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SXJOFDFIL-EVrESaVrT. NtJMBEB 32. 86. 4452. VERMONTS CENTENNIAL granta from New York, The flnttlera organ Ir.Hil for teilatauce to llili order, and theii Imgan thal ira of atrtfe wblcli gnva lilrfli to the nnmnof "Green Monntaln Boya," whti ii devnlnped nll Kthan Allen aml n long lliil of cniupatrtota wIioxh deeda bttve 1 u eclc- bratod in HOng iiint st.iry. Allen umlcrtook to defend Ihtt'fa befofe the oontti iil A 1 1 1,1 ny. Imt tlieir d N ii i helr lunda were .sft aaldu by tbe Jmlgen, aml verdleta agalnal them were rtnii l i ly nhtalned. Allen waa l tn cn imiiii' itinl penuade histiiccu . i . nrp'ii in w iionie nini peraiinue iiiaureen Historic Bennington' srs.-s-'ss iiiuiui iu uuimuij-jiuii . M Iiti t, s u mM , hlii ..,. The Battle The Monument The Mtin of the Day Plaoei and Objoots of Intorest. hm: IIUNDRKI) yearh a state. Ofl Wedneaday next, Aiignat 10, Vermont j Wlll celebrate wlth greal tlrttl th nteu- nlal of ber adudaalon to the Unlon ofthe Btatea, and will de llcates monnmenl thal llmll fttly comw Uii rate a lotory t iat gav j proiulae uf tlie j a i- icaa the Itevo- lu II K'tian ai'bh- -! 111 stame bv i usiu Q Kead, pravatla agaluai rlght." 11 The gd f the valley are not. the goda of tha hllla," was Al ii n'a tnyatarlotia ntiswcr. aml, when aaked to explaln hta mnanlug, the queatloner waa tohl thal if he wouhl " coma to Bennington, the innae wuuhl bo made olcMtr." ISvery not of Injnatlce and oppreaalon, evory atterapl to dlapoaaeaa aettlera r thelr landa, only intenaltled thelr oppoattlon, aml wln'ii the Wnr of tbfl Ruvolutlon hroka onl H11 Vermontera were opeuly tlefylng the power of New York, Ai Tlcondaroga, Hub bardton and Bennington, the Green Motin tatn Boyn exhibited thelr devotlon to the catiaa of lln lonlenj bnt when Vertnoni aaked of the Conttuental OongreM recognl ilon of her indupeudence, her petttlon waa ud. Deferenoe to New York waa more mih c 1 1 1 1 1 al F'lillatlelphla, in tbe oaae if Vn -iiuilil, 1I11111 ;i Nenae of 1LI11 aml JllHtlce. tind IiIh ootnpatrlota foreaaw thal the triiimpli "I the n. 1 lotial caune muanl for Vi . 'i n' the nacrlflee uf her Independenee, i,'i nliMiipfloii by New Yiiik. Theycnilld 1. . i'i nothing froiu Congreai, Thelr 1 ri'lle cn .im upin theiuKelvea, Ac roidluly, In 1777 the Nettlera uf Veriuonl lui'i ' ilielr liidepeltdenue and entab ii a gnvertinient, Tbe leadera cocptetted d Ih to aave tbetr terrltory frotn In i'bs rroni that qnarter, In a eharaoterie' ti, i-ttKi lo CongrexH in 1781, Allen inaln ,, liin atiHohnient to the oanae of lita 1' unlrj riml Hiiatalned the riglit ,f Vertuotil 1 it-pHtitioll ,'f liimtlllilcn uitli ili , prnvided tbe LTnlted Statea p,'r . m denylng her applleatlon for a ! thein, fla exprenited IiIb reno 11 to defend the lndeH)tidenne uf Ver 1: iit, iik ('nngreitM wan defending thal uf ibe ' .- iten, and, ratber llian fall, be tirc wlth the hurdy Green Miin nhitltt di'solute cuvtrtw of the nwuti' iiiu wiiii ili,, iniupiiuM of thc Cederal Con mltiitlon, iu 1780, 1 er pnople enforoed tlieir lik'lil aml i laiin Iu inl iii-siiui as a frrr au I Indenendent Htate, New EIUDpahlra aml MiiihI.ij tll ilvth ,,r llc handred itmi nliiety, I MlI-,'1 , onc 1 I i t V riltnttt intn I hnvinrf peUUotitod her fnll Hhare to the natntenance aml glory uf the Unlon, Imt record in the natlonnl connelli and the valor uf het noni in tba wam uf tbfl repnbllc amply attest, A RRILLIANr SCHEME. rAtLRn 10 woiir a; w.lll i I.iiimi nURRTH Al ri.AM:n TMU BINMIHOTOM, wqih r'if wlth humttn tuttufe : ihe doouj ..f Bnrgoydej llie nnr- render "f Burgoyne'H array il, eided the fate of tCugland'a attempl 1 1 ' "coerce" ber Auteriuan eoloub'a, aml a governnieut waa evolveil frotu tulli tary auoceaa, Vertuotil waa admitted to the Unli n on Maroh 4, 1701 ; the oelebratlon of ib eveiit whh ilrli'rred lill thlti tlwe aml H iiniiliiiii'il iil, the uereluouiea dedioa- wEj tnry uf tbe uiouiuuelil, THK APMIMIOM 1 ' 1 VKHM IMT TO TMK UMIOM wafl tbe eud of a lougaml ln r - ti nj gle for Indepeudencc a reprodnciloii on aatualler atage uf tbe nonlliot ! !59 the roluiiifs aml thc iijutl,, 1 !!. . B To the aettlem of the reglon known ai Vermont, tbe atrugghi in whirh ilir.v euibarked Involved neraonal rlgbta 110 leaa tU'ur, general prtnclplea no lss hn portanti thau tboae for whirh thc uolonle were ooutendlngj aml they uiatntalnwl thelr oauae wlth n nplrlt aml retolutlon in war, a wiadoui aml abllity iu oounnll, that were in no wiae luferior to tbe ipialltiea diaplayed hy ih, iiii ii uf ih, thlrteen orlglnal uolonlea. Brletly aumraarlxed, tbe ouurae uf 1 he long Herlea ol eveuta isnlmlnatlug in tbe ereotion of Vermont Into a free and roverelgn tate, wafl hs followai The Hral olvillsed ettlement wltbiu tbe preaenl llmlta uf iTinuui waamaue in 1 J t , r,y theereo tlou ol Kiu i Dmuiuer in the townahlp 11I Hrut I liilimo. Thc lciriiui v had liri n the frontler nrouud uf warrina tribea. 1 1....1 , r tl. ..;...) 'r;.- Vi I IiiiUI spirit uf the Vermonten made iida tn CongreMa. New Hampahlre hi up her ulaliim tu tltla terrltory, and M wrtaeboaettn oatne tu the front a iliuant, The lattcr olalm waa ap 1 arently Htrategio, Congreaa, einbarraHHed by then ntllotiDg demanda, bad a plauH Ible exiMiae for delaylng aotlon lu thc oaae of the liuportnuitlea of New Vork. CTnder the olrcuiuatauoea, Congreai 1 ,, a." funl tojeopardtxe the auceeaa oftl e war fi t 1 thelr ved th, towna Maaaaohuaettfl reltnriiUhi Vermont on ber pari dtan shc bad fortned with" ' 1 Hamahire aloug the Conni aml Hnally New Ifoi k ' depeudenoe of 1 1 ital 1 tbe latter ihould inake . , aiui Ne York terrlti ry along the boi l- 11 where rul, bad aent repreaflntatlvea to ber oottnollt. ! tlie I'ni and ntu ty iti ire i" lio Hdiiiltted .1 mfliul 1 r ol tlifl unlted 1 :ongt m ttttem , 1 11 Imndriid Itowe WBx in trlttmphant pouenidon of Si Vork, Tho Qudnon above wh Feehly Kiiardeil hy the Coloulal artny, Tbe posaea ninnof the llneof theBudxon, rrom thc lake-, ' ' 1 la an, hy (, real Brltaln, wonld effeol u- ally scparatc thc New BSngland rebela from thelr Northern comptttrlotN, and render thelr Mihjeei on pi nieal a tuk the Kiny'w ai lllics mlghl undertake al thelr lelnure, a blan waa aonordlngly made tu obtafn mllltary noaaeaalon uf thc lake aml tbfl Ftudaon by mareblng an artny from Canada, Httpple mented at the propertlme by a movement uf tlowe'fl forcei up the Btldann, lu thc Rutntnn of tTTii Blr Ony Carleton bad ob talned command uf Lake Champlain down iu Porl Tloonderoga. Tlie plan uf the Brlt- isii wai iu aend 01 xiiedttlon, nnder Bur- goyn, fr Canada up lake Champlain; anotber, hy Lake Ontarlo, under 8t, Leger, waa to land al Oawugo, march tu theMo bawk, aml deacend the valley ,,f that rivcr: Howe waa to aaoend thc Hudaon, aml thc thr xpedlttoua were to nnlte al Albany. Burgoyneaauended Lake Champlain wlth an army uf 8,000 men half of thetn Brltlab regnlara, ,1,000 German mereenariea, under command uf Mujor-General Reldeiel, aml thc remalnder Canadiana and Indlana. The atoryof eventa, ending wlth TUX BATTLB OV BIMMIMOTONi we eupy from Loaalng'a Etotortal Flehl liuuk uf thc Revolutlon: "The conOlci calted thc Battle uf Bennington waa a parl uf ihe operatlon oonneoted witb Burgoyne'n Invaaion from Canada, Thc delayhebad experlenced at Hkeneaborough, aml on bi way tu I'urt Bdward, ha,l su reduced h atorea aml provlaion that a replenlahmi waa neceasary, tnformed that the Am caua had a large quantlty uf tbeae, aml rattlc and boraea, at Bennington aml in tl vlolnlty, he rettolved, with the advioe Major Skene, tu aend a detachment ol 1 -army thlther tu oaptnre them, Bo Philltpa aml Beldeael, thc moat experien uf bla generata, were oppoaed to thc ui 1 nre; but Burgoyne, actuated hy an weenlng oonfldflnce in bla Btrength, aml oelved as to the extent uf the Koyal 1 party In the coloniea, deapatcbed Lleutcn antColonel Baum tbitber wlth Hve hti -dred Heaaiana, Canadiana aml Torlea, and one bundred ndiaua. Baum waa dlroi ed to 'icuiir thc oountry from Rook 111 n Otter Creek,' tu go down Con ncti:u ' ivei r f.if n B ittl I orof aml rc- aml brtdlei ai oonld be fonnd.' Burgoynfl Btlpulated the nninhcr of hOfXflfl to lie brongbl at thlrteen bnndred at leMt, aml more if they oonld be obtatned, aml dl raoted tbem to be 1 tlad in trlngi of ira eaob, In order tbal one nra mlght lud tra boraea.' Dr. Tbatoher, in bla Journal,flayti 1 Tbla redoubtable oommandai surciy ntnrt be one of the happleat men of Ihe agc, to imaglne auch prodlgotu aohlevementi wtM at bla command 1 that moh InTataabla r onroefl , ie witiiin bla K'a',P' But, h1k! ihe wisest DJMII are llablfl to dbHtppoiDt menl in thelr HiuiKulnc ealeulatloiiH, aml to havc thelr Favorlte projecta Irnatrated hy thc caaualtlea uf war. Thla is remarkably veriiieii iu thc preaenl Inatance.' With theae fnll Inatruotlona, Baum lefl bla an campmen) on thc 13th, aml thc nexl dy arrivcl al thc mill 011 the Wallooiusae. llc reached Cambrldgfl on thc evenlng prn vlona, ncar wblolt placfl an ailvanecl yuard uf Torlea aml tndlana attacked a atnall party of Amerlcana wbo were guardlng aomecattle. Thc patrlota, atter dellTerlng a Welbdlreoted Hrc, rctreutcl to the wooda, leavlng Bva uf thelr number behlnd, priion crs. Suinc boraea were captured, but, ac oordlng tu a dlapatcb from Baum to Hur goyne( tbfl tndlana who secured tbem ,1 atroyed or drova away nll that were not pald for In ready caab, in bla whole nx- pedltlon, 1. 1 ;iii t e fuutnl Ihe savapiH more ( in thc . truiil the .. pront, 1 uf Tloonderoga, and . v . iward tbe Hud S Q, anaaji 1m Tlie KeniiinslCB 1: Independence hy offending New Yurk by ackuowledglug thc Independei ol Ver mont, aml th, nnter-utalma uf New Hamp- shircaml Massaehusetts atTurtlcl a prctcxt for ilciay. Tbere waa evldeutly an under atanding between New Rampablre uiul New Vork for thc partition uf Vermont along th, llne f th,- mountaln range, Maa. atte-nnM. Pebrnary 13, 1701, the nal I nal H ouae of Rep reaentatlvei paaaed thc hill for tht adm n alon uf the state on thc ith of thc (ollowing Mai'h. Tebroary ii the iuil paaaed tbe aenate, and on the 18th it recelved tbealgna ture ol Prealdenl Waahlngton, Bo ended tbla remarkable atruggle. Thc newaoftbe ; event, reoelved aome two waeka later in inie th, unlon, i i tiulted itatd. f Am KiixnKiiu i pei ,e , and entire meiubor vin- pre.ldenl tlie leimla ker "I llie Ii riiiv unlu MCHLBNnKItO, iU.6 uf r6pro.ontulvei luliv Ah -. i itiite., and prvBtdant meet Geueral Burgoyne, aml to endeavor to make il ouutry nelleve bla oorpa waa the advanced body of thc general'a army, wbo waa to croai Connecticut rlverand proceed to Boaton. He ordered that all otHoera, .sJJiV- t.'V.. . 'VC; i rbyl...llannorpal,;-fi Kr i'MV"' ' y'WSf'' ' V thc ,iate i i .,iai,ii,i.,.,B .,i i--..rt . " ly68! m:. :iki&$mi: iki laud. Thc Kiu ul (i,,,,! liriiainha.l Bmm&mt P JBi MJ W' JV MrtM ar-W rm, -r3, , ,, IheA.,,,,. 'J'iPUiU' tiiy uf New Hampahlre tu provlde for thc nuppurl uf r'm I Dumiuer, aml it waa uencrally llllderatood tu he witblu the luriadluliou of thal nrovinoe. wboae llmlta wcHt. of thc Connecticut river Were, therefore, auppoaed to ! coex tttuaive witli tboae uf Maaaaohnaetta and Connecticut, Durlngtbecolunlal wara, mllltary exueditiona auroaa the oountry had diaoloavd iih greal (ertillty, Thc work of aettling tbla reglon went raptdly forward uiuler graula ol laud hy thc royal Governor ol New llainpMhirc uiitil. in I76SI, aome onc bundred thlrty-eigbl townablpa aix mllea mpiaie wcic hchi under grauia from New tl. ui paldre, Rence tbe blatorlc name, New Uampabire Granta," by wbluh thla reglon beuame known. Tben New Vork hci. up a olaitn to thc terrltory weat of thc Connecticut, fuumh ii on granta tu the Dnke of York u oeutury before. Uuder an tpplluatlou of tbe Qoveruor of New Vork, aupporUtd by au alleged patitloU of llie HettlerH, tbe Brltiah kiiiK iu 704 ofdered thal tbe Connec ticut river bo the buiimlary llne be tween N. w Raiupabire and New Vork, Tben aru.ic that. lien e hi.slurie euntiu verny between tbe aettlura and tbe autborlliaa ol New Vork, in tha beal ol wbleb Vermont'a dlatlnotlve oharaoter- ktUCM were furiueil. New Yurk OOU' tandad tbat the Connecticut river bad ttlwayH lieeu t ea.itern buiimlary ; that, therefore, the grauta made bj New Hampahira were iliegal aml voidj tbal tne aettlera mual aurrender their char- ter, aml ru,urchtiHe their lanils uiuler 1 ftnttif imiuh ) v." - V f i, il.' Tlie Old Calainoiiiil Taveni, esiiuyed il 1871. Hachii.sctls' interfcrcm e prcventcil the con- aaul of Cougreaa to tbla arraugemenl aml averted olvll war, (or Allan'a bold pnraafl oontained no Idla tbreat. Bo Congreai tem porlied tiii peaoe waa declared, aml the Vcriuunlcrs iiiainlaiiicil their ileliant re.sist- iim e iu New Yurk. Dnring thc period of ilie uonfederatlon, releaaed from tnxiety alonn her norlhcrn horilcrs, Vermont'ade sire to ioln thc L'nion hail suiucwhat euulctl; Vermont, waa Uailed wlth demonatratlona of deligbt, We oopy from the Vermont Ou tettti publlabedal Bennington! tbafollow Ing announoemenl iu ita laaue of Uaroh -I, IT91 preaervlng Iti genejral typograpbical oonatruotlon; l.AWS OK THK ONION. oovoaaaj or tuk mitTno htai kh t tbbis Tnian axaaioa Began aa4 iieid at tha etty of Phlladalpbla 011 Approved, Kabruar KHINnTOV, I" III. II. .1 Hl.ltfl, Traa oopy) phom ta Jai raaaox neert'lury uf -li,l e During her osuturj f itatehood, that Vermoni Uaaever heenloyal totbeobllga tinns the Mauuiedi aud alwayi oontrlbuted '7: Tlie walloomsai; Tavein. j oivll aml military, actlng under tbe Con greai, stiouhi he nutdfl prlaonera, Baun waa aiso initructed ' to tax the towni w here they biJted w ith iuoh artlcloa aa they wanted, aml take boatagea foc thc perform raoii1 etoj ' to brlng all boraea iit to mount tbe dragoonii or tu Berva aa nattalton boraei for tha troopa, w ith aa many laddlaa t&s.,- 'f . - - j' (tMH f r' jggng' Mt" j J,U... "'7' 1 I'uel'laje iu CoueiI-Kuiiii ul llie llamuuul Taveiu lluuse iu wlmli luuiu llieil. LeDMimn Simcnds. on, tbe ESaatern s'ates were fllled wlth alarm. Burgo leatinatlon waa not oartainly known, ind when be waa at Bkeneaborough 11 waa tbought that Bo-iton i. he 1 ltn1 tu w' : h he wuiild tna ch. The whole frontler cf New at .-.'ii. .tini Maaaachnaetta waa uu- and atrennoua efforta were ut tu h ror the defenae of these - partlcularly New lUiopahire, wbl ii waa lylug neareat thc acene ol i . The Commlttee of Bafety ol tbe uow Vermont) 1 1 impahire Com ai Exeter, appriaing the preaaing danger ncar, and ng their aaaiautnce. The Provln- lembly bad Bniihed their aeailon, ml l ad a ne bome; bnt aaummom from imittee brongbl tbem together i tbree dayi. Deipondenoy to pervade the whole oonvention v In n they met, untll tbe patrlotlc John r.augdou, then apeaker of thc Aaaembly, thna addreaaed tbem: 1 I bave tbree thouiand dollara iu bard money, I will pledge niy plate for three thonattnd more. I bave aeventy hogabeada of Tobago rum, whlob ihall he told for tlie moat it om brlng. Theae are at thc lervioe of the atate, If we aucceed in detendlng our tiresiiies aml homei, I may be remuneratedi il we do not thc property will beol nd value tu me. ur old friend Stark, wbo ao nobly auatained tbe bonor of our alate at Bnnkflf Hlll, may be safciy intruated with tbe oondnot of the enterpiiia, and we will obaok tbe progreaaof Burgoyne.' Langdon'i p trlotlc spirit leemed to be infuaed into ihe Aaaembly, for the moat anergetio meaanrea were planned aml put in operatlon, The whole luilitia of the tate was formed into two brlgadei, Tbe lirt was phu cd umler tbe coni- mand uf William Wbipple (one of tbe ilgneri of thc Declaratlon of nda pendenoe), aml the aecond of John stark. They onlereil one-fonrth part of Btark'i brigada aml ona-tourth of tbree rcuiiiifiita of Whipple'a to march Immediately, under tbe oommand of tbe tormer, to thc (rontieraof tba state, aml confront thc anemv. Thc mlUtla Offloeri were cmpuw crcl tu .lisann the Torlea, A 4aj of fastinu aml prayar was ordered aml obaerved, UKVKKAI. h l AKk was tben a private He bad heen a brigadier witb Waahlngton at Tranton and rrimeton, aml when thc ariny wcut into w inter ipiartcrs at Morristown, returuuil to New Hampahlre on recrnitlng axpedltion. Uaving tiiici hla regimenta, be r turned to Exeter toawalt ordera, aml tber tearned that Mveral Junlor ott i crs had been promoteil hy Conress, Whilfl be was left OHl of the list. Keel Ing grefttly Iggrievcil, be resinneil his OOmmiaalon aml left tbe army not, bowevar, to iiescrt his oountry iu tbe houi of perii, for, Llke General Bobuy ler, he was actlva for koI whlla ,li veated of mill tary autborlty, He was very popular, aml the Assetnbly re- garded htm m a plllar of itrmgth in upboldlng the ooutldanoa aml ooumm ol thc luilitia of tbe state. That body offered bln tba oommand, aml, laying laidfl his private uricfs, he OBOfl luore don I his arinor aml went to tlie Beld, itlpnhuing, bowevar, that be ihould not be obligfld to join Ihe lliaili ariny.l-ut baAg Upon tbe wing of tlie enemy on tbe bordara of bia Htate, strikc irhM opportutiity Hbouhl otler, UQOtdlagtO his own diHcrelion, uml lu- m