcu u ha rto losclV rolilltlfil lh thc mllla nntl w irk- Ahops: clorkrt.v hodo nnt t'nriii'c siillii irnt axomtte, nn1 nil wbo arocondnod Indoort. -lii'Mhl UM BULPIICH imt iht ii in- wcali aiiti to BulTur frotn Kheuin atini, use a iHittle f StJWHUB BlTTBBi it nevor fnlli t" cnn I'on't l' w lilniut ii bottle. Try It ; you will tmt r -T. t it. heaith. w ho nre all run 'lnvn, Bhoulq u sr i. rin i: IU i 1 1 Ht l.mi'i will l.n t:il'l r a cilflO w llPrC Sl i. I1 l iliit DtTTBRS Will hoi a--i-r orcuro ii never falli Clcansetho Itlatod ilood wbon you bgq iiniiurillc hurftt Ins through tho r-uin tn PimplcaiBlotchoti i .s i'-s. i:hv on StTLPIIUR Bll IEKJ8, t.l lioalOi will lol Tm.Mi 1 1 m i.rm i: iu riKUS will eure l.lverl oin laint. Don't he du lurugedj it will cuh I I. I'III I! IW I 1 I I will hiiilil you up aml i.e you rtroll-: .cllll benltby. ri. i'iii ii Itn i i u w ill nmka voti! IiIimmI iurOi rtoh and t roi old our flesi i hur Try SiTLPll'Tu I!it rERS to.nlght, iind you will aleep well oi'l leel neller lnr It Sod, EverywVteTe. Poyou wnnl the beat Meillcal work publiabed' Bend 8 tcent araqrpa to A. r. ORUWAf & lo. Jlo.ton, M.i.-s., anir n . eivu a eoiy, free. KPECiM S INVALUABLC FOR ough5 b allLun?, Ids Troi:bles. 35c. and $1 at all Druggists. E. MORGAN 6V SONS, Prop's, PBUTIOBNOB, K. I. H3 a trai i. bMm$ MOall hy John R. Qoodwla,' ri'y.N.V ,t h urk fur ua. I;. a '.rr, y'u my ni nki- itimli, Imt we . nu UaHh youipiii kly hmv tOMfM 1 ' $IU ilay nl tlit- alHti, mid niON aa you go M. llotli H1N, all Hi a. In uv nurl uf n. i you D W jjjtnot Hi bMM v- K an ur iii, iv. ..i a.r)- in in'iili .,nh to iiis wi-rh aii is nf t.nrtt av M 1(1 i r vvciy WTkrt. We alart yoti, AmUtUM TVnrtbrMI. I MI1 , H' kHILV i-a.. 1 l Aiti it i i.aio Hii K. AddmiftionM. itTUWj A ,, ItlHll.iMi, HIM C. H. WILDER, Piano-Forte and Organ Tuning, Head of State Street, MONTPELIER - - - VERMONT. ARABIAN BalsaM One of the Best Medicines Ever Invented for PERFECT AND INIRIEDIATE RELIEF IN CASKS 01" PAIH AMi INFtaiUATiON. ThLi exoMleDl ootnpouod la MMeTlngth6 most inHi trlunpbi Mtooltblng many who nave occtv tiuii tn nm ii hy (bfl 001 luiniy itli w titcb it ntliwei Lbttm "f th.-ir MitTtTins, botu fxtcrnully untl intt rn i. . . It II Hn un J tt'Uuiu in itsiu-tiun. thr Uurtut, Ii'isomny, BruttptUut Jmlatuinntion tfit tiyr of Buuttn, Etirurht , jMiinea.i, lihtnmu tism, nlfni tn 8UU, lUiek r MitfUldtt s, J'Ut .. Sore Thnntt, OrOilfi or Jtnmchitis. Price 25c. and $1 at all Druggists E. MORGAN & SONS, Prop's. FHOVIDENOR. . I, DR. KENHEDY'S AVOBiTE EDY RbM PURIFIES tho BLOOD AND IS RE00MMENDEO BY PHYShClANS when all other remedies fail as the only positive cure for Dysfepsia, Constipation, Liver aml KiJney Dis eases. Thouaandl yratefully testify that )r. Kennerjy'a l-'avorite Re meily has SdVtd Their Lives. lo Mothets and Daughters (even the younyest) Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy has Proveda A'eai Blcssing. $1.00 bottle ; 6 for $5.00. All Dealers. ' A Famii.y Jkwki." A iMiiutirul UlUfttraUMl IJiMik- hnw to Ourfl all Blood umi Ki.lnt-y DImmm Uiallt'i) In K' c r niitn-i ) DR. DAVID KENf'COY CORPORATION, Auirnsi Haffailnei) Tbx Noiith an Rimcwoon. tains articlcn on thc Jewish question, hy Profosfor GrOldWlD Hmith, in which ho nttcmptatoshow that the antagnniani to llehrcws in RflHll is dttt to social and economic rather than religious oanies. Hon. Charles A. Dana, cditor of the 8un, baa WriltaO an article of ex trimnlinary intcrct tindnr the head of The War an (JnpUbllahed Chaptcr. It descrihcs the extraordinary cxperi encca of a spy during the civil war. Oulda thinks ilmt every year adds to tlie preteDBlODI and powers of llie stale, whiie dlmlntahtDs thaparaonal freadom i of man. She does not apnrovc of it. and gives the reason why in an aiticle on The State as an Immorul Teaeher. (Jrand Army men everywlicrc will Itirn with eagerai m to tho article byGenaral (Jreen B. Kanm. It is a pka for liheral pensiODa. The lieviem treats of live suhjecta, and it replete with valuatile and intaratttng reading. SCRIBNKB'S Maoaink. isa " PiotlOD Xumber," and contains live comnlete short storit s by Thomas Nelson I'agr, T. it. Snllivan, A. A. Bayea, Annle BllOt and John .1. a'iiteket. Four of the stnries aie illuatrated, each hy an aitist chosen for his skill in delineatlng the ipeolal charaotara and Inoldanta which are the features of thc tale. "The Wrecker," hy Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Oshorne. Thc action of the story lakes place, for the most part, in San Francisco and in the South Sea talanda, among wbloh the authora have been cruising for aeveral years. The leading character is an Anierican, and the story is one in which sceno and action will stront'ly appeal to Amerioan rcaders. "The Wrecker," the new serial stoty, proin ises to take its place among those notable serial succcsses in which this miiga.iue has been so fi rtunate. The l'oint of View " discusses "Tlie (,uestion-of-the-)ay Xovcl," " Anony- mona Joarnallsnj," "A Ctucial Time," aud 'The Malady of Success.'' the wholc making a plcaaing isue of this moBt estimable imigazine. The Ahkxa preaenta no less than elght leadlng papers from representa tive thinki is anoitig womcn of America and Bnrope, dlacnaalng politloal, ednca tional, social, sociological, economic, and soientiflc themes, toffethet with two literaty papers, one by Miss Amelia H. Bdwarda, tbc famed Bgyptologiat and DOVellst, who in a most delightful mper writes of hcr own home life. An excellent portrait of Miss Kdwards ac companiea this pper. The other, a si mi-historical stoiv nf Tcnneaaee, en titlcd "Old Hickory'a Hall," by the cbarmlng yonng Southern anthor, Miss Will Allen Dromgoole, The heavler essays hy women arc. " The I'nity of Germany," by Mtne. Blace de liuiy of Paris, one of the most brilliant es sayiata on the Enropean continont. Where Slmll Lusting l'rogress Jje gin?" bv Blizabeth Gady Btanton, one of the most thougbtful aud aenalble magazlne essays of the month. Bev. Minol .1. Bavage repliea to Francia Bel lamy's defense of Xatiouulism iu a brilliant, wltty, and vciy able paper en titlcd "The Tyranoy of NatioDallsm." It is evldently the settled purpos-e of the management nf Tht Arena to makc tbat revii w a busy man's library. Tbc AugQat Arena is brilliant aud uuique. The CENTTTBT has a double frontis picce oonalattng of portralta of the cm pcror and cmpress of Germany, to BO' company a oandidly wrltten paper of peraonal intereat, by Poultney Bigelow, on tbeGerman Bmperor, being askelch ol thc liit tbree years of his reign, in which, in general, a favorable vicw is taken of the accomplishments of tlie new emperor. Adapting itaelf to the stimmer season, the Ctntury pre scnts fourahorl stories "The 'White Crown," by Herbert D. Ward : "The Little Renault," by Mary Hartwell Catherwood: " A Common Story," by Wolcott Baleatler; and "The Clown and tbc Missionary," by Viola Hosc boro'i ln addltiOD to these are thc chapteri ot -The Squirrel Inn," bv Prank - Stookton, and "The Faith Doctor," by Bdward Eggleaton all brlgbt, readable stories. "The I'ics j a a Xewsgatherc r " is the suhject of a ! pi.per by William Ili nry Stnith, mnu ! ager of the Aasociated Prets, and i thc I lirst of teveral separate papers un jour j nali-iu wblcb are to appear in the L'eu- turt. " The Arg utlne Chei p Mone Paradiae " ia dlscuated edltorially iu " Topics of the Time." Poems are contributed bv Li ulse Chandler Moul- too, William II. llavnc and L. Graj Noble. THK FOBCll may fairly be said to cover the most iniporlant topics of thc month in the wholc world. The suh ject of the Buaaian peraecutioo of the .Icws is just beginnlng to allract the attention that will be given to it. Tht Forutn presents the widest diacuasion of it that had bccn made for Anierican readeri, baviog tbree artiolei tbat bear upon it, each from a ihfferent point of view. "The Persecutlorj of the Jews: Its Severily and Kxtcnt," by an edu- cated .ii wlah exile, whoalso has served a period of exile in BiberlB. Mr. I. A. j Hourwltchj and "The Methods and Plaoei of Keluge " for the live millions of people who, it has been decrcnl, must lcave the Kussiau dominions, by llaron dc Hirsch, the Jewish philaii thropist, are two of the articles. Thc Oattai s aud Constquences of our Kx porta of Gold are explalned by Mr. (ieorge ci. WiUiami. President of the Cbemical National Baok, New York; Mr. Bdwtrd P. C'lark points out the careers of alarge numberof promincnl men in OUT politics, and draws the con clusiou that public life is as stablc now as it haB ever been at any time in our history; Mr. (.ieorge E. Woodbury, per haps the ablest of Ihe younger genera tion of orttloa, discusses the part that the deiire for money plays in the pro duction of literaiurc; and Kx-tiovernor Bheldoh, hlmieli a frult-grower, ax plains thc protit of fruit-cullure in Cal ifomla. All the articles are timely aud able. bbertrsemtnts. Mt'i n has bei n written in OOndemna' tion of bllndera and overbead checka, and societies for preveutiug cruelty to aninials have cntcrid proli sts againsl their use; yet the matter of reform, if at all progressive, is very slow. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. JAPANESE SOAP. FiskMfg co. PAT. SEPT I8T-77 i flAPANESEl j KSOAP. I i t jiJ Ntrlrtlv Vurv. l I u-.ri-i f.,r Iun.lry. Dath or Totlet, Will nm yi-ll.nv, mu k nr grem tlio cloinM llk' Mnapa made nmatlv roln Contuiil no flltliy illHi'.'iMf-tflvlNK giaW) L' Soap .Made. rn-itlvt-ly nir" or inv'!it rhiipni;i tiHixl". Wo rDAnuiacinre hHo Uc bitra Pale, AnurraBn Kxtra, U'hite miMiftn, (loiden Rulo Soap, all ntandurd bnUMl "I Uui mai ket. Sohl ly :ill tm-T. MtHttftMittlHHl only by I ISIC M'F'O OO, pHnffflltfl Mft. Jfccial 4)oticcs. PAUIi DILLINOHAM'S BHTATK. STATE OF VKKMONT. Vmlilinrton lo ProbBte Oouiti 1h'Ii nontpeueri in ud for Mld Dtatrtct.on th 4th day of Augnat, a. i. 1861 : An uutrameni purpoitlns to be tbe ii4t wlU )ind T'HtiinnNt of Vaul DiUTnghani. lata of Witter imry, tn tatd Dlrtnct, deceaaei, 1 .i. 1 : ntMt to ttafl Cottrt for Probata: it t otderad ivsttid court tintt 11 pertona ooncerncd thareln w notiHed to rtllpt'Hr flt II HI'HMlnll nf said ( ourt. tn f ticld Ht tlm Probttta (!', in Mld HontpaUeri on the J-tii day r Augnit) A. 1). IBBl, nntl inoW rause. If hiiv they tnay haYBt againtt tha probata 01 Hhi ImtruiDaiiti tnr whn-ii inrio it is furthcr nrdcred tht notice of thln nrihT he jnil.llh(M threw Wfokn surrcnsivelf in th X'rrnnnit WatchmanJt iStattJoiirnal.nUvwnpet print-'l itt Montpelier, In thN dtate, prevlous to HHlil tiine nppoltited fnr heiirllt";. Hy the Court, Attatt, M-Vt tflRAM UARLETON, Juda. MKM U IIi)N' KSTATK. . STATKDK VKKMONT. H.ahlntnn lHfttrlct. 88. in Probata Conrt, heii ut MontpeUer. tu saia Dtitrtct. on the day nf Auoutt, a. D. I86J i .hiHeiili A. Wtnn, Ailininltrator of tho estate of Mallaia WtUon, late nf Montpelter. tn ail tHltrleti deoeated, presents hU Hilniiulstratlon aecoitnt for exauiiimtlnn aml allnWHiiee. and makcK applteutinii tnr .1 ikrrt-e nt dirttril'iitioii aud partltlotl nf the estate nf milil di'ceased. Wheroupon, It is ordered by lald Court. that laid acoount and aid applioation be r-ierreil t. Hsessinn therenf, tn l.r Iifld at the I'rolmtf oftlce. Iu said Mont peUer, on the nth day nf Auguat, a. D, l&O, fnr hearing aud deottton therenn: tflftirther ordert-d, that imtlee hereof ln- Ktven tn all persona Intereited by publloation ofthe iame tbree ween HlirceMnt vely iu the Vermont Wntchmatl it' 8tUt$ -hur-uul. a newspaper uulilUhed at Mnntpelter, nrevlous tnsaidtiine appointed fnr hearing, that they may appear at said time and place. and nlmw r tuse. if any they may have. m hy said aCOOUQt almitid not be allowed and iuch deeree made, By tha Court. Atteat. 5168 HIRAM CARUSTON. .ludk'e. KOY.AI. R LOVETT'8 KSTATK. BTATEOF VKRHONT.Waabinjcton liistrlcr. s. ln I'mbate Court, lield at Mnntuelier. iu aid Dis trict. on the :id day of Auffuat. a. l. 1891 1 Norton t. Dlcklnion( Adiulniitratorof tlie ejtute of Royal H. Loyetti late of Warren, in sai lis trict, deceaaed, preaenti 1 - admliiutratlori account fnr examimitinn aud atlouviuce, aud makes appllcatmn for a deeree ot dUtrihu tion aud partltion of the '-state of said de oeaaed. Whereuponi it ts nrderuu hy said Court that said aeoount and saltl appllcatlon be re ferred to a sessinu therenf. tn be In-ld at the Probata OfDee. n shio Montpelier, on tbe nth day of Attguati A. D IBB1, tnr bearlng and decisiou thereon. And, tt ts furtber ordered, that notice hereof be given tn aU peysoaa Intereated by publlca- tinn nf the satne tbree weeks successively in the Vtrnumt Watchman J Stmtt Joumal a nevvspaper pubUthed at Hontpeller, preyleui tn iald tlmeab jminted fnr hearing. that they uiay appear at jafd tline aud plaee. aud ibow cauiOi if any they may have, why tald accounl ihould uot be allowed anoj sucb deeree made. Itv the Ciutrt.-Atteat M-5S HIRAM CARLETON, Judge. II i.m;v KKWN KSTATE, BTATK "i EH MONT, Waiblnirton Mistrler. ai. iti rrouate urt. neit at inntpeuer. iu iaia ijia triet. on the 3d day nt Auguat. a. p. laBI i .i. n. Haitmge, Executor nf the lail Wttl and Teataroent nf Benry Kewt late nf Fayston, iu said Dutriot, deceaaed, preienta bis Rdroin istratinti account fnr fxanmiaf noi aml allmvance aml makes applicatinii fnr a deeree nf di-drlblttiou and partltion Of tbe estate nf satd ib-ceaseil. Wbereupon, it is ordered bv iald Courl tbat said accounl and said Rpplicatton be referred tn a sestnii thereof, tn be behi at the Probate nntce.iu said MnntpeliiT, on the .".M dav Of AQgUlt, A. 1. t891ior hearing aud declalon tbereon: Amt, it m furtber ordered, that nntice herent be iveu to all peraoni tuterested, by publloation of tbe iame tiiree weeks luccetslvefy ln tlie Vtrrwnt rfacanioij tt Stale Journul, a uewspaper publlsheil at Montpelier, prevtnus t said tltne appointed fnr hearing, that they may appear at tatd tuneand plaoe, and show cause, if any they may have. why iald ftOCOUOI bhotild nut be altnwed aud such deeree made. Ily the COUrt.- Attest. U6I HIRAW CARLETON. Judge. 'IMMulllv J, HUBHARD'N KSTATE, m rATK o VKRMuKT, Waahlngton Diitrlet. e. iu Ptobate Court held at Montpelier, tn iald ttfo triet. on the Jd day ol Auguit. A.U. IWl: I'redene J, IMeter, Aii luint st rat nr, le bOWit N01L with tne will annexed, ot tbe eatate nf Tlinotby J, Uubbard, late ol MontpeUer, ln said lns trict, qeceaied, preiente nii admlnlstratlon ac count for exarninatlon and allowance, and makaa appllcatlon for a deeree nt dtttrlbutlon and partltlOU Ot the estate nt -aid ibetaM-d. bfi'eupnll, tt is ordered by iald Courj that said acoount aud satd appllcatlon be referred tn u leaitou thereof, tn be beld at thc t'mbate pffloe, tn iald Mont pelier, on tin- flth day nf Auguati a. 1 lan, fnr hearing ind decltlon tbereon i And, it is further ordered, that notice hereof be given to all pcranua tu terested by pUbUcatlon Of the satne tbree weeks sUC- eesstvely inthe iVf'miOff Watchman it ttr Journalt a newtpaper nubllebed at Montpelier, prevloui to satd time appointed fnr bearlng, tbat they may ap- pear at aid time and place, ana inow caue,il nuv they may have. why said account should not be ul lOWedi and lUOh deeree made. By the Court, Atteat . MM 111HAM CArHETON, Jotfgg, ACATILPA liHATCH'9 ESTATE, IfX hTATKUF VERMONT, WaahlUKtou lHstrici, . iu Probate Court, heii at MontpeUer, tn and for said DUtrtot.on theilth dav of July, a. p, i i : Charlei ('.Warren, AdmluUtrator with the wtU anaexed ofthe estate of MatUda A. Uateb, late nf Mnntpelter, itt saltl Histrict. deeersed. iimkes appllcatton to SHld Courl tnr lieense to aell all of the real estHte of iald deceased. slt- uated iu Montpelier, tn said Matriet. to wlti Home place and ontbuitdlngt on northeriy side of Courl atreet. in tbe IIUl'u nf Mnntpelter, repreaetit- uig t hai iiie lale thereoi Is ueoeaaary for the paymenl ofthe leacies ol said duceaiied. hcreiipnn, it ia ordered by laid t'mirt tbat satu applienttnn be reterred to a aesslnu thereof, to be held Ht the 1'rnbattt t01ce, in aald Montpelier, on the fttfa dav of Auguat. A.D. IW1. lor bcaiiu: and decistnn therenn; and. it ta further nnlered, that aii persmis tuterested be mdi Ited herenf, )y iiiiblicatinu of imttceof satd appliea tlou and order therenn tbree weeks siiecessuely iu the Vtrmont WqtehmanA Stot Journal, newspHper publlshed at Montpelier, tu thts atate. aud whlch OlrpOlatei Iu the ueiKhborluHd of those tutereitted, before aald time uf hearing. thal they may appear at said time aud place. aud, if they aecVause. ol.Jeot thereto. Hy the 'ourt. Atteat. WJ UIRAM CAREbTON. Judge, MARY I GLVSSON'S ESTATE. STATE OF VERMONT, WaabUurton Oistrict. aa. In 1'rubate I'mirt. held Ht Muutpeller. in and tnr aaid Olstrtct. nn tbe .'sth dav of July, A. O. Ivd ; Frank N. Midth. KxecUtOI of the hiat will Hlid teatHineut of Mary K. Olyaanu, late uf Water bury, ln aald piairlot, daceaeed, makes appitcatton tu said t'nurt fur lieense tn Kell all ut tlie real etate uf aald deceasetl, sttualeil tu Waterbury, Iu iald Iia triet, to wlt: llnme place, repreaenting thal tlie sale thereut U lieceaary to pay tlie lej,nietes and beuuuata of said deceaaed. hs provtdeil In her last will and tehtameut. Is ordered hy aatd Court tbat mttd Hpidlcallnu be reterred to a aeaainn therenf. tn be held at the I'ndtHte t Mtb-e In SHid Muutpeller, OU the llth day nf Aunuat, A. I). tWl, fur henrlUK aml decistnn tbereon ; and, It ia turt her ordered. that all peraoiis Intereated be nutllled hereul by publU'utiou uf uutlce nf aald ai.pllcatiuii aud nrder theieou tiiree weeks auccea alvely tn the Vermont Wutrhmntt X- State Jour uul. a newspaner puiillshetl at Montpelier, ln thia stale, aud wbleh ctrculales tu the UUghborbOod of thme iuterested. before aaid tltne of hearinK. that they umy appear nt said ttme and place, and. If they aee cauae. object thereto. Hy the ('ourt. -Atteat. IM1 UlltAM CAIiLKTON, JudKe.