Newspaper Page Text
s VERMONT YAT IIMAN & STATE JOUKNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 181) 1 (OOaTtlinD KHMM KIKTM PAOE. a btrrlster, bai B6M tppoititad ItatlM con- mil Ht New Orleans. Hk.miy k. iiaiihv, tim oototloni bnk rutilirr, BBCBped frnin tlifi ('Milton, Neiv Ynrk, pTlftOH oii Tlitirmlny if Inat week. He lecared worhtusfl'i ffook niul overalls m,'I (jiiiclly wiilkinl otltj BlftklflS for the Adlrondiok MoutitelM. iln inii men goot un lionr liefore liift I'HcHpn whs not ieui I . Tm Ni'w York OhitnbOT f Cotntneros lm Hil'iptri! tlm follnwlng rt'Holutioi) : " He lolV6d tlint iu tiie opinion of the Clininlior f Oofbtnvrofl of New York, tlm sxtttlni inw oompelllng tha ptirctanse bj tha govero-mi-tit f &fX)0,000 ounoM of siiver par montfa is gttnit tlm ptlbllo welfnre mnl hIioiiM be rt'pcrtled." Thi Jeffersonville, tnd, pollce statlon wm blowo up wlth dyDMuitoi lut week Mniulny niirlit. Tlm tioors iiml wiinlows were blown lnto pleoes tod tlm stone walli ofuinedi Jt is thouo-iit. to liave. baaii the result of n plol to kill I'erteiii of the poltM who bave been proaeoutlng tlm orltntnala with vi(or of lnte. Thk Irisli Nntinnnl LMgUe of Aiiievirn tnel at Ohlcaso on Thuratlay and ITrlday of itist wrok. Th'j platform contalned h slap at Parnell. Acleuseln the new oonstltu tion ruakea it on of tlio olijccts of the leBffUe tO bo. t'ott importeil ICno;lisli gooils. M. V. Oaiinon of Otnsha, waa elected preal ilent, in plaee of John Kitzni'rald, wlio ll very 111. Thi Dlatef oounty savinge Instltatlon of Kinijstoii, N. V., bM been olofed snd liln tbe liainlH of a imnk laperlntendent. Ex- pert examtiiers have foiinil iilremly tliut tlm euortiioiw hiimi of SM.'Wl.otlO Iihs lieen stoleii by Treasurer Oatrmnder and Matthow T. 1 ruinplioiir. assistant tri'anurer, aml it in fekred that the Rtenllngti win retxsh larucr Mnount. The ilcicptioii of tlm two otticials iuiH contlnued tot tweuty yenrs. Hoth bave been eTreitedi BlLLI JaMMPKi a dOtnMtlO servant of Mrs. Robert Whi.t! of Shawimitown, 111 , wm ihot and kllled by the iMter, last week. MisH .laiuison had been WOTklng for MrM. WhltOi but WBH ili.siniMSiHl. This anK;r('l hcr, and slm attacked Mr. White Wlth a olub. Bfinu ilisanni'd, slm Nccurrd a re volvet and Bred al Mrs. Whltei bul inlMed her. Mrs. White Ihcn took the Weappn away fioin bet and sbot lmr twlce. The coroner'i Jurj JmtiflM Mrs. white. Thk bnalneaa tallures of the ITnlted Btatee, aa reported by 1!. G. I)un & Co., for the quarter endlng Beptember 30, are 2,754 asainet 2,190 for the iame qnarter of 1800. ihe llabtlttiei for the 1801 qnarter amount to over f 14,0(K),(KK1, as anainst gm.riOO.OOO in 1890. In the nlne montns o( tlm year 1891, jnst cloied, the fallnreeln tlm Dnlted Btatea nnmber B.828, wlth ItablHtieiol 8186,000.000. aa antnat 7,801 failnrei and 8100,000,000 ol liablllttea for the oorrespondlng pertotl of 1890. An express train on the New Vork C'en tral railroad, dU6 at I'tiea about threo o'clook in the mornlng, wm robbed of ROmethinK like S1.000 on Wednesday of last week. Itaeetni the robber bored tne (ront door of the ear, got tlm fnstenings open and snrprised li. A. Moore, the express aent, whtle he was at woik, and oovered hitn wltu a revolver. The rohlier sorted over tlm pnck ages, takiiiK Hiieh as he suppused were valu BDle. Be tnen Itopped the traln by apply iiii the air hrake by means of the valve iu the ear, and made his eseape. Tbb annual meetlna of tbe Clvll Bervice Reforn Leaaue was beld at Buffalo, N. V., last week, beginnlnfl on Tuesday eveu Ing, when the preeldent, Oeorge wllllam Curtis, made his annual addrese, his sni- ject licinn " Ten Vears of Keform." fn elosing, he said: " Upon a stirvey, eveu so eeneral as this, of the progreai of oivll serv lce reforn withln the ten yearsof the exist enee of this league, it is idle to deny the prodij;ioiis advanee whieh it has made, hoth in public oplnlon and iu praotlcal appll catlon." Mr. Curtis was re- lceted presldent. SoiIB students of Phillips-Exeter Acad emy vlelted a boardlnff-house last week Wednesday nlght, and deapltet-he warnlntfa of tlm landlady forced the door and de uiainled a studeut named Bamuel li. Weil of New Orleans, a memher of the senior rlass. Weil was draged from his rootn and recelved severe treatnieut. The next mornlng, on coinplalnt of the town author Itles, Henry N. Arnold of New York and McKee D. McKee of Washington, hoth seniors, and Phllip Band of Medford, olass of '93, were arrested and triecl in tlm poliee eourt. Band was discharged, but Arnold and McKee were riued 820each and oosts. Weil is a strontt non-soeiety nian, and tlm Msault is Bupposed to be an outcome of the suppressiou of the seeret soeieties at the school. A sTouY has been in olroulation in Wash ington to the effect that Green B. Raum, Jr. son of the c'omniissioner of penslons, whosu reslgnatlon its asslstant onlefolerk in the pension bureau was detnanded Bome months sinee by Beoretary Nohle, still re talned suffiolent Inttuenoe iu tbe bureau to seoure promotlons of liis frlends who would reolprooate by loanlng hlm money. These transaotlons, it is said, bave been supported by two atlidavits, whioh bave been tiled with Secretary Noble, and the facts baving oome to the knowledge of Qeneral Raurn, the latter has decided to brlng the whole niatter to un issue. He has demanded the dlsmissal of three prominenl employes in the otliee, who, he belleves, are pfottlnBtO injuro his oharacter and compel his retire- tnent from the posltlon of ooninslsslonert A COLLISION took plaee early last week Wednesdas mornlngoue mtle east of Keot, O., on the New York, I'ennsylvauia & Ohio railroad, between a freigbt aml a passenyer train. Three persons were kllled OUtrigllt and twenty-four injund, several fatafly. The passenger train was the Micblgan sec tion of the Olin fauiily exeursion, tnetnbers of whieh were tf"'nK to tlm national rennion of tbelr klndred at Bennington, Vt. Many other Mlohlgan people took advantBge of the low rates to vlsff friends in the Kait. The pertoni kllled were an engtneerB tire. mau and Mrs. Willoughby Dewey of Rlob- land, Mloh. Noneol tbe tnembers of the Olln fauiily were seriously hurt, as they were in sleepers. The stovesof tbe traln OBUSed the woodwork to take tire, ainl the sufferlng of souiH of the vietiius was inttMise. The eause of tlm aecideiit was disobedieuee of orders by the eonduetor of the freigbt train. Khank 0i Ai,my, the murderer of OhrUtie Walden, was taken frotn Main'hestei' to Woodsvtlle on Tuesday of last week, when he pleaded DOl gUilty. The eoiirt-rooin was erowded with speetators, woiuen predumin atint;. Almy was earried to a ipeclal train on astreteher, and reuiaiued in Woodsville not more than an hour. His bealth is good, and he sbowed no OOnoerQ about the pro oeediUgS. Oounsel for the state aml de feuee meet at Concord this week to make arrangetnenti for the trlal, Inoludtng the tinie aml plaee. Monday nlght of last week Hanover liail another sensation. A wonian eutered tbe Warden house, about nine o'elock, and said she wauted to sleep iu the rOOm of Chrlatle and that she would explain tbtngt in the tnornlng. Her request wa.1 refused. A biotlmr of Mr. Warden pulled oiT the wotnan'i long clroular eioak, aml tlm trousers and Prinee Albert eoat of a man were dlsoovered. Then tlm itranger dlsclosed that she was Dr. Mary Walker, and that abe hal eome to save the life of Amlrew Warden. She also said that Aliny was uot tbe inurderer of Ohrlstle. The woman staiil all niht, and a number of neiuhhors sat up with the fauiily to sec that all was rlgbt. She haH been Identlfled an Dr. Mary Walker heyond all doubt. There was some talk of prosoeutiuu her, but us she is evidently insane slio was al lowed to go away ou Saturday. Foreian. Tbb pope iu peraon celsbrated low .,. in St. I'eter's eliurch, Rome, last week Tuesday momlng, in the preseiiee of IKI.IKMI pilgrims from all parts of the worhl. Advicks from Apia reeeived at San Fran eiseo speak of a suiall revolution on Mon 0n, one of the Saiuoan islamls, whieh was uppreMcdby the rjnlted Btatea iteamsblp " Iro(iioiH." Mh. (Jladstonk spoke to an amlieuee of 4,0M) at the liberal euiigruNS at Newcastle on Friday of last week. He predieted HIh eral IU0MM, In the OOUgTeMi tufl saine da.v, re.Holutlou In favor of " HMDdtag BI eud- Ing " thebouie of lordt, and the npeal of the laws ol prltnogenltura and entall, were ailopted auiid liearty eheerH. Sm JoMN TlioMi'soN, lninister o justiee, and Hon. (i. K. Koster, iniulsKT of OUStOBlfi will represeiit the Doiniiiion goveruuieiit at tbe reotproctty oonference to he beld at Washington on the I'Jth. Thk funeral of Itoubmger took ptaoe at Brnsseli on latnrday, The orowd was very great about the house, and many arrests were made. There was no religious serviee, theCalhollo authorilleH refusiiig to be rep resellted. An attempt was maile on Thursday of last week to assassinate i he ICmperor Krau Ctt .Toseph by plaelng botnb nmiir a brldge over wliieli tne roval train a to DBSSi An Investtgatlon revealed the faot that there were thirteeu of the bouibs. Nkwh has just l n reoelved at S:in Kran- eiseo truit the yVmerlean sailiug sehoouer .I. nBfnlltbn LeWil has been seied by the Russianfl for poaching on the Ooppef tslands, Tbe ri'port is that tbe sehoouer was eaught in the BOt and tliat she WM brought to by a sbot, whieh lodged in her liull. Wlmn or dered togo aboaid the Russian vessel, the Anierieau eaptain took his whole erew, aml a Bgbt followed, in whieh tlie Amerieaus were tinally overpowered. boBfMneM dlsappeared and i was abie to sing a heavy role In grand opnra wlth voiee uniuipaireil. I strongly recomtnend It to aii singers." WilUam h. ttamlllon, Madlng Bant " thi' c. i. litit Onni Optn Oo, Penontli Miis. .Ii i.ia (.'. I!. DoBB arrived home frotn Bnrope on Monday of last week. Thk fatnlly of Becrstary Proctor has ro turned from Marblebead, Mass., to Proctor. Miis. Kuank LMUfl was married at New Vork on Suinlav to William 0, Kingabury Wilde, M. P., of Dublin. Mns. Hakhison and Mrs. Mc Kee, who had been vlsltlng In the vieinity of ISoston, bave returned to Washington, A DAttOHTBR was boru to Mr. and Mrs. Orover t'levelaml at New Vork last week Friday Dlgbt. Ifother aml dangbter are iloing weil. I'rksiiiknt Haiiiiison has appointed ex (iovernor OriSshee as land eommissioner in Bamoa, to sucueed Hon. Henry V. Ide of st. Johnsbnry, resigneil. TBB son of Oolonel George W. Hooker was one of the two ont of about ")00 appli eants for admittanee to Yale C'ollege who passed without a eomlition. Obacncbv M. Dkphw aml H. Walter Webb, presldent aml vloe-prestdent ofthe New Vork Central railroad, wero enter tained by Dr. W. S. Webb at Shelburne Fanns on Saturday aml Bnnday. At a tneetlng of the dlrectors of the Mlssouri Paclfic railroad, last week, Jay Qould, in attemptlng to reply to Russell Sage, broke down completefy. The attack was of a hysterieal nature, due to long mental tension and Imperfeot dlgestion, BTBPBBH Tkai y Byinoton, son of Rev. George 1'. Bylngton, a foriner pastoroftbe Congregatlonal ohurch, Castleton, has re eeived an appointmenl as assoclate edltor of the ,Y( w York Sun. He is a gradtiate of the Cnlversity of Vermont, where he stood tirst in Ids class, Govkh.mik PAOI thus deseribes his West ern trlp to a reporter: "Our trip was from New Vork by Pblladelphla and Ptttsburg to OblcagO, and over tbe ChioagO Mil- waukee raflway to st. Paul, thenoe by the Northern PacltlC tollelena, Montana, where we tnade a tour of about three days to the Yellowstone 1'ark. Wo returned from Helena by tbe Great Northern railway, by the way of Devll's Lake and Grand Forks to st. Paul. Startlng westward again, we went vla Bioux Clty to the Black Hills region, lnto South Dakota, down to Oinaha and baek to Chicago, where we started bome ward vla Pittsburg and Phlladelphia. Sec retary Proctor lefi tne at Harrlsburg, Penn., and went to Washington, and I eauie ou to New Vork. We vlslted nutnerous forts along these lines, wblcb, as you know, was the purpose of Secretary Proctor's visit. F. 0. Partrldge, sollcltor in tlm state depart ment, Majors Swan aml Howard of the Unlted States Army, Qeneral R. N. Batch elder, (piarterinaster-geimra!, SeiTetary Proctor's Btenographer, and tnyself and son, T. H. Page, eomposed the party whoaccom pauied Secretary Proctor. We were about two weeks makfng the Journey, aml it is un necessary to say that we had a dellghtful time." " Thkhk are tnilllons In lt," said a drug glst when asked about Ur. Bull's Cough s.rup. Price, twenty-flve cents. "FoRBome time past I've been a rbeuma tie. I receutly trled Balvatton Oil, whlob gave nie almosl Instant relief. I slnoerely recotntnend if, as it has entlrely onred me." Jwnu UOfdont IlaHim'n'c, Sld. Tbb paln of a burn or sosld is relieved al tnost Instantly by Cbamberlaln's Paln Balm. Besides, it quiokly restores the parts to a bealthy condition, aml beals thent, in leu litne tnan by any other treattnent. With out the burn or seald is very severe it will not leaveasoar. lt is also Invaluable for frost-bites and obilblalns, Fifty-cent bot tles for sale by C. Blakely, druggist, Mont pelier, rt. . SavBO Hk.u I.ikk. " I was taken sick one year Bgo witli what one doetor called over tlow of the gall, and another ulcers ofthe liver, They thoiigbt 1 could not live. My tnother persuaded me to try Favorite Uem ed.y. My bealth was never better than it is to-day, and my welght is one bundred lorty pounds. Favorite Rewedy saved my life. i cannot pralse it enough." 3in Jennii Jiuiinh-, Vifjil, X. Y. Armca and Oil Ljnimknt isthe best rem idy known for stitf joints. CoSTITBMBM is the eause of tlm intolera bly " had breatb " of iinili it udes. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mamlrake Bitters retnove the eause aml prevent the evil, and OOSt Onlf t wenty-rlve eents. GkohiikA. AlNIWOBTH, Barre and Will iamstown, dealer In planos, organs aml ewlng-machlnes. Corepetlttoa in quallty and prlces of goods challengeil. Satlsfac tion guaranteedi Barre beadnuarters, Per ley Cnandler's Je welry-store. 7;( North Main treei Correspondence promptly attended to. Inspection of goods eordiallv lnvlted. N. B. He sells for S.'to a vibrating sbuttle Bewlng.tnafihtne whieh tbe manufaoturers ffttarantti as being "the best, that oaa be maile." ,bfacrtrsements. gtisiness ifrrtitts. A VXBWD or gray beard may be colored a beautiful and oatural bmwn or black, at will, by uning Biiokingbam's l'ye for tlm Whlskers. TBB history of Dowu's Bliztr is idcnti Hed Wltb the history of New Englaml for the last flfty yeara. It cures OOUghs aml eolds. Thk. many remarkabls cures of oatarrb efTeo'ed by tlm use of Ayer'i Barsaparllla is iioijolusive proof that this Loatbsotne aml daugerous ilisease is one of the blood, ouly aeeulng snob a searohing and powerf ul al terative to thoroughly eradicute it. I.ivkk piskask blliousness, dyspopsia or indigestlon, and all derangements of tlm Btomach aml bowels, oured by Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medlcal Dlscovery, or money paid for it returned. Bk your owu doetor. It won't eoat you One-balf as much, Oo not delay. Seml three tWO-cent slamps for postage, and we will seml you Or. Kaufmaun's great work (line colored plates from life) on disease, ita eauses aud liome eure. Address A. P. Ord way & Co., Boston, Mass. " That haby of mlne, auntie, three months ugo had the salt rhenin so bad that his head was a mass of sores, and 1 bad he gun to lose all hopes of raising him, but niy druggist reeonimended Snlphur Bitters, anil tO-day he Is at fat aml chippcr as any baby you ever saw, aml he has not a sore on his head(aod just think that after paylng ont so muob. a few dollara' worth of Snlphur Bitters Sboald eure him." itft. J. C. Il'i'l, When llrttiy wim Rtek, WS uvo lier OsStortS. When Htie ws a cmm, ihi erte.t for Castorls When she beeans Ktsi, tie otuntf to Oaitoria. When ihe had ChUdrea, siic khv.- iiiem QMtetla. Chamberlatn's Eye uud skiu ointniout. A certain eure tor ohronlo aore eyes. tet ter, salt-rheuin, scabl head, old chronir sores, fever sores, eczeuia, Itch, prairle scratehes, Hore nipples and piles. It is eool ing and soothlng, Etnndreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treattnent had failed. it is put up in twcnty-tive and flfty cent boxes. For sale by 0. Blakely. For Ovor Fifty Vears. An Old and Wfi.l-Tkikd Rkmk.dy. Mrs. WinslOW's Soothlng Syrup has been used for over flfty years by millions of motbera for their children while teething, with perfeel suceess. It soothea tbe ehild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures Wind COllc, and is thi! best remoily for diarrhcea. Is pieMant to the taste. Sold by druggista in every part of the WOrld, Twenty-nve ceuts a bottle. Hh value is In. calculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Win BlOW's Soothlng Syrup, and take uo other kimi. Itorn to Ito lliippi. " Born to be happy," said Socrates. So have reiterated many other pbllosophera in regard to bumanity. As Itealth is the rital prtnoiplt ofbti9, it is not only an itnperative duty, but a Welcome prlvllege, for every man aml Woman to maintain It in the blgb est degree. One of the most insiilious and daugerous omissions in this conneetion is to neglect a tendency to constipation. The clogging up of the system with effete mat ter preulsposea to disease, depresses the spirlts and creates gloom aud despondenoy. The occasional uaeofDr. Pierce'a Pleasanl Pelleta will prevent a consllpated bablt, clear the brain, sweeten the teinper (aml we mlgbt add, tbe breatb also) and open a vtsta of happy SCtiVlty possible only to the Well-regulated ralnd and body, Itlavhcts. Vermont Markols. MON1TKI.IKR. lluiicr, treib, ?! It '.'li .' Bntter, otratea, t-t f w B W Cheeae, dfttry, v tt w io Bgga. fi ioz.... 'j ti Pufatoea, new. H bnsnel B t- ttORa, live. M S fi) 9 nogt, dreaaed. M it. io) 7 Bheap, live, v h vtt SlirhiK liiinlis, 'tt tt 4 fi A Veata, live t w tti Fuwls.X Ih 10 12.', Si.rliif; hlekf ns. fl It 1.1 m la Flour, BprlnK Wneal W barre) f M "'i M Plour, wlnter Wheat.Tfj barral B 75 M M Klour. Familj Wheat, 1) barral 5 7J M ot Feed, V cwt fil 20 Mval.tlcwt 1 M ml jO Hlddllnia. flewt 1 3" wl Oata.W nnahel 42 " 4 Corn, i- btianel 7ft 77 Brsn, ner owt t'5 fi l 05 Besna.flbnahei 2 2 H so WATBKUURT. Bnttar, tub, V 9 U 1 -" Butter, nrlnt and fanov, Mti.... 20 22 liultfr. tivi'-pouinl ttoxes, 'ti Ih 21 22 Cheeae, faetory.V lt 9 fi 10 y.-. ' -I" 21) Potatoea, i buah n B M iiat". 't' buah 11 fi 40 Beani, , tiunli 2 0" 2 s Wool, 'rt tt' 1 22 HiiK'. live VI Ih I'afi S HegM, iirentj(l, tMt i " h' I.uuil. V Ih 4 (g S Poultrr. ei lt s ifb k Cattle, live, v tt :i fi 4 Beefi dreaaao, t t lt- 4 p 0 A " SoVKRKION " THAT CoSTS O.NB OoL- i.ak. Or. DttVld Kennedy's Favorite Kem edv of Kondout, N. V , is knowu to be a cer- taiu eure for nervousueHS, debility and the ills peouliar to women. This sovereign remedy stlmulatea tlm stomaob, kidneys and liver to u bealtby aotlon, For all troubles of tbe blood aud uritiary organs it baa uo eipiai, aml a bottle, wbiob coats ouly one dollar, should be in every house. Oukkn VuToniA a reinarkably line head of hair, for a laily of her age; but her son, the Prlnoe of Wales, is quite bald. Had he used Ayer'a Hair Vbor, earller in life, his head inigbt to-day have been as weil covered a that of hia royal uiother. It'a not too late yet. A BAD HUMOR CURED $5,00() Kx . nf. .1 ou DoctorH and Medlrlnr without uvall. CAnvo himMlf np to if Joo1 Wlffl HUffROHts rutlciirii Hemo- (lles. Um Ihefn 7 nths, ml is Mi1irely Cured. t WM lll th WM (turlnK lH(;i-m, nml tonk n hfuvy OOld t 'li,itjV"1U, from whieh I nuvrr fullf rt'cov Ifedt 1 1 1 Wfl I hrfki- oul in Horcn hII vt my rlicst miti inqtildtrj ffhlon iMtntd lmpQtilbl6 to oarti I iivtitl. I cxM'ii(l(Mt mniii' rivt ihfiti.miiifl ilollftri l r 0 to Bnil ourfi bnt oonld not.Rnd Riutlly Ktvtnn mj llp t tliP, 111V KGOtl Wrf( MlKKCtli'll loMM'OIIO ilay tO 1 1 y thu UUTIOVMA llK.MKPlKs, Wblell WOtB n extrnHlvely MWortlaed sttld Uiod. I rotlowtd her ingRMUOIli hihI iiin hii.pv tn nny hy (IMlKctit npplirii tion of your Ct ricntA Hkmkdiks ftr Ruven lnontliit I wti entlfOiy Bttrtfli tiftr Hnciulliip flvc yrursof tiiin' ntnl inmioy without hvhiI.hmoi utn a mmnil idnl wt'll Muin to-thiy. Vnu mny rrft'r tn me. If f Ott WitDi M I Wtll tfll nny omt who mny rnll 011 nif my pxperlnnrn. ( V. PEARbALLi 1 Fulton I lttli Mdrkct, Nw York. Ai'ittt. IN, IHIi Cuticura Remedies Theae srstefnl teatlnontala tell ttie tnry of rent ptiyKlenl hhITi'1 Iiik. f ini'iitjil iiniilsli, ly rantm of numlUatlnB l Isln rat linis, Hiel of tlirestene.l iIaii Ltrrs linptillv Jilnl eeeiiily eliflnrl l.y the Cr ricrHA RBMsnibs, tneirfBateat Bktn rnros. Blooe Purlflan iilxl Hiunor Ramedlea the world lntA ever known. CCTIcrilA ItKsoi.VKNT. tlio new Itlno.l aml Skiu pnrlller Internally (to eieanaa tne bloodofail Un. tiiirltlcn iunt polnoiious ol.'lnentH). hihI Ct'TlcfHA, the ftreat Skln Cnre and CttTiouBa boap, an ax qnlalta Bktn Pnriner and Beantlflaf axternally (to clear tha skln ntnl M-iilp tuul restore the lilr). eure every iIIhoioh1 iohI lounor of the skln, M-iilp ntel bjooa, wlth Iohr of luilr, from lnfnnrv lo ho, from pinplea to sorofals, when the hnnt iihynicliuis, liostill als, nm! hII other lenieilles fsil. Beld sverjrwhere. rnee. OUTIUUBA Wei soAr1. Uci Rbsolvbht, pl. Prepared bv the I'ottkr DBvB ani OBBMiOAIi OOBrOBATlOII, hoston. jysdiri for "Bow to rure skiu tHseaaee,"M .-!-.'' ItlustnitioiiH ttti.l lio tc'Ntltuotilals. Ilostou I'roduce. Monday, October 5, 18(11. The ouotations given below represent nrices obtalned by recelverB for wnoletaU lotl (not Jobblng prictt) and are iutemled to represeut actual sales: BUTTKR. I'reninery, Norltiern, exlra, i rh '.S ureame, Northern, eztra nrjta, fl D. . ? 24 t'roHinery, KHMtern, extra, l th (o; 'i Creamenp, weatern, estrs Brsta, V ih. n B n Creamerr, tvau, Bl Ji 0 -t llalry. Vt. hihI N. V., exlra lrnt. tl lt... Iti Jl Jl Dniry, vt. and n. v.. Brata, v th Dalrr, Vt. and N. Y., low sradaa, W ).. u n Tnink. extra, kl Ih B) 25 Truhk. extra llrt, tl th '.'3 fi) it Franklin 00., Mass., hoxuB, extra cream- ery.lfh M M Do., aatraaalrr.JR tb 2:1 24 lo., etra tlrsts, tt N & --' l)o tlrsti. V Ih 17 m lli Du., low iraassi V it ll 0 U CHKKSK. Vermont, extre. H Ih tMfJ Iu yermout, tlrsts. y n s)i ni Vermont, leeonda. t?t fh ti w 7 New Vork, extra, teTb w 1" New f ork. Orata, v i 'JH New York. aeoonda, v n I w " rh 10i I'art slttms, l Ih 3 fi 8 Kklma.Vth 2 3 MHMi Vermont and N. II., extra, V dOS.. 22 M Kasteni, extra, ll doz 22 M Kastern llrsts, V doi W 21 Weatern, tlrsts, tp doz 20 21 POTATOKS. Natlve Hose aml llelrons, tl lihl (" l N V II. Boiia aml llulirons, Mu 43 W 43 girtfes. " ALLOW me to add my tribute to tho elH eaey of Ely's Creain Balm. 1 was BUffsrlng from a Hevere altaek of iutliien.a aml OatBrrb aml was Induoed to try your rem edy. The result was inarvelous. I could hardly artieulate, and in less than tweiity foiir hours tho catarrhal syni)tums and iny In Mandolph, Hept. M, a ilaiiKhter to Itev. and Mrs. W. A. Kvans. In Danville, Oct. l.a son to Mr. and Mrs. I). K. Wekefleld.Jr. amages. INVEST! INVEST! Tn thu In por 6Mt DcliniiturcH IsihmI ly t Ti e BQlld hiK nnd I.tinri An'itrlittlnn of )itkotii, fnlly necnroil i'"t ' -1' . jff.O'UHK) In tho flrst . iiiqi do- pnnltfid wlth tniKtoi' for every 1110,000 Of IHbtD turcn InftMctl. Thi Cninpnny h1-" tan ttfn IiiMtrill liH'iit SttiM-k 011 Whloh hnfi henu ili'clHreil 24 Per Anniim DurltiK the pimt twn Hd u hnlf yenm. ILLUSTRATI0N Showliin entliuntpd ront nd protlt on ten sharon : Arimhift.on fpp $ 10 00 Monthly pnytnentn, $ii l'0 per month for M months Mfl 00 TotAl ff 114 oo Amount of shHres nt rnuturfty 1.000 00 Kor fnrtlier piirth-nliirs liniiIro of A. G. EATON or D. K. JOHNSON Montpelier, Vt. COL. L. PKESTON, SFFIIAL AIIENT, - - PORLINOTflN, VT. DR. GAGE'S i) flM.KS, blnokhoiida. X llrX aml filly Hkin cured red. rcniL'ti, chapiKMl 1 hy OUTIOUftA BOAP NO RHEUMATIZ ABOUT ME! in Qiifl inltiiitc th Catlonm A ii 1 1 i'hIii PiMtor reUevoi rheu- inatic selutie. hip, ktdney, imiseiilur, uud rhest n;iins. 'I'he tirst nnd oulv InitanuineOttl pnin kflliii ntrentheniiiK planter. In Clmrloatowii, MMIii Kjit . '.'7, by liev. A. S. Twomblr, Kdwtn .1. lt, Koune of LexuiKton, Manii., to Caruline K., daiiKhtur tif C'arlton Hlack of t'hel sua, Vt. I n Wuat l.bttiition, N. H.j At the ItrldtVa homo, Oot . 3, by Itev. 0. K. llavens, Kdwln I. Hrlde of Wlilte Ktvur JunoUOD tO Itortlia.uldeat dauKhter of Chnrlu ll. WotnllMiry. In Danville, Oct. , JabS OaffOOit In Kittt Corinth, Oot. ;l. Mary I TapUa, 4H. In Baat bi re, iept. M, Idward ktortln,S4. In llerlln, Oct s, Mrs. Sophronla II. Marah, for lucrly pl I'alaU, A'i yearn aud ti uiouthn. Do you wish to obtain a thorough and praotlcal boainesa education? Oo you wish to employ a competent business assistant? If so wrlte to tho No charge for positions furnished. Ex penses tuoderate, faeilitie.s superior. For oatalogue aml speultnens of penmanshin ad dress Carnell & Gutcbeas, Albany, N. V. BURR AND BURTON SEMINARY Manchester, Vt, Plnt-ClMI pr. paratory scliod for botb snxes. Numbers Itmfteo. BulldltiR itoanineated. Loca- tlotl boailttful aml hoatthy. Bpedal ahl to students studrtng tr ministry. Bend for oatalofrue. Kiftv tiintfi yuar begini Thursday, Beptember :i, ihm . a. C. FEBBIN, A. H., Prlnclpal. brjertiscmmts. Real Estateat Auction! The nndertlfftiedi r of tha . i:(t. of KWr.n Hoyl , late ileeeaiHd, will nell Ht iuildle ituelfon tothe hfgneil bldder ou tlie 17th day 0f Oetober imi, ii t one o'elock V. M,, ou the prriiilneA to be nnld The hotiM lot with tne dweilintiiotiifl aud itieq thereoii, whereof the said Kllr.n tloyt t,; m.ized iitid pottoited, .11.-1 noenptod by mnkiin Hott ai tht tline of hll deeease. Ttie safd lot Is sltiliited oti the fteuthrrly nlde of Ki.i thu vIIIhk" of Montpelier, h ml Is fonr rndl lu wldth upon safd street.and ext nds bnek fritin nald street. of the nairn- wldth, t-uh rods .IAMKS w. ItlUH'K, Admirtiitrator. MfntpeMer. OetODtf . 1WI. FARM FOR SALE At Waterbury Center, Vt. Thli fann aonalan of tnty serea of laad. apen w hh'h are a two-Htory hrlek Iiohkh ainl all tlie neeea-hhi-v oiithutldinif, all iiaintt d and in Kood fondittou andreiielr. Salq rarm la knowe aa tl Noah Rob- lh'iii farui."alHl In only llvo inlnntei' wnlk from tlre.-n Monntaln S.-mlnarv and Mliiard ('ontuieri lat School. Tln-re In nlo In the vIMhkf a oo.l ill.trlrt enool, two atoraa, and two aht)reliea--ilaitiai and Malbodltt. Will . ... lallWtth tho fann alioot tliirtT tntll of hay. iat. harley and eorn, all thefartnlni toolit and alkhl i.'iiwd, i 1 1 1 property 1m iiow owncil by ll, II. MutehltiH of lloston, who Is mentally In eaparltatetl for business nnd fs under K'uardlniishlp. Tho renson for offerlMLT this property for sale Is to eonvitrt thp saine lnto m 01107. Kor fnrther partleu- a i t ' ' APPOINTMENTS. Dr. O. C. Gape of Concord, N. H., the wcii-known Bpecialist for al long-standing aml ditticult ilis'a.Ht!H, vnn be OOUSUlted, free of rliare, M fullown: White Ittver Jum tlon BoQN Tnesday, Oct. 13. SprinKlleld Wednesday, Oct. 14. Bellows Falls Friday, Oct. 16, forenoon. Ludlow House Friday, Oet. !, afteinoon. Vergennes, Motel Saturday, Oct. 17. MlddlebOfyj H"tel Monday, Oct. 1 f . JtrUtid Hotine Tuesday, Oct. M. liutltiud, Itiitcs House Weduesday, Oct. Jl. KurlliiKton, Vun Ncrts Thursday, Oct. 23, Montpelier, ravllion Friday. Oct. 23, uiitil noon. ZKZidL Gloves! It don't pay to buy a cheap Kid Glove, therefore get those that are warranted. In Colors, $i.oo; in Black, $1.50. Don't fail to examine the quality, also the Undressed Gloves at WEBSTER'S New Goods are now arriving and being opened, Plushes, Velvets, Ribbons, Silk Ties, Stamped Linen, Embroidered Handkerchiefs all sizes Plush Balls for trimming, Fancy Pins, Buttons, etc. One lot of Linen Handkerchiefs at 5 cents ; have been 10 cents. When cooler we will talk about winter goods. H, C. Webster & Co 1 8 Slate Street, Montpelier, VI. What is Castoria is Dr. Satnuel Pitclier's preseription for Infants aud Cuildreu. It coutaius iteithcr Opium, Mornliino uor other Narcotic substance. lt ii a liarmless inbstitute for Parcgoric, Drops, Sootliiug Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarauteo is tliirty years uso by Millions of Mothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverisbuess. Castoria prevcnts voiuiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilatulency. Castoria assimilates tlio food, regulatcs tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Childreu's Pauaeea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria la an cxcollent mediclne for chil dren. Motliera have repeatedly told me of lu good effect upon thelr children." Dh. O. C. OaaoOD, Lowell, Ma&s. ' Castoria Is the best remedy for children of whlch I am acqualntod. I hopo tlio day is not ar dl8tant when mothers willconsider the real Intereat of thelr children, and uso Castoria Iu jtead of the variouaqitaclr nostruma whlch oro destroylng thi'ir loved onea, by forclngopluni, morphine, aoothlng syrup and other buTtfu agents down thelr throats, thereby seudlng them to premature gravea." Da. J. F. Kinchelos, Conway, Ark. Castoria. M Castoria ls sowell adapted to children that I raoommend it as superior to any preseription known to me." H. A. AtiCHin, M. D., 111 Ro. Oxford St., Brooklyu, N. Y. " Our physlciana In the childron's depart ment have apoken btgfaly Ol thelr experi ence in thelr outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have omong our medlcal Btipplies wliat Is knowu as regular products, yet we aro free to coufess the t the merita of Castoria haa won ua to look with favor upon It." United Hobpital and Dispcmsabt, Boston, Mass. Allbn C. Smith, Pre:, The Centanr Gompany, TT Murray Street, New York Clty. hirs HdflreMft waterbury Center, vt. tllAKI. KS W. roltTKK'M KSTATK. j COMMrsSIONERS' NOTtCK, The underalfneili navtng been appointed i.y the llunurHble I'ruhste l ipiirt for the DUtrlct of WbIi lliKton ColnuiUtiloiii'rH to r.-iM.-iv.M-xntiiuie anil arl- Jnst all euuma and denianda of aii HKninnt tha satste of Cnsrlea W. Forter, late of nontpoUer, Inaald ii-n. t .1 1 all elalnti axhlbttM in otTHet thereto, nereM nve notiea that we will nnet fortlii'inirpoxi'H nforcaiilcl nt tlie oflloa of Hll liiik'iMiin ,v fiiiHe. in Mairi nontpelter, aforeaud, on tha '.'iitli oay of Norembor and IStb ly of Mar.-h next, from ten o'elook A. M. untll fonr o'elock r. M toh of aald dsya, nnd tnst alxiiiontha from the 12th day of Beptember, A.D. Ml, i the time llmltau i.v kkIiI Uonrtfot hhIiI oreditOTt to preient their olalmi 10 n for azamlnatloi n. 1 ,,, . iwed ut Montpelier. tiit Kh day uf oetober, a.d. ... 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 .,1 . 1 . IIIKAM A . HUSE, . ('inunlHRlonerti. BEPOBT OF THK CONDITION Off TBB KIKST NATIOMAti BANK, at Montpelier, in tiie state .,r Vermont, st tha ol of DUautoae, Beptember W, l'i : ItKHOfncKS. uoana ano otacounu Overdraftii aui nnaeonred. 1 . . to seciire rlrrulation Stockfl.seeurltlei. elatuiH.etc Pna from anprorad reserre ai;euts Dna ftpm otner Nati ii Banaa other real entate and mortfscea owned... Cnrrentezi leaand tasei pald Premtoma on r. s. Bonqi t'llei'ks and other canh It.'iioi Hlll!i of other l.iinkK , Fractlonal paper l uneni'y. nlokeli, and cents Bpecfe Leital tender notea Redemption tuini with p, s. Treaanrer (Spereent of elreulatlon) ?4(i,-.ii 2A.9S9 B0.0O0 It.lllMI M,4M i.ns M7 l,.v.'.i ijtn IM ISM ,3!r .'.'.'.ili Ml Tolal. LIABtMTtM. . SMi'l.llJ VI Uapttal sto.-k pald In. Biupiiu iiirni t'nillvhleil jiroflts Natlonal llauk notea ouwahilinn In.livillllal depoalta mihleet to I'hi'ck Il. inauil eertllleate of .l.'posit Tline eertith'ates of ileunalt Certlfled obeeka ('Hnhler'a elieeka outataiollni; Dneto Btate Bsnkaand r- Total P'J.IO.OI'II IK) .Ml.lH.o IIO 1B.404 .7 uo av.m ii m,s7 19 tjm m ni no J1.4OT 2tJ0l M iu t. ;mk, trne BTATE OV ERMl INT. Cotntv OP Washington, a , r. 1.. i-.aton. i iishM-r oi ih.- above-naraed 1 do aolemnly iweai that the aboveatatement la '""ii' '"-M ol 111 v kuowleilKe anil ln-licf. R I.. BATON, CathUr. Bnbaerlbed and aworn to befora methlaMdarol Oetober. ItWI. KHWAItli DEWEY, Xolary Public. Correot Atteit: CHAR1.ES hkwky.i .1. c. HoriillToN. Dlr lort. W. K. ADAMS. ) REPORT of thk CONDITION THK WATERBUBY XATIONAL BAKKi nt WaterlMiry. in the State of Vermont, at ttie eloae of i.uaineaa, Beptember '-,!,, l''l : RMOtTBOBS. Loani and tUieonntf Overdrafta. aeoured and nnaecnred. t. S. Kouds to a.'i-nre eir.'iilatton stoeka, eoorltleai ato Due from approvt-il reserve ak'enta Dna from Btata Banbi and bankera. t'urrent expena.-a anil taxes paid Chi'.'ka and oiher caali Items BUla of other banka Fractlonal paper ourreneyi nlekela eeuta Speele Leffal tender notea.. Redemption fund wltb t". s. Treai (A per oent of elreulatlon) 3S, S. ,14 ll ii m III. I Ml 77 00 07J T'l IIOll llll Ml IS 2t:i :s n uo 61 I S.-0I1 d0 un 10 Total.. fWMS 44 I.IA1UI.1TIKP. Capttal atoek pald fn Burplui fund rjndlrlded proBti Natlonal llauk notea outatandlnit tndlTldual depoaltii lubjeet to eheek.. . Demand cartfncataa of depoatt Caahler'a eheeka ontatandiliit Due to atate hanka and hankers glllHI.IIMll UO ;iii,inu U0 17,313 :W 30,1-Mi 00 .W.H14 19 ti,S"2 wi iaj hu l.lbl 47 Total BTATE OF VERMONT, Coi n rv WASUlNOTOlt.a nalned liank. do lolembly HiSMS 44 ( I, Charlei Wells, . t t'aahler of the aliove- uear tliat the ali atalement ia true beUef. the beat of mv knowledge and (T1.VK1.KS Vt KI.I.S. i.iner. Bubacrlheil and aworn to hefore me thla 3oth day ot Baptembar, ISBI. OEOROK W. MOBBK. Ifotarv Public, Oorreet Atteatt W.V. piLJ.IN(JHAM,) O. N. ABMH, VDirtctort, .1. w. MOODVi I (Time (l ablcs. Montpelier & Wells River and Barie Branoli Jt R Takinp Effect October 5, 1891. Leave Montpelier m.. hio r. m. ; Arrivt (i : .'Ml 1' ut W'olU Ktvur ftt T ,.. t , "tTTrtllo TJ iiraT at tJ:;(n Arrtvt ut Muiitpt Htr nt ! lOlW A.M., 3:4. A. Hu 11 tW A. M.. TruliiK U'tivliiK MontMUCV rtt 8:16A. M. hihI 1:10 r. ii. make eltme roiHn.i'ti(m nt N t n K.vcr for ;tll pointH lu thu N liltu MooOtiUIM, inid for notntrt north Hiul lOQtb on the i'lisaimijinh- railroHil; alno for I' i hihI hII lnti'i-int-diHU pulnts. Ttiiiu U'hvu" Montiiultt'r tor HHrri1 at Mltt A. M. TftiD h-ave Harre lor MoiltielUrHt U 1. M Siiluirbnn Trnlii s-i'vl't. Montpellfr nt 6:110 a. m., M:3u a.m., IoMiia. m., T:M a. m., l :M i. I:M r. M.. s-. p, m.. 7 :"o p. M.i BtQOP. M. I.eavf Barre at TAa.m., HhOA.Xm 10:40 a.m .. I3:0 i'. Hutm r. m., IttO P. M.,(:tHi p, m ., 7 r. m .. 9iW M. Truiu leaviiiK Montpelier at lltU A. M . DOHUOCttl throu;h to the uimrrte!. nnk n. tnp rouml the inoui.taln; retuntinK leaves Barre at 4 :lu, arriving at Muutpeller at 1:48 r. M . W. A. STOWKI.1-. Superiutendtnt. K. W. MOUSK, (teuentl Paaettver Ayeitt. Central Vermont Railroad. Ooome&dnf sept. h, iwi. IfOllM UuiDU South aml .'o.( "ill I.cavi IfOftfa pelier as MlotU .' t: 15 A. M. MAlt,. for ntehbOfgi BOStOBi Sprlug fleld, New l.omlon aud New Vork. IBl 40 1. St. KAST TKA1N. for lloaton vla Low ell and New Vork vla Bprtuglield, 2:10 1", M., Mixe.l for Northtiel.1 and Koxbury. Btflft 1'. M. PA88ENOBR, for White Kiver juneuen. 1'4:40 A. Jl. KXl'UKSS. ror lloaton vla Lowell aml all polnla lu New KnKlHiut, Trains tluintj Xurth anil West : :ftO A. M. KXI'HKSS, for Moutreal, OgdtMti burn aud the Weat. 8tSa A. Sl AI'COMMODAHON, lo st. Alhana, Hurlinnlon and llutlaiid. Troy and New Vork. 11:1ft A. M. PA88ENOKK. for llnrlluiiton. 8t. Alhaua, Klehfold. Kouae'a l'olnt and St. .lohiu. :i:flO I. BI. I'ASSKMlhlt. for llmlintttou, St. Alhaua. Mniitreal, OKdenaburK and the Weat. 7:ftr. M. KAST KXl'UKSS. l'ullman Sleep llnt t'ar to ChleaKo. Traina leave tor Barre .I S:l.: altd BHliS A.M. aae lllU.t: lisndTiitP.M. Tralua leave forWUl lauo tow n at IOiOB A. Al. and 4: 10 1'. M. Throuul. tleketa to (TileaKo aud all potuta Weat fi r H Li' at tiie prlnelpal ataluuia. .1. V. IIOHAKT. tleneral M&naiter. 8, w. CVMMIKOI iieuerai Haaseagei Asant.